The Globe and the Mail Fall 2018

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Fall 2018

April Barthau with baby Hadassah at a culture show in the highlands of Papua New Guinea

Medical and Psychological Support in Papua New Guinea Marco Lopizic and April Barthau providing health care This year has been a rich and challenging experience for Marco and I, especially with the addition of the newest member of our family, Hadassah Grace Lopizic-Barthau. We have just completed our second year of service here in Papua New Guinea and have signed on for another term. We have accomplished a lot, but in health care there are always people in need of attention and new best practice guidelines to disseminate in order to ensure patients receive quality care. On September 30, our USAID funded project “Strengthening HIV/AIDS in Key Populations in Papua New Guinea (PNG)” came to an end. The partnership with FHI 360 and USAID has been a blessing allowing thousands of patients to receive quality care in the areas of Sexually Transmitted Infection, HIV/AIDS, and gender-based violence. (cont’d page 3) Page 1

Message from the TMF President


Since my teens, I’ve shared a common interest with my Dad - growing houseplants. My home and office are largely decorated with them. I’ve had a lot of different plants over the years: large and small; green and flowering, one that was supposed to Marco Lopizic and April Barthau, flower, but never did; ones that thrived, ones that lived in Papua New Guinea............1 the ‘sick plant’ room (my spare bedroom). Linda McNutt, Message from the TMF President ...........2

Currently, one of my favourites is this Trailing or Cascading African Violet, passed on to me from Major Doreen Sturge. When it flowers, it has tiny, delicate, pink blooms. It’s quite lovely.

Owen and Sandra Budden, Papua New Guinea............4 Mark Hall, Singapore, Malaysia & Myanmar ...........5 Leonard Heng and Peck-Ee Wong, Singapore, Malaysia & Myanmar ...........6

When we think of plants, there are many directions our thoughts might go; Ian and Wendy Swan, Hong Kong and for example, growing larger plants with Macau Command............7 more beautiful blooms. Or we might think of tending our Floyd and Tracey Tidd, Australia ...........8 gardens, pulling the weeds and reaping the rewards.

Rodney and Paulette Bungay, Caribbean ..........9 Clarence and Karen Ingram, Caribbean..........10

We hope for, and work towards, growth.

Wayne and Deborah Bungay, Tanzania .........10

Of course, this metaphor of growth is used in other ways: physical growth (the child ‘growing like a weed’), growth Brian and Rosalie Peddle, International in relationships, spiritual growth and the growth of God’s Headquarters ..........12 kingdom on earth.

Morris and Wanda Vincent, Kenya West .........11

Keith and Shona Pike, International Headquarters ..........13

In this newsletter you will find expressions of growth: souls won to God, growth in spiritual lives, opportunities Brian and Beverly Slous, International to minister to victims of human trafficking and in the wake Headquarters ..........14 of natural disasters, prayers for growth in wisdom. You Brian and Anne Venables , International will discover many stories and prayer requests. Headquarters ..........14

List of International Personnel..........15

The Territorial Missionary Focus newsletter is distributed to all TMF members, officers and non-officer personnel serving in international appointments. The Globe and the Mail The Salvation Army 2 Overlea Blvd Toronto ON M4H 1P4

Please use this newsletter as a source of growth of your own knowledge. Use it as a source for growth in your prayer list as well. I know our friends are grateful for your prayer support and encouragement. Blessings! Linda McNutt, Major Territorial Missionary Focus - President

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Papua New Guinea (cont`d) Koki Clinic will continue to provide these services on top of the programs we provide as an Urban Health Center; including, antenatal care, well baby clinics, malnutrition, chronic disease management, and minor procedures. The territorial health team has worked hard to get a Memorandum of Understanding signed between The Salvation Army and the Provincial Health Authority known as the National Capital District (NCD). This will allow the clinic to be funded through the Christian Health Services (CHS), and be a recognized and supported clinic by NCD. This is key for Koki Clinic’s sustainability. Presently we have three focuses at the clinic, briefly: 1. PNG has a polio outbreak which has spread to Port Moresby where we live. We started a campaign on September 24 and vaccinated over 1,500 patients in the first week. 2. We have a volunteer nurse who comes Thursdays to our antenatal clinic to provide classes to mothers on pregnancy, basic child care (especially assessing illness), and breastfeeding support. 3. We have refugees from Manus Island attending the clinic to receive medical and psychological support.

