The Archangel December 2015

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the The Newsletter for Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church

December 2015

Lessons and Carols 11:00 Church


Service of Remembrance and Light


Nativity Pageant

Christmas Eve Services 7, 11, 1, 3, 5, 7, & 10;30

24 25 26 27

Christmas Day 10:00 No 8:30 BMC service 5:30 Candlelight Mass Services 7:30 10 and 5:30

Volume 27 No. 12

Ground Lease Recommendation Made by the Campus Planning Committee

One of the things I love about the liturgies at Saint Michael and All Angels is their invariable beauty. Everything is done in a superlatively Anglican way – decently and in order (cf., 1st Cor. 14:40). The vestments are beautiful, the choreography (that’s actually the right word!) exceedingly well organized, the music superlative. There’s a palpable sense of mystery, which is especially apropos when one considers that in the Eastern Church the sacraments are called the “mysteries.”



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Advent Retreat

Making Worship More Personal at Saint Michael

I love worshipping at Saint Michael and All Angels Church! Even so, after going on retreat with the clergy a few weeks ago, we decided to make a few minor changes to our worship services. The first is that rather than rotating the priests through the services (one week in the Church, next week in Saint Michael Chapel, etc.), we’re going to assign two priests to each service, where they will do most of the preaching and celebrating of Eucharist. Why? Even in my brief time at Saint Michael, one of the refrains I’ve often heard is, “We don’t know our clergy.” In a parish this size it is generally impossible to develop the kind of intimacy with the clergy one enjoys in a much smaller parish. However, one of the primary means for coming to know a preacher is listening to his or her sermons on a frequent basis. Indeed, in most large Protestant cont. on page 19

With the announced departure of the Episcopal School of Dallas, the Campus Planning Committee was given the challenges of how to replace ESD’s rental income and how to provide the resources for the Saint Michael Episcopal School (formerly the preschool) to move into the vacated space. The Committee developed a Master Plan, incorporating our Strategic Plan and prior Master Plans, to include these precepts: • • •

A new entrance and welcome area facing Douglas Avenue; A ground-level Parish Hall near the Sanctuary; A contemporary worship/auditorium space; cont. on page 3

Join Us for

Advent and Christmas at Saint Michael pages 10-12

Rector Search and Transition

We seek a Rector who will challenge us to be our best, as well as to be our pastor.

Parish Profile Published by Rector Search and Transition Committee The task of the Rector Search and Transition Committee is to listen together to God regarding who our next Rector may be. We have prepared by worshiping together regularly since early summer, participating in devotionals led by Saint Michael lay leaders, and joining in a weekend retreat led by former Presiding Bishop Frank Griswold. The congregation has provided insights for the search, through answering the Parish Survey in September, including adding thousands of additional comments, and participating in eight Town Hall style meetings and numerous small group discussions. Based on all of this, we have developed a Parish Profile describing who we are as a parish and what we seek in our next Rector. (We thank God for parishioner Carolyn Barta, whose volunteer service as the primary author was essential.) You can see the Profile at Printed copies are available from the church receptionist, or you can download it from the website to print yourself. The Profile expresses the feelings that have emerged in the Survey and parish discussions. As a parish we have widespread hope and expectation about our future as God’s church. We have strong memories of the best things of our past, but rather than wanting to recapture the past, we want to build on our legacy and strengths, to become more in the future. We want to engage more people, more deeply, in service, mission and outreach. We want to continue to be a spiritual home where every parishioner is supported in his or her personal spiritual journey. We appreciate our diverse viewpoints and how that diversity can support individual growth in community, and we would welcome more demographic diversity. We want to be more of a home of spiritual growth and engagement for young adults and youth. 2

Many parishioners and others have recommended priests whom we should contact about possibly entering into discernment discussions with us regarding our Rector position. We wrote all of these priests personally in the past few days, encouraging them to read our Profile and read our position posting with The Episcopal Church national office, and pray about possibly becoming Rector candidates. We expect to hear from many of them during the next couple of months. If you have an idea of a possible future Rector that you have not already shared with us, please contact a committee member or write us at Feel free to contact the priest you have in mind, and invite him or her to review our Profile and contact us. Going into 2016 we will enter the phase of the Rector search that must be strictly confidential. We will have dialogues with scores of priests. It could be devastating to their relationships with their current parishes if it were known that they had even considered a conversation with us. We continue to invite your insights, which have been and will be invaluable to the process. We ask your forgiveness in advance that during the next stage we will not be able to share whom we may be talking with, or exactly where we are in the discernment process. Please continue to pray for Saint Michael’s Rector search and transition, and visit the prayer station that the church Prayer Ministry maintains in Bishop Moore Chapel, where you can light a candle and leave a note in the book that will be a gift to our next Rector. Peace be with you.

Diana Newton Van Sheets Co-Chair Co-Chair

Campus Planning • • • • •

increased and enhanced hallway circulation; An ample, attractive covered parking solution connected to the new entrance; Consolidation of clergy and administration offices; A self-contained, secure Saint Michael Episcopal School on the campus; Enhanced sports facilities for school and church use.

