The Archangel July/August 2019

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J U LY- A U G U S T 2 0 1 9 Volume XXXI Number IV


The Archangel is the Official Magazine for Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church


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On the cover: Jennifer PĂŠrez, "From Honduras to Texas with Love" pg. 10


photo credit Southern Methodist University




Read a personal message from Ken on page 19!


month, we welcome our new Vice Rector, the Rev. Kenneth H. Brannon and his wife Rachel, to Saint Michael! In celebration of their arrival, I wanted you all to get to know them a little better as you prepare to welcome them into our parish family. Ken was born in Fort Collins, Colorado, but moved to Mandeville, Louisiana at the age of one. His life changed radically at the age of twelve when his father took a job at a teaching hospital in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He found himself attending the Kodaikanal International School, an international boarding school South India, where he graduated in 1986. Following in the footsteps of his older brother, he attended Wheaton College in Illinois. Although his major was psychology, he spent many hours active in the theater. Ken discovered the Episcopal Church while at Wheaton and was grateful for the elegant liturgy, the appreciation for mystery, and the emphasis on ancient spiritual practices. And it was at Wheaton where Ken met Rachel. Rachel grew up in a suburb of Denver in a family that took their faith very seriously. As a child, she took mission trips regularly, including trips to Africa and Honduras. Like Ken, Rachel’s family’s passion for the church inspired her desire to attend Wheaton College where she not only met Ken, but discovered the Episcopal Church. As undergrads, Ken and Rachel independently discovered the Episcopal Church and found a wholeness and joy in the theological and liturgical experience. Little did they know how important this shared experience would be. Rachel spent much of her young adult life in Boston and New York working in children’s book publishing before shifting to social work. She did her graduate work at Union Theological Seminary, first earning a master’s degree in psychology and religion. She later earned a Master of Social Work with postgraduate training in Jungian psychology. Following college, Ken spent two years living in intentional Christian community and working with the homeless in Washington, DC. He coordinated administrative activities at Christ House, a mission of Church of the Saviour, and was active in medical and social outreach to those living in the shadows of our nation’s monuments. In 1993, Ken began drama therapy studies at New York University and graduated cum laude in 1997. His passion for psychology and theater came together in group work with children and adults at sites throughout the city, ranging from therapeutic schools, psychiatric hospitals, homeless shelters, and prisons. After they were married, Rachel and Ken worked together

at Church of the Holy Trinity in New York, co-coordinating children’s programming, and it was at Holy Trinity that Ken answered the call to ordained ministry. He attended Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria, graduating in 2003. Ken first served as Associate Rector at The Church of St. Barnabas in Plan to join us for Irvington, New York, just outside the official new legendary Sleepy Hollow (so Ken staff welcome and Rachel are big fans of great reception at 10 Halloween parties!)

a.m. on Sunday,

Ken has influenced sound growth August 18 and stability for over a decade, and has been a leader in the community. In the Diocese of Idaho, Ken was active in all aspects of church life, having served as Chair of the Commission on Ministry, President of the Standing Committee, and Chair of the Idaho Deputation to General Convention. Ken and Rachel have two young adult children, Lucy and Isaac. They are both active in their church communities and are wonderful singers. In May, Lucy graduated from Wake Forest University and in June, Isaac graduated high school in Sun Valley. Through sheer coincidence (or perhaps the work of the Holy Spirit), after Ken and Rachel answered the call to come to Saint Michael, Lucy was offered a consulting position with Ernst and Young here in Dallas! As Lucy moves to Dallas this summer to begin her new position, Isaac is moving to Western Washington University to begin his undergraduate studies. Personally, Rachel loves to read and write, especially poetry. She has a private practice in Sun Valley and also serves as a social worker at the local hospital. She will look for new opportunities to continue that work in Dallas. Ken loves hiking and keeping up on current events, especially articles that go deeply into issues that connect to personal matters of faith. Together, they love food, travel, and any new life experiences, especially with their family. I am thrilled to welcome Ken and Rachel, and I am confident you will love them, too. We will all be blessed by their ministry among us!

The Rev. Dr. Christopher D. Girata Rector THE ARCHANGEL | JULY-AUGUST 2019


SAINT MICHAEL STAFF Monica Awbrey Rob Baber Ross Badgett Julia Dietz Beckel Katherine Bowen Dianne Boyd Rev. Kenneth H. Brannon Justin Brooks Robert Butler Nozar Daryapayma Jill Delabano Lowell Duncan Hannah Fisher Bonita Frederick Rev. Dr. Christopher D. Girata Steven Haal Patricia Hale-Siedler Rev. Canon Michael Harmuth Dr. Margaret (Meg) Harper Travis Harvey Rev. Amy Heller Carol Hicks Diane Hollie Angelia Hunter Madelyn Ivy Adam Jones Clarence (C. J.) Johnson Rev. Robert (Bob) Johnston III Susan Kalen Cheryl Kaschak Elizabeth Keogh Tiffany LaMotte Rev. Mary Lessmann Rev. Dr. Eric J. Liles Chris Love Caroline Marak Amy McMahan Christi Morrow Chase Monson Tricia Morris Rev. Dr. Hiltrude Nusser-Telfer Darla Osterhaut Rev. Greg Pickens Edgar Porras Keith Quarterman Owen Reid Marco Reyes Monica Rosser Holli Royall Jonathan Ryan Elsa SanJuan Dollie Smith Rev. Canon René Somodevilla Celise Stephenson Tish Visinsky Regan Wallace

Assistant Choirmaster Director of Finance Mgr of Electronic Communication Music Administrator Asst. to Pastoral Care Asst. to Worship & Liturgy Vice Rector Director of Contemporary Music Assistant Director of Facilities Director of Facilities Asst. to CFM & Youth Ministries Director of Legacy Planning Asst. to Adult Formation & Parish Events Weekend Receptionist Rector Director of Communications Youth Intern Priest Associate for Worship Associate Director of Music & Organist Graphic Design & Production Priest Associate for Worship Extended Care Director Receptionist Accountant Asst. Dir. of Children & Family Ministry AVL & Technology Manager Sexton Associate for Contemporary Worship Executive Asst. to the Rector Accountant Admissions & Community Relations Coord. Director of Youth Ministry Associate for Spiritual Growth Associate for Formation Bookshop Manager Stewardship Manager Executive Director of SMES Mission & Outreach Coordinator Asst. Director of Youth Ministries Director of SMES Priest Associate for Pastoral Care Accountant Associate for Pastoral Care Sexton Executive Director of Operations Organ Scholar Sexton Special Assistant to the Rector Youth Minister Director of Music & Organist Sexton Sexton Priest Associate for Worship Registrar Director of Parish Life Director of CFM