In September we were privileged to go to a cultural training at the Melanesian Institute where we learned about the foundation of PNG, the anthropology of their culture, and how modern society is changing PNG. Since it was PNG’s 43rd Independence Day, we were also able to attend a cultural show which was full of traditional music and customary wear. Prayer Requests: • Please pray for Hadassah to continue growing, for us to have patience, wisdom and discernment as we are parenting her, and that we continue to grow and learn to work together for God’s ministry. • For the clinic to receive timely and adequate finances from CHS in 2019. • Pray for this year as APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) will be happening in November 2018. Pray for peace, security, health, and that the government can make wise financial decisions in the upcoming year(s).

Top left: TSA team received their plaque for completing the Strengthening HIV/AIDS in Key Populations in PNG Project Top right: Staff receiving their certificates of participation in the project Bottom left: Nurses Daniella and Simon providing Polio vaccinations to the public Bottom middle: Patients waiting for Polio vaccination Bottom right: Hadasah at Goroka Cultural Show 2018 Page 3

Papua New Guinea Owen and Sandra Budden go back to school Arriving in Papua New Guinea (PNG) was an emotional rollercoaster ride. We believe we have been gifted by God to see old friends and fellow officers once again. When we left PNG in 2004, our goodbyes were mingled with thoughts of permanent earthly goodbyes. God has gifted us to meet again these kingdom family members on the other side of the world. Being a school administrator and a school chaplain bring new learning curves. It has different sets of challenges than being a corps officer. We give oversight to a teaching staff of 38 and a support team of 16, which includes office staff, bus drivers and groundskeepers. The school has 20 classes from Pre-school to Grade 8 with a total of 670 students attending. It is located on a large Salvation Army compound that has Divisional Headquarters, hostel/motel and corps. We are located in what is affectionately known by the locals as Rainy Lae. Lae is the second largest city in PNG with a population of about 100,000. It has great fruit and vegetable markets that keep us well stocked in these items.

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new sporting equipment; newer buildings to accommodate the growing demands; better teaching resources for classrooms; and an improved library.

We are pleased to be able to offer our services once again to the PNG Territory, and look forward to the time we will spend here. Prayer requests: • Continual positive transition and good health. • Financial support for the renovations at the school. • Wisdom and discernment as we adjust to new ministry roles. • Safety as we travel around the city and the country.

On our arrival, we were welcomed with some traditional PNG dancing from some of the diverse cultural groups in this country. In September, we were treated to even more cultural diversity as we celebrated Papua New Guinea Independence Day. Lae Primary School held its own cultural extravaganza along with the choosing of a Miss LPS and a Mr. LPS - based on their verbal presentations of their traditional outfits and their knowledge of the history of PNG’s road to independence. The children are a joy to behold. Their energy and enthusiasm for life is contagious. Our vision for Lae Primary School is to press forward in partnership and cooperation to bring necessary improvements to the broader learning environment of the school. Some of these hopes and aspirations are: • each classroom equipped with an air conditioner and ceiling fans; • new playground equipment for the lower grades; Page 4

Singapore, Malaysia & Myanmar Mark Hall at the Singapore Central Corps G.K. Chesterton has said: “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” Please pray that we, as a Corps, will continue to Grow upwards – through discipleship groups and studies – and that we will continue to reach outward as we are instructed to – “go into all the world...”

Band playing inside a shopping centre

Young girl learning an instrument

The Corps ladies celebrate the theme of lanterns, which we used as the theme for outreach

