Sunrise Summer 2019

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ACCELERATED By Pastor E. A. Adeboye Promotion or progress tells us that a certain group There are some of us who can fall into seven basic of people decided to torture have so much hope at the the children of Israel. When beginning of each year but categories: 1. REGRESSION:


egression means that there are forces beyond you that are progressively pushing you backward. In Mark 5 v 25-34, the Bible tells us the story of the woman with the issue of blood. She went to many doctors and she spent all she had but instead of getting better, she grew worse. Forces beyond her control kept on pushing her backwards. Physically, she grew worse; financially her money depleted until there was nothing left.



epression means there are forces pushing you down and trying to hold you down, and anytime you try to come up, there is a force that is saying No! Go back down, In Judges 6 v 3-6 the Bible

the Israelites were planting, these enemies didn’t bother them, but as soon as the Israelites harvested their crops, their enemies moved in like locusts, gathered everything and then left, which meant that the Israelites had to start all over again and the cycle would repeat.



tagnation means that there is no progress at all, no forward movement; no upward movement, just stagnant like a pond. John 5 v 2 - 9 tells us about a man who was sick for thirty-eight years. He was always waiting for the stirring of the pool of Bethesda. When the angel will come down and stirred the water, the first person to jump in would be made whole. Despite his best efforts, he was never the first person into the water. Somebody else would always jump in and he would have to go back and wait for another year. 4

gradually January Has becomes December and they discover that they are still in the same place.

That is what is called stagnation. In the name of the One who made Heaven and earth, whatever force is holding you stagnant shall be destroyed in Jesus› name.



etardation means there is growth but it’s so slow that it becomes embarrassing. Another way of talking about retardation is to call it trapped destiny. In Genesis 49 v 1-4 the Bible tells us that when Jacob was about to die, he called his children together and began to make pronouncements concerning each one. He said concerning Reuben his first born: ‘even though you are my first born, even though you have energy, you have power, you have ev-

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