Imagine Out Loud: A Journal of Creative Discovery

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Out Loud A Journal of Creative Discovery


Get Creative 6

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Get Creative 6 An imprint of Mixed Media Resources 104 West 27th Street New York, NY 10001 Connect with us on Facebook at Copyright © 2019 by Jane Davenport All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means—graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage-and-retrieval systems— without permission of the publisher. The designs in this book are intended for the personal, noncommercial use of the retail purchaser and are under federal copyright laws; they are not to be reproduced in any form for commercial use. Permission is granted to photocopy content for the personal use of the retail purchaser. ISBN: 978-1-64021-049-3 Manufactured in China 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 First Edition

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Hello, lovely! I’m so excited you

picked up this journal. Journals—both diaries and art journals—have always been my constant companions, a place of refuge and a safe space to nurture my dreams and creativity. Journaling has so many benefits. Writing down your thoughts is very calming and helps put things in perspective. Are you like me? Do you have thoughts swirling in your head? Ideas, worries, inspiration? The best way to wrangle these thoughts is to write them down! If you put them down on paper, you don’t have to keep them in your head. Journals are a wonderful place to ideate and let your dreams take shape.

A blank page can seem intimidating. You may ask, “Where do I start?” or fear you’re going to “mess up.” The beauty of this journal is that it’s full of prompts and art that will give you that nudge and focus to get started. The prompts are open-ended to allow for your interpretation. I’ve also included quotations—both my own “Jane-isms” and others from people I admire— along with colorful artwork to further inspire you.

I really treat my journals like a lab to experiment in, So anything goes!

Modern life often leaves us feeling pulled in different directions. Yes, we have more opportunity, but overload can lead to stress, which makes journaling a wonderful way to prioritize a bit of self-care. A little time away from other areas of your life—your work, your family, your home—allows you to creatively reset and make space in your life. Take some time for yourself, guilt free!

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The prompts are intended to spur your creativity, whether that’s through writing, drawing, painting, or all of the above! Creativity is about looking at things a little differently, at taking a different approach to a problem, about manifesting the life you dream of. Everyone can do with a little more creativity in their lives. Take time for yourself. Slow down. Try journaling in a favorite quiet place, in a café, or on your commute. Step into the journal and let your mind relax and play. Remember: It’s your journal. Write, doodle, dream, imagine!

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Think about how you can be a source of light to other people.

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Write a fairy tale in which you are the heroine. Update a classic or create your own.

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What is closest to your heart? A person? A cause? A passion?

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