Band at a community event

Discipleship group

Outreach youth event

Reaching out to the new group of people from other countries Page 5

Singapore, Malaysia & Myanmar Leonard Heng and Peck-Ee Wong at the Bishan Chinese Corps God is good ALL the time! We are reaching 2.5 years of our ministry in Singapore and are grateful to the Lord for the many open doors and opportunities that He has given us. At the local level, we always enjoy time with our ladies at the monthly Women’s Ministries event where we share fellowship, recipes, and crafts with one another. We have had lantern-making, Chinese calligraphy, making mooncakes for the Mid-Autumn Festival, etc. Our Corps continues to be faithful in ministering with simple exercises, sing-a-long sessions, gospel videos, and lunch to underprivileged seniors who come to our monthly program. At the Territorial Headquarters level, we are involved in twice a month sessions with domestic helpers from the Philippines, India, Myanmar and Indonesia where we prepare an inspirational talk, games, crafts and snacks to offer them some relief and encouragement as they await court cases involving their employers. There are also opportunities to fellowship with other officers, Salvationists and headquarters staff in bigger events such as the Whole World Mobilising Walk for the Nation. Beyond our territory, we also had the opportunity to help the Korean Territory in conducting lectures for their envoys and Salvationists in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It was eye-opening to see how the Cambodians have picked up their lives after the 1970’s genocide war. It was inspiring to see how God has made a way for Christian missionaries to till the ground for the Christian church. It was encouraging to see how He is raising young people to respond to the call to officership and to see their unwavering zeal for the gospel work under the umbrella of The Salvation Army. Photos: Top: Centre for Domestic Helpers Second: Whole World Mobilising Walk for the Nation Third: Monthly Elderly Program Bottom: Teaching Assignment in Cambodia Page 6

Hong Kong & Macau Command Ian and Wendy Swan bring thrilling updates

Macao News With the recent appointment of Major Sara Tam as the District Officer, we are confident that, with the support of the Board of Directors, the significant School and Elderly Dementia centre will move ahead and achieve completion and implementation in 2019.

Hong Kong News It is always a pleasure to join with our corps to worship, celebrate, and discuss strategic mission plans. Ian found this particular corps member delightful as she expressed her opinion on possible uniform options.

Mainland China News Our official registrations in Sichuan and Yunnan provinces have strengthened our long-term relationships and are developing new partnerships which promise increased opportunities to serve and support individuals and communities. Family News

The recently held “Power Youth” meeting with over 90 young people in attendance and participating was a great encouragement that the Army of tomorrow is in good hands. We have been thrilled by the new allocation of a preschool in Tung Chung which provides the opportunity for families to progress on to our primary school in the same district. The recent Women Helping Women gathering saw an amazing turnout with representatives from all our streams of ministry. A great time of fellowship and learning.

It is always a delight when we have the opportunity to share time together. This year, we not only spent time together at Christmas but also joined Wendy in London to celebrate her graduation and robing. The recent ‘super typhoon’, while bringing a great deal of destruction to the city also brought communities together to support one another as we worked to bring the city back to life.

Prayer Requests: • Leadership Consultation in November • Recruitment of new staff for China

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Australia In their sixth year in Australia, there are still new things Floyd and Tracey Tidd are discovering As of December 1, 2018, the two existing Australian territories will formally be united into a single Salvation Army Australia Territory. Due to the strong prayer foundation and tireless efforts of so many, we are confident that we will complete the ‘transition’ phase, achieving the required ability to function as a single territory. We will enter into an ongoing ‘transformation’ phase for the next two years, continuing to align systems and processes to enable us to effectively support the mission across this Great Southland of the Holy Spirit. We have embarked upon a journey to not only streamline approaches to support front-line ministry but in many ways working in a new model of delivery of mission. We have committed to a new national vision statement that ‘wherever there is hardship or injustice, Salvos will live, love, and fight alongside others to transform Australia, one life a time, with the love of Jesus.’ We are now in the midst of the development and execution of a national strategy to realise that vision in tangible ways through partnerships across every expression of The Salvation Army—locally, divisionally and nationally. Prayers are appreciated for the upcoming National “Still Others” Celebration Weekend, including Commissioning and the Official Recognition of the Australia Territory with General and Commissioner Peddle as our guests (November 27-December 3). This past August, Tracey and I, accompanied by the Melbourne Staff Band, had opportunity to participate in the Zambia Territorial Congress. Together with somewhere

Opening of THQ Waverley with national communications secretary. This is where all communications, editorial, and fundraising sits. There are three THQ sites, two in Melbourne and one in Sydney.