After reviewing current facilities and projected needs, the Committee concluded that after the departure of ESD the current campus footprint will meet the long-term needs for the mission and ministry of Saint Michael and All Angels.

revenue to use in support of our church’s ministry and mission and to provide for future generations.

Office Development The Committee recommended that the church consider leasing the northeast portion of the property for development of an office building. Demand for office space in the Preston Center area is quite high, and office buildings typically do not need parking at times of peak church use, unlike residential or retail.

Based on this conclusion, the Campus Planning Committee felt obligated to consider the long-term stewardship of the church’s property and the excess land to the north of the main campus, where the 8100 Lomo Alto office building and the Saint Michael Episcopal School playground and sports field are located. The property was acquired in two parcels over the past decade for approximately $12 million and was funded by the Expanding Our Faith capital campaign.

An office building on the property would be most consistent with the church’s strategic needs providing shared covered parking that would be connected to our new welcome area by an air-conditioned sky bridge. It would meet much of our weekday parking needs and be almost totally available on nights and weekends. An office development would generate the highest revenue for the church, when compared to other land uses. A ground lease preserves the church’s ownership of the land while providing safe, stable revenue to support our ministries, without financial or operational risk to Saint Michael.

Expanding Our Faith

Status and Next Steps

The intent of the Expanding Our Faith campaign was to meet “God’s challenge to grow in our service to Him and to provide for the future generations at Saint Michael…” expressed by support of the church’s Strategic Plan. In keeping with that intent, the Vestry has concluded that it is appropriate to consider entering into a long-term ground lease for approximately one-third of the land, located on the northeast portion of the property, which will provide stable, long-term

After conducting an exhaustive bid process this summer, the Campus Planning Committee has narrowed the candidates of office developer partners and, with the Vestry’s approval, has selected a final partner. We are currently negotiating a long-term ground lease that will govern the relationship. It is anticipated that a final ground lease will be presented to the Vestry for its consideration at the December meeting. If approved the Vestry, working with the Foundation, Finance Committee, Giving Council, and other ministry groups, will begin framing options ensuring that the financial benefits and property enhancements will support our church’s long-term mission and parish life.

Stewardship of the Church’s Land


The proposed property to be leased is shown on the Master Plan graphic. It is preliminary and subject to change. If you have questions, contact Senior Warden Matt Waller at, or Kathy Jenevein at Kmjenevein@






Bishop Consecrated Bishop Sumner Consecrated in Service November 14 The Rev. Canon Dr. George Sumner was consecrated as the Seventh Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas in ceremonies Saturday, November 14.

Tony Briggle and J. C. Snead

The Rt. Rev. George Sumner, Bishop of the Diocese of Dallas

Before the consecration bishops dipped their rings into hot melted wax and pressed them to Sumner’s consecration certificate as an official seal of their endorsement. During the consecration the bishops circled around Sumner laying their hands on him in continuance of the apostolic succession.

About 2,000 clergy and parishioners from every church in the diocese filled the pews at the First United Methodist Church of Dallas. Presiding Bishop, the Most Reverend Michael Curry, served as the chief consecrator. More than 30 bishops from the United States, Canada, and Peru participated in the service. A choir made up of singers from churches in the diocese led the music, which included the anthem, “Go Forth into the World in Peace,” written by Saint Michael music director, James Diaz. Members of the Altar Guild preparing the altar Several Saint Michael parishioners played major roles in the consecration of Bishop Sumner. Tony Briggle and Gayle Kesinger coordinated the morning’s ceremony. Members of the Altar Guild prepared the church for the Eucharist, Saint Michael’s Usher Corps greeted and seated the guests, several from the Acolyte Corp participated in the service, and the choir included many Saint Michael voices. James Diaz leads the choir


For Your Information A Visioning Retreat to help create a vibrant Youth Ministry at Saint Michael The retreat, Thursday, December 3 through Saturday, December 5, will be facilitated by Ministry Architects, the nationally known consulting group the church engaged to help restructure the youth program, and will involve clergy, staff, the Youth Ministry Design Team, as well as all interested parishioners. Childcare will be provided all three days, and a quiet room will be available for homework and study. “Please come and help us design a vision for our youth program. The future of Saint Michael and All Angels depends upon a dynamic, enthusiastic, and committed youth program.” J.C. Snead, the Design Team chair said. “We need moms, dads, older folks, younger folks, and anybody who cares about our youth!” During the retreat the group will develop a Mission Statement, core values and 3-year goals for the youth program.

The Compass Rose Society As charter members of the Compass Rose Society, Saint Michael sends representatives from the church to stay informed on the workings of the group. The Compass Rose Society supports the work and ministry of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and raises money to support his work and ministry. This year The Rev. Bill Murray, and Mission and Outreach committee chairs, Richard Kelley and Michael Davis, attended the annual meeting in London at the end of October.

