The Purchase Independent - 04/12/2012

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y o u r. i n d y @ g m a i l . c o m editor-in-chief:

Ró i sí n McCarty layout editor:

To m D au er

writers: Alexa Dillenbeck Ethan Darling Dylan Green Rachel Margolin Laura Meltzer Noelle Moore Jake Mur phy Josh Myer s Alyce Pelleg rino Mike Reluzco Madame Quer y Nicholas Shapiro Ste phanie Spencer print manager: Tony Pontius (i )Tommy Roach cover photo by: Tyler Dawson

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Having something to look forward to almost makes a shitty week worth it. I’m getting through this week by reminding myself that I get to see Say Anything perform some of my favorite songs live on Friday night. (Sorry Zombie Prom, Max Bemis calls. It’s not you. It’s him.) But, Zombie Prom! That’s incredibly exciting, because not only is having a chance to get all bloodied up and dance all night awesome, but it means that the end of the semester is approaching. Whether or not you’re stressing out about the rest of this year, we have wonderful things on our horizon: Culture Shock, the Naked Issue, summer, summer, summer. For those of you working on finishing up your senior project, I’m sending you all of my good vibes. Do you feel them? No? Okay, I’ll try harder, sorry, I’m a little sleepy. Being in a committed serious relationship with the Independent wears on you after a while. But you know what? I’d rather be the Indy’s whore than anyone’s wife.

copy editor: Rachel Margolin artwork by: Madeleine Bergman Nicolas Sienty web design by: Danielle Lempp (i )Alexa Dillenbeck The Purchase Independent is a non-profit news magazine, paid for by the Mandatory Student Activity fee. We welcome and encourage submissions from readers. The Independent is a forum for campus issues and events, to give students the voice they deserve. Letters, articles, event photography and event listings are welcomed. The deadline for submissions is every Friday before midnight, and accepted pieces will be published the following Thursday. Publication of submissions is not guaranteed, but subject to the discretion of the editors. No anonymous submissions will be considered, but we will accept use of pseudonyms on a case-by-case basis. Send all submissions and inquiries to your. Send questions to Madame Query at Back page quotes can be submitted to formspring. me/indybackpage or put in the Back Page Box that hangs on the office door. Our office is located on the first floor of Campus Center North, room 1011. Staff meetings are held in the office every Monday night at 9:30; anyone is welcome.


PS That was a “Titanic” quote. PPS If you haven’t seen “Titanic” in theaters again... do it. PPPS James Cameron making a huge deal out of the stars was worth it. The new sky is gorgeous. PPPPS THERE WAS NOT ENOUGH ROOM FOR ROSE AND JACK ON THAT LITTLE PIECE OF WOOD, OKAY?! PPPPPS When she says she’ll “never let go,” she is referring to the promise she made to survive/do all of the cool shit they were going to do together/“make a lot of babies.” PPPPPPS I’m a little too emotionally invested in a movie from 1997. PPPPPPPS This is how you woo people, right?

y o u r. i n d y @ g m a i l . c o m


interested in ’s

What is the title of your position?

7th annual naked issue?

Alyce: The office’s favorite. Tommy: Róisín’s bitch. If you could be any character from movies or television, who would it be? Alyce: Does wanting to travel with the Eleventh

Doctor count? Tommy: Rainbow Dash. What’s the best part of working for the Indy? Alyce: Someone told me I would get paid in

cookies... Tommy: Róisín gives me cigarettes when I do a

good job. Bark bark.

The SUNY Purchase Nerf Guild will be holding its first ever AVZ (Assassins vs. Zombies) game starting this Sunday. To

Come to our photoshoot on April 20th, starting at 6 pm at the PTV studio (in the basement of CCN) or contact: Tyler Dawson Chloe Zetkov

email us with questions,

join or ask any questions, find the Purchase Nerf Guild on Facebook.


doctor? doctor who? BY alyce pellegrino For any Whovian, the changing of companions is somewhat of an anticipated thing. We always know they can’t stay forever, and whether you fell in love with one or hated them, the day will come where they bid the Doctor farewell. In the revival age of this great show there have been five companions between the three doctors. The Ninth Doctor (Christopher Eccleston) shared Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) with The Tenth Doctor (David Tennant). Ten then went on to travel with Martha Jones (Freema Agyeman) and Donna Noble (Catherine Tate). The show has also been filled with characters like Captain Jack Harkness (John Barrowman) and River Song (Alex Kingston), who aren’t exactly companions, but like to pop into the TARDIS for a bit of trouble from time to time. But with The Eleventh Doctor’s (Matt Smith) long running companions Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) and Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill) exiting the TARDIS next season, who will be next to take up the controls alongside our Time Lord? That would be Miss Jenna-Louise Coleman, a British born actress, who was announced in March to be filling the space that the Ponds are leaving behind. Miss Coleman has appeared in three television shows, and made her film debut as Connie in “Captain America: The First Avenger.” But is she cut out for our Doctor? The answer is simple: we’ll just have to wait and see. The newest issue of Doctor Who Magazine, which was published Thursday April 5th, contains an interview with


the actress. But that’s not all it has; Steven Moffat, executive producer, also talks of the audition process, which includes his specially written audition script. According to, Coleman was at the “Doctor Who” studios last week and seems to have quite the open mind about her time with the show. “There were scenes built from all around the world. So I’m looking forward to going on all these big adventures. I think Ancient Rome would be great – to play Cleopatra would be good fun. Hopefully it’ll happen. There’s no limit to what they do with the stories and where in time we can go. I’m excited to see where we go time travel-wise.” But it seems she’s also looking forward to working with Matt and creating a great Doctor/ companion bond. “He’s so full of energy which is infectious. Me joining him will be a new dynamic for the show and we’ll be working hard to make that work.” So prepare yourselves however you deem necessary, and get ready to wish the Ponds a farewell when “Doctor Who” returns in Autumn of 2012. Coleman will make her debut during the 2012 Christmas Day episode.