2019 VESTRY Warren Houser Bonner Allen Jay Lipscomb Kathy Kelley Jim Skochdopole Ginger Brown

Senior Warden Junior Warden Warden-at-Large Treasurer Chancellor Clerk

Marla Jacks Briggle, John Ellerman, Jane Greene, Ben Leal, Kyle Moore, Anna Paccone, Christine Paddock, George Baldwin, Hallie Lawrence, Stacey Malcolmson, Steve McKenney, Blair Oden

2019 DIOCESAN DELEGATES John McFarland, Tricia Stewart, Kay Whelan, Terry Demler, J.C. Snead, Scott Wilson, David Greenblatt, Jerry Poglitsch, Susie Ryan alternates: Ed Blessing, Katherine Blachly, Ross Vick, Heather Lorch, Jack Rubarth, Blair Oden, Tom Bowen (1), Jessica Clements (2), Mary Abrams (3)

FROM the EDITOR Being a Christian is not essentially about joining a church or being a nice person, but about following in the footsteps of Jesus, taking his teachings seriously, letting his Spirit take the lead in our lives, and in so doing helping to change the world from our nightmare into God’s dream. This quote from The Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, got my attention. And then bothered me a little. This morning I was watching the news with my 2-year old, Charlie (at his request no less.) News and social media for so long have been combustible. While social media has given nearly everyone a voice (which is good), I think there has been a diminishing of the skill of knowing when to use one's voice. Everyone ostensibly reacts to everything—and these days, regardless of political affiliation, there is much to react to. I'd venture to say it's nearly a popular trend today to ridicule those different from us. Right or Left. On social media it's even frequently a fasttrack to getting "likes". But is this the right way to use one's voice? When we find ourselves taking part, could it be due to our focus? If I'm honest, I'd have to say that in the moments when my righteous indignation is piqued, my focus is only on that. But then I read a quote like the one above from Bishop Curry, "...letting his Spirit take the lead in our lives", and get bothered to see that I'm frequently guilty of leaving Jesus out of that moment. I've given him no lead. Steve has all the leads. So, without him, my ability to respond as Jesus would is diminished—probably along with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Seems like I read somewhere these are important... oh yeah. God's Word. The Bible. Galatians 5. So how do I keep my focus on Jesus? On something greater than the flammable events of my day as an anchor? By "...following in the footsteps of Jesus, taking his teachings seriously..." Oh. Well that's gonna take some effort. But isn't that effort what we are called to? Following in his footsteps is work. One can't take his teachings seriously unless one knows the teachings. Focusing on Jesus and the pursuit of becoming more like Christ—loving more, having more patience, kindness and goodness—is our goal here at Saint Michael. This place with it's clergy is meant to be a training ground, a place to heal, and a place to grow in faith with the fraternity and support of community. And perhaps then most importantly, a place from which to help others in need. In his article on page 6, Rector Chris Girata writes, "I want you to begin to dream about what you are called to do as a follower of imagine what we can do together in the Body of Christ." That should inform our focus. Our efforts. Our life. And perhaps "in so doing helping to change the world from our nightmare into God’s dream." @smaadallas

It’s coming

Fall 2019.




ummertime is a moment when many of us stop, take a rest, and search for renewal. For some of us that might look like a visit to the beach. For others, fishing or hiking in the mountains might be the ticket. Or perhaps simply traveling to a new city fills us up. However we choose to spend this season, summer is synonymous with charging and renewing our spirits.

God, but over time, humanity walked away from God. Time and time again, God tried to call us back, to bring us back into completeness, but nothing ever stuck. Finally, God sent Jesus Christ to get our attention and to teach us the best way to come into full, complete, and whole relationship with God. When Jesus returned to heaven after his resurrection, the Holy Spirit became the ally of those who followed Jesus. The Holy Spirit became the strength and the power that the followers of Jesus needed in order to help renew the world.

With all this in mind, I have been thinking of summertime through the lens of the big church celebration we just marked a few weeks back: Pentecost. The story of Pentecost is a relatively simple one, but has massive implications. Often called “the birthday of the church,” Pentecost is the moment in which Jesus’s friends received the Holy Spirit. This is the gift that Jesus promised them during his ministry and the gift that inspired them to leave the safety of their small community and venture out into the world to tell people about the Gospel.

Pentecost is most certainly about power and renewal, but the moment when the Holy Spirit filled up Jesus’s followers and created the church, the Body of Christ on earth, is also the moment in which we all became holy dreamers. In an instant, Jesus’s followers knew that their lives would never be the same again. Perhaps they liked the way their lives were, perhaps they liked who they had become when Jesus was living and walking among them. But no matter what they thought they liked, in that moment, everything changed.

Here’s the moment from scripture:

For us, I hope Pentecost has the same effect. For the most part, even when times are tough, most of us live lives we like. The lives we have built for ourselves and our families are pretty good. And even if we aren’t as happy and satisfied as we wish we were, our humanity still draws us to what is consistent and predictable. We like knowing what tomorrow, next week, and next year will bring. So when we have an experience like Pentecost, when God’s Holy Spirit breaks through and touches us with fire and power, we can get scared.

"When the day of Pentecost had come, the disciples were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.” Acts 2:1-4 The world had been created beautifully by



Dreams can disappoint us when we shoot too far or wish too big, and when we miss our dreams too many times, we can stop dreaming altogether. But Pentecost reminds us that God’s dreams are huge, and we are the ones who are here on earth to make them real." This summer, as we seek rest and search for renewal, I want you to dream, too. I want you to begin to dream about what you are called to do as a follower of Jesus, and I want you to dream about how you fit into the family of Jesus followers here at Saint Michael. I’m fond of saying “the best is yet to come,” not because I know just what will happen, but because I am a holy dreamer, and I believe that God’s dreams are bigger than anything I can imagine. So dream big with me. Imagine what we can do together in the Body of Christ we have at Saint Michael, and let’s start reaching higher than we ever thought we could. The Holy Spirit is upon us and pushing us beyond the limits we think we have. And as you dream, never forget that with God, all things are possible.

