Annual Report 2019

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ON THE COVER: Pictured

clockwise from top: The Resurrection Window, The Creation Window, and the Crucifixion Window. Photos credit Haal Photography, 2018.

Sunday, March 1, 2020 | 10 a.m.

P arish Meeting Agenda

Opening Prayer The Rev. Ken Brannon, Vice Rector Welcome and Call to Order The Rev. Dr. Christopher Girata, Rector Election of Women of Saint Michael Officers for 2020-2021 Christine Paddock, Parliamentarian Senior Warden's Report Warren Houser Junior Warden's Report Bonner Allen Finance Report Kathy Kelley, Treasurer Rector’s Report The Rev. Dr. Christopher Girata, Rector Questions and Responses Doxology and Adjournment

Rector’s Report

Saint Michael is about the business of raising up Christian disciples to extend God’s kingdom, and we have done great work in 2019. We have more children filling our building, more adults engaging in our classes, more people in the pews, and more generous support of our shared ministries. We took a good, confident, faithful step forward last year, and I am hopeful for the fruit our work will bear.



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As I reflect on this past year, it’s impossible for me to detail every good, kind, engaging moment. What follows is just a small slice of the work being done by our Saint Michael family. I encourage Re , v. D a you not only to read the reports found in this booklet, but to read, watch, and listen to the stories t ir a r. C hristopher D. G that come out of our church every day. The following annual report will lift up some of the most celebrated moments in our community over the past twelve months. You will see good news reports about many effective ministries that have continued, a few ministries that were lovingly ended, and some burgeoning ministries that are engaging new, diverse groups in our community. With each report written and story told, the sacred work of our church is deepening our impact now and planting important seeds for continued expansion in the future. The 2019 year kicked off with an upswing in attendance and engagement. With excellent worship and formation offerings, as well as special events, our attendance increased. This good attendance swing continued in 2019, with our average attendance continuing to rise year over year, a trend that has been true for three years in a row. Our worship life has enriched our spiritual formation in many ways. Our music offerings have expanded, both traditional and contemporary, giving thousands inside and outside our membership the opportunity to experience the beauty of holiness. We have also engaged in multiple sermon series across all our services. In particular, our Grace to Gratitude experience in the fall brought hundreds into a daily process of gratitude journaling, resulting in an amazing gratitude tree that stretched across the hallway outside the church. Higher attendance also sparks higher giving. In the finance report, you will see that our giving has continued to increase, topping $6 million for the first time ever. This generosity shows how we are deepening our commitment to the Gospel work we do here and enables us to reach more people in the community. In addition to the traditional metrics of Sunday attendance and giving, I’m struck with the quality of engagement we have in so many other areas of our church community. Annual programs such as Vacation Bible School and our Marriage Preparation Course increased their numbers. Service in the community through ministries like Jubilee Park, Meals on Wheels, and Austin Street Shelter increased their numbers. The visits we made to members who are ill or homebound increased, as did the number of small group and bible studies offered to adults throughout the week. In each of these areas, we are deepening our connection to one another and, in doing so, deepening our connection to God. Our work extends well beyond annual programs. We hosted special, one-time events, like the second Interfaith Panel in January of 2019 that has engaged hundreds of thousands, both here and online. We deepened our care for children, including the full accreditation of our Saint Michael Episcopal School and the beginning of our preschool and early elementary Cherub Choir. And we have led incredible immersion experiences, such as the Holy Land Family Pilgrimage and the Camino de Santiago Pilgrimage, just to name a few. One of the biggest moments of 2019 came with little fanfare or attention but began a shift that will reshape our campus forever. In August, the Lower School of the Episcopal School of Dallas moved out of our building to a beautiful new 2019 Parish Meeting Report


March 1, 2020

space on their main campus. We have known for years that ESD would unify their campus, and their departure opens up some amazing opportunities for our church campus. In the near future, we plan to renovate the former ESD space and relocate the Saint Michael Episcopal School, allowing them to have increased the number of students in the same ages they currently serve. The SMES is an amazing gift to our neighborhood and a fantastic way for young families to discover and connect to our church family. In addition, we will be able to lease and develop the northeast portion of our property while considering how we can reshape our church buildings to better serve our growing community. Although plans have not yet been finalized, the future of our community is very bright! In 2020, Saint Michael will continue expanding our reach, deepening the spirituality of our members and inviting more people in our community to join us. As we approach this fall, I’m particularly excited to celebrate our 75th Anniversary. A wonderful team of parishioners has been hard at work preparing for the anniversary and over the next few months, you will see the fruits of their labors. As we celebrate the past 75 years, I am most excited to imagine what the next 75 will bring. We have inherited a faithful vision of God’s kingdom from those who came before us, and together, we will continue to live into that vision, extending God’s love more and more.

The Rev. Dr. Christopher D. Girata Rector

V ice Rector's Report


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I began as Vice Rector at the beginning of July and have enjoyed settling into Dallas and getting to know everyone. My first six months were focused on the following: 1) serving as a priest, which includes leading worship, teaching classes, and providing pastoral care; 2) in cooperation with the rector, implementing a new leadership structure (EOS) with the executive staff, which ensures value/vision clarification and improved staff support and accountability; and 3) getting to know the Mission and Outreach ministry better in preparation for hiring a new department director in 2020. I am impressed by the spiritual gifts of people in this parish and excited about ev. ice K en V the road ahead. , neth H . B ran n on

The Rev. Kenneth H. Brannon Vice Rector

2019 Parish Meeting Report


March 1, 2020

S enior Warden’s Report



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This past year we had a lot of wonderful events happen at Saint Michael and All Angels, including the second annual Interfaith Panel: Islam, Judaism and Christianity – A Conversation Continued led by distinguished faith leaders Rabbi Nancy Kasten, Imam Omar Suleiman and our own rector, Chris Girata. We also celebrated the all-parish party at the Frontiers of Flight Museum. Both of these events were presented by the Women of Saint Michael. Some among the many other notable events include Poetry and Faith, Pub Theology, Project Moses discussions on human trafficking, spring rre distinguished lecture series, Saint Michael Presents, Angel Chef Cooking Competition, a nH W r o i ouser and the Lenten Retreat with the brothers from Society of St. John the Evangelist monastery , 2 0 1 9 S en from Cambridge, Mass. Saint Michael's Farmers Market continued to bring us amazing food and have record crowds. We were able to renew the St. Michael Woman’s Exchange lease in Highland Park Village so they can continue providing the tremendous outreach resources they have been providing for over 61 years. Our partnership with Jubilee continues to be strong. We served food at Austin Street Shelter and the Gathering among many other outreach efforts. We continued to see increases in average Sunday attendance in both traditional and contemporary tracks of worship. We added a Choral Compline service that is fantastic. In Sunday school, we transitioned from God’s Story in the spring to Our Story in the fall. God’s story focused on the time period from creation to Jesus’ death and resurrection. Our Story focuses on our history and the growth of Christianity since that time. I hope you feel more connected as a result of efforts from our great communications and marketing department. We invested in much needed technology and facilities upgrades you will hear more about in other reports including bringing high speed fiber internet into the church and a great new WIFI system. We now have an amazing new church management online platform and the SMAA App to complement our website, where you can find all of the church events and programming information, watch sermons and other recorded events, look up your church friends with the SMAA App directory and securely make your annual pledge and payments either online or through the app. I will be chairing the Technology Committee in 2020, so if you have any challenges, please let me know and we can help you get signed up and logged in. The SMAA app has so much more to offer, and we will be rolling out more functionality in 2020. Search “SMAA” in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and you will love it! We have many church programs and outreach ministries we want to nurture, and your gracious giving not only makes them possible - it feeds your soul. If you would like to pay or exceed your 2020 pledge or if you would simply like to make a contribution, I strongly encourage you to try this from the new app. This past year we welcomed our new Vice Rector, the Reverend Ken Brannon, and his wonderful wife, Rachel, to the SMAA family. He is a welcome addition and complement to our church leadership. Please make a point to get to know Ken and Rachel if you haven’t met them. The vestry spent substantial time preparing for the future of our Church. ESD completed construction of its new lower school campus adjacent to their upper school on Midway Road and moved in the fall of 2019. Their lease will end in early summer 2020, and Vestry continued to look at what we want to do with the nearly half of our church footprint ESD formerly occupied. ESD’s departure will allow the Saint Michael Episcopal School to grow into some of the available space and become the premier primer school in the Dallas area. 2019 Parish Meeting Report


March 1, 2020

In early September 2018, Saint Michael filed a zoning application which unifies our zoning and allow us to re-develop our campus over time in a better manner than the old zoning allowed. The plan is a culmination of years of planning by church leaders, including successive Vestries and special committees, to determine the best use of this property for the church’s benefit. The Vestry continued to work with the City Plan Commission of Dallas, holding meetings at their request with our neighbors to better inform them of the project details. The City Plan Commission unanimously approved our planned development zoning request in November 2019, and the Dallas City Council unanimously approved it on February 12, 2020. Lincoln Property Company is going to build a wonderful new Class A+ mixed-use project on the north parking lot land that will provide more parking for the church in a structured, well-lit parking garage, a great new permanent home for our Farmer’s Market at no cost to the church, and best of all, we will have new opportunities to do more good more often in our community. The Vestry continues to focus on annual giving and operations, church facilities, and programming. An important part of the vestry’s work is to oversee the financial health of the Church. I encourage you to read Treasurer Kathy Kelley’s report for detailed information on the Church’s finances. Kathy, Rob Baber, and the members of the Finance Committee did an excellent job in overseeing the church’s budget and expenses. We were thrilled to end the year with a budget surplus. Revenues were strong but approximately $60,000 below budget this year due to the fact that current year pledges were on target while we realized a slightly lower amount of unpledged contributions. However due to positive financial results of the Saint Michael Episcopal School, along with the careful expense work of the clergy and staff, we ended the year with over a $13,000 net surplus. A committee was formed to plan the 75th anniversary of the founding of Saint Michael, and they worked diligently to prepare for some exciting events to come in 2020 as we celebrate this great milestone. The past twelve months serving as Senior Warden have been truly a rewarding experience. It was my extreme pleasure to serve alongside a passionate vestry and church operations team who care immeasurably for our church. I learned so much about the numerous organizations that make up our church family, and how many lay leaders it takes to make them successful. We are blessed to have so many people with great talents and the time to devote to our mission. There is always room for more. I almost did not accept the call to be on vestry 3 years ago because I thought I was too busy with other things in my life. Looking back that would have been one of my biggest regrets. There are so many areas at Saint Michael that can use your helping hands or knowledge, so if you have not yet found your place, please contact the church and they will help you find somewhere you can get involved to leverage your strengths. It has been an honor to work with our Rector Chris Girata, Vice Rector Ken Brannon, the clergy and staff. I want to especially thank Bonner Allen for her time and contributions as Junior Warden. Her advice and knowledge of the Church was invaluable. I am also grateful for the Vestry and all of their hard work and dedication. Thank you to Kathy Kelly as Treasurer for all she does to make sure our finances are in order. Finally, I am grateful to know that Jay Lipscomb who served as Warden-at-Large last year will be a fantastic Senior Warden in 2020. I am looking forward to all of the great things to come in 2020 and beyond at Saint Michael!

