The Archangel October 2016

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the The Newsletter for Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church

October 2016



Blessing of the Animals


Jubilee National Night Out


Women of Saint Michael Luncheon History of Saint Michael

15 16

Distinguished Lecture Series Amy-Jill Levine


Edge Lock In


Trunk or Treat

Volume 28 No. 10

Thoughts on Stewardship from the Rector

Our Rector Chris Girata sat down with the Stewardship team to discuss his thoughts on what it means to give to one’s church and what his expectations are for the parishioners of Saint Michael and All Angels.

What are some of your earliest memories of giving in church? When I was young, my father coordinated our church’s stewardship program. I remember watching him speak in front of the church about the importance of giving and how giving to the church was a way of thanking God for our many blessings. What resonated with me is the priority it sets: If your faith is important to you, then giving to your church makes your faith the top priority in your life. When we give to our church first, we prioritize the rest of our life more faithfully.

As you advanced in your ministry, what lessons about pledging have stuck with you? The difference between a gift and a pledge has become more important to me. Although giving is generous, giving is very general. Pledging is something more specific and deeply spiritual. Most of us want our faith in Christ to be central to our life, but until we literally put our money where our mouth is, the desire to put Christ first will only remain a desire. Money is what drives our world, and if we aren’t careful, money will end up driving us too. A pledge is a way of committing to the hope that we can and will transcend the pitfalls of this world with God’s help.

continued on page 2

Institution Weekend Includes Feast of St. Michael The weekend of September 24 and 25 will be long remembered at Saint Michael and All Angels. On Saturday, nearly 600 parishioners and clergy from the diocese and around the country joined to celebrate the Institution of The Rev. Chris Girata as Saint Michael’s eighth Rector.

continued on page 4

Stewardship What best practices around stewardship have you seen? A few years ago, I was invited to be the guest preacher for a Stewardship Sunday at an Episcopal church in a suburb of Memphis. Most of the service was a standard Eucharist liturgy, except for the end. At the end of the service, everyone in the church was invited to bring their pledge cards forward and place them in a basket on the altar. This simple act had a profound effect on me. I witnessed a church community committing to one another and committing to the church’s life and mission with confidence and courage. Watching people walk forward with their cards in hand showed that they were in it together. That act of unity was an inspiration to me.

Tell us about the 2017 Vestry priorities and how stewardship will impact them. The Vestry has been intentional in stating priorities for the coming year, and they have my full support. These priorities will help grow our church in membership and enthusiasm. The ones that I’m most excited about are: expanding our ministry for members in their 20s and 30s; installing audio/ visual facilities in the Church for live-streaming; continuing to grow the 11:11 service as we build our contemporary worship offerings; and enhancing building security with cameras and off duty policeman during evening services.

What are your expectations for parishioners of Saint Michael for pledging? Pledging is a deeply personal and spiritual act, but one done in community. None of us can feed the poor, raise our children, care for the sick, and love the outcast on our own. We need God and one another to be transformed. Pledging commits us to one another, binds us to one another. Pledging puts skin in the game and helps deepen our passion for following the Way of Christ. I expect that everyone who calls Saint Michael home and who wants to be truly transformed by the Gospel will make a pledge of money and ministry to our common mission. Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Mt 6:21).” He knows that where we put our treasure, our time, and money will become most valuable to us. We are called to commit our time and money to one another and to our life in Christ. 2

Any last thoughts? Saint Michael and All Angels is an amazing parish with tremendous potential. We have the opportunity and responsibility to expand our presence in our city. Our mission to spread God’s love is one that has been taken seriously for generations, and as we begin a new chapter of our life together, we can continue that great legacy in new and exciting ways. The work that we do together, to love one another here in this community and reflect that love to everyone around us, will continue to be an inspiration. Together, we can move into a new future where our unity will transform our world. ..............

Stewardship Calendar Highlights: October 3 – Stewardship letters mailed October 16 – Children Stewardship letters mailed October 23 – Stewardship Celebration Sunday

2017 Vestry Priorities: 1. Become the standard for worship excellence 2. Engage young adults and families with meaningful programming and outreach 3. Make targeted improvements to church campus 4. Strengthen communication efforts to welcome, engage and inform parishioners and visitors

Stewardship Your Stewardship Committee at Work The 2017 Stewardship Leadership Committee was formed earlier this year and is led by Vestry member, Eric Conner. The charge of the Committee is to assist the stewardship and church staff in planning and executing a successful stewardship effort to fund the Church and its budget priorities for 2017 set forth by the Vestry. The committee has been hard at work since the summer in developing the stewardship plan. ..............