The Rev. Dr. Christopher D. Girata Rector


Big dreams are something every child knows, but most adults have learned over time to stop dreaming so big. Instead, most adults find that dreams are dangerous because they set us up for failure, and we hate to fail. Dreams can disappoint us when we shoot too far or wish too big, and when we miss our dreams too many times, we can stop dreaming altogether. But Pentecost reminds us that God’s dreams are huge, and we are the ones who are here on earth to make them real.



the JULY-AUGUST 2019 Volume XXXI Number IV


The Archangel Newsletter (USPS 015-033) is published bi-monthly by Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to the Archangel, Saint Michael And All Angels Church, P.O. Box 12385, Dallas TX 75225-0385


















7:30 a.m. Traditional Worship Rite I (SMC)

PRIEST ON CALL (214) 232-7512

The Rev. Dr. Christopher D. Girata, Rector

9 a.m. Traditional Worship Rite II (Church)

Main Parish Number (214) 363-5471

The Rev. Kenneth H. Brannon, Vice Rector

9 a.m. Joy: A Children’s Service (SMC)

The Rev. Dr. Eric Liles, Associate for Formation

10 a.m. Sunday Classes

The Rev. Greg Pickens, Associate for Pastoral Care

11 a.m. Traditional Worship Rite I (Church)


11 a.m. Contemporary Worship (Parish Hall)

The Rev. Canon Michael Harmuth, Priest Associate for Worship

5:30 p.m. Evening Prayer & Eucharist (SMC)

The Rev. Amy Heller, Priest Associate for Worship

8 p.m. Choral Compline (Church) Resumes September 29

The Rev. Bob Johnston, Associate for Contemporary Worship The Rev. Mary Lessmann, Associate for Spiritual Growth The Rev. Dr. Hiltrude Nusser-Telfer, Priest Assoc. for Pastoral Care The Rev. Canon René Somodevilla, Priest Assoc. for Worship

Parish FAX (214) 363-4388 Lomo Alto FAX (214) 262-8062 ESD Lower Campus (214) 353-5818 Jubilee Park & Community Center (214) 887-1364 907 Bank Street Dallas, TX 75223 St. Michael’s Woman's Exchange (214) 521-3862 SMWE FAX (214) 522-1933 5 Highland Park Village Dallas, TX 75205 Episcopal Diocese of Dallas (214) 826-8310 Episcopal Diocese FAX (214) 826-5968 1630 N. Garrett Avenue Dallas, TX 75206



HOURS Monday-Friday: 10 AM - 3 PM Saturday: CLOSED Sunday: 8:30 - 12:30

God And Dogs





Pewter Dog Magnets 4 IN A BOX


Webbed Episcopal Key Chain AVAILABLE IN RED OR BLUE


Embossed Cross Boxed Stationary $1 4 . 5 0





he eldest of four children, Jennifer Pérez grew up in Tela, on Honduras’ Caribbean coast, near a popular botanical garden and nature preserve. Like many of her peers, she dreamed of going to college in the United States, but faced obstacles – a complicated college application process, academic preparation and tuition. Although her mother is a lawyer and her stepfather is an engineer, their occupations are not nearly as lucrative in Honduras as they would be in the United States. “We don’t have a bad life in Honduras,” Jenn says. “Everything we have is because my parents work hard.” On Saturday, May 18, Jennifer’s college dream will come true. That’s when she will graduate from SMU Cox School of Business with her BBA in accounting. Through hard work and perseverance, she earned her degree, but if it weren’t for a fateful meeting in Honduras five years ago, Jennifer might never have had the opportunity to prove herself. Jennifer Pérez was 17 years old when she met Dallas resident and SMU alum Grady Schleier, who was volunteering in Tela, Honduras with his wife, Mary Elizabeth. Jennifer attended the bilingual Episcopal day school there, Espiritu Santo, which has a partnership with the Schleiers’ Dallas church, Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church. That’s where Grady met several young students, including Jennifer, and was

impressed with her enthusiasm, joy and desire to attend college in the United States. He recalls talking with Jennifer about the challenges standing in the way of her dreams. “It is hard to have a good career and a better of standard of living in a country like Honduras where the economy is terrible,” Jennifer says. “Few jobs are available, and even if one has a job, it is never enough because the violence in Honduras does not allow us to live a satisfying life.” Grady knew he couldn’t help each of the Espiritu Santo students, but he sensed the potential in the class of 2014 valedictorian. On a February evening in 2014, he asked his wife to join him for a walk on the beach in Tela. The conversation that followed was a stunner. “I want to invite a student I’ve met here in Tela to live with us in Dallas,” he said. “She can spend a gap year with us, while she prepares to apply to college in the U.S.” The Schleiers, a retired Dallas couple with two grown sons, have volunteered with their church for the past 12 years in the northern Honduran town. Married to Mary Elizabeth for 34 years, this was the first time Grady

Photos courtesy of Southern Methodist University

continued on page 26



Summer Formation Sermon Schedule

Faith in literature + music + film


July 21 July 21

Elizabeth Lang Elizabeth Lang

your Neighbor” “Love your using Neighbor” A using A entleman in Gentleman Moscow in Moscow by Amor Towles by Amor Towles

August 4August 4

Ken BrannonKen Brannon

Keeping Faith“Keeping with theFaith with the Earth: The Poems Earth: of The Poems of Wendell Berry” Wendell Berry”

July 28 July 28

Rene Somodevilla Rene Somodevilla Forgiveness: The Forgiveness: Eagles The Eagles “The Heart of“The the Matter” Heart of the Matter”

August 11August 11

Tom Blackman Tom Blackman

Noralyn, Annie, and I have been a part of Saint Michael and All Angels since November of 2011. These years have been wonderfully productive and enjoyable. This parish has loved us as much as we have loved you and together we have labored to make continual improvements to our parish and our ministries. Many of you know that our parish leadership has granted me a sabbatical from August 1 to October 31, 2019. A sabbatical, for a priest, is a focused time away from the parish for creative exploration and respite. It provides the opportunity for a priest to learn and enhance skills that will be directly applicable to ministry in the parish setting. A sabbatical is also used to refresh the relationship with one’s family and renew important friendships. The sabbatical project I will be working on with Noralyn over this time will offer the opportunity to renew our already strong ministry of premarriage at Saint Michael. Together, we will get to know and interview the pastoral teams of three Episcopal parishes in distinct cultural regions of the United States. After our interviews, Noralyn and I will collate our information and synthesize our findings into our ministry at Saint Michael. The Rector has asked Rene’ Somodevilla to work with Katherine Bowen to provide the same wonderful support for which the Pastoral Care Team is known.

“The Great Gatsby “The at Great 100 Gatsby at 100 (Almost): Comedy (Almost): or Tragedy? Comedy or Tragedy? Irony or Love Irony Story?orOrLove justStory? a Or just a Fairy Tale?” Fairy Tale?”