Warren Houser Senior Warden 2019 Parish Meeting Report


March 1, 2020

2020 S aint Michael Vestry



Lipscomb Senior Warden Class of 2020

Jane Greene 2020 Kyle Moore 2020 Anna Paccone 2020 George Baldwin 2021 Hallie Lawrence 2021


Stacey Malcolmson 2021

Ellerman Junior Warden

Steve McKenney 2021 Richard D'Antoni 2022

Class of 2020

Louise Griffeth 2022 John McFarland, Jr. 2022


Darrel Rice 2022

Oden Warden-at-Large

Erica Sartain 2022

Class of 2021



Wilson Chancellor

Dianna Bowen Margaret Spellings



Janice Bywaters Jeff Kilpatrick Stacey Malcolmson Andy McRoberts Grady Schleier Jim Smith Chris Wiley

Brown Clerk

KATHY Kelley Treasurer

2019 Parish Meeting Report


March 1, 2020

Meet your new members!


(December 31, 2022)

RICHARD D'ANTONI Current Co-Chair of the Stewardship Committee, Prayer Ministry, Rector Search and Transition Committee, Amistad Mission, Mission and Outreach Lead, Alpha Leadership Team and Cursillo Past Secretary to Diocesan Convention, Former member of the Diocesan Executive Council to Finance Committee

LOUISE GRIFFETH Past President of Women of Saint Michael, Past Chair of the Parish Party, Past Chair of the Saint Michael and All Angels Foundation, Past Chair of the Greeters Committee, Stewardship Committee, Saint Michael's Farmers Market, Prayer Ministry, Jubilee Park

JOHN MCFARLAND, JR Acolyte and Chalice Bearer, Buildings & Grounds Committee, Vestry Nominating Committee Episcopal Diocesan Convention Delegate, Men of Saint Michael

DARREL RICE Acolyte, Choir Member, Board of Trustees for the Saint Michael and All Angels Foundation, Chair of Saint Michael Presents, Past Chair of Mission and Outreach Committee, Former member of SMAA Vestry Nominating Committee, Audit Committee, and Compensation Committee, Former Delegate to Diocesan Convention

ERICA SARTAIN Stephen Ministry, Lector, Human Resources Committee of the Vestry, Past Co-Chair of the Adult, Education Committee, Past Co-Chair of the Couples Ministry, Past Treasurer of the Children & Family Ministry Committee

2019 Parish Meeting Report


March 1, 2020

N ew Diocesan Convention Delegates


(December 31, 2022)





Chair of Music in Worship Committee Verger, Master of Ceremonies of Worship, Acolyte, and Chalice Bearer Former member of the Board of the MOSM Former member, Adult Education Steering Committee Past Co-Chair of the Inquirer's Class Former member, Newcomers Steering Committee

Acolyte, Chalice Bearer, and Lector Brotherhood of St. Andrew Share the Lite Committee Compass Rose Society attendee

DAVID HENDERSON Acolyte and Lector Lay Eucharistic Minister Project Moses Mission 4th year EfM Jubilee Park, North Dallas Shared Ministries, The Gathering, Farmers Market

MARY HENDERSON Lay Eucharistic Minister Acolyte and Lector Project Moses Mission 4th Year EfM Jubilee Park, North Dallas Shared Ministries, The Gathering, Farmers Market

ERIC GILMOUR EYC Middle and High School Leader Brotherhood of St. Andrew Project Moses Mission Men of Saint Michael (MOSM)

KELLY NICHOLS REDDELL Acolyte Chalice Bearer Past Chair of Mission and Outreach Committee Stewardship Committee Amistad Mission

Exp 2020 Exp 2021 Exp 2022 Exp 2020 Exp 2021 Exp 2022


John McFarland Jr., Tricia Stewart, Kay Whelan Terry Demler, J.C. Snead, Scott Wilson Michael Blachly, Mary Henderson, Kelly Nichols Reddell alternates: Ed Blessing, Katherine Blachly, Ross Vick Heather Lorch, Jack Rubarth, Blair Oden Michael Reddell, David Henderson, Eric Gilmour

2020 S aint Michael Foundation

STEWART Thomas President


Matt Waller 2024

Stewart Thomas, President


Katherine Blachly


Larry Galvin, Treasurer


Tony Briggle 2026

Peggy Carr, Secretary


Nita Clark 2026

Joe Colonnetta 2026


Eric Conner 2026

Peggy Carr 2022

Dare Gillette 2022


David Martin 2022

The Rev. Dr. Christopher Girata, Rector

Tamara O'Connor


Kathy Kelley, Saint Michael Treasurer

Stewart Thomas 2022

Anna Paccone, Vestry Representative

Harriet Cousins 2024 Larry Galvin 2024 Allen Lassiter 2024

2019 Parish Meeting Report


March 1, 2020



inancial Report

HIGHLIGHTS Saint Michael’s 2019 fiscal year exceeded budget, achieving a $13,565 net surplus after allocating ample amounts to reserves for future maintenance or programmatic needs. Our ath su r yK re a elley, S T finances are sound and cash MAA reserves are adequate. • The Church’s total revenue, comprised primarily of pledge payments, grew in 2019 to a historical high of $6.3 million. • Ongoing church-wide expenses were reasonable and our Saint Michael Episcopal School (SMES) continued to beat expectations. The aggregate results were positive budget variances in our total expense line and profitability for the year. • Looking forward, our 2020 budget shows a breakeven profit of $1,000. We expect an increase in total revenue due to strong stewardship. On the expense side, we are budgeting a growth in ministry costs as well as the partial loss of ESD’s reimbursements as they transferred from our campus as planned. Our 2020 break-even budget allows for a modest use of reserves if needed to offset these items.



2019 FINANCIAL RESULTS Our financial results for 2019 were solid and pre-reserve net income exceeded budget. Our Net Operating Revenue came in at $5,532,434 which was close but slightly under budget of $5,593,000. The small variance is primarily due to unpledged donations being less than expected while our current-year pledge revenue was on target. Aggregate expenses (excluding reserve distributions) came in 3% under budget provided in large part by the Saint Michael Episcopal School which is strengthening financially each year. The cumulative result for 2019 was a $13,565 net surplus after distributing the following amounts to reserves: a) $100,000 to the Maintenance Fund in the event of unplanned campus building costs, and b) $57,000 to the School Transition Fund established to offset the impact of

2019 Parish Meeting Report

ESD’s move. After these allocations, we ended 2019 with a strong balance in each of these reserve accounts. 2020 BUDGET Each year, the bedrock of our financial planning is the dollar amount of stewardship pledges in hand at budget time. Every pledge matters as they are our main source of revenue to support the growing ministries of Saint Michael. This year’s campaign successfully reached over $6 million in pledges representing a 6% increase, or $358,000, over the prior year’s actual level. In terms of determining overall operating costs for the upcoming church year, our staff engages in a professional budgeting process. The predominant goals for 2020 are to continue our multi-year focus on growing ministry offerings for all ages and on initiatives that garner robust membership participation. You will note that Saint Michael is a very personnel-oriented business and staffing costs add up to over two thirds of total expenses. In 2020, for the first time, our Budget incorporates the fact that ESD’s lower school has completed its long-planned move to their main campus. Their contractual obligation for church expense reimbursement is expiring and the net effect on our 2020 budget is the loss of $277,000 in ESD payments from the prior year. Fortunately, we have been planning on this transition for many years and have built up cash reserves to compensate as needed. In establishing the 2020 budget, we are at a point when using a reasonable level of reserves comes into play. Several positive and negative considerations for the 2020 year are strong revenue growth, growing expense support for ministry development, expected maintenance needs, and the reduction in ESD revenue. Hence the 2020 budget approved by the Vestry and Finance Committee anticipates using a portion of Maintenance Reserves ($50,000) and of Transition Reserves ($68,000) if needed to offset some of these items. Nevertheless, we will maintain a healthy level of reserves after such usage considering that we deposited more in 2019 than we would be withdrawing in 2020.


March 1, 2020

2018 Revenue and Expenses, 2019 Budget

Current Year Pledges Prior Year Pledges Unpledged Plate Other Credit Card Fees Total Revenues

2019 Budget $ 5,678,000 137,000 414,000 87,000 147,000 (39,000) $ 6,424,000

2019 Actual $ 5,702,116 83,633 354,730 108,395 147,020 (32,368) $ 6,363,526

2020 Budget $ 6,060,000 129,000 350,000 93,000 239,000 (38,000) $ 6,833,000

Diocese and National Church Seminaries Mission & Outreach Total Outreach

$ 679,000 7,000 145,000 $ 831,000

$ 679,092 7,000 145,000 $ 831,092

$ 720,000 7,000 145,000 $ 872,000

Net Operating Revenue

$ 5,593,000

$ 5,532,434

$ 5,961,000

Operating Expenses Ministries Compensation & Benefits Other Facilities & Administration Compensation & Benefits Services, Utilities, Supplies Transfer to Reserves Total Operating Expenses

$ 2,275,000 780,000

$ 2,233,554 494,558

$ 2,521,000 696,000

2,081,000 1,081,000 ‐ $ 6,217,000

2,010,395 1,261,511 157,000 $ 6,157,018

2,173,000 931,000 ‐ $ 6,321,000

Expense Offsets ESD Expense Allocation

$ (625,000)

$ (638,149)

$ (361,000)

Net Expense after Offsets

$ 5,592,000

$ 5,518,869

$ 5,960,000

Net Surplus/(Deficit)

$ 1,000

$ 13,565

$ 1,000

To summarize, our 2020 budget is based on Total Revenues of $6,833,000 compared to a prior year budget of $6,424,000. Take from that our budgeted Outreach and Operating Expenses totaling $6,832,000 and the bottom line is a breakeven $1,000 surplus for 2020. The aforementioned reserve allocations are incorporated into the budget to be used if needed. STATUS OF OUR FINANCIAL GIVING Our Stewardship campaign successfully hit over $6.0 million in pledges in hand at final close which represents growth

over last year pledges of $5.7 million. Our average pledge grew 8% from $5,316 to $5,759 due to the generosity of our committed givers. However our pledging units fell slightly from 1090 to 1045 meaning that the same families are increasing their donations while others stay on the sidelines. We are so grateful for each pledge but increasing annual stewardship participation and deeper family engagement will be a major goal during this exciting time at Saint Michael. FINANCE TEAM Saint Michael has an excellent financial staff led by our Director of Finance, Rob 2019 Parish Meeting Report


March 1, 2020

Baber, who has many years of institutional knowledge and financial expertise. Our Finance Committee, that meets at least monthly, is comprised of an outstanding group of individuals with a broad depth of financial experience. I am very grateful to our 2019 Finance Committee members: Stuart Brown, Janice Bywaters, Barry Hancock, Jeff Kilpatrick, Stacey Malcolmson, Bill McGannon, Andy McRoberts, Grady Schleier, Jim Smith and Chris Wiley. AUDIT We received an unqualified (or “clean”) opinion for the 2018 audit and the 2019 audit will be performed this Spring. The church Audit Committee reports to the vestry and is independent of the staff, Treasurer and Finance Committee. The Audit members in 2019 were George Baldwin (Chair), Jay Lipscomb, Chris Wiley, Warren Houser and Darrell Rice. CONCLUSION We trust that this report conveys that the clergy, staff and lay leaders at Saint Michael are careful stewards of the church’s resources. Your financial commitment is so very important, so very appreciated, and is the key to Saint Michael’s financial well-being, now and into the future.



