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The husband opened the bottom drawer of his wife’s bureau and lifted out a tissue-wrapped package. “What a beautiful scarf,” he said, handing it to his best friend. His friend discarded the tissue and looked intensely at the scarf. It was exquisite, handmade silk and trimmed with a cobweb of lace. The price tag was still attached and was astronomical. “Susie bought this the first time we went to New York, at least eight or nine years ago. She never wore it, since she was saving it for a special occasion. I guess this is the occasion.”

He took the scarf from his friend’s hand and put it on the bed with the other clothes they were taking to the mortician. His hands lingered on the soft material for a moment, then turned once again to his friend saying, “Don’t ever save anything for a special occasion. Every day you’re alive is special enough.”

We all like special occasions, and it is natural to want the best for such times. But, perhaps we need to start making the routine moments special for no other reason than being alive. The reality is that whatever you have not done, not worn, or not said because you are waiting for that special moment may never come. Maybe it’s time to stop saving the things, the clothes, and the words we are holding back. How would it look to live like that?

Stop saving the good china and crystal for just a special event – use it often! Stop saving the good perfume or the expensive cologne for the special party. Stop saving vacation days that you may lose; use the new year to take some – even if you stay home. It’s time to stop using words like ‘someday’ and ‘one of these days.’ If it is worth seeing, hearing, doing, or saying, then it’s worth doing right now.

It’s the little deeds left undone that would make you regretful if you knew how much time was left. Regret because you put off seeing good friends whom you were going to get in touch with someday. Regret because you hadn’t written letters that you intended to write one of these days. Regret and sorrow that you didn’t tell your spouse, your children, or your friends how much you truly love them often enough. Let’s stop putting it off, let’s stop holding back, let’s stop saving anything that would add laughter and joy to our lives.

Every time you wake up, tell yourself that today is a special day. Every day, every minute, and every breath is a gift from God, making it your best day yet. Always remember, “This is the day the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it.”