World Peace Intention Initiative - Water Response

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World Peace Intention Initiative Waters Response

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Table of Contents 1. Introduction

November 9, 2017 TEST FROM BANGALORE, INDIA Orchestrated, Analyzed and Collaborated by Krishna Madappa PhD | 4Th Phase Water Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, India T.M. Srinivasan PhD | Dean of Yoga Studies and Physical Science, SVYASA Yoga University, Bangalore, India

2. Objectives 3. Why Water! 4. The Experiment 5. Findings, Analysis 6. What do we see as a common denominator? 7. Gratitude 8. The Story Behind Making of the Film The 1 Field 9. Way Forward

10. References

INTRODUCTION: Steered Towards Uni cation

Lynne McTaggart and Dr. Salah Al-Rashed, the Deepak Chopra of the Arab Gulf states.

Are we living and thriving as a conscious human race as we are approaching the rst quarter of the 21st century! Are we reaching the tipping point towards annihilating the human race and all cohabiting species on planet earth! Have not wisdom transmissions from the noble religions and cultures cohered towards




tolerance and uni cation.

“the thoughts we think is the world we create” Have we created an educational system that dooms us at the start. These fundamental questions are triggering a cascade of global initiatives from fellow humans committed towards enhancing tolerance, forgiveness, compassion and a string of heart whole emotions that are being steered towards uni cation, rather than separation. Wisdom’s spiritual science and today’s quantum science are converging to the realization that “the thoughts we think is the world we create” which has opened the possibilities that thoughts and intentions can travel beyond the visible eld and affect the physical world. Technology and our interconnected world are a reality today in application, where we can connect across the world from hundreds to million or billion humans by the click of a key on a key pad or on a mobile device for now. Scientists and spiritual explorers are utilizing this platform to open the gateways for millions of humans across the world to connect and drive the power of intention that can begin to raise the awareness that we are a global/cosmic family and are committed to collectively create a eld effect that supports life to thrive for all.

We’ve targeted a place in the Middle East with great symbolic

There have been visionaries who have initiated such intention guided practices over decades, from

meaning to the two cultures,

USA to Bharat (India) with successful outcomes under strict scienti c disciplines.

and both are coming together in a rare intention for peace.

The ultimate objective, is to prepare the neurophysiology of every being to see and realize for oneself as a cosmically interconnected spirit to all life and that water is the Divine transmitter for this intention





to be imprinted.


We’ve targeted a place in the Middle East with great symbolic meaning to the two cultures, and both are coming together in a rare intention for peace.

The largest Intention Experiment for Peace in the Middle East This was the brainchild Tsipi Raz, an award-winning Israeli documentary lm maker and peace maker, in collaboration with Lynne McTaggart and Dr. Salah Al-Rashed, the Deepak Chopra of the Arab Gulf states, to create a legendary LIVE event for peace in the Middle East who lead the meditation. Myself, Krishna Madappa as a water researcher and scientist for over 2 .5 decades

November 9, 2017 10 A.M. Paci c 1 PM Eastern 6 pm UK/7 pm Europe

across continents was requested to orchestrate, analyze and present the

ndings of the

emotional shifts durning the mediation. Through my connection to live streaming the GDV devise picked up the response of water during all the phases which has been outlined in detail in subsequence chapters.

Is it possible?

8 pm in Israeli and the Arab Gulf states

Imagine for the rst time in over a century of bloody war, tens of thousands of thousands of

11:30 PM Bharat (India)

Israelis will join together with tens of thousands, of thousands, Palestinians and Arabs from across the Middle East for a joint experience – a rare event – a meditation and prayer for peace





between the two races.

Krishna Madappa



Water is the most sacred substance in the universe and the canvas for life. It is able to mirror and re ect its environment.

It is the mother and matrix of life. Water is also regarded as a “Conscious and Living Being.” Masaru Emoto

We are all familiar with the inspired explorations of late Dr. Masaru Emoto, whose contributions to our emotional and cognitive understanding of water was raised many a notch. His experiments with words and their crystal signatures revealed a wealth of insights and opened the gateways of awareness in the human community globally, from youth to adults. Late Dr. Emoto’s rice experiment was an eye opener, as the response to words, impressed upon the outcome of the rice in the beakers. The beaker with the words “I Love You” conveyed once a th

day emitted a sweet bouquet around the 30 day of the experiment. The beaker with the words “I Hate You” turned black and the beaker which was “Ignored” began to exhibit mold and decay. As we are predominantly water ranging from 70% to 85% in biological assessment, we too are imprinted with how emotion is expressed. Water in all her diverse states of ow is in uenced by the environment she is in contact with and her only purpose is to be as a carrier that can imprint the signature for life to thrive. We address this as “Memory of Water,” and as this initiative was to foster peace in the Middle East, what better medium could one have chosen!

