Second Opinion Magazine - November/December/January 2022

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Shop Small pohs lacol

Small Business SaturdayNovember 26, 2022!

Plus our 2022 Holiday Gift Guide

November celebrates

-National Caregiver Month

-Homecare & Hospice Month

-Diabetes Awareness

-Veteran's Day

withAging grace


“Our horses are much more than just horses. They’re our therapy teammates, and the catalyst of deep and lasting change. When a veteran and horse connect, anxiety changes to calm, fear changes to curiosity, and depression changes to hope. When a veteran and a horse connect - healing happens.”

2 | 316 N. BARSTOW ST. SUITE G, EAU CLAIRE 715.864.9596 Give the gift of relaxation for Christmas from Deep Tissue Massage Sports Massage Relaxation Massage Pregnancy Massage Hot Stone Massage Call or visit our website for more information: 715.426.7777 Dr. Laughlin is passionate about Holistic Dentistry and is committed to continuing education. Make 2022 your year for healthy choices! Whole Person Dentistry observes and deals with the mind, body, and spirit of the patient, not just his or her “Teeth.” This approach to dentistry encompasses both modern science and knowledge drawn from the world’s great traditions in natural healing. At Health Centered Dentistry we practice what we refer to as Whole Person Dentistry. An approach to dentistry that promotes health and wellness instead of only treating “dis”ease. Sponsor A Therapy Horse
CONTENTS SECONDOPINIONMAGAZINE.COM Signs of Holiday Stress for Pets 4 CBD Use for Dogs and Cats 7 The Hefty Price of Holiday Cheer 8 EAP for Veteran Wellness 9 Mindful Awareness of Holiday Expectations 11 Holiday Gift Guide 12 Making the Most of Those Shorter Winter Days 17 Easing the Chill of Winter Running: Thoughts from a Former Non-Runner 18 Diapers for Christmas 20 Save Money and Buy These Foods Frozen Instead of Fresh 21 Lower Your Risk for Heart Disease and Diabetes in One Easy Step 22 Keto-Friendly Snacks 23 Better Breakfast Habits for Maintaining or Losing Weight 24 All About Ginger for Better Health 25 Eat Smart to Be Well this Holiday Season 26 Plastic Crockpot Liners: Safe or Dangerous? 27 Simple Gifts – Big Benefits! 28 Arwen Rasmussen, 715.831.0325 Graphic Design: Brigit Olson | Editor: Becky Streeter All articles are the sole property of the writers. Opinions expressed in Second Opinion are those of the writers or advertisers themselves, not the publication or its editors. Second Opinion is not liable for use of any artwork provided by advertisers. Please direct concerns to the advertisers. ©2006-2022 Pages 29-40 Special Section Happy Holidays! withAging grace

Signs of Holiday Stress for Pets

The holidays can be a strange time for our furry friends. We adjust their surroundings with decorations. We may have company over, so we bring other humans into their space. And we cook a lot of delicious treats they’re not allowed to have. All of this change can bring on stress for our pets.

Characteristics of a stressed pet

Growling and snapping: Never try to get a dog to stop growling—we WANT it to growl because it lets us know that he/she is uncomfortable.

Stiff wagging tail: A dog that is experiencing stress (and may bite) will wag its tail in a stiff manner. Look out for a tail that is pointed high and moves quickly back and forth.

Pacing and inability to settle down: A dog that is stressed may also pace around an area and not be able to relax into one spot.

Shivering or shaking: A stressed dog may shiver or shake and appear to be cold. This is typically not due to actually being cold, but due to being nervous and anxious. Again, you must look at the whole situation to determine the cause.

Lip licking and yawning: Both are indicators of stress. It is important to assess the exact situation. If a dog is lying on the couch by itself and licks its lips or yawns, it is most likely not stress. If a dog is being hugged, tugged on, etc., and begins to emit these warning signs, this is a clear indicator that he/she is now anxious.

Wide eyes and averting gaze: Wide eyes and showing the whites of the eye both indicate that a dog is stressed out. Often dogs with this expression avoid your gaze as well.

Hackling (spiking of the fur along the spine): For a dog, this is an involuntary response to his environment and can mean the dog is nervous and anxious.

Cowering or tail tucking: This behavior indicates that a dog is fearful. It doesn’t mean the dog will bite, but could if the dog’s fear continues to increase.

Backing away or hiding: Whether the dog backs itself into a corner or tries to hide, this is a clear sign that the dog is uncomfortable and trying to escape. It is important to leave these dogs alone! Allow them to come to you.

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Written in colloboration with emBARK and Second Opinion Staff

How to comfort dogs showing signs of stress

Provide a safe space: Set up a crate, separate room, bed, or other escape where the pet can lie down and not be bothered. It’s important to ensure that those around the pet leave it alone when it goes to its safe space.

Occupy your pet: A little extra exercise or a new toy can help take the pet’s mind off of its stress and relax. A long-lasting bone or chew paired with its safe space can provide relief.

Remove your pet from stressful situations: If a pet is stressed in a particular setting, the best thing you can do for yourself, and your pet, is to remove it from the situation entirely. Forcing a pet to be in a scary situation that causes it stress can make it worse and increases the risk of the pet injuring someone or themselves out of fear.

Try a calming aid: There are also calming aids available like slowpaced classical music, natural calming sprays, thundershirts, and pet rescue remedies that could help take the edge off your pet. These may not work for every pet, and if the pet’s stress levels consistently get worse, it may be time to talk to a rewards-based trainer or veterinarian. | 5

6 out of 10 households in the U.S. have a pet

9 out of 10 pet owners consider their pet a member of the family

64% of pet owners include their pets in their holiday cards &

36% of pet owners include a picture of their pets in their holiday cards


37% hung stockings for their dog

hung stockings for their cat

5 things for pets to avoid for the holidays

Decorations • Holiday Lights


• Alcohol • People Food

51% $46

of pet owners plan to purchase holiday gifts for their pets and will spend an average of


Puppy KONG Dog Toys

KONG Stuff’n Paste

Booda Fresh ‘N Floss 2-Knot Ropes

Chuckit! Ultra Ball Dog Toy



CFA Active Cat Wooly Mice with Catnip

Petco Jumbo Mylar Balls

Da Bird Feather Teaser

ABO Gear Happy Habitat Tent


64% Toys

45% Treats

8% Bedding

6% Clothing

3% Leash or Collar

3% Grooming Products

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Pet Owners Include Their Furry Friends in the Festivities
Fairfax Street, Eau Claire, WI 54701 715.864.3263

CBD Use for Dogs and Cats

The use of CBD oil has become more mainstream in the last few years. Many of us have heard of CBD for human use and have tried it ourselves. Not everyone is aware of how beneficial CBD is for dogs and cats, too.

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a natural chemical found in both hemp and marijuana plants. CBD mimics the endocannabinoids that are found throughout the body. In all vertebrates, endocannabinoids work to regulate body systems, signaling when a particular system needs to slow down or speed up in order to bring it back into balance. When CBD is derived from hemp or is isolated from the marijuana plant, it does not contain the psychoactive chemical component THC that is responsible for making the user feel “high.” Because CBD does not contain THC, it is safe not only for humans to use on a daily basis, but for our dog and cat family members, too.

CBD offers so many benefits to dogs and cats—the first of which is anxiety reduction and management. Many of us have noticed an increased anxiety in our pets as we have returned to more normal work lives in the recent months. Many pet parents also notice situational anxiety during car rides, trips to the vet and groomer, travel and boarding, storms, fireworks, and other holiday festivities. The daily use of CBD can help your dog or cat manage and ease the symptoms of anxiety, and when used during those few stressful days of a dog and cat’s life, it can help them to feel calmer and more peaceful.

Another place where CBD really shines is the reduction and, depending on the severity, elimination of pain and inflammation. Here is a place where we can really change the quality of life for our dogs and cats, especially seniors. As dogs and cats age we notice them slowing down because of inflammation, stiffness, and arthritis in their ligaments and joints. Dogs and cats feel the pain of aging, too. They don’t get up and down the stairs like they used to, need help getting in the car, can't keep up with runs or walks, and take a little longer to get out of bed. These are all signs of joint pain, stiffness, inflammation, and needing help. Regular daily use of CBD can help your buddy feel more like his or her self again by reducing inflammation and managing their pain.

CBD is also a great addition to treatment after an injury. Because CBD helps to reduce inflammation, it has the potential to expedite the healing process as well as manage pain.

There have been many medical studies done to determine the effectiveness of CBD in dogs and cats, and studies have shown very positive findings. Harvard and Cornell Universities have both done studies and have concluded that CBD is very effective in reducing anxiety, pain, and inflammation. The trick to getting the most out of CBD is finding the correct dose. Because every dog and cat is different in their size and in severity of their ailment, it may take days to a few weeks to determine the perfect dose. It is important to start out at a lower dose and slowly increase over days to a few weeks, while closely monitoring your dog or cat's change in health and behaviors. Work closely with your CBD provider and veterinarian to ensure optimum results for your best buddy.

