2 minute read

The Answer to Someone’s Prayer

By Joshua Reyna

Ellen G. White wrote, “Let every believer scatter broadcast tracts and leaflets and books containing the message for this time. We need colporteurs, who will go forth to circulate our publications everywhere,” The Review and Herald, Nov. 12, 1903.

Literature Ministries works with students and many church members to help spread the gospel’s message through literature. We aim to see every church member involved in one or more of three areas. The first program motivates churches and members to get involved with mass literature distribution. The second program is known as Youth Rush, where our students get to experience a life-changing mission trip every summer, right here in Texas. The third is the literature evangelist program, where anyone can make Literature Ministries a full-time work.

Over the past four years, we have worked with our Youth Rush teams in cities throughout Texas, and by God’s grace, we have been able to place 110,684 books in homes. While canvassing, each student can leave books, pray with people and find Bible study interests. Since 2019 we have initiated approximately 4,500 Bible study leads, which go to either the local church or a Bible worker.

Since 2019, Youth Rush students have raised $1,806,886.32 in donations to help them pay their tuition at Seventh-day Adventist


universities and academies. Moreover, the program infuses our youth with a desire and passion for ministry. We believe the best way to keep youth active in the church is to put them directly in the ministry of saving souls.

The year 2020 brought challenges to all aspects of the ministry. No one could have foreseen the number of changes our world went through in such a short time. In the Literature Ministries program, our adult colporteurs suffered the most. Before 2020, we had about 25 adult colporteurs.

However, when COVID-19 came, only one or two continued working through the pandemic. Now we have about a dozen adult colporteurs, and slowly but surely that number is growing.

Dana, one of our summer students, was canvassing when she met a man on a street who asked excitedly if she happened to have a book called The Great Controversy. She replied, “Yes, but I’m out of them right now. Let me call my leader and get more.” As they waited for her leader to bring the book, the man told her that he had been watching Stephen Bohr on YouTube and that he had recommended The Great Controversy. The leader brought the book, then they prayed together and the man left.

Through this ministry, we see that God works in many ways, and in many cases, the colporteur gets to be the answer to someone’s prayer. We have seen many people who are already looking for the books we came to offer. In this ministry, we see God working firsthand to save souls. The impact made on those who participate, as well as those whom we contact, is eternal.

Totals for 2019-2022