1 minute read

Words from the publisher...

We got through the season, and now it’s time to relax, right?

To an extent, yes.

During the season, we’ve got games, practices, tournaments, workouts, road trips, flights, you name it.

And while many players choose to keep going with spring and summer hockey, others choose downtime.

For us that cover this great game, it’s a job that runs 365 days a year. We try to get away from it during holidays and our kids’ activities, and we do, but I always try to stay on top of the goings-on in the game at all levels.

Take for instance the recent junior hockey drafts. We saw numerous players from Arizona, California and Colorado chosen during the NA3HL, NCDC, USHL and WHL drafts, and we’ll have all that in our June edition.

To be honest, we just ran out of time this month.

And that’s where I have learned some things over the 25 years and change I have been in the media realm. Nothing beats family. Nothing.

Yes, work is a big chunk of our time, and it provides for our family, but if I have a chance to spend a Sunday afternoon out by the pool grilling food, that is where I will be.

Every time. At least in the summertime here in Michigan.

Our oldest child graduates high school next week and it has been an emotional roller coaster for my wife and I.

Where did the time go?

Isn’t he still in kindergarten?

Why will he be 18 soon and making his own decisions?

If anyone knows the secret to slowing down time, I’d like to know.

We also have a high school sophomore and a seventh grader. Their time will come when we become emotional wrecks and wonder where the years have gone.

It’s inevitable.


I guess what I’m trying to say in a roundabout way is to enjoy every moment you have with family.

Some of you reading this might already have raised your kids and they are now on their own. It’s bittersweet, right?

I mean, you want to keep your kids close, but you also want them to go out into the world and make a difference.

I know that’s how my wife and I feel right now.

Seeing Facebook memories pop up from past fun times and realizing certain events were like 10 years ago is just unreal.

That being said, instead of focusing on all the “lasts,” let’s focus on all the “firsts” yet to come.

Back on the hockey front, we’ll keep going through the summer months online and with this digital edition.

Remember to keep supporting Rubber Hockey!

Contact me any time at (248) 890-3944 (call/text) and by email at matt@rubberhockey.com.

Looking forward to hearing from you!