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Weight-loss surgery, also known as bariatric surgery, is a medical procedure used to help people with obesity lose weight and improve their health.


In recent years, the use of robotics in weight-loss surgery has become increasingly popular, offering several benefits over traditional surgical methods.

One of the greatest advantages of robotic weight-loss surgery is the increased precision and accuracy of the procedure. The use of robotic technology enables the surgeon to perform the procedure with greater dexterity and control, resulting in very precise incisions and less tissue damage. This is particularly important in bariatric surgery, as it often involves re-routing the digestive system and altering the anatomy of the patient. The increased precision results in reduced risk of complications and improved patient outcomes.

Robotic weight-loss surgery also offers improved visualisation for the surgeon.

The surgeon looks through a high-definition 3-D camera at a magnified view of the surgical area, enabling the surgeon to see the anatomy of the patient more clearly and accurately. This improved visualisation helps the surgeon to perform the procedure more effectively and with greater precision, reducing the risk of complications and improving patient outcomes.

The use of robotics in weight-loss surgery has also been shown to increase patient satisfaction with the procedure. Patients report less pain and a faster recovery time, and are often able to return to normal activities more quickly following the surgery. This increased satisfaction is likely due to the less invasive nature of the procedure, improved recovery times and reduced pain and discomfort.

The use of robotics in weight-loss surgery has also been shown to improve the efficiency of the procedure. The robotic system can perform complex tasks and movements more quickly and accurately than traditional surgical methods, reducing the time required for the surgery. This reduced time increases patient safety as they will not need to be under anesthesia for as long - a major concern when operating on people with obesity or comorbidities (other health issues) such as diabetes.

A popular robotic system used in weight-loss surgery is the Da Vinici system, however there are many other systems used in bariatric procedures, all with their own advantages.

When using robotics to operate, the surgeon will often be stationed at the robotic console, within the operating theatre, and inline with the surgical instruments. The surgeon will control miniaturised instruments mounted on three robotic arms, which enter the patient through standard keyhole ports or incisions. The surgeon looks through the 3-D camera attached to a robotic arm, which magnifies the surgical site.

The surgeon’s hand, wrist and finger movements are transmitted through the computer console to the instruments attached to the robot’s arms. The robot’s “hands” have a higher degree of dexterity and maneuverability compared to laparoscopic instruments, allowing the surgeon the ability to operate in very tight spaces in the body that would otherwise only be accessible through open (long incision) surgery.

A second surgeon, acting as an assistant, supervises the robot at the patient’s bedside, providing an added element of control and safety.

The types of weight-loss surgery that commonly use a robotic system include gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy and anti-reflux operations, among others.

If you are considering any of the above procedures, it may be wise to discuss the possibility of, or the advantages and disadvantages of robotic surgery in your specific case with a specialist. With the continued advancement of robotics technology, it is likely that the use of these systems in weight-loss surgery, as well as many other types of surgery, will continue to grow and become more and more common in the years to come.

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Phone: 5564 6501 | Email: info@surgerygoldcoast.com.au | surgerygoldcoast.com.au

SADI Procedure

The SADI procedure (Sleeve Gastrectomy plus Duodeno- Ileostomy) involves a sleeve gastrectomy with bypass of part of the small intestine. The weight-loss and resolution of medical disorders is much more than a sleeve gastrectomy alone. This procedure is preferred over Gastric Bypass as it avoids many of the long-term problems some patients with gastric bypass experience. Dr Free has pioneered this procedure in Australia and modified it to improve it’s long term safety whilst maintaining improved weight-loss. Dr Free continues to lead research comparing the various types of SADI and other weight-loss procedures.