Global Dehydrated Backpacking and Camping Food market cagr 14.6%

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Dehydrated Backpacking and Camping Food Market

Dehydrated Backpacking and Camping Food Market

Scope: Industry Analysis, Market Size, Growth, Trends Till 2031

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Dehydrated Backpacking and Camping Food Market Size

and Growth

The global Dehydrated Backpacking and Camping Food market is projected to reach a value of $1.8 billion by 2025, with a CAGR of 5.3%. The market is driven by increasing demand for lightweight and convenient food options among outdoor enthusiasts. Key players in the market include Mountain House, Backpacker's Pantry, and Wise Company.

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Companies Covered (Covid 19 Impact Covered)

◍ Katadyn Group

◍ Adventure Food B.V. Netherlands

◍ Kraft Foods

◍ Nestle S.A

◍ Probar LLC

◍ Costco Wholesale Corporation

◍ OFD Foods, LLC (Mountain House)

◍ Whole Foods Market IP

◍ Trader Joe’s

The dehydrated backpacking and camping food market is competitive with companies like Katadyn Group, Adventure Food B.V., Kraft Foods, Nestle S.A, Probar LLC, Costco Wholesale, OFD Foods, Whole Foods Market, and Trader Joe's. These companies offer a wide range of dehydrated food options to cater to outdoor enthusiasts, which helps grow the market.

- Katadyn Group: $150 million in sales revenue

- Nestle S.A: $91.42 billion in sales revenue

- Costco Wholesale Corporation: $141.58 billion in sales revenue

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Market Segmentation

By Application

◍ Online

By Product

◍ Meat, Fish and Poultry

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◍ Pasta

◍ Bakery Items

◍ Dry Fruits and Nuts

◍ Soups and Purees

◍ Others

$ X Billion USD
Market Growth
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