Michael Davis, Richard Kelley, Archbishop Welby, and Bill Murray

The retreat sessions on Thursday and Friday evenings will be from 6:00 to 9:00 and conclude with a morning session on Saturday from 9:00 to 12:00 Noon. For more information, contact The Rev. Bill Murray at, The Rev. Oliver Butler at

Help Build Our Team– Youth Ministry Directors Wanted Our Youth Ministry is looking for three dedicated people to direct our program. • • •

Director of High School Ministry (grades 9 – 12) Director of Middle School Ministry (grade 6 – 8) Youth Logistics Administrator

Do you know of an engaging person with experience and a contagious faith who might be a good fit? Send your information to Melissa Rau at Melissa@ministryarchetects. com, or The Rev. Oliver Butler at



Giving Thanks! Map your giving plan for next year now, and consider a special Year-End gift in addition to your pledge. Don’t forget about checking company matching funds before administrators become too busy to process it.

Asking for your help A few weeks ago you received a letter from Saint Michael and All Angels asking you to consider a pledge supporting the church during 2016. It is an exciting time in our parish, and having a healthy and active stewardship effort will send a powerful message to new Rector candidates in the discernment process.

• A special yearend gift of cash or appreciated assets, such as stock, can be given to Saint Michael. • Pre-paying your 2016 annual pledge • For those 70 ½ and older, request a gift through your IRA

Consider: Individual Gifts of Thanksgiving and Celebration.

We have over 105 ministries that serve our parishioners and reach out to those in need whether they are down the street or around the world. 90% of our church budget is made possible by pledges from our members.

Thanking someone by making a gift in their honor is a gift that will live on in their hearts forever

One of the goals this year is to increase stewardship participation from Saint Michael members; a show of faith and gratitude for the blessings we have received, and for the work of our church. In the next few weeks, we will be reaching out to you with a phone call to join your fellow parishioners in making a pledge to enhance the life and service of Saint Michael and All Angels.

• Remember family, friends, and loved ones with birthday, anniversary, holiday, or thanksgiving remembrances.

There are multiple ways to give: • Pledge cards (already mailed out) • Pick up a pledge card - in the pew holders at church, tables on Sundays or church receptionist desk. • Go to the Saint Michael website – See the PLEDGE NOW button • Pledge today online at We are grateful for your kind consideration,

2016 Stewardship Committee 6

Consider: A Special Yearend Gift in addition to your pledge;

• No other gift means as much as acknowledging those for their loving kindness.

Consider: A Legacy Gift • Legacy gifts can be made through the Saint Michael and All Angels Foundation. • Two of the easiest and most direct methods to make gift donations are in cash and/or appreciated stock and naming Saint Michael as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy. For more information, please contact Mary Kardell (, direct- 214-692-3015.

Guidelines for Yearend Contributions The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires that, in order to be tax deductible for 2015 all contributions to Saint Michael and All Angels must be received by the Church or postmarked by midnight Thursday, December 31. To better assist you with end-of-year contributions, the church offices will be open until 4:30 on Thursday, December 31 and there will be a secure deposit box outside the Bishop Moore Chapel.

Overview Canon for Evangelism and Development to Address The Forum

Stories and Songs at Prime Timers Meeting Thursday.

Mary MacGregor, Canon for Evangelism and Congregational Development at the Diocese of Texas, will address The Forum Sunday, December 13 on “From Gratitude to Generosity.”

Actor and storyteller, Ken Freehill, will perform excerpts from legendary comedian George Burns’ book, Gracie, A Love Story, at the Prime Timers’ meeting Thursday, December 3 with children from the Saint Michael Episcopal School singing some favorite Christmas songs. Prime Timers are asked to bring unwrapped socks, scarves, hats/caps for children in Jubilee Park. The meeting begins at 10:30 in the Coke Activities Room. Make reservations for the $10 lunch by today with Mary Davis, 214-363-7761.

An engaging and popular speaker, she has been a presenter at conferences, retreats and conventions in over 30 Episcopal dioceses and at General Convention. She focuses on working with bishops, diocesan staff, and church clergy with developmental challenges and opportunities. She has served as Canon for 12 years and has been an active lay leader in the Diocese of Texas for over 30 years. The Forum meets at 10:00 on Sundays in the Saint Michael Chapel.

Women of the Spirit Look at Crazy Christians Women of the Spirit will read, review, and discuss the book by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, beginning Monday, December 7. The group meets on Mondays from 10:00 to 11:00 in the Edge Room on the 2nd floor. All women are welcome. For more information contact Emily Given at

Living. Faith. New Adult Class Beginning in January Want to see more God in your life? Join The Rev. Greg Pickens in the Chapel Conference room during the Sunday Adult Hour. Our time together will be grounded in Scripture, our Prayer Book, and our experiences. Each week will support a deep and meaningful faith that will help us to live powerfully into the rest of the week. Gather with us to be encouraged.