Meet the 2017 Stewardship Committee:

Elizabeth Gambrell: • Member since 2007 • Family: Husband – Eric; Children – Eleanor (16), Luke (14), and Sarah Rose (12) Stacey and Ken Malcolmson: • Stacey - Member since 1999 • Ken – Member since 2015 Kelly Reddell • Member since 1999 • Family: Husband – Michael; Children – Nick Lovitt (25), Catherine Lovitt (20)

Eric Conner • Vestry liaison for Stewardship • Member since 2001 • Family: Wife – Judy; Children - Nick (21), Noah (18), Olivia (14)

Phil Ritter • Member since 1987 • Former Senior Warden and Vestry member • Family: Wife – Stephanie; Children – Cliff (21)

Stuart Brown • Member since 2010 • Family: Wife – Victoria; Children – Annabel (8), and Banks (5)

Ali Treaster • Member since 1985 • Family: Husband – Justin; Children – Parker (5), and Maisy (1)

Kathryn Francis • Member since 1976 • Family: Husband – Jim; Children – Jimmy (10), Ashley (10), and Robert (6)

Sheryl Wylie • Member since 1986 • Former Vestry member • Family: Husband – Phillip; Children - Jonathan, Lindsey, Ashley, and Travis. Two grandchildren.

From left to right: Phil Ritter, Sheryl Wylie, Ali Treaster, Ken Malcolmson, Stacey Malcolmson, Eric Conner, Elizabeth Gambrell, and Kelly Reddell. Not pictured: Kathryn Francis, Stuart Brown


The Institution and continued from page 1 The Rt. Rev. George Sumner, Bishop of the Dallas Diocese, and The Rt. Rev. Frank Griswold, the 25 Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, presided over the ceremony. Bishop Sumner led the Institution ceremony and celebrated Eucharist. Bishop Griswold, who counseled with the Rector Search and Transition Committee, delivered the sermon. On Sunday, the festivities continued as the church celebrated the Feast Day of St. Michael, its patron. Bishop Griswold celebrated the Eucharist and the parish enjoyed a morning brunch. The service of Institution and the Feast of St. Michael services are available online at smaadallas.


Feast of Saint Michael

Photos courtesy of Ray Hand, John Glass, and Smokey Goodrich.


Clergy Profile The Rev. Hunter Ruffin Associate for Mission Outreach Working 15 years with the American Red Cross taught Hunter Ruffin the lesson that would later prove valuable in ministry -- expect the unexpected. “It taught me the art of improvisation,” he said. “To be successful in that kind of role and in ministry means to be able to welcome interruption and to look for the gift in those moments.” Even though Ruffin decided to become a priest at age 12, he knew he wanted to gain life experience first. He earned a bachelor’s degree in history, foreign language, and literature from The University of Southern Mississippi, an MBA in international business and finance from Florida Atlantic University, and eventually a Master’s of Divinity from Seminary of the Southwest. At the Red Cross he spent most of his time working as regional director in South Florida managing programs related to health and safety training, CPR, lifeguarding, and others. “It was a good fit,” he said. “I got to travel and live in different parts of the country. I’ve always had a passion for what they do in terms of helping people meet immediate needs.” He also worked to provide relief during many disasters including Hurricane Katrina. After graduating from Seminary of the Southwest, Ruffin began working at Saint Michael and All Angels as the Associate for Mission and Outreach. “This is a great ministry for being right out of seminary,” he said. “In the past year I’ve been to Cuba twice, Bolivia and Hondoras. He said Cuba was particularly gratifying because they helped a small Episcopal Church buy a church home. Before that the church was meeting in someone’s living room. Now they have a building 6

with a nave, kitchen and nice outdoor garden. Saint Michael’s youth group painted a mural at the church and built a piece of furniture that could be used as an outdoor altar, or as a picnic table, he added. In his free time, Ruffin enjoys distance running as long as it isn’t in the 26-mile range. “I try to run three times a week,” he said. “It varies from three miles to 12 or 13. I’ve done marathons but I just don’t like them. It takes away from your entire weekend. I can run a half-marathon and still go about my day.” Ruffin likes to reload with tasty dishes from his own kitchen. “I’m a vegetarian. I don’t eat meat, which makes me a little weird in the state of Texas, because it’s the epicenter of meat-eating.” Ruffin said he’s been cooking since he was 11, and mostly likes to search recipes online and make whatever strikes his fancy that week. This week he made a homemade white loaf of bread. And he likes making soups in the winter. Right now it’s too hot, for soup, he noted. His other passions are reading and adventure travel. “I like to go to far-flung places in the world and explore different landscapes,” he said. “This summer I went to Costa Rica and had a great time seeing the country and the people.” Ruffin said he has enjoyed his year and half at Saint Michael and All Angels and looks forward to more missions and outreach projects. “It’s a great ministry for this season in life,” he said.

