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tewa banks update

Everything is moving ahead on the Tewa Banks project, off Jopp Street. Civil Works commenced this week. Therma are halfway through the drilling of the Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) bores and expect to complete the boring in August. We're received a lot of interest on this innovative and sustainable heating/ cooling system, and will be carrying out a comprehensive case study on it at a later date. This will include capital outlay along with cost benefits to residents by tracking a number of households power bills for 12 months to understand the value of the system. The first building stages comprising 13 homes of 6 x 1-bed units at the front of Jopp St are earmarked for Senior Housing as there has been an increase in enquiries from Senior locals who will qualify for these homes. House construction due to begin in September with the first homes due for completion early next year.


• All aspects of tree maintenance

• Tree removals – Dismantling & felling

• Hedge trimming – large & small

• Wood splitter hire

• Section clearing

• Stump grinding

• Firewood

• Mulch supplies


021 275 1268 tim@trickytrees.net.nz


Bring: Water, hat, sunscreen, sturdy shoes, gardening gloves, shovel (if you have one)

WRTQT Spring Planting

Bring: Water, hat, sunscreen, sturdy shoes, gardening gloves, shovel (if you have one)

Slope Hill Road (tributary of Mill Creek)

Bush Creek, Arrowtown, behind the Chinese Village free to place upcoming events – email thelooparrowtown@gmail.com