The Story of Us: A Journal of the St. Andrew’s Class of 2022

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Dear Class of 2022,

We want to express our gratitude to the communications team for putting this beautiful book together. It captures the memories we’ve made and the lessons we’ve learned. We’d also like to thank Mr. Robinson and Mrs. Honsel for all their work for our class this year. Each event planned and obstacle faced was thanks to them. Thanks to Señora and Ms. McGrath for leading our school so well day in and day out. Also, shoutout to Phil Davis and Ms. Powell for helping with all kinds of stuff.

Class of 2022—Here you are. All of your stories and advice create a snapshot of our class. This book is meant to serve as a capsule of our time here for years to come: as guidance for future classes and as a source of reminiscence for us. Hopefully, the book you’re reading now will cement our class’s identity into the school’s legacy. This is the advice of the 80 kids who worked to rebuild and reinvent the school’s culture academically, athletically, and artistically. Your wisdom is evident, your memories eternal, Class of 2022, wherever and whenever you read this, we love you. It’s been an honor.

Love, Liam Hurtt & Aunyae Romeo

Class of 2022

Graham Luke Abramo .................. 3

Chara Anulika Anekwe ................. 3

Zoe Luna Isabella Armstrong ............ 4

William Andres Atkinson 4

Archie Baldocchi 5

Allaire O’Brien Berl 5

Sonal Bhatia 6

Madelaine Spencer Black 6

Flynn Sawyer Bowman 7

Amari D. Bryant 7

Benjamin Cranston Butcher ............. 8

Christopher Rowan Butner .............. 8

Yang Cao ............................ 9

Edmund Humphrey Vincent Cayley ...... 9

Jun Andrew Choi ..................... 10

Zoë Elizabeth Clowney ................ 10

Owen Sage Rose Cookerly .............. 11

Ramona Ann Cour ..................... 11

Austin Willis Daly .................... 12

Alani Giselle Davila ................... 12

Adelaide McKnight Dixon .............. 13

Reed Edison Tazo Glowa Ferguson 13

Alec Wayne Finch 14

Caroline Annerose Forde 14

Gavin Ramsay Frazer 15

Parker Sage Friedli 15 Evan Gervais 16

Brandon I Graves 16

Gavin Dieudonne Green ............... 17

Matthew Jimin Hong .................. 17

Sophie Anne Hoopes ................. 18

Jared Marini Horgan .................. 18

Daniel Jiahan Huang .................. 19

Phineas Thomas Takai Hunt ............ 19

William Callender Hurtt IV ............. 20

Javier Antonio Iniguez ................ 20

Piper Audrey Jenkins ................. 21

Mickayla Christine Jones .............. 21 Anna Valentine Kabler ................ 22

Micayla Rao Kates .................... 22

Jake Thomas Kelly .................... 23

Yevheniia Khalabadzhakh .............. 23

Francis Antony Koblish ................ 24 Miles Joseph Kresic ................... 24 Joonbeom Kwon ...................... 25

Lois Sung-Eun Lee ................... 25

Michael Bush Lilley, Jr. 26 Yiyang Liu 26

Mary Holland Patterson Lunsford 27

Madison Grace de Guia Macalintal 27 Isabelle Pearl Kavanagh Mallick 28

John Hunter Melton 28

Emily Susan Murphy 29

Nicholas Vaughan Oxnam ............. 29

Jacob Peter Pellechia.................. 30

Lang Qin............................ 30

Elizabeth Garnett Rainey .............. 31

Everett Rose Rattray .................. 31 Cleo Sandor Ray ..................... 32 Edward Cameron Kirk Read ............ 32 Nathaniel Myoung-Jin Reed ............ 33 Eliot Louise Richards.................. 33 Aunyae Janyah Romeo ................ 34 Pranay Sanwal ....................... 34

Crawford James Seeley 35 Gizelle Ashley Sempertegui Gomez 35 Yeunseo Seo 36

Clara Belin Tate 36

Mae Theodora Thomas 37

Rell Sunn Trivits 37

William Alexander Vogel 38 Giang Thu Vu ........................ 38

Tony Jun Wang ...................... 39

Rocco Dadian White .................. 39

George Gundersen Windels. . . . . . . . . . . . 40

William Lowe Wrightson IV ............ 40

William Jiyong Yu .................... 41 Jiayi Yuan ........................... 41


Graham Luke Abramo

New York, New York

FAVORITE SAS TRADITION: The Frosty Run. I remember our freshman year Frosty Run—that was the moment I fell in love with this school. I had so much fun and the buildup and hype associated with the small task of getting a Frosty was incredible. The seniors my freshman year made this SAS tradition amazing—and you can’t forget about the dance after!

ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: Ms. Pressman, my advisor. One of the nicest people I have ever met in my entire life. From day one she has helped me navigate St. Andrew’s. Even during hard times here, she has supported me and given me the confidence to succeed.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: Be spontaneous. Go on a walk through the woods, go slide in the grass when it’s raining, enjoy your time here because it will go by faster than you can imagine.

BEST SAS MEMORY: As a new sophomore my transition to SAS was not always easy, but I ended up making some great connections in unexpected places. One of these special moments was the night before a JV basketball game where, as the captain, I led a hype meeting at the T-Dock. We screamed our affirmations and boosted each other’s spirits, but that wasn’t the best part. After everyone went back on dorm, a friend and I stayed behind to lay on our backs and look at the stars. We were in awe at the vastness of the universe and the speck of creation that we, as humans, occupy. It was such a humbling experience and as we evaluated our existence we talked and cried and laughed—all in the span of 15 minutes. From that night on, I’ve had some of the deepest and most influential conversations with this person, and I will always cherish memories like these.

FAVORITE SAS TRADITION: The Black History Month dance. This year I think the heads of Essence and Onyx did an amazing job of resetting the legacy of the dance and making the process just as fun as the actual event. It was an awesome time to celebrate Black culture through music and dancing, and I think I grew closer to some of the students of color here because of it.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: Don’t be afraid to be your most authentic self and don’t pressure yourself into believing that everyone has it all figured out. The truth is that we’re all discovering new aspects of ourselves daily and the best part about SAS is that there are people around you who are ready and willing to help you on that journey. So ask for help, be vulnerable, and utilize the support systems at your disposal.

LONG-TERM HOPES & ASPIRATIONS: I aspire to earn my medical degree and specialize in dermatology. Beyond this, I would like to make an impact on racial equity within the medical field and our country’s healthcare system.


Zoe Luna Isabella Armstrong

Brooklyn, New York

FAVORITE CLASS: By far my favorite class was English class with Mr. Roach. Every day in that class was a new experience, and the energy that everyone brought made it amazing. Mr. Roach is just such a funny and kind soul and I’m glad to have had him as my teacher at least once in my time here.

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: I would say Ms. Kelsey’s office. Every time I was stuck on an art project I would always go to her office and lay down on her couches, hoping that inspiration would come to me. Her office is so cozy and the decorations make it very homey.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: Sometimes as an underclassman, the seniors can seem bossy, but we want what is best for you, so please don’t disrespect your seniors. When you grow older you will understand how difficult it is to put you to bed and will appreciate the time that we take to talk to you guys at night. Just appreciate your upperclassmen.

RECALL IN A DECADE: The thing that will ultimately stick with me most from St. Andrew’s is the relationships that I’ve formed here. St. Andrew’s is amazing, but the people make it special. The bonds that I’ve made here are some of the most important things to me and something I know I will never lose.

ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: Out of all the faculty and staff, I feel closest to Ms. Pressman. Ever since I arrived on campus, Ms. Pressman has genuinely cared for me and been there for me whenever I have needed her. She has advised me wisely through the most challenging circumstances, both academically and emotionally, as I have made my journey through St. Andrew’s. Ms. Pressman has this wisdom that has guided me into making me the person I am today. More than just an advisor or a teacher, Ms. Pressman has become a lifelong friend and a mentor who I know I can rely on whenever I need her, and for that, I will be eternally grateful.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: Some advice I would give the underclassmen, and especially to freshmen, is not to overthink the whole St. Andrew’s experience. I think I often wanted to do what St. Andrew’s expected of me, rather than what I spontaneously felt like doing. This school has taught me so much, but life is more than just achievement or traditions. People here have this expectation of what it means to be a St. Andrean, but all of you are special, and by being yourself and doing what you want, you will have the best possible St. Andrew’s experience.


Archie Baldocchi El Salvador

FAVORITE CLASS: Calculus with Mr. Olana. He made the class a fun environment to be in, while also making it a productive workspace for my peers and me.

FAVORITE SAS TRADITION: My favorite SAS tradition is the Frosty Run. I like going to Wendy’s and having a dance to celebrate right after.

ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: The faculty member I feel most connected to is Mr. Olana. He has been very influential in my time here at St. Andrew’s; just this year, he has given me plenty of advice on how to tackle my problems.

THREE WORDS TO DESCRIBE SAS: Rigorous, fun, friendly.

Allaire O’Brien Berl

Middletown, Delaware/Westport, Massachusetts

FAVORITE CLASS: My favorite academic class here is definitely Environmental Science. All the ideas we discuss about our climate crisis and how our earth and ecosystems work is superinteresting to me. I’m going to study this in college, too.

BEST SAS MEMORY: One time a random group of people came to my house on campus and we made brownies while blasting Mamma Mia and Hamilton. We brought it all to the Front Lawn and everyone came out. We had a massive dance party in the rain. It was pretty sick.

RECALL IN A DECADE: The thing that will stick with me most is the love I have for everyone here. I spend almost every night in the Pell Common Room snuggling with different people on the red couches and I feel so, so connected to people I barely knew three years ago. In the future, I hope I can have similar relationships to the ones I’ve made here.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: I would say: do not care what other people think of you. Everyone is selfconscious in their own ways. I always look up to the people who do the wildest things and get up in front of the school just because they want to. I have the most fun when I’m completely carefree. I’ve learned this from people like Aunyae and Elizabeth, who bring so much fun and energy to a group setting.

THREE WORDS TO DESCRIBE SAS: Endearment, FroLa, snuggles.


Sonal Bhatia

Carteret, New Jersey

FAVORITE CLASS: AS Astronomy; I enjoyed every minute of this class, and it ignited my interest in astrophysics! The credit goes to Dr. Hyde, as she fostered a space of curiosity, learning, and fun! I’ll miss the weekend observing sessions and our research presentations. #astronomynotastrology

BEST SAS MEMORY: Celebrating Holi on the Front Lawn.

