Healthy Lifestyle Book

Page 1

Welcome to the brand “New” SaveAround® Healthy Lifestyle Edition, “Your Guide to Healthy Living”. The Healthy Lifestyle Edition has been created to assist you on your journey to better health and wellness. Our mission is to help the Southern Tier “get” and “live” healthy. We believe that “getting” and “living” healthy should be affordable for all. We know how challenging it can be to live a healthy lifestyle… So, we’ve gone out and recruited some of the area’s best, to join us, in assisting you! We have designed the Healthy Lifestyle Edition to be a resource for you, full of healthful tips, tools, discounts, expert content and more all centered around living a healthy lifestyle. Start your New Year off with “you” in mind, and make it the year “you” take control. Focusing on making small changes over time is the best approach to take when trying to live healthy. Remember, it’s about creating healthy habits that you can live with for the rest of your life. So, we encourage you to use your Healthy Lifestyle Edition to its fullest potential and claim “2014” as your year.






Welcome to the brand new SaveAround® Healthy Lifestyle Edition! This unique SaveAround® discount book is your guide to healthy living around the Southern Tier. Our mission is to help you create and maintain a life of good health and wellness. With that in mind, the Healthy Lifestyle Edition is designed to be a resource full of fitness tips, tools, discounts and more. SaveAround® wants to help you make healthy and affordable decisions. We know how challenging it can be to live a healthy lifestyle; so, we’ve recruited some of the area’s best merchants to join us in assisting you! Start your new year off with you in mind and take control. We encourage you to use your Healthy Lifestyle Edition to its fullest potential and claim 2014 as your year. Success, good health and great discounts await you…

The eatHealthy section helps you make conscious eating decisions. It’s packed full of restaurants that offer menu items that are lower in calories, vegetarian, vegan and even cater to specific dietary needs, such as gluten free.

The getActive section offers an extensive index of specialty fitness centers and entertainment facilities in the Southern Tier. Whether you are looking to explore CrossFit, Zumba, biking, running, golf or healthy activities for you and your children, this is the section for you.

The beWell section focuses on the full body experience; massages, yoga, travel and more! Center yourself and enjoy some rest and relaxation.

Lastly, the re-Style section focuses on your look: hair, nails and even clothing. This section will have your healthy, fit self looking your best!

“HEALTH • TIPS” can be found throughout the book. These information-driven guidelines were collected from the participating merchants’ websites and menus. They were not submitted by the merchants themselves. These tips were designed to offer healthy suggestions as you plan your visit to the locations listed in the book.


This book offers health, fitness and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health related advice from your healthcare professional because of something you may have read in this book. The use of any information provided in this book is solely at your own risk. The advice and information regarding diet and exercise contained in this book may not be appropriate for all individuals, especially individuals with existing health or medical problems. The information contained herein are the opinions of the author and the vendors and are not a replacement for medical advice. You should consult a physician before starting or changing any diet or exercise program. Information, advice, and opinions offered herein do not represent the opinions of SaveAround® and are solely those of the author, advertiser or vendor making the representations. There is no guarantee that following the advice or information contained herein will result in any specific health benefits for a specific individual.


TIPS FROM A TRAINER Pages 2-4 of the Healthy Lifestyle Edition contain a variety of tips from local training expert Trent Patterson. Trent is certified by the National Strength and Conditioning Association as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and is also a Certified Venice Nutrition Coach. He has been training athletes for over 17 years and understands what it takes to improve athletic performance. He recently developed the “Training For Life System” for adults. Trent’s system is specifically designed to jump start a person’s journey to becoming healthier.

7 NUTRITIONAL TIPS TO CONSIDER 1. Eat breakfast within 1 hour of waking up.

5. Don’t drink your calories. Drink more water in place of sugary drinks or high-calorie alcholic beverages.

2. Eat every 3-4 hours from the time you eat breakfast.

6. Limit your comsumption of sodium to about 2,300 mg per day.

3. Make sure each of your meals contains foods that are high in protein, complex carbohydrates, omega 3 fiber and are low on the glycemic index.

7. Keep healthy snacks nearby for the times when there are no healthy options available to you.

4. Aim for 6-8 servings of fruits and vegetables per day.


1. Seek restaurants that offer healthy menu items.

5. If you are ordering steak, choose a filet, flank or London broil. These are the leanest cuts. Trim the fat from the broiled or grilled meat and forget the sauces and/or gravies.

2. Before going to your favorite restaurant, visit the website and plan your meal!

6. Double up on veggie sides. This is a great way to gain an extra serving or two of this much needed food group.

3. Skip the bread and butter and don’t be tempted. Ask that it not be brought to your table!

7. Dessert is okay. Order one and share it with a friend or loved one!

4. Don’t drink your calories. Choose low-calorie cocktails and alternate water with alcohol.



1. Maintain a regular sleep schedule (even on the weekends); it will help you develop a routine as well as strengthen your inner clock.

falling asleep to give your digestive system the opportunity to rest and function properly. This will help with heartburn and will minimize restroom visits during the night, which will disrupt your sleep.

2. Create a relaxing atmosphere; be sure your pillows, mattress and bedding are comfortable.

5. Avoid coffee, tea, chocolate and alcohol before bed. All of these contain stimulants that can remain in your body for up to 5 hours and disrupt your sleep.

3. Make sure that your bedroom is conducive to sleep. Don’t watch TV, eat or read in bed. Keep your room at a comfortable temperature, quiet and dark.

6. Be sure to exercise during the day!

4. Avoid eating before bed. You should eat your last meal about 2-3 hours before

THE MORNING BOOST Here are some basic exercises to get your day started. Do these as soon as you get out of bed each morning. Exercises

Duration / Reps

March in Place Swinging Arms..............(30 Times Counting Right Step) Jumping Jacks.........................................(25 Reps) Russian Squats (Body Weight Squats)....(25 Reps) Push Ups.................................................(25 Reps)

Abs / Low Back (Your Choice)...............(25 Reps of Each)



All calorie burning calculation information has been provided by For more calorie burning activity calculations please visit

Strength Training- Climbing the rock wall at Chuckster’s will

Bike Riding- BC Bicycles offers an excellent selection of bicycles

Golfing- When you play 9 holes of golf at The Links, River Run II

Yoga- Practicing Yoga at Evolve Hot Yoga or Binghamton Yoga

wake up some unused muscles, engaging your body from fingertips to toes. This activity can burn close to 950 calories for the average person during 90 minutes of climbing.

that act as a tool, buliding strength, muscle and stamina while burning calories. Riding a bike for 90 minutes on flat ground while exerting minimal effort will burn approximately 625 calories.

or Endwell Greens you will burn approximately 720 calories while walking the course, 715 calories using a push cart, 615 calories using a caddie and 400 calories riding a motorized golf cart. Riding the course offers approximately .5 miles of walking, while walking the course in its entirety will add up to 2.5 miles.

can reduce health problems and stress. Yoga can be used as a complete exercise program and physical therapy routine. Most classes last about 1 hour and will burn approximately 300 calories per class for a person with an average build.

Massage- After calorie burning exercise, it is healthy to treat your

Walking- Walking 10,000 steps a day equals approximately 5 miles.

muscles to a rub down. There are several benefits to massage. Enjoy relaxation, pain relief, reduced depression, and temporarily reduced blood pressure and heart rate with a massage from a local therapist at Therapeutic Healing Hands or Essential.

The walk at Ross Park Zoo takes about 1 hour and is .75 miles each way! That’s approximately 300 calories burned for an average person.

Bowling- When bowling at Ideal, Laurel or Midway, you can burn approximately 260 calories/hour for a 145lb. person. Bowling is family friendly, engages all ages and ftiness levels and provides a safe space to socialize. Bowling can also help reduce stress.

Pg. . N.p.. Web. 4 Nov 2013. <>.

