SAVVY The Business Magazine January 2021

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Go into a New Year with Goals The holidays are an exciting time for all: families gather together for the first time all year, holiday music and happy shoppers fill the stores, and your email, mailbox, and social media feeds are overloaded with holiday deals and promotions. So, how do you, as a small business owner, make your name heard above all the other “Black Friday deals” and “Doorbuster sales”? What if you can’t offer as great of a deal as bigger businesses can?

1. Leverage Your Unique Selling Point (USP) What sets you apart from others and makes people choose to do business with you instead of someone else still stands true during the holidays. Take your USP and promote it everywhere!! 2. Create a Sense of Urgency What do all of the Black Friday and doorbuster sales do best? They create that “I need it now” mentality. They don’t leave any time for consumers to mull over it and change their mind. It’s either you buy it now or the deal is gone forever. You can implement this into your own marketing using phrases like “one-day only”, “only while supplies last”, “today only”, and “doorbuster sales start at XX:XX on XX/XX”. 3. Laser-Focus Your Efforts Now is not the time to be trying to grow and be seen on all marketing platforms. Pick the one or two that have been most successful for you and run with it. You can get back to building your brand awareness on TikTok in January, but for now, it’s most important to put your marketing money and time into the platforms with the highest ROI for you. Develop a creative marketing strategy with as much of a marketing budget as you can for those platforms and GO!

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4. Go Off the Grid Look at what everyone else is doing – and don’t do it. How do you get people to notice you when big businesses have flashing lights and billboards the size of your entire office/store? You do the opposite. Think about publishing a black and white ad on a page of all colored, holiday-themed advertisements, or create a how-to holiday cookie decorating video with one of your team members. Think outside the box to catch the attention of consumers. 5. Don’t Forget the Loyals Your customer based is comprised of up to 20% loyal customers, which account for up to 50% of your sales – all the time, not just during the holiday season (The Balance Small Business). •

Remember what you can about them. Did they tell you last month that their granddaughter was coming into town? Ask them how the visit was next time you talk.

Offer an exclusive deal for loyal customers. This is simple and all you have to do is send out an email blast to past customers.

Create a customer loyalty program. Not only will they feel like they’re a part of a smaller, exclusive part of your organization, they’ll also keep coming back to use their rewards, “points”, or discounts.

Marketing in general can be tricky, especially during the holidays when everyone is putting their best foot forward and offering their greatest deals of the year. The most important thing to remember is to be creative. If you can catch someone’s attention with how unique or out-of-the-box your marketing is, then you’ve captured the customer. Also, be strategic on your deals and promotions. Ask yourself “What is going to get them into my store or to pick up the phone to call me, and then what is going to sell them once they’re here?” Think about some of the emails you receive and the deals you see that you just fall for and “have to have”. If you need help determining your USP, what platforms produce the best ROI for you, or what string of the ABC’s to use on your PPC, reach out to our team at Needham Solutions! We can work with you on a marketing consulting basis to help guide you in the right direction, or develop and execute a marketing plan for you so you don’t have to worry about a thing!

Get started reviewing your brand, unique differentiators, and more to prepare your business to get and stay ahead of your competition in 2021. By downloading the Brand Audit and Market Analysis workbook, you'll be able to redefine your ideal positioning, target audience, and how your brand stacks up against your competitors. Knowing these factors will allow you to stay focused on your business, and its initiatives and goals so that you can better plan for growth this year and be prepared for next holiday season! Should you need (or want) any assistance going through the workbook or help performing your 2021 marketing and creative initiatives, please contact us at or +1 602-586-1615. 5 of 20

Over 2 years ago, my doctor told me I have anxiety and depression. That's not easy to hear. I honestly didn't know much about it, and I was scared. At the time, no one I knew struggled with this. However, when I started to speak out about it, I realized almost everyone I knew struggled with their mental health. Mental health is something I believe we should all educate ourselves more on. That way, we can better take care of ourselves and others. I've talked with multiple therapists, read books on mental health, and started following several mental health pages on Instagram. I finally feel like I'm beginning to understand mental health. Here are my top 5 keys I believe everyone should know about Mental Health. 1: It's Okay To Not Be Okay As soon as I was diagnosed with my mental illnesses, I was heading off to Canada's east side. Somewhere I'd never been, and a completely different country than my family. I was going there to serve a mission for the Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I would be there for 18 months. I was scared. For the first couple of months in Canada, I came to realize this 1st key. That it's 100% completely okay to not be okay. A lot of people don't get that. Take social media, for example. Everyone shows their best self. No one sees the tears, trials, and heartache that lies behind those photos. Once I realized that I didn't have to act like I had it all together, I felt free. Once I let my emotions show to others, especially on social media, I understood myself more and what I was feeling. Since realizing that it's okay to not be okay all the time, I've felt a stronger connection to myself and have given myself more grace. This is so important for all of us to do.

