2 minute read

Baby Blues?

By Melinda Gardner, Executive Director Apple Pregnancy Care Center


There’s a company that produces products for babies whose slogan is “Having a Baby Changes Everything.” I think we can all agree that is true! Having a baby is life-changing, wonderful, and exciting, but also scary and overwhelming and much more.

I’m a grandmother expecting our second grandchild and I couldn’t be happier. And when that little girl shows up this summer, we’ll be traveling to meet her and help her parents as needed. We know how wonderful it is to offer support, help with meals, do some laundry, let mama sleep as we can take a newborn for a little time, and much more. Not everyone has that available.

I recently heard a comedian talk about how people tell you to sleep when the baby sleeps. She said, “And should I vacuum when the baby vacuums, and do the dishes when the baby does the dishes, too?” Great point!

Having a newborn is intense and overwhelming and wonderful. I’d like to offer a little bit of help during these times. Know that each baby is different, and each mama is different. Getting advice from other moms can be so helpful, but what works for someone else may not work for you. There are many highs and lows. Women have a rapid drop in hormones right after birth and if you don’t understand this, you can be really surprised by how you feel. Some women can feel sad, and some have much more intense emotions.

Here are some ideas if you’re struggling:

- Ask for help and accept what is offered to you. I’ve learned that when someone asks if they can do something nice for me, you should say, “Yes, thank you.”

- Listen to music that lifts your spirits. Maybe even dance a little.

- Take some time for yourself.

- Go for a walk.

- Call a friend.

- Laugh.

- Snuggle that little one. Sing to her or him. Make eye contact. Play. Time is so precious and so short. Enjoy it.

If you are struggling with fear and anxiety, depression and difficulty after having your baby, please don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Call your doctor. Tell the people around you that you’re struggling. It’s okay to say, “This is harder than I thought.” If you had a high fever, you would ask for help. Postpartum Support International says, “You are not alone, you are not to blame, and with help you will be well.” land. At least one study has shown that unmown yards in the city have a number of bees present. voluntary. You can opt to leave the mower in the garage for the month, just unmown, opt out of all lawn chemicals, or do nothing. It’s up to you.

The APPLE Pregnancy Care Center is here to support and encourage parents in the Chippewa Valley. We have fantastic lessons on everything pregnancy and parenting. All our services are free and confidential. We’re here for you and you can even get diapers, clothing, formula and much more. Please don’t hesitate to call for help. 715834-5254.

Congratulations! You’re going to love that baby and be such a good mother.