Clergy Profile The Rev. Oliver Butler Associate for Young Adults The Rev. Oliver Butler rejoices in a job where he can teach, baptize, play music and walk with families through the highs and lows of life. “I can lead people to the only One who can heal wounds and the only One who can offer hope in the midst of pain,” he said. “All that adds up to this being a pretty good gig.” Butler, who has served as Associate for Young Adults for the last year and a half, didn’t always have this gig. He once was a parishioner at Saint Michael in the mid-90s, while he worked as a financial headhunter in corporate America. Originally from Houston, Butler attended college at Baylor and later at Virginia Theological Seminary. He worked at the Episcopal School of Dallas as Senior Chaplain, then for a year in Florida at an Episcopal school before returning to Texas to work as interim rector at St. Anne’s in DeSoto.

also loves the mountains for hiking, relaxing on the beach, and cooking Texas BBQ in his smoker. When asked to share a “blooper” about himself, Butler said that years ago during a noon-time Eucharist at Incarnation, he had never led a Rite I service by himself before. “There are some differences. I remember looking at it but I didn’t check everything. We got to post communion prayer and I couldn’t find it. I didn’t have a prayer book with me. So I guessed at the opening words figuring the Episcopalians would take it from there. It was the Prayer of Humble Access and I said, ‘I don’t presume to come to his table… .’ Everyone stared at

His early formation comes courtesy of Young Life in high school and college. But it was during his time at Saint Michael and volunteering with youth that he got the call to do more. He was arguing with the rector about theology and when the two clearly disagreed, Butler asked whether he should continue volunteering. The rector told him absolutely and asked whether he had ever thought about being a priest. He entered seminary a couple of years later. me. I started sweating and dripping on the altar. I couldn’t find it. Finally a seminarian in the congregation gave it to me from his prayer book.”

Butler is married to Elizabeth, and they have a 3-year-old daughter, Vera. The family also own and love their mixedbreed Pyrenees, Lacey. Butler is an avid musician and performs on occasion in a blue grass band and a Texas country band. He plays the guitar, dobro, banjo, and mandolin. He

Like The Rev. Bob Johnston, Butler is passionate about sharing the Gospel. In fact, the two teamed up together in the past at Church of the Incarnation where Butler helped Johnston start the Uptown Services, a contemporary worship that eventually doubled the size of the church. “We are buddies and we hang out outside of church and it’s fun. He’s a right-brain lawyer and I’m a left-brain musician, so it’s a blast. We complement each other pretty well.” The two are currently working on a similar effort at Saint Michael for the contemporary Celebration service. “It has steadily grown since the Fall,” he said. “Summer is down-time here, but we’ve seen a good response.” 7

Women of Saint Michael The Beauty of Saint Michael and All Angels – October’s Women of Saint Michael Program The art and wonderful stained glass windows that adorn Saint Michael and All Angels Church will be the subject of the October 12 Women of Saint Michael luncheon

Brenda West Cockerell’s children’s book, In Grandma’s Garden, is inspired by childhood memories of blissful days spent among the flowers in a grandmother’s garden. Written in rhyming couplets, the book captures the creative imagination of a child and the contentment, peace and safety of being alone in a vibrant garden. The “Meet the Authors” and book signings will be from 1:00 to 3:00 at the Woman’s Exchange store. ..............

A New Way into The Exchange – Meet Designer Jan Barboglio Four longtime members and art aficionados, Anne Coke, Peggy Carr, Karen Wiley, and Tony Briggle will tell the stories of Saint Michael’s treasures within our walls -- from the contemporary windows surrounding the “big church” to the traditional windows in the Saint Michael Chapel to the sculptures and icons throughout our worship spaces. The luncheon and program begin at 11:30 in the Garden Cloister. Make reservations, even if you are a season ticket subscriber, online at ..............

Best Selling Authors Schedule Book Signings at Woman’s Exchange Best selling authors, Len Bourland and Brenda West Cockerell will sign their books at St. Michael’s Woman’s Exchange in Highland Park Village on Wednesday, October 5. Parishioner Len


Bourland’s new book, Normal is Just a Cycle on the Washing Machine, is a humorous memoir of a young mom whose Normal Cycle turns to Spin with divorce and depression, emerging into her Second Cycle as a single mother with adolescents. With bemusement the author finally arrives at her Gentle Cycle.

There’s a new way to get into the St. Michael’s Woman’s Exchange in Highland Park Village. On September 14, Jan Barboglio, internationally renowned furniture and accessories designer – and Saint Michael parishioner – joined the volunteers at the St. Michael’s Woman’s Exchange for the installation of new door handles she designed and made for the store. On Wednesday, October 19 from 2:00 - 3:30, the artist will be at the Woman’s Exchange to greet customers, talk about her designs and sign any pieces purchased that day! Working with iron, glass, leather and wood, Jan is known for bringing the rich history, romance, and spiritual nature of Mexico to home decor. A wide selection of Jan’s home accessories line is always on display at The Exchange. Now, thanks to her, one has to grab the wings of angels to get in the store.

