EYP DDay Forum brochure 3

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–––ANNOUNCEMENTS    1. Great idea from one of our citizens: “Hi. This is T.J. I am in AFET, I am from Houston, Texas in the US. I thought it would be nice for all of the delegates to sign their names on thank you cards for M Chris Tripp, M Desir, M Grimaldi, the director of IAE Caen, one card for all of the chairpersons, organizers, etc. I hope we can make it possible because I know this forum would not have been possible without those I mentioned above :)” We’ve got five cards now. Please write anything you’d like to say to the individuals and groups mentioned above on paper or online (see second announcement, too, for this) and hand them to ambassadors, VPs or P. of delegates   2. Cornet Alexandre from France, committee on ITRE, has suggested us making a special Facebook page for the memories, photos and videos. Page name AS WRITTEN: D day youth forum photos (https://www.facebook.com/ddyphotos). Waiting for all the amazing pics & vids, as well as posts, memories   3. There are wonderful pics on Instagram waiting for us, too. Thank you media team! Search by tag #DDYF14 4. If you have any ideas and suggestions, too, submit them through your ambassadors, VPS or P or FB page. PRACTICAL ADVICE FOR ALL

We often don’t get enough sleep and are tired. This is why it is important to remember the following. We need good amount of WATER to function well. Coffee, tea or juice do not replace water. So, if you’ve had four cups of coffee, it doesn’t mean you’ve hydrated your body. 2, 1.5 or 1 litre of water per day or six, eight (up to twelve) cups of water throughout the day (based on your own body size, amount of energy you spend, the size of the cup and other factors), will, among other benefits:


make you feel good in general,


make sure your brain and body function well,


make your skin and hair better.

 Yoga for Wellness and Productivity OXYGEN is as necessary for the body as the water and good food are. We get air by inhaling basically (surprise, surprise :P ), and you may make the process of breathing more beneficial and make your brain work better. Here comes one fine and easy exercise for us all which we may practice everywhere, while walking, talking, seated or laying, with open or closed eyes. If the eyes are closed, it will make them rest, too, which is really great. Take deep breaths slowly, inhaling (breathing air in) through your nose. At first it’s the lower part of the stomach which gets filled with air. Then the area from the upper part of the stomach to the chest gets filled, slowly. Imagine your body is a glass which gets filled with water: belly, back, chest, even up to shoulders (without making shoulders rise while inhaling). You would try to exhale twice longer than inhaling. Say, if inhaling takes 4 seconds, you would try to exhale for at least 8 seconds, or longer. Listen to your body. Be relaxed and positive, without forcing anything. If you take 10 breaths in and out slowly like this, also concentrating mentally on positive things, it could be like drinking some small amount of coffee ))) You may do the exercise as often as you’d love to. The more, the better. It may be blocks of 10 inhalations & exhalations, 20 or 30 of ‘em, once, twice or 10 times per day. Up to you. What is happening is the brain and body get more oxygen, get cleaner and function better, especially if you do this à l’air frais (in an open area). Source: “Yoga for dummies”. RECOGNITION AND ACTION Organising huge international and multicultural events is hard. A lot of things may go wrong, not everything is controlled and overseen by the organisers. Especially if it’s a bunch of young people like ourselves with no limitless resources, it is quite a challenge and experience. So, you are cordially invited to do the following action: thank the organisers and chairs in a beautiful and cool way. A postcard, a big hug, a candy, a verse on their honor, another candy, anything you can think of. You may also record this

process and share it with the rest of us through Instagram and our new Facebook page =) <3

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