over 7,000 Zambian Salvationists, we met to worship, pray, fellowship, and share, celebrating what God is doing in Zambia through The Salvation Army and to prepare to be fully mobilized for the days ahead. It was an experience neither of us will forget, impacting deep within our own hearts and minds. The countless images and stories of those days flood across our memories frequently. We are grateful for the opportunity to be partners with such a dynamic army of Salvos (officers, soldiers, adherents, junior soldiers, employees, volunteers and friends of The Salvation Army) for such a time as this, as a new chapter in the life and ministry of the Army is being written. We would ask for prayers that we, as a movement, will embrace the new things God has in mind to do in and through The Salvation Army. We look forward to being able to be in Canada for Christmas 2018, sharing with family and friends. Christmas with our two-year-old grandson Arlo will bring its own dimensions of joy and wonder. 1. We served meals at the divisional missions conference. 2. Major Brendon Nottle walked from Victoria to Canberra (6,202 km) bringing awareness to homelessness in Australia. We joined him at the end, walking to parliament to meet the Prime Minister. 3. Zambia Territorial Congress

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Caribbean Rodney and Paulette Bungay send greetings from beautiful Jamaica These have truly been interesting and exciting months of transition from the June snowstorm we left in Newfoundland to witness Paulette’s first epic battle with a huge tropical cockroach in the heavy humidity of Kingston. Add to that picture the rich sounds of the Patois language, the spicy smell of Jamaican food like mannish water soup and feel the tremendous warmth of the people of Jamaica and you can catch a glimpse of our joy to be here. Most striking to us, however, has been how this welcome is amplified all the more when we visit places like the infamous Tivoli Garden, Big Yaaad, or other challenging neighbourhoods in our Salvation Army uniforms. It is incredibly obvious that as we walk these streets, the Jamaicans have a very, very special place in their hearts for The Salvation Army and for those of us who serve Christ under that unfurled banner. Truly we have been blessed beyond measure to answer this call on our lives to serve these wonderful people in this beautifully diverse Caribbean Territory. While it has been easy to get lost in the beauty of this place and our love for its people, to be one with them is to also be immersed in their daily struggles with overwhelming poverty, serious crime, human trafficking and other such challenges. So, friends, we petition your prayers for our people; for peace, for protection and for a great move of the Holy Spirit’s healing and calming presence across this land. We also solicit your prayers for the many precious students who study and live fulltime with us. As we

have discovered in our conversations with our children, some face untold challenges and desperately need our prayers. We solicit your prayers for our finances and the vision God has laid on our hearts to significantly increase our egg production, grow all our own organic vegetables and fruit, as well as produce our own meat through our vision for a chicken, goat and hog farm. Pray that international donors and mission teams will be led to help us ensure we have a long-term sustainable means to feed all of our children a healthy, hearty and diverse diet as well as cut down on our significant food costs. We solicit your prayers for our own adult children and our family back in Canada that God would continue to watch over and bless them as well as comfort us in the many moments that we miss their touch and the joy of their physical presence in our lives. On a final note, we ask you to join us with prayers of joy, shouts of praise and songs of thanksgiving for God’s call on our lives and for the generational family promise that continues to sustain us each and every day, “That the Will of God Will Never Lead Us, Where His Grace Cannot Keep Us.”

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Clarence and Karen Ingram’s blend of extraordinary challenge and blessing

Wayne and Deborah Bungay focus on church growth / evangelism and social justice issues

Due to the Bahamas experiencing five major hurricanes in three years, the ministry of disaster response has been unceasing. This year, in Turks & Caicos Islands, after the immediate response, the division focused on helping families replace school uniforms and books as well as providing hot meals to students in schools that no longer had functioning cafeterias. In the Bahamas the recovery has concentrated on replacing hundreds of water damaged beds. Through it all, our officers and soldiers are incredibly positive.

The work is growing in Tanzania with new openings springing up all around the Territory. • Please pray that God will provide resources to maintain this new work. • Pray for personnel who work with little resources, and that they would continue to have the zeal and motivation to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. • Pray for resources to help develop our officers and leaders to be able to minister more effectively. • As we move to new areas, please pray for a deeper understanding of the word of God for those who hear the gospel message for the first time.

