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A word one might find hard to translate, or possibly recognise as a song title from this year’s Eurovision, is the Portuguese term ‘Saudades.’ When searched online, the word is defined to be ‘a deep emotional state of nostalgia’ or a ‘profound melancholic longing for something... it often carries a repressed knowledge.’ Historically, the word was used to describe the emotions of both Portuguese sailors and their wives back in the 15th century.


Nowadays it remains to be used by those separated by distance and time. Though many connect the term to sadness and even death (in its link to absence), we can also suggest there remains a degree of positivity; as when one is in a state of absence or longing, we also focus on the beauty and happiness of the past. Despite mostly being referred to in literature and music, Brazilians even celebrate ‘Día de Saudade’ (Saudades day) on the 30th of January every year. While we can attempt to grapple with the word’s meaning, there is no direct counterpart in English. Therefore it remains a certain beauty, or some may argue, a uniqueness, in its use.

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