• Set realistic goals for getting fit and staying in shape. This needs to be a lifelong, lifestyle commitment to you. • Recruit a training partner. This holds you accountable. • Aim for 3-4 days of resistance training per week. • Aim to get at least 30 minutes of cardio in every day. • Try getting a couple of extra morning workouts in each week.


• Building muscle boosts your metabolism. Muscle burns more calories than fat.

• Make the decision to exercise. Staying a routine is key.

• Keep your training fresh by trying new things. • Exercise to reduce stress.

• Your exercise routine should consist of: flexibility, strength training, core training, balance, stability and conditioning.

• Be patient and don’t give up! There will be ups and downs. When you are dealing with the downs, get back in the game as soon as you can!!!

• Committ to a workout time.

Remember to consult your doctor if you experience any unusual pain.


TIPS FROM A NUTRITIONIST You have heard we need 5–9 servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Yikes! How can we get this? It may seem impossible, but let’s see how we can get it in. A serving of a vegetable equals ½ cup cooked or 1 cup raw. Fruit – one serving is a medium sized piece of fruit – think of a tennis ball – if the fruit is an apricot – have two. Oranges – have one. Strawberries eat a whole cup. So let’s look at a typical day which

includes the servings suggested: Add these fruits and vegetables to a meal and you will get your 5 – 9. Breakfast: Add 1 cup frozen berries to a shake or bowl of cereal = 1 Lunch: Have a tossed salad (dark leaf only-no iceberg). Measure out 4 cups raw salad greens = 4 servings of vegetables. Add 1 cup cut up raw veggies; cucumber, radish, carrots, etc. = 5 servings!

Snack: 1 apple = 7 servings so far and we haven’t even had dinner! Dinner: Steamed broccoli – 1 cup = 2 servings WOW! 9 servings of fruits and veggies!!! Now that wasn’t so hard. Remember to have a variety of fruits and vegetables each day for better health!! Michele L. Moelder, CN Certified Nutritionist (AHSU) First Line Therapy Health Care Provider

A MESSAGE FROM:Twin Brook Farm All Grass Fed Beef Here at Twin Brook Farm we raise our beef the natural way. Beef and other ruminants have the ability to grow and flourish on grass only. They do not need grain. Grain helps them to grow faster but not healthier. Grass fed beef has a very healthy omega 6-3 ratio. Grass produces omega 3 and grain produces omega 6. My beef has a ratio of 2 (omega 6) to (1 omega 3). This is a very healthy ratio. Grass fed beef has 4-5 times more C.L.A. (conjugated linoleum acid) which fights cancer, is helpful against diabetes II and helps to keep arteries clean. It has less fat and therefore less calories. The fat content is similar to skinless chicken or wild game. This healthy

level of fat is necessary for the beef to maintain immunities and contributes to the overall flavor of the beef. It has 20 times as much beta-carotene. There is lower risk of E-coli ( E-coli thrives in an acidic environment, like the stomach of grain fed beef). It also has 3-6 times the vitamin E. More info about grass fed beef can be found at www.eatwild .com

For more information I can be contacted at or 607 687 4053

Because of these specific health benefits and because of the benefits of the soil and the environment, I began raising all grass fed beef 15 years ago. I am so glad I made the change and now I can make available to you a healthy and mineral rich beef. Marvin, Moyer. N.p.. Web. 5 Nov 2013. <>.


Being healthy is about leading a healthy lifestyle that includes routine healthy eating, exercise and getting enough sleep. The number on a scale or the size clothes you wear is not always an indicator of health! In fact, there are many people that visually appear to be thin yet they do not exercise, they smoke and eat garbage foods. One can argue, are they truly “healthy”? Local author and registered dietitian, Molly Morgan, in her book The Skinny Rules, outlines 101 rules to encourage, guide and motivate readers to make changes to better their lifestyle. Rule #1 in the book is “Believe You Can Be Skinny”. So often people get frustrated when trying to lose weight that the weight isn’t coming off fast enough or they get “stuck” at a weight and although they are still eating healthy and exercising, the scale does not budge. How to break through this, you must believe in yourself and know that with persistence you can meet your goals, keep the weight off and ultimately improve how you feel and your health! How can you shift your thinking to help motivate change and stay focused? Start by thinking positive and know that you can do it and meet your goal. Sleep, sleep, sleep! How much sleep you are getting could be impacting your weight! Rule #2 in her book is “Hit the Pillow”. Research links lack of sleep (less than 7 hours) with increased odds for being overweight and having a higher body fat percentage. How does this happen? Sleep affects the levels of two powerful hormones in the body that regulate appetite: leptin and ghrelin.

Leptin tells your brain to stop eating when you are full and when you sleep, leptin levels in the body increase. Ghrelin on the other hand tells your brain when you need to eat and while you sleep ghrelin levels decrease because the body needs less energy. Yet, when you are sleep deprived ghrelin levels increase resulting in an increased appetite. A tip to getting a good night’s sleep: Have dinner 2–3 hours before going to bed to allow your body plenty of time to digest the food, this may help you sleep more soundly. Watch your BLTs! Every bite, lick or taste of food you consume has calories and when you are trying to lose or maintain weight, keeping your calorie intake in check is essential. A taste here and a taste there of foods during meal preparation, while cleaning up dinner or from the kid’s plates can pile up in a hurry. Many times, quick bites of foods are mindless as well, like a lick of peanut butter after making a sandwich. One ounce of peanut butter has 165 calories and although that is a large ‘lick’ of peanut butter, it can be easy to mindlessly eat that much or more! If you are going to have a B, L, or T, try this tip: place the food on your plate or in a bowl to help increase the awareness of just how much you are having. Molly Morgan is a Board Certified Sports Specialist Dietitian, the owner of Creative Nutrition Solutions, and


WHAT IS “SKINNY”? author of The Skinny Rules. Her work focuses on developing custom nutrition programs that yield results. Molly’s impressive list of clients includes Fortune 500 companies, national brands, and professional sports teams including the Binghamton and Ottawa Senators (AHL/NHL) hockey teams. Numerous media outlets and magazines work with Molly on a routine basis, including: 10! Show, CNN, Fitness, Men’s Health, Reader’s Digest, Self, Shape, and Women’s Health. Molly completed her nutrition degree and coordinated practice in clinical dietetics at the State University at Buffalo and maintains her nutrition knowledge through continuing education. She is an appointed member of the American Dietetic Association Consumer Health Informatics Workgroup, a media representative for the New York State Dietetic Association, and a past president of the Southern Tier Dietetics Association. Additionally she is a member of many groups including: American Dietetic Association, New York State Dietetic Association, and Sports Cardiovascular and Nutrition. Molly lives in Upstate, New York with her husband and her two sons.

As the pace of life seems to be ever quickening, look to make healthy decisions while on-the-go. Many restaurants are adding calorie counts to their menus or labeling items under a certain calorie level. Getting healthy has become a trend and restaurants are stepping up to help. Another great strategy, especially when dining out, is to substitute extra fruits and vegetables for other side dishes that may contain more calories and a higher fat content. This eatHealthy section contains a variety of local restaurants that offer healthier menu items, many of which are labeled with calorie counts.

Arby's ........................................................................................................15 Burger King..............................................................................................13 Domino's Pizza ........................................................................................19 Down To Earth Whole Foods.................................................................11 Health Beat Natural Foods & Deli .......................................................... 9 hoopla! Frozen Yogurt ...........................................................................19 IHOP..........................................................................................................17 KFC ............................................................................................................17 McDonald's ..............................................................................................13 Moe's Southwest Grill ............................................................................17 Molly Morgan R.D., CDN.......................................................................... 8 Nēzüntōz ..................................................................................................19 Subway.....................................................................................................15 Whole in the Wall Restaurant, The.......................................................11 077

Get your copy of Molly’s books, where books are sold!