Overview St. Mary’s Guild is Back in Business The St. Mary’s Guild is back in the South Lanai on Sunday mornings with the Donuts, Rum Cake, and other snacks. All proceeds go to Hopeful Solutions and Family Outreach. The guild is looking for more bake team members! Contact Cissy Humphrey 214-521-4314 or email stmarysguild@ for more information. ..............

Experience Cursillo October 13 - 16 Take your faith to the next level by attending the next Cursillo weekend October 13 - 16th at Camp Crucis near Granbury. Participants come away with the tools to help them lead a more Christ-centered life and on-going connections through small groups to deepen their role as a disciple. Register at Interested in visiting a men’s or women’s small group? Groups meet regularly at or near Saint Michael. Contact: Joe Walker jpwalkeriii@sbcglobal. net or Britt McGannon

Prime Timers at the State Fair of Texas Thursday, October 20 Big Tex says “Howdy” to the Prime Timers as they head to the State Fair of Texas. The bus leaves the church on Thursday, October 20 at 9:30. Admission is free, but you will need money for coupons, for a corny dog or two, or maybe some of those wonderful fried foods that are offered! Call Mary Davis at 214-363-7761 to make your reservations. The reservation deadline is Sunday, October 16. ..............

Blood Drive Sunday, October 30 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. ESD Lobby For an appointment visit and use sponsor code: saintmichael


Overview Dr. Amy-Jill Levine to be Distinguished Scholar-in-Residence

Saint Michael’s Farmers Market Records Record Year – Extends Season

Dr. Amy-Jill Levine, Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies at Vanderbilt, will serve as Scholar-in-Residence beginning with the October 15 and 16 Distinguished Lecture Series, addressing “Who Am I Called to Be.”

The season of Saint Michael’s Farmers Market has been extended with monthly markets through December. The next market will be Saturday, October 8 from 8:00 to 12:00 Noon in the north parking lot.

On Saturday, October 15 at 9:15, Dr. Levine will examine “The Call to Speak About the Church – Daniel in Babylon,” followed by a discussion at 10:30 on “The Call to Discipleship – Mary and Martha.” That session will meet in the Coke Activities Room.

The market closed its regular season on September 17 after achieving record numbers during the spring and summer months. More than 10,000 shoppers attended the weekly markets during the season, averaging right at 500+ on a Saturday morning. The market, as always, had the highest quality fresh produce, fruits, eggs, and baked goods, and this

On Sunday, October 16, Dr. Levine will address the combined Forum and Bible Study Classes addressing “The Call to Action – Queen Esther” at 10:00 in the church. Saturday talks require a reservation. Adults $10, Students $5 (with ID). RSVP online or email adult@ For more information please go to ..............

SMU Religion Professor to Lead Adult Bible Study Class in October Dr. Jaime Clark-Soles, Professor of New Testament at SMU’s Perkins School of Theology, will teach at the Sunday Adult Bible Study Class on October 2 and October 9. She will be teaching on “Women in the Bible” at 10:00 in the Coke Activities Room. Dr. Clark-Soles also is the Altshuler Distinguished Teaching Professor. Beginning October 23, former Saint Michael Clergyman, The Rev. Tom Blackmon, will begin a four week series on “Jesus in Galilee” in the Adult Bible Study class.


year had several special features that proved to be popular. Highlights included chef demonstrations, music from members of Saint Michael’s Discovery Mass Band, knife sharpeners, and occasion visits from the firemen at Douglas and Northwest Highway. In addition to October, the market will be open on Saturdays November 12 and December 10.


Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University Welcomes N.T. Wright

Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at the University of St. Andrews, author, and retired Anglican bishop, for a three-day program of lectures, workshops and discussion related to his books. Online registration and additional details for the event are available at

SMU.1 J?J����?

Higher learning. Real experience. Vital ministry.,,,.


Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Episcopal Church of the Incarnation Episcopal Diocese of Dallas Highland Park Presbyterian Church Highland Park United Methodist Church To register and for schedules visit events/ntwright 11

Overview Children’s Safety Enhanced with New Security Doors

Tickets Available for Saint Michael Presents Christmas Concert

The safety of school children on the Saint Michael campus has been significantly enhanced with the installation of new security doors near the north parking lot entrance. In coming weeks the doors will be electronically locked during school hours.

Saint Michael Presents’ fall concert will feature Grammy Award winning vocal ensemble, Conspirare, on Sunday, December 11 in its acclaimed holiday concert, “Conspirare Christmas.”