CBD for dogs and cats can be easily obtained online and in the Eau Claire area. A few reliable brands online include Charolette’s Web and Green Roads. Locally you can find CBD at Puckabee’s Eco-Friendly Grooming (108 E Grand Ave, Eau Claire), Wonders of Nature (416 South Barstow St, Eau Claire), and Mother Nature’s Food (2434 London Rd, Eau Claire). | 7

The Holidays are a time for family and friends to come together over a smorgasbord of cream cheese appetizers and chocolate covered everything. In fact, Americans are the number one chocolate consumer in the world. And while you and I enjoying a chocolate dunked cherry truffle sounds delicious, for your pets, it can be very harmful.

In a survey of pet-related medical claims, Nationwide Insurance says holiday hazards that our pets are exposed to for two months can be very dangerous to their health, and costly to boot!

On average, here are some of the medical expenses you could be looking at if not careful!

Electrical Shocks - $393

Plant Poisonings - $566

Intestinal Ingestion of Foreign Objects - $1181

Food/Alcohol/Chocolate Toxicity - $330-$430

Candle Burns - $184

Shiny Ornament Lacerations - $693

We all love the joy that decorating the tree inspires, or how the warm Christmas cookies taste, but for our pets, we need to be on guard. Cats will jump at shiny, dangling ornaments and dogs will drink any standing liquid.

So for this holiday season, consider accommodations for your fur baby if you are out for a lot of the day or leaving for a few days to visit family and can’t take them with you.

Ruff Life Pet Hotel in Chippewa Falls welcomes your pet as their own. Ruff Life Pet Hotel owners were inspired by their love of two dogs, Bailey and Lucy, who are now in puppy heaven, to create a place that was a “home away from home” for all cats and dogs to stay when they cannot be with their owners.

“We wanted a place that was safe and fun with the comforts of home to make the time apart not as stressful for both owner and pet. We welcome all kinds of breeds and have structured the facility in a way that is even great for pets with special needs.“

“Pets tend to get into mischief - like playing with your favorite shiny ornaments your great-grandmother gave you - when they are separated from their owners or when extra people are in their home.”

You can breathe a sigh of relief this year knowing once the Jingle Bells can be heard over the airways, your pets can be safe from the many holiday hazards!

8 | Check us out online at

EAP for Veteran Wellness

For many, figuring out how to manage symptoms of mental illness, such as PTSD, or increased stress/ anxiety/depression during the holiday season, is tricky and overwhelming. With a variety of methods to help, from various therapies to pharmaceuticals or holistic medicine, it’s difficult to know what works best for you. At Trinity Equestrian Center in Eau Claire, owners Bill and Toni Mattson seek to reach these people and more through Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) and veteran wellness, which they offer for free to veterans and their families. Through their various therapies, they’re seeking to “share our love of horses and their healing power with everyone who comes to us for support.”

For those who serve in the United States Armed Forces, exposure to traumatic experiences such as combat and/ or life-threatening situations often results in symptoms or a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This mental health condition can lead people to lose touch with their emotions, behave aggressively, and feel irritable. People who have PTSD live in a state of hypervigilance and can feel threatened by everyday events, and horses exist in a similar state. Study researcher Mänette Monroe points out “by interacting with horses, people with PTSD will often see their own emotional state mirrored in the reactions of the horse with which they are working."

At Trinity, veteran wellness is non-verbal and relationshipbased, which is helpful for veterans who may struggle with talk therapy. The relationship between the veteran and the horse is “a journey of creating connection, relationship, and trust.” The ultimate goal of this therapy is “once [the relationship building] is mastered between the veteran and their horse, it spills over to the other important relationships in their life.” After her time at Trinity, U.S. Army veteran Nicolle Lillis said, “Week after week my confidence grew, while my demons shrunk.” Sessions occur weekly for 12-24 weeks and are offered to veterans and their families at no cost.

The Mayo Clinic points out “when stress is at its peak, it's hard to stop and regroup, so try to prevent stress and depression in the first place.” One of the ways to combat holiday stress/anxiety/depression is to seek professional help if you need it, especially if you “find yourself feeling persistently sad or anxious, plagued by physical complaints, unable to sleep, irritable and hopeless, and unable to face routine chores.” EAP, offered at Trinity, is an effective way to address and combat these persistent symptoms. At Trinity, “instead of trying to think your way out of a problem, you use your bodies and hearts to feel and react in the moment.” The main objectives equine therapy focuses on are: “communication, triggers and coping, setting boundaries, overcoming fear and creating trust.” With these as a foundation, hope and healing follows. Unlike humans, horses “don’t judge or criticize,” making the path to recognizing strengths and struggles faster, and changes and shifts smoother.

Whether you or a loved one is struggling with PTSD, or you’re anticipating the holiday blues, Trinity Equestrian Center is “eager to connect people, horses, and God.” | 9
10 | SMITH & PRISSEL CHIROPRACTIC AND MASSAGE Dr. Angela Prissel Chiropractor, FICPA NOW is the time to take control of your health! Let our office of experienced Chiropractors and talented Massage Therapists assist you on your journey to good health! 829 West Clairemont Avenue | Across from Sacred Heart Hospital 715.833.3505 | Give yourself the gift of health this holiday season! Dr. Emily Smith Chiropractor, Pediatric Specialist (DICCP) Give your loved ones the gift of a massage! Bullseye Alternative Health Solutions Specializing in serving people who suffer from Chronic Lyme Disease. Christopher Durham, C.R.P. FREE FIRST CONSULTATION! (715)861-5708 NurtureEmpowerLove Rhonda Gearing, Doula, LLC Birth and Postpartum Doula Placenta Encapsulation 715.533.4370 @rhondagearingdoulallc Providing continuous physical, emotional and informational support before, during and after birth to the families in and surrounding the Chippewa Valley. Our Ability to Balance & Move Affects Every Aspect of Our Daily Life. ExperienceImproved: •Balance •Energy •Focus •Mood •Movement CHIROPRACTIC & NUTRITION Call715.834.6333 Chiropractic Does a Body Good

Mindful Awareness of Holiday Expectations

Some holiday seasons we make the trek down to Florida to visit my in-laws. What could be better? Sunny Florida in December, twinkle lights on palm trees, and a break from the cold and cloudy days of Midwest winter! Yet as we anticipate spending time with loved ones at these joyous times, sometimes I’ve noticed a creeping sense of dread mixed with the excitement. Remember what happened last year? What if they bring up _______ again? This feeling can sometimes hang over our holiday preparations and dampen the season of cheer.

Family gatherings are rarely a perfect Hallmark movie, yet that is what we expect. We are bombarded with messages, both internal and external, about how our holiday times with family “should” look. We see warm, smiling families gathering in television commercials, and we painstakingly deliberate over choosing the perfect photo to put on our holiday card.

However, when things don’t measure up to our expectations, we react in ways that don’t always fit the holiday spirit. It could be snapping at our kids for not picking up their new toys before the guests arrive, or quietly seething because once again your brother is not helping AT ALL with the holiday feast, or maybe you eat and drink a little more than planned in order to help cope with challenging relatives. Our reactivity can quickly snowball into family squabbles and hurt feelings, further dampening our holiday spirit.

When we strive to live up to unrealistic expectations around the holidays, we are setting ourselves and our loved ones up for suffering. We get lost in the story of how things are supposed to be and frustration and disappointment take over. We are human beings, who have emotions and make mistakes. As families, we have long histories of habits and patterns of relating to each other, and these do not get placed on hold just because we are supposed to be happily and joyfully celebrating. Allowing space for imperfection creates opportunities for the clarity and connections we long for at the holidays.

Mindfulness is about allowing ourselves to come in contact with the full range of our experience—thoughts, emotions, and sensations—whether they are pleasant or unpleasant. In allowing ourselves to take the time to acknowledge and honor the experience we are having, we have the space to relate to what we are feeling in a skillful, gentle way that offers kindness to ourselves.

Pausing to be aware of our expectations, checking in with our emotions as they arise, and allowing our experience to be just as it is, all support us in seeing things as they are, not as we think they “should” be. Then we can choose how we relate to what is happening in more skillful ways—we can see the small joys and allow ourselves and our loved ones to be the human beings we all are. This makes way

for the connections we hope for at the holidays, even when things are difficult or painful.

Life is not a perfect Hallmark movie, but it is full of ordinary joys, now and at the holidays. Mindfulness supports us in lovingly embracing the joyful mess of the holidays, just as it is.

Ann Brand, Ph.D. is a college instructor and mindfulness teacher based in Eau Claire, WI. She has a class starting in January 2023 called The Boundless Heart: Living More Fully, More Fluidly, More Freely. To find out more, visit

Three Breaths

When we notice ourselves feeling overwhelmed with the stresses and demands of the holiday season, we can pause and take just three deep breaths to help us come back to the present moment, experience some calm, and connect with the joy of the season.

• Place your hand on your belly.

• As you breathe in deeply, notice the sensation of the breath as it moves in and out of your body. Feel your belly rise on the inhale, and fall on the exhale.

• Do this three times.



Feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and exhausted by worries and responsibilities?

Looking for ways to bring more ease into the joys and challenges of life?

We can bring more awareness, clarity and calm to our lives with the practice of mindfulness.

Contact Ann to start the conversation.

Located at The Center EC See website for class schedule or call 715-579-9453

i 2022 Holiday gift guide j Shop Local!

During these trying times, you can make an impact by finding c reative ways to shop local. Shop online locally. Buy gift cards.

Watch for this "Shop Local" icon as you look through the guide. Small business Saturday is November 26 this year... but let's continue to support local businesses all year!