2: Don't Be Ashamed To Get The Help You Need At times, those of us who deal with any sort of mental illness are ashamed. It's not easy to share what we're going through. We don't want other people to see our weaknesses. It's like we put on a mask in public only to rip it off when we get home and feel all of the emotions. It didn't take long for me to realize that I needed help with what I was going through. I didn't know anything about depression or anxiety. I didn't understand why I felt like I couldn't breathe when I woke up, and why on the sunniest and happiest days, I felt like I got hit by a truck. I did not understand. It was around 7 months after I was diagnosed that I started to see a therapist. To say that she changed my life is an understatement. I would not be where I am today, doing as well as I am, without talking to a therapist and getting the help I needed. She was able to teach me so much more about what I was going through, and it was amazing! She would precisely describe how I felt and give me tips and tricks to better cope with it. She changed my whole perspective on mental health. Fast forward two years later, while I was in college. I was set up with a school therapist, and she just didn't fit my needs. She was a great person and therapist, but not for me. I think it's important to understand that you may not find the right therapist for you on the first try. Sometimes you will struggle to find a connection. That is okay! Do not give up. 3: Educate Yourself This next key has become extremely important to me. Over the past few years, I have come across coaches, friends, and even family members who don't understand mental health severity. I've been told that it seems like I'm faking my mental illnesses and that I just need to "suck it up." When things like this happen, it doesn't make me upset or angry - it makes me sad! Chances are incredibly high that there is someone close to you who is struggling with their mental health. It could be your wife, father, child, student, or co-worker. Imagine how they would feel to hear you say "suck it up" or "snap out of it." Mental health is just as important as physical health. You would never say these things to someone who newly got diagnosed with cancer or diabetes. So what do you need to do? Educate yourself. There are so many resources to help you do this. It can even be as simple as following mental health accounts on Instagram! There are hundreds of articles and books about depression, anxiety, bipolar, eating disorders, etc. I love listening to different podcasts about mental health as well! However you choose to educate yourself, please just do it. 4: Be Aware Of Others You never know what people are going through. This is why I believe kindness is one of the number one attributes we as humans need to develop. Actress and singer-songwriter India de Beaufort said, "Awareness of others is a beautiful thing. Learning how to support and encourage, and stopping long enough to pay attention to someone other than yourself, is a truly beautiful quality" When we look outside of ourselves and pay closer attention to those around us, we can begin to be more aware and sensitive to their feelings. This is the only way to know if someone you care about is going through a trial. Through my experience, I've noticed that the more vulnerable I am, and the more open I can be, the more comfortable people are to talk to me. I try so hard to be approachable so that if someone is struggling and needs to talk, they know they can come to me! Whether it's in person, over the phone, or through social

media, I love talking to others about mental health and seeing how we can help each other! Something that has really helped me is when my parents and fiance take the time to ask me how I'm doing. It's so simple, but it helps me know they are open for me to talk to them. Usually, they can tell when something is "off" and will ask if they can help in any way. I'll be honest, a lot of the time, there's not much anyone can do for me, but just knowing they are there to support and comfort me is everything I need. If you've read up to this point, you probably have someone in mind that may be struggling. Maybe it's you, and you need to take some self-care time. All I ask is that you reach out to whoever is on your mind. Often, if we are struggling, we hesitate to talk about it because of the fear of being judged. So when someone reaches out to us instead, it means the world! I will tell you this though, you may reach out to someone you think is struggling, and they say they are completely fine. That may be true, but in most cases, they're simply not ready to talk. However, the simple fact that they know you are there if they need anything is vital. You may be the guardian angel they are looking for. 5: End The Stigma Every key we have talked about is extremely important, but this might be the most important. There are many different stigmas in the world, but the stigma surrounding mental health is hugely harmful. This stigma involves so many negative and discriminatory attitudes about mental illness and those who struggle with it. I once was guilty of this. I didn't understand how serious mental health was and honestly thought people were faking it at times. I am ashamed that I used to think this, but it helps me understand why others would feel this way. It wasn't until I experienced it myself that I truly understood how real mental illness is. I am very passionate about helping to end the stigma surrounding mental health. When I came home from college, I felt a strong desire that I needed to do something to raise awareness. I did a fundraiser where I raised over $700 to put towards the Kevin Love Fund, but that wasn't enough. I recently created my own website (, where I am selling stickers to raise awareness about mental health! A portion of the proceeds goes to the Kevin Love Fund. I'm excited to start this journey of helping others with their mental health, raising awareness, and ending the stigma. To follow my journey, you can follow me @tiaheggie on Instagram.

