What Is Allergy and Some Tips to Avoid Allergies

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What Is Allergy and Some Tips to Avoid Allergies

Allergies are the most common reaction to the body's immune system, typically harmless substances. When someone with particular allergies comes into contact with an allergen, it causes discomfort ranging from mild to severe, depending on the degree associated with it. The most commonly encountered allergens include dust, pollen, nuts, and food allergies. Sometimes, the sufferer experiences specific symptoms but not a full-blown allergy.

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Here are some guidelines to stay clear of the hidden allergens that can be found in everyday life.

Increase consumption of Vitamin C

Vitamin C lowers the level of histamine in the blood. Histamine is the chemical released by our bodies when we suffer from inflammation or allergies. It causes muscle and blood vessels to become relaxed. Vitamin C helps to break it down to reduce or eliminate the severity of allergies. Fruits such as pineapples, oranges, and kiwis, as well as vegetables such as capsicum and broccoli, are good sources of this Vitamin.

Use the right Door Mats

Doormats from natural materials draw dust to mold, mites, and fungus. Consider using one made of synthetic materials. It can make a big difference.

Fish Oil

Fish oil supplements are believed to help reduce allergic reactions. It is because they lower the number of leukotrienes in the body, contributing to allergic reactions. Supplementation of fish oil every day after you brush your teeth is suggested.

A No Shoes Policy

Get your shoes off before entering your home and ensure that everyone else does. This will help keep out all the dust and mold they have walked on while outside.

Clean your sheets

Pillows and bedsheets collect lots of dust over time. Be sure to clean them in hot water every week to prevent this from negatively impacting your health. Regularly changing your sheets could be the only way to a healthy lifestyle and avoid allergies.

Make sure your home gets periodic deep-cleans

A study published by the Journal of Allergy discovered that DOT could reduce dust mites for about six months. Give your home a thorough cleaning now and then to rid your home of dust.

Discover Food Allergies

A lot of us have food allergies that are not visible, and we become aware of them only after we consume these foods. It is essential to undergo a thorough allergen test (veg and non-veg). It is also possible to take tests for food allergies for eggs, fruits, and crabs to obtain specific information on the food items one is sensitive to.

Run Your Air Conditioner:

Running your air cooling system (so that your filter is free of dust) is an excellent option to keep pollen from getting into your home and contaminating your home. This is precisely what happens when the windows open. "Air conditioners also benefit allergy sufferers by reducing the humidity in the house," says Heather Solos, author of Home-Ec 101: Skills for Everyday Living. "If you can't use your air conditioner, close the windows until the afternoon. Morning is when pollen counts are often highest," Solos says. Also, avoid using a fan. The fan will blow pollen throughout the room.

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