9 1 20


There were multiple planned activities meant to benefit others. One such activity was making sidekick superhero capes for teddy bears that will be given to children in the hospital via the Capes 4 Kids program. These children will also get hand sewn capes for themselves to wear (sewn by Capes 4 Kids). This organization partners with various hospitals in the area. The second highlighted activity was making encouraging superhero place mat designs for Children’s Hospital patients. The hospital plans to scan the most desirable images and make disposable inserts for use in hospital trays during special times of the year. We also made some superhero hand print posters that the hospital can hang in the hallways.


During the week, we also collected 99 new teddy bears to donate to Cook Children’s Medical Center PrayerBear program. We also collected many gently used coats to donate to St. Philip’s School—they were well received! THE ARCHANGEL | JULY-AUGUST 2019




To My Dear Saint Michael Family, Who would have thought that Fiesta Party May 2012 was the beginning of such an amazing ministry experience? Wow! I think back on all the moments we have shared together and I am truly blessed to have had this time with you. We have had lots of fun along the way and we have shared moments of heartbreak, but each step was made holy because God was present. I came across a quote not too long ago, “Always leave people better than you found them. Hug the hurt. Kiss the broken. Befriend the lost. Love the lonely.” Beloveds, I hope that I am leaving you in a better place. God knows that as much as I have hugged, kissed, befriended, and loved you…you have done the same for me. So thank you! Thank you for opening your home and your heart to me, then David, and then to our sweet Gabriel. Thank you for all the love on Sunday. Thank you for the generous gifts. Thank you for your prayers and well wishes as we await the Holy Spirit to guide us on our journey. Thank you! It has been an honor and a privilege to be with you these last seven years. Love & Peace,

The Reverend Lisa Musser


June 23 the parish turned out in droves for the farewell thank-you service for The Rev. Lisa Flores Musser, Saint Michael's Associate for Worship & Liturgy for the last seven years, and to have the chance to personally thank her for her ministry among them. During her seven years of ministry she blessed the lives of so many, met and married David, welcomed Gabriel to the family, and worked tirelessly as the organization lead for our worship services. We wish Lisa, David and Gabriel nothing but the absolute best of God's blessings as they journey further in to God's plan for them. Thank you, Lisa!




"I'm not sure I would ever go to church...I can't believe this church just came to my pub..." Pub Theology is a series rife with opportunity: It is a welcome moment for our parishioners to have a cold one and listen to hot topics—but it is oh so much more than that. It provides an opportunity for those who might never darken the doors of a church to be exposed to real Christianity. To see an active faith journey that asks hard questions instead of shunning them, and isn't afraid to enjoy the gifts of God in moderation. All of that combined has, through the years, yielded scores of comments about a new curiosity about "what is all this—religion?" The 2019 season (every Monday night in June each year) brought topics such as Church Hurt, Personal Evil, Faith and Science, and Christians and Violence. The lineup of sought-after speakers included Rev. Dr. Steve Danzey, Dr. Billy Abraham, Dr. Michael Henry and Pastor George Mason. Nearly 800 people experienced a brand of authenticity that we believe is exactly what Jesus would do. See you next year. To watch or listen to this year's sessions, or to find previous years, visit 18


Greetings, Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church! It is such a pleasure to be here and begin my role as Vice Rector. Thank you for welcoming my family and me so warmly; we are thrilled to walk the Way of Jesus with you.


The Rev. Dr. Steve Danzey, Pastor George Mason, the Justin Brooks Trio, Dr. Billy Abraham, Dr. Michael Henry, a packed house at Trinity Hall Pub, Justin Brooks opens for the week 1 session with Steve Danzey

The move from Sun Valley, Idaho, was pretty intense—as all moves are—but we arrived safely and are happily settling into our new town home in Uptown. For those who heard about my wife, Rachel’s, broken foot, she is healing nicely, but definitely has to take things more slowly, which is frustrating when you have so much you want to accomplish! The SMAA search and transition teams, as well as many of the clergy and staff, have been very helpful during the moving in process—thank you! I am beginning my work at SMAA by listening. I am listening to our Rector and parish leaders in order to better understand the priorities and strategic vision of the church. I am listening to our gifted clergy and staff so that I might learn from them and find out how I can be most helpful as they do the important work entrusted to them. And I am listening to you, giving thanks for your diverse stories and the ways that God is moving in your life. I look forward to seeing you in church, if not before. Blessings,

The Rev. Kenneth H. Brannon Vice Rector




JULY & AUGUST EVENTS for a full listing of all events & classes, please visit



Please remember that during the month of June, the 11 a.m. worship services is combined into one contemporary service in the Church. We are currently enjoying a series on Ruth.

AUGUST 24| COOKING 9 - 11 a.m., Parish Hall kitchen AUGUST 23 | SERVING 1 p.m. at Thanksgiving Square, 1627 Pacific Avenue, Dallas



EYC GOES TO ZUMBA WITH GABBY WEDNESDAY, JULY 31 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14 6 - 7 p.m. Klyde Warren Park Muse Family Pavilion FREE! Looking for a fun new way to work out? Try one of our weekly Zumba classes presented by Gabby! It's a fun, upbeat way to get up and moving. Practice all your best dance moves with Latin beats and other great music from around the world. RSVP: Email Chase at TUESDAY, AUGUST 6

For more information: Lane and Corey Clark


FAITH: LITERATURE, MUSIC & FILM 10 a.m. Saint Michael Chapel Please join us in the Saint Michael Chapel during the 10 o’clock hour every Sunday as we continue our summer series featuring presentations by Saint Michael clergy and others over topics such as, “Faith in Literature, Music and Film”. This series is appropriate for all ages.

EPIC WATERS YOUTH TRIP: 10:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Location: Epic Waters (2970 Epic Place, Grand Prairie, TX 75051) Cost: $40.00 Join us for a day at the water park with all the fun and none of the sunburn because Epic Waters is an Indoor water park! Epic Waters is DFW’s newest indoor water park in Grand Prairie, TX, showcasing 80,000 sq. ft. of year-round water fun! RSVP: Email Chase at


AUGUST 7 | COOKING 5:30 - 7:30 p.m., Parish Hall kitchen AUGUST 8 | SERVING 6 - 8 p.m. at the shelter (see below) Cooking info: Randy Rekerdres,, George Baldwin Serving Info at the shelter 2929 Hickory Street, Dallas Rita & Dick Davis,




FALL KICK-OFF SUNDAY WITH BACK TO SCHOOL BACKPACK BLESSINGS 9 & 11 a.m. services in the Church, SMC and Parish Hall

NEW STAFF WELCOMING RECEPTION 10 a.m. in the Garden Cloister Join us as we kick off a new formation year with fellowship and fun! Meet our exciting new staff members, enjoy caricaturists and balloon artists, help yourself to the popcorn bar and pick up a copy of the Resource Guide loaded with ways to engage at Saint Michael this fall. Backpack blessings will take place at all 9 & 11 a.m. worship services, so all ages are encouraged to bring your school and work bags to be blessed! AUGUST 25

FALL 2019 EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING BEGINS 10 a.m. in various locations Be sure to pick up your Fall 2019 Resource Guide during the August 18 festivities, as it will detail all of the class locations.

