Domestic Violence Rules and Penalties - R&R Law Group, AZ

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Domestic Violence Law In Arizona - RR Law Group Domestic violence in Arizona is a very broad term and can be applied to a number of different charges. The term “domestic violence” is not by itself an independent crime. Instead, other crimes are alleged to have a domestic violence designation attached. As previously explained, the domestic violence indicator can be added to underlying offenses that are present. Under the Arizona Revised Statutes, 13-3601

Domestic violence abuse can be physical, emotional, sexual, economic control and neglect. Examples of crimes associated with domestic abuse include: Assault and Battery; Assault and Battery with a Dangerous Weapon; Criminal Trespass; Disorderly Conduct; Threatening; Kidnapping; and Witness Intimidation.

Aggravated Domestic Violence Charges You can be prosecuted with a felony and sentenced to prison if you are found guilty of a misdemeanour domestic violence crime for the third time in seven years. Aggravated domestic abuse is a Class 5 felony that carries a maximum sentence of 2 12 years in prison for a first offence.

What Protections Are Available in Addition to Criminal Prosecution? Victims of domestic violence in Arizona can seek a variety of remedies and legal safeguards. These may include the following: Custody/child or spousal support orders Civil lawsuit Protective Orders Address Confidentiality Program (ACP)

Best Domestic Violence Lawyers in Arizona RR Law Group's defense team practices exclusively in criminal defense and we do not take cases from any other field of law We have helped hundreds of people charged with crimes like disorderly conduct successfully resolve their cases, protect their records and fight for a winning outcome. Contact our office at (602) 833-5280 to schedule a complimentary case evaluation with AZ's domestic violence lawyer.

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