s CLUB parties on BY josh myers On March 21st, one of my biggest dreams came true. S Club 7, the seminal 90’s band from the UK, announced that there will be a reunion tour this summer across parts of the UK and Australia. This news was met by screams of excitement from myself, Cindy Mack, and Róisín McCarty, the only S Club 7 fans left in existence, to my knowledge. Or so I thought. Junior Carlyjane Davino had a similar reaction to mine. “I didn’t know they were reuniting or touring until really recently, like last week,” Davino said. “I saw it on Tumblr and said ‘fuck’ out loud, and then texted my friend to see if she’d come see them with me if they come to America.” “I think it’s awesome that they’re reuniting,” said sophomore Riley Fields. “I loved them as a kid and I’m interested in what they’re going to bring to the table now.” What are they planning on bringing to the table since they’re coming back? Are they going to run the show like the pop royalty they are? Are they going to do this tour and then disappear into obscurity like they did after they broke up? Brittany Houlihan is confident that S Club 7 can pull off new music. “It’ll be interesting to see if they still have a late 90’s sound or if they’re more modern.” Freshman Emily Grigsby isn’t so sure, “I think that it would be cool if they got back together and were the same band that they were when they broke up, but some people might be disappointed that they aren’t the same as they were

on the show. They would have to have a new hit album for the tour to be really successful or they would have to play all old songs.” According to the Huffington Post, the band signed a deal for a reunion tour and a conditional 2 CD release, however the CD’s are only being released after the numbers for the tour come back. If the tour does well, there will be a CD with original music and also a Greatest Hits CD. Huffington Post also stated that “The [band has] been inundated with approaches and offers over the past three years, but always said no.” One idea for the reunion is the positive connotation with everything that is British, the most important being the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. With all of the good feelings surrounding Brits, I feel like it would have been a mistake for S Club 7 to not jump on this and announce a reunion tour. The possibility of new S Club 7 music is what gets me through the day. “Bring It All Back,” “S Club Party,” “Two In A Million.” These songs were the only things I would listen to in elementary school, and even today I have days where all I want to do is listen to lots of S Club 7 music and watch old episodes of Miami 7 on YouTube. Seriously, there is a YouTube channel that has all the episodes of Miami 7 on it. If you don’t believe me, it’s “SClub7HFTF.”




BY tommy roach

BY Róisín mccarty

Students looking forward to seeing Grimes play this year’s Culture Shock are in for a disappointment. On April 5th, the singer posted a video on YouTube saying she would be unable to play the show as scheduled. “For legal reasons,” the singer said in her video, “we had to cancel my show at Culture Shock, which I feel really shitty about and it sucks.” MECs Andrew Sacher and Alicia Santiago were not particularly content with the news. “I think it sucks that Grimes was forced to cancel this soon before the festival with absolutely no leeway for negotiation,” Sacher said. “I feel like a lot of people were really excited to see her and it’s a little pressuring to find a replacement of similar appeal with such short notice.” “I personally was really looking forward to seeing her, and I know other people were too, so it’s a huge disappointment all around,” Santiago added “She’s been super nice about it and said some great things about the festival and SUNY Purchase, so hopefully she can make it up to the campus in the future.” Currently, no replacement for Grimes has been found, but Sacher is still looking. “We’re working on some things,” Sacher continued, “and will bring the best possible alternative that there is.”

As of Tuesday, Rick Santorum has suspended his presidential campaign. The announcement was made in his home state of Pennsylvania two weeks before the primaries. Santorum claims the decision was both professional and personal, stating that he and his wife needed to be the best parents that they could. His three-year-old, Bella, was hospitalized over the weekend due to pneumonia. In a message posted to his website, Santorum asks supporters to continue donating, and assures them that he plans to do “everything in my power to bring a change about in the White House.” According to The New York Times, Santorum has claimed he is not yet ready to endorse Mitt Romney, who will most likely be the Republican candidate. The news of Santorum pulling out of the race brought forward much rejoicing, and many just short of tasteful jokes, playing on his anti-choice stance. Several different versions of “I thought Rick Santorum didn’t believe in pulling out” flooded the Internet after his announcement. Romney, however, isn’t as wildly hated by Americans, young and old. This brings up the concern that if he does indeed get the Republican ballot, does he stand a chance against Obama? Will older conservatives dominate the voting? Will older Democrats vote for Romney in favor of voting for a black man? Will the young voters campaign and vote with the same fervor they did in 2008? Santorum dropping out could be good news, but it could also be the difference in whether or not there is another four years of Obama, or a new Republican governnment.



DON’T CELEBRATE JUST YET BY tommy roach To those you rejoicing that Santorum has withdrawn from the election, curb your enthusiasm for a moment, and think about it. Yes, it’s fantastic that this crazy asshole is out of the running. Yes, this is a 100% guarantee that Santorum will not be President. But it’s not just those very nice things. Rick Santorum dropping out of the primaries is also a 100% guarantee that Mitt Romney will be running against Barack Obama this fall, which is a little bit scary. The possibility of having Santorum up against Obama was all xright. Santorum’s offensive comments and sheer insanity meant that those who were opposed to him would go out and vote for Obama just to make sure that this nutcase would not be elected. Romney though. Romeny’s not nearly as crazy (this time around). Mitt Romney could actually win the 2012 Presidential Election. And that is terrifying. Even though most of the GOP lacks faith in Romney, that doesn’t mean they’re going to vote Obama. And that’s a problem. The question most of you are asking is “Why wouldn’t they just vote Obama if they don’t like Romney?” Racism. I hate to say it, but race is again going to play a gigantic factor in this election. And now that Rick Santorum isn’t even a possibility, Romney might look pretty good to the people in this country that still get sick to their stomachs at the idea of a non-white male being in the Oval

Office. This is absolutely meant to scare you. This is absolutely a call to arms of sorts. Romney has been relatively tame this primary, but that doesn’t mean any of his crazy ideas and beliefs have gone away. Mitt Romney is nuts. And now he has a shot at being the most powerful man in the country. What I’m trying to say to all of you Obama supporters out there is this: Don’t just assume that because Mitt Romney sucks he won’t win. There is enough racism in this country (outside of Purchase, mind you, we live in a bubble) to prevent Obama from being in office is his supporters don’t actually vote. So register. Get your friends to register. Register your goddamned cats if you figure out a way to do it. Do whatever you have to do to get as many people as you can to vote this fall. We can’t afford to let Romney win this election.