Dear Saint Michael Family, Thank you for a wonderful program year engaging with God’s Story. From our 72 hour live read-through the whole Bible, to our weekly Sunday morning classes for all ages, to our guest speakers, and midweek studies—this has been an amazing experience! My encouragement to each of you is to keep reading God’s love letter to you. We did a deep dive into the overarching narrative of salvation history, but there is so much more to learn, to be encouraged by, and to discover in the Bible. Coming up next on August 25, we will begin two tracks for our adult Sunday morning formation. OUR STORY is a year-long exploration of church history and theology. This will meet in the Saint Michael Chapel most Sundays at 10 a.m. from August 25, 2019 - May 10, 2020. The other track, same dates and time in the Theater, will be a class for parents with presentations, Bible Study, small group time, fellowship and outreach opportunities. Each month of the class for parents will have a different theme. Our children and youth formation offerings will continue during the same time with various options for the different grades. Stay tuned for more details. If I can be helpful in your Christian formation, or if you have questions or thoughts to share, please let me know. God’s Peace,

Eric PS: I have a few online resources that I find helpful, and would like to share them with you. The easiest way to view the online content would be to visit All of the links for the content below will be there waiting for you! God's Story | This remains a great online resource for the schedule we used and videos of our Sunday morning lessons. God's Story Continued Audio Blog | Here are many audio recordings that fill in every section of scripture between our Sunday plans. More episodes will be added throughout the summer. "Growing in the Knowledge and Love of God Over the Summer | Many of the blogs from Grow Christians are stellar and particularly apropos this time of year, and appropriate for all families. This one is a great place to start. Mission St. Clare | One of my spiritual practices is to pray and read the daily office. This website has everything put together for you, even hymns! First 15 | A new resource to me and recommended by parishioner, and authored by Craig Denison, son of Jim Denison, former Senior Pastor of Park Cities Baptist.




Do you know a fellow parishioner who would be a good candidate to serve on the Vestry or as a Delegate to the annual Diocesan Convention? If so, please nominate him or her to serve. The Parish will elect five new Vestry members, three new Convention Delegates, and three new Convention Alternates at the Fall Parish Meeting on October 27, 2019. New Vestry members will serve a three-year term beginning January 1, 2020. Newly-elected Delegates/Alternates to the Diocesan Convention will attend the Convention in 2020, 2021 and 2022. Alternates will serve in the place of Delegates who cannot attend a Convention.


If the idea of a Vestry is new to you, it is similar to the governing body of a nonprofit company. According to the website of the national Episcopal Church, the vestry is the “legal representative of the parish with regard to all matters pertaining to its corporate property.” It helps define the mission of the congregation, supports the church’s mission “by word and deed”, selects the rector of the Church, ensures effective organization, and manages the Church’s resources and finances. In recent years, the Vestry helped develop the current Initiatives, in conjunction with a five-year Vision for the Church. Next year’s Vestry will play an integral role in developing future Initiatives and strategic plans. There is a significant time commitment.


The responsibilities of the Vestry fall into three categories: Financial oversight, Fa-



cilities oversight, and Development. A Vestry member serves a three-year term, attends monthly meetings and at least one weekend retreat, serves as a liaison to at least one other Church committee or ministry group, attends Church and Church events on a regular basis, and supports the annual stewardship campaign through giving and raising funds. Candidates must be able to fulfill all of the requirements of the office. In addition, according to our bylaws, a vestry candidate must be over 18 years of age, must be baptized and confirmed into the Episcopal Church, must have received communion at least three times during the preceding year, be faithful at worship, and must have made a financial contribution to the Church in the preceding year.


The annual Convention of the Diocese of Dallas takes place on the first Saturday of November each year, and Saint Michael elects Delegates to attend and represent ourt church. At the Diocesan Convention, delegates elect Diocesan officials, hear reports to the Convention, approve the budget of the Diocese and establish Diocesan policy and procedure by considering and voting on resolutions and approving changes to the Diocesan constitution and canons. The Parish elects three Delegates. In addition, the Parish will elect three alternates who will serve if a Delegate is unable to attend the Convention. The alternates are ranked from first to third alternate, according to the number of votes they receive and serve in that order.


Delegates to the Diocesan Convention must be willing to attend the Diocesan Convention for three consecutive years, prepare for the Convention, and attend meetings before and after the Convention with other delegates and Church leaders.


Service on the Vestry and as a Delegate requires sound judgment, familiarity with Saint Michael and its parishioners, and a willingness to spend time in service to the Church. As the Nominating Committee considers candidates for its slate of nominees, it will take into account the qualifications, skills, and past experience of the nominees; skills and other expertise needed on the Vestry or at the Convention; the current mix of expertise and experience on the Vestry or among the Convention delegates, and other needs of the Vestry, the Church and/or the Diocese. The Nominating Committee will make its recommendations to the Vestry in September. The slate of nominees approved by the Vestry will be announced to the Parish on Sunday, September 22, at which time Nominations by Petition will open and procedures will be explained. All Nominations by Petition are due October 9. The Parish will vote on the nominees at the Fall Parish Meeting on October 27, 2019. The Nominating Committee needs your help to select our new leaders! If you know a great candidate for Vestry or for Delegate/Alternate, please get a nomination form on the Church’s website, or from our Church receptionist. All nominations open June 3 and must be received by Friday, August 16, 2019.



hen parishioners and their families have a wedding in the planning stages, a stop at The Exchange is a must! As a special gift to members of our parish family, St. Michael’s Woman’s Exchange offers a discount on invitations and other items from our stationery department. When invitations are ordered at The Exchange, parishioners receive a 10% discount on the first $1500 spent and a 20% discount after that point! This offer may be enjoyed whether the parishioner is from the brides family or the groom’s family, and whether or not the wedding takes place at our church or elsewhere. And the discount extends to all printing needs, from save-the-dates, thank you notes, rehearsal dinner and shower invitations as well as any hostess gifts, wedding albums and guest books which come from our Stationery Department!