Rice Experiment - Dr Masaru Emoto



So, living in Bangalore, the choice was Bangalore municipal water.

Picture of the setup:


From Left to far right ( Windows computer; EPI GDV Pro with Water adapter arrangement and the glass with Bangalore Tap Water).

Can the spirit be measured? The meditation is a scienti c experiment. For the rst time, Arabs and Jews, Israelis and Palestinians and tens/hundreds of thousands of people from around the world will focus their consciousness simultaneously for 10 minutes on the same aim, building regional





peace. Will our “collective consciousness” be able to create a uni ed eld of energy that can be measured?

3 - SFM 4 - ERPE



5 - HR11


The rst step was to gather data of the baseline water sample. Sample # 1. (BLW)


Lynne welcomed the gathering and outlined the road map for the global meditation initiative. Sample # 2 was initiated. (LIMP)



Lynne led the gathering in deep meditation mode and when she concluded, Sample # 3 was initiated. (SFM) Deep emotions were stirred from the meditation and an immerse outpouring of LOVE was felt across all the regions that were digitally connected (over 8 countries) whose feelings were expressed by the participants and then the program was guided to conclusion. Sample # 4 was initiated. (ERPE)


Knowing water stores information, I decided to see the response of water 11 Hrs later. Sample # 5 was initiated. (HR11)

2 - LIMP

Here’s how the events unfurled and the sequences of gathering data of the water ensued:

1 - BLW



FINDINGS Now to unveil and observe the data ndings to nal analysis. Here’s a succinct description of the 5 sample sets collected. Every image or not in each box of the

ve sets are a frame of the

waters response to the intention, meaning the capacity of the water to process and respond to the information it has been exposed to. Detailed description provided in the analysis section. All the image sets reveal that there has been a response of the water to the intention. Our next step is to analyze what this all leads to or what does it all mean.


eyes, face and body is what we see represented in AREA and

This is where the computed data analytics begin to reveal the bounty of information obtained and how the response of the water to the global peace intention was imprinted.

INTENSITY. When we are sad the luster and brightness is diminished. It’s the size and brightness of the image which is termed AREA and INTENSITY. We see inconsistent and consistent image patterns in our analysis, which expresses a

To those who wish to go deeper and understand this advanced technology, addressing the non-linear dimensions of our material world, can

wide range of waters response during the course of our intention experiment. ENTROPY is a measure of the number of possible arrangements the atoms in a system can have. In this sense, ENTROPY is a

measure of uncertainty or randomness. It is a measure of how

All the analyzed data outputs have de ned nomenclature which

organized or disorganized energy is in a system of atoms or

I have sought to de ne in a very understandable language, so


that the sensitivity of the analyzed data can be viewed with utmost clarity and knowing.



Now let’s deep dive into the

We have charts that describe some keynotes, like AREA,

charts and graphs.

INTENSITY and ENTROPY. I’ll seek to convey in as simple terms as possible what all this means and how sensitive is “water” to our thoughts, intentions,

See how the waters response to the symphony of the Peace Meditation was charted. We’ll start with the 5 sets of waters response to the charts of




Area, Intensity & Entropy.

When we are happy and joyful, the luster and glow from the

1. Baseline Water (BLW)

GDV Scienti c Laboratory - Sample 1 The rst step was to gather data of the base line water sample.



Sample # 1.



or here

By viewing the AREA chart, the Evoked Responses by Participants to the End (ERPE) box shows the highest and least diverse of all the boxes.

Before we begin to analyze each chart let’s look at the INTENSITY and ENTROPY charts.

2. Meditation Program(LIMP)

GDV Scienti c Laboratory - Sample 2


Lynne welcomed the gathering and outlined the road map for the global meditation initiative. Sample # 2 was initiated.



or here

When we are happy and joyful, the luster and glow from the eyes, face and body is what we see represented in AREA and INTENSITY. When we are sad the luster and brightness is diminished. It’s the size and brightness of the image which is termed AREA and INTENSITY. We see inconsistent and consistent image patterns in

our analysis, which expresses a wide range of waters response during the course of our intention experiment.

3. Start to Finish of Meditation (SFM)

GDV Scienti c Laboratory - Sample 3


Lynne led the gathering in deep meditation mode and when she concluded, Sample # 3 was initiated.



