§10: The Tablet of Iz and Zerl, [Oahspe Analysis] [10 pages]

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§10: The Tablet of Iz and Zerl *6

Chapter 2: Masonic Plates in Oahspe

Part VI: The Book of Saphah Revisted

Discovering the True Spiritual Path of Oahspe

Newbrough published in error originally by entitling this plate as “Iz and Zerl. ” However, it is better named as Zerl*99

Newbrough Placement: (Saphah – Zerl: 3↔3)

• Best Placement:

(Saphah – Zerl: 1→).*44 Presented Origins: Israel, China, Algonquin.

It is trying to keep focusing on the inherent errors of Saphah, for both reader and for the writer. Yet the point is that there is never any good reason to ignore major errors either. In the first place, the Plates of “Zerl” and “Iz and Zerl” were wrongly given each other’s intended title. You see, the originally published “Zerl” is composed of two distinct plate sets. Contrariwise, the focus of this section, “Zerl” consists of a single plate set. Furthermore, the content of the images and text fit their respective correct titles much better. That does not mean that the plates have any more legitimacy if correctly named, for other even more serious errors exist.

It should be kept in mind that the same dark forces (Masons, Satanists, NWO Great Reset Elitists) that smeared Oahspe with the heinous Saphah content, are the same ones instigating global enslavement, children sexualization, and extermination. In the name of science and order, deception and secret crimes to harm all communities, vocations, and families is ever their goal. Such organizations under their control are creating evil systems of coercion, corruption, and destruction of all individual choice, prosperity, and human rights.


All of which is in directly opposed by Oahspe, the Light of the Aquarius-Kosmon era, The Great Awakening of freedom and human rights. For True Faithism advocates absolute freedom, virtue constitutionalizing, and new age nature native culture communities Fortunately, all of these are in direct opposition to and will nevertheless transcend the polices and lies of the G7 governments,

Mandala of Masonic-Satanic-NWO Dark Reset Symbolism

the United Nations, the European Union, the World Health Organization, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Main Stream Medias, Major Social Media Platforms, Communist nations, and the World Economic Forum. All of these entities seek totalitarianism to overwhelm and destroy all communities, families and individuals of their divine right to happily fulfill their chosen life paths.

Thus, consider in contrast how Oahspe’s ideals are encapsulated in the following passage time after time:

Liberty, first of all, unto all people; then discipline and harmony, and then the improvement of all the talents I created with all. Next to this, to have no leader, nor any one to think for another; nor to abandon one's own judgment contrary to wisdom and truth. But to contend not, nor to be stubborn and positive as to the righteousness of one's own opinion. For I created no two men to see alike the same thing on earth or in heaven. As to which matters, the highest wisdom is to suffer all men to have full liberty to think on all subjects in their own way. (Es 2:11-14) *6

It is these ideals which shall transform the world and set it free to come together with heavenly purpose and heavenly love. Make no mistake! Kosmon New Age Communities, that is True Faithism, is based on Truth and Love, and will inspire all persons to become one

in universal harmony that shall never fail. Contrariwise, the NWO-Tyranny dark entities will fail and attack one another as such are based on lies and extreme hostility

So no fear! Have faith! Act in The Light Now! The Good of All Creations and Our Creator will be fulfilled!

Blossom of Virtuous Ideals

Once again a plate has been presented that is composed of a pictogram in each symbol set. This is puzzling in this case since these images are purportedly to have been created in ancient Israel. This problematic since there are no known pictograms having ever

“Tablet of Zerl” *6

been used in Israel. As previously pointed out, the Masons glorify themselves by immersing themselves and their rites in Israel-styled elements (rabbis, star of David, Solomon temple, Kabbalah, and so on). Hence, this pretense of “Zerl” being emblematic of Israel is all once again a sham involving the Masons and their delusions.


To be fair, this plate’s symbols are also stated by the editor to be of Algonquin and Chinese origin. An interesting claim but not a single symbol corresponds to any symbol in either language. To be sure, it is, therefore, preposterous for the editors to claim that the languages of China, Native American Algonquin and the Hebrew language all are descendent from “Zerl.”

To be sure, all are free to believe what they will, even if false and pretentious; however, the mortal and drujan editors of Oahspe have committed a great crime by “book-jacking” one of the greatest spiritual works of all time with their Masonic arcana.

And as before, the vast majority of symbols (74%) are never referenced anywhere again in Oahspe. Take any symbol such as “Bone:” . Here it represents door. Interestingly, in Japanese, this same symbol represents gate, which is very similar in meaning. In one way, this impresses me, as if there were some kind of language transference taking place. On the other hand, there is no way there should be this uncanny correspondence between languages from such distant origins, without some kind of subterfuge involved.

Yet the fact remains that in the other 65 symbols, such as in “H’ook”

(“cry”) , there is really nothing significant nor beautiful, nor any other correlations in the whole lot. However, the Masons always incorporate dogma which includes a huge cache of mystic-looking signs and concepts. This plate is just one more for that purpose.

Number of Terms Number of terms Without an Exterior referenced Percentage of terms Without an Exterior referenced Total References Average Total References Per Term Saphah References Average Saphah References Per Term 66 50 76% 174 2.64 64 0.97
Tablet Zerl Totals: 62

Iz and Zerl Masonic Symbols Referenced

No Reference Saphah Only Outside of Saphah

All-Seeing Eye (Jaw)

L-square (Sho’gaup)

bull (Cam’ow)

bull (Gauk)

sun (Yop’lo)

sword (Gauk: {B})

sword (Gauk: {C})

cross-bones (S’gee: D)

cross-bones (Gan’es:{D})

serpent (Yop’lo: {B})

ark / chest (Jak / Gak)

to build (H’oak)

speaking animal (Ong’wa)

fish (Se’fiee / S’gee)

compass (D’hi: {C}) ear (Gee)

compass (Ma)

cross-bones (Bah: {C})

All-Seeing Eye (Bah: {D})

fire (Fan / Gau)

honey (M’how / N’how)

Total Masonic Symbols: 20 out of 66; (30%).

With No Reference: 14 out of 20; (70%).

With No Reference Outside of Saphah: 15 out of 20; (75%).

Admittedly, there is not much to say nor much to see here. Once

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again, a fairly high degree of Masonic symbols and a fairly low degree of references. However, the main point to be taken away from a study of this plate is how useless it really is from either an intellectual or a spiritual standpoint. There truly is no valid reason for it to be in Oahspe, and no high-raised angel would ever want to focus the attention of mortals upon such. This plate, as are all the Saphah plates, naught but camouflage meant to deceive readers into a false sense of historical depth that is not actually there.

As Oahspe affirms time and time again. Think for yourself! Be free! Commune with the universe of beauty. Be inspired by our Creator Almighty! Love one another. All else pass by.

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