5 H I G H L A N D PA R K V I L L A G E D A L L A S T E X A S 7 5 2 0 5 ( 2 1 4 ) 5 2 1 - 3 8 6 2

photo credit Kim Leeson Photography



Women of Saint Michael Announce Latest $400K in Gifts at Annual Spring Luncheon Wednesday, May 15, 7000 Park Lane was the backdrop of the beautifully-presented annual luncheon event for our Women of Saint Michael (WOSM)! The event is not only the traditional annual changing of the leadership guard, but also the announcement for philanthropic giving for the year. As such, they announced that the WOSM Gifts Committee awarded $400,000 in grants to 71 nonprofits that work with those living in poverty in Dallas County and abroad.

honor and a gift for me to serve as President of the Women of Saint Michael this year. Thank you to everyone who has helped to make this such a wonderful year! I hope that your summer is filled with much love and laughter."

About the Women of Saint Michael Philanthropy

Outgoing WOSM President Christine Paddock stated, "...this was an incredible accomplishment that is attributed to the leadership, volunteers, and generosity of the Women, the Exchange and our parish. We will be celebrating our newest grant recipients and cannot wait to announce them today." She also welcomed and urged all in attendance to "come to luncheons next fall, join a Bible study, volunteer at the Exchange, join the Altar Guild or serve on one of the many WOSM committees."

For 60 years, the Women of Saint Michael Gifts Committee has given back to the community grants totaling over $9.7 million. Much of the funding for the Gifts Committee comes from the profits of the St. Michael's Woman's Exchange gift shop in Highland Park Village, celebrating its 60th year, and the oldest operating storefront in the "Village". The Exchange was originally started in 1939 as a consignment shop, was later operated by the Jr. League of Dallas as a service project, and in 1958 was sold to the Women of Saint Michael for $1500.

Author Melanie Shankle was the event keynote and spoke about ways we can embrace a meaningful life as we find "the beauty and laughter that lie just beneath the surface of every ordinary, incredible day."

"The money we receive from the Women of Saint Michael keeps our air conditioning going, and all of our 400 clients warm in the winter and cool in the summer..." -Daniel Roby, Executive Director of Austin Street Center

For the hundreds of women and staff in attendance, the event also celebrated the work and ministry of long-time parishioner and dear friend, Anne Coke, as honorary chairman, who "exemplifies the idea of Christian graciousness and gracefulness. We give thanks for her and celebrate all the women in our lives."

As an expression of The Way of Love movement of the Episcopal Church, this philanthropy is guided by the spirit of giving, "For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me." -Matthew 25:35

In welcoming new 2019-20 WOSM President Allison Bovard, Paddock said, "it has been an CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT

Outgoing WOSM President Christine Paddock, Honorary Chairman Anne Coke, Keynote Speaker and author Melanie Shankle, Incoming WOSM President Allison Bovard, Whitney Coke, Hayley Jenkins, Treda Jenkins, Event Co-Chair Jennifer Pickens, Anne Coke, Christine Paddock, Event Co-Chair and SMAA Director of Parish Life Tish Visinsky, Susie McDonough, Byrd Teague, Rev. Allison Liles, SMAA Stewardship Manager Caroline Marak, Tish Visinsky, Ann Mills, Phoebe Moore, Julie Butterworth, Jubilee's Ovidia Amaya, Jean Coleman, Squeaky Connelly, Nancy Neuhoff, Elaine Lindh, Jan Baldwin, Donell Wiggins, Kathy Jenevein, Dee Ann Anigian, Susan Beecherl, Kathleen Blair, Mary Louise Hopson and guest, Erica Sartain, and the rest of the Women of Saint Michael!



FROM HONDURAS con't from page 11

shared with his wife a longtime goal – to make a difference in one person’s life. Mary Elizabeth agreed to meet Jennifer Pérez. “How do you say no to changing someone’s life?” she says. After spending a day volunteering with Jennifer, Mary Elizabeth agreed. “I fell in love with her.” Jennifer instantly said, “Yes,” when Grady invited her to move to Dallas, and her parents later agreed, after a tearful conversation. “As a mother, I’ve always been very protective,” says Rosa Espinal, Jennifer’s mother. “I had many mixed feelings about letting my daughter go with people I didn’t even know. I also knew if I said no, I would possibly close her door of opportunities and success. It was one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever made.” After an eight-month wait to obtain a student visa, Jennifer and her mother



flew to Dallas in October of 2014, where Jennifer was enrolled as a noncredit international student at Ursuline Academy of Dallas, a Catholic girls’ school. In Honduras, high school ends at the end of 11th grade. “I adapted pretty easily,” Jennifer says. “I missed my mom’s homemade corn tortillas and rice with shrimp, but I loved Ursuline and the Schleiers,” she says. The Schleier sons initially thought their parents were crazy. Now, however, Tommy and Will Schleier say Jennifer is their favorite sibling. Mary Elizabeth’s soft oil portraits of Jennifer decorate their home, and Jennifer smiles from the family photo Christmas cards taped to the refrigerator. Grady, a CPA and retired financial executive, beams with pride at Jennifer’s success in her accounting studies. For the Schleiers, having a 17-year-old student in the house meant early morning car pools again and homework at

the kitchen table. But listening to Jennifer also brought new understanding about the challenges of life in Central America. “Jennifer has given us an alternative prism through which we view the world,” Grady says. Jennifer’s 2015 gap year in the United States paid off. While continuing to live with the Schleiers, Jennifer enrolled in community college. Her biological father is a U.S. citizen and Jennifer earned her own citizenship in 2016. She worked as a waitress to pay for community college, and sent money home to her family. After completing community college, she applied to several public universities, as well as the Schleier’s alma mater – SMU. Grady Schleier holds a Master of Business Administration from SMU Cox School of Business and Mary Elizabeth holds a Master of Fine Arts from SMU Meadows School of the Arts. SMU’s offer of an Honors Transfer continued on page 28


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FROM HONDURAS con't from page 26

Scholarship, which provides half-price tuition for high-achieving community college transfer students, sealed the deal. Jennifer enrolled in 2017 in SMU’s Cox School and found friends, challenges and valuable career advice.

