How Large is the Animal Trafficking Problem?

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How Large is the Animal Trafficking Problem? Trafficking in animals is an estimated multi-billion-dollar business. Wild animals are a source of fascination in people, which goes beyond the idea of seeing them as cute or cute. Fashionistas want the sensation of real chinchilla skin. They love the skin of a crocodile in their bag and feel the warmth of their mink slippers at their feet. Traditional medicine practitioners require certain parts of wild animals to make herbal concoctions. And then some want to eat exotic foods made from ingredients that contain exotic animals moosegazete.

There is an industry for wildlife, and that's why trafficking in animals is a huge business run through organized crime. It requires a significant amount of money and the will to evade the law and permit wild animals to move from one nation to another. Australia On the 23rd of January 20th, 2020, police arrested two people trying to smuggle 180 animals from Australia. The animals were to be transported toward Hong Kong and Taiwan. Authorities confiscated 43 lizards, forty turtles, thirty snakes, 22 tortoises, 22 frogs, and five salamanders. There were 19 reptile eggs in the collection. Australian reptiles are believed to be in high demand throughout Asian countries. Reptiles from Australia can be offered as pets or serve as the main ingredients in restaurants serving exotic cuisines. The inclination to eat exotic food was lawful in Wuhan, China, where the notoriously hazardous novel coronavirus is believed to be the source. A market for wildlife was shut in the city since authorities believed it was the cause of the disease. The market is home to animals kept in cages. The vendors slaughtered them when there were buyers. The exotic animals found at the marketplace were pups of wolves, bamboo rats, civets and salamanders,

and others. Live animals were housed in crowded cages and must pee and poop within their enclosures. According to this report, the Animal trafficking Crisis, pangolins are among the animals that are most frequently trafficked. They are also easily captured because they'll curl up into the shape of a ball when there's a danger. Pangolins' meat is cooked, and their scales are utilized in traditional medicines. There is no waste in pangolins. Status symbols and pets Another common reason for trafficking in animals is that wealthy individuals are willing to spend lots of money to be able to keep exotic pets. The primates make up most of the coveted species used as pet animals. They include orangutans as well as chimps, lorises macaques, tamarins, and capuchins as well as other. Lizards and snakes are among the most popular trader animals used as pets. Elephants are poached illegally all over Africa for their tusks sold as ivory. Tigers are currently considered endangered. If the authorities and other organizations aren't able to stop illegal and illegal poaching, there could be an age when future generations will not know what a tiger is like. The animals are poached to extract their pelts and bones as fashion items, the former for style and the latter to provide medicinal purposes. A few wealthy Africans are reportedly ready to shell out a large amount of money to acquire the giraffe's tail to show their status. Since many Africans suffer from poverty, they turn to poaching to make an income.

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