Vestry And Diocesan Delegate Nominations Close December 15 Nominations are open for people to serve on the vestry beginning in February, and for delegates to serve at the Diocesan Convention. The vestry members and Convention Delegates will be elected at the Parish Annual Meeting on February 28. The deadline to submit nominations is 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 15. Nomination forms are available from the church receptionist and online at

Worship Schedule Changes During the Holidays Christmas Day, December 25

10:00 worship service, Saint Michael Chapel

December 26

No 8:30 worship in Bishop Moore Chapel 5:30 Candlelight Mass, Saint Michael Chapel

December 27

7:30 Saint Michael Chapel 10:00 Combined services in the Church 5:30 Saint Michael Chapel

January 1 Church Closed January 2

No 8:30 worship in Bishop Moore Chapel 5:30 Candlelight Mass, Saint Michael Chapel

January 3

7:30 Saint Michael Chapel 10:00 Combined services in the Church 5:30 Saint Michael Chapel 7

Overview Veterans Feted at Worship Service and Reception More than 70 veterans, ranging from World War II to active members of the military, were honored at the 5:30 worship service Sunday evening November 8. The service, normally held in the Saint Michael Chapel, was moved to the Church to accommodate parishioners and friends turned out to commemorate their service to our nation. Following the service a reception featured the Heritage Brass Band, made up of vets, playing favorite marches and patriotic music. As part of the event, guests were encouraged to pick up packages of Christmas Cards, write messages of thanks and well-wishes, and return them to the church. They will be sent to our troops serving around the world.

Welcome New Members The Rt. Rev. Henry Parsley, the Bishop of Alabama (ret.) and the Provisional Bishop for the Diocese of Easton in Maryland, confirmed and received new members to Saint Michael and All Angels on Sunday, November 8.


We welcome: (front row, left to right) - Chris Blackman, Diana Blackman, Sue Roebuck, Veronica Mesch, The Rev. Doug Travis, The Rt. Rev. Henry Parsley, The Rev. Bill Murray, Kathryn Shea, Jeannie McCutchen. (back row) Barbara Hollis, Phillip Mesch, Staley Mullins, Caroline Nugent, Collin May, Emily Stone and Jim McCutchen.

Overview Christmas Offerings Go to Three Outreach Ministries

Women of Saint Michael 2016-2017 Officer Slate Announced

The offering collected at the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day worship services will be divided equally between local, national, and international outreach ministries. The gift of the funds was led by the scripture: Luke 6: 20-21,

The officer slate for next year’s Women of Saint Michael has been announced. Squeaky Connolly has been nominated as president for the 2016 – 2017 year, and Tricia Stewart is in line to succeed her in the 2017 – 2018 year.

“Then he looked up at his disciples and said: “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. “Blessed are you who are hungry now, for you will be filled. “Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.” The Christmas offerings will go to: • North Texas Food Bank (“Blessed are you who are hungry now, for you will be filled”) • Episcopal Relief and Development Domestic Disaster Relief Fund (“Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh”) • St. Paul’s within the Walls Episcopal Church, Rome Refugee Ministry (Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.”) Please, be generous to those in need!

Squeaky Squeaky chaired the Biannual Parish Party last Connolly year, and Tricia is currently serving on the Rector Search and Transition Committee. Election for the officers will be at the Women of Saint Michael’s meeting Wednesday, January 20. The officer slate includes: Vice President – Kristin Lambeth Communications – Linda Shaffer Newsletter – Electra Harelson Recording Secretary – Allison Bovard Treasurer – Elizabeth Gorman Asst. Treasurer – Carol Carrington Parliamentarian – Margaret Cervin

Tricia Stewart

Saint Michael School Song Pours Forth The question was meant to be an easy one. I was looking for information about a song one of the moms and past Saint Michael School student had mentioned to me in passing. Since we chose to change the name of our preschool program to Saint Michael Episcopal School, I thought it would be nice to find ways to connect the school song to the long history of teaching on our campus. The outpouring of love and affection for the school and song has been The Rev. Bill quite stunning. Many hallway conversations Murray and a wide range of emails have come with roughly the same lyrics and offers to sing the tune. While we have not found the sheet music just yet, we have stumbled across a deep part of our shared history. Savior bless Saint Michael children Learning how to work and play Learning how to live as Christians Growing in thy love each day. Gentle Jesus, king of Christians Plant within our souls thy rule That someday we may teach others Lessons from Saint Michael School.


Advent at Saint Michael Advent Meditation Booklets Available Now Daily devotions for Advent, written by parishioners, staff, and clergy, are available in the just published Advent Meditation booklet. The booklet is available at several locations in the church and the meditations are online at www.

Looking for a quick and meaningful Advent meditation? Radvent is a daily inspirational image created by the Saint Michael Formation Ministry Team. Text to join, check it out on social media, or receive it via email. For more information, please contact Emily Given – ..............

Christmas Flower Memorials If you would like to remember a loved one this Christmas, fill out a Flower Memorial envelope with the names of those you want to honor either in Memory or Thanksgiving and return it to the church with your check by Wednesday, December 16. Flower Memorial envelopes are available in the Sunday worship bulletins and at the South Lanai reception desk.