There are three doors, two accessing the hallways from the north lanai, and a third at the east end of the hallway, near the choir room. Everyone needing access to the hallways, including the Coke Activities Room and the kitchen, will be required to have a nametag. The hallways will be open after school hours and on weekends.

Saint Michael Episcopal School October Calendar October 5th - 6th Donuts for Dads October 10 Columbus Day NO SCHOOL October 11 Teacher In-service NO SCHOOL October 21st SMES Parent Auction Party 12

The ensemble, which plays to “standing room only” audiences around the country, will perform a collage of holiday music including traditional carols. The concert also includes singer-songwriter Matt Alber. The concert is free, but tickets are necessary to assure adequate seating. Tickets are available at the south lanai reception desk or online at ..............

Saint Michael Parishioner Honored by Education Board Kendall Deitch, daughter of Janese and Rick Deitch, has been honored with the Texas Student Hero Award by the Texas Board of Education, and as the Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy by the Association of Fundraising Professionals. During Kendall’s freshman year at Highland Park High School she formed Big Sister’s Closet and got her classmates to donate “gently used” clothing to fifth-grade girls at L.L. Hotchkiss Elementary School in East Dallas. The clothes were featured in a boutique, storelike environment and the Highland Park students helped the younger girls select clothing. Kendall managed the Big Sister’s Closet throughout her high school career, and when she graduated last year Kendall assured the continuation of the project by recruiting a sophomore student to replace her as event chair. Today, Kendall is a freshman at Santa Clara University.

Altar Guild Altar Guild’s Fall Meeting Welcomes New Rector and New Members The Saint Michael Altar Guild’s fall meeting on September 19 was full of “welcomes.” The Directress, Frances Tompkins, welcomed Rector Chris Girata, new trainees and their trainers, returning members, and church ministry leaders. In introducing the Rector, Frances said, “We wanted to give you an overview of the works of the Altar Guild…but you have had so many wonderful welcoming meetings, maybe you can give us an overview.” Most members of the clergy attended the meeting, including former Interim Rector, Doug Travis, and Fr. Bill Power. Ministry leaders from the Acolyte Corps, Sunday morning ushers, the funeral ushers, music, and communications outlined the activities of their groups, particularly as they interacted with the Altar Guild. The evening concluded with a gourmet hot dog dinner, peppermint ice cream for dessert, and entertainment from The Rev. Oliver Butler and band.


Pastoral Care Faith and Grief Celebrates an Anniversary at Saint Michael By Marillyn Seeberger In a month, the Faith and Grief Ministry at Saint Michael and All Angels will celebrate its seventh anniversary. Since November 4, 2009 the ministry has served more than 1,850 lunches and 74 speakers have relayed their stories of faith in the face of loss. The Faith and Grief luncheons serve as a safe place, for those who have suffered the loss of a loved one, to listen to others, share their stories, and take comfort in the companionship of those experiencing similar losses. Saint Michael was the second site, outside of Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church, to partner with the Faith and Grief Ministries organization, which was begun by The Rev. Fran Shelton, The Rev. Wendy Fenn, and lay person, Sharon Balch. The ministry has grown to include 13 host sites in the DFW metroplex and has added sites in Austin, El Paso, Little Rock, Kansas City and Wyckoff, New Jersey. People from all faiths are welcome at any meeting. As The Rev. Wendy Fenn says, “Death is a leveler and uniter.” The organization also publishes a monthly newsletter; conducts weekend retreats; and next year plans to introduce a financial education seminar for widows, with Saint Michael Parishioner, Connie Webb, serving as facilitator. Another Faith and Grief service is a 6-week grief seminar, which will begin at Saint Michael at 6:00 on Thursday evening, October 6 and continue through November 11 in the Chapel Conference Room. Led by Dianne Pennington of the organization, the seminar confidentially explores a person’s grief and helps one recognize how grief meets with faith every day. For more information or to sign up for the seminar, contact The Rev. Greg Pickens, or kbowen@saintmichael. org.


Faith and Grief Luncheon Saint Michael’s October Faith and Grief Luncheon is scheduled for Thursday, October 13 in the Coke Activities Room at 12 noon to 1:00 for a box lunch and facilitated conversation with trained table leaders. Ms. Bonni Brophy King will be the speaker. Make a reservation with Katherine Bowen, There is not a fee for the meal, but a donation is greatly appreciated. Questions? Interested in becoming a facilitator? Contact clergy representative, Greg Pickens, ..............

