IB PYP Newsletter January 2018

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PYP Newsletter

St. Andrews International School Green Valley

Jan 2018

Primary Years Programme (PYP) @ St. Andrews

“Developing independent, confident, life-long learners.” After a fun and challenging first term, our students are already back to working hard, inquiring about the world around them and having fun along the way. I’ve been impressed time and time again by the enthusiasm GV students show towards their learning. Supported by their teachers and parents, they are given a stimulating and caring environment in which to thrive. Learning through play, inquiry and exploration means we are not only equipping our students with academic skills, but preparing them for a future highly dependent on their 4 Cs ability: critical thinking, collaboration, creativity and communication. I’m excited to see where we go this term! Rachel Mustovic, PYP Coordinator

PYP Spotlight: What is the Learner Profile? As well as developing academic skills, the PYP promotes certain attributes in students, which are called the Learner Profile. At Green Valley, these are actively discussed, modelled and reflected upon through all of our everyday activities and lessons. We encourage you to carry this through to home by talking to your child and asking them questions about themselves and their learning. Watch the IB Learner Profile video for more information.

Develop their curiosity, acquiring the skills needed to ask questions and find out answers. REFLECTIVE


Show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. CARING

They understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories and are open to the perspectives, values and traditions of other individuals OPEN-MINDED and communities.

Act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness. They take responsibility for their own actions and the consequences that accompany them.

Use initiative in applying thinking skills and problem solving.



Develop understanding across a broad and balanced range of subjects.


Approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage.


Understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively. They work effectively and willingly in collaboration with others.

Understand the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional balance on health and well-being.


Give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experience. They are able to assess and understand their strengths and limitations in order to support their learning and personal development.


Stars of the Week At St. Andrews, we not only challenge students academically, we encourage them to become active, caring, lifelong learners who demonstrate respect for themselves and others and have the capacity to participate in the world around them. These are just some of our ‘Stars of the Week’ who have shown our Learner Profile attributes and attitudes. Well done everyone!







PYP in Action - Units of Inquiry Here is a round-up of what’s happening during Term 2 in the Primary School. I’m sure you’ll agree it’s a pretty inspiring time to be at school! Year

Central Idea

Learner Profile


Express Yourself

Caring, Communicator

We will focus this Unit on helping





communication skills, verbally and non-verbally. We will use a range of children books such as ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’, ‘The Owl Babies’ and ‘Goldilocks and The Three Bears’ throughout the unit. There will be a focus on singing, book sharing, dancing and art activities to help the children express their feelings.


Central Idea

KG & R

Learner Profile Machines can make our life easier.

This half term the children are exploring simple machines. Every week we are revealing a ‘mystery machine’. The children have to use their inquiry, talking and listening and deeper level thinking skills

to work out what its function could be and how it makes work easier for us. Another exciting learning opportunity in this unit is our ‘Weekly Workshop’. Each week the children learn a new skill e.g. screwing a screw into wood using a screwdriver, hammering a nail in wood using a hammer etc. In literacy we are learning our sounds and we used the mystery machine to make pancakes. During Maths time the children are using their problem solving skills to build their own machines from construction materials.

Inquirer, Thinker

PYP in Action - Units of Inquiry Year


Central Idea

Learner Profile

Different materials are used in the construction of shelters.

Thinker, Knowledgeable

In this Unit, students will be involved in finding out: 

Why living things need shelter.

What types of shelters are found around the world

Different types of materials that are used in the construction of shelters.

Through a series of experiments, hands on activities and a field trip, students will build their knowledge and understanding of the properties of materials and the importance of shelter for all living things. Year 1 will be going on a field trip on Tuesday, 23rd January, to Thai Thani Cultural Village where they will find information regarding traditional Thai shelters as well as the materials they are made of. This is great opportunity for students to see first hand the different ways in which homes can be constructed. Year 1 will also be hosting their Learning Journey on 2nd of February where students will demonstrate their learning through the Unit.



Central Idea

Learner Profile Plants need certain conditions to grow

We will be learning about how plants grow, their parts, the different habitats in which they grow and how life cycles and food chains work. The children have chosen a research question and are discovering what happens to plants if you change the conditions in which it grows (for example what happens if it has no sunlight or you only give it coke instead of water?) The children will research a chosen habitat and report what plants and animals live there and how they have adapted to live in those conditions.

Caring, Inquirer and Knowledgeable

PYP in Action - Units of Inquiry Year

Central Idea


The choices people make can affect health and well-being.

Learner Profile Balanced, Reflective

We are looking into: 

What it means to be healthy

How we can lead healthy lives

How we can encourage others to lead a healthy lifestyle

We started the term by learning how to make a healthy soup! In writing we are learning a story called ‘Nail Soup’ but we thought our vegetable soup was better! Mr. Yann thought so too so we wrote him some instructions on how to make it. Click here to read the recipe: Healthy Soup

At the end of the unit we are going to be promoting the importance of a healthy lifestyle to our school community.



