The Archangel January 2018

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the The Newsletter for Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church

January 2018

Celebrating Abundance


1 6 12 14

New Years’ Day - Church Offices Closed Feast of Lights

Youth Ministry Retreat


Martin Luther King Holiday Church Offices Closed

17 25

Vestry Meeting

Women of Saint Michael Program

It’s a new year, and with a new year often comes the desire to live in new ways. We often call these desires resolutions. I’ve never been a fan of resolutions. I’m sure my lack of excitement about resolutions stems from the fact that I can never keep them even when I try. In the wake of another Christmas season come and gone, and in the middle of well-intentioned, yet doomed, shallow resolutions all around us, I remember one of my favorite maxims: A good life is one that celebrates abundance without attachment. So this year, rather than joining the throngs around us in untenable resolutions focused on our actions, what if we decided, as a Christian community, to focus on changing our hearts? It is easy to talk about blessings when we have the sense about us that we are blessed. When we look at our material world, the world in which we live and in which we have been trained to succeed, by any measure we are very comfortable. But if we aren’t intentional about how we live with our material wealth, with our abundance, we can begin to be attached to it. Or even worse, we can be controlled by it. Attachment can look like many different things. Some of us are attached to the security our abundance provides. Some of us are attached

Volume 30 No. 1

to the privilege and advantage our abundance affords. Many of us simply don’t think about our radical abundance because it’s all we’ve ever known and all we’ve ever been taught to want. Abundance is a part of our national identity and has been encouraged as a sign of success and achievement. For some, abundance is more than what we earn, it is our right. Yet I’m concerned about how that level of abundance affects our spirit over time. We know that we have been created in God’s image: “Then God said, ‘Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness’… So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them (Gen 1:26-27).” continued on page 19

The Nativity Pageant Nativity Pageant Hits New Highs The work began in October with tryouts and sign-ups, weekly rehearsals began in November, and finally on Sunday, December 17 the Nativity Pageant, recalling the birth of Jesus, came to life at 11:00 at Saint Michael and All Angels. Just over 100 kids, ranging from 3-years to high school, participated in this year’s pageant. The youngest children were sheep, cattle and angels, with the principal parts played by kids in middle school. The high schoolers played hand-bells and other musical instruments. The pageant, considered one of the best, was livestreamed for out-of-town relatives and friends.


Gabrielle Ott, interim Director of Children and Family Ministries, praised the dedication of the kids and volunteers: “Thank you to all of the volunteers who gave their time and talent to help our children tell the story. Special thanks to Elizabeth Showalter, Bitsy Hudnall, Liz Helfrich and Elizabeth Cihon for the countless hours and love that they gave for the 2017 Nativity Pageant.�

photos by Ray Hand

The Nativity Pageant


For Your Information Ann Mills Announces Retirement – Closing 40 Years at Saint Michael After 40 years serving in several capacities at Saint Michael and All Angels, Ann Mills, Director of Congregational Care, has announced she will retire at the end of the year closing her tenure at the church on December 31. In announcing her retirement, Ann said: “In August 1977, Dr. Bill Power received a grant to establish a professional Christian Education Department at Saint Michael. I was privileged to be hired as the Administrative Assistant for the first staff. He hired four women and charged us with being creative in meeting the formation needs of our large community. We assembled a great team of volunteers to create structure and programs for all ages. From those beginnings my position has morphed through five Rectors into my current position in Pastoral Care. In every stage throughout forty years, I have been blessed to have met the needs of parishioners – particularly when they were at their most vulnerable or when significant changes happened in their lives. Providing support, food, and other needs from the birth of a child to the death of a loved one has been a ministry from my heart. Almost forty years to the day from Dr. Power’s call to this ministry, I believe it is time to cherish what has been and be open to new possibilities. Saint Michael is a caring community of diverse people who are a strong witness in our city. I am happy to call this place family. This ministry would never have been possible without the love and support of my two sons, Clay and Marshall, so to each of them and to the many wonderful volunteers my heartfelt thanks.”