invitiation to e-olympics BY nicHOLAS shapiro Dear Entire Student Body of SUNY Cool School, It is with esteemed gratitude and affectionate flirtation that I half-drunkenly invite you all to spend a few minutes of your priceless time to roll through a very special, once-in-lifetime-justkidding-this-happens-once-a-year event being put on by the seniors of the New Media program. This gathering is electronically artistic and whimsically intellectual bearing the name: the SUNY Purchase 2012 National X-Country E-Olympics and it was named by yours truly as a joke that went too far. However, the art and projects featured are no jokes, unless they are intended to be, then you may point and laugh at them at your own expense. It’ll be like if the World Series took the Museum of Modern Art out on a date which then turned into a one night stand which then turned into a sharing a child together which then turned into “hey, this isn’t so bad” which then led to a baby shower that was named the 2012 New Media Senior Show. The works being displayed and presented are strictly of the New Media bloodline as the senior show is where we students cut ourselves open and splash our family blood all over the sterile, white museum gallery walls at the Passage Gallery for your perusal. Being a New Media student myself, I am proud to admit that our program is definitely the #1 best major of them all unless you disagree then you are probably right about that, too, but whatever this is my article not yours. Either way,


on behalf of the New Media program, we would love and appreciate your attendance. You don’t even have to look at any of the works, just being there would be kind enough of you. If you decide to visit the SUNY Purchase 2012 National X-Country E-Olympics, it opens April 12th, and the official reception is on April 14th at the Passage Gallery where we’ll basically turn the place into a Party City meets the White House meets uh, an art gallery. For those of you who do not know where or what the Passage Gallery is, it’s a very new addition to our campus still in its infancy, that is below a tunnel across from the PAC entrance with big, fancy, glass doors. If you still can’t find it, I’m gonna try and rent a candy-colored Lamborghini-PT Cruiser hybrid limousine like in the Fast and the Furious shooting fireworks into the sky so I can whip around the campus grounds picking up lost stragglers and uninterested students who think they are better than my senior show. Have a wonderful rest of the semester, y’all. Regards, and Xbox 360

news & events

cinema eye with masai: “SILENT HOUSE” BY dylan green Ever get the feeling that you’re not alone in your house? Do you hear creeks in the celling, or moans in your bed frame and wonder if the killers finally found your address? We’ve all felt a little chill go up our spines whenever an unnatural sound is made in the house, and this is what makes “Silent House,” the new film from the directors of Open Water, so relatable, if not as scary, as it had hoped it would be. Sing where appropriate, dear readers: Daughter (Elizabeth Olsen), father, and uncle are in house, daughter hears noises, daughter suspects foul play, everyone except daughter is picked off one by one. Before you go into that horror story chorus, there is one aspect that gives Silent House an interesting edge: the film is shot in one 88 minute long take, in “real time.” The technique is implemented to achieve an even greater sense of immersion, following the characters around the house with an unblinking eye, zooming in on faces in uncomfortable close-ups that create more tension and shows more details in faces, and as a whole, the gimmick works. It makes the movie much more interesting than it would’ve been without the safety net of un-cut footage, but no one on or behind the camera is to blame for that. The score is evocative and atmospheric, cinematographer Igor Martinovic operates the camera beautifully, never breaking the real-time illusion, even when he gets all shaky-cam on us during chase scenes, and the actors try their best to sell their roles, especially Elizabeth Olsen, who

is slowly ascending from Mary Kate and Ashley’s shadow. Bad writing, courtesy of co-director Laura Lau, undermines all of the potential spookiness, however, her boilerplate screenplay scratches at a surface already dug into by fellow horrors “High Tension” and “Straw Dogs.” With better written scenarios and a much better ending, Silent House could’ve used its uncut motif as a pedestal to reach the pantheon of horror classics. As it stands, though, the decent acting, somewhat chilling score, and masterful cinematography serve to barely hold it above cinematic obsolescence.



Thursday, April 12th Southside at 12pm


Friday, April 13th

The Red Room at 5pm

WELLNESS CENTER PRESENTS: Ta g S a l e Thursday, April 12th Southside at 3pm

Making Friends With Your Mind

Thursday, April 12th

Wellness Center at 4:30pm

Thursday, April 12th The Red Room at 4:30pm

Occupy Reality: a Lecture by Jenny Ulman

PSYCHOLOGY CLUB PRESENTS: Invisible Children Screening Thursday, April 12th Humanities 1064 at 6pm

Divided territory: Works by Maria Rojas and Lizz deSimone

Thursday, April 12th

Homespace Gallery(J-Street) at 6pm


Thursday, April 12th The Stood at 7pm

Thursday, April 12th Friday/Saturday April 13-14th

VAGINA Monologues 2012

Friday, April 13th Southside at 8pm

OFFICIAL ZOMBIE PROM 2K12 A Fright To Remember

Friday, April 13th Your Brain at 10pm

Saturday, April 14th Passage Gallery at 4pm


Saturday, April 14th Forum Arts Space (The Stood) at 5pm


Saturday, April 14th Passage Gallery at 4pm


Saturday, April 14th The Co-Op at 8pm

• Coyote Campus • The Tiny elephants • OLIVER FORD

Saturday, April 14th

Humanities Theater at 7pm

The Stood at 6pm

What Dreams are Made of

O.A.P.I.A Presents R&B Tribute

Thursday, April 12th

Saturday, April 14th

Southside at 8pm

The Stood at 10pm

RAW: A Safe Space Discussion About Racism and Trayvon Martin


R&B Tribute After Party


Saturday, April 14th Passage Gallery at 4pm


Sunday, April 15th The Stood at 8pm

Play For Privilege OCCUPY FOOD: Film Screening

Monday, April 16th

The Stood Cinema at 4:30pm

Complexuality open mic

Tuesday, April 17th The Stood at 6pm

VISITING ARTIST LECTURE Michele Lopez (MFA Visiting Artist)

Wednesday, April 18th

Visual Arts Room 1016 at 6:30pm

SleepOut/SpeakOut for Hunger and Homelessness Awareness

Wednesday, April 18th The Quad at 8pm

CULTURE SHOCK: Battle of the Bands

Wednesday, April 18th The Stood at 8pm


Wednesday, April 18th

Music Building Choral Hall at 7:30

The naked issue photo shoot

Friday, April 20th

CLUB S Thursdays Open Swim: Gym 1021 at 12-2pm Fencing Club: Gym 0003 at 2:15-4pm AMG: Witsons at 6:30pm RPGA: Hub Basement at 8pm Green Team: Co-Op at 7pm Trans*Action: LGBTQU at 10pm

Mondays FORTH meeting: Southside at 8pm The Indy: CCN 1011 at 9:30pm Brick Meeting: Red Room at 10pm

Tuesdays DDR: The Stood at 7pm Anime: Commuters Lounge at 8pm Active Minds: Wellness Center at 8pm PUSH: Hub basement at 9pm Complexuality: Hub basement at 10pm GRIOT: Fort Awesome 0136 at 9pm

Wednesdays Hillel: Hub basement at noon Purchase Comics United: Commuter Lounge at 2 Senate: Southside at 12:30pm Chess Club: Commuters Lounge at 8pm Anime: Commuter lounge at 8pm PEMS: Southside at 8pm Nerf: Humanites at 10 pm WPSR: WPSR Office at 10pm PTV: Hub Basement at10pm LGBTQU: Red Room at 10pm