2019 Parish Meeting Report


March 1, 2020



2019 Parish Meeting Report


March 1, 2020

The Saint Michael and All Angels Foundation

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Fo un

C ha r


Your Saint Michael and All Angels Foundation enters 2020 with enthusiasm, a sharper focus, and a new and dynamic direction. Our mission, in broad terms, is to enhance and support the tai ministries of the parish. As n, AA 201 M 9 P r e si d e n t S our church embarks on an era of growth and community outreach, your Foundation will play an increasingly important role.


Last year, 2019, the Foundation made grants to the church totaling $56,637. For the music department, $29,620 for research into starting a boys’ choir summer camp program under the auspices of the Royal School of Music-America. This would be the only such program for boys in the United States outside of the northeast. The goal is to have an annual summer camp course beginning at Saint Michael in 2022. Other grants during the year were $3,000 to the Altar Guild for Advent creche pieces; $8,875 for Father Greg Pickens’ well-deserved sabbatical; $5,000 to addiction treatment and counseling program Care Dallas; a threeyear grant of $10,142 to a divorce recovery program within the Parish’s Pastoral Care Ministry. The Foundation has also pledged to contribute fifty percent of the salary of a development department administrative aide, with the other fifty percent being funded by the Church. This joint effort will provide much-needed assistance to our Stewardship Manager Caroline Marak and her staff and will give Caroline the flexibility to devote a portion of her time to the Foundation. Our new trustees are Tony Briggle, Eric Conner and Joe Colonnetta. Returning for full six-year terms are Katherine Blachly and Nita Clark. Our new president is a life-long parishioner Stewart Thomas.

which the property can be utilized for this purpose has not been determined. The Foundation’s goal is to treat these revenues as long-term assets to be deployed to support the ministries of the church on a far broader and more meaningful scale than could be possible from the church’s annual budget and the Foundation’s current holdings. As the Foundation’s assets grow, so will our ability to pursue projects that will improve communities and transform lives. As always, we encourage contributions to the Foundation from parishioners who want to give beyond their annual stewardship pledge, or who want to perpetuate the legacy of Saint Michael and All Angels by including the church in their estate planning. These commitments can be made in support of unrestricted, temporarily restricted, or permanently restricted funds to be used in the many areas of our church life. The year 2019 saw a revitalized Saint Michael and All Angels Foundation playing an active role in the support of our church’s mission and ministries, growth, and development. You will have the opportunity to learn more about what we hope, with God’s help, to accomplish in 2020 year and in the years to come. And, we urge you to get involved in our exciting future. If you have questions about the Foundation please contact any trustee or Stewardship Manager Caroline Marak.

Charles Sartain 2019 Saint Michael Foundation President For a full list of the 2020 Foundation Officers and Trustees, see page 10.

Foundation trustees and vestry members have worked together to establish guidelines to manage funds our church hopes to receive from development of the northeast property. As you might know, the extent to 2019 Parish Meeting Report


March 1, 2020

Statement of Assets, Liabilities, and Net Assets - Modified Cash Basis September 30, 2019

Statement of Revenue, Expenses, and Other Changes in Net Assets - Modified Cash Basis For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2019

J unior Warden’s Report | Building and Grounds

as the addition of LED lighting behind the interior stained glass windows. Many thanks to those whose generosity and insight made these renovations possible.

Year after year, it becomes more apparent that our building is aging, and the infrastructure continues to require significant attention from our Buildings and Grounds and Facilities/Operations teams. This year was no different. The heating and cooling system has been particularly challenging. Our boilers and chillers underwent major repairs, and we continue to do our best to reinvigorate this deteriorating system. In addition to these critical repairs, the church also installed a pump at the base of the outdoor gym stairs to address flooding issues, new carpet in several areas around the church, and new AV equipment in the Theater. Additionally, our virtual infrastructure received a much-needed update with the installation of more powerful WiFi capabilities, as well as our new data and communications management system. We also took a gigantic step in our church technology with the roll-out of the fabulous SMAA smartphone app. If you have not yet downloaded it, I encourage you to do so.

Finally, Saint Michael said goodbye to the Episcopal School of Dallas’s Lower School as it moved out of our building into a new space on the ESD main campus. A small portion of the space vacated by ESD has been repurposed for the Saint Michael Episcopal School and church needs. We look forward to continued discussions about usage for the remainder of the space.

Knowing beauty and functionality should go hand in hand, the committee oversaw improvements to the Saint Michael Chapel, including renovations to the glass angel doors and the red entrance door, as well

Bonner Allen Junior Warden


2019 also brought two rounds of very severe weather in June and October, which impacted our parishioners as well as our church grounds. After the June storms, we were saddened to lose one of our live oak trees to irreparable wind damage. Fortunately, our building and other trees were spared. The October tornadoes did not damage our church building or grounds, but several of our parishioners were dramatically impacted. The Church hosted a fellowship gathering for those folks, and members of the Buildings and Grounds committee were present to share their expertise with those who had questions about their recovery efforts.



In 2019, the members of the Building and Grounds committee once again showed tremendous commitment to maintaining the functionality as well as the beauty of our church through their thoughtful leadership and hard work. Many thanks nn ar er W A ll r to long standing committee Chair, en, 2 01 9 Junio Tom Stewart, and the talented, creative, experienced members of the Building and Grounds committee. Saint Michael is also blessed with an extraordinary Operations and Facilities staff, including Colleen O’Hara, Nozar Daryapayma, Robert Butler, and the always amazing group of sextons. Many thanks to this team, as well.

2019 Parish Meeting Report

It was a true privilege to serve Saint Michael this past year as Junior Warden. I am truly grateful to be a part of this wonderful church and will forever treasure this experience. I want to especially thank Senior Warden, Warren Houser, for his wise leadership and indefatigable commitment to our parish. As 2020 begins, we are so blessed to have a phenomenal leadership team in place and ambitious plans for continued impact and spiritual growth. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us!


March 1, 2020

S tewardship

2019 Parish Statistics

It is hard to describe the excitement felt by many with the spiritual growth of generosity in our parish this year! Our collective work took us to new heights both spiritually and financially. Together, we hit our goal of $6 million dollars in pledged support!


From the diversification of the Stewardship Committee to the collaboration with the clergy, M Ma ra k, Stew ard ship everyone brought important elements to the conversations at hand. Seeking out the spiritual essence at the core of generosity was a priority this year. Putting us all on a journey from Grace to Gratitude, God filled our hearts with the realizations of His graces actively at work in our lives. Leading us to being grateful for all that we have, gratitude filled our hearts and took Saint Michael to a place it had never been before.






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The leadership displayed by Maria and Richard D’Antoni took the work of the Stewardship Committee to a new level. Spending time together in retreat to reflect on the many ways Jesus showed generosity to those like Zacchaeus as well as taking a deep-dive into the analyses of giving by supporting parishioners of Saint Michael, our team bonded on how we wanted to approach the upcoming campaign. When you support Saint Michael through the fulfillment of a pledge, you are enabling our church to provide meaningful worship experiences, engage formative faith leaders to expand our horizons of thinking, and activate our children and youth in programs that give them the basis of their Episcopal identity. Thank YOU because without YOU it simply wouldn’t happen!

HOLY EUCHARIST Saturday/Sunday 414 Weekday 181 Private 249 DAILY OFFICE Sundays 84 Weekdays 134 OTHER SERVICES Marriages 22 Burials 48 Other 70 Baptisms, Adult 4 Baptisms, Children 57 Number of Families 3,069 TOTAL BAPTIZED MEMBERS 6,246 as of December 31, 2018

TOTAL COMMUNICANTS 4,660 as of December 31, 2018

Confirmed Adults Confirmed Children Receptions Transferred Communicants Reactivations Other Adds

10 1 2 58 17 1

TOTAL 89 Transfers Out-Active Deaths-Active Inactivations Other Losses

16 19 197 7


Caroline Marak Stewardship Manager

TOTAL COMMUNICANTS 4,510 as of December 31, 2019

TOTAL BAPTIZED MEMBERS 6,101 as of December 31, 2019

Bottom (L-R): Kimberly Colonnetta, Skip Windsor, Caroline Marak, Kathy Windsor, Maria D’Antoni | Middle: Ralph Cousins, Kyle Moore, Margaret Spellings, Peggy Carr, Louise Griffeth, Heather Lorch, Barbara Hollis, Ross Taylor, Richard D’Antoni | Back: Blair Oden, Jerry Poglitsch, Keith Quarterman, Jay Lipscomb 2019 Parish Meeting Report


March 1, 2020


upporting Parishioners

Lynn & Bob Abbott Susan & Peter Aberg Mark & Sandra Ables Mrs. Helen H. Adair Brooke & Jonathan Adamson Lydia & Bill Addy The Agouridis Family Jennifer & John Alexander Bonner & Allen Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Justin Allen The Mike Allen Family Sue & Adrian Alter Chris & Paul Anderson Gianna & Michael Anderson Janie & Roland Anderson Laura & David Anderson Mary & Neil Anderson Mary & Jerry Andrlik Marilyn & Phil Arensberg Nancy Armour Philip Armour Paula Asher Carla & Saleem Ateek Marilyn Augur Bob & Michele Axley Lisa & Rob Baber Margaret Badgett Charlie Bahr Lynn & Kingsley Baker Mrs. Jerald Baldridge George & Mary Baldwin Jan & Barry Baldwin Mr. & Mrs. Mark Baldwin Susannah & Seth Bame M'Lou & Bill Bancroft Pam Barbera William Barker Joan & Jim Barklow William & Susan Barnett Susan Barnicoat Missy Barras Kay & Rick Barry Carolyn Barta Angie & Jeff Barton Hong & Jim Bass Muzzy & Karen Bass Raguet Bass Tom & Lisa Batson Nell Beck Julia & Floyd Beckel Carrie & Steven Becker Stephen Beckham Christy Bednar Amsler & Don Bell Mr. & Mrs. Frederick H. Benners, Jr. John Bergner & Chuck Stewart Christy & Robby Berry Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Best Dianne Betts Carol Beveridge Barb & Randy Biddle Emily & Baxter Billingsley Audrey & Joel Bines Katherine & Michael Blachly Jan Hart Black Monique & Tom Black Pat & Steve Black Kirsten & Ben Blackerby Diana & Chris Blackman Tom Blackmon & Molly Steele Kathleen & Robert Blair The Bill Blakes Kalita & Ed Blessing