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check out these local businesses in our area!
in for our Christmas Open House Since 1924 Fresh & artificial evergreen wreaths & garlands Huge selection of
plants, succulents, Christmas cactus & green plants Pick up a holiday porch pot or make your own Fresh evergreen boughs & winter berries Large selection of holiday decorations 1210 Mansfield Street, Chippewa Falls 715-723-2251 • Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm | Sat 9am-1pm | Closed Sun delivery service to eauchippewa, claire & surrounding areas! November 18th 8am-5pm & 19th 9am-4pm


Soin-Apax Serum for Sensitive Skin - Contains a large dose of centella asiatica extract with its powerful soothing and anti-inflammatory effect. Has a light gel texture that you can slather it onto your entire face and don’t forget the eye area.


Tinted Lip Oil - Their antioxidant-packed, healing, and ultra-hydrating tinted lip oils are formulated with Activated Moisture-Lock Technology™ to deliver intense hydration without feeling sticky. Supercharged with seven hydrating oils.

PamperYourself! PamperYourself!

02 | INSTANATURAL Radiant Skin EssentialsCombat the first signs of aging with Vitamin C, a powerful ingredient that brightens and tones the skin. Our four-step complete routine leaves the skin looking younger and rejuvenated.

07 | TRULY Unicorn Fruit Whipped Body Butter - A buttery, deeply conditioning, multi-colored body moisturizer packed with a blend of natural, skin-repairing ingredients such as acai, matcha and rose that work to create a protective, hydrated barrier.


Bath Soak Set - All your favorite bath soaks are now available in this sweet little set. Each cotton drawstring bag contains all four of our bath soaks. A letterpress tag completes the set, making it the perfect gift or sampler set.

08 | SNOW

The Lip Exfoliating Sugar Scrub - All-new glacier water lavender & mint sugar lip scrub. Enjoy your most healthy, hydrating looking lips in seconds per use! Comes with applicator that doubles as a cooling under-eye roller.


Royal Saffron Oud - Captures the spirit of gold in the form of fragrance. Like the precious metal, it opens with opulent notes of saffron and cardamom. For the man or woman who appreciates the finer things in life.

09 | HIP CHIC Semi-cured Gel Nail Strip Starter Kit - Comes with a mini LED UV Lamp, a nail file, a wooden stick, prep pads and 22 gel nail strips. Gorgeous, salon-quality nails in the comfort of your home!

05 | NEORA

Firm Contour Cream - Their breakthrough formula is clinically tested and shown to help firm and tighten skin for a more toned appearance, and doubles as an advanced body moisturizer that smooths and hydrates for a sleeker, more youthful-looking body.


Wild Nettle Rubs - Operating out of Eau Claire, they offer all-natural products that are devoid of harmful pesticides. Wild Nettle Rub is a antiinflammatory pain relief rub great for arthritis, scrapes and burns, tension and dry skin. | 13
pamper yourself or someone you love with some of these wonderful beauty products 01 02 03 04 05 06 08 09
10 shop local

Wisconsin Makers MakersWisconsinMarket Market

check out a few of the vendors


My name is Amber and I am the creator of Candles By Fire. Candles By Fire is a handcrafted, small batch candle company located in New Richmond, Wisconsin where every candle and products such as wax melts, organic room sprays & apparel are thoughtfully created and handcrafted with highquality, non-toxic ingredients sourced locally that are 100% phthalate and cruelty-free. My passion is to create products that are clean and have the ability to spark memories and capture moments through our unique scents and twist of vintage style.


Hi, I’m Beth, owner and designer of all rope decor at Crafty B! Each rope item is handmade using various types of rope including some that are hand dyed. The rope is sewn and formed into baskets, trays and bowls by adding different fabrics, thread, beads, buttons and leather to create one of a kind items to match your home decor.

Shop small. Shop local. Shop handmade. Over 70 Wisconsin-based handmade vendors in store!


After many years of toffee making for family and friends, Susan Fenton, launched “Just a Taste Toffee” in May of 2019. Beginning with an original family recipe for milk chocolate toffee, options now include 7 toffee flavors, toffee crumble for ice cream and baking and a crunchy toffee-covered snack mix. Just a Taste Toffee is available for direct sale to individuals and retailers and for corporate, wedding and special event gifts. Working from her cozy commercial kitchen in Eau Claire, Susan keeps new toffee products coming and the sample jar full!

small. Shop local. Shop homemade. Over 70 Wisconsinbased handmade vendors in store!
shop local shop local shop local

Wisconsin Makers Market

Welcome to the Wisconsin Makers Market on E. Grand Ave in downtown Eau Claire, where you can sip local coffee, munch a locally made snack, and peruse local handmade wares of all kinds. “Welcome” is the key word in that sentence, as that is exactly the feeling owner Chelsea Higley wants to share with all who walk through her doors.

Higley created the Wisconsin Makers Market in the wake of the pandemic. Right before the shutdown, she opened her own business called Essential Healing. Like many other small businesses at that time, she turned her focus to online sales and found a community of vendors all sharing the same struggles. She compiled many of these vendors into an online market that thrived throughout and despite the pandemic.

Higley began fielding questions and providing advice, bringing local Wisconsin makers together in a time of separation. Realizing she had a knack for running a business, she decided to open a storefront and physically bring some of these vendors together under a real, concrete roof.

The Wisconsin Makers Market is NOT just another “buy local” business selling arts and crafts. From candles, pottery, and jewelry to soaps, embroidery, and dog treats, you can find a perfect gift for almost anyone here, but there’s more to it than that. With a few comfortable seats for that coffeehouse-style feel, it’s a place to enjoy what you see, enjoy where you’re at, and enjoy just being.

The store is as much for the vendor as it is for the patron. All items for sale within the shop are handmade by vendors from Wisconsin who just truly love to create. Vendors can sell on the main floor or be featured as a pop-up in one of three showcase rooms at the back of the store. Makers also have the opportunity to rent out space to host workshops, classes or retreats, even if they don’t sell products at the store. With so many options, vendors can choose which style works best for them and their individual business.

Community involvement and outreach is also a key component in Higley’s vision for her business. Wisconsin Makers Market hosts events at various sites around the Chippewa Valley. Some of the events include live music, some a cash bar, and some will hopefully be adding food trucks in the future as well. Many events also feature a raffle to raise money for a local non-profit organization. This gets vendors, whether or not they sell at the store, in different locations to reach a larger audience while also giving back to the community.

With the holiday season just ahead, Higley says, “With handmade products from over 70 Wisconsinbased vendors, you’re bound to find something you’ll love or the perfect gift!” So if you need to find that elusive perfect gift for someone (or yourself!), head on over to the Wisconsin Makers Market. You can learn more about the shop on Facebook or Instragram (@ wisconsinmakersmarket) or visit the website (https:// for information about the latest classes and events. | 15

and conditions your beard and the skin underneath. Ingredients: shea butter, aloe vera, and coconut oil. Smells like: sandalwood, vetiver, and vanilla.


Madison Map Passport WalletMade from full-grain leather from Seidel tannery, leather etched with a 1950s map of Madison, WI, and finish the wallet by hand in their Milwaukee studio. A handsome way to protect your own travel document or a longlasting, beautiful gift for another adventurer in your life.


Hummus & Pita Chips -

Water Street Deli strives to produce the most fresh and authentic pita chips and hummus on the market. Their quality ingredients and fine-tuned recipes are the owner's middle eastern family secret. They began as a restaurant in 2009 in Eau Claire.

SLIDE - Gourmet Potato Chips

Locally made potato chips with local potatoes! Unique flavors, superior crunch. They deep fry each slice of spud in canola oil, add a sprinkle of sea salt and more depending on flavor, and hand pack every bag!


Spiced Almonds -

These gourmet almonds are sprinkled with premium sesame seeds and provide a bit of a delayed kick from peppery red chili flakes. These flavored almonds are a fun addition to cheese plates. Figs & Black Tea Preserves - Full-bodied black tea and sweet, delicate figs. Spread on a sliced baguette or good cracker with goat cheese and prosciutto.

16 | Order now to get your FREE RANGE TURKEYS for your holiday dinners! Pasture Poultry, Quality Brown Eggs Amanda’s Eggs & Pasture Poultry, LLC 9359 100th Avenue, Chippewa Falls | 715-556-3469 | @Amanda’s Eggs Order online at FREE delivery every Friday in city limits CAGE FREE. FREE RANGE. shop local Good Eats! Good Eats! share some of these fun and gourmet treats & snacks at your holiday parties! Fun Finds! Fun Finds! these are some of our favorite things right now and we think they'd be great holiday gifts! TACTILE CRAFTWORKS Leather Eau Claire Map Card WalletDesigned to hold everything you need without the extras. The full-grain leather is custom tanned in WI. It is then sealed and stitched before finishing the edges to a gloss with beeswax from WI beehives. Available for purchase at the Local Store in Eau Claire. SERENE HOUSE Diffuser - Their best-selling Astro White 125 Diffuser will add a modern touch to any room. It features 7 rotating LED lights. Simply add water and the essential oil of your choice, turn it on, and let the cool mist relax and recharge you. EVERY MAN JACK Exalted Beard Bundle - Cleanses
shop local shop local

Making the Most of Those Shorter Winter Days

During the winter, the days may seem long and cold, but they are actually the shortest days of the year! This is because the Earth tilts away from the northern hemisphere resulting in less sunlight throughout the day. Here at Beaver Creek Reserve, we are open year-round and embrace every season with new opportunities always waiting to be explored!