The PTV Studio (CCN Basement) at 6pm


the nodding disease BY Noelle moore Sick children in east Africa are becoming zombies, the media reports. A mystery illness known as the nodding disease is responsible for the deterioration of over 3,000 children in northern Uganda, Sudan, and Tanzania. Disturbingly, those afflicted are generally aged between five and fifteen, resulting in what has been described as zombie children. The disease, which was first reported in 2009, has gained more coverage since mid-Februrary of 2012. The disease drastically alters the personalities of the affected children by rendering them confused and withdrawn in a zombie-like stupor. The initial symptoms of the condition begin with the appearance of children “nodding off,� closing of eyes and the drooping of head as if asleep, for which the affliction is named. As the disease progresses the victims experience stunted physical growth and the loss of cognitive ability. Many suffer from seizures reminiscent of epilepsy and die of infection due to weakness and malnourishment. These seizures, locals say, can be triggered in a series of bizarre ways, ranging from when the children are presented with food to a change in the weather. The disease is progressive and each attack leaves the children increasingly hollow and withdrawn until they are shells of their former selves, leaving helpless family members distraught. Many parents have abandoned their children, while others are reduced to having to tie them up whenever they leave because they have been known to wander off and become lost in the


bush, lose consciousness, or suffer horrific injuries. There have been multiple cases of the children starting fires that have resulted in some 200 deaths. Sadly, these children become untouchables, with even local medical personnel afraid to touch them, and are often neglected and left to lay in puddles of their own urine. Currently there is no known cause or cure, although officials in the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control believe that there is a connection between the majority of the cases and the presence of the parasitic worm Onchocerca Volvulus. The parasite causes river blindness and is transmitted to humans by the Black Fly. For now, all that can be done for victims is to treat with drugs that control epilepsy. This merely slows the progression of symptoms and is not a viable cure. This disease has not triggered the response that an outbreak of anthrax or Ebola would, and many were unaware of its allegedly isolated existence. However, Dr. Scott Dowell, the director of global disease detection and emergency response at the CDC, stresses the potential of an unknown disease having global implications and consequences despite it being confined to one area and not contagious. The death-toll is currently unknown, but is nonetheless considered a heavy blow to a region that has suffered under the violence of Kony for many years and has affected every member of the afflicted community.

Created by Nick Sienty

THE “RACIST” GAMES BY noelle moore Since the theatrical release of “The Hunger Games” there has been significnat media coverage of fans’ reactions on Twitter, but not in a way many would hope. In a disturbing trend, many “fans” of the beloved dystopian trilogy, who refused to accept that a few of the beloved characters were African American, took to Twitter to voice their outrage, some in the form of vulgar racial remarks such as: “Why does rue have to be black not gonna lie kinda ruined the movie.” “Why did the producer make all the good characters black?” “Kk call me racist but when I found out rue was black her death wasn’t as sad” “Naturally Thresh would be a black man.” These are but a sampling of the disgusting tweets that people have churned out. The focus of these vehement tweets is primarily on Amandla Stenberg, who portrays fan-favorite Rue in the film adaptation, and Nigerian-born actor Day Okeniyi who portrays Thresh. Both characters are Tributes in the Games, hailing from the same District. Cinna, Katniss’ confidante and stylist played by Lenny Kravitz, has also been implicated in the backlash, but to a lesser extent than Stenberg and Okeniyi. No one, let alone a thirteen year old, should have derogatory slurs like the N-word thrown at them. When addressing the controversy, Stenberg proved herself to be one classy, admirable, and dignified thirteen-year old by saying, “As a


fan of the books, I feel fortunate to be part of The Hunger Games family. It was an amazing experience; I am proud of the film and my performance. I want to thank all of my fans and the entire Hunger Games community for their support and loyalty.” The issue begs the question, was their race ever mentioned in the book? Writer Suzanne Collins may not have blatantly stated “Hey these characters are black,” but they are described as “dark-skinned.” To reiterate this point, on page 45, Katniss sees Rue for the first time and describes her using the following: “She has dark brown skin and eyes” and, upon meeting Thresh, says “he has the same dark skin as Rue.” Furthermore, Collins shouldn’t have to hold the hands of readers and walk them through. And while it’s worrisome that it wasn’t picked up on in the first place, it’s even more worrisome that+ people automatically assume sympathetic characters must be caucasian. “Awkward moment when Rue is some black girl and not the little blonde innocent girl you pictured” explained a disgruntled fan. This says a lot about the mindset of many of these readers. Racism is still alive and well, subconscious as it may be. Innocence is still associated with whiteness in our culture, and heroes and beloved characters are still imagined as white until proven otherwise. That isn’t to say that all who misinterpret the descriptions of the characters are evil, racist human beings. Sometimes people read too fast to catch details or the brain

entertainment doesn’t process the description. It is when people react to the upheaval of their preconceived notions with insensitivity, violence, and discrimination that the problem begins. Race should not be a factor in whether or not a character is likeable, important, sympathetic, heroic, or nefarious. Another failure of these people is that they have all but completely missed the point of this series. They are more concerned about the races of characters than they are with the notion of twelve year olds killing each other for the televised entertainment of the government. When it comes to the comprehension and sensitivity of bigots, the odds are most definitely not in our favor.

wilson phillips BY laura meltzer After “holding on” quite sometime, the ladies of “Wilson Phillips,” Carnie Wilson, Wendy Wilson, and Chynna Phillips are back in the spotlight. Not only have they released a new album, but will soon be premiering a new reality TV series. “Dedicated,” was released April 3, as a tribute to “Wilson Phillips” parents who were apart of famous band such as “The Beach Boys” and “The Mama’s and Papa’s.” “It’s a lot of the big hits yet some of the more obscure songs as well... We’re very proud of it, and we were honored to make this record for our families,” Phillips, daughter of John Phillips of the “The Mama’s and Papa’s” told As for television, “Still Holding On,” will be premiering Sunday, April 8 on the Television Guide Network at 9 p.m., reported “Between touring, recording a new CD and raising nine children, the show promises love, laughter and head bumping!” Carnie Wilson told the Hollywood Reporter. “Wilson Phillips” made their debut in 1990 with their single “Hold On.” Quickly, it was listed on the “Billboard Hot 100,” according to Once their second album “Shadows and Light” went platinum in 1992, Phillips announced her solo career. Later that year the band broke up. While Phillips debuted her solo album “Naked and Sacred,” the Wilson sisters worked with their father Brian Wilson of “The Beach Boys.” Carnie also hosted her own talk show. Currently, “Wilson and Phillips” is touring. For tickets check out for the New Wilson Phillips Tour.


