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Tom Archer: Antigua through my lens

Brought up in Essex, England, Tom Archer is an award-winning freelance photographer, writer and teacher. With over 130,000 followers on social media, he’s visited around 90 countries over the past 15 years. We caught up with Tom to find out how photography and travel have become his life and about why Antigua & Barbuda is such a special place for him.

Tom Archer

Tom Archer

How did you get into photography?

My main passion started in my early twenties. I had started a career as a police officer, but as I wanted to see the world and wasn’t allowed to take a career break, I left, bought a camera and embarked on two-and-a-half-year journey around the globe. During that time I fell in love with photography and when I arrived back home in the UK, I knew that’s what I wanted to do with my life.

You visited Antigua & Barbuda as a child and again 17 years later. How was it viewing the islands again with adult’s eyes?

It was really interesting to return as an adult and visit a lot of the same places I had seen so long ago. Antigua was one of the first places I travelled to outside Europe and it felt very adventurous. After visiting so many countries as an adult, I have to say that Antigua is still one of the most friendly and hospitable places I have been.

What would you say is special about Antigua & Barbuda? Did you find a special spot?

Aside from the jaw-dropping beauty of the landscape and the beaches (which are obviously a big pull for me as a photographer), it’s the hospitality and friendliness of locals and feeling so welcome that stands out for me.

What is the best thing for you about travelling?

I am obviously in love with nature and being out in these epic landscapes and spending time in them is extremely special. But just as importantly, it’s is the relationships you make with the people you meet which is what made me first fall in love with travel. It’s eye opening and comforting to feel connected to the world in that way.

How has Instagram changed things for photography?

That’s a good question! I think it’s such a crazy community, and with almost every photographer in the world on there, it has made it easier than ever to be inspired, to collaborate and to encourage creativity. It has really raised the bar though, and I think you really have to strive to stand out nowadays, which can be both a good and bad thing!

You won the Astronomy Photography of the Year award this year. How important are accolades to you?

They aren’t really important at all. It’s always nice to be recognised and it’s flattering, but I am a photographer because I love the art; I love where it takes me and the people I meet. In fact, it was the first landscape photography competition I had ever entered after my wife encouraged me to enter some. It has led to some fantastic opportunities and meeting some interesting and inspiring people.

Where are you off to next?

I wish I had something on the cards right now! As soon as the world starts to open up again, I will be making plans though! High on my list is a trip back to Iceland in the summer, and I would also love to visit some national parks in the US.

To view more of Tom Archer check out: www.tom-archer.com, www.instagram.com/tomarcherphoto and www.facebook.com/ tomarcherphotography