Central Idea People’s values and beliefs can inspire them to create different forms of art

This term Year 4 are inquiring into how people’s values and beliefs can inspire them to create different forms of art. We will be studying the beliefs and traditions of different religions with an emphasis on how this is portrayed in artworks. Miss Ginny and Miss Retno have been to visit us to share their experiences of being a Roman Catholic and Muslim respectively.

We are looking forward to visiting a church and a mosque soon to find out more and ask questions.

Learner Profile Open-minded, Caring

PYP in Action - Units of Inquiry Year

Central Idea


Learner Profile

Humans are responsible for the preservation of all living species

Caring, Thinker, Knowledgeable

As part of our inquiry into different endangered species, we are researching how species are connected and develop our understanding of eco-systems and the responsibility of humans to protect these. We will explore threats and find out how we can take action. To support our learning, we went on an overnight trip to

Khao Kheow Zoo to learn more about: conservation, species classification and to help develop our own viewpoints about whether or not zoos are necessary. In English, we are studying persuasive writing to help us write a persuasive piece on zoos, creating our own information reports and writing a poem on a chosen endangered species. We will also study a classic fiction novel - The Jungle Book. In art and design we will learn about the famous architect, artist and ecologist: Hundertwasser. We will be creating observational sketches and creating posters about endangered species in his style.

We will be using ICT to research and record information and create 3D models.


Central Idea


Media can influence our thinking and actions .

Messages are all around us and are constantly influencing the choices we make. Our students are becoming more aware of this and we have encouraging them to ask questions when they see advertising when out and about e.g. What’s the purpose? What’s the technique being used? Did they connect to the advertisement? Students have also researched and chosen a message or example of advertising which they connected with to share with the class. They are now able to explain why and what forms of media tricks/persuasive techniques have been used.

We will now be moving on to making our own advertisements using ICT.

Learner Profile Inquirer, Thinker and Communicator

PYP in Action - Specialists Our specialists have been hard at work as well...

Mandarin In our Year 5 Mandarin class, we have been creating a Kahoot to review words for countries. The students have been having lots of fun!

French In Year 5, we have been learning about animals, colours and how to describe our pets using full sentences and understanding how adjectives work in French. We played games, sang songs, played Kahoot and watched animal cartoons too! In Year 6, we have been learning about clothes and how to describe what someone is wearing (friends, celebrities…) using full sentences and including colours and style. We revised the rule about adjectives in French. We also played the ‘Running dictation’ game outside, it was a lot of fun!

Which of these is the healthiest choice?

Thai This term Thai MFL. is linking in with the Year 3 Unit of Inquiry. The students will be learning about Thai food and ingredients and what is the right or wrong choice for their health. In other year levels, we will continue to follow the Ministry of Education (MOE) curriculum. Please see the link: https:// vle.standrews-schools.com/thai

Parent help & support @GV At St. Andrews we are very lucky to have parents who are willing to give up their time to help in the Primary School. The way that our parents help include: listening to children read, helping with a Primary activity, helping in the library and buying all the ingredients every week for our cooking activities. Below are our upcoming PYP Units of Inquiry which will start after half term. We are looking for parents and/or community members who may be able to help support these units by sharing their expertise. Even if your child isn’t in the year group, if you think you could offer something, please let us know! You can either talk to the class teachers direct or speak to Rachel Mustovic, our PYP Coordinator (email: rmustovic@standrews-schools.com). Year

N KG & R

Central Idea

Express yourself We can tell stories in different ways.


Stories have key components that enhance our understanding.


Stories can be told through a range of media.


Throughout history, sport has influenced cultures around the world.


Geographical features support habitats and a range of human activities.


Ancient civilisations still have an impact on our lives today.


PYP Exhibition: Global Goals

Information for Parents We now have several different ways of keeping parents up-to-date with our latest news and events:

Firefly Online Learning Platform This not only provides parents with curriculum and general school information but also has Class Pages with weekly updates and news.

Workshop: Friday 2nd February 2pm – 2.45pm

Facebook Follow us /StAndrewsGV

Twitter Follow us @primarygv

LINE Stay in touch by joining GV School News or GV Parent Sport

Upcoming Events January 8


January 8-12

Sun Safety Week

January 11

Year 2 trip to Suppatra Land

January 12

Parent Information Session on External Assessment

January 15

Primary Activities for Term 2 begin.

January 15

Year 3 trip to Jump XL

January 18-19

Year 5 trip to Khao Keow

January 19

We’re going on a bear hunt– open day for Early Years

January 20

One Day, One Goal Charity Football tournament

January 23

Year 1 Trip to Thai Cultural Village

January 24-26

Official School Photos

January 30

Year 4 trip to Mosque and Church

February 2

Parent Information Session about Firefly (2pm)

February 8

Primary Robotics Competition

February 9

Chinese New Year Assembly

February 9

Valentines Day Disco (3-5pm)

February 13

Year 3 Sleepover

February 14-15

Year 4 residential trip

February 17-25


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