LET’S GO TO THE (ZOMBIE) MALL BY alyce pellegrino With Zombie Prom right around the corner and the 2012 doom date looming ever closer, I’m sure it’s been on a lot of people’s minds: “How would I fair in a zombie apocalypse?” Strangely enough, in an abandoned mall in the United Kingdom, you could find out. It’s “Dawn of the Dead” meets any video game you could think of in this survival mission against the real threat of the undead. Well, sort of. Lee Fields, director of Zed Events and a man well versed in Airsoft events, calls his zombies “professional zombies.” Fields met many of his zombies during zombie walks in London, and most of whom have been featured in movies as their rotting counterparts. “You’ll have fairly nasty zombies in there,” Fields told Dan Crawley of Gamesbeat. “We don’t do the big ‘Resident Evil’-style grizzly creatures, but we have zombies with body armor, who are very difficult to put down. Much more of a slant towards the ‘Left 4 Dead’-style gameplay.” In groups of fifteen, armed with Airsoft guns or melee weapons, participants will be subjected to three hours and various stages in this shopping center from hell. “It has its peaks and its troughs,” Fields continues. “It ebbs and it flows. It has lots of quiet times, when you really are just creeping around in the dark. There are other times when all hell breaks loose, and you’re having to run for your life.” However, head shots are strongly discouraged seeing as, though they may be convincing,


they aren’t the real deal. “We don’t really want the zombies to be getting head injuries. Much like Resident Evil, it’s not just about head shots; it’s what can you damage on the torso area to take a zombie down.” Tickets for “The Mall” cost one hundred and eighty-eight American dollars, but you’d better get them fast. The 250,000 foot mall, though used by Fields for over two years for Airsoft events, may be demolished. The event will continue to be held until this summer. But never fear, my zombie fans, Fields has other zombie events which you can sink your rotting teeth into. Zed Events plays host to two other zombie themed events, this time in run down manors, instead of malls. Because nothing says shit-your-pants scary like bringing the zombies to a place that resembles home. Speaking of home, Fields also says they haven’t ruled out taking these events outside the United Kingdom. So if you happen to have some extra cash lying around and the nerves to give it a go, get your hunter face on and see just how well you’ll fair before the real fuckers come to get you.


THE CURTAIN CLOSES ON THE HUMANITIES THEATER BY laura meltzer Though the maroon curtains are caked with the dirt, gray footprints fill the black stage floor and theatre seats have become crooked, the Humanities Theatre is still home to Theatre and Performance majors. As of May, the program will be losing its facility once the theatre undergoes construction for the next two years. “I had a vision of where I would like to do my play and how I would like to do it,” said Derrick Hicks, a junior in Theatre and Performance trying to prepare for his senior project. I wanted the audience on two different sides, a simplistic set, where I wanted the actors to be, but now I don’t know where I’m going to do it.” Faculty and staff are also sharing concerns about the loss of designated space. Currently Campus Center South, Sub C in the Performing Arts Center and the Orchestra Room in the music building are the three contenders for temporary performance space. Still, each location offers its own set of problems. “Campus Center South can’t be dedicated to a production because it’s a multi-use space… any production elements that you’re going to have are going to be brought, struck and removed… Sub C has challenges to access. It’s a labyrinth to get in and out…and the Orchestra Room is a challenge because it’s the orchestra room,” said Sprague. Still, students are not satisfied with the options in spaces. “All of the facilities that are being offered are pretty ridiculous…I don’t see them as a space.

It makes me feel like our major isn’t as important because they’re just trying to stuff us anywhere that might work,” said Samantha Diaz, a junior in Theatre and Performance. Dean of the School of the Arts, Ken Tabachnick doesn’t feel the same as the students. “There will be lighting, there will be sound. It’s a full replacement for the Humanities Theatre…the design of that program is about performance and all of its broad and diverse nature… it’s a question of enhancing a student’s education of what a student is exposed to,” said Tabachnick. Professors also see the positives in not using a traditional theatre space with a raised stage, proscenium arch and audience seating. “You get to choose the rules, you get to define the audience’s experience and determine what conventions you are going to use. There aren’t really any rules,” said Sprague. Students have also found acceptance in a performance space that isn’t a theatre. “It definitely makes you look at spaces around you and really think of the project you’re trying to put on…it teaches you another way to make things work,” said Diaz. Some are just thankful for space. “Honestly, I feel like they’re doing the best they can do…it’s better to have a space then no space,” said Hicks. The Humanities Theatre renovation is expected to be finished in 2014.


Q&A with THE DIVERSITY COORDINATOR BY regina lynch Why did they add the position of Diver-

Why you? Did you apply? Were you cho-

sity Coordinator?

sen by the PSGA?

The Diversity Coordinator position was added back in 2007. Russell Zambito (as a Senator way back then) motioned for it to be created and the Senate agreed that, having a Diversity Coordinator to ensure that minority students are represented, would be a good idea (similar to other companies who are cognizant of their internal demographics).

I applied for the position because I had worked very closely with Mitch Resk (the previous Diversity Coordinator) as a senator, to bring the new three-advocate model into being. He resigned because he was also very busy with the NSLS (National Society for Leadership and Success). I figured I’d apply for the position when I learned of the resignation to continue what we’d been working on together, and I managed to get the position. Also, Hashim Wright is our Multicultural Advocate; Chelsea Rising is our Gender Rights Advocate; Brittany Bollenbach is our Access & Abilities Advocate (and when she’s unavailable, Emily Bishop helps fulfill her duties).

What exactly is it that you will be doing?

As Diversity Coordinator I’ve taken the position into a new direction. And I don’t say that because I like self promotion, I’ve literally taken the position into a new direction. There are now three new advocates serving within the diversity apparatus of the PSGA. The Multicultural Advocate, who deals with issues of race, ethnicity, and culture; the Gender Rights Advocate, who deals with LGBTQ issues and the rights of female bodied students (such as working with LGBTQU, FORTH, Take Back the Night, etc.) and an Access & Abilities Advocate, who ensures that students of different mental and physical ability have the necessary resources at Purchase College. There are also new bylaws making diversity more central to the student government in terms of recruitment, etc.


What do you hope to achieve as Diversity Coordinator?