Corps ministries are prospering. During the last six months all but one corps enrolled both senior and junior soldiers. Despite a major hurricane disruption, the newest corps in the division (Providencialles Corps) is literally overflowing and plans are moving forward to construct a corps hall. This will be the first building owned by The Salvation Army in the country. Very memorable occasions included attending Easter services and officers’ retreat in Suriname and participating in the dedication of five children during Sunday worship in Turks & Caicos Islands. Prayer requests: • Candidates – The division has not sent a candidate to college in over 15 years • Women’s Ministries Retreat – Scheduled for March 2019 with Major Amy Reardon as Celebration at Nassau Citadel the guest. • Funding and construction of The Salvation Army’s first building in Turks & Caicos Islands.

Social justice issues continue to impact the lives of the most vulnerable in our Territory. • Pray for our social centres and for the employees of those centres as they work to bring change, provide security, and shine light where the darkness is greatest. • Pray for young girls who will be forced to undergo female genital mutilation (FGM) in the coming months. Pray that the training and awareness we provide will open the eyes of the people, and let them say “no” to FGM. Pray for the girls who run away to escape the horrors of this terrible reality. Pray for the resources necessary to provide safety and basic necessities. Pray that God will shine His marvellous light into their lives. • Pray for those who will be caught up in human trafficking in our territory. This is a big issue. Pray for the girls that are brought to us for safety. Pray that we will continue to have resources to be able to care for them, educate them, teach them life skills, and provide their basic necessities.

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Kenya West Morris and Wanda Vincent celebrate God’s goodness and grace As we near the end of our second year in Kenya, we are thankful for God’s goodness and grace and the privilege to serve. Throughout the territory, we observe so many Salvationists who are visible with vibrant worship, open airs and marches that attract people to the corps, as well as an array of community programs to help meet human needs. This year the Territory commemorated its 10th Anniversary with a very colourful Congress. Celebration and thanksgiving for God’s faithfulness laced the threeday event with a climax of more than 7,000 Salvationists coming together on the final Sunday morning. Two other Congresses – one for women and one for youth – were also quite successful. Women’s Ministries continues to improve family and spiritual life as well as impact social issues. A current research project is evaluating ‘hot spots’ for human trafficking. By connecting with community leaders, educators, churches, and locals, we are discerning the extent of this problem and how to engage together to decrease the adverse effects which human trafficking is having on vulnerable adults and youth in Kenya. A second phase is emerging with a focus on prevention and protection for this modern-day slavery.

Our youngest daughter Stephanie graduated from a college program this year as an Education Assistant and is now working with children who have special needs. She also joined The Salvation Army territorial worship team in Canada playing base guitar. We thank God for His blessings on us as a family. We are forever grateful for the love and prayerful support given to us and to the ministry happening here. Please feel free to continue following our blog: vincentsinkenya@ Prayer requests: • Mission focused ministries. • An Army that is both numerically wide and spiritually deep. • Personal health of body, soul, and mind for ourselves and our family at home.

This year we have visited many remote areas to become more keenly aware of the circumstances and challenging areas where the Army is still moving the mission forward. We are encouraged by the faithfulness of soldiers and local officers who keep the flag flying! Their joy is contagious! We have travelled over lots of rough terrain but with a view of mountains and fertile fields that remind us of God’s majesty and love for all His creation. The country is experiencing more rain over the past 12 months which, for the most part, has been a big blessing for the much needed agriculture resources. We were delighted to have our oldest daughter, Erica, and her family come for a visit in April. Along with getting a glimpse of life in rural Kenya and the expression of The Salvation Army here, they enjoyed getting up close to so many of the big native animals on a short safari together. Natural beauty is always amazing! Page 11

International Headquarters Brian and Rosalie Peddle lead the International Salvation Army

We have become an international family with Krista (Tim) now living in Australia, Stephanie (Adam) in Ontario, and ourselves in London, England. That brings with it challenges and times of loneliness, but God provides those special moments when we can connect and share together in unique ways. It was so wonderful to have our girls, grandchildren and some family members travel to London to be present at our public welcome event. The most moving moment for us happened when we came from the platform to kneel at the altar in dedication to be instantly joined by our three older grandchildren who came to pray with Nanny and Poppy. The moment will be forever etched in our hearts.

Life has been a kaleidoscope of many splendid things since taking up our appointments as General and World President of Women’s Ministries for the International Salvation Army. We are engaged in a busy, demanding, and exciting schedule that will take us to see the ‘Army on the ground’ around the world – although we won’t be able to visit every one of the 131 countries where the Army is at work. We are humbled that God and our colleagues have asked us to lead in these significant roles and we claim the promised presence of God to give us courage, resilience, and a contagious joy. We are encouraged by the continual emails from Salvationists and friends around the world who send their love, support and prayers that God will use us in a powerful way as we lead the International Salvation Army forward.