Mrs. Christy Blumenfeld Laura & Dan Boeckman Beth & Lanny Boeing Susan & David Boldrick Carolyn Boll David L. Bond, M.D. Missy & David Boone Phyllis & John Boone Susan Bort Darren & Katherine Boruff The Borus Family Len Bourland Allison & Chris Bovard Jim Bovard Dianna & Tom Bowen Beverly & Bruce Bowman W. Timothy & Dianne Boyd Kathy & David Boyett Angie & Marshall Brackbill R.M. Brackbill, Sr. The Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth H. Brannon Mr. & Mrs. Reiner Brasch Barbara Bratton Bill & Gayl Braymer Paulyne & Herb Brewer Marla & Tony Briggle Bob & Hester Briggs Margaret & David Briggs Madelyn Brinkley Bess & Steve Brooks Kim & Phillip Brooks Adele Broughton Banks Brown Ginger Brown Juli Baldwin Brown Ron & Sharon Brown Rosamond Brown Victoria & Stuart Brown Gail & James Browne Elizabeth & Robert Buchanan Don Buckroyd Susan Buddendorf Adrienne & Daniel Bullard Becky & John Bullard Diane & Stuart Bumpas Pam Busbee Zane & Jane Butter Julie & Chuck Butterworth David W. Bywaters II Janice & Ashburn Bywaters Mr. & Mrs. Ban K. Bywaters Leslie Caffey Michael & Anne Caffey Joseph Cahoon Mary Agnes Cain Louise Phinney Caldwell Scott Calhoun Paula Calise Shannon Wilson Callewart Mrs. Janice Calloway Lynne & Bob Campbell Mr. & Mrs. C. Vance Campbell, Jr. Pat & Charley Canfield Mark & Edna Cannata Judy Canon K Scott Canon Martha West Cargill Cathy Carr Peggy Carr Mr & Mrs Chris Carrie Carol & Richard Carrington Cindy & Jay Carter

2020 Annual Fund

Becky & Mike Casey Jay & Debor Cassen Merrilee & Michael Cate Margaret Cervin Jim & Betsy Chambers Bob & Vicki Chapman Barbara W. Charlton Suzanne & Lance Charriere Sylvia & Jeff Chavez Michelle Chesney Gwendolyn & Bobby Chestnut Sands & Laurie Chipman Kelley & Brian Christian Gail & Bob Clark Mr. & Mrs. Gary Clark Jeane & Mark Clayton Cindy & Andy Clendenen Judy Clifton Jeanne Marie Clossey Bonnie Cobb Graham & Toben Cocklin Garland & Mike Cohlmia Anne Coke Judy Cole Jean & George Coleman Linda Coleman Pat & Jack Coleman Kimberly & Joe Colonnetta Cristie Columbus & Clayton Roberts Kelly Compton Leslie & George Conant Jeanie & Bert Conly Judy & Eric Conner Squeaky & Paul Connolly Carter & Bruce Conway Meggie & Chase Conway Laura Coomes Joseph Copeland Vangela & Russell Cosby Harriet & Ralph Cousins Ann Marie Cowdrey David Cowling & Amy Youngquist William & Rachael Craven Anne & Brent Crawford Betty & John Crawford Kelly Crawford Christy & Bob Crenshaw Haley & Bobby Crews Michele Crick The Cross Family Carol Crosthwait Betsy & Bennett Cullum Sissy Cullum Mason & Allan Custard Susan & Josiah Daniel Maria & Richard D'Antoni Peter & Lynn Dauterman Kelsey & David Davidson Duane & Roseanna Davis Rita & Dick Davis Tiffany & Brad Davis Tom & Leslie Davis

Glen Davison & Deborah McMurray Catherine & Tom Dean Cindie Deasey Jerry & Doris Debo Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Decherd Michael & Debra Decker Tom & Stephanie Dees Sam & Audrey Defforey Janese & Rick Deitch Richard Deknock Amanda & Peter Delaney Terry & Mark Demler Julia Denegre The Derr Family Anne & Brian Dethrow Carolyn & Robert Dickson Chance Disney Dennis & Elaine Disney Mary Adair & Dee Dockery Mary Adair & Dee Dockery - Sam, Ann, & Ned Michael Dorbandt Rozi & Bill Doreen Melvyn Douglas Cynthia Dutter Ann & Bob Dyer Jennifer & John Eagle Dr. Sally B. Earnest John Ellerman Liz Ann Ellinor Eli & Leslie Ellis Mrs. James J. Ellis Chris & Stacy Elliston David & Lisa Elrod Melinda & David Emmons Joyce & Mike Ernst Family Kristen & Harvey Ewing Courtney & Chaitan Fahnestock Mary Jane Fally Joan Faubion Anita & David Feherty Katharine & William Felder Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fenton Sherry & John W. Ferguson Terese Finitzo Pool Wendy Finley John & Mary Fleischli Libby & Mark Flory John & Charlotte Flowers Mary Jo & Bart Forbes Debbie & David Fosdick Jiggs & Todd Foster Lou Fouts Cindy & Pat Fox Dru Francis Kathryn & Jim Francis Ernest & Mai Franklin Ann Frase Kevin Frazar Mr. & Mrs. Richard Frazar Ms. Bonita Frederick Jean & Dale Fuller Pat Gabriel Larry & Kitty Galvin Elizabeth & Eric Gambrell Ruthie Garrett Teddie & Dan Garrigan Diane & Donnie Gaskins Ann & Mike Geddes Elizabeth Georgoulis Dr. & Mrs. Kevin Gill Dare & Dale Gillette Eric Gilmour

Fred & Clair Gioia Chris & Nicole Girata Kelly & Karl Giron Lisa & Brian Gladnick Mimi & Paxson Glenn Carol & Mark Goglia Margaret & Wade Goodrich Elizabeth & John Gorman Pagett & Mike Gosslee Susan & Scott Gosslee Ann & Greg Gough Jo & Joe Goyne Diane Grant David & Grace-Anne Greenblatt Carol Greene Jane & Greg Greene Lillian & Gregory Greene Carolyn A. Gregg Louise & Guy Griffeth Bill & Lisa Griffin Whitney & Jay Grogan Charles Groves Stephen Gude Jody Guenther Mary Kay & Larry Guevel Mr. & Mrs. Barry Guimbellot Kylie & David Gutzman Mr. & Mrs. Matt Hagan Bettie & Dale Hager Mary & Scott Hager Raguet Worsham Hall Sarah & Frank Hamlin Jane & Scott Hancock Margaret & Barry Hancock Ms. Hays Haney Fred & Eileen Hudnall Hannum Kevin & Kathy Hanrahan Marilyn & Thomas Harbison Tania & Kevin Hardage Ann & Mark Hardaway Joanne & Oscar Hardaway Betsy Hardy Electra & Jeff Harelson Carolyn Hargrave Michael & Marianne Harmuth Nancy & Howell Harralson Zoe & Todd Hart Sally & Dick Hartwig Caroline & Nathan Hattemer Kris & Larry Hawkins Judy & Joe Hawley Kathy Hayes Debbie & Goose Hayhurst Ellen Haynes Lisa Hays Kay & Steve Head William C. Head Norma Heard Ann Heard-Sakhaee Samantha & Jay Heidbrink Elizabeth & Jeffrey Helfrich Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hemingway David & Mary Henderson Page & Walt Henrion Rue & Tuck Henry Melissa & Jeb Hensarling Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Hensley III Beverly & Rick Herrscher Blainey & Marshall Hess Carol & Henry Hill Ande Hinds Joe & Beth Hise Sarah Hobbs

Ann & Lee Hobson Sam Hocking Carrie & Tom Hoffman Maggie Hoffman Sam Hoffman Claudette & Peter Hoffman Claudette & Peter Hoffmann Carol & Courtney Hogan Tom Holleman Barbara H. Hollis Jerry Lee Holmes Michael Holt Lynn Hood Michael & Sylvia Hood Kathryn & Bard Hoover Mary Louise & David Hopson Kristi Hornsby The Horvath Family Ingrid & Carter Houghton Ann & Frank Houseman Christi & Warren Houser Meredith & J.T. Houston Anne & George Howard Elizabeth & Todd Howard Angela & John Howell Jim & Sherry Howell Matt & Bitsy Hudnall Sally Ann Hudnall The Huggins Family Sandra Hughes Joyce & Blake Hull Rob & Donna Hull Bea & Walt Humann Nell Anne Hunt Elizabeth & Cliff Hutchinson Jack & Kay Hyland Yvonne Ittner Hayes Angela & Fred Jackson Denise & Robert Jackson Grant & Alyson Jackson Jill Jackson Layne Jackson Sam Jackson Ann N. James Debbie & Bruce Jenevein Jane & Pat Jenevein Kathy & Patrick Jenevein Mr. & Mrs. David Jennings Gene & Susan Johnson Bob Johnston Cary & Randy Johnston Jim Jones Patricia Jones Rachael Jones & Mac McClure Susan Jones Carolyn & Pete Joost Frank & Mendy Judge Hank & Kim Judin Kate Juett Barbara & Peter Kandel Mary & Steve Kardell Kathy & Kevin Kelley Mr. & Mrs. Seth Kelly Janeen & Bill Kendall Mary Ellen & William Kendall Ed & Leslie Kennedy Elizabeth & Mike Keogh Judge James W Kerr, Jr Nancy & Mike Kerr Gayle Kesinger Susie & John Khoury Lisa & Jeff Kilpatrick Nancy Kimbell Eugenia & Frank-Paul King Jerry A. & Barbara King Mark & Marcia King Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. King

Gene Ann & Howard Kirby Marion & Philip Kistler Kristin Kline Spencer & Elizabeth Knapp Kate & Ryan Kneipper Mr. & Mrs R.K. Kneipper Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Knowles Patty & Randy Kob Megan & Matthew Kobler Wendy & Michael Konradi Carolyn Kornman Cincha Kostman Laura Kugler Jun Il & Jae Sun Kwun Mina Lydia Kwun Minje Kwun Mujin Kwun Becky & Tom Lacour Molla & Ed Ladd Steve & Mersine Ladik Tiffany LaMotte Jane Lancaster Myra Lancaster Cynthia L. Lane Bettina & Herman Lang Mary Jane Lang Bob & LeAnne Langholz Maggie & Greg Langston Mary Ann & Allen Lassiter Chuck Lathem Kathleen & Frank Lauinger Caroline Law Gary & Kathy Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. David Lawrence Ben Leal Laura & Rick Lear Anne Pryser Leary Tom Leatherbury Mallory & Daniel Leblanc Hamilton & Traci Lee Mary Whiteside-Lee Gregory & Jean Lendvay Mary & Russ Lessmann The Ley Family Beverly Smith Lide Ruthie & Walt Lightbourn Eric & Allison Liles Elaine & Kenneth Lindh Caroline & Jarrett Link Betty Lipscomb Dottie Lipscomb Lisa Lipscomb Suzanne & Jay Lipscomb Will Lipscomb Lisa Little Jim & Jana Littlejohn Ellen Logan Anne Long Michael Long David & Jo Loomis Caroline & Mario Lopez Heather Lorch Chris & Pistol Love Patty Lowdon John & Jacquelyn Lowe Ken & Nancy Luce Pam & Tom Luce Paige Lueking Sherry G. Lundberg Sally Lutz Sally & Bruton Lynch Thomas & Dawn Lynn Tina & John MacDonald Cathy & Harold MacDowell Prudence & John Mackintosh Bill Madden Mandy & Clayton Main