“The classes at SMU were very challenging,” Jennifer says. “I almost lost my scholarship because I was embarrassed to ask for help.” But when she asked for help from her Cox adviser, career adviser and the Schleiers, she found her footing. “Jennifer is purposeful and intentional,” says Katherine Hearty, the Cox School of Business career adviser for accounting majors. “She has great energy.” Jennifer’s gap year stretched into five years, a college degree and a relationship that will last a lifetime. “When we invited Jennifer to live with us, I thought she’d be here for nine months then go off to college somewhere,” Grady says. “Her relationship with us just happened naturally. Now when I think of long-term plans, I think of our family collectively – Tommy, Will and Jennifer. “I know we’re not the first phone call when something important happens in her life,” he says. “But we’re the second phone call.” On May 18, Jennifer’s Honduran family will join her Dallas host family to celebrate her commencement and new job.


Assistant Director of Children & Family Ministry Saying thank you, but not goodbye! After years of filling in wherever needed, in addition to overseeing our Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program, Gabrielle Ott is stepping away from employment at Saint Michael. Gabrielle has done an incredible job helping direct and guide CFM during the past two years. She will continue to coach, to be a teacher in Catechesis, a lead volunteer in all things CFM, and to teach Saint Michael Episcopal School Catechesis courses. She has recently accepted a new job at U.T. Southwestern as a PRN Physical Therapist. When you see her, please thank her for being such an awesome leader and for all she has done and will continue to do for the children of Saint Michael.

After Jennifer graduates, she plans to earn her CPA and move to an apartment to provide her younger siblings with the same American education opportunities the Schleiers provided for her. No doubt the trajectory of her life has changed dramatically. But Jennifer Pérez’s life is not the only one that has changed. “It’s a joy to hear her voice singing around the house,” says Mary Elizabeth, who likes to join Jennifer dancing to Motown hits in their kitchen. “I always wanted a daughter. Now I have one.”




Assistant Director of Children and Family Ministry We are pleased to introduce to you our newest member of the Formation team. Madelyn Ivy began her full-time ministry with us as Assistant Director of Children and Family Ministry (CFM) on May 20. Madelyn is a high capacity, spiritually-grounded, and theologically-formed graduate from Dallas Baptist University with a Master’s degree in Children’s Ministry. She has been leading children’s ministries for seven years, having previously served as a Dir. of Children’s Ministry, Sunday school teacher, and children’s worship leader. She is excited to begin ministering to children and families at SMAA, while helping them to grow deeper in their faith together. Madelyn loves animals and has a black rescue cat named Jade. She is a big pop culture fan who enjoys NASCAR, reading, and writing stories of fiction during her spare time. Please join us in welcoming Madelyn!


Special Assistant to the Rector I’m very pleased to welcome Monica Long Rosser to the Saint Michael staff as our new, part-time Special Assistant to the Rector. Monica is working directly with our annual giving and long-term giving officers as we continue to expand the ways in which we invite all our parishioners to invest in our future.

A child of this parish, Monica grew up attending the Saint Michael School before earning her BA in Economics from the University of Texas at Austin. She joins the Saint Michael team with a keen understanding of serving others, having been a personal assistant to legendary Dallas Stars hockey player Mike Modano and for energy leader T. Boone Pickens. She and her husband, Jay, have a 3-year-old daughter named Elsie who attends the Saint Michael Episcopal School. Please help me welcome Monica to our staff team!

MONICA AWBREY Assistant Choirmaster

We are delighted to announce the addition of Monica Awbrey to our music staff as Assistant Choirmaster! She will officially begin on August 1, and will do some work with us now to prepare for next year. Monica is no stranger to Saint Michael, having worked with many in the Dallas area, including currently the Episcopal School of Dallas, a position she will keep while helping us after school hours. She brings a wealth of experience and capability to our growing music program, focusing on choirs. In particular, she will begin and direct the expansion of our chorister program for children in K-2nd Grade by starting a new choir for these ages. Additionally, she will work with our already established chorister program, which is grades 3-8 with future plans to expand through high school, and our adult choir. Monica’s presence will also allow greater opportunities for our involvement with music education within our entire parish.

We are so excited for the wonderful contributions Monica will make to our church’s music, and in particular, for the young families our preparatory choir of K-2 children will engage!

TIFFANY LAMOTTE Director of Youth Ministry

We are so pleased to announce and introduce our new Director of Youth Ministry, Tiffany LaMotte. Tiffany is a graduate of University of North Florida with bachelor degrees in Sociology and Social Welfare and a minor in Religion. She recently completed her certificate in Youth Ministry and Theology from Princeton Seminary. Upon completion, she implemented her capstone project of rewriting the current confirmation program for her church. Tiffany served as the Youth Director at St. Peter’s Episcopal in Fernandina Beach for the last nine years. While there, she organized and led many mission trips, pilgrimages, a retreat for middle school students in the Diocese as well as participating in many other Diocesan programs. Tiffany is a caring, compassionate, high energy youth leader with a passion for spiritually led travel experiences. This summer she led a ten day pilgrimage to Greece with youth from St. Peter's. In her free time she enjoys local cultural events, reading and spending time with friends and family. Tiffany begins her ministry with us on August 1st. Youth families look forward to opportunities to meet and get to know Tiffany in early August. Everyone, please help me welcome Tiffany to Saint Michael!



smaa kids pages!







Rector Chris Girata serves communion to one of our littles, The Rt. Rev. George R. Sumner, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas, joined us to administer confirmation to our newest confirmands, the thurible is skillfully swung by Harry Holden during the procession on Confirmation Sunday, children of all ages are invited to the rail for a better view of baptism, Chris Girata baptizing an infant, Fr. RenĂŠ Somodevilla proclaiming the Gospel, addressing the cross, congratulations to our latest confirmands, Bishop Sumner laying on hands during the confirmation process.





Distinguished lecture series with

ben malcolmson from the

seattle seahawks

We had an amazing time! We had an amazing time listening as Seattle Seahawks' Ben Malcolmson told of his incredible journey from undergrad journalism student, to unintentional walk-on wide receiver on the #1-ranked college football team in the country, to Special Assistant to Head Coach Pete Carroll! He spoke of how the journey battered his body, tested his perseverance, and broke his heart. Ben’s inspiring story of hope encouraged all who attended, leaving them standing in awe of an utterly amazing God!


e had an amazing time listening as the Seattle Seahawk's Ben Malcolmson told of his incredible journey from undergrad journalism student, to unintentional walk-on wide receiver on the #1-ranked college football team in the country, to Special Assistant to head coach Pete Carroll! He spoke of how the journey battered his body, tested his perseverance, and broke his heart. Ben's inspiring story of Hope encouraged all who attended, leaving them standing in awe of an utterly amazing God! To watch previous Distinguished Lecture Series events, visit:




Our journey in discipleship and generosity is one that we travel together, hand-in-hand. There are myriad reflections, devotions, and scriptural passages from the Bible on God’s generosity to us and our need to be generous to God. But, the experiences of friends from our community on being generous in all aspects of our life can be even more meaningful and inspiring. Through varying publications of the Archangel, blog posts, and social media outlets, members of the Stewardship Committee will share insights, thoughts, and perspectives that have spoken to them. Ralph Cousins has contributed the following reflection. Enjoy! -Caroline

DO YOU LOVE ME? "Simon son of John, do you love me" Jesus asked. "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you." Jesus said to him, "Tend my sheep." At the end the Gospel of John the resurrected Jesus challenges Peter to pledge his loyalty. What an incredible scene! Jesus, who the Apostles now believe to be the Son of God, looks Peter in the eye and asks if Peter really loves him. Since Jesus had revealed himself to the Apostles several times, perhaps the novelty of seeing Jesus alive had passed. Peter seems to argue with Jesus. An incredulous Peter asks, “How can you doubt my love?” This is the same Peter that denied Jesus three times on Maundy Thursday. We know about Peter’s impetuosity and his eagerness to please. Of course, he will say that he loves Jesus. However, in usual fashion Peter misses the point. If you love me tend my sheep. Feed my lambs. Feed my sheep. Three times Jesus states that the test of Peter’s love is to serve and to be generous

in this last-minute commissioning, Jesus tells Peter what is essential to ministry—love and service to Jesus’ lambs/sheep. In various versions of the Great Commission in the Synoptic Gospels, Jesus charges the Apostles to be evangelists. In the Gospel of John, Jesus gives Peter a pastoral role.

STEWARDSHIP PRO-TIP: Planning summer travel plans? Don’t want to get behind on your pledge payments? Be sure to set up your pledge payments on an automatic credit or debit card draft! Contact Cheryl Kaschak at or 214-365-3558 or Caroline at or 214-692-3015.

So, what are we to make of this passage? First, of course, is how do we answer the question, “Do you love me?” How do you define love? How do you act out love? Can you love from the sidelines? Are we like Peter and miss the point? We are called, challenged – even dared - to be disciples of Jesus. In the call of discipleship, we are called to give of ourselves through service to others and our community through our time, talent and treasure – to be generous in all things. Love is the one thing needed for Christian discipleship. How do you imitate Jesus? Do you tend Jesus’ sheep?

PARISH VIEWS PARISH VIEWS Top: Baptism is a precious sacremental rite in the life of a Christian—congratulations to all those receiving!

Right: Rev. Dr. Steve Danzey speaks on the topic of "Church Hurt" at Pub Theology

Bottom Right: Tish Visinsky, Chase Monson and Eric Liles are all smiles at the God's Story wrap-up Ice Cream Social!

Bottom Left: Helping one of our little hooded heros during VBS!

Left: WOSM's Spring Luncheon keynote speaker Melanie Shankle at her booksigning at the St. Michael's Woman's Exchange (p. 24)

GRANT THEM ETERNAL REST May the souls of these faithful departed rest in peace.

Joan Maly Bovard June 22, Chris Bovard (son) and Allison (daughter-in-law) and Charlie, Sam and Jack (grandsons) and Jim Bovard (son) and John Bovard (son)

John Christopher "Chris" Eddy April 30, Jamie Eddy (wife) and Spencer (daughter) and Cord (son)

Doris Patricia Lovelace Cowling June 30, David Cowling (son) and Amy Youngquist (daughter-in-law)

Dr. Charles Lee "Charlie" Sledge April 30, Mary Jane Sledge (wife) Daniel Maxson "Dan" Mahoney May 2, Lindy Mahoney (wife) and Kelly Mahoney (niece) and Mike Mahoney (nephew) Jo Louise Nowell "JoJo" Ewing May 10, Tim Ewing (son)


Susan Emily Roberts May 12, Mary Baldwin (sister) and George (brother-in-law)

We warmly welcome our newest members recently born into our parish family:

Robert Adams "Bob" Wallace, Jr. May 14, Jackie Caswell (wife)

Teagan Hubbell Cousins Wednesday, March 13, 2019, Jane W. and Robert L. Cousins; Grandparents: Harriet and Ralph Cousins

Lois Marjorie Lund Jeffords May 16, Carolyn Jeffords (daughter) Charlotte Carothers Huthnance May 30, Rob Huthnance (husband) and Thompson, C.C. and Georgeann (children) Kevin Hollis Lyons June 1, Elaine Lyons (mother) Edward Bloxton "Ed" Mabry June 2, Sally Williams (daughter) and Jim (son-in-law) and Rob, Rhett, J.B., and Carl (grandsons) Donald Ray "Don" West June 14, Merial West (wife) Royce Mitchell Hammons June 16, Hadley Galt (daughter) and Mary Jane and Margeaux (granddaughters) Jason Hammons (son) and Angela (daughter-in-law) and Emily and Preston (grandchildren) Nina Teague Barras June 21 Missy Barras (daughter)



Louisa Landon Greene Tuesday, April 30, 2019, Lillian and Gregory Greene Hailey Brooke Snead Tuesday, May 28, 2019, Jen and Chris Snead; Grandparents: Jeanne and J.C. Snead Samuel Bennett Charhon Wednesday, May 29, 2019, Claire and Devin Charhon; Grandparents: Julie and Chuck Butterworth; Great grandparent: Nancy Wilson Wimberley Ray Murdter Monday, June 10, 2019, Ashley and Jeff Murdter; Grandparents: Sheryl and Phil Wylie Elijah Benjamin Chow McDonough Wednesday, June 19, 2019, Robert F. McDonough and Christine Chow; Grandparents: Susie and Sandy McDonough

SAINT MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS IS OUR LEGACY Including the Saint Michael and All Angels Foundation in your estate plan is a simple way for your love of Saint Michael to live on. EXPLORE YOUR OPTIONS: Bequests and Wills Retirement plans/IRAs Life insurance policies Charitable trusts Bank accounts, Securities Certificates of Deposit Contact: Lowell Duncan, Director of Legacy Planning Contact Caroline Marak at for details 214-363-5471


Renewing Vows – Saint Michael Holy Land Pilgrimage – 2010

Jo and I married, served together on the Vestry, baptized and confirmed our children, served as acolytes/chalice bearers and on the Stewardship Team at Saint Michael…all made possible by the generosity of those who proceeded us. We feel a responsibility to make sure that legacy continues for future generations. Jo and David Loomis

the The bi-monthly publication of Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church


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a sermon series

11 am combined services i n t h e c h u r c h d u r i n g J u ly

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