3 minute read


God’s Multiplying Goodness

By Makala James

Over $150,000 seemed like an impossible sum to raise for a new science lab and classroom at Chisholm Trail Academy. It was a sum that would take more than fundraising, it’d take faith. Students prayed every day, and the community pitched in to help. Now, Chisholm Trail Academy is filled with pride because of its brand-new lab. Momentum from that experience continues to build as the campus tackles more and more improvement projects.

“The Lord has blessed us tremendously,” says Tommy Simons, principal. “I’ll be honest, I was somewhat skeptical at first. It took a lot of praying! The facility here is old but we work to keep it up-to-date and operational.”

The idea for a new lab was first proposed by board member Veronique Weis. She researched what it would take to renovate the lab. Then, when Jonathan Coker joined the teaching staff at CTA, he and Weis partnered to get things rolling.

The fundraising efforts started off with seed money from the Texas Conference and the Southwestern Union. Then, the school submitted two proposals to AdventHealth, which came back approved.

“It only built momentum after that,” says Jonathan Coker, religion, history, and English teacher. “I’m not a good fundraiser. I just wanted a project to put in front of my kids, for them to have something to pray about.”

Later that year, someone offered to donate a $20,000 matching grant, which was met. In addition, a call to action took place at alumni weekend, and several donors stepped up to help CTA reach its goal. Amazingly, all the money was raised within a year.

Ceiling tiles, flooring, and everything in between were completely removed to make room for new lab equipment, and nothing remained from the original science lab. This was the first time the lab had been updated in the history of the school. With the new lab, students will also be provided with the latest technology and teaching techniques.

“During the summer, there were some ups and downs,” said Randy Anglada, business manager. “We were afraid the renovations wouldn’t be completed, and some items were backordered. But, for some reason we got it right on time. We finished a week before school started.”

The school dedicated the newly renovated science lab to Tyke Connell, long-time science teacher at CTA. She is nearing 30 years of service to the school, and the lab was the school’s way of saying thanks.

“We definitely want to recognize her dedication to the young people in Christian education,” says Simons. “Our thanks to all those entities that helped us. We are so grateful and feel blessed for every dollar and every person that had a part in this.”

In the wake of the new lab, a surge of campus improvements began to take place.

“Since we did the science lab, so many other projects have come out of the woodwork,” says Coker. “It’s really invigorated a lot of the staff, students, and community to be proud of our school and to say, ‘What else can we do to roll up our sleeves and get involved?’”

Spanish classes landscaped the front of the school, taking out old, battered bushes and replacing them with flower beds. The building received a power wash, making the bricks look like new. A community member even offered to completely redo the parking lot for free. He

and his crew patched potholes, sealed the parking lot, and painted parking lines.

In addition, security cameras were installed throughout the school, entryways received a new lock system, and a new digital sign was put up.

One of the major projects taking place now is to replace all lighting with LED lights. When this project was presented to the board, CTA only had about half of the needed funds. The very next day, a generous individual dropped by to donate the remaining money. The new lights are more energy efficient and turn on and off automatically.

“The Lord is good,” says Simons. “In all these improvements, we haven’t spent any of our operating funds. The Lord has blessed us.”

As students make use of the science lab, there will be a continued effort to offer the best education possible, and the campus will continue to be improved upon.

“I’ve seen God move giant mountains,” says Coker. “This whole project has taught me to wonder, ‘What other blessings is God waiting to bestow if we are just willing to ask?’”