Ann Mills


Vicar Bill Murray Praised Ann’s 40 Year Ministry Of Caring And Love. “There are in the world certain people who seem to know everyone - people who don’t simply know the names of folk present but who know the connections that matter. Ann Mills was and is one of those people who knows everyone, knows how they are related, and works tirelessly to make sure that they feel loved. Forty years of ministry is nothing short of stunning in today’s world, where the average tenure for most church positions does not pass a decade. We will miss Ann’s joy and love for all things Saint Michael and her deep desire to care for all. Of course, Ann is not going far. She is simply moving from an employee to an active member Ann Mills was one of the first people to welcome us when my family and I arrived in Dallas. She was absolutely the first to notice when my parents or my in-laws were in town for a visit. She was definitely the one to comment on and celebrate the joys of having family gathered here at Saint Michael. There are countless stories of simple connection like those that have been the hallmark of Ann’s ministry among us. So, please join me in thanking Ann Mills for an amazing body of work. Join me in celebrating one of those folks who knows everyone and takes the time to care.”

A reception to honor Ann and her ministry will be held Sunday. January 21 following the 11:00 worship services. Those wishing to contribute to a purse for Ann, which will be presented at the reception, should send a check noted for Ann Mill’s purse, to Saint Michael and All Angels.

For Your Information Warden’s Report

Mission and Outreach Grants Reach Around the World A message from Eric Conner: It has been a wonderful and event-filled year. I am thankful for all the support from the parish, clergy and staff throughout the year. We made great strides on our vision and imperatives for the future!

Please join me in congratulating our new Vestry leaders: Margaret Spellings, Senior Warden; Sally Schupp, Junior Warden; Warren Houser, Warden At-Large; Kathy Kelley, Treasurer, Margaret Cervin, Clerk; and Jim Skochdopole, Chancellor. You may recall that in December’s Archangel, it was announced that Arnold Spencer, a valuable leader of the 2017 Vestry, had been nominated to serve as Senior Warden. Due to a professional conflict of interest, Arnold will not be able to complete the final year of his term. Fortunately, he has agreed to serve again when he is able.

Grants totaling $145,000 have been made by Saint Michael’s Mission and Outreach grants committee serving ministries in Dallas and around the world. Recipients include: •

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A message from Margaret Spellings: It was a privilege to work with Fr. Girata, the clergy and the Vestry last year to formulate a vision for the future of Saint Michael, and to lay the groundwork for making that vision become reality. This year’s Vestry looks forward to continuing that work in 2018 to help fulfill our mission in our community. There are so many exciting things happening in our Church! Stay tuned to the Warden’s Corner to hear more about these activities in the upcoming year.

Amistad Mission in Bolivia $12,000 to support the orphaned children of Casa Esperanza Austin Street Center $14,000 to feed the homeless and hungry of Dallas Honduras Threads $5,000 for the women’s sewing co-ops in Honduras VNA – Meals on Wheels $14,000 to deliver meals to Dallas elderly shut-ins North Dallas Shared Ministries $13,000 providing food and living assistance to the needy Our Friends Place $2,000 helping young women facing abuse, neglect, poverty and homelessness Project Moses $2,000 to combat human trafficking Saint Michael’s Farmers Market $1,500 to provide safety assistance at weekly markets Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem $2,000 providing treatment of complex eye conditions St. Simon’s After-School $7,000 for after-school programs for children of working poor Tela, Honduras Mission $6,500 for Christian education, dental health and community improvement Jubilee Park $65,000 for neighborhood rejuvenation programs







The Joy of Abundant Generosity

Stewardship is a way of expressing the joy and excitement that comes with giving, not only of one’s resources, but of one’s whole self to the work of God’s kingdom here in Dallas and at Saint Michael and All Angels. Parishioners from every part of our community tell their personal experiences. We found our way to Saint Michael last year. We love the high quality of the music, fellowship with friends, welcoming clergy and parishioners, and the physical space. The learning opportunities are also appreciable. The Saint Michael community has been wonderful and we are glad to be able to contribute. Carol Roehrig & Fred Seipp 8

Before I got married, I didn’t give away much money. My husband was raised giving 10% of his allowance, saving some and spending the rest. He never questioned the practice. After we got married, he educated me on this practice. It was painful at first, but nearly 10 years later I can honestly say that giving financially to our church has become one of the greatest blessings in my life. My faith increases when I follow God out of my comfort zone. Jesus is so clear on how important it is to give and I believe there is no better place to give than to Saint Michael and All Angels to do the work of God’s Kingdom. Lili, Matt, Freddy, Jack Luth