Cheryl & Bobby Majumder Stacey & Ken Malcolmson Tori & Joe Mannes Caroline & Trey Marak Tod & Heather Marburger Mr. & Mrs. Richard Marcyes Charlene Marsh Shirley Marsh Mary Ann & Bob Marshall Joni Martin Maria & David Martin Alexandra Martindale Cora & Harry Mason Ruth Barksdale Mason Sissy & Mike Massad Mary Massengale Bonnie & David Mastin George Mathes Melinda Mathes Shelly Mathis Sam & Don Mauldin Tina McBee Kim & Matt McCabe Mrs. Pam McCallum Vicki Sparks Chris McClung Cora McClure Tom McConnell Don & Melissa McCoy Tom McCullough Sand & Susie McDonough Linda & John McFarland Mr & Mrs John S McFarland Jr Sharon & Bill McGannon Emily & Kent McGaughy Liz & David McGee Suzanne & Patrick McGee Melanie J. McGill Diane McGrath Victoria & Hunter McGrath Kay McIlyar Shirley & William McIntyre Mary Ruth & Steve McKenney Lyn & Keith McKinney Mary & Scott McLaughlin Amy & Michael McMahan Megan & Casey McManemin Marea & Robert McMurray Jerry McNabb Melissa & Andy McRoberts Dean McSherry Susan McSherry Cynthia & Bill Meier Robert Melvin Tom & Judy Mercer Barbara & Cliff Miercort Frances Miller Lisa & Chip Miller Stacy Miller Stephen & Rebecca Miller Ann Mills Becky & Marshall Mills David & Agatha Mills Marianne & Brian Minnehan Cynthia & Tom Mitchell Carin & John Moeller Tink Moir Tricia & Mark Monfrey Tricia & Mark Monfrey Kimberley Montez Gerald & Heather Moore Kyle & Nancy Moore Molly E. Moore Pat & Don Moore Spike & Carol Moore John Morelock Mary S. Morgan

Rachel & Ross Morgan Allan & Dawn Morrill Mr. & Mrs. Cory Morrow Midge & Bob Moseley Paula Mosle Anna & Ryan Moss Stephanie Mueller Joanne Mulcahy Krystyna K Muldoon Winifred & Will Mundinger Eleanor & John Munson Mr. & Mrs. David M. Munson Mr. & Mrs. Ken Murchison Elise Murphy Marynell Murphy Ellen & Robert Muth Ed Nash Jennifer & Noble Nash Mr. & Mrs. John Nassen John & Kennie Neal James & Anna Neitzel Paula & John Nelson Bryon & Amanda Neuhoff Nancy & Steve Neuhoff Jan & Tom Newsome Diana & Geoff Newton Hank Nichols Pamela & Robert Nichols Carrie & Robert Nicoud Gloria Nicoud H. Keith Nix Laura & Carl Noe Elizabeth & Luke Nolan Marianna Nooner Libby Norwood The Rev. Dr. H. Nusser-Telfer Carol Oakes Leonora H. O'Brien Tamara & Tim O'Connor Anne & Blair Oden Becky & Ron Odlozil Colleen O'Hara Liz Oliphant Anne & Van Oliver Mr. & Mrs. Marshall F. Ordemann, Jr. Elizabeth Orr Gabrielle & Luther Ott Cookie & Dan Owen The Owen Family Anna and Jim Paccone Mr and Mrs Warren Paddock Pat Palmer Karen & William Pardoe Robert B. Parks Jim & Susan Parobek Jennifer & Pablo Pascal Dwight Patterson Sue & Bob Patton Matson Pearce Carolyn & Hoddy Peck Pam & Mark Pedersen Ron & Betsy Pedersen Kittye & Bill Peeler Holly & Carlos Pena Bob & Katherine Penn Jim & Mary Ruth Perkins Nancy Perot Tim & Heidi Perry Teresa Person Kathryn & Craig Peters Pressley & Jamey Peters Noelle Tinnin Petty Family Mr. and Mrs. Steve Philley Emily & John Phillips Jeanne & Maggie Phillips Noralyn & Greg Pickens Mollie & Paul Pin

Lorraine & Bruce Pingree Mr. & Mrs. Gary Pinkerton Patricia Plettner Sallie Plummer Gigi & Jerry Poglitsch Sandra & Rick Porter Rob & Kathryn Pothier W. Connolly Powell Punkin & Bill Power Pat & Claude Prestidge Carol M. Price Myra Walker & Eben Price Dianne & Hervey Priddy Caren Prothro Barry & Deena Pryor The J. Puckett Family Steve Pully & Diana Howard Elizabeth & Frederick Putnam Elizabeth Quelch Kathryn Quest Henry & Gloria Raines Lutetia & Jack Raley Ann Ramsey Mary & Jim Ramsey Greg & Michell Randall Ann Ratelle & Lee Slaton Margaret Ratelle Robert E. Ratelle, Jr. David Reazin Kelly & Michael Reddell Annie Reece Kristin & Ricky Rees Katherine & Eric Reeves Gay & Randy Rekerdres Elizabeth Respess Helen Reynolds Elizabeth & Stuart Rhodes Debbie & Tom Rhodus Jeff & Darrel Rice Janie & Murdock Richard Nancy & Clark Richardson Stephanie & Phil Ritter Debby & Robin Robinson Julie & Paul Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Elliott Roosevelt, Jr. Kathleen Rose Mr. & Mrs. Ralph L. Ross Mr. & Mrs. Jay Rosser Wyatt & Carolyn Rousseau Michele & Shad Rowe Mandy Dake & Chris Rowley Rebecca Royall Jack, Cindi, Andy, Charlie and Oliver Rubarth Cary-Elisa & Bobby Rubarts John & Tiffany Rubi Roger & Kristine Ruckert Jeff Rupp Anne Rushing Refel Rushing James Russell Jennifer & Thomas Russell Deborah Ryan Pete & Susie Ryan Mary Jane & Frank Ryburn Jim & Sandy Saalfield Lou Swain Sabo Ginger Sager Rod Sager Oleta & Paul Salyards Betty Sanders Erica & Charlie Sartain Grady & Mary Elizabeth Schleier Jan Schoellkopf Mardie & Alan Schoellkopf Nita & Dick Scholtz Marilyn Schroeder

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Schultz Chris & Sally Schupp Bob & Jann Scott Patricia Scott Ginny & Conner Searcy Diana Sears Dr and Mrs Les Secrest John & Sarah Seddelmeyer Robert F. See, Jr. Marillyn & Gus Seeberger Frederick Seipp & Carol Roehrig Elizabeth & John Selzer Ann & Irwin Sentilles Leahe Serpan Scott & Sally Shafer Linda & Richard Shaffer Mrs. Sara Shanley Brenda & Van Sheets Jessie & George Shelburne Betty & Rob Shiels Daphne & Jay Shipowitz Julia & Andy Shoup Arden Showalter Bob & Debbie Shuey Kathy & Bill Shuford Sherry & Rob Shults Nancy Shutt Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Sikes Ann & Bob Simmons Stephen Sims Dottie and Nupe Singhal Lisa & Marvin Singleton Linda & Ellis Skinner Nancy & Jim Skochdopole Stewart & Kathryn Slack Mr. & Mrs. Edward Slater Anne & Randolph Slaughter Chun & Thomas Slover Jane & George Slover Joyce & Jack Smiley Ann & Bob Smith Ann & Paul Smith Barbara & Tom Smith Jim & Charlie Smith Jinny & Rusty Smith Julie & Greg Smith Laura & Taylor Smith Milton & Carol Ann Smith Pelham & Bliss Smith Tracy & Pomeroy Smith Gloria McCall Snead Jeanne & J.C. Snead Patricia Snider Kim & Jim Synder Sandra Snyder Lila & David Soelter Lucy Sogandares Nancy & John Solana Nancy & Rene Somodevilla Chris & Jennifer Sorrells Sharon Spalding, PhD Darlene Spellings Margaret & Jaime Spellings Mary & Arnold Spencer Rand Spencer Judy & Mike Spiva Julie Springer Debbie Stack Kristie & Ron Staffieri Jason & Sarah Stallings Joan Stansbury Tina & Dan Stansbury Heather & Sam Stanton Sue Dunlap Stark LaRee Stein Mr. & Mrs. Chad Stephens Sally Taylor Stephenson

Patricia & J.C. Sterquell Carol Ann Stewart Tricia & Tom Stewart Dennis & Candy Streitt Kay & Mack Strother Ellen R. Stuart Mr. & Mrs. John F. Stull Carolyn Swann Lauren & Stephen Swann Sam & Cindi Swanson Jody & Grant Swartzwelder Sean & Mary Tabor Susan Lee TaCito Laura & Paul Talbot Ann & Rob Taylor Betty Olmsted Taylor Cynthia Taylor John R. Taylor Jr Ross & Sally Taylor Sylvia Taylor Byrd F Teague Madalyn Teal Judy & John Temple Ellen & Howard Templin Donna & Wayne Tenney Mary & Greg Tevis Marvin Thedford Doug Theodore Cinda Thoma Mr. & Mrs. Mike Thomann Bernadette & Rob Thomas Gail & Bob Thomas Helen Mary Thomas James & Carolyn Thomas John & Callie Thomas Kathy Thomas Michelle & Stewart Thomas Suzanne Thomas Catherine Thompson Elizabeth Thompson Lee & David Thompson Margaret Thompson Patty & Tig Thompson Timothy Thompson Mary Ann & George Till Carolyn Tilley Emily Todd Jane & Dwayne Toler Beth & Jake Tomlin Don & Sharon Tomnitz Frances & Buzz Tompkins Barb & Mike Tonti Ali & Justin Treaster Susan Tritschler Caroline & Doug Trotman Marlene Tubbs Jo Tuck James Huth & Susan Tucker Cindy & Glenn Turner Liz & Winkie Turner Janet & Joe Tydlaska Stephanie & Wes Tydlaska Steven Upchurch Richard & Diane Urquhart Dan & Laura Vasquez Robert C. & Fallon B Vaughn Gail & Ken Vesledahl Frances Vick Julie & Ross Vick Carol & Bennett Vig Mary Lee & Robert Virden Tish & Matthew Visinsky Lucy McRae Vollet Angelique & Ray Waddell David & Susan Waddington Donald Waddington Cathy & Denton Walker

Joseph P. Walker III Kathy & Gary Wall Deborah & John Wallace Kathleen & Jay Wallace Regan Wallace Mary & Matt Waller Wells Waller Diana & Charles Waring Karen & Ray Warner Dr. & Mrs. Roy Washburn Pam Watkins Margaret & Brad Watson Connie Webb Drs John & Linda Webb Holly & Brian Webster Mary Ann & Keller Webster Sarah Wechsler Blair & Bob Wehrmann Hudson Weichsel Sarah & Russell Weinberg Micheal Weinman & Co Dahlin Giffen & CiCi Weinmann Martha M. Wells Shannon & Craig Werthmann Bill Wesson Jean Marie & Mac Wesson Merial West Nancy & Ben West Evan & Mark Westerburg Linda & Rob Westerburg Jeanette and George Wharton Liz Wheelan Mr. & Mrs. Sutton Wheeler Kay J Whelan Dennis & Jeanette White James & Ann White Bill & Julie Whitsitt McKinley & Brandon Wier Donell & Phillip Wiggins Mrs. Peter N. Wiggins III Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Wilbur Paige Wilbur Karen & Jim Wiley Robyn & Chris Wiley Leslie Willcott Chris & Elizabeth Williams Sally & Jim Williams Tucker Willis Ann & Brian Wilson Emilynn & Claude Wilson Kelly & John Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Wilson Nancy S Wilson Sherry & Robert Wilson Carol Windham Jeff & Chandler Winslow Ruth Wiseman Mr. & Mrs. Don C. Witte Carolyn Wittenbraker Julie Work Nina Works Laura Worsham Robert L. Wright III Sheryl & Phillip Wylie Marvin Yeager Erika & Matt Yeaman Kathy & John Yeaman Sherry & Mark Yeaman Michael & Barbara York Mike & Amy Zicarelli