Prayer Requests • Physical and spiritual wellbeing • Embracing holiness of heart and mind • Demanding travelling schedule • Inspirational biblical preaching of the gospel of transformation and hope • Preparation of the Word for preaching, teaching, and sharing • Wisdom and guidance for the challenges that face the International Salvation Army • Availability for God to use us at anytime and anywhere • Our children – Stephanie and Krista • Our grandchildren – Aleks, Kayla, Kheri, Thomas, and Bella

In our travels in recent days, we have seen a fresh wind of God’s Holy Spirit moving upon His people and we look with anticipation to what God is about to do as His people seek holiness, restoration, and transformation. The world is now our mission ground and we are battle ready!

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International Headquarters Keith and Shona Pike bring greetings from beautiful London We are pleased to finally be settled and feeling at home in our new surroundings. We had a beautiful summer (no rain for two months!) and enjoyed being tourists in this amazing city which we now call home. They say that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. I think we might be getting close as we continue to enjoy exploring the many sights and attractions right on our doorstep. Our daily walking routine is now measured in kilometres, not steps. So much to see, so little time! Our roles at IHQ have helped us gain new insights into The Salvation Army’s work with children and youth around the world and we are making connections with the various zones to deepen our understanding and appreciation for this important work. It has been a privilege for us to connect with some of the youth ministry leaders from around the world as we continue to broaden our perspective. This has been very helpful in our planning for the upcoming international conference for Territorial Youth / Children’s Secretaries which will be held in the UK in August 2019. We are excited to be able to create space for a culture of innovation and excellence, leveraging the Army’s resources to disciple the next generation of Salvationists to live out their faith in a local and global context. We continue to be overwhelmed by God’s provision as we navigate our way through these months following our surgeries. Keith’s health has been restored and he has been connected with an excellent renal specialist who is very pleased with his recovery and continued good health reports. (The new kidney is working very well, despite being saturated daily with caffeine!) We are appreciative of the many prayers, encouragement, and support we have received on this journey and we are grateful for the prayers that continue to cover us in these days.

2. Requests • Global Church Partners Forum – pray for spiritual support to children on the move, including refugees as well as forcibly displaced children and adolescents. Pray for their protection against racism. Pray, too, for their caregivers, for healing and resilience. • Wisdom/Discernment - as we continue to plan the Right at the Heart 2019 international territorial youth secretaries’ conference • Safe Travel - as our schedule becomes busy in the season ahead • Continued good health

Prayer Requests 1. Praise • Good health for us both! Keith has been provided with excellent renal care at a hospital very close to IHQ. • Smooth transition into our new surroundings. • Rekindling existing friendships in the UK and developing new ones has been a gift! Page 13

And now to him who can keep you on your feet, standing tall in his bright presence, fresh and celebrating—to our one God, our only Saviour, through Jesus Christ, our Master, be glory, majesty, strength, and rule before all time, and now, and to the end of all time. (Jude 24-25 MSG)

International Headquarters Brian and Bev Slous have business well in hand

Brian and Anne Venables undertake new responsibilities

IHQ continues to provide opportunities for variety and diversity in ministry. Bev has travelled to a number of territories in the course of her responsibilities as an international auditor. Bangladesh, Spain / Portugal, Nigeria and USA Central have been interesting and fulfilling visits. The year will be rounded out with a return visit to Uganda and finally South Africa. We are certainly mindful of God’s provision in strength, health, and protection as Bev travels the globe!

The first six months at IHQ have been busy as we have transitioned into very different and very separate roles but we are enjoying the opportunities that are ours to travel and experience Salvation Army ministry in various settings. Brian’s appointment has played an integral part during the meeting of the High Council in May and subsequent election of our 21st General and he will continue to facilitate the communications for the new leadership team. Anne has had the privilege to visit Kenya, Nigeria, Brazil and India as part of the audit team and values the opportunities to expand her worldview.