Giving to Saint Michael is easy. We do it as an integral part of our faith. We give monthly for our annual pledge and have made a commitment in our estate plans because we hope to continue to sustain Saint Michael as it has sustained us and our community. We encourage our children to make a financial commitment to the church in the same way that we encourage them to volunteer to help those in need. Giving is an important part of our family life. Pressley & Jamey Peters Julia, Christopher, Meg and Arthur

We are grateful for your pledge and, even more, for your commitment to continue building one of the great churches in our community. If you haven’t pledged, we urge you to do so. You can pledge online at

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler! Mardi Gras - Friday, February 9 6:30-10:30 Four Corners Brewing Co. 1315 S. Ervay Our Mardi Gras party will be full of music, food, dancing, and fun for adults of all ages! Dinner will be catered by Cafe Momentum - one of the Women of Saint Michael Gift Committee beneficiaries. The music will be provided by Saint Michael’s Director of Modern Worship Music, Justin Brooks, his wife, Tiffany, and their great band.

Ticket Sales Buy tickets online at starting January 8 or at tables in the hallways on Sundays starting January 14. Special pricing for adults aged 21-30.

Dress Mardi Gras casual (think lots of purple, gold, and green; beads; sequins; feathers; masks; etc!)

Transportation Parking is limited at the venue so there will be a shuttle running from Saint Michael’s north parking lot to Four Corners Brewing throughout the evening. Information about how to take advantage of this free service will be provided on the ticket form.

Volunteer Make new friends and help make the party a success by volunteering! We need volunteers to staff tables on Sundays, check-in people at the party, help with decorations, and more. Please contact Elizabeth Showalter at bartone1@ for information. 9

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Saint Michael 101 - Becoming a Saint Michael Member Do you want to know more about becoming a member of Saint Michael and All Angels? Join us for a lively and fun luncheon led by Rector Chris Girata and The Rev. Mary Lessmann on Sunday, January 21 from 12:15 – 2:30 p.m. in the Coke Activities Room.

If you are new to Saint Michael or just visiting and want to learn more about membership, this luncheon is for you! Meet members of our clergy and vestry, and hear all about our many ministries, opportunities for involvement, and the exciting future of our parish. Lunch and free childcare provided. RSVP at saintmichael. org/101luncheon or contact Anne Schmidt for more information at ..............

Prime Timers Take Armchair Tour of Paul’s Missionary Journeys The Prime Timers will have our Rector, Chris Girata, give a presentation of the trip to the Holy Land taken last year by a group of our parishioners and friends. All reports are that it was a wonderful experience! Come join us for “arm chair travel” with a master guide at the helm. Thursday, 10:30, February 1, Coke room. Lunch $10.00, reservations required to Bonita at 214-728-6440, by Sunday evening, January 28. ..............

Woman’s Exchange Looking for Drivers The Saint Michael’s Woman’s Exchange is looking for drivers to transport materials to and from the store’s storage area, and to occasionally make a delivery to customers. Drivers need to be at least a High School Junior. It’s a great way to make extra money. Contact Lisa Riggert at 214-521-3862 for details. 10

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Journey: Questions of Life, Faith, and God Did you grow up in the Christian faith but still search for the50% reduction ~3” width right words to articulate it? Are you exploring the Christian faith? Join us beginning, Wednesday, January 17th, 2018 for a seven week course designed just for you. Led by Chris Girata and Bob Johnston, this course will explore the basic tenets of the Christian faith and provide the opportunity for 200% enlargement asking the tough questions. Topics will include: • • • • •

How do we know Jesus lived and who was He? Why did He die? ~3” width How can we have faith? How do we pray? How do we read the Bible?

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The course runs once a week for 7 weeks and concludes with a Saturday retreat on March 3rd. Each weekly meeting will begin with dinner at 6:30 followed by a talk on the evening’s topic and and time for small group discussion. Dinner and childcare are provided so please register at: journey or contact Anne Schmidt at aschmidt@saintmichael. org. We hope to see you there. ..............

Project Moses Anti-Human Trafficking Ministry Launches Meal Program Saint Michael’s Project Moses ministry is launching a program to feed evening meals to as many as 50 survivors of human trafficking. The ministry will prepare the dinner at Saint Michael in the Parish Hall kitchen at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday evening January 9 and serve the meal the following evening beginning at 5:00 at Preston Road Church of Christ. If you can join and help with either the cooking or serving, contact Sissy Massad at sissymassad@, or signup at The next monthly Project Moses meeting is Thursday, January 4 at 6:00 in the Coke Activities Room.