FAVORITE SAS TRADITION: Senior Retrospective

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: Engelhard; I love the community gatherings at School Meeting. I’ll miss experiencing the weekly announcements, SWAG hype, melodious musicians, incredible dancers, and of course, resolving the technical difficulties as part of the tech crew.

HOW I’VE CHANGED: I’ve become more aware of the world around me. I pay more attention to my surroundings, current events, and how society is shifting constantly. My St. Andrew’s education has pushed me to think beyond the scope of my life: to have empathy, remain open-minded, and one day, make meaningful contributions to society. St. Andrew’s has made me a better person, eager to go out into the world to truly make a difference. I’m so excited to see where our education takes us!

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Everyone at school is eager to support you—all you have to do is ask!

LONG-TERM HOPES & ASPIRATIONS: I’d love to be an aerospace engineer at NASA—to keep aiming for the stars, or maybe Mars!

THREE WORDS TO DESCRIBE SAS: Spirited, busy, and life-changing.

FAVORITE CLASS: My favorite class was AS Differential Calculus with Mr. Tower because he is such an amazing teacher and somehow made learning calculus fun, which I did not know was possible!

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: My favorite spot on campus is the lacrosse field.

ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: The faculty member I feel most connected to is Señora Ramirez. She has been my advisor for the last three years and has become like a second mother to me. I can always count on her, and I truly appreciate everything she has done for me throughout my time at St. Andrew’s!

Madelaine Spencer Black AKA Maddie Frederick, Maryland

Flynn Sawyer Bowman

Chestertown, Maryland

RECALL IN A DECADE: My friends. I have been so lucky to have so many great friends here, and when I think back on St. Andrew’s they will be the first thing I think of.

ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: Will Rob. Mr. Robinson became my advisor sophomore year and has truly had a profound impact on my development as both a student and a citizen. He has helped shape me into the man I am today. Will Rob has continuously pushed me to better myself both in the classroom and in my community and has always been there for me during my time here. His constant engagement in the community has been a source of inspiration, not only for me but for everyone at St. Andrew’s.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: Just enjoy all the times you have with your friends. St. Andrew’s goes by quickly and you never want to take the friendships you create here for granted.

THREE WORDS TO DESCRIBE SAS: Unique, family, commitment.

Amari D. Bryant

Bronx, New York

FAVORITE SAS TRADITION: “Mr. Brightside” at all the dances.

ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: Mr. Mufuka is my advisor and I feel very comfortable sharing my feelings with him.

THREE WORDS TO DESCRIBE SAS: Community, honor, friendship.


Benjamin Cranston Butcher AKA Ben Wellesley, Massachusetts

BEST SAS MEMORY: Biking out to Walmart to buy soda then going to Wendy’s and Dairy Queen with Squid and Alec.

FAVORITE SAS TRADITION: Casino Night ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: Mr. O’Connell or Mr. Kemer. I have taken four classes with Mr. Kemer and he has excelled in teaching each one. He has always made time to answer questions I have about different topics and has crafted unique and thought-provoking assessments on a variety of subjects. I have taken two classes with, done seven sports seasons with, and been advised by Mr. O’Connell. He has always motivated me to be my best self as a coach and teacher and has been there for me whenever I needed him as an advisor.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: Run for leadership roles. It is a great experience to write a speech and practice speaking in front of a large group of people regardless of the outcome.

FAVORITE CLASS: Hero’s Journey

BEST SAS MEMORY: There are so many!

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: I like the Front Lawn. I’ve had great times out there.

HOW I’VE CHANGED: I feel like I have become more confident and self-sufficient.

ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: Mr. Mufuka. He is my advisor and has taught me some invaluable life lessons.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: Be open to new opportunities with academics, friends, and sports. Those opportunities will come with hard work and time. It isn’t easy, but it is worth it.

LONG-TERM HOPES & ASPIRATIONS: I hope to work for a professional sports franchise one day.


Yang Cao AKA YoYo Shanghai, China

FAVORITE SAS TRADITION: Square Dance. To be honest, I could never picture myself participating in Square Dance if I had not been a student at SAS. However, I can’t think of a better way to bond with new students and make new friendships!

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: The small area right behind Moss, where the building connects to Pell Dorm and overlooks the pond. I love spending my time there listening to birds chirping and completely zoning out. I feel embraced by nature while I am relaxing out there, and it almost feels like my secret spot on campus.

HOW I’VE CHANGED: I came from a very competitive environment where there was always intense competition between students—everything from who is wearing the coolest outfit today, or whose family contributed the most on charity night. I felt constantly under pressure, and there was really no one to talk to about that, since everyone was in the same boat. Coming to SAS helped me realize that there is so much more to a person than material items. I learned that people here won’t treat you differently if you aren’t wearing the most unique pants, or leave you behind just because you didn’t host a pool party over the weekend. At SAS we are all privileged to receive the best education in the United States, and we make friends here because we truly love and respect each other.

ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: Mrs. Berl. My interviewer, my advisor, my American mom!

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: Get your sleep, get your work done, don’t procrastinate, and be on the Front Lawn with your classmates!

THREE WORDS TO DESCRIBE SAS: Passionate young scholars.

RECALL IN A DECADE: St. Andrew’s has instilled within me self-accountability. Slowly over the course of our four years at SAS, students are given more and more responsibility, and with that I have had to become accountable for myself. After freshman year, no one watches you during study hall; however, the habits of making time to study stick with you. Classes progressively assign more homework that isn’t checked but is necessary for bigger examinations. For me, all of this shaped healthy study habits and far more independence in all aspects of school.

ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: I feel most connected to my advisor Ms. Pressman. I switched into her advisory sophomore year and haven’t ever regretted that decision. I made great friends in my advisory, but most importantly, my advisor became a great mentor to me. Ms. Pressman has gone above and beyond at every moment of my St. Andrew’s career to help me. She takes time out of her busy schedule for weekly one-on-one meetings at Starbucks, where I not only get her help with academic life, but share my own interests and passions with her. She spends hours baking delicious desserts for our advisory functions. She sends me great history book recommendations and online seminars, and just checks up on how I am doing. Her deep care for her advisees has had no small part in making my time at St. Andrew’s the incredible experience it has been. I struggled a lot my freshman year to find my place in the school, and it wasn’t until I joined her advisory that I really felt a belonging. I've also had her as a teacher for multiple classes, which has only further reinforced my deep appreciation for her. My eternal gratitude to Ms. Pressman. I whole-heartedly encourage everyone to take at least one of her classes at some point during their St. Andrew’s career.

THREE WORDS TO DESCRIBE SAS: Welcoming, unparalleled, cultivating.


Jun Andrew Choi

Seattle, Washington/New York, New York

FAVORITE CLASS: Freshman year United States History with Mrs. Tower. If you know, you know.

FAVORITE SAS TRADITION: The Carol Shout. No doubt about it. Nothing better than heading into Winter Break with a hoarse voice.

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: The two red Adirondack chairs underneath the tree on the Front Lawn. I promise you’ll have some of your best conversations in those chairs.

HOW I’VE CHANGED: Definitely became more extroverted. Still an introvert but I’ve found my people here. I’ll miss you all.

BEST ADVICE FROM AN SAS ADULT: “Your calling, it seems to me, is to serve, not to be served, and you can do so by modeling humility, conveying generosity, and seeking camaraderie.”—Dr. Walsh

ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: Mr. Carroll or Mrs. Tower—they have been instrumental role models in my time here. I wish them nothing but the best and hope to keep in touch with them in the months and years to come after graduation.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: Two things that I wish I would have known at some earlier point in my time here: first, it’s truly okay to take time for yourself. In other words, this “FOMO” that we obsess over really doesn’t have to take such a firm grasp over your life. It’s ok if you can’t make it to an event—they will still be your friends and you will have other opportunities to make memories with them. Make sure to take care of yourself. Second piece of advice: go call your parents. They miss you.

THREE WORDS TO DESCRIBE SAS: Genuine, loving, home.

Zoë Elizabeth Clowney Charleston, South Carolina

BEST SAS MEMORY: My favorite SAS memory was my 17th birthday on campus my junior year. Luckily for me, my birthday fell on a fall Free Day. Despite all of the COVID-19 restrictions on campus that year, I spent the warm fall day hanging outside with my friends, and we all went on a long walk in the woods exploring the trails. I was then blessed by one of my favorite faculty members, now my advisor, Mr. Terrell Myers, who stopped on his drive all the way from Philadelphia to bring me and my friends Chipotle. This day encompassed what I think of when I imagine SAS: my best friends, amazing adults, and of course, off-campus food.

RECALL IN A DECADE: By far, I’ll remember my friends and peers. I will forever be grateful for the ways in which my friends changed me and made me a better person, both through the things they experienced with me during our four years here, and also through the differences we all share and how these differences have taught me a multitude of things. As I go on to college, I know that these friendships will stick with me forever. They made me the new person I am today.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: No matter how cliché it may be, my advice is that time flies by so fast, so take advantage of every single opportunity that comes your way. You won’t believe me and you’ll think that your time here will last a lifetime, but I can confidently say as I count my final weeks on one hand: time flies. Every class that looks interesting, take it. Every free afternoon, go outside and make memories. Before you know it, you’ll be cramming your “SAS Bucket List” into the last few weeks of your senior year.


Owen Sage Rose Cookerly

Chestertown, Maryland

FAVORITE CLASS: Mr. Torrey’s senior English class has been my favorite academic experience by far. This class not only challenged me with the writing assignments and analysis of the novels we were reading. In addition to this, Mr. Torrey made the class fun and far from boring.


FAVORITE SAS PLACE: T-Dock. During my junior and senior year a huge group of friends would gather on the T-Dock almost every night in the warmer months.

RECALL IN A DECADE: The thing that I feel will stick with me the most from my four years at SAS are the relationships I have built and the friendships I have made. A lot of those will last a lifetime.

FAVORITE CLASS: My favorite class was Anatomy! It was intriguing to learn about the ways in which the body works. This class has inspired me to continue anatomical research in college. Also, Dr. O’Connor aka DOC made the class so engaging and exciting (even when I passed out during the dissection!).