In the winter, it can be difficult to get outside and connect with nature, especially when all you want to do is snuggle up inside by the fireplace with a warm blanket and a cup of hot cocoa. However, getting outside in the winter can be just as enjoyable as in the warmer seasons—as long as you dress for the weather. Finding fulfilling activities for these shorter days may feel difficult, but Beaver Creek Reserve has multiple ways to help you make the most out of those short winter days:

1. Go hiking! Bundle up in your best jacket and coziest socks because we offer nearly nine miles of hiking trails all year long. Hiking in the winter, although it may sound

How do you Winter?

brutal, can actually be a beautiful experience. The sparkling snow-covered trees and trails guide you through a winter wonderland. Take a Winter Phenology Hike with a Naturalist and learn to easily identify tracks left in the snow, and discover what critters may also be enjoying the trails. Or sign up for our Winter Tree ID and learn to identify trees by characteristics other than their leaves.

2. Try cross-country skiing! If hiking isn’t something you are interested in, we also have crosscountry ski trails on our North campus. We have over four miles for all skill levels, whether you’re just starting out or have mastered the sport. If you’d like to learn how to cross-country ski, we offer multiple classes to teach the basics. We also offer rentals everyday throughout the winter as long as there is enough snow. Check our website for rental updates or stay updated on our Facebook page.

3. Try snowshoeing! If you’re looking for something easier that doesn’t require any prior experience, our South campus has over four miles of snowshoeing trails. Check in at the Wise Nature Center to rent a pair. This activity is not only offered during the day, but also at night. Explore Beaver Creek Reserve after dark on one of our Candlelight Snowshoe Hikes as you adventure out on our trails illuminated by candles and moonlight. Visit our events calendar to see when these hikes are offered.

Saturday, Nov 19, 10 am-12 pm

Friends $6/child

Nonmembers $8/child

Holiday Crafting for Kids Candlelight

Snowshoe Hike

Friday, Jan 13, 6-9 pm

Friends $5, Nonmembers $7

Snowshoe rental $3/pair

Valentine’s Candlelight

Snowshoe Hike (21+)

Friday, Feb 10, 6-9 pm

Friends $12, Nonmembers $15

Snowshoe rental $3/pair


All winter long! Learn more at:

4. Make your own snowshoes! We offer a two-day workshop that teaches you how to make your own traditional, wooden snowshoes. Choose from one of three styles of snowshoes: Green Mountain bear paw, Alaskan trail, or the all-purpose Ojibwa style. You will also learn how to lace them and care for them after the course is complete. You can take your own snowshoes on new adventures outside of Beaver Creek Reserve, or just have a unique keepsake pair made by you. See our events calendar for registration information.

5. Try dog-sledding! This may be something you thought only existed in movies and on TV. Sit back and zoom through the frosty forests of Beaver Creek Reserve with a furry friend or two on a dog sledding ride. Registrations fill up quickly, so we recommend signing up as soon as possible.

With countless new things to see and experience, Beaver Creek Reserve can help you fill your short winter days with fun activities to get outside and explore. Take advantage of this winter weather at Beaver Creek Reserve! | 17

Easing the Chill of Winter Running: Thoughts from a Former Non-Runner

Slipping into my sneakers, surrounded by the warmth of my living room, I anticipate what is about to happen. Once I step outside my front door, I know that the cold will take my breath away. My fingers and toes will go numb for a few minutes until my body warms up. And I can’t wait.

I never pictured myself as winter runner. Running outside in the cold seemed strange and odd to me. Cold weather existed for cozy sweaters, a warm fire and a crochet hook. It was meant to be enjoyed from the inside looking out. It certainly was not for being outside.

I started running in the month of April with the Eau Claire chapter of Moms on the Run. My first run consisted mostly of walking with a few 30 second bursts of running. But as the spring and summer wore on, both my stamina and my distances grew.

I continued running into the fall, but, as we all know, fall is a short season here in Wisconsin and I had a decision to make. Was I going to continue my running journey into the cold and darkness of winter, or was I going to stop and lose all that I had worked so hard to build up? Not surprisingly, the answer came to me on a run. I had to keep going.

Like many winter activities, I quickly learned that the key to winter running is layering with the right gear— Polartec running tights, wool running socks and a good hat and gloves. I also knew I would be more successful with a goal to keep me motivated. So, I signed up for the half marathon of the Eau Claire Marathon races.

What I didn’t expect to find in winter running was peace. Sloppy roads and sidewalks meant that I needed to slow everything down. My running goal was simplified: just keep moving. Speed goals can wait until spring. Instead, I allowed my thoughts to quiet down and my senses to expand. I experienced the sight of Christmas lights reflected on the snow and ice, the sound of my breath releasing from my body and the feel of snowflakes landing on the exposed planes of my face. Peace.

Now, instead of watching winter go by from my living room, I close the front door behind me and run into its embrace.

To learn more about Mom’s on the Run, visit


Diapers for Christmas

Christmas is such a wonderful time. We love the music (most of it!), the decorations, the food, and celebrating with family and friends. However, it can also be a very stressful time. We need to remember what is important, and spend our time and money in that way, and that can be hard.

For the parents that we serve at the APPLE Pregnancy Care Center, adding Christmas to already stressed lives and budgets can be difficult. We’re here in the Chippewa Valley to offer some relief.

We are happy to tell you that through our generous donors, we have much to offer. We teach and mentor parents and they are rewarded with “points” to purchase diapers, baby clothing, formula, car seats, cribs and so much more. We also offer an “emergency” gift for those in need who haven’t been coming to APPLE but need diapers or items to get them through for a time.

If you or someone you know is in need of diapers, baby clothing, formula or other items, please call the Center at 715-834-5254. We’re here to help and we’d love to take some of the stress off moms and dads during this time.

Merry Christmas!

20 | ABUNDANT MOON BIRTH & WELLNESS Serving all family constitutions and all body shapes, sizes and gender identities Midwives are caretakers of families and their babies and the guardians of normal birth. SERVICES PROVIDED: • Well Person Care • Prenatal Care •Birth Services • Postpartum Services • Newborn Care SERVING THE CHIPPPEWA VALLEY AREA AND BEYOND! Offices in Menomonie 715-804-3103 UNPLANNED PREGNANCY Don’t make the tough decisions alone Pregnancy Testing Education • Support 2600 Stein Blvd | 715.834.7734 | FREE & CONFIDENTIAL Apple Pregnancy Care Center TRUE STRENGTH smart women smart women

In the winter months, good fresh food can be difficult to find, and when you do, it can get expensive fast. Another downfall is that many of the items listed below have a short shelf life when bought fresh, so portions often get tossed instead of consumed, which is just like throwing money in the trash. Keeping the following food items in the freezer both costs less and stretches your dollar at the same time. If you don’t have these in your freezer, it’s time to stock up and save.

1. Berries - Frozen berries are often picked at their peak and flash-frozen to keep them that way. They come in larger quantities than fresh and usually at a cheaper price. When thawed, they can be a good replacement for fresh berries in recipes, or great in smoothies.

2. Spinach - Packed with nutrients, spinach has been linked with potential health benefits including improved blood pressure. Fresh spinach can go bad quickly, and unless you eat a bunch of salads, you’ll likely end up with a mix of dark green, slimy leaves stinking up the container within a few days of purchasing. Frozen spinach is cheaper and can be easily added to your diet in soups or smoothies.

3. Peas and Edamame - Packed with protein, these are good freezer options for respective reasons: canned peas are higher in sodium, and not many grocery stores sell fresh edamame. Both are good options to toss in soups or pastas to get that extra protein punch in your diet.

4. Meat - Buy in bulk, divide into single-meal portions, and freeze separately. This saves money, but you do have to plan ahead for meal prep and make sure your meat is thawed before cooking.

5. Bread - Bread left on the counter will quickly mold–which can be hugely disappointing when all you wanted after a long day at work was that comfortfood grilled cheese sandwich. You can purchase bread in bulk (usually comes in two packs from Sam’s Club or Costco) and freeze one for later, while keeping the loaf you’re using in the fridge.

6. Fish - The shelf life of fish in the fridge is only one to two days. Crazy short! So unless you’re planning to cook that fish you bought tonight, put it in the freezer. Fish also doesn’t take as long to thaw as meat or poultry, so you don’t have to plan quite as far in advance when meal prepping.

Source: Ball, M.S., RD, Jessica. “6 Foods You Should Always Buy Frozen to Save Money, According to a Dietitian.” Eating Well. 31 October 2021. https://www. | 21 LEEJ NIAM MUAJ ZOG yog dab tsi? Muab kev noj qab haus huv pib rau koj tus me nyuam…nrog WIC! Txhua yam kev txhawb thiab kev pab uas koj xav tau tsuas yog hu ib tsab xov tooj los yog mus nias hauv computer xwb. Cov niam hauv Wisconsin, nej paub lawm lod! WICMOMSTRONG.COM 18007222295 (715)-839-5051 Give your child a healthy start...with WIC!
Reiki Ilona Udvari Reiki Master Teacher, Usui Shiki Ryoho, Seichim, Karuna Ki, Firefly Reiki N4002 State Rd. 25, Menomonie, WI 54751 715-235-7732 ♦ Offering treatments, classes and channeling Essential Oil DIY Classes HOLISTIC BREAST HEALTH CONSULTS AND PRESENTATIONS Joyce
Cell: 715-828-0117

Lower Your Risk for Heart Disease and Diabetes in One Easy Step

To lower your risk for heart disease and diabetes, and likely improve your health and well-being in general, you need to get your beauty rest. “Easier said than done,” you might say and roll your eyes. So many of us are sleep deprived, or often find ourselves just tired throughout the week. Sleep is something we all crave, but it eludes a lot of us for one reason or another. So how can you make the most of the little time you have to sleep? Turn off the light.