Overview Islam, Judaism, and Christianity A Conversation Discovery – Christians in the Episcopal Tradition – Sundays in February The Discovery class is for those new to Christianity, new to Saint Michael and All Angels , or members who want to revisit the core features of our belief and practice. This offering will provide an overview of our faith and explore what it means to walk as a Christian in the Episcopal tradition. Led by Chris Girata and Mary Lessmann, the topics for this four-week course are: • Our Anglican Heritage • Worship and Sacraments • Bible and Spiritual Formation • What’s next? Finding Your +1 Classes will meet Sundays from 12:15 to 1:30 in the Coke Activities Room beginning February 4 and continuing for four sessions through February 25. Lunch is available for $10 (with preorder) and childcare can be arranged upon request. The Discovery Class serves as Confirmation preparation. If you would like to be Confirmed during the Bishop’s visitation in May, please make plans to attend. If you have questions or would like to register, please contact Anne Schmidt, Membership Coordinator, at 213-365-3500 ext. 540

Thursday, January 25, 7:00 p.m. – Church How do we come together with our friends of different faiths to form a stronger and supportive community? What are the things we have in common and how are these characteristics important as we build a unified and respectful spiritual community in Dallas with dialogue and friendship spanning the various faith communities? Imam Omar Suleiman, President of the Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research and Co-Chair of Faith Forward Dallas at Thanks-Giving Square, and Rabbi David Stern, Senior Rabbi at Temple Emanu-El of Dallas, will join our Rector, The Rev. Dr. Chris Girata, at an evening panel discussing issues facing the Jewish, Muslim, and Christian faiths as we work together to form a stronger bond in our community and beyond. The Rev. Amy Heller, Senior Chaplain at Episcopal School of Dallas, will moderate the conversation.


Acolyte Training Begins in January Training become a member of the Saint Michael Acolyte Corps will be held two Saturdays in January. Training will be held from 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. on January 13 and on January 20.

Chris Girata

Imam Omar Suleiman David Stern

Islam, Judaism, and Christianity — A Conversation is sponsored by the Women of Saint Michael.


Jubilee I Believe in Angels Brightens Christmas in Jubilee Park Saint Michael parishioners made sure that the children and seniors in the Jubilee Park community had a good Christmas. 187 church families bought gifts for the children and household essentials for the seniors.

More than 100 seniors received their gift bags at the annual Jubilee Christmas luncheon on Wednesday, December 13, which included toiletries, laundry soap, lotions, and more. A special gift in each bag this year was a scarf or hat made by Saint Michael’s Knitting Ministry. At the luncheon, Justin Brooks, Director of Modern Worship Music, performed and led the group in carols and holiday songs. Nearly 100 church volunteers worked making Jubilee Park

Community Center’s “Shopping Day” a special occasion. On Friday, the volunteers organized more than 600 ageappropriate children’s gifts and prepared for Saturday’s parents’ shopping experience.


To be eligible to shop, the parents had to volunteer at least 60 hours during the year in Jubilee Park community improvement programs ranging from cooking meals, helping in after-school children supervision, or neighborhood cleanup and repair projects. The top neighborhood volunteer gave more than 1,700 hours.

After the “Shopping Day,” Christmas gifts went to 276 community children from 71 families.

I Believe in Angels


Pastoral Care A message from The Rev. Greg Pickens, Associate for Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care: Building an Exciting Future on an Incredible Past Pastoral Care has enjoyed a strong bond with parishioners and leadership – it is that relationship that fuels the volunteers and staff who serve God’s people at Saint Michael and in our neighborhood. As we build for a strong 2018 – it is hard to talk about the future without recognizing the past.

Leadership: We had some leader shifts in 2017 and we give thanks for the ministries of Jean Coleman, Sandra Klingeman, and Ruthie Garrett. Each of these strong women ran a vital ministry at Saint Michael and while each are now called to serve in a different way, they made it possible for new leadership to take hold. I give thanks that each bore the burden as well as made visible the joy of ministry leadership. Ministry is by its very nature bittersweet. It is sad to see leaders transition even as we welcome new ministers into our embrace. I can report that Stephen Ministry under Mary Kardell, Lay Eucharistic Visitors under Charlie Smith, and Caregiver Support group under Gayl Braymer are doing well and are continuing to serve parishioners and our neighbors.