RECALL IN A DECADE: St. Andrew’s has taught me so much. However, one of the most valuable things I’ve learned is how to be a good friend. We have a unique opportunity to create the strongest of bonds due to our 100% boarding culture and without a doubt, SAS friends are friends for life. I am grateful to St. Andrew’s for teaching me how to consistently be there for others.

BEST ADVICE FROM AN SAS ADULT: “Write down things that you are grateful for."

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: Put yourself out there! It can be scary to talk to someone new or to join a new sport or club. However, if it’s something you want to do, you cannot lose anything by just trying!

LONG-TERM HOPES & ASPIRATIONS: Although I do not necessarily know what I want to do with my life, my biggest hope for my future is that I am a kind person who contributes to society in a positive way. I want to continue to make connections with those around me and to have a loving family who loves to travel.


Austin Willis Daly Middletown, Delaware

FAVORITE SAS TRADITION: Saturday crew races.

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: The trails. It is always so serene and quiet out there, and they are absolutely breathtaking when it has just started snowing.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: You can always find another way to help.


Giselle Davila Middletown, Delaware

BEST SAS MEMORY: My favorite SAS memory would have to be all of the ending scenes and/or songs in the winter musicals I’ve been a part of. They always bring such a huge flood of different emotions and make me so grateful for the arts, the community, and the people here.

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: My favorite spot on campus would have to be the grass docks. On warm, sunny days or when the sun is setting and the sky changes colors, the grass docks are always such a beautiful space to be, either by myself or with friends. It’s one of the most beautiful spots on campus, in my opinion.

THREE WORDS TO DESCRIBE SAS: Compassionate, driven, and just beautiful in so many different ways.


Adelaide McKnight Dixon

Dillwyn, Virginia

BEST SAS MEMORY: Some of my favorite memories have been the few times I decided to hike around the entire pond with friends—once during a snowstorm when we got totally lost and ended up hiking back in the dark, and another time we had to wade through a swamp, found some cool abandoned forts, and finished the day grilling burgers at Señora Ramirez’s house. Other favorites have been sliding through puddles on the Front Lawn during rainstorms, choosing to stay up way too late laughing with roommates, under-the-lights games, the super secret lacrosse tradition that must not be named, and Silent Disco dances in the Garth.

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: There are so many. I like reading in the trees on Possum Point. It’s peaceful and you can watch what’s happening on campus. The spillway in the spring is the ultimate fishing spot. The lawn behind junior dorms is perfect for guitar-playing and naps on a sunny day. And finally, watching the sunset from the fields behind Facilities or the stars from the T-Dock never fails to put me in a good mood.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: It’s all about your attitude. Go into every activity, every tradition, and every day looking for random and spontaneous ways to have fun. The weirder the better. I’ve come to find that you get out of St. Andrew’s what you put in. Don’t let yourself get caught up in the busy-ness, but find ways to make every day meaningful. Get to know totally random people. Find the teachers that are eager to support you and invest in those relationships. And don’t be afraid to advocate for the change you want to see.

Reed Edison Tazo Glowa Ferguson

Chestertown, Maryland

FAVORITE SAS TRADITION: I have always loved the Carol Shout just before Christmas. Although I am Jewish, the sheer amount of energy during a gathering like that is always fun. This is exactly what introduced me to the St. Andrew’s culture, and I have loved it ever since.

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: Some of my favorite memories have taken place on the Front Lawn and the T-Dock. This is where I met most of the people who are my friends today, and where I have expanded existing friendships.

ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: Although he scolds me some of the time, Will Robinson is the faculty member I am closest with. He pushes me to be a better student, athlete, and person in general. Because of him, I have grown as a person and I feel I am prepared to take the next step in my education.


HOW I’VE CHANGED: Over my four years at St. Andrew’s, I have learned to be comfortable with being vulnerable. This discovery has helped me grow as a person and experience things I never anticipated. St. Andrew’s did a good job of getting me outside my comfort zone. I’m very grateful for that.

BEST ADVICE FROM AN SAS ADULT: The best advice I received from an adult is to focus more on real connection with other people, because that is what truly energizes you and gives you strength. Mr. Sanchez, my advisor, told me this during one of our bi-weekly walks and I’ve found it to be very true.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: Spend time outside enjoying all the beautiful nature that surrounds us.

THREE WORDS TO DESCRIBE SAS: Jovial, sagacious, energizing.

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: I love the Garth! I’ve formed so many amazing memories there, including: dancing at Silent Discos, viewing art exhibits while drinking Martinelli’s (feeling very sophisticated), eating lunch and watching a bird poop in my roommate’s hair, and people-watching with fellow seniors after dinner. The Garth, beyond being incredibly beautiful, serves as a place for connections to be made. Whether it’s Chapel, Open Mic Night, or just exchanging hellos with fellow students and faculty, the Garth allows you to feel how special the SAS community is!

ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: Mrs. Honsel is my advisor and my constant hype-woman. Throughout my time here, Mrs. Honsel’s radiant smile and constant positivity have helped me through any moment when I felt less than fabulous. She leads, in my 100% unbiased opinion, the best advisory on campus (shoutout to Zhenia, Lia, Izzy, Cora, and Ellison!!!!!!) and strives to help all of us become more confident women. She has been one of my rocks while here at SAS and I’m so grateful for the mindsets she has taught me.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: Don’t be afraid to talk to people! The best thing about SAS is the people—get to know every student or faculty member you can! Take advantage of being surrounded by people who are passionate about wildly different things. In my time here I’ve met a three-sport varsity athlete who loves wearing overalls and gardening, a math teacher who loves improvisational jazz, and an English teacher who performs in a Guns N’ Roses cover band. Each person I’ve met here has made my life better, so don’t be afraid to show all sides of yourself and meet everyone!

LONG-TERM HOPES & ASPIRATIONS: I hope to enter the medical field and help make people’s lives better every day, and I hope to own an old English manor house in order to live out my Pride and Prejudice dreams with my French bulldog, Mr. Darcy.


Gavin Ramsay Frazer

Bridgeton, New Jersey

FAVORITE CLASS: This year in AS Bio we did an independent project studying the role of genetics in the area of our choice. I wound up researching the ways in which our genetics influence our ability to use oxygen and consequently our performance in endurance sports. I went all in on the project and poured a ton of time into it which led me to arrive at a deep understanding of the subject area. What made that experience so special was the fact that I was doing it purely for my own curiosity. The project showed me how to connect things from the classroom to things in my everyday life that I care about.

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: My favorite spot on campus has to be the back wall of the boathouse. The boathouse has been a home for me over the past four years. I’ve learned so many important lessons through rowing and made so many memories, too. In the back of the boys’ boat bay, the wall is decorated with old photographs, trophies. and other mementos of St. Andrew’s rowing. For a rower, standing there makes you feel as though you are a part of something special. It reminds me of all the cool history that makes up this place, and reassures me that the obsessive hard work that elite rowing requires is meaningful and worth every second of time spent.

BEST ADVICE FROM AN SAS ADULT: One piece of advice that immediately jumps to mind is “bet on yourself.” It’s one of Coach Porter’s pre-race staples, but I truly believe it applies to all of life. On the racecourse and in life you find yourself in situations where the only chance at success will come from tapping into your reserves of power and using more than you knew you had. Few things, if any, worth doing are easy. You need to be willing to put the chips on yourself and put the work in. No one else can do it for you.

Parker Sage Friedli Easton, Maryland

FAVORITE SAS TRADITION: While not an official tradition and more of a bucket list item, hiking around the pond has to be one of my favorite activities. Everyone should brave the experience of getting lost in the woods and trying to navigate through the cornfields, marshes, streams, and unavoidable mud. The experience is frustrating and rewarding at the same time, and it’s certainly a great opportunity to get closer to friends and classmates who take on the adventure alongside you.


RECALL IN A DECADE: Off-topic conversations in class; runs in the woods; spikeball; living on frosh dorm; hours in the art studio; karaoke parties; Ms. Pressman’s baking; van rides to away games; Free Days on the Front Lawn; fun lunch tables; late-night ramen making; Mr. Carroll picking grass; Open Mic Nights, the bagel toaster; but most of all, the people and relationships I’ve formed.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: Work to find the balance between being vulnerable, seeking discomfort, and opting in, while taking time for yourself and doing what is best for you in the moment.



BEST SAS MEMORY: My favorite memory at SAS was during freshman winter when Mr. Roach called a Free Day on the day of the first snowfall. I recall many things happening that day, especially my then-roommate Edmund getting tackled by Brandon.

FAVORITE SAS TRADITION: My favorite SAS tradition is Maui Wowie, when every student is on the Front Lawn enjoying the spring weather.

ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: Since sophomore year I have been in Mr. Robinson’s advisory. He has helped me throughout my time at SAS and had my back when needed while still keeping me in line—all while greatly contributing to my success at St. Andrew’s.

Brandon I Graves Newark, Delaware

FAVORITE CLASS: Global Studies with Will Rob. It was an interesting class where we talked about current events and what was going on in the world. We were put in debate positions where we talked about how different leaders handled their country’s problems in different ways. It was interesting to put yourself in that situation and see how you would change things up or keep them the exact same.

BEST SAS MEMORY: One of my favorite memories is my sophomore year basketball season. We made the state tournament as the 18th seed. The tournament was also during our Spring Break, so the team stayed in a hotel and drove back and forth from school and games. It was a really cool experience to be with my basketball family. We ended up beating the second seed and making it to the Final Four before Covid shut everything down.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: Cherish your moments here with your friends because before you know it, you’re going to be moving on to the next chapter of your life. We really only had two full years here because of the pandemic, so I didn’t get to experience SAS in the way that many other alumni have. I would really take the time to realize your friendships and make the most of your opportunities here.


Gavin Dieudonne Green Galloway, New Jersey

FAVORITE CLASS: Humanities with Ms. Pressman and Ms. Hanson was one of the most difficult yet rewarding classes I have ever taken. Learning how to do interdisciplinary work with history and English was a learning curve that was hard to manage, but it is a vital skill that I know will serve me well. It is one of those classes that I will compare future classes to and will always love.

BEST SAS MEMORY: My junior year we had a Free Day that was the epitome of Free Days. I had a little sleep in until 9:00 a.m., then went to breakfast with Sunny and got Covid-tested. After that we read on the T-Dock and spent the rest of the day on the Front Lawn playing catch, swimming off the T-Dock, listening to music, and eating ice cream.