Ambient light keeps us awake, whether we know it or not. Studies show the sleeping body has a stimulated reaction to light. The autonomic nervous system is activated, which makes your heart beat faster. This can increase your insulin resistance the next day, making it harder for your cells to take in and use glucose for producing energy. Then that glucose stays in your bloodstream, where it does not belong, causing a rise in blood sugar levels. If this pattern happens repeatedly, overtime you could increase your risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes

Ambient light can catch us in all sorts of ways. Maybe you don’t have your blinds closed all the way and cars frequently shine their headlights through your window. Maybe you fell asleep with the TV or your bedside light on.

Maybe your partner is playing games on their device right next to you for hours into the night. Whatever the reason, getting rid of that light can really help lower your risk for certain health concerns.

Having problems creating a dark space for sleeping? You can make these simple changes:

1. Instead of leaving a light on, install some dim nightlights. The less light, the less your body will notice.

2. Avoid blue lights before bedtime (i.e. cell phones). Blue light stimulates your brain more than amber or orange. If you have to use a light, make it a good old-fashioned bulb in a lamp.

3. Purchase and use a sleep mask to cover your eyes. There are many kinds on the market right now, you just have to find the right fit.

4. Purchase and install blackout curtains. Good ones can get pricey (you get what you pay for here!), so an alternative would be a thick/heavy cloth or fabric you could install around your window.

Source: Goggins, Leah. “Doing This Before Bed Could Lower Your Risk for Heart Disease and Diabetes, New Research Says.” Eating Well. 18 March 2022. https://



Fruity Candies

ZolliCandies are delicious natural treats supercharged with xylitol, erythritol, stevia and other smilefriendly natural ingredients that are actually good for your teeth! Sugar-free, diabetic-friendly, keto, gluten-free, nut-free, and vegan.


No Sugar Added Chocolate

Their chocolate has the smooth, rich taste of premium chocolate that chocolate lovers crave without added sugars that increase caloric intake and blood glucose levels. Sweetened with stevia and a touch of erythritol.


Chocolate Chip Cookies

They taste just like your childhood snack, but without all the added junk. With 0 grams of sugar, only 1g of net carbs, and more than 45,000 5-star reviews - it’s easy to see why they’re the internet’s favorite cookie.


Grass-Fed Meat Sticks

No questionable ingredients. No feeling bogged down after eating. Always ready! Take it and snack anywhere, anytime. These snacks will make you feel good and feel full.


Savory Bites

Swap out sugar and salt for spice! KEHO = a living human body. The first savory REAL FOOD snack bite, that is plantbased keto to make positive change easy!


Beef Sticks

Snacks with 9-10g protein, 0g sugar, and simple ingredients! They use the highest-quality, sustainablysourced protein with no added sugar and no harmful ingredients to deliver meat snacks that taste delicious and offer the fuel you need any time of the day.


Edamame Beans

High protein supersnack! Guilt-free keto snack with only 3g of net carbs. Dry roasted, never-fried, and seasoned to perfection for a satisfying, savory, CRUNCH on every bite!



Cookies without the crash. No added sugar or artificial sweeteners. They are low-carb, gluten-free, non-GMO, keto-friendly, diabetic-friendly, and certified kosher. And most of all, they taste GREAT (they were developed by a classically-trained pastry chef after all...)! | 23
Check out these

Better Breakfast Habits for Maintaining or Losing Weight

We’re heading into the most difficult season of the year: sugar season. Between Halloween and Valentine’s Day, sugar abounds. When the options for treats and cookies are coming at you from every corner, it can be hard to maintain or lose weight during these winter months. What if there was a great way to start every day on the right track? Good news! There is, and it’s called: breakfast. And below are six tips for making the most of it.

1. Eat it! If you're a habitual breakfast-skipper, it’s time to change that habit. It’s the most important meal because it calibrates your body for the rest of the day. Breakfast helps regulate your blood sugar and keeps you from crashing earlier and can help prevent you from reaching for those sugary snacks.

2. Don’t wait. Try to make a point of eating within an hour or two of waking up. That way you don’t get overhungry or hangry. With a good meal in your stomach, you are less likely to snack, or grab that greasy, instant to-go item on your way to the next thing.

3. Reach for the meat. Okay, so if you don’t like meat, that’s not a good rule, but the basics behind it are saying amp up your protein.

The body can only take in 25-35 grams of protein at a time, and nutrition experts recommend consuming that much per meal instead of a large portion at one single meal. Great breakfast options include bacon, greek yogurt, eggs, or cottage cheese.

4. Pile it on. Make sure there is at least 300 calories worth of food on your plate. If your breakfast is too tiny, your body will burn it too quickly and you’ll be hungry way before your next meal, and you likely won’t be getting the proper amount of nutrition either.

5. Fiber up. Nutritionists recommend consuming 1/3 of your daily value of fiber at breakfast–that’s 8 grams for women and 13 for men. Try a bowl of oatmeal with a cup of raspberries on the side–and you’re there! Additionally, fiber helps you stay full longer, and a high-fiber diet has been correlated with weight loss.

6. Taste the rainbow. Most of us could use more fruits and vegetables (hint: these are also high in fiber!), and what better meal to add to these than in your breakfast. Berries are great for breakfast, and veggies go well when mixed with eggs. Make what you’re eating pretty to look at and you will probably enjoy eating it more than if it was all beige and brown.

Source: Migala, Jennifer. “7 Breakfast Mistakes That Could Be Sabotaging Your Weight Loss.” Eating Well. 9 March 2022.

All About Ginger for Better Health

It’s likely that at some point in your life when you had an upset stomach, someone recommended drinking ginger ale. Over thousands of years, ginger has been used to treat all kinds of maladies from stomachaches, diarrhea, and menstrual cramps to migraines and high blood pressure. More modern research points to anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties of the spice as well. Keep reading to get to know all about ginger and how it can help you!

Nausea and pain relief:

• Ginger is often recommended for stomachaches, most commonly to pregnant women or cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy, because studies have shown it to be effective in reducing nausea.

• Research shows that ginger helped reduce joint swelling and pain for those living with osteoarthritis. Although the dose is significant, the Arthritis Foundation does recommend it as a therapy.

• Studies also show using ginger can be as effective as NSAIDs against menstrual cramps.

How to use:

Use real ginger, not products with ginger flavoring. You can find it ground up in the spice section, or get it fresh in your produce section. It works great in stir fry and baked goods (like cookies and pie!). You can even throw a bit in with your smoothie for a little zing, or drink a cup of ginger tea for relaxation.

To ease a stomachache, start with a dose of 250mg (1 gram) per day. That’s about ½ teaspoon of fresh ginger. If drinking ginger ale, let it flatten a bit so the fizz doesn’t exacerbate the problem by adding gas bubbles to the mix.

How to store:

Fresh ginger can be stored in the cupboard for up to two weeks, or in the fridge for a month. Once the ginger is cut, it can last another two weeks in the fridge if packaged in a bag or container.

Warnings: Ginger has been known to cause heartburn, especially when taken in large doses. You should also avoid ingesting ginger if you have gallstones, are on blood thinners, or taking medication for diabetes or high blood pressure.


Young, Micaela. “Health Benefits of Ginger.” Eating Well. 14 March 2022. article/290281/health-benefits-of-ginger/ nutrition/healthy-eating/best-spices-for-arthritis | 25
Phone orders with curbside pickup at anytime Check out our website at IMMUNE BOOSTER MUST HAVES: • Vitamin A, C & D3 • Elderberry • Zinc • Quercetin STRESS BUSTERS: • B Complex • Suntheanine • Pharma Gaba Prevent Colds & Flu 2434 London Road Eau Claire 834-2341 800-359-5034 CHECK US OUT ONLINE AT SECONDOPINIONMAGAZINE.COM

Eat Smart to Be Well this Holiday Season

November is Eat Smart Month and American Diabetes Month. Both topics are reminders to keep our health in check at an important time of the year – the start of the holiday season. Thanksgiving often marks the beginning of an annual uptick in caloric intake. Being surrounded by delicious foods and drinks can increase our risk for weight gain and chronic diseases. Below are some tips to stay healthy this holiday season.

 Use a smaller plate –Smaller plates mean smaller portion sizes.

 Start with fruits and vegetables – Fill half your plate with healthy foods.

 Avoid skipping meals – Skipping meals prior to a holiday meal can lead to overeating. Consider light snacks.

 Try not to feel guilty – Be mindful of what you consume and enjoy in moderation.

In Eau Claire County and throughout Wisconsin, obesity, nutrition, and prediabetes are concerns. According to the Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2 in 3 adults are either overweight or obese and 4 in 5 adults report not eating the recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables each day.