Advent Liturgy of Remembrance and Light on December 15 The loss of loved ones can be especially difficult during the Christmas season. The annual Advent Liturgy of Remembrance and Light will be on Thursday night, December 15, at 6:00 in the Saint Michael Chapel. This service is in candlelight to help provide comfort and peace as we remember to celebrate the blessings of life. Guest Musician, Ana Hernandez, with the Candlelight Mass musicians Brice Beaird and Trey Boothe will provide the music. You are invited to attend and stay afterwards for a reception in the parlor, hosted by the Faith & Grief Ministry. Questions? Contact The Rev. Greg Pickens, gpickens@saintmichael. org, or Katherine Bowen,


Mission and Outreach Volunteers Needed for Jubilee Park National Night Out – Tuesday, October 4

By Our Love Organizational Meeting Monday, October 24

Bring the family to National Night Out at the Jubilee Park and Community Center and volunteer to make this event one of the most successful ever! National Night Out is an annual program that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, better places to live. Volunteer online at www.saintmichael. org/nationalnightout.

By Our Love Ministry, a feeding ministry serving people living with HIV/AIDS, will meet to organize the next year’s schedule of providing meals at AIDS Services of Dallas. Interested parishioners are invited to attend the meeting to learn more about the ministry, to volunteer, or to lead one of the small groups within the ministry. Also, By Our Love is seeking a new volunteer leader. The organizational meeting will be in the Coke Activities Room beginning at 6:00. RSVP to The Rev. Hunter Ruffin at

Amistad Mission Trip Leaves Friday, October 7 The Bolivia Pilgrimage will leave Friday, October 7 for a week of fun and fellowship with the children of Casa Esperanza at Amistad Mission in Cochabamba. In Bolivia, we will spend our days praying, playing, and laughing with the children at Amistad Mission, praying with the Mamas and Tias in their weekly Bible study, and discovering how God’s grace is at work in our lives and the lives of others.

Registration Open for the 2017 Honduras Mission Trip Registration for the 2017 Honduras Mission Trip is now open! Leaving on February 4, next year and returning on February 11, the trip already promises to be engaging and Spirit-filled.

Join Mission Outreach Leadership Are you looking for a way to give back? Mission and Outreach is looking for dedicated people to join its Leadership Team. If interested, contact The Rev. Hunter Ruffin at hruffin@

In order to go on the trip, each missioner must pay a deposit of $600 and complete required paperwork. After completing the online registration, you will receive a confirmation email with links to additional documents that need to be submitted to finalize your registration. The registration deadline is October 31. Register at honduras2017. Mission Outreach Volunteer Opportunites on page 19 15

Youth Ministry Youth Ministry Vision and Values Presented Sunday, October 2 Last spring, more than 30 parents and youth volunteers gathered to discern a Mission Statement, Core Values, and ongoing goals for Saint Michael’s Youth Ministry. On Sunday, October 2 at the 11:00 service the outstanding work of that group will be blessed as the youth ministry presents the Mission Statement and guiding Values to the larger congregation:

Saint Michael and All Angels Youth Ministry Mission Statement: Saint Michael and All Angels Youth Ministry engages, nurtures, and inspires our youth community to become confident disciples of Jesus Christ.

Values: Believing: The foundation of our faith rests in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Welcoming: We invite, love, encourage, and embrace all people. Fun: Shared laughter and joy are part of growing within our Christ-centered program. Serving: We visibly focus on Christ’s call to serve others. Episcopal: We cherish our liturgy, strive to fulfill our baptismal covenant, and engage Scripture, tradition, and reason. Intergenerational: We commit to building relationships between people of all ages within the parish. Enduring: Our dynamic program flourishes and successfully responds to change.


Youth Bowling Adventure a Big Strike Saint Michael’s Youth LiveWIRE met Wednesday evening, September 28, at Bowlounge for an evening of fun. In addition to a few strikes and a few gutters, there was good food and a lot of fellowship.

Youth Ministry 2017 Youth Mission Trips New Orleans - June 18-24 Cost: $500 Open to current 6-12th graders Join us for a week of mission work in New Orleans, Louisiana working with Trinity Episcopal Church. We will spend the week doing direct service with local organizations and learn about how the city is rebuilding almost 12 years after Hurricane Katrina.

Bolivia - July 24-August 1 Cost: $2,000 Open to current 9-12th graders Bolivia is the poorest country in South America where 65% of the population earns less than $1 a day and 2.5 million children suffer from malnutrition, disease, abuse and abandonment. For over 25 years, Amistad Mission has been addressing these challenges in Christ’s name by finding lasting ways to improve the lives of the poor and vulnerable - one child, one family, one village at a time. Join us as we spend the week with our friends at Casa Esperanza and the other children at the La Villa orphanage in Cochabamba, Bolivia as well as visit the mountain community of Aramasi.