FAVORITE SAS TRADITION: The passing down of the Sherwood sign between Residential Leaders. This tradition dates back to 1996, and every RL since then has signed it. It is cool to be a part of a tradition that goes back almost 30 years, and to know that I will be a part of something that will outlive my time here.

ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: Me and Ms. Pressman are tight. It’s just something about us both loving caffeine, and her having the car to be able to get Starbucks, that makes the relationship amazing. That and the fact that she is my favorite teacher I have ever had. She completely changed how I feel about history.

THREE WORDS TO DESCRIBE SAS: Growing, privileged, hopeful.

Matthew Jimin Hong

AKA Matt Seoul, South Korea

FAVORITE SAS TRADITION: Sit-down lunch, because you get to meet new people.


ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: My dorm parents. I feel like they are always near when I need help.


Sophie Anne Hoopes

Middletown, Delaware

HOW I’VE CHANGED: When I came to St. Andrew’s, I was terrified of being alone or independent. I always wanted to walk to dinner with friends, or spend evenings on the Front Lawn, or just in general be constantly surrounded by people. But once I became confident enough in myself to take time for myself, I felt so much better. Learning how to find joy by yourself is such a vital skill—there will be many times that your friends will be busy or unavailable and you will be stuck alone. In that case, you can either be sad and lonely, or you can explore what makes you happy. It’s your choice!

RECALL IN A DECADE: I think what will stick with me is being able to make fun out of basically nothing. Playing card games at a table, sprinting down to the T-Dock to stargaze, spending Saturday nights playing Truth or Dare, playing four square on the Front Lawn with a soccer ball... the list goes on. Boarding school teaches you that almost anything can be entertaining if you put your mind to it.

ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: Probably Mr. Torrey—although no one tell him I said that. Not only did he engage me in a riveting senior English class, but he made me feel comfortable enough to laugh and joke and not take everything so seriously. On many occasions he has humbled me greatly, which I returned in favor. He’s definitely one of the most fun teachers I’ve ever had. I am impressed by his ability to balance deftly between praising my English skills and teasing me relentlessly.

THREE WORDS TO DESCRIBE SAS: Whirlwind, memorable, challenging.

Wilmington, Delaware

FAVORITE SAS TRADITION: The Square Dance. On the first day at St. Andrew’s, my awkward, shy freshman self faced the seemingly impossible task of adjusting to life away from home. As I stepped onto the Front Lawn, after hearing about the Square Dance only a few hours prior, I saw hundreds of new faces and panic set in. I didn’t know what group or partner to dance with or even how to dance. Luckily, the seniors paired themselves with me and all the other nervous freshman. I quickly learned the steps and any stress about the dance or St. Andrew’s subsided. This year, being the senior to the new freshman was a full-circle moment. I am incredibly thankful for the example the upperclassman have set over my time at SAS.

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: Classroom 14, better known as Hutch’s classroom. The night before every soccer game, the team would gather in the classroom for a chance to collect our thoughts, motivate each other, and build camaraderie. The meetings would finish with a cheer heard through the halls of Founders that left the team with the right mindset for the approaching game. Hutch’s classroom became a second home, off the field, for the team. These meeting were always unpredictable and hilarious. At St. Andrew’s, we have an opportunity to create a new understanding of a teammate. The energy and cohesiveness we brought to that room undoubtedly carried onto the field. I am so lucky to have played on such an inspiring team.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: Living together bonds people in ways that few other things can. Make an effort to connect with your roommates and dormmates. Many of your most enjoyable and hilarious moments with be shared with these life-long friends.


Daniel Jiahan Huang AKA Danny Hong Kong

FAVORITE CLASS: First semester of History of Religious Thought—it was just a really fun and chill class where we had open-minded discussions that challenged my perceptions of the world.


FAVORITE SAS PLACE: Front Lawn. For obvious reasons, but mainly spikeball. It’s also a great place to connect. HOW I’VE CHANGED: I’ve grown to be unafraid to be authentic.

RECALL IN A DECADE: Crying in the woods with my best friend Julian Pawlowski.

ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: Mark Hammond. Because he’s my dad. Seriously, he’s ALWAYS been here for me, and I am and will always be so grateful for his generosity, kindness, and friendship.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: In the words of Ricky Gervais: “We’re all gonna die soon, and there’s no sequel.” Just relax. Forget about college. Block out the noise. Be you. Because at the end of the day, it’s your body that you’re living in, and if you’re not at peace with yourself, you’ll never be happy no matter how many external sources of validation you get. And what better way to live than to be happy (making a ton of money comes in as a close second, though :)).

THREE WORDS TO DESCRIBE SAS: It is what-you-make-of-it (I cheated, I know).

Phineas Thomas Takai Hunt

Charlottesville, Virginia

BEST SAS MEMORY: The Free Day in the snow.


FAVORITE SAS PLACE: The Art Major studio. As an Art Major, it’s great to have a place designed for you and for your work. It’s just fun to go work on random projects in the studio.


BEST SAS MEMORY: Many come to mind, but nothing can beat the soccer team’s run in the 2021 state tournament. Each win got better and better, and being in the state final was a great experience. The fans were electric, especially during the quarters and semis, and breaking the penalty curse was epic. That team might be my favorite thing about St. Andrew’s, and I love those boys. Shoutout to the lads and the coaches.

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: The Front Lawn. When I think of SAS, I think of the Font Lawn. I’ve made so many friends, spent so many afternoons, and shared so many laughs there. When the weather’s nice, it’s the heart of campus. It’s where I met my friends, my Class, and my school, year after year.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: Like any other experience, St. Andrew’s is what you make of it. There are many opportunities to try new things, fail, learn, and grow. Do something you’re bad at. Try something your friend tells you to. You can be as invested in or as distant at SAS as you want, but I promise you won’t regret fully committing yourself. Be an optimist and make the most of your time; you don’t get it back.

BEST SAS MEMORY: One of my favorite SAS memories was late one night on a weekend freshman year. It was in the Hillier quad and we had a lot of friends in our room. We happened to be talking about deep topics (as we semi-normally would), and as we were going through the conversation there came a collective existential crisis and everyone was absolutely losing it. We were terrified at the thought of growing older, having big responsibilities, and possibly not seeing some of our friends that we had already become so close to after graduating from St. Andrew’s. Many of us teared up, and we were so scared that we all slept in the same room. It is now a really funny memory to look back on with those participants. It reminds me of how much I care about the people I’ve met here, and how amazing these connections are.

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: The Front Lawn on a Free Day is the only right answer.

BEST ADVICE FROM AN SAS ADULT: In my Awakened Mind tutorial, Mr. Kunen and Mr. Mufuka are teaching our class about being constantly aware of our emotions, our actions, and ultimately, of our being. I would describe it as a practice that goes beyond coping, in terms of dealing with events and emotions. It is certainly difficult (and I am still working on it)—it is hard to remain conscious about all that you do. Regardless, even in practice, it is extremely effective in helping me to remain intact, collected, and happy.

William Callender Hurtt IV AKA Liam

Piper Audrey Jenkins

Highland Mills, New York

FAVORITE CLASS: Social Reform with Ms. Pressman. Kicked my a** academically and made me so much better for it.

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: The woods. Good for frolicking and blasting music with friends.

BEST ADVICE FROM AN SAS ADULT: In general, I have witnessed Mr. Olana question systems of belief and ways of thinking, and this has inspired me to ask big questions and to question why I believe what I do. Very helpful indeed.

ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: I absolutely adore Ms. Pressman, Mr. Rehrig, and Mrs. Carroll. Ms. Pressman has granted me with more sagacious wisdom and baked goods than I deserve; Mr. Rehrig made me feel comfortable being myself and always encouraged me; and Mrs. Carroll is simply an amazing mom to all.


LONG-TERM HOPES & ASPIRATIONS: To travel, to help others, to keep challenging myself, and to have a life filled with fun and love.

Mickayla Christine Jones AKA MJ Washington, D.C.

FAVORITE CLASS: Astronomy with Dr. Hyde! It helped me find something that I want to do for the rest of my life.

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: My favorite spot on campus is the walkway going to the pool (very specific). I remember hanging out with Sunny and Gavin Green there and it was pouring rain. We couldn’t hang out indoors because of the Covid restrictions that were in place junior year. I don’t exactly remember what we were talking about, but I remember laughing so hard. So every time I walk by there, I just smile.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: Be kind to yourself. A lot of pressure is put on SAS kids in every section of life here. The least you can do is give yourself grace. <3

LONG-TERM HOPES & ASPIRATIONS: I want to become a real-life Ms. Frizzle and teach quantum physics at a university in the UK.


BEST SAS MEMORY: When I beat Coach Hayes in Knockout during the last basketball practice of the season with two threes in a row.

RECALL IN A DECADE: I have made valuable friendships that will continue after graduation and throughout my life. The good, bad, and complicated times I had with these people will stick with me forever.

BEST ADVICE FROM AN SAS ADULT: A very wise faculty member shared with me that it is better to pull an all-nighter and get everything done in one night, rather than trying to split up the work and getting two bad nights of sleep.

Micayla Rao Kates New York, New York

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: I have so many sacred spots on campus. Places are very important to me because I think environment is everything. You can be a totally different thinker and person overall, depending on what surrounds you. But the benches outside Ms. Pressman’s house, on a sunny day, are simply magical. They will always be my favorite getaway.

HOW I’VE CHANGED: Well, I think the better question is: how have I not changed?! I look back at my freshman self and truly do not recognize her. Growth is supernatural at St. Andrew’s—it happens before you get the chance to realize it. But, at the same time, it happens so visibly. Some weeks I feel like a totally different me. Maybe it’s because of the conversations I’ve had and the things I’ve done. Or maybe there’s just something in the air here, I don’t know. But, what I do know is that St. Andrew’s has shaped me into who I am today and who I will truly continue to be.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: St. Andrew’s is a very special place because it allows you to be vulnerable. It allows you to interact powerfully yet sensitively with everyone around you. So, take that gift. Use this little world as a way to build beautiful relationships, try new things, work on yourself, and discover what you can be capable of. Push your limits, be adventurous, be kind, and, most of all, learn how to give grace to yourself and those around you.

THREE WORDS TO DESCRIBE SAS: Loving, fueling, transformative.