Brian, in connection with his responsibilities as Under Secretary for Business, travelled to Bangladesh to see the Sally Ann / Others Global operations in action early in 2018, and then to the Others’ Global conference in Norway. For the most part, his role keeps him at IHQ, as he manages the business components that fall under his portfolio. In addition to the practicalities of keeping the IHQ building functioning, he continues to work with Partners in Mission and the Officer Support Endowment Fund, which are critical to officers on the ground around the world. We both continue to be involved in Bromley Temple and its activities, and manage to throw in days here and there spent getting to better know the wonderful and historic country in which we live. Pray for: • Integrity of Christian witness. • Continued health and strength. • Protection in work and travel. • Extended family at home.

Prayer requests: • For vision and insight for the Communications team to achieve all that they need to accomplish. • For health and safety during travel. • For our family, who we miss dearly, and for those we shared ministry with in Canada, who are also missed. • For officers who serve with much less in less known places of our world. • For Brian as a pedestrian. The cars, lorries and even some buses are electric (silent). While Anne is away he wears headphones and listens to music and he steps from the curb always looking left and then right, which he has done for 60 years. So far, he has glanced right in time, but he needs your prayers!

Please note: Because of Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) rules, we cannot give receipts for donations given to the Territorial Missionary Focus since these donations go directly to individuals. The CRA requires that receipted donations have followup and a reporting system. Of course, that isn’t possible when it is a personal donation (even though some use the gifts for appointment purposes).

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List of International Personnel Last Name

First Name



International Headquarters Peddle

General Brian



Commissioner Rosalie

World President of Women’s Ministries


Major Keith

Youth & Children’s Officer


Major Shona

Youth & Children’s Officer


Lieut.-Colonel Beverley

International Auditor


Major Brian

Under Secretary for Business Administration


Lieut.-Colonel Brian


Lieut.-Colonel Anne

Communications Secretary Programme Resources Dept. Assistant Chief International Auditor - Business Administration Dept.

Africa Bungay

Colonel Wayne


Territorial Commander


Colonel Deborah


Territorial President of Women’s Ministries


Lieut.-Colonel Morris

Kenya West

Chief Secretary


Lieut.-Colonel Wanda

Kenya West

Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries


Major Rodney


Administrator - School for the Blind - Kingston, Jamaica


Major Paulette


Administrator - School for the Blind - Kingston, Jamaica


Major Clarence


Divisional Commander – Bahamas Division


Major Karen


Divisional Director for Women’s Ministries


Major Kwangsoo Daniel

USA Eastern

Corps Officer – Queens (Flushing), NY


Major Kyuhang Sarah

USA Eastern

Corps Officer – Queens (Flushing), NY

Americas & Caribbean

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List of International Personnel, cont’d Last Name

First Name



Europe Dueck

Sergeant Blanca

Germany, Lithuania & Poland


Major Jean-Curtis

Italy & Greece Command


Major Rachele

Italy & Greece Command


Josiah and Micaiah

KAR (Church on Wheels) Regional Business & Administration Officer; Associate Corps Officer Athens Corps Anti-Trafficking Coordinator & Green Light Project; Associate Corps Officer - Athens Corps

South Pacific & East Asia Zone Andrews

Captain Tim

Australia Eastern

Corps Officer - Carindale Corps, Queensland


Captain Krista

Australia Eastern

Corps Officer - Carindale Corps, Queensland


Alek, Kherington, and Isabella


Major Owen

Papua New Guinea

Administrator - Lae School


Major Sandra

Papua New Guinea

Chaplain - Lae School


Major Mark

Singapore, Malaysia & Myanmar

Corps Officer – Singapore Central Corps


Captain Leonard

Singapore, Malaysia & Myanmar

Corps Officer – Bishan Chinese Corps


Captain Peck-Ee

Singapore, Malaysia & Myanmar

Corps Officer – Bishan Chinese Corps


Dr. Marco Herrera

Papua New Guinea

Koki Clinic – Doctor in Charge


Mrs. April

Papua New Guinea

Koki Clinic – Clinic Manager


Hadassah Grace


Lieut.-Colonel Ian

Hong Kong & Macau Command

Officer Commanding


Lieut.-Colonel Wendy

Hong Kong & Macau Command

Command President of Women’s Ministries


Commissioner Floyd


National Commander


Commissioner Tracey


National President of Women’s Ministries

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