Being overweight or obese and having poor nutrition can lead to prediabetes. Prediabetes is a health condition where your blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be called type 2 diabetes. 1 in 3 adults in Wisconsin have prediabetes, yet 90% of people don’t know they have it. Prediabetes can be reversed if caught early. Take 1-minute to know your risk for prediabetes at

Checking your risk for developing type 2 diabetes and practicing these nutrition tips over the holidays can keep your health in check. Each day is a new day, and you can choose small changes to benefit your health. For more nutrition holiday tips, visit

6 tips to keep your health on the nice list this holiday season

 Fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables

 Avoid excessive alcohol

 Increase your water intake

 Exercise regularly

 Get plenty of sleep

 Take medication as prescribed

For information on preventing chronic diseases visit

26 |
Reiki, Healing Touch, Consults, Reading Classes Healing Intentions Life & Soul Guide, Mystic Voice, Energetic Practitioner Sandi Anderson CHTP, RM, CHT Cell Phone: 715.456.1391 sandi anderson The holidays don’t have to be hard or stressful.

Plastic Crockpot Liners: Safe or Dangerous?

Almost everyone loves coming home to an already prepared and cooked, hot meal waiting in the crockpot. In the last twenty years, crockpot liners have become all the rage–pre-cooked meal with no prep and no clean up??? What could be better! However, even though it makes our lives easier, are these plastic liners actually safe to use?

The liners are made of a heavyduty nylon plastic that is designed to withstand temperatures up to 400°F for an extended period of time without tearing or melting. Depending on the brand, the plastic is usually made up of polymer resin with different additives to enhance the performance of the product. As all brands like to keep their trade secrets, we don’t know for sure what those additives might be that are leaching into your amazing home-cooked meal throughout the day.

That being said, the FDA is looking out for us here. There are rules about the resins and additives that can be used in products that come into contact with food. The companies also have to stay within very specific limitations for their final products and the temperatures they are said to withstand. Additionally, a number of the brands have BPA-free labels on their boxes–that’s the big, scary chemical with possible links to severe health concerns. So if you choose to purchase crockpot liners, be on the lookout for that label, and you’re pretty much getting the best of the best out there.

Additionally,, the home of the official Crockpot®, has a few rules and recommendations for safest use of their liners:

1. Do not wash and reuse–these are single use only.

2. Do not microwave.

3. Do not store leftovers in the bag in a refrigerator or freezer as they do not provide a barrier against moisture loss. Also, bags could tear if removed

from the crockpot while food is still inside.

4. You can prep your food, put it inside the bag IN THE STONEWARE with a cover, for temporary storage in the refrigerator.

5. After cooking, remove food from the bag, remove the bag from the stoneware and discard, wipe the stoneware clean with a damp cloth or paper towel.

So when it comes down to it, if used properly, crockpot liners are safe and healthy as far as we know at this point in time. You can’t be 100% positive there are no chemicals leaching into your food, but as with everything, determine your own personal risk/benefit equation and use accordingly.

Sources: Brady, Krissy. “Are Those Plastic Liners Safe to Use in Your Slow Cooker?” Eating Well. 18 March 2022. https://www. are-plastic-liners-safe-to-use-in-slowcooker.

“Slow Cooker Liner FAQs.” https://www.crock-pot. com/on/ Support-Show?cfid=liner-faq. | 27
If you’d like to advertise in the next issue of Second Opinion, contact us at 715.831.0325 or a2ndopinion

Simple Gifts – Big Benefits!

Is “Gifts” your love language? For me it is not… yet it is.

I used to agonize over gift giving. Was the gift adequate? Did the gift meet the expectations of the receiver? The stress took the joy right out of the giving!

No more. I have finally learned that when I give from my heart, whatever it is, I am blessed.

Sometimes the simplest gift means the most. The nicest gift anyone could give me is their time— time for a chat or coffee, time together on a project, or time with a listening ear.

Door greeters at events give the gift of a hearty welcome with a smile and sometimes even give out hugs!

• Laughing together.

• Holding hands.

• Sharing a meal or snack.

• Helping with a chore.

• Speaking someone’s name in their heart language.

• Giving someone autonomy.

• Celebrating together; grieving together.

All these actions are simple yet so complex. All these things demonstrate relationship and community and selfless love. The only cost is ourselves, but the rewards are absolutely priceless. When given unconditionally, they contribute to our wellbeing—physically, emotionally and spiritually. Our body chemistry changes which in turn stimulates a healing response. And, the benefits work both ways. Smile at someone and they smile back. Share a funny story and you both laugh.

I thank you for being part of the Thermography of Wisconsin community. Together we are part of a much larger community of wellness advocates supporting each other’s journey for health.

So, in honor of the simple, I offer the following thoughts as my gift to you. Bring this article with you to your next appointment and receive $25 off the total. Better yet, share this article and introduce a friend to the benefits of thermography and our community!

28 |
Thermography, or Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI), is a non-invasive, radiation free method of viewing the body. 715-307-2748 Serving Eau Claire and River Falls, IW and surrounding areas.


withAging grace

• Aging with Grace

• Estate/Memorial PlanningQuestions? We Can Help.

• Dementia – If Only There Was a Cure

• Designing to Assist

• Benefits and Services Available to Veterans

• Help Protect Your Loved One from Medicare Fraud

• Funeral Services for Veterans

• Reiki for Caregivers

withAging grace

Aging with Grace

Years ago, I went to my pastor after an argument with a family member. I expected commiseration and advice to pray for my family member’s poor condemned soul. Instead, he told me to apologize and ask for forgiveness. What? I may not have handled things as well as I could have but I had suffered much more. Hadn’t I? Every way I looked at it, I had more points in the right than in the wrong. I deserved the apology.

Aging gracefully is the subject of thousands of tip sheets, bullet points, and advice columns. Mainly directed at women, they are usually advice on how to look pretty even though we’re old. Fair enough.

Aging with grace is different. In the simplest terms, it’s learning to apologize and receive forgiveness. An apology begins with the desire to improve our relationship. It includes remorse for the harm done and a promise to not do it again. Forgiveness wipes the slate clean. It is the new beginning. It is grace. We all have difficult relationships. To age with grace, we humble ourselves. We reach out to troubled relations, apologize for the specific harm we’ve caused, and ask forgiveness. Yes, even if what they did was worse. After about three years of tension, I did follow my pastor’s guidance.

But, what about the harms and offenses we’ve endured at the hands of others? Don’t we deserve an apology? Shouldn’t we be asked for forgiveness?

Yes, we do and should. But it’s much easier to let go of petty offenses and great harms we’ve endured when we acknowledge the harm we’ve caused. This is called removing the log from our own eye before pointing to the speck in our neighbor’s eye.

Grace builds stronger, more enduring relationships. Just like small fissures that have been mended build strong bones. Grace is not, “taking the high road,” and feeling morally superior. It’s not pretending something didn’t happen and not talking about it. It’s certainly not being a doormat, letting bad behavior slide, or always giving in. These tactics don’t mend relationships. They allow the fissures to become cracks, or even fractures that break up relationships. One feels guilty and the other resentful. Here then, the typical way to avoid the grief is to avoid the person until years go by without contact and we are angry at a virtual stranger, having missed all the ups and downs, joys, and sorrows we could have shared.

Loneliness is more prevalent than ever before. We live more isolated lives than ever before. We live alone more than ever before. Our hearts ache for lack of a friendly voice or a warm hug. Even with a vibrant social life, there may be a specific person missing, a parent, child, sibling, or dear friend lost to us now. How much loneliness is our own doing?

Living with grace is the lost relationship restored unblemished and new. It is the joy of the prodigal being received into his father’s loving arms after wishing his father dead and running away. It is natural to want to be the father, (he is God after all). But the human father could only wait for his son to return. The son, in the temporal world, had the power to return home the whole time. He simply needed to humble himself enough to apologize. And there was great rejoicing.

Christine Eggers RN is the owner of Appeal to Heaven LLC: Independent Nurses’ Network. The characters depicted are composites of people she has met, known, and cared for over 30 years in the nursing profession.

30 |
Total Care Services Skilled Nursing/Personal & Supportive/Companionship Live your life in your own home Call or text us at Call 715.379.7889 Find us on Facebook or At home, independent, and in control Now no minimum visit length!

Estate/Memorial PlanningQuestions? We Can Help.

withAging grace

Don’t Forget to Pre-Plan Your Monument

Losing a loved one is never easy. Surviving family members are tasked with the overwhelming responsibility of planning final arrangements amid processing their own grief. This can lead to sudden financial burdens and stressful decisions if final wishes are not documented ahead of time. To prevent this incredibly difficult situation, more people are choosing to pre-plan their arrangements with a monument provider, such as Johnson Monument.

When working with a monument provider, you can design the memorial that best fits all your wishes. Create a memorial that is unique to you. You can decide if it will be simple or elaborate, granite or bronze, what the inscription says and more. Not to mention, choosing your own memorial takes the burden of making all the decisions away from your loved ones.

To help you pre-plan your own memorial, follow our fivestep process to designing a personalized memorial.

1. Finding a cemetery and buying a plot

The first step in pre-planning your own memorial is to research local cemeteries, including their specific rules and regulations for memorials. Unfortunately, we know of many families who have purchased land at a cemetery, then realize the memorial they envisioned is not permitted. Consider consulting with Johnson Monument first. Our trained staff understands the guidelines for memorials at different cemeteries and will help you navigate the options.

