Clan | Edition # 136

Page 15

Overcoming challenges. An ever evolving journey. Justin Shaw Student Leadership and Turas Programme Co-ordinator

Middle School for many students, is the start of a new journey, be that the change from a Primary School environment or a transition to a new school altogether. At this stage, a foundation built upon a clear understanding of self and community, along with the skills and strategies to problem-solve are crucial. These understandings underpin the Turas Programme. Semester 1 has largely focused on setting up for success, community values and building positive relationships. Each year level has explored themes such as shared values and growth mindsets in an age appropriate and engaging manner. As the semester has come to a close, the impact of this learning can be read in student report reflections, giving an individual voice to the learning that has taken place during the Turas Programme along with a broader reflection on the start to a new academic year. Reflection and goal setting provides the starting point for our Semester 2 programme. A shift in focus from what was new, to what is now more comfortable and less unknown, aims to build a sense of belonging as well as embracing the positive habits that have underpinned success thus far. In Winter Term we have had the unique opportunity to implement Swinburne University’s Aristotle Emotional Intelligence Programme. This whole school approach to wellbeing sees each year level explore developmentally appropriate and researchbased lessons on the four branches of emotional intelligence. These include: • • • •

Photography task during Turas

Being able to recognise, verbalise and eventually apply strategies explored in this programme not only improves wellbeing but also teaches skills that are transferable to curriculum and collaborative working. Turas is a constantly evolving programme, a dynamic and flexible model designed to explore the skills that foster a sense of achievement, pride, and belonging. It marks the beginning of a journey in Middle School, filled with numerous milestones, with the intention not of reaching an endpoint, but of equipping students with the understanding and abilities to overcome challenges that lie ahead. Guiding our students through this unique phase of their lives is truly a delightful experience. At the close of the first semester, it is a pleasure to be able to share the reflections of some of our Year 7 students on the Turas Programme: “I have enjoyed the mood meter and mindfulness exercises. The mood meter helped me to recognise how I feel and how I would want to feel. It made me feel more relaxed knowing about my own feelings and being able to identify them. I also liked doing the mindfulness activities as they helped me unwind so that I could concentrate on myself and nothing else and it made me feel ready for PSA.” – Dion Sim

“The Turas period is very good for me because in a range of lessons we learnt about FOMO. This has helped me because I’m in a very different area to where I originally came from and I had all my friends there and they were hanging out every weekend, but I could not, because of the schoolwork and workload. I got through it by making new friends and meeting new people who have the same interests as me. That is how Turas helped me overcome my FOMO.” – Harlem Bennell “Something that Turas has helped me with is time management. In one of our Turas lessons, we made a time management planner, and this has helped me ever since. Every night before homework time I get a reminder and it reminds me what homework to do. This helps me manage my time. This is why I believe Turas is a great subject.” – Marcus Goto

Emotional Recognition Understanding Others’ Emotions Emotional Reasoning Emotion Management and Control

Teaching and Learning


Articles inside


pages 52-54

Building a Tradition

pages 54-55

What have they been up to?

pages 51-53

OSC Events

pages 47-50

Farewell to Basil Balme

page 46

Medal of the Order of Australia for OSC David de Vos

page 45

OSC launches the Members Assistance Programme

page 44

The Career Accelerator Programme – bridging the skills gap

page 43

Build bridges of empathy and compassion

page 42

Once a Pipe Band parent, always a Pipe Band parent!

page 41

A boarding journey that turns into a community for life

page 40

Community service in Year 10

pages 38-39

Small acts of charity. A powerful force for good.

page 37

All hands on deck!

page 36

JPSSA trophies for Junior School

page 33

Sport: It’s a wrap

page 32

Sullivan Moody, 1st XVIII football Captain, interviews Coach Steve Malaxos, and Assistant Coach and Manager, Matt Jahn

page 31

The Scotch Community welcomes back Dr. Duncan Picknoll, Head of Outdoor Learning and Adventures

page 30

Studio Scotch

page 29

Challenges and fun through the Enrichment Programme

page 28

The World Scholar’s Cup Global Round – Seoul

page 27

Reconstructing the past at The World Scholar’s Cup

page 26

Scotch productions take centre stage

pages 24-25

Jazz Night

page 23

The Australian Combined Schools Music Festival

page 22

Music and brain development; it’s unequivocal

page 21

A sense of purpose. A vision for the future.

page 20

Education as process, not content

pages 18-19

Vertical system in action – Virginia International Tattoo

page 17

INNOV8: enhancing digital literacy in Middle School

page 16

Overcoming challenges. An ever evolving journey.

page 15

Leaving nothing to chance with data, data, data

page 14

Developing emotionally intelligent boys

page 13

Start strong in Junior School

page 12


pages 10-11

The final stretch

page 9

Built Upon a Culture of Giving

page 8

A strong strategic plan for the future

page 7

NAIDOC and Indigenous spirituality

page 6

Single gender boys’ education. Why?

pages 4-5
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