Advent Retreat: Saturday, December 5 Beginning at 9:00 Spend a quiet morning paying attention to the things that point us to what is sacred in life as Advent prepares us for the birth of Christ. Author and spiritual director, Robert Benson leads the Advent Retreat, “Waiting for the Night of the Child,” beginning at 9:00 in the Coke Activities Room. Cost: including lunch is $15. RSVP with Julia Giles at Adult@ 10

Lessons and Carols, December 6 at 11:00 The traditional service of Lessons and Carols will be celebrated at Saint Michael on Sunday, December 6 at 11:00 in the Church. The service tells the story of the fall of humanity, the promise of the Messiah, and the birth of Jesus in readings from Genesis, the prophetic books, and the Gospels, interspersed with Christmas Carols, hymns, and choir anthems. Modeled after the Advent service of King’s College, Cambridge, this service will feature the singing of carols by choir and congregation, interwoven with the reading of prophesies. Scripture and music work together in the service to represent Christ’s leading the world from darkness to light. The choir will be accompanied by a chamber orchestra and organ in music spanning fourteen centuries: Prelude: Concerto in A Major, BWV 1055 (II. Larghetto)—J. S. Bach Introit: I look from afar—Palestrina Advent Hymn: “Once he came in blessing” (sung in procession)—James Diaz and Hyeon Jeong Plainsong: “Creator of the Starts of Night” Hymn: “O come, O come, Emmanuel” Carol: “Remember, O thou man”— Ravenscroft Hymn: “Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding” Carol: “People, look east”—Besançon carol, arr. James Diaz Hymn: “Love divine, all loves excelling” Responsory: “Judah and Jerusalem, fear not”—Palestrina Anthem: “This is the record of John”— Gibbons Hymn: “Lo! he comes, with clouds descending” Postlude: Concerto in A Major (III. Allegro ma non tanto)—J. S. Bach

Advent at Saint Michael Heal the Hurt of the Holidays at the Advent Service of Remembrance and Light December 8

Wednesday, December 2 Terry & Mark Demler, 8302 Ridgelea St, (75209) 214-300-1651 Monday, December 7 Diane Bumpas at the home of Mary & Neil Dorflinger 5527 Farquhar Ln (75209) 214-350-1582 Tuesday, December 8 Nell Ann Hunt, 3704 Hidalgo St., Irving 75062 972-650-1820 Wednesday, December 9 Singles n’ Saints Communion & Christmas Party at the home of Ellen & Chris Carrie 6810 Turtle Creek Blvd. (75209) 214-363-5422 ext. 512 Sunday, December 13 Fellowship Class & Family *Begins at 5:30 at the home of Phoebe & Carl Moore 3713 Wentwood Dr. (75225) 214-360-0085 Monday, December 14 Garland & Michael Cohlmia 14 Royal Way (75229) 214-793-4004 Thursday, December 17 Shelly Vescovo 3442 Asbury St. (75205) 214-405-7031

For some, the holidays are a time of hurt; over the loss of a beloved, relationships turned sour, being alone. Through prayers, music, and the lighting of candles, the Advent Liturgy of Remembrance and Light seeks to bring peace, healing, and wholeness in the midst of grief. Tuesday, December 8 at 6:00 in Saint Michael Chapel. A reception hosted by the Grief Ministry will be in the Parlor following the service. ..............

Jubilee La Posada Ceremony Set Join Jubilee Park to celebrate the traditional “La Posada” on December 10th at 6:30 p.m. Posada or “the lodging” is a reenactment of the Christmas nativity, with community members dressed as Mary and Joseph and a live donkey. The community follows Mary and Joseph as they search for lodging and participate in songs. The evening concludes with pupusas made by Jubilee volunteers. ..............

Senior Christmas Luncheon at Jubilee Park December 17 On Thursday, December 17, Saint Michael and All Angels will host the annual Senior Christmas Luncheon at Jubilee Park Community Center. Your help is needed from cooking food to serving the meal! You can provide a nutritious start to the Christmas season for the seniors of Jubilee Park! To volunteer sign-up online at 11

Christmas Worship Nativity Pageant Performance Sunday, December 20 at 11:00 The story of the birth of the Christ Child will be performed by Saint Michael’s children and youth at 11:00, December 20 in the church. There will be plenty of sheep, shepherds, wise men and, of course, angels telling of Jesus’ birth through scripture and songs.

As a gift to the parish, the Children, Youth and Family Ministry invites all parishioners to lunch in the Youth Center catered by Celebration after the pageant. Enjoy fried chicken and catfish, vegetables, sweets, and fellowship to start your Christmas week. If you could help during the pageant or lunch, contact Erika Bower at The 11:00 Rite I worship service, normally held in the church, will be in the Saint Michael Chapel.

Christmas Eve Services Streamed Live


4:00-7:00 p.m.

Before and After Services in the Parlor

The 3:00 and 5:00 Christmas Eve worship services will be streamed live at Both services will feature the Christmas Liturgy with orchestra, choir and organ.

Saint Michael Episcopal School Kindergarten to be Added at Saint Michael Episcopal School The Saint Michael Episcopal School will add a Kindergarten program beginning in the 2016-2017 school year. The school’s board and Saint Michael’s Vestry approved expanding the curriculum at its meetings in November. “The demand from our parents has been strong and consistent,” said the Rev. Bill Murray, Vicar of Saint Michael and All Angels. “We feel it is important to begin the Kindergarten program as we seek accreditation, and we have exactly one room available in which to grow.” In the coming year, Saint Michael Episcopal School has two major goals: The first is to grow a top notch kindergarten program on our campus and the second is to become a fully accredited program with the Southwest Association of Episcopal Schools. Accomplishing the goals will lead the school into the top echelon of early childhood education programs in Dallas and help guide us to become one of the best in the country. “We have a great deal of work ahead. Katie Riley our Executive Director and her team are up to the task and are excited about what is to come,” Fr. Murray said. “The best part is the joyful support from so many members of our church and beyond who are excited to hear about our program growing and thriving. We love hearing the stories from past teachers and educators tinged with hope about what is to come. Keep us in your prayers as we start a new chapter in a wonderful long story.”