Coming in SPRING 2014: The Skinny Rules 8

• Grab & Go Deli

• Fresh Organic Produce

Mon.-Fri. 9:00am-8:00pm Sat. 10:00am-6:00pm

Sun. 10:00am-4:00pm

Available programs through nutritionist: • Ondamed session • Weight loss program • Nutrition evaluation • Smoking cessation • Ion foot spa detox



• Bulk Organic Coffee


Buy One Natural Food Deli Item at the regular cost and receive a Second Item of equal or lesser value Half Price.

Enjoy 10% OFF your entire Store Purchase.

214 Main St., Johnson City, NY 13790 (607) 797-1001


Cannot combine with other offers. Not available on sale items or pre-orders.

• Quality Vitamins & Supplements

Enjoy $25.00 OFF Initial Nutrition Consultation with Michele L. Moelder, CN.

• Local Meats

214 Main St., Johnson City, NY 13790 (607) 797-1001

• Gluten FREE Items

214 Main St., Johnson City, NY 13790 (607) 797-1001

214 Main St., Johnson City, NY 13790 (607) 797-1001

• Organic Groceries

• Quality Vitamins & Supplements • Organic Groceries

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

214 Main St., Johnson City, NY 13790 (607) 797-1001

• Gluten FREE Items

• Local Meats

• Bulk Organic Coffee

• Grab & Go Deli

Mon.-Fri. 9:00am-8:00pm Sat. 10:00am-6:00pm

10:00am-4:00pm Sun. This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

• Fresh Organic Produce

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

Available programs through nutritionist: • Ondamed session • Weight loss program • Nutrition evaluation • Smoking cessation • Ion foot spa detox



305 Grant Ave. Endicott, NY 13760 (607) 785-2338

Enjoy 10% OFF Any Purchase. Open Monday thru Friday 8am to 9pm Saturday 9am to 6pm / Sunday Noon to 6pm




Wednesday thru Saturday: 11:00 - 10:00 Sunday thru Tuesday: Closed

Cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount.

43 South Washington St. Binghamton, NY 13903 (607) 722-5138

Enjoy $3.00 OFF Any Entree or $1.00 OFF Any Light Fare.

Whole in the Wall 43 South Washington Street Binghamton, NY 13903 (607) 722-5138

305 Grant Ave. Endicott, NY 13760 (607) 785-2338

305 Grant Ave. Endicott, NY 13760 (607) 785-2338


Enjoy 20% OFF Both Purchases if you Bring a Friend.

Whole - Earth - Healthy For almost 40 years, Down to Earth Whole Foods has faithfully provided for the natural food needs in the Triple Cities and beyond. As you’ve become more aware of your health, Down to Earth has had everything you’ve needed: organic produce, vitamins and innovative natural products, a specialty bulk section, whole food groceries, allergy-aware products, even our own deli. Down To Earth provides quality products at a fair price. We not only have the widest selection in the area, we’ll special-order just about anything you can imagine. These days, it’s crucial to keep up with all of the ever-changing knowledge about health and nutrition. Down to Earth can help you make sense of it all. Start here, then stop in and get healthy!

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable. This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

Whole - Earth - Healthy For almost 40 years, Down to Earth Whole Foods has faithfully provided for the natural food needs in the Triple Cities and beyond. As you’ve become more aware of your health, Down to Earth has had everything you’ve needed: organic produce, vitamins and innovative natural products, a specialty bulk section, whole food groceries, allergy-aware products, even our own deli. Down To Earth provides quality products at a fair price. We not only have the widest selection in the area, we’ll special-order just about anything you can imagine. These days, it’s crucial to keep up with all of the ever-changing knowledge about health and nutrition. Down to Earth can help you make sense of it all. Start here, then stop in and get healthy! Open Monday thru Friday 8am to 9pm Saturday 9am to 6pm / Sunday Noon to 6pm

305 Grant Ave. Endicott, NY 13760 (607) 785-2338

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

43 South Washington St. Binghamton, NY 13903 (607) 722-5138


Wednesday thru Saturday: 11:00 - 10:00 Sunday thru Tuesday: Closed



See reverse for participating Broome County locations.


Excludes value size drinks.

Enjoy One FREE BREAKFAST SANDWICH and DRINK when a Second BREAKFAST SANDWICH and DRINK of equal or greater value is purchased. See reverse of ad for participating Broome County locations.


Enjoy One FREE McWrap® of your choice when a Second of equal or greater value is purchased.

See reverse of ad for participating Broome County locations.


Enjoy One FREE Breakfast Sandwich when a Second of equal or greater value is purchased.

Valid during breakfast hours. Not valid with Extra Value Meal®. Not valid with Sausage McMuffin® with Egg, Dollar Menu at Breakfast items, or any other offer, discount combo meal, or 2 for $3 offer. Please present coupon when ordering. Limit one coupon per visit. Limit one offer per person. Coupon may not be transferred, copied or duplicated in any way or transmitted via electronic media. Current prices and participation based on operator decision. Prices may vary. Void where prohibited. Cash value 1/20 of 1 cent. Plus tax if applicable. Price of required purchase posted on menuboard. Valid through Dec. 31, 2014. © 2013 McDonald’s Corporation.

Valid at these participating Broome County locations:

Valid during breakfast hours. Not valid with Extra Value Meal®. Not valid with Sausage McMuffin® with Egg, Dollar Menu at Breakfast items, or any other offer, discount combo meal, or 2 for $3 offer. Please present coupon when ordering. Limit one coupon per visit. Limit one offer per person. Coupon may not be transferred, copied or duplicated in any way or transmitted via electronic media. Current prices and participation based on operator decision. Prices may vary. Void where prohibited. Cash value 1/20 of 1 cent. Plus tax if applicable. Price of required purchase posted on menuboard. Valid through Dec. 31, 2014. © 2013 McDonald’s Corporation.

7774 NYS Rte. 434, Apalachin, NY 488 Court St., Binghamton, NY 167 Main St., Binghamton, NY 3 W. State St., Binghamton, NY 704 Front St., Binghamton, NY 603 E. Main St., Endicott, NY 3333 E. Main St., Endwell, NY 560 Harry L Dr., Johnson City, NY 339 Main St., Johnson City, NY Rte. 17C, Hickories Park Rd., Owego, NY 3136 Vestal Pkwy. E., Vestal, NY 30 North Rd., West Windsor, NY 2972 NY Rte. 11, Whitney Point, NY Rte. 11, Hallstead, PA

Valid at these participating Broome County locations:

1250 Front St., Binghamton, NY 290 Main St., Binghamton, NY 454 Court St., Binghamton, NY 3310 E. Main St., Endwell, NY 3100 Ash Rd., Vestal, NY 1060 Rte. 11, Hallstead, PA

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

1250 Front St., Binghamton, NY 290 Main St., Binghamton, NY 454 Court St., Binghamton, NY 3310 E. Main St., Endwell, NY 3100 Ash Rd., Vestal, NY 1060 Rte. 11, Hallstead, PA

Valid at these participating Broome County locations:




Enjoy Any Size Roast Beef Classic Combo at the regular menu price and receive a Regular Roast Beef Classic Sandwich FREE.

See reverse for participating Broome County locations.


Enjoy a FREE Regular 6-Inch Sub of your choice with the purchase of a Regular 6-Inch Sub of equal or greater value and a Fountain Drink.

See reverse of ad for participating Broome County locations.


Enjoy a FREE Regular 6-Inch Sub of your choice with the purchase of a Regular 6-Inch Sub of equal or greater value and a Fountain Drink.

See reverse of ad for participating Broome County locations.