Worship & Liturgy







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Liturgy and worship is something that surrounds us and connects us at Saint Michael and All Angels. Every day of the week throughout the year parishioners gather for worship and prayer. Five days each week we rtA ors celebrate Holy Communion. . Sc W r o tt A s s o ci a t e f o Our services include everything from the small and intimate weekday services in the Bishop Moore Chapel, to our eight Saturday evening and Sunday worship services. Our worship encompasses people of all ages and a variety of expressions of our Prayer Book traditions. We continue to engage actively our younger parishioners through the Joy Mass and the Contemporary Communion service. We enjoy quieter and contemplative services in the Saturday Evening Candlelight Mass in the beautiful Saint Michael Chapel. Also, on Sundays we have traditional, choral services in the Church at 9 and 11 a.m. And we enjoy contemporary worship and music in the Parish Hall at 11 a.m.. Throughout the year we also celebrate special services, Holy Days and Feast Days. At Saint Michael, worship is an integral part of the Christian experience for all ages. 2019 also saw substantial growth in our music ministry for traditional worship, especially in the number of young people. Monica Awbrey began serving part-time as Assistant Choirmaster over the summer principally to establish the Cherub Choir in the fall for children in the last year of Pre-K through Second Grade. With some 44 boys and girls at the time of writing, the Cherub Choir is almost the largest choir in our music ministry! All together, our choirs now number over 100 singers, about 60 of whom are pre-high school. Our first Chorister Camp in late August at Camp All Saints on Lake Texoma was a wonderful success with high attendance from our choristers. The older boy and girl Choristers embarked on their first choir tour in November to Houston, and asked to go on another tour before they even returned home! Another example of growth, and the staffing demands which it brings, are the number of rehearsals we average. In the fall of 2017, our music program averaged 3 choir rehearsals each week (including Sunday). It now averages 11 each 2019 Parish Meeting Report

week. In October, our Saint Michael Presents concert series showcased the Gramophone award-winning, Belgian-based choral ensemble Vox Luminis in a wellattended, highly acclaimed concert. One of our new liturgies for the 2019-2020 program year, the All Souls Evensong on Sunday night, November 3, reached countless hearts of those who have recently lost loved ones. And our second annual Service of Christmas Lessons and Carols on Sunday night, December 22 was offered to packed church. In addition to our regular liturgies, in our worship life we acknowledge and celebrate many of life’s transitions. In 2019: we welcomed into the Church through baptism 61 new members; our bishop confirmed 13 individuals; we joined in marriage 22 couples; and we celebrated the lives of 48 faithful souls in funeral and memorial services. From the small to the large, from the exuberant to the contemplative, from the dramatic to the simple and informal, Saint Michael and All Angels conducted 1,143 worship services in 2019. Worship is not something that a few people do around Saint Michael. Far from it! Liturgy, from the Greek, means “the work of the people.” Many of you lend your time, talent, hands, feet and voices to our worship life. In addition to clergy and staff members who tend to various aspects of our worship life, approximately 525 parishioners serve as Choristers, Acolytes, Chalice bearers, Vergers, Ushers, Greeters, Lay readers and members of the Altar Guild. Worship and Liturgy is something that we do together as a community of dedicated servants. Our worship life is more than facts and figures. Our liturgies are our collective expression of our faith—the hopes, beliefs, needs, concerns and thanksgivings in which we all share as members of the Body of Christ.

The Rev. Robert A. Scott Associate for Worship & Liturgy


March 1, 2020

Pastoral Care

“Our Pastoral Ministries love, support, and bless our parish family and neighbors by caring for them through life’s joys and challenges.” e

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The words of our Pastoral Care Mission Statement above describes the busy G s r eg Pa and fruitful year we have just r P ic k o ens, A ssociate f completed. I am happy to report that in 2019 alone, the team of 28 leaders and over 200 volunteers who work through 19 ministries has touched the lives of over 8,313 parishioners, friends, and neighbors. Pastoral Care at Saint Michael is really a family of ministries and as with any family, there are always joys and some losses. In 2019, we said goodbye to a longrunning offering, known colloquially as The Faith and Grief Luncheon. For many years, this team labored to bring relief and hope to those who had lost a loved one. Many thanks are due the Faith and Grief team and participants. While we are sad to see the Luncheon portion of Faith and Grief go, know that we have two other programs for those who grieve. The Rev. Dr. Hiltrude NusserTelfer’s “Praying Our Goodbyes” meets monthly and addresses the wider scope of loss that comes from death, job loss, or health issues. Hiltrude’s skill and leadership continually gets high marks as both helpful and relevant to those who grieve. Pastoral Care also continues to sponsor our long running “Comfort and Hope for the Journey of Grief.” Led by a trained member from the Faith and Grief national ministry, the class is an intensive six-week offering for those who might need a more structured path through grief. 2019 saw the beginning of Pastoral Care’s divorce recovery ministry. This was created after many conversations with parishioners who knew of friends and family going through the deep pain of divorce. The Rev. Tom Blackmon and The Rev. Rene Somodevilla kicked off this program and did a wonderful job navigating the ins and outs of a new ministry. We will offer another session in Eastertide of 2020 so please let friends and family know Saint Michael is a place to begin spiritual healing.

2019 Parish Meeting Report

Finally, it is impossible to run a Pastoral Care Ministry of this size without volunteers who seek the face of God through service to others. These wonderful parishioners make time to see the housebound, write cards and letters of encouragement, walk through troubling times with parishioners and neighbors, and serve as leaders of our ministries. Thank you! I also give thanks for our Lay Leader of Pastoral Care, Terry Demler; the Leader of Pastoral Care Communications, Marillyn Seeberger; the Assistant for Pastoral Care Ministries, Katherine Bowen; the leader of our Parish Nurse corps, Dianne Boyd; The Rev. Rene Somodevilla, The Rev. Dr. Hiltrude NusserTelfer, and The Rev. Tom Blackmon. Week by week, they work closely with me to solve issues and enliven Pastoral Care with new ideas, all with quiet love of this parish. As a final ministry note, I want to thank Marillyn Seeberger for her many years in service to Pastoral Care Communications. She is taking a well-earned leave to pursue a long-held dream and we will miss her greatly. We also have the honor of welcoming Carolyn Barta to Pastoral Care Communications. Carolyn has 35 years as a journalist with the Dallas Morning News and is a SMU Faculty Expert. Please welcome her when you see her in the halls – we are blessed and grateful to have her! Pastoral Care is so much more than touching the lives of people – it certainly is that but as believers, we follow our Lord by serving others. This is how we put our faith in action; this is how we see Christ in others – by serving. Saint Michael and All Angels is a wonderful platform for ministry and I invite your continued support and prayers but what I really covet is your participation. If you believe God is calling you to serve others (hint: God is!), will you please come speak with me about how to strengthen your faith by getting involved with Pastoral Care? You will not be disappointed.

The Rev. Greg Pickens Associate for Pastoral Care


March 1, 2020


growth, deepening of faith and discipleship happening. A special thank you to our volunteer Sunday morning class teachers. It takes a village!




In the fall of 2019, we returned to multiple Sunday morning adult offerings. In addition to Our Story, the Tradition and History leg of our three-year program, we launched The Class for Parents to great success. The class has taken ownership of this ministry, created their own board, launched the Parent Ministry and is hosting events! This is very exciting progress to engage families, especially young families. Thanks to the Rev. Mary Lessmann and Mary Ann Webster, we now have over 200 members who have some training in the Enneagram. I highly recommend this course to all adults, it can change your life for good. The Men of Saint Michael have a new energy, leadership and direction and we are experiencing meaningful conversations and relationship building. Adult Formation also hosted excellent Lent and Advent retreats bringing in experts on Christian spiritual practice. Hannah Fisher, Assistant for Adult Formation and Parish Life continues to do a wonderful job of keeping all of our groups organized and supporting our many efforts with effectiveness and joy. Thank you to the great work of the Adult Formation Task Force and its leader Kathy Hayes. Be sure to regularly shop our excellent book store for resources that will help you grow in your faith.


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2019 was another great year for our Formation programs at Saint Michael. We welcomed our new Director of Youth Ministry, Tiffany LaMotte, who comes to us with over 10 years of experience and is a real joy to .E serve with. Our new Assistant rF r ic o f J. L i e Director of Children and Family les, A ssociat Ministry, Madelyn Ivy, helped launch a new Wednesday CFM formation offering for our Cherub Choir. Our mid-week offerings for adults continued to thrive, ably led by many committed volunteers and staff. If you are not involved in a mid-week small group, please consider joining one! Our Montessori-style Sunday morning Formation for children is so effective, we over-subscribed our four rooms last fall. Thanks to a generous gift, we will increase to six Atrium rooms this fall! Our 2019 “Hero Central”themed VBS was especially fun and had a 23% increase in participation! CFM and Youth families once again enjoyed partnering up with the Saint Michael Episcopal School for Trunk-or-Treat at Boo Bash. In Advent, our St. Nick Nite was again a wonderful success with a record number of families attending. Many people commented that they have never experienced a Nativity pageant with such polished speaking and singing, cuteness and delight. A special thank you to Jill Delabano our Assistant for both CFM and Youth. Jill has served Saint Michael for almost 20 years!