School Children Give From the Heart The children of the Saint Michael Episcopal School brought food for the hungry and more than $700 in pledge coin-cards to the Thanksgiving chapel on Wednesday, November 11. The school had been collecting canned food for the North Dallas Shared Ministries since the beginning of November and collected more than 40 grocery bags. Also, the children had filled their stewardship coin cards. Which were presented during the chapel procession The children’s names are published in the weekly “Stewardship Blessings” inserted in the Sunday worship bulletin. Both the food donations and the stewardship coin cards were blessed by The Rev. Bill Murray during the chapel service.

Saint Michael Episcopal School Schedule Thursday, December 10 Pre-Kindergarten Christmas Program, 11:00 in the Church

Holiday Vacation Schedule: Friday, December 18 – January 4 (classes resume)


Caring and Sharing - Mission Outreach I Believe in Angels Gifts Due Sunday, December 6

Serving the Homeless at Austin Street Center

If you adopted an angel for Jubilee Park’s I Believe in Angels, the gifts are due at the Church by Sunday, December 6.

The Austin Street Center provides emergency shelter and expert services to homeless men and women in Dallas. One night each month, Saint Michael serves a prepared meal to those at the shelter.

On Friday, December 11, the gifts will be set up for Saturday’s “Shopping Day” at the Jubilee Park Community Center. If you can volunteer either Friday or Saturday, sign-up online at www. I Believe in Angels is a partnership between Saint Michael and All Angels and Jubilee Park which provides Christmas gifts for children and seniors living in the Jubilee neighborhood. Last year, Saint Michael parishioners generously made Christmas wishes come true for 354 kids and 193 seniors.

Heart of Giving A gift that continues to give Heart of Giving is a thoughtful way to spread the spirit of the holiday season and is a great way to recognize friends, family members, and business associates. When you make a donation, you receive Heart of Giving cards to give to the people on your list. All of the proceeds benefit the Mission and Outreach Ministries of Saint Michael.

Heart of Giving donations support the following outreach ministries: The Good Samaritan Fund Jubilee Park and Community Center Rosebud Indian Reservation Honduras Mission Project Amistad Mission in Bolivia This year you can make a donation to Heart of Giving online, or you can make donations at the Heart of Giving tables on Sundays during Advent. If you make an online donation, you will be able to pick up your Heart of Giving cards the following Sunday and identify which ministry you would like your donation to support at the Heart of Giving tables. 14

We need volunteers for the following: • Cooking: December 1, 5:30-8:00 in the Parish Hall Kitchen - We will begin our time together with prayer and then cook a hot meal for the residents of Austin Street Shelter. • Transporting the food: One person needed the morning of December 2. • Serving the meal: We begin our time serving at Austin Street Center with Evening Prayer in the chapel at Austin Street. Join us in prayer and get to know our neighbors at Austin Street before dishing out a warm meal! If you can help cook in January contact Randy Rekerdres If you want to transport or serve, please contact Rita Davis -

Drive a Meals on Wheel Route on Christmas Day It could be one of the one of the most memorable Christmases of your life, and it will only take about three hours. Meals on Wheels provides a daily meal for the elderly and homebound, and Saint Michael covers four routes. On Christmas Day the regular volunteer drivers are given a break to be with their families. You and your family can help this year by driving one of the routes. Seeing the smiles and thanks in the eyes of those you serve can be the best gift you receive. Give it a try. Contact Mary Bartholow at 214-528-5651 or at

Caring and Sharing - Pastoral Care Lighten Your Heart at the Advent Liturgy of Remembrance and Light Parishioners share their experiences with the Liturgy of Remembrance and Light service: “Steve and I were invited to acolyte for the first Liturgy of Remembrance and Light service that was held at Saint Michael. Because we have been active in prayer ministries at Saint Michael, we were curious about what this would be. We were delighted with the beauty of the service and how it seemed to have a profound affect in lightening the hearts of those attending.” “We have long served as Prayer Team members and as such hear many requests for prayers from people who have heavy burdens of loss that overwhelm them at Christmas. Last year was personally meaningful to me, as my sister had died earlier in the year. That gave me the specific opportunity to be able to light a candle and pray in thanks for her life and to acknowledge her death.” “This year, we didn’t wait to be asked, we stepped up and said, ‘May we have the privilege of serving at this remarkable event?’ We urge everyone to attend the Advent Liturgy of Remembrance and Light. It will lighten your heart during the Christmas Holiday.” …… Mary Ruth and Steve McKenney, Accolytes and former Lay Leaders of Prayer Ministries