Wednesday Night Dinners - Help! Parents! Please consider providing a meal on a Wednesday evening this school year. You can sign up alone or with another family. By signing up, our youth will not have to pay $5 each week. Dinner is served weekly at 6:30 for approximately 25 youth. You can sign up online go/4090c4aaba72fa0fb6-wednesday.

Registration for both trips opens on October 1. ..............

Service Opportunities October 5 - Youth Serve Dinner at Austin Street Shelter We will meet at Austin Street at 5:30 to serve dinner. The address is 2929 Hickory Street. Community service hours are available for this event. Transportation is available from the church if needed. October 30 - Trunk or Treat 9:30 -11:15 We will be joining in all the fun at Trunk or Treat this year and providing Halloween and carnival games for the younger children to play. Would you like to decorate a car? You can reserve a parking space by emailing Please email Lauren if you are available to volunteer at either of these events at

Youth Calendar November 5 Disciples Class Literacy Fair 6 Six Flags Trip 18-20 Happening at Camp All Saints* December 4 Paintball at Cousins Paintball Park 7 Tacky Sweater Christmas Party January 13-15 Winter Retreat at Camp All Saints For more information on any Youth Ministry event contact Lauren at *For information on Happening and New Beginnings go to the website for the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas at


Children and Family Ministry Edge Second Sunday Social (S3)

Communion Class

Calling all 4th and 5th graders! Join us for food, fellowship, and fun on the second Sunday of each month at 5:00 for S3. This month is Movie Night. Our feature film will be Zootopia! Registration is open now at Don’t forget your $5 for dinner! Questions? Contact Erika Bower at for more information.

Everyone is welcome at the table for Holy Communion yet sometimes we want a little more information. Join us for a morning of joyful and prayerful exploration of God’s gift to us in the Eucharist. The gathering will consist of gathering around the altar for instruction and questions as well as a time to make stoles and try on vestments. For more information, please contact Emily Given – or 214-692-3030.


Nativity Pageant Tryouts


What part will your child play in God’s Story? If your child is age 3 – 2nd grade, their parts are assigned so all they need is a registration. For 3rd-8th grade children, we will be holding tryouts for Nativity Pageant parts on October 9th and 16th from 12:302:30 in 10 minute intervals. All children who tryout will receive a part. To register your child or to choose their tryout time slot, please visit nativity.

Project Outreach


Edge Lock-In Don’t miss out on this Edge tradition! The 4th & 5th graders will be exploring the church and grounds during our All Saints & All Souls Day Lock-In. Glow-in-the-dark games & karaoke, sugar skull cookies, Mexican hot chocolate, toasting marshmallows, and so much more. The Edge LockIn will start at 7:30 on October 28. The cost per Edger is $30 and they are encouraged to bring a friend! Register at by October 20. ..............

Trunk Or Treat


Trunk or Treat returns this year on Sunday October 30 from 10:00-11:00! Come park your car in the south parking lot, fill your trunk with candy, and wear your best Halloween gear. We will be celebrating fall with games, crafts, and lots of Halloween goodies. And parents - don’t forget to go visit Dracula at the Blood Drive in the ESD lobby! He needs your blood! Claim your spot in the parking lot with Emily Given at

This year, children in Spark: Activate Faith and The Edge are spending 3 week segments collecting items for different outreach partners. This month includes the Any Soldier project and The Gathering. Students are collecting Christmas cards for soldiers away from home over the holidays until October 9th. From October 16th until November 13th, students are encouraged to bring cold weather items (scarfs, gloves, hats, blankets, etc.) to share with our friends at The Gathering. If you would like more information, please contact Erika at ..............

Any Soldier Project Parish Members are invited to join our children in collecting Christmas cards this year for our men & women in the Armed Forces away from home during this holiday season. Please drop your Christmas cards in the baskets located in the North and South Lanais before November 27th. Last year we sent over 800 – can you help us reach our goal of 1,000? For more information contact Erika at

For Your Information Great Expectations Welcome to our newest members recently born into our parish family: Eva Lillian Sieg August 19 Nick and Elizabeth David Gabriel Musser September 1 Lisa and David Musser Eva “Evie” Leigh Rugg September 15 Andrew and Jessica

Volunteer Opportunities Meals on Wheels Meals on Wheels provides food and drivers to deliver meals to the elderly and other shut-ins. To volunteer for a regular route, please contact Mary Bartholow by calling 214-528-5651 or via email at

Serve at Austin Street Shelter The Austin Street Center provides emergency shelter and expert services to homeless men and women in Dallas. •

Cooking: October 4, 5:30-8:00 in the Parish Hall Kitchen - We will begin our time with prayer and then cook or the residents of Austin Street Shelter. Please email The Rev. Hunter Ruffin to volunteer as a cook

Transporting the food: One person needed the morning of October 5, 2016. Please email Rita Davis to volunteer to drive the food to Austin Street Center.