Jake Thomas Kelly

New York, New York

FAVORITE CLASS: My senior year English class. I would say it was the group of kids but it was really Mr. Torrey; he’s the best teacher I’ve ever had and he deserves a BIG raise.

BEST SAS MEMORY: My first win against Sanford the day before Spring Break, which locked us into the basketball state tournament. The whole school came out to support and it was a great night.


FAVORITE SAS PLACE: The dance studio.

HOW I’VE CHANGED: You learn to appreciate being busy.

RECALL IN A DECADE: Relationships in and out of the classroom.

BEST ADVICE FROM AN SAS ADULT: Be present and never stop learning.

ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: Mr. Daly. He’s been a parent away from home.



Yevheniia Khalabadzhakh AKA Zhenia Kyiv, Ukraine

FAVORITE SAS TRADITION: Family-style meals!

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: I loooove library study room #6! While I love the library overall, room #6 was a place where I solved the hardest problems from my math problem sets, read for history classes, and submitted my senior exhibition paper!

BEST ADVICE FROM AN SAS ADULT: Mrs. Honsel’s “Better done than perfect!” Often I would get frustrated by not being able to finish some project because it wasn’t exactly what I wanted it to be—that’s when she would step in and help me remember that not everything can or will be perfect, and I just need to accept that.

ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: Mrs. Honsel and Coach Lou definitely became my family away from home. It would be impossible to count how many times I came to them for advice, fun conversation, and support. I have learned so much from them and I wouldn’t be the person I am without them. Mrs. Honsel and Coach Lou were always there for me—at any time of day or night—and I will be forever grateful that they are in my life!

LONG-TERM HOPES & ASPIRATIONS: My biggest goal right now is to know all six UN languages by the age of 25 (two more to go!).


Francis Antony Koblish

AKA Frank Malvern, Pennsylvania

FAVORITE CLASS: My favorite class is Hero’s Journey. It was cool to see the application of the hero’s journey framework in almost every movie and book.

BEST SAS MEMORY: Getting to the Final Four in the state tournament in basketball my sophomore year.

FAVORITE SAS TRADITION: Free Day on a really nice day in spring.

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: T-Dock. I enjoy fishing there with friends

HOW I’VE CHANGED: I think I have become more open-minded and academically capable.

ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: Terrell Myers. He is the reason I came to St. Andrew’s.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: One foot in front of the other.

LONG-TERM HOPES & ASPIRATIONS: To make a lot of money and have a family in which all my kids succeed.

THREE WORDS TO DESCRIBE SAS: Challenging. Fun. Bubble.

Miles Joseph Kresic Warrenton, Virginia

FAVORITE CLASS: My favorite class as SAS was my junior year Ethics class with Mr. G, because everyone was free to express their opinions on every issue we studied and everyone debated each other. It was fun.

BEST SAS MEMORY: Loitering on the Front Lawn with the boys and tossing the disc.

FAVORITE SAS TRADITION: The Square Dance. It brings everyone together at the beginning of the year.

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: The Front Lawn; so many memories are made there and the entire school shows up on spring evenings after dinner to bond and enjoy the outdoors.

HOW I’VE CHANGED: I have become a more outgoing person, and more open to trying new things outside of my comfort zone.

RECALL IN A DECADE: I will remember that even though everyone at SAS isn’t best friends with other, everyone knows everyone else and people are generally very supportive of one another here. That isn’t true of other places.

ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: Hutch. He’s my advisor and is chill and supportive.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: Have an open mind when you come here and try to get to know people with different backgrounds than your own.

LONG-TERM HOPES & ASPIRATIONS: Find the meaning of life.



Joonbeom Kwon AKA Daniel Dallas, Texas

FAVORITE CLASS: My love for mathematics has always been central to my life. However, in my junior year Calculus BC class, Mr. Deriba Olana exposed me to the limitless potential of applied mathematics, and after learning how to predict the spread of COVID-19 using SEIR models of epidemics, I remember feeling flush and stuttering, “How can I construct such an elegant formula?” I became fascinated by math’s ability to help humanity see what cannot be seen, and in my future, I hope to utilize its magic to better understand the beautiful, invisible formulas, patterns, and sound waves that govern our world.

HOW I’VE CHANGED: At age nine, my family moved to Dallas and I left my Korean friends behind. In Dallas, I had to relearn the world around me, including new American traditions like Thanksgiving. After six years in Texas, I felt déjá vu when I chose to attend St. Andrew’s. In all three of my homes, I’ve seen that an aggregation of competitive individuals is a natural generator for stress, but at St. Andrew’s, a sense of inclusion and community is constantly emphasized. Just as others have helped me feel included, I’ve tried to share my experience with others and help students who are having a hard time integrating by joining them at the lunch table or having deep, late-night conversations in the dormitories.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: A successful highschool experience involves not just rigorous academics, but also learning from and about the people around you. In my years at St. Andrew’s, I’ve discovered that academic growth comes quickest when surrounded by other passionate scholars sharing their expertise. St. Andrew’s curriculum brought serious challenges, but I was able to tackle those pitfalls alongside a family of brilliant peers. While my time at St. Andrew’s is coming to an end, I have developed countless memories with friends and have become part of a vibrant community, with whom I will continue to connect with throughout my life.

Haymarket, Virginia & Seoul, South Korea

BEST SAS MEMORY: I will forever treasure “juniors academy” (aka JV soccer) freshman year. I’d say I initially joined soccer for the wrong reasons, but I slowly fell in love with sport and my team. Although I still can’t even walk to the fields without being out of breath, I’m so fond of those days when we hit the crossbar and got froyo, scored in our own goal and lost our game 1-0 (it was raining), hid behind trees so that we could walk when we had to do laps, and all the laughter and singing and screaming. Thank you guys.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: I know that school is hard, tests are difficult, and the obligations that we’re given are sometimes insurmountable. But make sure to make time for friends and to slow down. When you graduate you won’t cling on to memories of your chemistry test or your club meeting. You’ll want to remember laughing with your friends and running through the fields as the sun sets. We’re forced to grow up and take responsibility for ourselves so quickly. Know that there’s nothing wrong with being a kid and that the pace of growing up is up to you.

LONG-TERM HOPES & ASPIRATIONS: After I attend Columbia, I hope to lead a thoughtful life dedicated to caring for premature babies and tackling issues around health disparity, poverty, and mental health in neglected and marginalized countries as a humanitarian or medical professional with Medecins Sans Frontieres. I want to search for a cure for pulmonary fibrosis so that no more families have to suffer the loss of their loved ones to this disease. I want to travel. To cook and eat as much steak, sushi, galbi, kimchi-jigae, shrimp scampi, and watermelon slushies as I can in this lifetime. To build a home. To get some cats. To try acting. But most importantly, I hope to lead a genuine life, to love and be loved, and to make my grandpa proud.



Lilley, Jr. Rumson, New Jersey

FAVORITE CLASS: Mr. Kunen’s religion class sophomore year. It opened my eyes to a whole new way of thinking and made me an intellectually stronger individual.

BEST SAS MEMORY: Although it happened recently, my best memory is scoring the game-winner in overtime against Tatnall to keep the season alive.

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: The athletic center. Whether I’m there for sports games, working out, team discussion, or even just to look at old Saints memorabilia, I love the athletic center.

HOW I’VE CHANGED: I have become more confident, humble, smart, and social.

RECALL IN A DECADE: All the memories with my friends and teachers. This community is irreplaceable, and I am lucky to have such a great group of guys in my grade, along with an excellent advisor in Will Rob. I think these relationships and memories will stick with me for decades to come.

ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: I would have to say Will Rob again. Though we often banter and jokingly dispute, I can tell he truly cares about me and this school, which is a very comforting feeling.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: Trust the system. Though it may seem tedious, even pointless at times, I mean it when I say this school will change your life. It was a message told to me when I was first looking here, and I have to confirm that it is true.

LONG-TERM HOPES & ASPIRATIONS: Obviously I would love to find monetary success, and have a great family and be able to do things I love with them, but all I want is to have a life worth living—to make a difference, and be someone who is remembered. This comes with taking risks, and showing your true colors. I don’t just want to be any other person—I want to almost be one of a kind.

THREE WORDS TO DESCRIBE SAS: Supportive, loving, family.

Yiyang Liu AKA Mike Beijing, China



THREE WORDS TO DESCRIBE SAS: Friendly, serene, resourceful.


Mary Holland Patterson Lunsford

AKA Pati Charlottesville, Virginia

BEST SAS MEMORY: The three times I have hiked around the pond. My first time, I spent hours hiking with Adelaide Dixon and we got soaking wet amidst flash flood warnings, all of which ended in a McDonald’s run thanks to our advisor Ms. Gahagan. The second time, I decided to hike with Ben Butcher and Squid on a random Saturday morning. The third time, I went with a huge group and we ended in a grill-out at Senora’s house, thanks to the Outing Club. All of these treks made me feel so much closer to the people that accompanied me.

RECALL IN A DECADE: Enjoying time outdoors, either in the presence of friends or just by myself, is something that I learned to cherish while at St. Andrew’s, and I know that this will stick with me after I graduate. The hours and hours I spent chatting and opening up to people on the gorgeous SAS trails have brought me so much closer to my friends and allowed me to make countless memories. Enjoying time by myself and slowing down while appreciating the outdoors has become an important outlet for me.

LONG-TERM HOPES & ASPIRATIONS: I want to make sure that however demanding my future career is, that I always work hard to set aside time for painting, writing, hiking, etc. I hope to enjoy these activities in my daily life, even if in small doses, because they have helped me get to know myself and the world around me better. I also hope that I read a lot of good books—a LOT!

Madison Grace de Guia Macalintal Moonachie, New Jersey

FAVORITE CLASS: Creative Writing last year with Mr. Torrey was one of my favorite classes. Mr. Torrey keeps the classroom environment light and funny, and the people in the class gave each other strong feedback about how to improve each other’s writing. Poetry has always been the best outlet for me, and this class allowed me to develop this passion alongside my friends.

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: The Amos fishbowl is the best place to feel productive, chill with friends when it’s raining, and take naps. I remember one free afternoon my friends and I went here to do work, but we ended up listening to music and falling asleep on the couches and windowsills.

ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: Mr. Lewis has always told me stories, taught me lessons, and given me a stronger outlook on life since I first met him freshman year. He is always there for me with a snack or two, and ready to listen and give me real advice that has shaped me into the person and student that I am today. I am so grateful that I met him at SAS and for the lifelong impact that he has had on me.


Isabelle Pearl Kavanagh Mallick AKA Pearl Dartmouth, Massachusetts

FAVORITE SAS TRADITION: Carol Shout, by far.

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: The pile of haystacks in the cornfields—lots of wildlife and beautiful sunsets.

HOW I’VE CHANGED: I feel like I’ve learned to embrace all different aspects of myself, and how to choose to spend my time with people who support me and make me better.

RECALL IN A DECADE: I’ve definitely learned to pursue any big goal I have. The resources here are unreal compared to most schools and it’s so easy to take that for granted. Asking and listening for advice from others in this community is invaluable. There are so many interesting peers and students here, and each has something to teach us.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: I would say spend a lot of time learning from your peers. To have a school with so many cool and thoughtful students is a privilege and you will thank yourself later when you have decided to get to know as many as possible.

John Hunter Melton AKA Hunter Farmville, Virginia

FAVORITE CLASS: Creative Writing with Mr. Torrey. I realized I was really interested in something for the first time.

BEST SAS MEMORY: Hmmm... I can’t remember an all-time best one at the moment, but I really liked the cross-country preseason camping trip. The team had a great culture, the weather was nice, and I got to soak in the ocean after a long run beneath the sun.

FAVORITE SAS TRADITION: Weiner Wednesday on Baum, because I like

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: Don’t know what it’s called or how to get there, but there’s a really cool point overlooking the pond and marshy area. On the point, there’s a metal chair for sitting in and a table with a glass top.

HOW I’VE CHANGED: I learned how to trust my own opinions on things.


ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: Mr. Roach was pretty cool. So are Mr. and Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Sanchez, and Mr. Torrey. I don’t pick favorites.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: Wear shower shoes and don’t forget to do the little things to take care of yourself.

LONG-TERM HOPES & ASPIRATIONS: I want to be either a writer or a doctor.

THREE WORDS TO DESCRIBE SAS: Contemplative, stone, spring.



FAVORITE SAS TRADITION: The Square Dance. It’s such a fun way to start off the year, and I love being able to get to know people from other Forms.

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: The T-Dock! From jumping in the pond on hot days or after Saturday practices, to sunbathing and listening to music, to being actually thrown into the pond, to stargazing with friends or just looking out over the water, it’s where I have made some of my favorite memories at SAS.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: Get to know new people, from faculty and students to Facilities staff. My best St. Andrew’s memories are about connecting with other people, so appreciate the amazing people around you!

FAVORITE CLASS: Creative Writing 2 was my favorite by far. It was a large group of seniors, all writing incredible poetry and short stories. The class, led by Mr. Torrey, became a great place to use our love of writing to share some personal moments in a fun, safe way.

FAVORITE SAS TRADITION: Square Dance, hands down. There’s no other time I would be able to rock a pair of overalls turned into jorts.

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: The T-Dock. It’s such a hub of life and fun for students that I can’t even think of a negative moment there.

HOW I’VE CHANGED: I’ve grown more confident in myself as a leader, friend, student, and person.

BEST ADVICE FROM AN SAS ADULT: My freshman year, I joined the football team. I was thrown onto the starting offensive line, which was grueling to say the least. One practice, I was really struggling during a conditioning period, so I stopped while everyone else continued. The coach asked me why I stopped, and when I told him I didn’t think I could keep going, he told me, “You are capable of so much more than you could possibly imagine right now.” Those words fueled me not just through that drill or that football season, but for all four years of my St. Andrew’s experience, and will continue to do so in the future.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: Embrace your people. You won’t get many opportunities to be this close with people for four straight years. You can find the deepest, most impactful people in your life at this school. People who will shape you as a person, see your best and worst moments as you see theirs, yet they still stand with you. Those people, in my opinion, are more important than anything else this school offers. Be open to finding those people and you will find a world of fun, joy, and happiness.

LONG-TERM HOPES & ASPIRATIONS: Vibes and vibes alone determine my path.

THREE WORDS TO DESCRIBE SAS: Compassionate, opportunity, evolving.


Jacob Peter Pellechia

AKA Jake Charlottesville, Virginia

FAVORITE CLASS: All music classes with Dr. Geiersbach. He is so passionate about what he teaches and makes class so enjoyable.

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: Near where the floating docks used to be, because I fish there with Phin.

ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: Mr. Olana. I can tell he cares about me and has my best interests in mind.

Lang Qin

AKA Sherry Beijing, China

FAVORITE CLASS: My favorite class at SAS is Ethics with Mr. G. This is the only class that I know of that allows students to decide what topics they want to discuss. We talked about abortion, refugees, criminal justice, and hate speech, all which made for a very rare and precious high school class experience.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: Use your planner and your Big Sibling. SAS has helped me to develop a habit of using the school planner—it makes my life so much more organized and makes me feel prepared for the next day. And I received so much help from my seniors: they helped me with my homework problems, they saved me from awkward situations, and they were good models for me to look up to.

LONG-TERM HOPES & ASPIRATIONS: A career in education.


Elizabeth Garnett Rainey

St. Louis, Missouri (I was born in Norfolk, Virginia)

BEST SAS MEMORY: One of my favorite moments was freshman year during exam week. It was the end of the afternoon study hall and it was POURING rain. People started coming out of their classrooms and dorm rooms and onto the Front Lawn, and seniors starting sliding in these big mud puddles. Everyone got into it and we had the best time. A little later a big group of freshmen walked to the starting docks and back with a speaker playing. It was a really, really good day.

FAVORITE SAS TRADITION: I really like School Meeting. Especially during and after COVID at SAS, with so many traditions and special moments canceled or postponed these past few years, it felt like School Meeting held the students together, whether we were outside on the Front Lawn or at home on Zoom. I still get excited for it every Thursday.

ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: My advisor Mrs. Hurtt is such a constant in my life, and has helped me navigate both happy and difficult moments at home and school. In swimming, Mr. Sanchez makes me laugh a lot, and in volleyball, Terrell Meyers has always been a big mentor for me. Ms. Pressman has been one of my favorite faculty members academically. Stan at SAGE always brightens my day, too, in the servery. Tough question for sure.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: Give each other grace. You never know what the person next to you is going through. And not to be cliche, but live in the moment. It felt like 30 seconds ago I was living on Pell and stressing about Dr. O’Connor’s latest biology test.

Everett Rose Rattray

Evvy Amagansett, New York

FAVORITE SAS TRADITION: My favorite SAS tradition is Senior Retro. I love how the seniors get a chance to say goodbye and have one last big opportunity to bond. I also love how at the end everyone goes up onto the stage and starts crying and hugging. It is a little wacky, but definitely unique, memorable, and lots of fun.

HOW I’VE CHANGED: I have definitely changed throughout my time at SAS. I have learned about people and the world around me way more than I think I ever could have at a different school. I have gained so much confidence in myself and my abilities through the support of my friends and teachers.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: Make sure you take time for yourself. We are kept very busy at St. Andrew’s and it is hard to remember to do it, but it is so important. Make sure that you have time to support all of the different aspects of who you are.

LONG-TERM HOPES & ASPIRATIONS: In the future, I just hope to be fulfilled with my life. I also really want to make people’s lives better. Our world can suck, and if I can make one person’s day a little better, then I will be happy with myself.


Cleo Sandor Ray Lewes, Delaware

FAVORITE CLASS: One of the best classes I have taken at St. Andrew’s was Anatomy & Physiology with Dr. O’Connor. I signed up for this class even though it was out of my comfort zone. I tend to get queasy when talking about how the body functions. However, this class made me realize that maybe I would like to pursue public health. Thank you, Dr. O’Connor, for encouraging me to step out of my comfort zone.

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: You will probably hear this a thousand times, but the Front Lawn is by far the best spot on campus. The energy is unmatched. While it is absolutely beautiful, the community is really what makes it. I love walking outside from the Dining Hall and seeing my friends playing four square, spikeball, and Frisbee. I have had some of the best conversations on the Front Lawn.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: Having multiple lives at St. Andrew’s is healthy—a social life, an academic life, an athletic life. Keep a good balance. I also think it is really important to make as many connections as possible from the beginning of your St. Andrew’s experience. Be serious when you need to be, but not too serious. Find time for laughter and friendships because before you know it, your four years will end and your college chapter will begin.

BEST SAS MEMORY: Our soccer state tournament run. Although attending the games was entirely optional, nearly every student filled the bleachers for three weeks of tournament games. As a team, we felt an obligation to the students and extended community to return their immense support—it was this energy that motivated everyone to play our hardest and earn each win.

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: The Dining Hall. Whether family-style or cafeteriastyle, I have found that meals have provided some of my most memorable conversations and moments throughout my time at St. Andrew’s. The family-style structure has allowed me to connect with both students and faculty that I would not have otherwise, creating the foundation for some of my most meaningful relationships. Outside of meals, the Dining Hall serves as a shared space for the entire study body, as many students, including myself, choose to use the space to study or simply reconvene with friends during breaks.

BEST ADVICE FROM AN SAS ADULT: The best advice I received came at the beginning of my sophomore year from my advisor, Mrs. Roznowski, who had also been my older sister’s advisor for four years before my arrival. As a new sophomore, I had been on campus for about a week, much of that time being spent on the field for soccer preseason. I had yet to really meet my Form or begin to establish a friend group. On the first day of classes, I found out I had not made the varsity team, making the past week’s efforts feel seemingly useless. Devastated, I immediately went to Mrs. Roz to explain my concerns. We talked for about an hour, and she reminded me of the importance of being patient and gaining perspective. She helped me understand that this setback would serve as a valuable opportunity to reassess and refocus. Mrs. Roz’s advice was both essential and very true, as this patience culminated in friendships and accomplishments that will last long past Commencement.

THREE WORDS TO DESCRIBE SAS: Community, opportunity, inclusivity.


BEST SAS MEMORY: One of my favorite SAS memories is the state championship run with the varsity boys soccer team. Having started on the thirds team my freshman year, the entire experience felt surreal, and to be able to make history with a team full of my friends was unforgettable. I will never forget beating one of our rivals and rushing the stands full of Saints, or our team walking through the empty halls at night, while everyone else was on break.