As Diversity Coordinator, I feel I have accomplished everything I set out to do within the span of a month. I’ve established the new advocate system. I’m in the midst of coordinating RAW: A Safe Space Discussion about Racism and Trayvon Martin. And, I say this based on what other students have told me, I’ve accomplished more in one month than the all the past Diversity Coordinator’s combined. I do not intend to be the Diversity Coordinator after this year. I viewed what I’ve done as a stop-gap between Mitch Resk and whoever the next Diversity Coordinator is. Students have

diversity come up to me and said “John, you’re not black, how can you be expected to coordinate diversity?” Part of me wants to say to those people “Look, I’m a gay man with Asperger’s Syndrome, sorry I don’t meet all your qualifications for what diversity means.” but I am also cognizant that race is very much a factor in people’s perceptions of diversity (and rightfully so); and many people of color whom I’ve talked to at Purchase College don’t feel represented in the student government. That should change. Are you going to be adding anything to campus events like Culture Shock?

Yes and no. I’m definitely going to be at least behind the scenes at Culture Shock, and I’ll likely help out with the Wellness Tent. I’m also in the midst of organizing, as I said earlier, RAW: A Safe Space Discussion about Racism and Trayvon Martin, in conjunction with our Multicultural Advocate Hashim Wright, the Wellness Center, the Counseling Center, and many other students. It’s essentially Take Back the Night, except geared towards survivors of racism as opposed to sexual assault (but, very sadly, there will likely be overlap).

those more wholesome lessons upon their graduation, and we’ll be well on our way to a blissful world. Purchase College offers a unique opportunity for people interested in democratic movements; and for me the beginning place is the PSGA. Student government, if anything, is as close to a local government as we’re going to get besides an actual local government. Therefore, if we can make our system one based on reason, morality, and compassion; what’s to stop that from spreading into the world beyond Purchase? I sincerely hope we can create the causes for this before my graduating (in either a year or a year and a half). Pirates or ninjas?


If anyone has any questions about diversity, they should contact John Fallot at: RAW is slated to meet Thursday 4/12, at 8PM in Southside.

What legacy do you hope to leave at Purchase?

I honestly hope to instill a sense of civic responsibility at Purchase College. It’s my firm belief that if students learn that their society is undemocratic now, they will carry and repeat those brutal lessons into their towns, their workplaces, their elections; and we’ll end up with an even worse situation than we have now. But if we can show, primarily through student government, that the democratic approach is the best approach, then people will replicate

Thursday, April 12th Southside at 8pm

RAW: A Safe Space Discussion about Racism and Trayvon Martin


CAMERON’S CRAZY CRUISE BY TOMMy roach (Disclaimer: the quotes in this story are completely fake.)

For those of you who are unaware, director James Cameron isn’t just your run of the mill multi-billionaire. In his spare time, he’s also an avid deep-sea explorer. In fact, during the down-time between making “Titanic” and “Avatar,” Cameron spent years making documentaries about underwater exploration. Who woulda thunk? On March 26th, 2012, Cameron made history by being the first person to explore the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the ocean. Perhaps the most impressive about this dive (a 6.78-mile dive, which is insane for a dive into the ocean) is that he actually managed to spend around three hours at the bottom of the ocean, only surfacing when his submersible, the Deepsea Challenger, ran low on power. Yeah. That’s what he does in his free time. He explores the ocean. For science. I don’t buy it though. Not for a damn second. James Cameron is crazy. He’s meticulous. He plans things out for years. He made Avatar, for (ambiguous religious figure)’s sake. He does everything for a reason, no matter how long he takes to do it. I’m not alone on this either. One of his ex-wives, Kathryn Bigelow, also thinks he’s up to no good. “I have no clue exactly what James is planning this time,” Bigelow said in an exclusive interview with the Independent, “but I know it can’t possibly be good for me. He never really got over the divorce.”


In another exclusive interview, Cameron did not help defend himself against these claims of revenge with his ranting. “Bitch took everything in the divorce,” Cameron babbled. “She took the house, she took the dog, and she took the goddamned Oscar I definitely deserved for ‘Avatar’ and threw it back into the ocean, like that crazy old bat in my movie.” Others speculate that Cameron is only going on these dives to find the “Heart of the Ocean,” the gorgeous necklace from Cameron’s blockbuster, “Titanic.” Actor Leonardo DiCaprio has tried to convince Cameron otherwise. “I tried to tell him the necklace was a prop,” DiCaprio said. “He just wouldn’t listen, going on and on about how he needed to have it back.” “I have the prop if he wants it,” actress Kate Winslett said. “But it’s just a crappy piece of cubic-zirconium on some string. I hear Brittany Spears has the real one.” Spears was unavailable for comment. DiCaprio also has other suspicions about Cameron’s motives. “I jokingly mentioned it would be cool to build a memorial for the Titanic underwater, and James’ eyes lit up like a distress flare. I felt legitimately concerned for his sanity.” Will we ever find out what Cameron’s up to down there? Probably, since he likes to make a huge deal out of everything he does (looking at you, Avatar). Cross your fingers that it’s not a super-laser.


AMERICA FINALLY EXCELS... BY mike reluzco Ladies and gentlemen, America has finally come out near the top. Despite the fact that the US is considered one of the largest superpowers in the world, our citizens have proven to be average on a global level for a long time. In pretty much every educational field, an average of 16 (out of 34) industrialized nations produce students with higher test scores than students in the US. But now, we’re in the top percentage for something else, and like any other proud American I am glad to see our country come out on top. Without further ado, I am pleased to announce that the United States has laid claim to the 5th place spot in the race to commit legal murder. Capital punishment is now our bread and butter. I, for one, am okay with this. No more will Europeans turn their noses up at fat American tourists. No, instead they will shy away and be polite, because who knows how many lethal injections each person may be carrying in their fanny-pack. America’s ability to strike fear into the hearts of the masses is rivaled only by the nations ahead of us in the field. I’m sure that China, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Iraq are glad to welcome the United States. I hear that US Attorney General, Eric Holder, attends a poker night on Tuesdays to drink beer and discuss the different ways to kill people. Iraqi president Jalal Talibani prefers the hangman’s noose, but Hu Jintao of China strongly advocates the firing squad. Arguments break out when too much beer has been consumed, and earlier this year, Ahmadinejad lost a bet to Talibani, forcing him to remove stoning from Irani

execution procedures, to be replaced by hanging. Now that Attorney General Holder has joined the group, he’s been showing off his personal collection of syringes, and brought his friends to his private execution chamber, where he has collected such relics as Ted Bundy’s electric chair, the Guillotine that beheaded Robespierre, and, his prized possession, Christ’s crucifix, hung on a wall next to Saint Peter’s inverted crucifix. I don’t think 5th place is high enough. Our prison system is expensive, and it is overflowing. The fact remains, however, that a single lethal injection procedure costs more than incarcerating a man for life. I have a solution. In order to more quickly empty the Green Mile so we can fill it back up again we need to take drastic measures. We should keelhaul them all at once. The procedure is simple: Take a boat, and tie all the dead-men-walking to it with a rope. One by one, we will kick each prisoner off the side of the boat to be dragged beneath the boats keel. It’s quick, it’s efficient, and all it costs is a boat and some rope. So, next time you see a murderer go to jail for life, remind yourself that the only way to fix this man’s murder is with more murder. Mail your governor, your senator, your representative, the president, and any members of the Illuminati that you can track down, and tell them to keelhaul these goddamned murderers-- China has surpassed us at every facet, so let’s take back the prize for legalized domestic murder. God bless America.