By Marillyn Burton Seeberger “At that time Saint Michael didn’t have a grief ministry. I was fortunate enough to connect with a Church community that had a grief ministry in which I met people like me. We got through Thanksgiving but facing the long Christmas season was hard to contemplate. I soon was able to start my own group of young widows and that Christmas of 1992, we found a safe place to be. We were rewarded with a candlelight service of mourning that was offered for us and our group of young families to acknowledge our losses and be sad, in a very safe place: in a room where everyone else was suffering a similar grief. “Now, some 23 years later, I am a part of the Grief Ministry at Saint Michael and anticipating our fourth year for a very special holiday service, the Advent Liturgy of Remembrance and Light. The service is not only for those suffering the loss of a loved one, but also for those suffering from divorce, job loss, loss of a beloved animal, loss of a home, or anything that makes Christmas Hurt. ” “The Advent Liturgy of Remembrance and Light is a beautiful candlelight service that allows one to enjoy inspirational liturgy, light a candle, and pray quietly with a priest, acknowledging our losses. It is truly a gift for anyone struggling with the holidays for any reason, and is a very uplifting acknowledgment that the Holidays can be hard. ---- Meg Badgett, Lay Leader of Faith and Grief Ministry

Here is the testimony of another reliable witness: “My husband died suddenly in 1991. In 1992, I moved back to Dallas to be near family with my two boys, both under three, and still traumatized by this sudden widowhood and the enormous responsibility of parenting my boys alone. I didn’t know any other young widows. I didn’t know how to be a widow and lead a normal life, and with Christmas ahead, I was terrified. The Holidays were to be endured, not enjoyed.”

You are invited to attend Advent Liturgy of Remembrance and Light Tuesday, December 8 6:00 in the Saint Michael Chapel Reception to follow in the Parlor


Caring and Sharing - Pastoral Care Alcoholics Anonymous. This group, open to both men and women meets on the first and third Sundays of December at 7:30 in the Coke Activities Room. Contact: The Rev. Neal Hern, .............. The Care Giver Support Group meets on the first and third Mondays of December at 11:00 in the Parlor. For more information, contact Sandra Klingeman, jsklingeman@ .............. Faith and Grief Luncheon. The December Faith and Grief Luncheon will be Thursday, December 10, 12:00 Noon, in the Coke Activities Room. Our guest speaker will be Bill Bucher. Contact: Katherine Bowen for reservations. kbowen@ Parish Nurse Ministry. Parish Nurse Sunday is December 20, when the focus will be Mental Health/Stress/Grief Awareness. Visit the South Lanai between services and let a Parish Nurse provide you with materials or address your health issues. Contact, Dianne Boyd, R.N., .............. Women’s Cancer Support Group. Meets regularly on Mondays at 1:45 in the Parlor to offer support to those who have or who are recovering from the disease. Contact: Sue Patton,, or Charlie Stobaugh, charliestobaugh@


Centering Prayer Group. You are invited to join us on Tuesdays at 10:00, in the Clergy Conference Room, to engage in Centering Prayer. Learn how to be still, pray, and get your mind centered on those things most important to you and those you love. Contact: Mary Ann Webster, maryannwebster@ .............. Knitting Ministry You are invited to join us weekly as we gather on Tuesday afternoons from 1:00 – 3:00 in the Coke Activities Room. If you don’t know how to knit and would like to learn, we’ll teach you. Consider joining the knitting ministry, either in person or from home. Contact: Byrd Teague, byrd.teague@gmail. com. ..............

A Stephen Minister Can Help You Over The Rough Spots Do you have a burden that you cannot handle alone? Saint Michael and All Angels offers a dedicated group of men and women who have received specialized training to walk with you, confidentially, on this journey. Consider asking for a Stephen Minister. If you know someone who might benefit from having a Stephen Minister or you could use one yourself, please contact The Rev. Lisa Flores Musser, or lay leader, Jean Coleman,

Children and Family Ministry

Hop into your pajamas and head to the chapel for storytelling, singing, prayers, and a yummy bedtime snack. Pajama Prayers (compline/bedtime prayers) is geared toward preschool and early elementary families. Friends and neighbors are always welcome. Led by Emily Given. For more information,

Dinner Church is the newest addition to The Edge’s midweek schedule. Edgers (4th and 5th grade) are encouraged to meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays each month from 5:006:30 in the kitchen to prepare a meal, eat, and worship together. This will be kid-planned, kid-prepared, and kidled. RSVP for Dinner Church sessions at edge. Questions? Need more information? Contact Erika Bower at

Adults are invited to join us for a nice cup of tea, some relaxing music, and coloring. This new adult coloring book trend is booming. It has been featured in The New Yorker and Boston Globe as the new stress reliever. Sip ‘n’ Doodle meets on the 2nd Sunday of each month. This is an adultonly gathering. Childcare is available by reservation. Email Jacynda at 17

Children and Family Ministry Confirmation Class Donates Books to Jubilee Park Kids The 6th Grade Disciples Confirmation class collected hundreds of books during October and delivered them to the Jubilee Park Community Center Saturday, November 7. The Disciples were met by neighborhood children and together they read stories and played games at the Jubilee Book Fair. At the end of the day, each child had books to take home and the Center’s library had new editions to share.