If you would like to visit about or learn how to become more involved in any of our Formation programs, please let me know. I’m proud and grateful to help lead our incredible staff and volunteers in these very important ministries of SMAA. God’s Peace,

Ably led by our Assistant Director of Youth Ministry Chase Monson, our youth experienced a very successful mission trip to Heifer Ranch in Arkansas. Our young people continue to do great service work in our community as well. Our first youth and family Pilgrimage to Israel/ Jordan last spring break was an incredible adventure of putting our faith into context and learning about new cultures. A highlight was visiting Christ Church School in Nazareth and watching their students and our youth interact. Our Youth also had a really incredible Christmas party and Senior recognition Sunday. There is a lot of

2019 Parish Meeting Report

The Rev. Dr. Eric L. Liles Associate for Formation


March 1, 2020

S piritual Growth




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Immersion experiences provide the deepest engagement with God and one another. Saint Michael and All Angels is committed to offering varied immersion experiences for all ages – ry taking the form of mission, Sp Le or ss m f e pilgrimage and fellowship trips. t a n n , A s s o ci a It is our hope that over time all our members will avail themselves of the opportunity to travel together and be shaped by these experiences. In 2019 many of our parishioners participated in these offerings at locales around the world. In March, Chris Girata led a Holy Land Family Pilgrimage. This trip took place over Spring Break and was geared to families with children in 3rd to 12th grade. 46 folks participated in the trip which focused on Biblical sites, such as Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nazareth and Galilee. These pilgrims were awed by the experience of standing in the very places that Jesus stood. Saint Michael intends to offer a trip to the Holy Land each year. In odd years, this trip will be geared to families. In even years, it will be geared to adults. In September, 30 SMAA ladies made a pilgrimage to walk the final leg of the ancient Camino de Santiago in Spain. Led by Margaret Spellings and Mary Lessmann, these ladies hiked the last 115km (or 72 miles) over six days to reach the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. Themes for each day helped focus the group spiritually. Saint Michael intends to offer this trip on a regular basis, with the next Camino pilgrimage slotted for September 2021.

school for education, health and nutrition ministry. Our Bolivia missioners partner with Amistad Mission and the Casa Esperanza family home whose goal is to reunite separated siblings. And our Honduras Threads team partners with embroidery cooperatives in rural Honduras to enable women to become financially self-sustaining. Over 30 SMAA members participated in these mission opportunities in 2019. You can read more about them in the Mission and Outreach report. In July Chase Monson took 11 middle school students on a mission trip to Heifer Ranch in Perryville, Arkansas. Missioners learned about sustainability, where their food comes from and how to work on a ranch – including caring for the livestock and cleaning out their pens! Looking ahead, the Rector will be holding an informational meeting/luncheon for the March 2021 Holy Land Family Pilgrimage today, March 1 at 12:00pm in the Coke Room. Mary Lessmann and Greg Pickens will be leading a Celtic Christianity Pilgrimage to Ireland over Memorial Day week 2021. They will be holding informational meetings on Sunday, April 19 (12:15pm) and Tuesday, April 22 (6:00pm) in the Parlor. To read about past trips and to find out more about planned future trips, please visit\trips.

The Rev. Mary Lessmann Associate for Spiritual Growth

Our Tela, Honduras, Amistad Bolivia and Honduras Threads mission teams all made trips in 2019. These are ministries that have been built over many years through long-standing relationships with the local communities, nurtured by annual trips. In Tela, Honduras our missioners partner with Espiritu Santo

2019 Parish Meeting Report


March 1, 2020

Mission & Outreach



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We are committed to reaching out to answer God’s call to serve and share the Good News with our community. The Resurrection defines our Christian faith and provides us with the ultimate message of hope that we can share beyond our own walls. The Mission and Outreach or r C o w, h c highlights of 2019 include: M i s si r ea on & O ut AUSTIN STREET CENTER Austin Street Center- Each month Saint Michael buys, prepares, delivers, and serves dinner for 450 people served by the Austin Street Center. Under the leadership of Randy Rekerdres and George Baldwin, 12-15 parishioners cook a full course homemade meatloaf dinner in our church kitchen. The following evening, ministry leaders and Rita and Dick Davis and an additional 25 parishioners serve the dinner. Annually, our youth serve for a month and often another ministry group takes the lead to serve. In addition, Mission and Outreach sponsored a summer Sunday formation where we heard an Austin Street Center representative share about home insecurity in Dallas and then parishioners made 500 sandwiches for their residents. VNA MEALS ON WHEELS Our VNA Meals on Wheels team has grown as Saint Michael was able to add 27 volunteers and 14 monthly routes to our team. Ministry leaders Janie Richard, and the team of Ruthie Garrett and Byrd Teague continue to build on the legacy of Mary Bartholow. Our volunteers are also transitioning to using the VNA Meals on Wheels Volunteer Portal and Mobile app. Saint Michael and All Angels served as a Thanksgiving pie pick-up location for VNA’s Power of Pie program and wrapped 400 toiletry items for their Holiday Gift Project. NORTH DALLAS SHARED MINISTRIES Saint Michael is one of 46 covenant congregations who have formed an interfaith community to provide charitable assistance to persons in need. Dane Hardy became our new SMAA ministry leader in 2019. We created a new logo for our food collections and added a blue jeans drive supported by our youth. ST. PHILIP’S SCHOOL & COMMUNITY CENTER • 226 coats were collected during the Lenten Coat Drive and VBS • 116 were collected by St. Bernard Sports • Special thanks to: Arnold and Mary Spencer, David

2019 Parish Meeting Report

Cowling, and Tina Stansbury who served as ministry champions for this project. St. Philips Community Cleanup. 65 parishioners participated in the St. Philips Community Cleanup on Sunday, April 20th.

THE GATHERING During 2019, Saint Michael provided a priest to celebrate the Holy Eucharist and parishioners served at homemade hot meal to 125 attendees, most of whom are home insecure, living in shelters or on the streets of downtown Dallas. Additionally, parishioners made 400 care kits for The Gathering at the Advent Festival. Our ministry leaders are Corey and Lane Clark. PROJECT MOSES Project Moses is a mission founded by parishioners to highlight the truths of human trafficking and share the Light of Christ with its survivors. To support the mission, 3 areas of concentration have been established: formation/education, advocacy, and outreach. • Project Moses hosted a human trafficking bus tour in October • On alternate months, parishioners cooked and served dinner to 45 people served by New Friends New Life. In 2020, we have increased our commitment to cooking monthly. JUBILEE PARK AND COMMUNITY CENTER Through Saint Michael’s seven-member Connection Team, 400 parishioners contributed countless hours of time, energy, and money to the wide array of opportunities at Jubilee Park. These opportunities include: Jubilee’s summer camp programs, Back to School Bash, Mother/Daughter Tea, Thanksgiving and Christmas Senior Luncheons, and I Believe in Angels Christmas Store. Highlights include: JUBILEE THANKSGIVING AND CHRISTMAS SENIOR LUNCHEONS • 85 seniors attended the Thanksgiving lunch. • 30 volunteers from SMAA provided pies, served lunch, and hosted the event. • Prime Timers and Youth made 120 care packages with laundry supplies to use as party favors and the extras were used as bingo prizes. • 170 seniors received holiday gift bags valued at over $15 each. Seniors received their gift bag as well as scarves from the SMAA knitting guild following the Jubilee senior luncheon.


March 1, 2020

JUBILEE I BELIEVE IN ANGELS • 320 children from 65 families received gifts. Each child received 2 gifts valued at $25 each. Age range was 0-17. • Special thanks to: Nancy Moore, Johanna Corrigan, David & Maria Martin, Gigi and Jerry Pogilitch who served as ministry champions for IBIA. INTERNATIONAL MISSION AMISTAD - BOLIVIA The Amistad Mission provides more than housing for the orphaned and abandoned children of Cochabamba, Bolivia. At both La Villa, and Amistad For Families,children and families receive the educational, medical, spiritual and emotional support they need to overcome their often traumatic past and become healthy children and adults. Saint Michael and All Angels continues their commitment to Amistad and we are excited to host the Amistad national board meeting in March of 2019. Mission trip dates are July 26 to August, 2019. Ministry leaders are Mark Demler and Kelly Reddell. HONDURAS/TELA Saint Michael missionaries planned their mission trip to Tela, Honduras February 8-15, 2020, partnering with Espiritu Santo, the Episcopal Church and Day School, providing children with fluoride treatments, toothpaste and toothbrushes, fitting and distributing 200 pair of eyeglasses; serving over 300 school lunches, and sponsoring a Vacation Bible School for more than 450 children. Ministry leaders are George Baldwin and Chris Schupp. HONDURAS THREADS Honduras Threads’ supports embroidery cooperatives in rural Honduran villages to enable the women to earn money to help themselves and their families. SMAA supports Honduras Threads by collecting fabric donations and helping to market and sell hand-embroidered items. In addition, volunteers travel to Tegucigalpa to work with the women in the five nearby embroidery. Saint Michael hosts a Pop Up Sale for our parish each December. Our ministry leaders are Bill and M’Lou Bancroft.

Diocesan Assessment


SPECIAL PROJECTS AND OFFERINGS EASTER DAY OFFERING The Mission and Outreach Committee has chosen to focus on the theme of addressing family poverty and hunger, in fulfillment of our baptismal promise, “to strive for justice and peace among all people, and to respect the dignity of every human being.” Our parish collected $33,883 in the Easter offering which was donated evenly to the following nonprofit organizations: • • •

HEART OF GIVING Benefiting Amistad Mission, Bolivia; Austin Street Center; and The Gathering. We raised $24,749 as parishioners participated, with donations ranging from $25-$2000. Special thanks to Paige Wilbur and Todd Howard who led the Heart of Giving project this year. • • •



Amistad Mission, Bolivia - $7,526 Austin Street Center - $9,816 The Gathering - $8,037

CHRISTMAS OFFERING 2019 In 2019, SMAA designated Christmas plate offerings to organizations who. People donated a total of $48,282 to the offering during the Christmas Eve service and the proceeds will be donated equally to these 3 organizations: • • •

WOSM Grants M&O Grants

North Dallas Shared Ministries Heifer International (our Middle School Youth presented the donation to Heifer while on their summer mission trip to Heifer Ranch) Our Community Pantry at St. Philip’s School and Community Center

Local - Jubilee Park and Community Center After School Program National - Episcopal Relief and Development/1000 Days of Love International - The Episcopal Diocese of Tela, Honduras Scholarship Fund

Additional Offerings* Easter & $172,147 Christmas




*Additional Offerings include contributions from special plates other than Easter and Christmas, contributions from discretionary funds, and directed contributions.



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I believe that Operations and Administration is at the heart and center of any organization, and it certainly is for us at Saint Michael and All Angels. Like a heart, we typically aren’t een seen or heard, we work in the a O' per O H ar background so that everything is a , D i r ec t o r o f operating and running as it should. We are here to serve you making sure that the buildings and grounds are maintained, the lights are on, the rooms are set-up, the coffee is made, you are greeted by a friendly face, you are celebrated at parish events, you can connect with fellow members and so much more. 2019 was a busy year with many accomplishments. Under the direction and guidance of our Junior Warden and the Building and Grounds Committee, several projects were completed during the year. A new red door made of sold mahogany was installed in Saint Michael Chapel, as well as, new LED lighting behind the interior stained-glass windows. Both are wonderful additions to the chapel. A new compressor was installed in one of the chillers that keeps the church building cooled. While not an exciting addition, a necessary one. The campus trees all got a much-needed trimming and lighting to illuminate their best features. Sadly, Saint Michael lost a large live oak in the parkway along Colgate in the storms last June. These were just a few of the projects that were completed in 2019. The Facilities team lead by Nozar Daryapayma stays very busy making sure that the building and grounds stay up and running each and every day. We have a wonderful team that works hard to serve the members of Saint Michael and All Angels. On any given day you will see the smiling faces of our Associate Director Robert Butler and our sextons Elsa SanJuan, Edgar Porras, Marco Reyes, Dollie Smith and newest member Santos Martinez. While the summer months may be quiet in other departments, the facilities team is hard at work getting ready for the return of the fall programs. This