The images are the stickers from “End the Stigma� website. To purchase go to the website

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Book Signing

Prepare for the BIG Day

You’ll likely also need to do some of the setup and prep work as well, and you’ll need to be sure you’ve got plenty of supplies on hand. Spend some time arranging your table and materials. Try to set up near the front door if at all possible. If you’re stuck in the back of the store, you’ll have a lot less traffic. Post your “Author Appearance Today” signage, arrange a stack of books on the table, and get ready to greet your public. Be sure to arrive at least a few minutes early so you can get to know the location. You’ll want to know where the bathroom is, where you can stash extra copies of yours. Besides, take a few minutes to meet and chat with every member of the staff. They are in a position to help you sell more books, so going out of your way to being kind to them is critical to your success. Make a Packing List Just as if you’re packing for a trip, you’ll want to “pack” for your book signing. For starters, bring with you: - Pens - Bookmarks (how many?) _______ - Water - Candies - Books (how many?) ___________ - CC machine/cash for change - An assistant (who?) ______________________________ Start With a Reading Depending on your subject matter, a short reading may be expected at a book signing. Of course, this is where most authors freeze up in fear and begin to make excuses about why they don’t speak in public. Here’s the truth, though: no one is better suited to read your book to an audience than you are. After all, only you know the precise inflections you intended when you wrote every sentence. So now is not the time to be shy. Step up to the podium with confidence and give your fans what they came to see. Some tips to help you get through your first – or fiftieth – live reading: - Keep it short. Aim for no more than 10 minutes. - Make eye contact with audience members. - Practice ahead of time and record yourself if possible so that you can spot problems ahead of time. - Smile. Greet the audience with genuine warmth. - Relax. It’s just a reading, not the state of the union address. Choose The Passage You’ll Read You probably love all parts of your book, so it might be a good idea to get some input from friends and beta readers about what sections they found incredibly inspirational, moving, or meaningful.

Follow-up with a Q&A One thing people love about book signings is the opportunity to ask questions of the author. They’ll want to know how you got started in your field, how you did your research, what this or that celebrity is like, how they can become a writer, and a host of other things about you, your book, and your career. Again, relax, be yourself, smile a lot, and be sure to thank everyone for their participation and for taking the time to come out. Time to sign some books! Finally, it’s time to get out your favorite pen and sign some books! Be sure to smile a lot, greet everyone personally, and do more than sign your name. It’s good practice to write a little something inside each book. You don’t have to stress over a personal message, though. Instead, come up with one or two lines ahead of time that match your book and personality and sign each one the same. For example, if you’ve written a self-help book, you might sign each book: “To NAME – Never stop striving for the best! YOUR NAME” Even though you’re signing each book the same, to your guests, it will feel personal. Just remember always to include their name. If there are books left at the end of your event, you might offer to sign and leave them. Be sure to add a sticker that says “Signed by the author” to the cover so that readers will know. After the Event Now that your big day is done, it’s time for a huge sigh of relief – not to mention a few pats on the back for a job well done. But don’t rest too long because there is still a bit of work to be done to ensure you have the best possible results from your event. First, be sure to reach out to your hosts with a well-deserved and sincere “Thank you!” Chances are, these folks worked nearly as hard as you to make the event run smoothly, so they certainly earned your gratitude. Consider sending a hand-written thank you card (remember those?), some flowers, or even an edible bouquet or gift basket. Be sure to mention everyone on the staff that went above and beyond to make your event shine. Your thanks will help ensure that they’ll be more than happy to play host next time you have an event. Book Signing Benefits for Every Author – Even Newbies You don’t have to be New York Best Seller to reap the rewards of a well-planned and executed book-signing event. The personal interaction and meet & greet style of a book signing allows potential fans to get to know you in a way that can’t happen in a blog or even on social media. A great book-signing event gives you: • Good press opportunities • More sales • Better audience reach • Raving fans Here’s the critical takeaway, though, if you want to reap those rewards: Careful planning. Put thought into your audience, the appropriate venues, the format of your event, and what you want to accomplish with it, and you will see more success than you can imagine!