Youth Ministry Progressive Dinner Wednesday, December 9 Saint Michael Youth (grades 6 – 12) will be eating their way around town on Wednesday evening, December 9. An end-ofthe-season and holiday Progressive Dinner will begin at 6:00 at the church and will progress to several parishioners’ homes. For information and signup go to


For Your Information Continued from page 1 parishes, where preaching is much more emphasized than in a sacramental tradition like ours, there is often a “preaching pastor.” In those churches it’s not unusual for one person to preach as much as 46 Sundays a year! It’s difficult to adopt that model for Episcopal worship. However, what we can do is assign two clergy who will primarily be responsible for a particular service most weeks. What will typically happen is that on any given week one priest will preach and the other will celebrate the Eucharist. In reality, most people attend one specific worship service each week and this approach will give them the opportunity to get to know the priests in that service much better. Additionally, this will both simplify the services and, we believe, give the members of Saint Michael’s an increased sense of access to the clergy. Secondly, the Book of Common Prayer knows no distinction between the “Minister of the Word” and the “Celebrant.” The Prayer Book anticipates that the same priest will lead both the first part of the liturgy (“The Word of God”, cf., BCP, pp. 323 and 355) and the second part (“The Holy Communion”, cf., BCP, pp. 333 & 361). In other words, “The Word of God” and “The Holy Communion” are equal parts of the worship service, and the Book of Common Prayer anticipates one person leading both. Please note that we’ve made no change to the schedule of the services, nor do we anticipate making major changes to any of the liturgies. The experience of worship which we enjoy each week will be largely as it has been. However, hopefully you’ll discover that you’re getting to know better and better the priests who typically preach and celebrate Eucharist in the service you regularly attend. Additionally, having simplified the rotation of clergy through the services, we think you’ll find the services even more beautiful.

Doug Travis, Interim Rector

Grant Them Eternal Rest May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace: Marvin Weatherby “Web” Carr, November 2, husband of Peggy Carr, father of Catherine Carr, son of Sis Carr, brother of Cathy Carr and Plack Carr, brother-in-paw of Cissy Carr Kaleta “Kathleen” Carney, November 6 Jack H. Vollbrecht, November 11, grandfather of Jessica Rugg, grandfather-in-law of Andrew Rugg, great grandfather of Jack and Reese Peter Nelson Wiggins, III, November 20, husband of Barbara Wiggins, father of Phillip Wiggins, father-in-law of Donell Wiggins Nancy Oden Spafford, November 21, mother of Dee Ann Anigian and Donna Letier, mother-in-law of Gregg Anigian, and Scott Letier, grandmother of Courtney Anigian, Parker Anigian, Barrett Anigian, Madison King and Jillian King

Cradle Roll We warmly welcome our newest member born into our parish family: Molly Elizabeth McGee August 5 Jaime and Mark McGee Charlton Leonidas George II August 20 Kitt and Ticker George Hutton Alexandra Hipschen October 10 Jessica and Austin Hipschen Charlie Ann Richardson November 5 Alisa and Ryan Richardson





A monthly publication of Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church


Saint Michael and All Angels


8011 Douglas Avenue Dallas, Texas 75225-0385 Phone: 214-363-5471 Fax: 214-363-4388 The Archangel Newsletter (USPS 015-033) is published monthly by Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church POSTMASTER: Send Address changes to The Archangel, Saint Michael and All Angels Church, P.O. Box 12385, Dallas,TX 75225-0385

Worship Monday – Friday 7:00 a.m. – Eucharist – BMC Wednesday 10:00 a.m. – Healing Service – BMC Saturday 8:30 a.m. – Eucharist – BMC 5:30 p.m. – Candlelight Mass Sunday 7:30 a.m. – Eucharist Rite I – SMC 9:00 a.m. – Eucharist Rite II - Church 9:00 a.m. – Joy Mass - Parish Hall 9:00 a.m. – Discovery Mass - SMC 10:00 a.m. – Sunday School Classes

(Children and Adult)

11:00 a.m. – Eucharist Rite I –Church

Parish Clergy The Very Reverend Doug Travis, Interim Rector The Reverend Bill Murray, Vicar The Reverend Lisa Flores Musser, Associate for Pastoral Care The Reverend Greg Pickens, Associate for Operations and Pastoral Care The Reverend Oliver Butler, Associate for Youth and Young Adults The Reverend Hunter Ruffin, Associate for Mission and Outreach The Reverend Michael Harmuth, Sunday Associate The Reverend Rich Towers, Weekend Associate The Reverend Pamela Theodore, Sunday Associate The Reverend Neal Hern, Sunday Associate

Parish Vestry Matt Waller, Sr. Warden Kathy Jenevein, Jr. Warden Grady Schleier, Treasurer Charlie Sartain, Chancellor Margaret Spellings, Clerk Peter Beck, Eric Conner, Mark Demler, John Gorman, Beth Hise, Kathy Kelley, Rachel Morgan, Sallie Plummer, Randy Rekerdres, Tom Rhodus, J.C. Snead, and Kay Whelan.

11:11 a.m. – The Celebration - Theater 5:30 p.m. – Evening Prayer

and Eucharist Rite I – SMC click “Like” to follow us

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