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

Broome County locations:

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

6793 State Rte. 434, Apalachin, NY Binghamton Regional Airport, 2534 Airport Rd., Johnson City, NY Broome Community College-Student Svcs. Bldg. Subway @ Wal-Mart #5732, 2 Gannett Dr., Johnson City, NY 901 Front St., Binghamton, NY 47 Riverside Dr., Johnson City, NY 1095 Chenango St., Binghamton, NY 7164 State Rte. 38, Newark Valley, NY 1332-1336 Upper Front St., # 1, Binghamton, NY Tioga Downs Casino, 2384 W. River Rd., Nichols, NY 1175 Vestal Ave, Binghamton, NY Subway @ Walmart, 5396 State Hwy. 12, Norwich, NY 1107 Upper Front St., Binghamton, NY Norwich Shopping Plaza, 5636 State Hwy. 12, Norwich, NY 721 Upper Court St., Upper Court Plaza, Binghamton, NY 765 State Rte. 17C, Owego, NY 33 Court St., #1, Binghamton, NY 10 N. Canal St., Oxford, NY 232 Conklin Ave., Binghamton, NY 108 Rte. 369, Port Crane, NY 187 Main St., Binghamton, NY 977 Rte. 79, Richford, NY 193 Robinson St., Binghamton, NY 84 N. Main St., Sherburne, NY Citgo Gas/Mirabito C-Store, 1165 Castle Creek Rd., Castle Creek, NY Mobil Gas/Easy Mart C-Store, 49 Union St., Sidney, NY Mirabito C-Store, 54 Elm St., Delhi, NY 3801 Vestal Pkwy. E., Vestal, NY 25 Oak St., Deposit, NY 1805 Vestal Pkwy E, Vestal, NY 61 Washington Ave., Endicott, NY 108 Vestal Pkwy. E., Vestal, NY 1007 Union Center Hwy., Endicott, NY 4700 Vestal Pkwy. E., University Plaza Shopping Center, Vestal, NY 519 Hooper Rd., Endwell, NY 247 Delaware St., Walton, NY 128 Endwell Plaza, Endwell, NY 2969 US Highway 11, Whitney Point, NY 494 W. Main St., Hancock, NY 100 Main St., Windsor, NY Subway Small Mall, Inc, 365 Harry L Dr., Johnson City, NY Mountainview Plaza, RR 11 Box A-H, Hallstead, PA Oakdale Mall, Store #9, 621 Harry L Dr. & Reynolds Rd., Johnson City, NY

Valid at these participating Broome County locations: 1329 Upper Front St., Binghamton, NY Oakdale Mall, Johnson City, NY Rte. 12, Norwich, NY 1021 Rte. 17C, Owego, NY 3131 Vestal Pkwy., Vestal, NY 2946 Rte. 11, Whitney Point, NY

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

Valid at these participating Broome County locations:

1329 Upper Front St., Binghamton, NY Oakdale Mall, Johnson City, NY Rte. 12, Norwich, NY


1021 Rte. 17C, Owego, NY 3131 Vestal Pkwy., Vestal, NY 2946 Rte. 11, Whitney Point, NY



1257 Upper Front St., Binghamton, NY (607) 217-4608

See reverse for participating Broome County locations.

3612 Vestal Parkway E., Vestal, NY (607) 729-6100 VALID THRU DEC. 2014

Coupons not valid on Moe Mondays.

You and your guest are cordially invited to enjoy One Complimentary Lunch or Dinner Entree of your choice with the purchase of a Lunch or Dinner Entree of equal or greater value plus Two Large Drinks.

Valid at these participating Broome County locations:

Purchase a Three Piece Meal at the regular price and receive a Two Piece Snack and Biscuit FREE.

See reverse for participating Broome County locations.

3720 Vestal Pkwy. E. Vestal, NY


Dine in only. Valid Sun.-Thur. from 4:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.

You and your guest are cordially invited to enjoy One Complimentary Dinner Entree of your choice with the purchase of a Dinner Entree of equal or greater value. (Up to a $7.00 Value)

3720 Vestal Pkwy. E. Vestal, NY (607) 644-9051

3720 Vestal Pkwy. E. Vestal, NY (607) 644-9051 This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

1257 Upper Front St., Binghamton, NY (607) 217-4608

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

Valid at these participating Broome County locations:

3612 Vestal Parkway E., Vestal, NY (607) 729-6100 1257 Upper Front St., Binghamton, NY 3612 Vestal Parkway E., Vestal, NY

Valid at these participating Broome County locations:

Valid at these participating Broome County locations:

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

Valid at these participating Broome County locations: 165 Robinson St., Binghamton, NY 237 Main St., Binghamton, NY Main St. & Chaumont St., Endwell, NY Rte. 17C , Owego, NY Vestal Parkway & Martha Rd., Vestal, NY

165 Robinson St., Binghamton, NY 237 Main St., Binghamton, NY Main St. & Chaumont St., Endwell, NY Rte. 17C, Owego, NY Vestal Pkwy. & Martha Rd., Vestal, NY


1257 Upper Front St. Binghamton, NY

1257 Upper Front St. Binghamton, NY



Enjoy your First 3 oz. of Hoopla Frozen Yogurt FREE with Any purchase of Hoopla Frozen Yogurt. See reverse for participating Broome County locations.


For delivery or pick up.

Enjoy a FREE Medium Cheese Pizza with the purchase of a Large Two Topping Pizza.


Not valid for delivery.

Enjoy a FREE Foothill Soup or Fresh Deli Salad with the purchase of Any Signature Sandwich.

50 Pennsylvania Ave. Binghamton, NY

50 Pennsylvania Ave. Binghamton, NY (607) 722-7202

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

50 Pennsylvania Ave. Binghamton, NY (607) 722-7202

Valid at these participating Broome County locations: 1185 Vestal Ave. Binghamton, NY (607) 772-8555

122 Baldwin St. Johnson City, NY (607) 798-7177 This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

Valid at these participating Broome County locations: 1185 Vestal Ave., Binghamton, NY 108 Washington Ave., Endicott, NY 122 Baldwin St., Johnson City, NY

108 Washington Ave. Endicott, NY (607) 786-3030

1257 Upper Front St. Binghamton, NY

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.


Your body is a force that is meant to stay in motion. However, if you have ever tried to perform the same activity over and over again, you know that it can get monotonous and boring. Mix up your exercise routine! Trying new workouts is a great way to avoid workout plateaus and keep your training fresh and exciting. In this getActive section, you will find information about the benefits of strength training from local experts and special offers to a variety of fitness centers and fun activities to get the whole family moving!

Barbells of Binghamton ........................................................................35 BC Bicycles Inc.........................................................................................29 Binghamton Jewish Community Center............................................33 Binghamton ZOO at Ross Park.............................................................35 Chenango Fitness...................................................................................31 Chuckster's ..............................................................................................35 Confluence Running ..............................................................................29 Endwell Greens Golf Club & Banquet Center ....................................39 Greek Peak Mountain Resort................................................................37 Ideal Bowling Center..............................................................................41 JP Fitness Center.....................................................................................25 Laurel Bowl ..............................................................................................41 Life Fitness of the Southern Tier..........................................................22 Links at Hiawatha Landing, The...........................................................39 Midway Lanes..........................................................................................41 Oakdale Physical Therapy & Fitness....................................................23 Parlor City CrossFit .................................................................................31 River Run II Golf Links ............................................................................39 Trent Patterson's Training for Life Facility..........................................27 Zumba Fitness with Instructor Diane Pierce Weiss ..........................27 2121

Arthritis Relief

• Strength training can reduce arthritis pain by up to 43%.

Balance and Flexibility

• Strength training exercises, when done properly, increase flexibility and balance, which may decrease the likelihood and severity of falls.

Strengthen Bones

• Strength training increases bone density and can reduce the risk of fractures.

Weight Maintenance

Benefits of Strength Training

• Strength training is crucial to controlling weight. Individuals with more muscle mass have a higher metabolic rate. Muscle is active tissue that consumes calories while stored fat uses very little energy.

