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~ Miss Debby’s Bookshelf ~

Charlotte Jewish News June 2021

Debby Block

“There’s no such thing as a kid who hates reading. There are kids who love reading, and kids who are reading the wrong books.” James Patterson

I am frequently asked for book recommendations for children who “don’t enjoy reading.” We all understand that it is important for students to continue reading when out of school to avoid the “summer slide,” but how do you encourage reading over the summer? This summer article will focus on tips as well as my best-loved books for the reluctant reader ages 7-12.

Let’s Laugh: Summer is a time for fun! Who said that reading has to be so serious? My favorite books for children of all ages often range from silly to ridiculous! I highly recommend “The Stinky Cheese Man and other Fairly Stupid Tales.” In this delightfully absurd picture book, Jon Scieszka takes well-known stories and turns them on their head. Recommended for ages 5-8.

Have you heard of Mr. Gum? He is the grouchy man who hates children, animals, fun, and even corn on the cob. Throw in an angry fairy that lives in the bathtub and you have a riotous series of books by Jewish author Andy Stanton. Stanton says, “Kids have a really sophisticated grip on humor and storytelling.” The books in the Mr. Gum series are easy to read and sure to have your children giggling well past bedtime. Recommended for ages 7-11.

One of my all-time favorite books of recent years is “When Life Gives You O.J.” by Erica Perl. Zelly’s parents refuse to let her get a dog. Finally Zelly’s eccentric grandfather comes up with a ridiculous plan and creates a “practice” dog for Zelly made from an orange juice jug! Imagine feeding a plastic bottle or taking a plastic bottle for a walk on a leash! How silly! How embarrassing! Recommended for ages 8-11.

Graphic Novels: Graphic novels are a terrific way to provide visual clues and engage readers. Happily, graphic novels as well as heavily illustrated books have become readily available! From “Big Nate” by Lincoln Peirce to “Dogman” and “Wimpy Kid” by Day Pilkey to “Narwahl” by Ben Clanton, there are many enticing choices. My favorite graphic novel series is “The Adventure of Rabbi Harvey.” Rabbi Harvey lives in the Old West and uses timeless Jewish wisdom to solve mysteries, work out problems, and even catch robbers. Each book in the series includes several short, delightful anecdotes. Embedded in each story are layers of humor that will entertain, teach and make anyone laugh. Recommended for ages 8-12.

Just the Facts: Some children, as well as some adults, simply prefer reading nonfiction. Happily, there is a wonderful assortment of child-friendly books that focus on events, people, and historical events. I highly recommend the “Who Was” and “What Was” series. This wildly popular series of books is presented in an engaging, easy-to-read way. Recommended for ages 8-12.

Focus on Interests: What are your child’s interests? What are they curious about? Does your reader like mermaids, or magic tricks, animals, sports, or even Star Wars, or Minecraft? Find books that match their interests and it will make reading a far more enjoyable experience.

Important tips: Don’t stop reading out loud to your reader. Not only will this provide opportunities to hear fluent, expressive reading, but also reading aloud will also increase his/her interest in books. Select books that are above your child’s reading ability so that you can scaffold learning, including vocabulary and comprehension.

Miss Debby’s best-loved books, and many more, are available at the Center for Jewish Education, home of the Levine-Sklut Judaic Library. To reserve your copy today call (704) 944- 6783 or email library@jewishcharlotte.org.