TRAYVON MARTIN’S CASE BY STEPHANIE SPENCER When community watchman George Zimmerman fired the fatal gunshot that killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in what he said was “self-defense,” a national spark ignited a racial debate that put into question the ethics and justice of America’s legal system. Toward the evening hours of Feb. 26, Martin, an African American from Miami Gardens, Florida left his step-mother’s home to reportedly get food from the local convenience store. Walking with his hoodie over his head on his way home, Martin caught the attention of neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman. Zimmerman, who had been appointed the position because he was the only volunteer available, quickly called 911 to report a suspicious person walking around the area. After a string of burglaries in the area, Zimmerman sounded weary as he described Martin on the police tapes. According to him, Martin had his hand at his waist and was scoping the houses. Shortly after the dispatcher told Zimmerman to not approach the suspect and that police were on their way, Zimmerman began chasing Martin who had reportedly began to flee. Soon after the chase Zimmerman, who is a licensed gun owner, fired shots. What shocked the country was the fact that while Zimmerman was detained by police after the shooting, he was released without any charges to his name merely due to the fact that there weren’t any eye-witnesses to support or debunk any of Zimmerman’s claims.


“In this case Mr. Zimmerman has made a statement of self-defense,” said Police Chief Lee. “Until we can establish probable cause to dispute that, we don’t have the grounds to arrest him.” Rumors circulated after Martin’s death suggesting that he was a troubled young man, however many viewed these claims as a way to attack his race, and find Zimmerman innocent. According to MSNBC, a parallel investigation was opened to determine whether or not Zimmerman’s actions were racially motivated. President Barack Obama spoke out in defense of Martin saying, “When I think about this boy, I think about my own kids, and I think every parent in America should be able to understand why it is absolutely imperative that we investigate every aspect of this.” While many are torn between Zimmerman’s motives, activists such as Al Sharpton and Martin Luther King III gathered in Sanford, Fla. to demand the arrest of Zimmerman, according to USA Today. “This young man, Trayvon Martin, did nothing criminal, did nothing unethical,” said Sharpton. “He went to the store for his brother. He came back and lost his life. Trayvon could have been any one of our sons, he could have been any of us. Trayvon represents a reckless disregard for our lives that we’ve seen for too long.” As of Tuesday April 10, Zimmerman’s legal team has revoked their representaiton of him, and it is reported that he is no longer in the state of Florida.


the CASE OF THE moldy tampon BY alyce pellegrino Imagine you buy a brand new box of tampons, they’re all sealed, and haven’t used one yet. The first one you go to use you accidentally pop half the tampon out of the applicator while getting it out of the packaging and you realize it’s covered in mold. This is what happened to a woman named Danielle on March 27 when she went to use a Kotex tampon. Danielle took to her blog,, where she posted pictures of the tainted product and voiced her concerns about the situation. “I am freaked right out! Makes you wonder how many times things like this happen to tampons and we don’t have a clue.” Danielle then emailed the company, feeling that they should see the pictures of the product they packaged and shipped out for women to use. The response she got back was quite shocking. “Dear Danielle, Thanks for contacting us about your experience with KOTEX® SECURITY® tampons. We are very sorry that you were disappointed with your recent purchase of our product. We understand how distressing it can be to find mold on a product that is used for personal hygiene and apologize for your concern. In instances where it has been found, we conducted tests on the product involved and have found the mold to be a common environmental species that carries no health risk. The vegetative mold is similar in nature to mold on vegetables or in baked goods. You can be confident that we are diligent-

ly reviewing our manufacturing process to ensure this problem does not recur. Because our customers and their well-being are very important to us, we want to assure you that the quality and safety of our products are our top priorities. We apply very rigorous procedures to our products to ensure that they are safe for their intended use. With the hope that you will continue to use SECURITY tampons with confidence, we are sending you some coupons through the mail for your use on future purchases. Betty Consumer Services, Kimberly-Clark Corp. Lead the world in essentials for a better life.” So that’s a warning to all women who use Kotex products. Apparently this mold that could possibly wind up on your tampon is “a common environmental species that carries no health risk.” It is also absolutely ridiculous that a company’s response to a complaint like this is to send the customer a coupon for future purchases. Danielle put it best, “I was grossed out in the first place and their response just makes it worse! Seems this is a fairly common problem... and that is a cause for serious concern. I doubt most people get as lucky as I did - I just so happened to accidentally expose the mold and I am so glad that I did! Most people wouldn’t be so fortunate.”


“BETRAYAL”: A SENIOR PROJECT BY RACHEL MARGOLIN On Friday, May 4, at 8pm in the Admissions Building, there will be an open-rehearsal of the Harold Pinter drama, “Betrayal.” It is based on the complicated lives of two couples one of whom is cheating on his wife with his best friend’s wife. This play, which hasn’t been performed since 1978, tests that sacredness of wedding, as well as the bonds between best friends. It also tests the ability of love to hurt, bring together, and tear apart. Director James McDermott said he chose this play based on its ability to relate emotionally to the modern lover. “It’s full of secrets, lies, and dishonesty, as well as passion and love,” he said. Set in London in the 1970’s, the characters are all dressed in period costume, making this a fun as well as immersing play. “Although it’s a British play, as humans, we can relate to the story line,” McDermott said. “Betrayal” will be first come, first serve. Because it will only be performed once and only spans about an hour, McDermott urges everyone to come and see this revival. The play began its origins at Purchase this year. “I sent in the proposal at the end of last semester, and began holding auditions to find my cast the 2nd week of this semester,” he stated. Caitlin Kenyon, a freshman Theater and Performance Major who plays Emma, Robert’s wife, describes her character as complicated, lost, and confused. Emma has an affair with Jerry, Robert’s best friend, trying to use him to find her self. Kenyon described herself as being person-


ally connected to Emma, because of the timing in which she’s playing this intense character. Having just gotten out of a relationship, she knows what it’s like to have love, but not understand. “I hope people leave wanting to call their ex,” she said. In this dramatic play, only 3 characters are shown, while the 4th is implied. Emma is married to Robert, and Jerry is married to Judith, who has no actual appearance in “Betrayal”. The play begins at the end of the affair, and works its way back to the pronouncement of love between the husband of one marriage and the wife of the other. McDermott used to major in English. He believes this prior experience has helped him with his research of “Betrayal”.

