PE Provision Map

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Hambleton Primary Academy

PE Provision Map

Area of Need Universal Provision

Cognition and Learning Clear, simple language for explanations

Checking understanding frequently

Instructions supported with images, diagrams

Adult modelling

Recalling previously learnt content

Small step approach

Targeting questioning to help children learn

Flexible grouping

Pupils learning from one another

Adaptive technology for accessing the curriculum.

Targeted Support Provision

Access to extracurricular activities and targeted intervention groups

Assistive technology

Small group work

Greater emphasis on aural memory skills

Use larger print/symbols/colour codes

Using ICT to further scaffold movements, actions and skills

Fleetwood Town intervention to target children needing further development with their fine and gross motor skills. Also target children who do not access the extra curricular activities offered after school and outside of school.

Specialist Support Provision

Incorporate EHCP strategies and targets throughout the lesson eg physical and gestural support eg hand on hand modelling with equipment.

Follow advice from the multidisciplinary team.

Change4Life intervention to target children who need to further develop gross motor skills and those who show difficulties accessing the curriculum.

Use of visual aids eg mats showing diagrams of movements and actions to support children's understanding of instructions

Adaptive technology for providing visual aids for what is expected of the children during the lesson Eg- yoga movements

Adaptive technology for recording work

Communication and Interaction Clear structured lessons

Clear, simple language for explanations

Checking understanding frequently

Instructions supported with images, diagrams


Recalling previously learnt vocabulary

Small step instructions

Processing Time

Cue by name

Clear expectations of how to interact

Explicit explanations of appropriate interaction

Targeting questioning to assess understanding

Now and Next board

Communication aid

Encourage different forms of communication − such as gestures − to compensate for difficulties when speaking.

Tactical grouping for children to provide peer on peer support.

Use of pictures, which add another dimension to their learning.

Creating characters using different voices enhances learning about concepts such as ‘timbre’ and ‘dynamics’

Incorporate EHCP strategies and targets throughout the lesson

Use of visual aids eg. mats showing diagrams of movements and actions to support children's understanding of instructions and expectations.

Tactical grouping for children to provide peer on peer support.

Peer on peer support

Adaptive technology for communication

Adaptive technology for recording knowledge

·Adaptive environments and working areas.

Emotional, Behavioural and Social

Restorative approach to behaviour

Caring and positive Ethos

Planned opportunities to build resilience

Consistent reward systems

Access to fidget toys

Create an environment for learning where pupils feel that it is good to explore, experiment and make ‘mistakes’

Prepare children about what to expect and set out the structure of the lesson

Planned opportunities to build on communication and teamwork.

Planned opportunities to build on leadership skills

Follow behaviour plan

Make sensitive use of pictures and video recordings to keep records of pupils’ work. Always make sure pupils are comfortable with this. (PE Passport App)

Praise given discreetly where pupils find public praise embarrassing or difficult.

Tactical grouping of children where they feel comfortable working with other pupils in their group.

Opportunities to work individually to create a sense of independence rather than in a group.

Provide a quiet space for when the child is feeling overwhelmed.

Make a sensitive judgement when performing to the class (as a group or individually) judge what children this would be overwhelming for and implement provisions for this Eg- two

Incorporate EHCP strategies and targets throughout the lesson

Awareness of any triggers for children within the lesson. Strategies to diffuse any behaviour or emotional issues.

Sensory and Physical

Creating a calm and purposeful environment which is clutter free and ready laid out with equipment to avoid any time loss

Seating position to reduce sensory issues

Sensory aids – headphones, chews, fidgets

groups perform at once or as a group to deflect attention from the child

Sensory diet prior to lesson

Access to adapted equipment or ICT to overcome difficulties with mobility or manipulative skills

Resources and activities adapted for pupils with physical disabilities.

Fleetwood Town intervention to target children needing further development with their fine and gross motor skills. Also target children who do not access the extra curricular activities offered after school and outside of school.

Incorporate EHCP strategies and targets throughout the lesson.

Implementation of the ‘Fizzy Training’ for gross motor skills within PE lessons to further develop children's skills.

Tactical grouping of children to provide further scaffolding for pupils..

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