New Creations: It is a truth that ministry in this age is a blessing and a balancing act. Our lives are so scheduled that it takes real dedication to create equilibrium between church, family, work, and friends. To address this, I invited all in Pastoral Care to gather into an “Ambassadors” meeting twice a year – for no other reason than to be together. Our first Ambassadors meeting speaker was The Rev. Dr. Fran Shelton from Dallas’ Faith and Grief Ministries. We were so grateful to have her kick off our new venture dedicated to renewing relationships among our core volunteers. The speaker for our second Ambassadors meeting was Dr. Bob Fine from Baylor Scott and White Health. The audience that day was a wonderful balance of parishioners, Pastoral Care ministers, and guests from the neighborhood.


While Friends in Christ is not a new creation, it is a reboot of a very special visitation ministry that brings this church to those who are unable to be with us on Sunday. Sally Hartwig and Gus Seeberger have been fantastic in restarting this offering.

Looking Forward: With 2017 as a solid base from which to grow, I am looking forward to several new initiatives. First, it has been a dream to have a ministry that offers a “Day Out” for people who are responsible for the care of their spouses or relatives. Initially a Caregivers Day Out would happen once a month. To make this happen, we need dedicated volunteers willing to go through a certified training program. We are going to expand our Grief Ministry. Our own Rev. Dr. Hiltrude Nusser-Telfer is a superb priest with many years of dedicated work as a hospital chaplain. She will bring her knowledge and skills to Saint Michael in a program entitled “Praying Our Goodbyes.” Dealing with the loss of a loved one can be paralyzing and now with “Praying Our Goodbyes” along with our Faith and Grief Luncheon program, we have two offerings for our friends and neighbors.

Finally, I have heard from several people about the need for divorce recovery in our community. I have been looking at options for us to have a 12-week program that tends to the spiritual and the practical aspects of reviving a life after divorce. This program also will need volunteer help from parishioners; will you please pray about being part of this much needed ministry? There is so much more to the vision of Pastoral Care but this amazing ministry could not happen without regular, everyday Saint Michaelites who find a way to help others. We all know the value of church, family, work, and friends – I ask that you find a way to step into ministry with us. Once you do, I promise your walk with the Lord will move to a higher level.

Pastoral Care Prayer Ministry “Going Deeper into Prayer” 6:00 Coke Activities Room

January 18 The Rev. Pamela Theodore “Hidden Richness” inside the BCP -- The Daily Offices February 23 Br. David Vryhof, SSJE, 3:00 p.m. Friday Prayer Retreat, “Rules for Discernment” March 15 “The Holy Hours – Seven Sacred Pauses” … where conflicts are reconciled and anxieties are calmed. Prayer Team will share responsibility for leading the hours. April 19 “Does Personality/Temperament Influence Prayer Preference: Introduction to Enneagram & Meyers Briggs.” Mary Ann Webster, Mary Ruth & Steve McKenney May 17 Annual Shrimp & Crawfish Boil with all the Fixings!! ALL ARE WELCOME Dinner $10.00 RSVP: Alcoholics Anonymous meets on the first and third Sundays at 7:00 p.m. in the Coke Activities Room. Contact The Rev. Greg Pickens, Faith and Grief Ministry. Join us at our monthly gathering on Thursday, January 11, at 12:00 Noon. Share a meal and hear a guest speaker talk about how faith and grief have intersected in their life. There is no fee but your donation is greatly appreciated. Make reservations with Katherine Bowen, The clergy contact is The Rev. Greg Pickens, Parish Nurse Sunday: January 21 is Parish Nurse Sunday. Stop by the South Lanai where the Parish Nurse will take blood pressures and provide information on Nutrition and Fitness. Contact: Dianne Boyd, R.N., dboyd@saintmichael. org.