Jump on Is Clubhouse right for your business? Clubhouse is only the hottest new beta app launched in 2020. This app is audio only. Why is this important? Think of Clubhouse as a podcast on steroids. It is a genuine opportunity to share with your audience and have your audience respond back in real time. It is like being on stage with your blindfolds on. How is that even possible? Well it is the only platform that used in real time with you “live” that you don’t have to get dressed or worry about putting on makeup or even lipstick. All you have to do is show up and operate in your area of expertise. You can deliver a message, share information, and conduct hot seats all while showing up as the expert that you are or aren’t. Smile! As with any social platform there are a lot of “experts,” please do your research before you decide to invest in working with them. Well, on the Clubhouse app. You have a “stage” and an audience. There are two groups of people in the audience. The first group in the audience is what I would like to call the front row or the VIP section. This is the group of people in the audience that are followed by the speakers and also the set of people closest to the “stage.” Moderators are identified by a green dot and known as the leader or leaders in the room. Speakers consist of and other people from the audience that are on the “stage.” The second group of people in the room are the other people in the room which may consist of people who have wandered in from the “hallway” or were drawn to the room based on the title or topic. People in the audience may request being on stage by raising their virtual hand to request to ask a question or add to the current conversation. Clubhouse is set up in the form of rooms each room covers a different topic. The only two downsides at this moment is that you are unable to record the room discussions and you must use Twitter or Instagram in order to direct message or chat with a potential customer outside of the app. There are also Clubs inside of the app. Clubs are the Clubhouse equivalent of Facebook Groups. You may request a club only after you have served as a Moderator or “led” a room for at least three times on the same or similar topic. Right now! Clubhouse is one of the hottest tickets in town! People are even “selling” invites from $500 to 5K. I would like to caution you to cherish invitations if you are lucky enough to receive an invite to the app. Once you invite someone, your name is forever connected to that person while they are on the app so be careful. I also suggest that you have a conversation with someone before you send them an invite. Why? There are two different reasons. First, there is definitely a feeling of FOMO or Fear of Missing Out surrounding the ability to secure an invite. Despite FOMO, someone people revel in the ability to join Clubhouse and then they are not active. Their level of activity on the app has an impact on whether or not you “earn” more invites. Additionally, if you send an invite and the person does not have an iPhone or an iPad that invite is lost forever. If you are interested in joining, please network with your friends and business connections if you are not already on the app. You don’t want to post in a group and ask if anyone has an extra invite. You want to have a personal connection or at least a familiarity with someone when joining the app. Finally, CAUTION!! Clubhouse can be addictive and you can find yourself staying on the app for hours. Written by Cathy E Smith Cathy E. Smith on all major social media platforms

Written by Elizabeth Baker

There is an old Chinese Proverb that says, "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best is now." My husband introduced me to this saying when we first got married and it has stuck with me ever since. I have found motivation and hope in this short, yet powerful, sentence over the years. As I get ready to face 2021, I am reminded that I always have now to start working towards what may seem impossible because I didn't start 20 years ago. Would have it been better that I started saving money for retirement 20 years ago, when I was 17 years old... YES, of course it would have. That doesn't mean though, that I can't start NOW. It is so important to understand that just because it would have been better to start yesterday, it doesn't mean that you can't start today. Take a moment and think about that statement. What are you not allowing yourself to achieve because it would have been better if you had started last year, last month, or even last week? I can't even tell you how many times I have said the phrase, "If only I had done..." or "I wish I had known that 10 years ago!". I usually utter them in moments of selfpity and the reality is, my situation is never helped by exclaiming those hopeless statements. My piece of advice for when you find yourself in a 'should have, could have, would have' situation, stop and say to yourself instead - I have NOW and that is what matters most. You can't change the past, but you can use NOW to change your future. As 2020 comes to an end, and 2021 begins, I encourage you to take this new beginning to just get started. I am not here to teach you how to make a New Year resolution that will last past the 3rd week in January, but I am here to remind you that you can recommit to your goals on the following Monday if you have to. January 1st might be an 'ideal' time to start something big, but the truth of the matter is, that it doesn't matter who you are, what resources you have access to, or if you have never been able to achieve a New Year's resolution in the past; the only time any of us have to start something big is now. The power to start something new isn't found in dwelling on what could have been, but rather in knowing what you can do today to make things happen in the future. In my You Today Academy course I teach a concept that I believe to my very core to be true, "Use the Past to learn from, the Present to live in, and the Future to hope for". The year 2021 is our NOW, and it may not be the 'best' time to start, but it definitely the second best! So whether you are someone that loves to make New Year resolutions or not, I hope you use this time to just start planting because it’s the best option you have. 15 of 20

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.