2. Select the size and shape of your monument

There are several options available in varying shapes, sizes, and styles. Review the available options to ensure the selected memorial embodies your final wishes. A variety of types exist for both burial and cremation, including:

• Upright monument

• Slant memorial

• Raised bevel

• Lawn-level

• Cremation monuments

• Benches

3. Choose a color

Granite comes from all over the United States and from around the world. Pick the color that suites you. Popular colors include:

• Antique gray

• Mor ning rose

• Jet black

• Blue pearl

4. Customize a design Memorials are so much more than stone grave markers.

They are personalized tributes that honor the life and legacy of your life lived.

Talk with the staff at Johnson Monument about design options. We can design your monument in front of you on the computer. Some common elements include:

• Hand and laser etching

• Sculptures and carving

• Unique engraving

• Bronze lettering and accents

• Ceramic and porcelain photos

• Flag holders

• Vases

5. Create your message

While most memorials have traditional phrases like “Always in Our Hearts” or “In Loving Memory Of,” talk with us about the message. When surviving family and future generations visit your final resting spot, how would you like to be remembered?

Perhaps there is a quote you live your life by, or a meaningful song you share with your spouse. When you pick something personal, it can have a much deeper meaning for not only you, but for surviving family.

Beyond your name, birthday and date of your passing, the memorial can make mention of family references. These include:

• Beloved mother

• Devoted husband

• Adored grandmother

• Parent of…

• Your wedding date and more

A memorial is the surviving piece of history for loved ones and future generations to visit after you have passed. It is an important part of your estate planning. Preplanning a memorial may feel overwhelming at first, but it is an opportunity for you to support your surviving family members while allowing you to choose what you want. We are here to help when you are ready to start the process.

Stop into any of our several locations or visit our website at Our dedicated staff is here to guide you through the process while offering our quality line of memorial products in your time of need. | 31

withAging grace

Dementia – If Only There Was a Cure

As I held her hand the day mom took her last breath, it was a blurry day for me. If only there had been a cure, a way to have stopped what took her so early in life.

We're supposed to age gracefully, living past 70, aren't we?

Mom died of vascular dementia 10 years ago, after battling 20 + years with her failing health. She was 70 years old - missed her 71st birthday by 3 months. Diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and strokes lead to vascular dementia in her final years of life.

Mom's destiny was determined by the diseases she had overtaking her body and life. Had she known better, perhaps she would have made different lifestyle choices. Once dementia set in, her ability to make healthy choices simply didn't exist.

There currently isn't a cure for dementia. If we could find the panacea for dementia, we'd all be rich in more ways than one. We'd save the world billions of dollars. We'd be healthy and live longer. But yet, we don't. Why is that? I often wonder. Do we think it is easy to live with dementia instead? Do we doubt dementia is that prevalent? The facts tell us otherwise.

Every 66 seconds someone in the US develops the disease.

Dementia in its many forms doesn't discriminate, isn’t stoppable, curable, or preventable once the disease begins. It causes irreversible brain damage and isn’t a normal part of aging. Over 80% of Americans don’t know the early warning signs. It is easy for us to use our healthy brains to find ways to prevent it before it starts. (Check out this short video from the Alzheimer's Association - their website contains great information.)

The known facts about dementia should scare the h*ll out of us.

Unfortunately, it only seems to scare us or move us to action if we are personally affected by it or our loved one is. I know that was my case. I know better now, but my lack of knowledge back then lead up to a loss greater than words can describe. If only I had known more.

Alzheimer's is the 6th leading cause of death in the US.

Dementia cases continue to rise. It kills more than breast and prostate cancer combined. 6 million Americans live with the most common form of dementia - Alzheimer's. By 2050 that number could rise to 1 trillion.

1 in 3 seniors dies from some form of dementia. If the predictions are right, we are not prepared as a society to pay for the costs of care or treatment of comorbidities associated with poor health routines leading up to the diagnosis or development of dementia. As a baby boomer, AKA the generation expected to push the numbers affected over the 16 million mark, I'm terrified to think of the rapid rate of growth of the disease.

We have to find a way to stop dementia before it starts.

Prevention comes with lifestyle changes, focusing on healthy gut regimens, and EXERCISE! What's good for the heart is good for the brain.


every day to help give yourself better odds. But is that enough?

It is only the start of a panacea. I encourage you to do what you can each day. Educate yourself for your tomorrow. You and your loved ones deserve a life without dementia! If you are caring for someone with dementia, my heart goes out to you - treasure every moment - hug your loved one every chance you get!

32 | | 33 2228 East Ridge Center, Eau Claire 715.830.5099 Atributelasting to life Plan yourPreservememorial. your legacy. Planning your memorial in advance ensures you are remembered exactly the way you want. Decisions you make today will reduce the emotional and financial strain your family experiences in their grief. Plan ahead. It’s what’s best for everybody. withAging grace

withAging grace

Designing to Assist

When designing rooms in our homes, we usually base our ideas off images in online ads and home magazines. Those pictures are carefully crafted with perfect décor, colors and lighting to make you interested in what’s being advertised. In reality, what you see in those picture-perfect designs doesn’t have the true functionality of day-to-day life. The seating is never in a decent spot to watch television, and there isn’t enough light to be able to read a book. When this happens, we move the sofa or the lights so that we can do things the way we want. Intelligent home interior design starts with our needs and how we live, then adds the colors and style that match your personality.

An example of an intelligent home interior design would be in the living room. Assess how the room is used. Is it to watch television, read, work on hobbies, meet with friends and family or to have meals? Once we figure out how we use a room we can make the items in the room work for our needs. Here are just a few items that can make our lives easier to enjoy as we age:

- Lift chairs

- Coffee table with a top that moves up and towards a person

- Automatic lighting

- Voice activated switches

- Large remotes

- Easy to use windows and window treatments

- Stander assist table with handle

- Larger television

- Fur niture placed to help with movement and allowance for added space if a walker or wheelchair is needed

Each of these can add to comfort, ease, and safety in our homes while keeping with personal style.

Adding in a few of the items listed above is just the start to an intelligent home interior design. The main goal is to make our surroundings work for us. A lift chair can help so we don’t have to strain or become unbalanced trying to get in or out of a chair. Having a lift top or articulating coffee or side table can make it easy to work on projects, write, or eat a snack by bringing everything to the perfect height for you. When you are done, it slides back down into a standard coffee table height. Lighting systems that are automated or voice activated can help so you are not stretching or having to feel around in the dark for a switch. A large, colorcoded remote for a television makes it easy to find and see the buttons. Make sure that window treatments are easy to use. There are many different styles and ways to have them automated to work for what you need. In place of a lift chair, sometimes having a stander assist coffee table next to a sitting surface can be all that is needed to help a person rise out of a chair or couch. Making sure that furniture is the right size for the room and for you while having clear pathways can make the functionality of the whole house more efficient and easier to use.

There are many new innovations that can be used in a home to help us in our daily living. Sometimes it is just using what we already own positioned in a different way. To find out more about how to design your home to work for you, contact a Certified Aging in Place Specialist and receive customized recommendations.

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Benefits and Services Available to Veterans

Veterans Day is a special day set aside every November 11th to honor and thank our living veterans who served so bravely. According to, this Federal Holiday was once known as ‘Armistice Day’, commemorating the end of World War I in 1918, and honored all WWI veterans. In 1954, legislation passed to rename it Veterans Day and honor all veterans of all eras.

During this month of November, we want to especially reach out and thank all veterans in our community. Thank you to the brave men and women who have served in defense of our state and nation. Thank you for our freedoms we have today.

Additionally, we want to ensure that all veterans know about benefits and services that are available to them because of their sacrifices. Spouses of veterans, surviving spouses of veterans, and Gold Star Parents may also be eligible for benefits through the VA. Even if you haven’t applied for benefits or programs in the past, it may not be too late! There are many different types of services and benefits too numerous to list fully here, but some of the benefits and services may include:

• Service Connected Disability Compensation for injuries that occurred or were aggravated through military service that are still affecting you today

• Healthcare through the Veterans Administration Medical Centers in Minneapolis or Tomah, and through the Outreach Clinics in La Crosse or Chippewa Falls

• VA Pension for supplemental income for low-income wartime veterans or their families

• WI Aid Grants for Dental, Vision and Hearing care

• State Veterans Homes for qualified veterans, their spouses/surviving spouses, and Gold Star Parents needing 24-hour skilled nursing care

• Home health services for those needing more care in their homes

• Adult Day Care for veterans in need of supervision/care while their caregiver is away

• Hospice care provided in a VA contracted skilled nursing home

withAging grace

• Veteran Housing and Recovery Program for homeless veterans

• Assistance in obtaining military medals and ribbons

• Assistance in retrieving military/personnel records and discharges

• Infor mation on the Honor Flights to see the National Memorials in Washington, DC

• Infor mation on Veteran Cemeteries and coordination of burial benefits and Military Funeral Honors

For more information, please reach out to your Chippewa County Veteran Service Office at 715.726.7990 to set up an appointment to learn about benefits for which you may be eligible. If you are interested in the Wisconsin Veterans Home at Chippewa Falls, please contact Katie Plendl, Admissions Director, at 715.720.6775 to inquire about eligibility requirements, waiting list, and application processes.