Saint Michael and All Angels Youth will be serving the meal at Austin Street. Youth interested in serving with us may contact Lauren Wainwright for more information.

Grant Them Eternal Rest Pat Tolbert Merriman, May 10, husband of Astrid Merriman Patrick Lee Holloway, July 27, husband of Nancy Holloway, father of Ian and Brooke Jeannie Bickart Westerburg, August 20, sister of Rob Westerburg, sister-in-law of Linda Westerburg Lorraine Burklund Sanford, September 2, mother of Nancy Sanford Dimitrios Dimitri C. Agrouridis, September 7, father of Nassi Agouridis and father-in-law of Leslie Agouridis, grandfather of Cole and Will LaDelle Hufstutler Ross, September 9, mother of Rita Davis and Ralph Ross, mother-in-law of Dick Davis and Mary Ross, grandmother of Caroline Eastman, Drew Ross and Walt Davis, grandmother-in-law of Ward Eastman and Amy Davis, great-grandmother of Perry Eastman and Walter Davis James Jim McCuen Augur, September 9, father of Margaret Hancock and Ann Hardaway, father-in-law of Barry Hancock and Mark Hardaway, grandfather of Mary Margaret, James and Katherine Hancock, and Mark Charlotte, and William Hardaway Keith Paul Young Jr., September 9, cousin of Shelly Vescovo Wilson Schoellkopf Jr., husband of Jan Schoellkopf, father of Wilson Schoellkopf, and Jennifer Emanuelson, father-in-law of Lynde Schoellkoph, grandfather of Willow Schoellkopf, and Grace, George and Whit Emanuelson, brother of Alan Schoellkopf and brother-in-law of Mardie Schoellkopf

Jubilee Volunteer Opportunities Out of School Time The Out of School Time Program will serve 200 children Kindergarten through 8th grades. This fall we are excited to announce we will be on site at O.M. Roberts and at Jubilee Park and Community Center. The program hours for O.M. Roberts are Monday-Friday, 3:00-6:00. Volunteers serve as classroom assistants to help with homework and activities. Tutoring Volunteers will be matched with a student and tutor in either reading or math either in a one on one setting at Jubilee or a group setting at O.M. Roberts. Davids’ Place Readers Davids’ Place is the Head Start school on the Jubilee campus, serving 3 to 5 year olds. Volunteers are needed to read to the children. 1 hour a week. Volunteer classroom assistance hours are between 9-12:45 and 2:30-5:30. Monday through Friday.





A monthly publication of Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church


Saint Michael and All Angels


8011 Douglas Avenue Dallas, Texas 75225-0385 Phone: 214-363-5471 Fax: 214-363-4388 The Archangel Newsletter (USPS 015-033) is published monthly by Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church POSTMASTER: Send Address changes to The Archangel, Saint Michael and All Angels Church, P.O. Box 12385, Dallas,TX 75225-0385

Worship Schedule Monday – Friday 7:00 a.m. – Eucharist – BMC Wednesday 10:00 a.m. – Healing Service – BMC Saturday 8:30 a.m. – Eucharist - BMC 5:30 p.m. – Candlelight Mass – SMC Sunday 7:30 a.m. – Eucharist Rite I – SMC 9:00 a.m. – Eucharist Rite II – Church 9:00 a.m. – Discovery Mass – SMC 9:15 a.m. – Joy Mass – Theater 10:00 a.m. – Sunday School

(Children and Adult)

11:00 a.m. – Eucharist Rite I - Church 11:11 a.m. – The Celebration - Parish Hall 5:30 p.m. – Evening Prayer

Parish Clergy

Parish Vestry

The Reverend Christopher Girata, Rector The Reverend Bill Murray, Vicar The Reverend Lisa Flores Musser, Associate for Pastoral Care The Reverend Greg Pickens, Associate for Operations and Pastoral Care The Reverend Hunter Ruffin, Associate for Mission and Outreach The Reverend Bob Johnston, Associate for Evangelism The Reverend Oliver Butler, Associate for Young Adults The Reverend Michael Harmuth, Sunday Associate The Reverend Rich Towers, Weekend Associate The Reverend Mary Lessmann, Sunday Associate

Matt Waller, Sr. Warden

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Kay Whelan, Jr. Warden Grady Schleier, Treasurer Charlie Sartain, Chancellor Margaret Spellings, Clerk Peter Beck, Eric Conner, Mark Demler, Whitney Grogan, Beth Hise, Kathy Kelley, Rachel Morgan, Tom Rhodus, Elizabeth L. Selzer, J. C. Snead, Arnold Spencer, and Chris Wiley.

and Eucharist Rite I - SMC

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