2019 Parish Meeting Report

past summer, the team completed a number of projects. One of the projects included a “deep cleaning” of all the places you don’t typically see – the closets and storage areas. Even though you do not see them, these areas are organized and look great! Beyond the deep cleaning, the team assisted with a refresh of the Reception area, the Drake room, the Sacristy all getting new carpet and paint. Parish Hall also got a makeover with freshly waxed and polished floors and new paint to brighten it up. And did you notice the new furniture in the Reception area? Speaking of the Reception area, the best part about it are the friendly faces of Diane Hollie and Bonita Frederick our two wonderful receptionists. Diane and Bonita faithfully greet our guests and members with a warm welcome as they come in for an appointment or stop by the desk for information. We all like information and to be informed, that’s why under the direction and guidance of the Tech Committee we made several advancements in the name of technology in 2019. Some of the more notable updates include bringing fiber optic cable to the church, Wi-Fi throughout the church building, migration to Office 365 from G-Suites, updated audio-visual technology in the Theater, and a new church management software system to include the new SMAA App. There were also several outdated computers replaced and the church upgraded an antiquated phone system to a VOIP phone system. One of the deciding factors to migrate to Microsoft Office 365 from G-Suites was that it provides an easier platform for all of the members on a Saint Michael and All Angels committee to keep information in one place and be accessible to all members. The new Wi-Fi provides the bandwidth needed for downloading and using the new SMAA App! One of the best features of the SMAA App is that it puts member information at your fingertips with the Member Directory. Because the Member Directory is now in electronic form it is not static information. It stays updated with the most current data. This only happens because Celise Stephenson who


March 1, 2020

Do you know what else isn’t a small task at Saint Michael and All Angels, our vibrant Parish Life lead by the ever so talented Tish Visinsky. Tish is at the heart of almost every parish event – Epiphany Feast of Lights, Shrove Tuesday, End of Year Celebration, Pie for 4th of July, Back to School/Fall Kick Off, Feast of Saint Michael, Blessing of the Animals, Veterans Day, and the Advent Festival to name a few. Tish also plans welcome and farewell receptions for staff and clergy, helps coordinate the Wardens’ Dinner for the Vestry, assists the Women of Saint Michael with their monthly luncheons or Parish Parties and much more! She does it all with a bright smile and servant heart. I know I speak for so many on what a blessing Tish is to Saint Michael. Finally, I would like to say how grateful I am to be a part of the Saint Michael and All Angels family. I have only been here a short time and have been met with such kindness. There is a lot to do in 2020 and I couldn’t work with a better team to get it done!

Colleen O’Hara Director of Operations


2019 marked the 8th season of the Saint Michael’s Farmers Market (SMFM). Markets were held every Saturday, 8 a.m. until noon from April 27 - September 28 with an additional three markets in the ici aS r ec i D te w a fall. The SMFM is an extension of r t, S M F M the fellowship of the church. We are all about building community, offering fresh, local foods to our neighbors, and supporting local small business owners. We welcomed a total of 60 vendors,18 of whom were new to the market this season, with an average of 35 vendors each week. Our vendors included farmers and food artisans selling produce, meats, eggs, cheese, baked goods, pickled goods, soups, sauces, coffee, flowers, sweets, savories, and food for dogs.


manages our parish records is adding new and updated information to our church management database daily. Celise ensures that all births, baptisms, confirmations, weddings, transfers in and out, etc. are recorded not only with the diocese but in our database as well so that every member has access to their personal information. This is not a small task with a church the size of Saint Michael and All Angels.

F armers Market

Our volunteers greeted an average of 973 customers each week with our peak being 1207 on July 13! We hosted the Jubilee teens on National Lemonade Day, had monthly chef demonstrations from the chefs at The Preston of the Park Cities, Stocks and Bondy roasted hatch chilies, and we had a successful, fun family day in November with all our regular vendors plus the firetruck from Station 27, a balloon artist, and family friendly activities. We collected men’s clothing for One Man’s Treasure, and women’s and children’s clothing for Family Gateway. We began a new outreach effort this past season partnering with Big Tex Urban Farm in Fair Park where volunteers go twice a month to harvest produce and deliver it to our friends at Jubilee. The 9th season of the Saint Michael's Farmers Market opens on Saturday, April 25, 2020 and runs each Saturday through September 26, 2020.

Tricia Stewart Saint Michael's Farmers Market Director

2019 Parish Meeting Report


March 1, 2020

Saint Michael Episcopal School



Each year our school has an opportunity to positively impact the learning of our students and this past year was no different. Saint Michael Episcopal School’s mission is to provide a nurturing, my c ho individualized, inclusive early S Mc M ah an, H ea d of childhood experience based on our four pillars of service, education, love and faith. Saint Michael Episcopal School began the school year with our four pillars in mind and we continue to return to our mission with every decision we make. Saint Michael Episcopal School received a full accreditation status with the Southwestern Association of Episcopal Schools at the beginning of the 2019 year. This accreditation speaks to the implementation of critical and vital systems as well as the in-depth focus our school has taken to ensure success in all aspects of our school life. Our service projects this year made a positive impact on our community and an equally important positive impact on the children involved and the staff members who helped make them happen. Each month our school community and classes were involved in a service project. Our teachers infused ideas into the classrooms to help deepen student’s understanding of each project. We did a Jubilee Park Book Drive, Kindergartenled Service Project for Dallas CASA, Canned Food drive for North Dallas Shared Ministries, decorated VNA Meals on Wheels gift bags and participated in the WFAA toy drive. Our staff also has a reccurring VNA Meals on Wheels monthly delivery and all 37 staff members participate at some point in the year. Desmond Tutu’s quote rings true as we increased our service project focus this past year, “Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put all together that overwhelm the world.” Our school continues to be a leader in curriculum and education in the early childhood community. Social emotional learning is an important part of creating a well-rounded curriculum. Saint Michael Episcopal School has implemented a social-emotional curriculum

2019 Parish Meeting Report

starting in our 12-month class and continuing all the way through our kindergarten program. Part of a successful implementation of any curriculum is indepth training of staff and the wider parent community. We held parenting classes on our social-emotional curriculum and are continuing to offer a wide range of parenting events through our new program called, SHAPE events. Saint Michael Episcopal School has created a very special place for all of our children to practice our Episcopal faith in our weekly chapel program. Our chapel is packed with students and visitors who come to hear the chapel story each week. Our teachers lead the lesson and have brought a new life to the learning of God’s love for us. Father Eric Liles continues to reinforce the stories and create a wonderful service that everyone looks forward to each week. The Saint Michael Parent Advisory continues to be a blessing to the school and is a visible representation of the commitment of our parents to the success of our school. We had the 29th annual Barnyard Boo Bash in October and had over 700 attendees enjoy a day of fellowship. In March of 2019 we had one of the most successful SMES auctions to date. Our families raised money for the SMARTS program and the teacher fund and raised close to $130,000. As we continue to look towards the future, it is best to reflect on how we arrived at such a place of growth and success. None of the above accomplishments would have been possible without the full support of Saint Michael and All Angels. Because of the church’s continued support, I’d say that the little bits of good put all together are making a big impact that will most definitely overwhelm the world.

Amy McMahan Executive Director of Saint Michael Episcopal School


March 1, 2020

2020W omen of Saint Michael




Hudnall President-Elect

Jackson Vice President

Hayhurst Recording Secretary

Bywaters Treasurer



Rice 2020 President

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Ramsey Assistant Treasurer

McKeithen Communications

McGrath Asst. Communications

Hart Newsletter

Bovard Parliamentarian

All women who are members of our parish are members of the Women of Saint Michael. Our purpose is to “be the extension of Christ’s Kingdom by uniting the women of the parish in a program of worship, study, service, and fellowship, and leading them into the service for the Church, in the parish, the community, the diocese, the nation, and the world.” Our programming this year is built around John 15:12: “Love one another as I have loved you” and the theme of “strengthening community through relationships.” These messages are at the heart of the activities of the WOSM. Highlights of the fall and winter Speaker Series included: • In September, Kathleen Flatley, a former Secret Service agent, shared humorous and interesting stories of her career and the challenges of protecting world leaders. • In October, Willie Baronet, SMU professor, artist, and homelessness advocate, inspired us with his message about discovering the humanity of each person. • In November, Nancy Hoxie Mead, who has walked nearly 7,000 miles, delved into the topic of pilgrimages and the power of those experiences, focusing on the Camino de Santiago de Compostela, which 30 of our WOSM walked parts of in September. • We learned about three Dallas agencies that the WOSM supports through the Gifts Committee: Exodus Ministries, Mosaic Family Services, and Legacy Counseling Center. • In January, parishioner Diana Newton moderated a conversation between Tom Luce and Margaret Spellings, of Texas 2036, who shared their plans and vision for this new organization that is focused on Texas’s future; learn more at Thank you to luncheon season subscribers and underwriters who made these programs possible. The Mardi Gras Party was held Friday, February 21, at the Filter Building on White Rock Lake. Following a delicious dinner and an entertaining Saint Michael trivia game, DJ Blake Hansen spun tunes that kept parishioners dancing into the night.

The WOSM will partner with Jubilee Park and Community Center on Saturday, March 7, for the annual Mother Daughter Tea with kids’ activities and a luncheon along with a guest speaker. Friday, April 3, will be the fourth annual WOSM Day of Service at Jubilee. All WOSM are invited to volunteer and join in this celebration of community. The Spring Luncheon on Wednesday, May 13, will feature the award-winning podcasters and writers, The Satellite Sisters. Listen to Liz, Lian, and Julie, on their podcast before seeing them “live on stage” for our luncheon. Visit the Saint Michael’s Woman’s Exchange for a book-signing following the luncheon and pick up Lian Dolan’s new novel, The Sweeney Sisters. In its 61st year, the Exchange continues to thrive thanks to a team of more than 150 volunteers who give of their time and talents to make the Exchange a success. Exchange profits combined with the bi-annual Parish Party and special events have enabled the WOSM Gifts Committee to give over $9.7 million to non-profits over the last six decades. This spring, members of the Gifts Committee will research and review grant requests and award support to Dallas agencies fighting poverty in our community and to Episcopal organizations doing good work locally, nationally, and internationally. Last year, 71 agencies received grants totaling $400,000. The Exchange and the Gifts Committee truly embody the spirit and guiding principles of the Women of Saint Michael. We are grateful for all of the Women of Saint Michael whose energy, intelligence, passion, commitment, and dedication continue to transform our parish and our community every day with their works of worship, study, service, and fellowship.

Allison Bovard 2019 President, WOSM

MOMENTS from 2019


These are just a FEW of the many moments of worship, celebration, service and community that we were blessed with in 2019: Saint Michael pilgrims in the Holy Land; the PT Cruisers sailing at White Rock Lake; VBS 2019 was all about superheroes—of which we obviously had a few! Congratulations to the Holy Smokes team on winning the 2019 Angel Chef Competition award; the 2019 WOSM Parish Party blew the doors off of the Frontiers of Flight Museum and was a massive success! 2019 also saw the gorgeous Christmas Lessons and Carols—which was packed; The WOSM Spring luncheon leadership: Event Co-chair Jennifer Pickens, Anne Coke, Christine Paddock and Co-Chair Tish Visinsky; We are so proud to celebrate the service of our veteran's at our annual Veterans Day Celebration! The Women of Saint Michael hosted the second annual Interfaith Panel: Islam, Judaism, and Christianity - The Conversation Continued. The event brought in hundreds of attendees representing each of our faiths to see panelists Rabbi Nancy Kasten, Imam Omar Suleiman, and our own Rev. Dr. Chris Girata. The conversation was moderated by The Rev. Amy Heller.

Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church 8011 Douglas Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75225 @smaadallas

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