Everyone stands to benefit from strength training. Research has shown that strength training exercises are both safe and effective for both men and women of all ages, including those who are not in perfect health.

Improved Sleep

There are numerous benefits to strength training on a regular basis, particularly as you grow older. It can also be very powerful in reducing the signs and symptoms of numerous diseases and chronic conditions, such as:

• Fall asleep quicker, sleep more sound and sleep longer.

The following link found at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( has been sent by Physical Activity: Strength Training for Older Adults: Why strength training? | DNPAO | CDC CDC, . N.p.. Web. 4 Nov 2013. <>.


general fitness: basic weight loss and prenatal/postnatal

TRAINING IN TWOS friends or spouses


includes mat, apparatus, props


medical exercise specialist services and electrical muscle stimulation

Free consultations...(607) 238-1144 22

Enjoy 20% OFF of a Rock Taping Application.


Enjoy 15% OFF of a Running Analysis.


Enjoy 15% OFF of a Fitness Evaluation.


216 Reynolds Road (in Court Jester AC - West) Johnson City, NY 13790 216 Reynolds Road (in Court Jester AC - West) Johnson City, NY 13790

Know us before you need us!


• Biofreeze • Hot/Cold Packs • Theraband • Theraballs • Rock Tape • Rock Sauce • TENS Units and much more!

216 Reynolds Road (in Court Jester AC - West) Johnson City, NY 13790


216 Reynolds Road (in Court Jester AC - West) Johnson City, NY 13790


• PT for Relief of Neck & Back Problems • Personal Training for Strength, Balance, Flexibility & Athletic Enhancement • Physical Therapy for Recovery of Health & Independence • Running Analysis • Aqua Therapy • Kinesiology Taping, FMS/SFMA, Spinal Decompression, Deep Tissue Laser Therapy • Golf Strong

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

Know us before you need us!

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.


• PT for Relief of Neck & Back Problems • Personal Training for Strength, Balance, Flexibility & Athletic Enhancement • Physical Therapy for Recovery of Health & Independence • Running Analysis • Aqua Therapy • Kinesiology Taping, FMS/SFMA, Spinal Decompression, Deep Tissue Laser Therapy • Golf Strong This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.


• Biofreeze • Hot/Cold Packs • Theraband • Theraballs • Rock Tape • Rock Sauce • TENS Units and much more!

216 Reynolds Road (in Court Jester AC - West) Johnson City, NY 13790


State of the Art



in the Southern Tier

• Zumba • Step • Spin • Pilates • Yoga • Kettle Bell Pump Class • Tabata • TRX • Kickboxing • Boot Camps • Youth Kickboxing and Youth Boot Camp




Gym Memberships & Personal Training Offered Buy One Full Membership, get One FREE.

32-36 Washington Ave. on the 2nd floor - Endicott


Enjoy 50% OFF One Personal Training Session.


Buy One Full Membership, get One FREE.

32-36 Washington Ave. on the 2nd floor - Endicott

At The

32-36 Washington Ave. on the 2nd floor - Endicott

NEW LOCATION! 32-36 Washington Ave. on the 2nd floor - Endicott

NEW LOCATION! 32-36 Washington Ave. on the 2nd floor - Endicott This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.




Gym Memberships & Personal Training Offered This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

in the Southern Tier

• Zumba • Step • Spin • Pilates • Yoga • Kettle Bell Pump Class • Tabata • TRX • Kickboxing • Boot Camps • Youth Kickboxing and Youth Boot Camp

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.




Enjoy One FREE Class. ($10.00 Value)

Prices: Regular Class: $10

Class Card: Buy 5 Classes for $50 get 2 Free

1019 Middle Stella Ireland Rd. Binghamton, NY (607) 624-8898 27

1019 Middle Stella Ireland Rd., Binghamton, NY

Contact me for schedules or questions:

VALID THRU DEC. 2014 Reservation required.

Wednesdays 6:30-7:30pm St. Francis of Assisi Church 1051 Chenango St.


Ages 13-15 are $5 16+ are $10

Enjoy a $50.00 Discount on Any Group Workout Package.

Bring a Friend for their First Class and get Your Class for $5.00.

Kids 12 and under are FREE

Class Card: Buy 5 Classes for $50 get 2 Free

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

Prices: Regular Class: $10

Kids 12 and under are FREE

Wednesdays 6:30-7:30pm St. Francis of Assisi Church 1051 Chenango St.

Contact me for schedules or questions: This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

Ages 13-15 are $5 16+ are $10

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

1019 Middle Stella Ireland Rd. Binghamton, NY (607) 624-8898



(Up to a $10.00 Value)



Parts and Accessories

Limit 1 per customer per transaction per day. Coupon not redeemable with other offers or sale prices. Can be used on shoes, apparel, nutrition, and more!

Sales and Service VALID THRU DEC. 2014

215 Vestal Parkway E. Vestal, NY 13850 (607) 785-3772


Enjoy $50.00 OFF Any 2013 Adult Bicycle.

Enjoy $10.00 OFF Any Service over $50.00.

215 Vestal Parkway E. Vestal, NY 13850 (607) 785-3772

215 Vestal Parkway E. Vestal, NY 13850 (607) 785-3772

Enjoy $10.00 OFF Any Purchase of $50.00 or more.

46 S Washington St. Binghamton, NY 13903 (607) 217-4155

Your Family Bicycle Shop Since 1981

Your Family Bicycle Shop Since 1981

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

215 Vestal Parkway E. Vestal, NY 13850 (607) 785-3772

Sales and Service

MTB - ROAD - COMFORT - BMX EXERCISE - SKATEBOARDS This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

Parts and Accessories

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per transaction per day. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.




Buy Three Months and get One Month FREE.

70 Chenango Bridge Road Binghamton, NY 13901 607-743-9647 or 607-760-2155


One coupon each per person. May be used together.

(May not be in stock at time of payment.)

Enjoy a FREE T-Shirt when you sign up for Membership or Foundations.

1080 Chenango Street, Suite D Binghamton, NY 13901 (607) 438-3210


One coupon each per person. May be used together.

Enjoy One Week of FREE Classes. (Maximum of 6 classes.)

1080 Chenango Street, Suite D Binghamton, NY 13901 (607) 438-3210

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.


Sign up with a friend for a 3-month membership to the JCC and you will BOTH receive 50% off. Individual: $45 each. Family: $100 each. Fitness Room, yoga, aquatics, personal trainers, Pilates, gymnasium, men’s & women’s health clubs, sauna, steam room, lockers & showers.


500 Clubhouse Road Vestal, NY 13850 (607) 724-2417


Specialized Personal Training with one of our top-notch trainers! 30 minutes $20/ Member Value Price $15 45 minutes - $30/ Member Value Price $22.50 1 hour - $40/ Member Value Price $30

Best Price in Town!

500 Clubhouse Road Vestal, NY 13850 (607) 724-2417 (607) 724-2417


Fitness Room, yoga, aquatics, personal trainers, Pilates, gymnasium, men’s & women’s health clubs, sauna, 500 Clubhouse Road steam room, lockers & showers. Plus children, family & Vestal, NY 13850 adult programs.

Enjoy a One-Week FREE Membership to the JCC!

500 Clubhouse Road Vestal, NY 13850 (607) 724-2417


CPR, Lifeguarding, swim classes for youth and adults, water exercise.

Sign up for one of our Aquatics Lessons or Water Exercise classes as a non-member and get a free 1-week guest pass to use all of our JCC fitness facilities: Fitness Center, Gym & Pool.

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

Sign up with a friend for a 3-month membership to the JCC and you will BOTH receive 50% off. Individual: $45 each. Family: $100 each. Fitness Room, yoga, aquatics, personal trainers, Pilates, gymnasium, men’s & women’s health clubs, sauna, steam room, lockers & showers.