ENTROPY is a measure of the number of possible arrangements the atoms in a system can have. In this sense, ENTROPY is a measure of uncertainty or randomness. It is a measure of how organized or disorganized energy is in a

system of atoms or molecules.

4. Evoked Responses by Participants to the End (ERPE) GDV Scienti c Laboratory - Sample 4


Deep emotions were stirred from the meditation and an immerse outpouring of LOVE was felt across all the regions that were digitally connected (over 8 countries) whose feelings were expressed by the participants and then the program was guided to conclusion. Sample # 4 was initiated.


5 -11 Hours Later (HR11) GDV Scienti c Laboratory - Sample 5


Knowing water stores information, I decided to see the response of water 11 Hrs later. Sample # 5 was initiated.


WHAT DO WE SEE AS A COMMON DENOMINATOR? The Evoked Responses by all the meditator’s to the End (ERPE) box is the least diverse than all the others. Here, I’d like each of the viewers and readers to ponder on! Why is it so! What took place after the intention cycle? The increase in area and intensity clearly indicate high levels subtle energy availability (jiva / prana / qi / quat alhaya ) just after the intention and that the power of LOVE is a grand UNIFIER. Hence you see the “brown colored box” has the least width (spread), compared with all the other boxes, is a clear indication of a uniform and concentrated availability of energy; namely, the energy was uniformly available and equitable over the entire 8 states of the Middle East where they were all connected via the network. This amazing proof of “THE1FIELD", our universal connection and our ability to heal together when called to live more consciously connected together as ONE and it can be measured. The so-called butter y effect is clearly seen; as it has the ability to in uence the entire globe. Mind does affect matter, and when we change a state, it has a ripple effect that echos’ out through space-time which is the essence of “THE1FIELD”.



We had participants from the 8 Islamic nations share their innermost feelings and all the convened nations acknowledged in unison towards the deep “LOVE” that was felt.

Could this be the reason why the waters response at the ERPE was the least diverse!!!!!! What is clear is that we have observed a statistically diverse response of the water during the course of the entire study, and to probe deeper, let’s get to the BIG PICTURE. “The thoughts we think is the world we create” and knowing that the most powerful force of all the universe is “LOVE.” The water mirrored the rejoice in the meditators response to the collective symphony of peace. Together the nations representatives resonated a universal truth-love.

Mahatma Gandhi wrote during his contemplative moments, “In man, reason quickens and guides the feelings; In a brute the soul lies dormant; Awaken the heart and you awaken the dormant soul.”


This was the essence of the water’s response and clearly exempli ed in the ERPE ndings.



This was also observed from the study that the water tasted sweet after this.


Water re ect’s its environment. It mirrors our consciousness. It is the canvas in which we create. It can be understood to be a living element within which also pervades the universe. You are 99.98 percent at a molecular level and therefore water is key component for ALL biological systems. You’re the living water and the light in the world. Water’s function is to communicate to each and every cell your mirrored thoughts. Water express though excitation its illuminated signature. When excited it lights up. When it’s dim there is limited to no charge.



Simply water emanates and transports your thoughts from the inside out via water or aether. One is just a ner form of the other.

Gratitude to the Supreme Creator for guiding all the Divine souls to converge in unison across the planet and to have ennobled a cosmic event of scale as this, and to strengthen the bonds of uni cation that will ultimately diffuse boundaries between all the noble human souls across nations. Special thanks Tsipi Raz whose vision and intention enabled this event of scale to manifest. Ms. Mc Taggart who lead the mediation referred specially to Dr. Salah AlRashed who was instrumental in connecting the spatial connected zones. Gratitude to Konstantin Korotkov for developing the technologies that can measure these scales of human intentions.







Ms.Tsipi Raz committed to producing a lm including this event as the the nal scene, titled The1Field, which also includes our scienti c ndings. The1Field lm was released to the world in 2019 and has been shown in




over 100 countries. It is presently being shown at Universities in Japan and Taiwan in advanced science and humanity courses. th A notable thinker, spiritual doen of the 20 century, Nicholas Roehrig wrote of a uni ed society based on highest spiritual values, that irrespective of war or peace, the highest aspiration of governance ought to be for the utmost welfare of it’s citizens by raising the spiritual wealth of the nation through art, science and spirit. Namaste – Amen – Ameen – Shalom.

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Krishna Madappa, Ph.D Director at 4th Phase Water Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Global Ambassador of Peace - Roerich Pact TAOS, NM, USA / BANGALORE, INDIA


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