Care Givers Support Group. Meets weekly on Mondays, 11:00 to 12:30 in the Parlor, to provide support to those who have the responsibility of caring for a loved one. Contact, Gayl Braymer, Ph. (214) 906-2170 Women’s Cancer Support Group meets weekly on Mondays. This long-term women’s cancer support group meets at 1:45 p.m. in the church parlor. Contact: Sue Patton, pattons@, or Charlie Stobaugh, Centering Prayer Group meets in Bishop Moore Chapel. You are invited to join us on Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. to engage in Centering Prayer. Sit with us and learn how to rest in God. The practice will transform you. Contact: Shannon Callewart, The Knitting ministry meets Tuesdays, from 1:00 -3:00 p.m. in the Drake Room preparing prayer shawls. If you are not able to come to the church, please continue knitting at home and bring your items to the receptionist. Contact: Byrd Teague, Lay Eucharistic Visitors (LEV). If you have an interest in taking the Eucharist to our hospitalized or homebound Saint Michael members, contact The Rev. Greg Pickens, gpickens@, or Charlie Smith at jsmithcpa@earthlink. net. Friends In Christ. Do you know of anyone who is homebound, lonely, and feeling forgotten? The Friends in Christ Ministry offers connection, compassion and companionship by visiting those who are unable to come to church. Join us in reminding members that they are still in our hearts and minds. For more information, contact the Rev. Greg Pickens,, or lay leaders, Gus Seeberger,, or Sally Hartwig, Stephen Ministry: A Stephen Minister is trained to help when life becomes challenging. Saint Michael and All Angels offers a dedicated group of men and women who have received specialized training to walk with you, confidentially, on this journey. If you know someone who might benefit from having a Stephen Minister or you could use one yourself, please contact The Rev. Greg Pickens,, or lay leader, Mary Kardell, at


Adult Formation Adult Formation Kicks-off Winter Classes

Fellowship – The Book of Common Prayer

Each of the Adult Formation Classes will launch a five-week series beginning January 7.

Parish Hall

The Forum – Parenting Saint Michael Chapel

January 7

Bill Murray Why We Do What We Do

January 7

January 14 The Way We Pray

Communicating Effectively with Our Children

Kathleen Fischer

January 14 The Birds & Bees Megan Michelson

Faithful Living

Coke Activities Room

Living the Truth - Building the Good

Tom Blackmon and Irwin Sentilles January 7 “Eschatologically” – Loving as God Loves January 14 Challenging Relationships in the Community of Faith


All classes begin at 10:00 a.m.

Youth Ministry Youth Winter Retreat Scheduled for January The Youth Ministry’s annual winter retreat, The Pursuit of Happiness, is the weekend of January 12 - 14 at Lakeview Camp and Retreat in Waxahachie. The Youth (6th-12th grade) will spend the weekend having fun (paintball, glow in the dark dodge ball, and more) as well as searching for the source of true happiness in life. The cost is $100 and includes transportation, food, and all weekend activities. Register at

EYC is “In” — Join Us EYC (Episcopal Youth Community) is gaining in numbers and popularity! We continue to grow, serve, have fun and we are the place to be! From serving at the Veteran’s Day Service, working on packages, bible study, and ice skating - there is something for everyone. We would love to have your junior high or high school student join us! Be on the look out for our Winter and Spring schedule.

Saint Michael Youth Working in the Community All Saint Michael youth (6-12th grades) are urged to join in serving at the Interfaith Housing Services in Dallas on Saturday morning, February 3. We will be helping to get an apartment ready for new clients. We will meet at the church at 8:30 a.m. and return by 12:30.


Youth Ministry EYC Make Christmas Party Scene The EYC high school and middle school youth groups fit perfectly into the Christmas Party Scene this season. On Sunday, December 3 all of the youth skated into the season at the Galleria Mall Skating Rink. Then each group had a party in the Youth Center where they decorated cookies and competed for the Tackiest Sweater title. They all won!

Middle Schoolers Donate to Dallas Animal Shelter During the past several weeks as part of its stewardship commitment, our middle school youth group has been collecting items for the Dallas Animal Shelter. They collected nearly 75 items including blankets, animal toys and treats which were donated to the Shelter.


This spring the group will go to the shelter and learn more about what services it provides to the community. In addition the youth will help with day-to-day tasks such as playing with the dogs and reading to them. We are all very proud of our middle school youth group and their efforts to help the Dallas Animal Shelter. If you donated any items to our stewardship event, Thank you!

Rector’s Corner continued from page 1

Grant Them Eternal Rest

Interpreted together, the Hebrew words for image (demûwth) and likeness (tselem) in this passage means model or resemblance. We were created in the likeness of God, to resemble and model God in the world. We believe that the ultimate and eternal image of God is Jesus Christ, but we know we have that God-ness inside us. We have a divinely created center that can guide our spirits, keeping us grounded and on the right track.

May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.