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

500 Clubhouse Road Vestal, NY 13850 (607) 724-2417


60 Morgan Rd. Binghamton, NY

1915 Rte. 434 Vestal, NY (607) 748-PUTT

60 MORGAN RD. BINGHAMTON, NY (607) 724-5461




245 Vestal Pkwy. E. Vestal, NY (607) 786-5115 39 Court St. Binghamton, NY (607) 238-7977

1915 Rte. 434 Vestal, NY

Within 50 Miles

(Up to a $7.00 Value)

• Supplements By Major Brand Names • Great Holiday Gifts Under $100

Not valid during special events.

Enjoy a Two for One Climbing Session.

(With Lifetime Warranty)


Enjoy 10% OFF Any Purchase over $100.00.

245 Vestal Pkwy. E., Vestal, NY (607) 786-5115 39 Court St., Binghamton, NY (607) 238-7977

• FREE Delivery & Set Up

Enjoy One FREE Admission with the purchase of an Admission of equal or greater value.

• Home Gyms By Body Solid

Hours: M-F 10-7; Sat. 10-5; Sun. 12-4

• Home Gyms By Body Solid

• Supplements By Major Brand Names • Great Holiday Gifts Under $100

Within 50 Miles

1915 Rte. 434 Vestal, NY (607) 748-PUTT This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

60 MORGAN RD. BINGHAMTON, NY (607) 724-5461

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.


Hours: M-F 10-7; Sat. 10-5; Sun. 12-4 245 Vestal Pkwy. E. Vestal, NY (607) 786-5115 39 Court St. Binghamton, NY (607) 238-7977

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

• FREE Delivery & Set Up

(With Lifetime Warranty)

2000 Rte. 392 Cortland, NY





Valid Monday through Thursday all day. Valid Friday until 4:00 pm.

Valid Monday through Thursday all day. Valid Friday until 4:00 pm.

Valid Monday through Thursday all day. Valid Friday until 4:00 pm.

2000 Rte. 392 Cortland, NY

Enjoy a FREE Adult Lift Ticket with the purchase of a Full Day Lift Ticket.

Enjoy a FREE Adventure Center Pass with the purchase of an Adventure Center Pass.

Enjoy a FREE Water Park Pass with the purchase of a Water Park Pass. 2000 Rte. 392 Cortland, NY

2000 Rte. 392 Cortland, NY (800) 955-2754

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

2000 Rte. 392 Cortland, NY (800) 955-2754

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.


3675 Sally Piper Rd. Endwell, NY

3675 Sally Piper Rd. Endwell, NY (607) 785-4653


2350 Marshland Rd. Apalachin, NY

(800) 30-GOLF-3


Riding cart rental required. League play excluded. Valid Mon. – Fri. Valid Sat. – Sun. after 12:00 p.m.

Riding cart required. Not valid for league play. Not valid on holidays. Valid Mon. – Thurs. 7:00 a.m. til 11:00 a.m. and Fri. – Sun. after 12:00 p.m. 16 Fairway Dr. Kirkwood, NY

Enjoy a FREE Greens Fee with the purchase of a Greens Fee of equal or greater value.

16 Fairway Dr. Kirkwood, NY (607) 775-9280

Enjoy a FREE Greens Fee with the purchase of a Greens Fee of equal or greater value.


(Up to a $6.00 Value)

Enjoy a FREE Bag of Range Balls with the purchase of a Bag of Range Balls.

Practice Range 2350 Marshland Rd. Apalachin, NY

Practice Range 2350 Marshland Rd. Apalachin, NY This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

(800) 30-GOLF-3

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

16 Fairway Dr. Kirkwood, NY (607) 775-9280

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

3675 Sally Piper Rd. Endwell, NY (607) 785-4653



213 Jensen Rd. Vestal, NY (607) 729-3538


Not valid during Rock-N-Bowl.

Enjoy Three FREE Games of Open Bowling for the Second Person when the First Person pays for Three Games at regular adult prices.


Enjoy Three FREE Games for the Second Person when the First Person pays for Three Games.

137 Laurel Ave. Binghamton, NY 607) 723-8344

119 Jennings St. Endicott, NY (607) 748-3546


Not valid for Moonlight Bowling. Under new ownership.

Enjoy Three FREE Games for the Second Person when the First Person pays for Three Games at adult prices.

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.


A total body approach to health and wellness is very important. This beWell section contains information from local experts about topics such as treating chronic pain and maintaining a healthy mouth. We’ve provided you with a large directory of local healthcare providers, dentists, chiropractors, massage therapists, and nutritionists to guide you in your journey to improve your health. As if that’s not enough, beWell also features discounts to yoga and Pilates studios, the SALT sanctuary and other specialized wellness services meant to improve your mind, body and soul!

Ann Szymaniak ............................................................................................. 53 Barnett Chiropractic...................................................................................... 49 Better Now!..................................................................................................... 59 Binghamton Yoga .......................................................................................... 59 Body Lab, The ................................................................................................. 51 eatrightfitness................................................................................................ 57 Essential Bodyworks ..................................................................................... 51 Evolve Hot Yoga ............................................................................................ 55 FMK Karate...................................................................................................... 59 Inspirational Yoga with Janis....................................................................... 57 Inspire Fitness ................................................................................................ 57 Keeping It Kleen............................................................................................. 47 Marusich and Conti Dental ......................................................................... 48 Salt Sanctuary ................................................................................................ 51 Soothing Therapeutic Massage .................................................................. 49 Southern Tier Medical................................................................................... 47 Southern Tier Surgical Clinic ....................................................................... 46 The Pilates Salon............................................................................................ 49 Therapeutic Healing Hands......................................................................... 53 Therapeutic Pulse.......................................................................................... 55 UHS .................................................................................................................. 48 Whitney Point Wellness Center................................................................... 61 4433

TREATING CHRONIC PAIN There are many nonmedicinal treatments for pain to be explored. You may be able to reduce your pain burden indirectly by dealing with contributing factors, such as lack of sleep, or stress. Dealing with these issues may diminish your need for pain medication. Many different neurotransmitters may be involved in your chronic pain state, so you may have to try a number of different medications before finding the combination that works for you. Many physicians may give up too soon and their patients needlessly suffer. Of course, you must do what you can to minimize your pain by being good to your body, avoiding overwork and refusing to perform activities when you are exhausted or in pain. Often however, such

preventive measures aren’t coordination skills and enough. decreased endurance This is where we come in, by abilities, although some finding which specific massage of this may be due to modality, technique or a coexisting chronic combination of a few will work myofascial pain. FMS specifically for you and your can be as disabling as acute or chronic condition. rheumatoid arthritis, and There are many circumstances about 30 percent of FMS which may lead to chronic patients cannot continue pain, including injury and in their customary various medical conditions. occupations due to their One such example is chronic unrelenting Fibromyalgia Syndrome symptoms. (FMS). FMS can be a source of substantial disability. This is especially true if you have had it for a long period of time without adequate medical support. FMS can add stress to everything you do. For Therapeutic Healing Hands example, many of us cannot 365 Harry L. Drive sit still or maintain any other Johnson City, NY 13790 position for longer than twenty (607) 238-1551 minutes without becoming stiff. Nearly everyone with FMS exhibits reduced


A HEALTHY MOUTH= A HEALTHY BODY Your body’s overall health starts here in the mouth. Obviously what you eat makes a huge impact. Proper nutrition is key.