FAVORITE SAS TRADITION: The Senior Retro. The seniors sing their class song, and all of the school comes on stage for an emotional final goodbye. I love seeing people play an instrument that I never knew they could play, or underformers receiving a funny senior title. The tradition always affected me as an underformer—it reminded me of how many things I can do here, and how little time I have to do those things.

RECALL IN A DECADE: The opportunity to learn and explore hobbies at SAS has enabled me to grow so much as a person and student, but the thing I will always cherish is the people. Living with my classmates has brought me much closer to them, and the people I’ve met and friends that I have made, both on and off dorm, have guided who I am by example. I believe that if I look back and have any regrets, they will be about not getting to know better different people around campus, from faculty members to even people just down the hall.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: The advice that I would give to underclassmen and future SAS students is to take your time, but also take advantage. It sounds cliche to say that your time here goes fast but trust me, you will blink and suddenly you are writing a reflection on your time at St. Andrew’s. Everyone at this school is growing into an adult, and no one person is going to be the same, but you will be happy if you just participate and be present. You aren’t going to regret things you tried—you will regret the things you didn’t. You aren’t too cool for anyone or anything.

THREE WORDS TO DESCRIBE SAS: Personal, encouraging, inclusive.

FAVORITE CLASS: My favorite class at St. Andrew’s was definitely Anatomy & Physiology, which is surprising because it definitely covers subject material that is outside of my comfort zone. While the case studies and hands-on dissections were engaging, the class was also comprised of some of my close friends, making it even more enjoyable.

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: Without a doubt, my favorite spot on campus is the T-Dock. While this is a generic answer, I can not count the amount of times I have sat on this dock with friends talking aimlessly, listening to music, living and enjoying the moment.

RECALL IN A DECADE: Reflecting on my time at St. Andrew’s, I have begun to realize that the bonds that I have made with others in this community are going to last longer than I once thought. There have been moments throughout my four years at SAS where I have felt an overwhelming sense of love and happiness.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: One thing that I wish I had been told is in regards to choosing classes. At SAS you have to capitalize on the opportunity to take courses outside of “your” subject area. Whether that is a history course that seems like a lot of work, or a science class, just try it... You never know what could happen.


Aunyae Janyah Romeo

Hamilton, New Jersey

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: One of my favorite places on campus this year has been my study room: Classroom 16. Every night I go to that room with all of my friends and we talk and we study... then talk some more. I love love love coming to that room and just debriefing my day and hanging out with the people I would’ve never had the chance to before. I’ve laughed, cried, and transformed my relationship with so many people in that classroom. I love Room 16!! <3

HOW I’VE CHANGED: I’ve changed so, so much, I used to be such an impulsive, crazy girl. I think because I was so blindly confident I often couldn’t see the importance of taking a step back from the spotlight to just settle down and be. I find that this year, especially with becoming school president, I’ve learned to know myself outside of this confident persona, and I’ve been able to see my power in so many aspects that go beyond the public eye. My knowledge of myself has matured as I have, too.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: Be friends with as many people as you can. There are so many beautiful people here and they all have the potential to really change your life and help you learn something

LONG-TERM HOPES & ASPIRATIONS: Maya Angelou once said: “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humour and some style.” That’s my only set goal in life. Of course I want to be a successful, good person and make a change in society. I honestly don’t fully know what I want my future to look like, but I do know I wanna thrive. Maya said it best, and I plan on executing that to the best of my abilities.

THREE WORDS TO DESCRIBE SAS: Home, memories, growth.

Pranay Sanwal Lewes, Delaware

FAVORITE CLASS: AS Film. I was able to combine many aspects of myself (poet, filmmaker, spiritual) into a independent short film which came out pretty good (“Gods Lonely Man” by ogpranay on YouTube).

FAVORITE SAS TRADITION: Club de lecture, de cinéma et primal. “La pureté parfaite est possible si vous transformez votre vie en une ligne de poésie écrite avec une éclaboussure de sang”!

HOW I’VE CHANGED: SAS has allowed me to not only become vulnerable with other people but most importantly, with myself.

ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: I would say Dr. Walsh, Mr. Olana, and Dr. Johnson. Dr. Walsh is a living spirit of Ancient Greek thought. I have learned much from him on our Wednesday night duty exchanges. Mr. Olana is the living testament of my own goal to embrace contradiction. An astute mathematician, jazz player, man of faith, and fellow Mulatu Astatke enthusiast, his polarities truly make him one of the most remarkable and knowledgeable people I have ever met. Dr Johnson is someone with whom I can always be genuinely vulnerable. To me, this is the highest quality an adult human can achieve in their lifetime, and I hope Dr. J, continues to be someone who encourages others to “just be yourself.”

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: Make peace with uncertainty by learning how to ride the fleeting wave of the present. Also, never forget that love shines through everything and everyone.

THREE WORDS TO DESCRIBE SAS: Ethereal, dreamy, love.


Crawford James Seeley

New York, New York

BEST SAS MEMORY: My best memory would definitely have to be winning the quarterfinals against Wilmington Friends in soccer this fall. We had lost to them 0-3 at home the first time we played them, tied to them 1-1 at Friends, and then, at Friends again for the state tournament, beat them 1-0. It was definitely a comeback story and was one of the best, if not the best, game we had all season. We dominated the game from start to finish, and I’m pretty sure Friends only made about two shots on goal. On top of all that, it was the first time I had ever made it past the quarterfinals in soccer, and it was the first time in five years that the soccer team went to the semifinals.

FAVORITE SAS TRADITION: My favorite tradition is the Frosty Run. The two times that the school has been able to do it in the past four years were both a good time, and the dance that happens after it is usually one of the better dances of the year.

RECALL IN A DECADE: I think the friendships I’ve made on my teams and on dorm are something I will always remember from my time here. I’ve made a lot of great memories that will be pretty hard to forget, and all of that has definitely come from being around my closest friends.

Gizelle Ashley Sempertegui Gomez AKA GiGi Queens, New York

FAVORITE CLASS: Probably Ethics or Creative Writing 1. Mr. G and Mr. Torrey are incredible teachers who make each class so fun and engaging, but also relaxing and stress-free.

BEST SAS MEMORY: Probably walking around the pond freshman year with my roommates, and giving up halfway. I still have a scar from the thorn bushes, but it is one of my top memories. Oh, and writing “Go for the Neck”—absolute banger.

FAVORITE SAS TRADITION: The Square Dance probably. I met a lot of my close friends today during my first Square Dance!

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: There is this little beach halfway across the pond, where the sun hits the pond so beautifully and the sand is soft. It is a treacherous voyage to get there, but it is absolutely worth it. I also love the library classroom.

ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: Shout out to Mrs. Brownlee. She and the counseling department are some of the most valued members of our community, and they deserve lots of love. Another shoutout to Profe and Señora. They are such genuine, sweet, and funny people. The three of them are only a few of the many faculty who have made my experience at SAS so memorable. :)

LONG-TERM HOPES & ASPIRATIONS: I hope to continue pursuing the natural sciences, and possibly veterinary science, in the future. I also seek to master the art of photography (shoutout to Mr. Meier—without him, I never would have known I enjoyed photography as much as I do). I also want to learn the bass guitar, so we’ll see how that goes.


FAVORITE SAS PLACE: The fishbowl. It’s such an open space, yet it’s so quiet and calm. It’s a great place to do homework, socialize with friends, and create art.

RECALL IN A DECADE: I will forever be grateful for all of the great relationships I have created with faculty and friends.

BEST ADVICE FROM AN SAS ADULT: Keep knocking on people’s doors and someone will eventually answer.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: Explore every part of campus and get to know as many people as you can— not just teachers, but people working in SAGE, Facilities, Security, Advancement, and more.

LONG-TERM HOPES & ASPIRATIONS: Helping others and doing cool things with cool people!

FAVORITE SAS TRADITION: The Carol Shout. FAVORITE SAS PLACE: The Dining Hall. I love how there’s always something going on or people congregating in the Dining Hall. After underformers check in, you can usually find a bunch of seniors hanging out in the Dining Hall, and some of my favorite memories have been made then. It’s also the perfect study spot.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: Stop wasting your time and just go out and do what you’re afraid to do.


Mae Theodora Thomas

Bronxville, New York

BEST SAS MEMORY: My favorite St. Andrew’s memory happened in my junior fall. All of the students felt super confined and exhausted from Covid restrictions, and so my best friend Adelaide and I led a trip around Noxontown Pond, followed by a barbecue behind Señora’s house. We got lost and ended up having to wade through a swamp, but it felt great to just be kids. It was a good experience to be able to utilize our wonderful pond and woods during a difficult time in our lives.

HOW I’VE CHANGED: The town I grew up in had a strong culture of encouraging children to focus on one specific skill and devote all of their time to perfecting that skill. I never really felt drawn to one specific hobby, sport, or skill. I think Andrew’s, I was able to accept this about myself and thus immerse myself in a bunch of different activities that interested me. I still can confidently say that there is not one thing that I excel at, but rather several things at St. Andrew’s that I am a part of that deeply interest and excite me.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: The relationships that are able to be cultivated with faculty and staff members here have proved to be unique, memorable, and essential to my St. Andrew’s experience. We are blessed to be surrounded by knowledgeable and compassionate educators with a wide variety of deep-rooted intelligence. Our faculty and staff work at boarding school for a reason: they are accessible to us at almost all hours of the day to aid with academics, athletics, and emotional support. It is vital to take advantage of that and to attempt to build meaningful connections with these incredible faculty. Also, St. Andrew’s allows us to be teenagers—take advantage of this and welcome it.

BEST SAS MEMORY: My best SAS memory is getting fourth place at the Stotesbury Regatta my freshman year after packing up our boat and then getting put into Lane 0. I think the best part was getting complimented by my fave senior, Sarah Caron ’19!

FAVORITE SAS TRADITION: The monthly Polar Bear Plunge! I haven’t missed a single one during my entire SAS career.

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: The Arts Center, because I do so many activities there.

HOW I’VE CHANGED: I have learned to be ready for constant change and to be okay with it! My peers change, my friends change, I change, and that is okay! And I have learned to take time for myself. I thought I was completely extroverted, but I learned I am definitely not!