We also believe that God gives us the gift of an abundant life. Jesus himself says, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly (John 10:10).” Abundant life is not only what God hopes for us but what God gives us, and through that life we are truly blessed. How we define abundance, however, and how we live into and with that abundance can become problematic. If God created each of us to be like God in the world and blessed us with abundant life through Christ, how then should we choose to live? That is the great question that I wrestle with as Rector of this Christian community and one that I hope you wrestle with, too. The profound truth is this: God doesn’t want our abilities or our giftedness. God doesn’t want our achievements or our successes. God doesn’t want our goodness or our best. God wants us. God wants our hearts, our souls, our spirits. God wants us to live lives that resemble and model God’s essence in the world and with the abundance and lavish love of Christ. As we look toward this new year, I am filled with hopefulness. Hope that we will renew our life together, hope that we will discover new ways of living like Christ in the world, and hope that we will have the courage and conviction to give our hearts to God. When we do, when we begin to live into the generosity of heart that only comes from our deepest connection with God, our lives and our life together will become the instrument of God’s peace and love in our communities and in our world. May we be filled with the spirit of Christ, and may our lives overflow into the world with the abundant love of God!

Robert Charles Kohler III, November 28, son of Donnie Enholm Henley Jordan Smith, Jr., December 2, father of Pelham Smith, father-in-law of Bliss Smith, grandfather of Henley and Coryell Yvonne Jannette Schieffer, December 2, mother of Steve Head Nancy Wells Black, December 3, mother of Tom Black, mother-in-law of Monique Black, grandmother of Audrey and Meredith Michael Scott Knuths, December 13, father of Sharon Egger, and Diane Nealon, father-in-law of Randy Egger, and Jack Nealon, grandfather of Lauren and Ryan Egger, and Gracie Nealon Nancy Ann Wynne Chandler, December 15, mother of Nancy Saustad, mother-in-law of David Saustad, grandmother of David, Zachary, and Annie Mary Ann Schmidt, December 17, mother of Walt Schmidt, mother-in-law of Anne Schmidt

Great Expectations We pray for members of our parish family who are expecting: Meghan and Ben Biddle Sarah and Austin Conway Caroline and Trey Marak


Archangel the


A monthly publication of Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church

Saint Michael and All Angels


8011 Douglas Avenue Dallas, Texas 75225-0385 Phone: 214-363-5471 Fax: 214-363-4388 The Archangel Newsletter (USPS 015-033) is published monthly by Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church POSTMASTER: Send Address changes to The Archangel, Saint Michael and All Angels Church, P.O. Box 12385, Dallas,TX 75225-0385

Worship Schedule Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 7:00 a.m. – Morning Prayer – BMC Tuesday, and Thursday 7:00 a.m. – Eucharist – BMC Wednesday 10:00 a.m. – Healing Service – BMC Saturday 8:30 a.m. – Eucharist - BMC 5:30 p.m. – Candlelight Mass – SMC Sunday 7:30 a.m. – Eucharist Rite I – SMC 9:00 a.m. – Eucharist Rite II – Church 9:00 a.m. – Joy – Saint Michael Chapel 9:00 a.m. - Discovery - Parish Hall 10:00 a.m. – Sunday School 11:00 a.m. – Eucharist Rite I - Church 11:00 a.m. – The Celebration - Parish Hall 5:30 p.m. – Evening Prayer and Eucharist Rite I - SMC 8:00 p.m. – Compline Service Canterbury House SMU

Parish Clergy The Reverend Dr. Christopher Girata, Rector The Reverend Dr. Bill Murray, Vicar The Reverend Lisa Flores Musser, Associate for Worship and Liturgy The Reverend Greg Pickens, Associate for Pastoral Care The Reverend Dr. Eric Liles, Associate for Formation The Reverend Mary Lessmann, Associate for Spiritual Growth The Reverend Bob Johnston,

Parish Vestry Margaret Spellings, Sr. Warden Sally Schupp, Jr. Warden Warren Houser, Warden at-Large Kathy Kelley, Treasurer Jim Skochdopole, Chancellor Margaret Cervin, Clerk Bonner Allen, Marla Jacks Briggle, John Ellerman, Jane Greene, Whitney Grogan, Ben Leal, Jay Lipscomb, Kyle Moore, Anna Paccone, Christine Paddock, Elizabeth L. Selzer, and Chris Wiley.

Associate for Modern Worship The Reverend Rich Towers, Associate for Student Ministries The Reverend Michael Harmuth, to follow us

Priest Associate for Worship The Reverend Dr. Hiltrude Nusser-Telfer, Priest Associate for Pastoral Care click “Like”

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