theater With a small cast, and complicated story line so full of love and romance as well as contempt and disregard, the actors have to have a unique relationship. “In order to get through this play, we had to go through lots of discussion. We’re not at each other’s throats. In fact, the two male characters are in a bromance, much like they are in the play. All of the actors are close,” Kenyon said. McDermott asks that the audience, “connect to the play the way I did,” and believes in Pinter’s motto, stated on the back of the script, “If you knew where one choice led you, would you chose to do it?” The male characters, Robert and Jerry, are played by Christopher Smith, a sophomore Theater and Performance Major, and Jonathan Shenk, a junior Media Society and the Arts Major. Christopher Smith, who plays Robert, describes him as “a solid father, a bad husband, and kind of cruel. He is in a way sort of going through the motions. He’s not blind to everything but for the sake of the family, the kids specifically, he is more in tuned to his friendship with Jerry, and values that more than his marriage with Emma. He tries to cover up his feelings through humor in a sense. He tries to find a funniness to sinister situations.” Smith says acting in “Betrayal” is “way better than I thought it would be. I didn’t know the cast would be so fun to work with. We worked well together and since we became friends with each other we sort of drove ourselves. I also have known James since last semester and I knew how fun he was. The experience has been delicioso!” Shenk describes acting in “Betrayal as, “awesome. It was a great environment for me to include a bit of my crazy, energetic side to this

very deep and dramatic piece. I think there’s always a place for comedic relief.” Shenk’s concludes, saying “this piece makes you wonder who is really betraying who.” “I want the audience to leave having seen the emotional journey, and put themselves in that position. That’s how I felt reading it, and that’s my main goal,” McDermott added. Be sure to check out “Betrayal”, performed on Friday May 4th at 8pm in the Admissions Building. Posters including more information will be displayed in the next couple of weeks. Keep an eye out!




Situation: I like him. He likes me. He

Should I study for my Anatomy test or

has a girlfriend. I don’t want to be the

talk to more cute guys?

homewrecker here, but I feel like they’ve

Well, after answering the last two questions I can gather that a lot of Purchase is having some relationship/crushing problems. (It is almost Valentine’s Day...) I am always happy to help with these issues, but I will say one thing: keep your studies a priority. We are here to learn, party, make mistakes and then submit questions about these mistakes to dear Madame Query. Let’s make this semester the best it can be. Yes, this is Madame offering her best words of encouragement, like a mini Oprah. So for my advice to you, I say this let this be the semester where you study for that Anatomy test and let the cute guys come to you. It is only the beginning of the semester, you cannot already be procrastinating on work for some tools you will probably need advice about later. Nobody is worth slowing you down. Keep it classy, ace the test and then study some more anatomy on Friday night, if you know what I’m saying. Hard work will always be beneficial down the road, cute guys are not going to get you ahead in life.

always been on the rocks. What do I do?

Oh dear, Madame feels a trouble-inparadise theme going on here for this week’s column. She guesses these pesky long winter breaks have something to do with it. Anyhow, here is what I have to say. If you don’t want to be a homewrecker, then don’t be one. Sometimes we study others’ relationships and instantly judge them as cute or heading downhill. But that’s just it, we are only spectators. No one can truly know how a couple’s relationship is unless they are one of the partners. The couple that fights the most may just be all the more passionate. The couple with the most cupcake-cute affection may just be the horniest. It’s all speculative. How do you know he likes you? Has he told you? Because if he really liked you, he wouldn’t be with her. I’m sorry to put it so bluntly, but what you think you see is probably not really there. I only tell you this because there is probably a single guy on this campus that deserves the chance to be with you.





My girlfriend keeps hounding me for sex, but I just don’t want to. I have a lot of work to do over the week and like to relax on the weekend when she comes over. I’ll put out but damn, she be wanting to ride


me like a NY taxi!

Casillero del Diablo: 7/10 ($13, =/- $2)

First of all be appreciative that you have lady that wants to be with you so often. Secondly, why don’t you want to have sex with her? Madame understands when people are too busy to do fun things, but they at least try to make time for their significant others. Why aren’t you? You shouldn’t have to feel like you’re “putting out,” instead you should feel like this is an awesome treat after such a long week of work and school. If you feel like she is riding up your work train, then tell her you need to have time for your studies. But if you’re really just not into her and feel like it is a chore, then maybe this relationship isn’t cut out for you. As students we’re all busy trying to get our work done and keep up with part time jobs and whatnot. If we happen to fall into a relationship we need to think about if it’s worth the effort. Does she make you happy when you’re finally done at the end of the day? Does she do other things to show that she cares besides asking for sex? I just hope for the sake of your relationship she isn’t the only one doing the liking/loving. In the end of the day, maybe Madame just rambled on for nothing and the truth is you really do like her and maybe it is just that you’re too tired and/or lazy to get into bedroom mode for her. If that is the case, then just take a few minutes for a cup of coffee and let her pounce like there is no tomorrow.

-Extra full bodied, Dry to Sweet scale= 1 -Cabernet Sauvignon -2010 Chile

This dark, bold, medieval cask of wine is made and delivered by the hand of the underworld. It will blend well with any meal, but should you succumb to temptation and feast gluttonously and sinfully, indulge your pallet with a nice juicy steak, or perhaps roast chicken with rosemary, salt, butter, and garlic. Or sit back, and simply ponder and sip on a wine with a truly sinful character. If gluttony be a cardinal sin, then this battle I shan’t win. Cannonball: 8/10 ($14, +/- $2) -Medium bodied, Dry to sweet scale = 3 -Cabernet Sauvignon -2009 California

Interesting, playful packaging, as well as wine. Not for those who like a strong red to chew on; great for the light-hearted adventurer, perhaps one looking to experience the more divergent and mature flavor that is inherent in all good red wine- that is, as opposed to the drinkers who prefer the sweet, smooth, yet distinct countenance of white wines. If you’re new to reds, start here!



*some quotes have been rewritten for legibility or to preserve the anonymity of the submitter

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