BEST ADVICE FROM AN SAS ADULT: A friend’s parent told me this a long time ago, but Mr. Poarch resurfaced this advice while we were talking recently. He said “Make sure your relationships have equal effort. One person should not be doing all the work, because that will cause burnout.” I really appreciated being reminded of this.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: 1) The lifelong friendships are not the ones where you are always with the people— they are the ones where you can leave and be independent, but the friends are still there to support you! 2) Like what you like (unless it is hurtful). Be you and you will find people. 3) It is okay not to be in a romantic relationship. Do not feel pressured or feel left out because you have your whole life for that. 4) Have fun. We are here too long to not have fun!


William Alexander Vogel

Upperville, Virginia

FAVORITE CLASS: Writing my Humanities senior exhibition on Virginia Woolf’s To The Lighthouse was one of the most challenging and empowering academic experiences of my life—my emotions ranged from utter despair to elation. Learning to embrace the unsureness of my own thoughts allowed me to go further into literature than ever before; when I felt myself standing on the precipice of a risky, yet valuable, claim, I learned to jump and trust my intellectual skills. It was an immensely valuable academic experience.

BEST SAS MEMORY: Watching Tony Wang get a disastrous haircut that soon turned into a clean fade at 11:18 PM in the Voorhees bathroom.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: Don’t let yourself fall into the routine at St. Andrew’s. Sometimes I’ve felt myself going through the motions without any real intentionality—those are often the moments when I feel the worst at St. Andrew’s. Don’t let yourself be dragged through the day; dive into it. Choose to do things with enthusiasm and think about why you decided to come here in the first place. Spend your free time intentionally with people you love doing things that you will remember because of how strange they were. Take time to make every day memorable: go to the woods, build forts, smother your walls with posters, and say yes when people give you unexpected opportunities to leave your comfort zone. Make fun of things, and most of all make fun of yourself. Give a chapel talk. Get to know a teacher, and don’t be afraid to let them get to know you back. Embrace every little impulse of positive self-expression and give it the driver’s seat for a moment—it might just let you become who you would really be if you thought nobody was judging you. These are the little things of St. Andrew’s that are optional, but they are also the things that give the experience all of its transformative weight.

Giang Thu Vu AKA Hayley Ho

FAVORITE CLASS: U.S History with Ms. Pressman and Ms. Gahagan freshman year. Everything was so new to me, and I wasn’t really used to participating in class. But both of my lovely teachers would always find a way to help me step out of my comfort zone. They would say, “Let’s hear from someone we haven’t heard from,” and I knew it was time for me to say something. Even though I didn’t like it at the moment, I understand how much it helped me stay engaged in all of my other classes. Thank you, Ms. Pressman and Ms. Gahagan, for giving me challenges and support throughout my freshman year! :)

BEST SAS MEMORY: GO FOR THE NECK, roof, math and peer counseling with Amari, Euphoria, being roomies with Sunny, walks with Madison, crying to Profe, and a lot moreeeeeee.

FAVORITE SAS TRADITION: Walk around the pond before every prom with Sunny and Gigi.

ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: I love Mr. and Mrs. Roach so much. Mrs. Roach was my advisor for my sophomore and junior years, and she would be there for me every time I needed help. I remember our first advisory meeting. It was kind of awkward, and in order to decrease the awkwardness, I told her about all the crushes I had freshman year up until that moment. Because of that, I was able to open up with her about everything else. Mr. Roach taught me a lot about giving grace and being generous. They have helped me grow so much over the past four years and I am so grateful that they are in my life!

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: It is always okay if you need to spend time by yourself, as taking care of your mental health is important. Don’t feel like you have to be with other people at all times.



Tony Jun Wang

Rancho Mission Viejo, California

FAVORITE CLASS: Throughout my two years at SAS, my favorite class was World at War with Mrs. Tower. This class was intriguing for me and my peers in the class made it even more exciting. One of the best moments in this class was the research we did to determine if Horst Roloff was truly an SS soldier or not.

BEST SAS MEMORY: Throughout my time at St. Andrew’s, I would have to say one of my best SAS memories was either spending two days on a camping trip at Assateague Island, or our first playoff win against DMA in soccer senior year. This was our first time winning in the playoffs on the outcome of a penalty shoot-out. The game was a big win for the squad.

ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: The faculty that I feel the most connected to is Mr. Carroll. He is not only my advisor, but also my coach, teacher, and mentor. The help he has provided me throughout my two years at St. Andrew’s is more than I could have ever asked for. Mr. Honsel also went above and beyond for me—he drove me up to a kicking camp in New Jersey, and he had to wake up in the dark, drive four-plus hours, and also wait numerous hours for me to complete the camp.

LONG-TERM HOPES & ASPIRATIONS: Be alive, have fun, stress as little as possible, have good friends, be financially free.

THREE WORDS TO DESCRIBE SAS: Caring, unique, magnificent.

Rocco Dadian White North Salem, New York

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: My favorite spot on campus would definitely have to be the T-Dock. I have loved going fishing there with my friends for the past four years because it has served as an outlet to relax outside of classes. Also, it is a great place to make new friendships with people because it is a place where people constantly go to socialize. As I am leaving, I will never forget the good and crazy times I had on the T-Dock.

HOW I’VE CHANGED: Over the course of my St. Andrew’s career, I feel I have definitely gained the confidence to reach out and socialize with people I don’t know. When I first arrived here, I rarely left my room—as I’m sure my classmates can attest to. I was scared to go out on the Front Lawn, because of the fear of making a bad first impression. However, I overcame this fear with time, and I’ve made many friends.

ADULT YOU FEEL MOST CONNECTED TO: One faculty member I feel most connected to is my advisor, Dr. Johnson. I joined his advisory my sophomore year and have been with him ever since. Whenever I had a problem, whether academic or social, he was always there to help me through it. He also always brought a casual vibe to our meetings—sometimes we would go play basketball. This made me feel so comfortable talking to him, and his advice made me want to better myself. I will definitely miss Dr. Johnson and will use everything he has taught me as I move on to the next level.


George Gundersen Windels New York, New York

FAVORITE CLASS: Latin American history has been a favorite class for me. It was very interesting to learn about how countries made the transition from colonies to postcolonial nations and the eventual Communist revolutions that arose. In addition, I loved doing my own thinking on these matters, and having the ability to use my own voice when discussing this history.

BEST SAS MEMORY: One of my favorite SAS memories was the night that Rocco White lost his phone in the pond. As it was a new phone, I felt obligated to search for it, so I, along with two other friends, jumped into the pond and rooted around with my feet. After about ten minutes of searching, I found it with my foot and saved Rocco from having a panic attack.

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: I love the T-Dock in the spring because of all the memories that I have fishing and hanging out with my friends there. I feel that this spot is special because it allows you to be present in a way that no other spot quite does. With the lovely view out onto Noxontown Pond, there is no way that a phone can distract you.

William Lowe Wrightson IV Oxford, Maryland

FAVORITE CLASS: My favorite class was Mr. Olana’s math class. This was the most challenging class I ever participated in at St. Andrew’s, but I learned so much more than just how to apply mathematical concepts. Mr. Olana is a fount of wisdom—he taught me how to approach very difficult topics, mathematical and otherwise. His subtle wit also kept me engaged when I was losing focus.

BEST SAS MEMORY: The Curiosity Quest is one of my favorites. My partner and I cut a slat out of a long PVC pipe, filled it up with water, and released minnows into it. We then placed different amounts of food into the pipe and observed where they naturally gravitated. However, we couldn’t keep the minnows alive in the tank for very long, so the biology trash can began emitting a horrible smell as we kept replacing used minnows with fresh ones. Our results were inconclusive.

LONG-TERM HOPES & ASPIRATIONS: I’d like to own a few fast food franchises.


William Jiyong Yu Eugene, Oregon

FAVORITE CLASS: In Multivariable Calculus, Mr. Kemer would write unbelievably difficult take-home tests, wanting us to be able to get stuck, take a break, and come back with a better idea of how to approach the problem. On one takehome in particular, there was a problem that I just couldn’t figure out. I’d spent the entire weekend thinking about it, and the morning that it was due, I was sitting in the Main Common Room just trying random ideas to solve it, when the solution finally came to me. That feeling of having all of my work pay off was incredibly rewarding, and it showed me what I was capable of accomplishing with my full effort.

BEST SAS MEMORY: Celebrating my 17th birthday in Mr. Kwon’s apartment with friends and traditional Korean food.

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: The “Voortnite” common room—it feels like family when everyone comes out to just spend time together at night.

BEST ADVICE FROM AN SAS ADULT: The fall of senior year was pretty hectic, but a story that Mr. Kwon told me over lunch impacted me a lot. He was reminiscing on his time at USC, and he said that he had had season tickets to the football games every year that he was there. I realized that these are the types of memories that stick with someone, not how many hours you spent studying. It was so different from the work mentality that I’d carried with me for so long, and it was a much-needed awakening in realizing what I value in my life.

ADVICE FOR UNDERCLASSMEN & FUTURE STUDENTS: My favorite quote is the question, “What if it can turn out better than you can imagine?” It reminds me that in every plan that goes awry, there is always the possibility that it could be the best possible outcome.

LONG-TERM HOPES & ASPIRATIONS: To be able to give back to my parents for everything they’ve provided me.

BEST SAS MEMORY: I caught COVID-19 and was quarantining in the Health Center on my birthday. Friends and faculty dropped by the Health Center to bring me birthday cake, snacks, cards, books, etc. I spent sunny afternoons in the yard behind the Health Center shouting back and forth with rowers warming up by the boathouse, and they gave me the warmest smiles. It was a tough situation but the connections I made at SAS transformed it into an endearing memory. I think my experience those few days is the epitome of why SAS is so special for me.

FAVORITE SAS PLACE: The woods. I enjoy sunbathing on that one bench with friends, searching for the first hint of spring in February, hunting for mushrooms after a refreshing rain, and walking through the cornfield with the breeze brushing through my hair. Instant serotonin always.

BEST ADVICE FROM AN SAS ADULT: “You can’t squeeze an apple and expect orange juice,” said by Mrs. Honsel. She helped me realize that I need to identify what kind of support a certain friend could give me (e.g. some friends would give me a hug and listen while others will help me problem-solve) and seek the right person out at the right moment.



Tatiana Isabel Pejacsevich Cay Sahs
St. Andrew’s School
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