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Celeste destaca por contar con una seguridad perimetral referencia en toda la costa del sol

Los báculos que rodean la zona residencial son provistos con cámaras de ultima generación e inteligencia artificial


Celeste stands out for having a perimeter security system that is a benchmark on the entire Costa del Sol

The perimeters surrounding the residential area are equipped with state-of-the-art cameras and artificial intelligence

Protected by SUA CORP

Este sistema usa análisis de conducta para identificar movimientos inusuales

Cuando una posible amenaza es identificada se activan medidas defensivas acusticas con un alcance de hasta 2,5 kilometros

This system uses behavioural analysis to identify unusual movements

When a possible threat is identified, acoustic defensive measures are activated with a range of up to 2 5 kilometres

Colección única de 5 villas de lujo

Unique collection of 5 luxury villas

Accompanying visual content that immediately catches the eye Include photos, illustrations, and other graphics to match Appeal to your audience, choose the right fonts and images, and you'll have a magazine that people will remember for years to come

When you ' ve decided on your cover story, come up with a list of topics for your feature articles This can range from interviews, product reviews, human interest pieces, and even lists Think about what your audience would be interested in and get writing! Again, choose engaging photos and graphics to accompany your words, as these also help catch your audience's eye

Olivia Wilson

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