However, you have to have a healthy dentition to chew your food properly. Missing and broken down teeth, unsupported dentures, and mobile teeth do not break food down properly. You end up swallowing larger pieces of food, which can lead to intestinal problems, and decreased uptake of essential nutrients. You must take care of your teeth! Poor oral hygiene leads to gingivitis (gum inflammation) which untreated leads to periodontal disease (bone loss), which can lead to mobility of teeth, painful gums, and tooth loss. Inflammation and infections of the gums has been linked to heart disease, diabetes, and preterm and low birth weight babies and other health problems. Consuming drinks and food high in sugar, and acidic drinks such as soda, combined with poor oral hygiene, lead to cavities. Cavities can be unsightly, painful, and left untreated lead to abscesses in teeth, which can sometimes be life threatening. The good news is, it is easily treated. Eat a better diet, and improve your home care. Proper brushing (2 minutes, twice a day), and flossing (at least once a day) is essential. Electric toothbrushes, oral irrigators, prescription and over the counter mouth rinses all help. See your dentist and hygienist at least twice a year. They will clean your teeth, check and restore your teeth, and perform an oral cancer screening, as early detection leads to better outcomes and saves lives. Keep smiling! Take care of your teeth! Roger A. Conti, DDS Marusich-Conti Dental 45





3660 George F. Highway Endwell, NY (607) 201-8964


311 Exchange Ave. Endicott, NY 13760 (607) 343-7180 Use your SaveAround™ coupon when purchasing a “10 Class Group Mat Card” for $125.00 and enjoy Two Additional Classes FREE.

3660 George F. Highway Endwell, NY (607) 201-8964

Enjoy $10.00 OFF a 60 Minute Massage.

311 Exchange Ave. Endicott, NY 13760 (607) 343-7180

“Physical fitness is the requisite of happiness.” -- Joseph Pilates VALID THRU DEC. 2014

Offer excludes Medicare recipients.

Coupon offer entitles bearer to FREE consultation, computerized spinal scans, chiropractic exam and x rays (if necessary).

534 Hooper Rd. Endwell, NY 13760 (607) 748-5291

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

“Physical fitness is the requisite of happiness.” -- Joseph Pilates

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

3660 George F. Highway Endwell, NY (607) 201-8964

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

311 Exchange Ave. Endicott, NY 13760 (607) 343-7180


32 Washington Avenue Endicott, NY 13760 (607) 621-8285

32 Washington Avenue Endicott, NY 13760 (607) 621-8285

The Body Lab Pilates & Yoga Studio is the first full-service Classical Pilates Studio in Endicott, NY. Our classes are taught by certified instructors with individual attention given to every student.

Pilates for Every Body



534 Hooper Road Endwell, NY 13760 (607) 744-8679 (607) 748-5291


(Up to a $20.00 Value)

Enjoy $20.00 OFF your first massage of 60 minutes or more.

534 Hooper Road Endwell, NY 13760 (607) 744-8679 (607) 748-5291

Buy One Pilates or Yoga Mat Class and get the Second Class FREE.

4101 Watson Blvd. Johnson City, NY


(Up to a $22.50 Value)

Enjoy 50% OFF a Salt Therapy Session.

4101 Watson Blvd. Johnson City, NY (607) 797-2381

4101 Watson Blvd. Johnson City, NY (607) 797-2381

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

534 Hooper Road Endwell, NY 13760 (607) 744-8679 (607) 748-5291 This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

32 Washington Avenue Endicott, NY 13760 (607) 621-8285

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

The Body Lab Pilates & Yoga Studio is the first full-service Classical Pilates Studio in Endicott, NY. Our classes are taught by certified instructors with individual attention given to every student.

Pilates for Every Body



All new patients will receive $10.00 OFF of their first 60 min. Combo-Intro Massage session. VALID THRU DEC. 2014

Welcome Back. Enjoy $8.00 OFF of your next 60 min Massage session. VALID THRU DEC. 2014


102 Quinn Hill Road Port Crane, New York 13833 (607) 624-2617 Therapeutic Healing Hands 365 Harry L. Drive, Johnson City, NY 13790 (607) 238-1551

Certified Kripalu Yoga Instructor Therapeutic Healing Hands 365 Harry L. Drive, Johnson City, NY 13790 (607) 238-1551

Enjoy One Complimentary Yoga Class Mon. – Tues. 6:30 p.m. at Century Chenango Church, 438 Chenango St., Binghamton, NY

102 Quinn Hill Road Port Crane, New York 13833 (607) 624-2617

Therapeutic Healing Hands 365 Harry L. Drive Johnson City, NY 13790 (607) 238-1551

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

Therapeutic Healing Hands 365 Harry L. Drive Johnson City, NY 13790 (607) 238-1551

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

102 Quinn Hill Road Port Crane, New York 13833 (607) 624-2617

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

Certified Kripalu Yoga Instructor



• Must present coupon • Limit 1 per class • New clients only • Cannot be combined with other offers VALID THRU DEC. 2014

• Must present coupon • Limit 1 per class • New clients only • Cannot be combined with other offers VALID THRU DEC. 2014

Two for One class. Bring a Friend and both take the Class for $13.00. Only $6.50 Each.

36 Oakdale Rd. Johnson City, NY 13790


Enjoy $10.00 OFF a One Hour Massage.

1110 Chenango St. Binghamton, NY 13901 (607) 221-5041

1110 Chenango St., Binghamton, NY 13901 (607) 221-5041

Two for One class. Bring a Friend and both take the Class for $13.00. Only $6.50 Each.

36 Oakdale Rd. Johnson City, NY 13790

If you’re looking for a professional massage therapist, you’ve come to the right place.

If you’re looking for a professional massage therapist, you’ve come to the right place. This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

1110 Chenango St., Binghamton, NY 13901 (607) 221-5041

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per class per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per class per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.


t: (607) 862-6EAT (607) 862-6328 m: (214) 289-7215 f: (208) 475-5797 57

Choose from: TRX Suspension Training, Schwinn Indoor Cycling, Zumba, Kickboxing, Circuit Training, Boot Camp, Yoga and HIIT Training.


Mention coupon code NY99 when setting up your initial consultation. VALID THRU DEC. 2014

All consultations are conveniently held over the phone or internet, so there is no excuse to not reach your wellness goals!


Enjoy One FREE Yoga Class. NY99

Roger E. Adams, Ph.D., CISSN

• Customized weight loss programs • Sports performance nutrition • Detailed dietary analysis

Enjoy a FREE Group Training session. New clients only.

Inspire Fitness offers:

Personal Training • TRX Suspension Training • Schwinn Indoor Cycling • Zumba • Kickboxing • Circuit Training • Boot Camp • Yoga • HIIT Training, and more!

Enjoy a $99.00 Initial Consultation Special, with 90-day commitment. Regularly $150.00

The personal attention you need at prices you can afford.

160 Vestal Pkwy East Vestal, NY. (607) 953-4122

160 Vestal Pkwy East, Vestal, NY. (607) 953-4122

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable. This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

160 Vestal Pkwy East, Vestal, NY. (607) 953-4122

The personal attention you need at prices you can afford.

Inspire Fitness offers:

Personal Training • TRX Suspension Training • Schwinn Indoor Cycling • Zumba • Kickboxing • Circuit Training • Boot Camp • Yoga • HIIT Training, and more!

Roger E. Adams, Ph.D., CISSN

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

• Customized weight loss programs • Sports performance nutrition • Detailed dietary analysis

All consultations are conveniently held over the phone or internet, so there is no excuse to not reach your wellness goals! t: (607) 862-6EAT (607) 862-6328 m: (214) 289-7215 f: (208) 475-5797 58

Sensei Frank M. Kushner Multi-Year Inductee: USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame

Martial Arts Self Defense Kickboxing

Mind-Body Strength Men, Women Children

782 Chenango St., Binghamton, NY 13901 (607) 723-9624



One Uniform per person per family.

Enjoy One FREE Karate Uniform with Any Paid Month Membership. ($30.00 Value)

782 Chenango St., Binghamton, NY 13901 (607) 723-9624

311 Exchange Ave., 2nd Fl. Endicott, NY 13760 (607) 725-8389


Enjoy $10.00 OFF Any Class Pass.