“There is a certain enthusiasm in liberty, that makes human nature rise above itself, in acts of bravery and heroism.” | 35
This Veterans Day, and every day, thank you veterans for your service. 2175 E. Park Avenue | Chippewa Falls | 715.720.6775 Proudly Serving Those Who Served Veterans Home - Chippewa Falls

withAging grace

Help Protect Your Loved One from Medicare Fraud

Every day, fraudsters are looking for opportunities to take advantage of Medicare beneficiaries. And every day, they are, unfortunately, successful. Did you know that Medicare-related fraud, abuse, and errors is a multi-billiondollar industry? Are you now wondering if your loved one or the person that you provide care for has been impacted by Medicare fraud?

Here are some tips from the Wisconsin Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) to help keep your loved one safe:

• Remind your loved one to never share personal information (Medicare number, Social Security number, bank account information) over the phone with someone who calls them out of the blue, even if they say they are from Medicare or another government agency. Those agencies don’t call people, it’s fraudsters looking for information.

• Remind your loved one that they have the right to say no to anyone calling and end the call.

• Set a reminder for when Medicare Summary Notices or Explanations of Benefits, bank statements, or pension payments should arrive and review those statements and check for suspicious activity.

• Listen for stories your loved one may share about suspicious phone calls that were received or perhaps even packages of medical supplies (typically back braces, knee braces, etc.).

The Wisconsin SMP is here to help. The SMP program provides education and resources to Medicare beneficiaries and their advocates to help them protect, detect, and report Medicare-related fraud. The SMP also operates a toll-free and confidential Helpline to provide guidance when there are concerns of Medicare fraud.

Concerned that your mom may have shared her Medicare information over the phone? Call us. Worried about the boxes of unwanted medical supplies in the back closet? Call us. Wondering what to do about suspicious claims on your dad’s most recent Medicare Summary Notice? Call us.

The Wisconsin Senior Medicare Patrol program can be reached at (888) 818-2611 or online at Our resources and services are complimentary, and any information shared is kept confidential.

36 | MONUMENT LOCALLY CRAFTED SINCE 1917 SIMPLY ELEGANT, SIMPLY TIMELESS, SIMPLY PRICED Between Eau Claire & Chippewa Falls Turn memoriesyourinto a lasting memorial Plan your memorial. Preserve your legacy. Planning your memorial in advance ensures you are remembered exactly the way you want. Decisions you make today will reduce the emotional and financial strain your family experiences in their grief. Plan ahead. It’s what’s best for everybody. 715.723.5576 |

Funeral Services for Veterans

When planning a loved one’s funeral or cremation, it’s important to let your funeral director know if they were a veteran. The funeral home will need a copy of the veteran’s honorable discharge papers (DD214) to move forward with organizing any veteran benefits. If the veteran or family do not have a copy of this, one can be obtained with the help of the Veteran Services Office in the county of residence. The question is then asked where the burial of the veteran might take place. If it will be in a veterans’ cemetery, a veteran can pre-register themselves, or their family can do so after their passing.

The Northern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Spooner, WI, is truly a beautiful place. It has a gorgeous lagoon as you enter. They have a chapel with pews and a glass wall. You can see and hear the military honors while inside. All military rites are completed inside. No attendees are allowed at the grave site until it is closed. They also had a very nice columbarium for cremated remains. Each niche is 9”x12”x18” deep, which is important to know when selecting an urn. The services the cemetery provides are no cost for the veteran, but there is a fee for spouses.

If the veteran is buried in a non-veterans’ cemetery, the cost of the opening and closing of the grave must be paid by the family. The veteran is entitled to a military plaque or grave marker which is free to the veteran, but does have a cost of mounting or placing the marker on the grave, along with other cemetery fees.

At the family’s request, all veterans may receive military honors at their funeral. There is no fee to the family for this service. If burial takes place in a non-veterans’ cemetery, a flag staff and small US flag can be provided by the county Veteran Services Office to be placed on the veteran’s grave.

A US flag should be ordered by the funeral home assisting the family. In a traditional funeral service, the US flag is often placed on the casket in place of flowers. The flag is removed by the military honor guards, is folded, and then given to the family. The folded flag is often on display at a memorial services.

It is the responsibility of the funeral home to organize military honor guard services, which might be local or from one of the military branches that the veteran served in. The family also may request that honor guards be present during a visitation or service and stand in attention on either side of the casket or urn. The funeral home may also display a flag representing the branch of service they served in. There is also a Presidential Memorial Certificate available to the members of the family which is signed by the current President. More than one certificate can be requested for family members and other loved ones.

The family needs to be in touch with their local Veteran Services Office to see if there are any other benefits that they may be eligible for. For example, if the veteran had a service related-injury. The local veteran’s office quite often reaches out to a family member after the passing of their loved one to answer any questions.

Military service requires a lot of sacrifice by veterans and their families. Some dedicated their entire lives to serving our country. Honoring a veteran at their funeral or memorial service not only shows respect to the veteran, but also to their families and can be part of the healing process. | 37
AGING IN PLACE STAY WHERE YOUR ROOTS ARE CHIPPEWA VALLEY 715-829-0707 Interior & Lifestyle Design with Mobility in Mind Home Modifications Assisted Technology Karen Hauck, Certified Aging in Place Specialist Assisted Devices Resource Consultations Veterans Discount Offered withAging grace

withAging grace

Reiki for Caregivers

Today changes and challenges (Covid19) have created many levels of stress, loss, and trauma that have touched everyone—especially in the caregiving field. The changes created by the pandemic have touched the lives of mothers taking care of children, spouses taking care of their seriously ill spouses, the single widowed dad or mom who now does all the childcare and rearing duties, adult children looking after parents, and caregivers looking after the elderly. Caregiving in its many forms requires dedication, work and effort. The most common concerns for caregivers are ongoing stress, physical challenges, and the emotional rollercoaster rides that many quietly carry inside.

Benefits of Reiki Energy Healing for caregivers

It does help to reduce stress. Caregivers are often prone to chronic stress. They may not talk about it, but their body’s energy field can actually create it. Reiki Energy work encourages the body to shift from the stress mode into that of deep relaxation. With each session, the caregiver has their chance to receive, to slow down, and to relax.

That shift can start their body’s own healing process. It can reduce pain, lessen emotional and mental stress, and calm the spirit. Reiki empowers the healing energy force of the body and strengthens the immune system. A Reiki session can aid the body’s ability to restore overall balance and well-being. It’s like a system reboot.

Reiki empowers the caregiver to see their need for self-care and recharging. It is hard to help another with an empty cup. When caregivers are worn out, they can't be their best. They learn that 24/7 care of another often comes at the cost of their own self-care. Many caregivers need the reminder that self-care should be on their “to-do” list. Reiki empowers the individual to reconnect to their intuition after constantly putting another’s needs before their own. With emotional and mental healing comes a stronger sense of what their own well-being feels like when it is recharged.

A Reiki session is not just good for one’s health and wellness, it is down time for the caregivers to receive, breathe, and let go. Reiki energy allows the caregiver's body, mind, and soul to relax for a moment in order to reconnect, recharge and be restored.

If the busy caregiver doesn't feel they have time for selfcare, a Reiki session can be done remotely. The Reiki practitioner connects via phone, FaceTime, or Skype for a short visit. Yet, to see the caregiver in person in the Reiki space is a special connection—fewer distractions and the caregiver is more present in their healing session, making way for deeper benefits.

Call or text for appointments - please leave a detailed message.

Sandra Anderson LUT. RM, CHT, R-HTP - Life & Soul Coach, Energetic Healer, Channel. Healing is “Intentions” | 39 SMPs are grant-funded projects of the federal U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL). Toll-free Helpline: 888-818-2611 WisconsinSeniorMedicarePatrol Call us with questions about billing errors, scams and medical identity theft Empowering Seniors to Prevent Healthcare Fraud  PROTECT your personal information  DETECT suspected fraud, abuse, and errors  REPORT suspicious claims or activities Medicare Open Enrollment October 15 - December 7


Honoring a veteran at their funeral or memorial service not only shows respect to the veteran, but also to their families and can be part of the healing process.

Our staff is here to guide and assist you with a high degree of respect and concern during your time of loss. We will provide the most fitting service for your individual needs, at the most affordable cost with the many options that we offer.

Two options to serve you, at one convenient location:

Stokes, Prock & Mundt FUNERAL CHAPEL

Even the smallest touch can make a big difference in personalizing your funeral services. There’s no right or wrong when it comes to celebrating your loved one and honoring their life, accomplishments, and individuality.

715-832-3428 |

Cremation Society of Wisconsin

We offer a full range of cremation options. We have our own on-site crematory and a full staff to assist you with whatever your needs may be.

Do you need help paying for burial or cremation expenses for your loved one?

Helpful Hearts Foundation was created by the staff of Cremation Society of Wisconsin and Stokes, Prock & Mundt Funeral Chapel, to help low-income families who have experienced the death of a loved one, to pay for funeral expenses. While the primary purpose is to help with the loss of a child, the application processs is open to anyone in financial need, for final expenses in Eau Claire and surrounding counties. We are reaching out to help our community, during their time of greatest need.

For more information on the application process, or to make a monetary donation to this 501(c)3 non-profit organization, please visit

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We also service the entire state of Wisconsin. 535 South Hillcrest Parkway - Altoona, WI Helpful Hearts Foundation
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