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‘A Life’ Board Game

For this project, I chose to design a board game that focuses on the mundane moments of the everyday rather than major life events. In doing so, I wanted to celebrate the spaces between events we generally deem more significant. I chose to riff on the format of the classic game of Life, instead calling my version A Life (alive) when read quickly.

Instead of earning monetary rewards or credits in social standing, players earn Life Experience tokens as they move through the board. There are Action, Item, and Event cards to guide the game-play, although they never disrupt or penalize the experience accumulation.

50 Questions

This sculptural poster set was developed in response to a set of 50 questions regarding my progress and goals as a designer. The format depicts a marriage of analog and digital, while the use of the glass container represents the selection of questions and the elusivity/distortion of answers.

The techniques used to create this poster series were inspired by the work of Nancy Skolos and Thomas Wedell. The forms in this set were created using a glass bowl filled with semi-translucent slips of paper. The sculpture was photographed, printed, and rephotographed several times to achieve the final composition.

Strike Magazine Boston University Issue One

This publication showcases spread, layout, and overall editorial work done as Design Director for Strike Boston’s founding issue. The magazine and design choices focus on expression, and the juxtaposition between internal emotions and how they are represented externally. Strike Boston Issue I is both a physical and digital publication, released July 2022. The magazine in it’s entirety, as well as credits for the photography and body copy can be found on Strike magazine’s website.

Dimensional Experimentations

Graphic experiments in illustration and dimension. Printed on 11 × 17 paper using a Risograph printer.


Activate—to contribute to an entity or composition in a manner that adds a visually kinetic property Amelioration—the betterment of something. An improvement to it

Aperture—the partially enclosed, somewhat rounded negative space in some characters such as ‘n’, ‘c’, ‘s’…the opening to the counter space

Collaboration—to work jointly with others or together especially in an intellectual endeavor Craft—an occupation, trade, or activity requiring manual dexterity and/or artistic skill

Imbricated—to overlap or to cause to overlap. In-between—spaces that occur within or connect paralell ideas or properties

Ink trap—when strokes meet at certain angles, they can be designed more open or with a notched appearance, forming an ink trap. This can avoid a physical or optical ink blob in that area.

Intermediary—being or acting as a ‘between’ or connecting property for two entities.

Lenticular—lenticular images or objects give the illusion of depth (3D), movement and/or merge two different images.

Liminal—of, relating to, or being an intermediate state, phase, or condition

Material—of or relating to matter rather than form Monoline typography—letterforms drawn in one continuous stroke

Nascent—(especially of a process or organization) just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future potential

Ocularcentrism—a bias that ranks vision over the other senses in western cultures

Parlance—a particular way of speaking or using words, especially a way common to those with a particular job or interest

Plenary—encompassing; complete; absolute Process—a natural phenomenon marked by gradual changes that lead toward a particular result

Propound—put forward (an idea, theory, or point of view) for consideration by others.

Proprioception—cognizance of the movement and composition of one’s own integrated body

Repudiated—to not accept or be associated with. Or to not acknowledge the validity of something. S

Serendipitous—occurring or discovered by chance in a beneficial way

Somatic—relating to the body, especially as distinct from the mind

Structure—physical or theoretical constraints defined by a set framework

Subsumed—The state of having been absorbed by something else

Tangible—capable of being perceived especially by the sense of touch

Transition—a change or shift from one state, subject, place, etc. to another

Versant—to be experienced or practiced at a task/ methodology.


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