311 Exchange Ave., 2nd Fl. Endicott, NY 13760 (607) 725-8389 VALID THRU DEC. 2014

Enjoy a FREE Intro Consult and 15% OFF a Nutritional Analysis.

39 S. Washington St. Binghamton, NY

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This offer is NOT valid with other coupons or on the purchase of merchandise. SaveAround™ coupons are non transferrable.

311 Exchange Ave., 2nd Fl. Endicott, NY 13760 (607) 725-8389

Sensei Frank M. Kushner Multi-Year Inductee: USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame

Martial Arts Self Defense Kickboxing

782 Chenango St., Binghamton, NY 13901 (607) 723-9624

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

Mind-Body Strength Men, Women Children


Greenleaf Therapeutic Massage Sarah Roe, LMT

Karyn Welch Steilen Integrated Energy Therapies

Wu Acupuncture Gwanganing Wu, L.Ac.





2642 Main Street Whitney Point, NY 13862 (607) 743-4243

Enjoy a FREE Nutritional Consultation with Dr. Baxter.

2642 Main Street Whitney Point, NY 13862 (607) 743-4243

Enjoy a FREE Acupuncture Consultation with Dr. WU.

Still Waters Aromatherapy Tracie L.Baxter, LMT, CA

Enjoy a FREE Aromatherapy Consultation with Traci Baxter.

2642 Main Street Whitney Point, NY 13862 (607) 743-4243

2642 Main Street Whitney Point, NY 13862 (607) 743-4243

Whitney Point Chiropractic & Nutrition Michael A. Baxter, DC, MACN

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This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

Whitney Point Chiropractic & Nutrition Michael A. Baxter, DC, MACN

Still Waters Aromatherapy Tracie L.Baxter, LMT, CA

Greenleaf Therapeutic Massage Sarah Roe, LMT

Wu Acupuncture Gwanganing Wu, L.Ac.

2642 Main Street Whitney Point, NY 13862 (607) 743-4243

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

Karyn Welch Steilen Integrated Energy Therapies


On your journey to becoming fit and feeling good, make sure you are looking your best too! This re-Style section provides you with money-saving discounts to update your personal style. Whether you are hoping to update your wardrobe or to take a trip to the salon, let re-Style be your guide to the look you have been dreaming of.

Children's Place, The ..............................................................................67 Dick's Sporting Goods ...........................................................................69 Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores ............................................................71 Men's Wearhouse....................................................................................67 New York & Company ............................................................................67 Special Effect's Hair Design ..................................................................69 Tanning Bed.............................................................................................69 True Beauty Artistry...............................................................................65 Zinnia Salon.............................................................................................65 6633

Being in tune with your appearance keeps you motivated to make healthy choices. Taking time out of your busy schedule to pamper yourself improves your mood and boosts confidence. Taking the time out of your busy schedule to pamper yourself with a style update will improve your mood and boost your confidence. Professionals in the style industry make this experience easy and enjoyable. Consistency can be hard to achieve. Make your image a priority. The decisions you make about your physical appearance represent who you are. Like anything else in life, this takes a little bit of planning and organization. Follow these simple guidelines to get started and revisit these basic rules whenever you find yourself in a style slump. Dress- Creating your own personal style, tailored specifically to your life is a healthy decision. Choose clothes that represent “you.” Confidence is the key. Show off who you have chosen to be. Choose colors that compliment each other, your body type and your finest physical features. Keep up with the trends, but don’t go overboard. Any article of clothing that you purchase should be wearable for years to come and in all aspects of your life. Having a manageable wardrobe can simplify your morning routine and make it a breeze to get up and go. A few staples that will preserve the longevity of your wardrobe include: 1. A Simple One Tone Jacket- This jacket should be flexible in design. It should button or zip with ease and be tailored to slim your mid section. 2. A Versatile Pair of Jeans- Jeans that can be worn with either a t-shirt or a blouse under a dressy jacket are vital to a manageable wardrobe. Look for something snugger fitting with no dramatic lines or stitch. 3. The Black Dress or Suit- This is the item that you are going to want to spend a little extra on. This item will come in handy for last minute invites and professional events. This is your dress to impress go

to. Going the extra mile to get this dress or suit tailored will transform it into the perfect piece for your body type. Hair- There are many services that are available that can bring life to a dull “do.” Color and texture treatments can offer dramatic updates, while a simple cut or style can be just the boost you need to freshen up your look. Keep scheduled appointments and do not leave your salon or spa without booking your appointment for your next visit. The length of your hair and how often you process it will give you an idea of how often you will need a cut. For longer lengths, you will start to notice split ends sooner-especially if it is colored or permed. For hair that is loner than shoulder length, you will want to get your hair cut every 8-12 weeks. For shorter hair, you will start to notice the shape of your style changing before you might notice any rough ends. At this length, you will want to get your hair cut every 4 to 8 weeks. This will keep your style fresh. Skin and Nails- Healthy skin and nails are at the forefront of your full-of-life appearance. Properly hydrated skin and manicured nails offer a tidy and professional presence that will build esteem


throughout the day. This portion of your overall style requires the most day-to-day attention. In the winter months especially, our skin begins to lose moisture rapidly. It is important to exfoliate during your shower routine and moisturize immediately after. This will keep your skin smooth and healthy. For an extra boost find a revitalizing exfoliant and moisturizer with a light scent to help you wake up in the morning. Both men and women can benefit from a professional manicure. Nails should be trimmed closely to the tips of your fingers. This will cut down on chips and breaks. A professional will pay special attention to cuticles and nail beds, providing your nail with the best environment for growth. For women, keeping a clear coat of polish on the nail will offer extra protection from the elements.

Contributing Editor Jessica Bannister



Not to be used with services provided by Lori or Brenda.

1250 Vestal Parkway East Vestal, New York 13850 (607) 741-5180 Lynn Mrkus Skin Care Consultant (607) 624-2091


Enjoy One FREE Facial. ($50.00 Value)

(607) 624-2091

(Up to a $10.00 Value)

Skin Care Consultant

Enjoy $10.00 OFF Any Service of $50.00 or more.

1250 Vestal Parkway East Vestal, New York 13850 (607) 741-5180

Lynn Mrkus VALID THRU DEC. 2014

Enjoy One FREE Facial. ($50.00 Value)

Lynn Mrkus Skin Care Consultant (607) 624-2091

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Skin Care Consultant

(607) 624-2091 This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

Lynn Mrkus

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

1250 Vestal Parkway East Vestal, New York 13850 (607) 741-5180



This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.



First time customers only. VALID THRU DEC. 2014

(Up to a $20.00 Value) OR $10.00 OFF A MEN’S CUT.


Cannot be combined with any other offer. Standard visit, one per customer.

Enjoy One FREE Tanning Session.

Enjoy a FREE Manicure with the purchase of a Spa Pedicure at the regular price.

402 E. Franklin St. Endicott, NY (607) 748-9407 See reverse for participating Broome County locations.

160 Robinson St., Binghamton, NY 1003 North St., Endicott, NY 560 Harry L Dr., Johnson City, NY

402 E. Franklin St. Endicott, NY

Valid at these participating Broome County locations:

160 Robinson St., Binghamton, NY 1003 North St., Endicott, NY 560 Harry L Dr., Johnson City, NY This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

Valid at these participating Broome County locations: 160 Robinson St., Binghamton, NY 1003 North St., Endicott, NY 560 Harry L Dr., Johnson City, NY

Valid at these participating Broome County locations:

This offer is NOT valid with any other discounts, coupons, specials or on holidays. One coupon per person per visit. SaveAround™ coupons are not transferable.

402 E. Franklin St. Endicott, NY (607) 748-9407




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