Public News #35

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#35 | OCT. 29 - NOV. 11, 2015 | FREE








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OCT. 29 - NOV. 11, 2015


PUBLIC NEWS #35 October 29 - November 11, 2015



PUBLIC NEWS FILM EDITOR wraps up his trilogy of Horror films with his pick of the top 10 Horror films of all -time. Does he mention one of your favorites? Did he list one that missed your radar and now it’s the film you must see? Read and enjoy, then find those films and give that video a spin.













Good handful of news items from LSCMontgomery. See what’s happening at the local institution of higher education. Plus an effort to force the Lucifarian Church to leave Old Town Spring. Plus more!

Montgomery County’s Food Bank is about to become flush with donations thanks to various businesses showing them love. Organizer Nick Rama shares. Also news on the upcoming Houston Whatever Fest, plus much more!

Art Editor Rosanne Friedman uncovers Asian Art In Houston, as she shares the art, talents and storylines of some of the finest Asian artists in the area.

COLUMNISTS Letter Rip / No Exit Legal Ease

5 12

The Pub Crawler 14 Crampton’s Music Circle 17

Emily Cole released her CD and the Public News was there to share the event. Mark Crampton also writes about Leonard Nimoy’s music career. Plus more!

Contributing Food Editor Nick Rama uncovers another great ethnic dining treat. Tomball’s Landhaus Nikodemus has the best German food the Northside has to offer. Read his interview with Landhaus’ owner.

Film Editor Glen Ryan Tadych presents the third part of a trilogy of articles on the Howl-oween Series – Part III: What To Watch. Plus all the new films in theaters along with their video trailers.

“Hearts will never be practical until they are made unbreakable.” -- The Wizard (Wizard of Oz, 1939)


OCT. 29 - NOV. 11, 2015



#1 in 2015


OCT. 29 - NOV. 11, 2015



FRANK ZAPPA WAS RIGHT! Selective Censorship is wrong and Practical Conservatism is the answer EDITORIAL CHAIRMAN KEN PETTY MUSIC EDITOR JASON PALMER FILM EDITOR GLEN RYAN TADYCH ART EDITOR ROSANNE FRIEDMAN CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: MIKE BAXTER, MARK CRAMPTON, ROXANNE DAVIS, MATT DELUCA, PAUL VAN DEUSEN, SUSAN LOVE FITTS, CINDY GROOVER, SHANNA LAYNE, JEB KICKER, TOM DAREN LISKEY, BART PEARSTON, ANNA ‘PINION’ PENA, NICK RAMA, JODY REED, ANDY SINGER, PHOTOGRAPHY: KEN PETTY, TOM DAREN LISKEY, ROSANNE FRIEDMAN GRAPHICS/LAYOUT: KEN PETTY ADVERTISING EXECUTIVE: KEN PETTY DISTRIBUTION PARTNERS: ISSUU, PRESS READER FAKE CELEBRITY INTERN: TERRY CREWS Public News is an arts & entertainment fortnightly published on Thursday and distributed to metro Houston subscribers via email, distribution channel partners and to anyone else via our website. We welcome community news, press releases, and article ideas; sent by mail or email. Deadline for calendar items and advertising is the Friday prior to our Thursday publication date. Letters to the Editor and filtered Hate Mail are always encouraged. Subscriptions to the Public News are free and can be obtained by going to the subscribe link on our website: Subscriber benefits include special perks and voting in the Readers Choice Awards this summer. Contents of Public News are the sole property of Public News Co. and are protected under copyright. No portion may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher... he does check things out most times. You are encouraged to share as many copies of the Public News to as many friends as you’d like! Feel free to share on any and all social media outlets. #PublicNews

I know many of the Public News readers may not know who Frank Zappa was. Zappa was arguably the most prolific composer of the modern era. He was a jazz composer (Waka Jawaka, Grand Wazoo). He was a progressive composer (We’re Only In It For The Money, Lumpy Gravy). He was a rock opera composer (Thingfish, Uncle Meat). He was a classical music composer (Yellow Shark, Orchestral Favorites). He was innovative with new technology in making music (Jazz From Hell, Civilization Ken Petty Phase III). And of course he had one of the best groups of well-trained musicians in one place, The Mothers of Invention. Plus it didn’t hurt that the man could rip a five to nine minute guitar solo during what should have been a three minute musical number. Zappa has been enshrined in the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. What is most interesting about the man is that he didn’t take drugs for recreational purposes and he was passionate about his country. His passion put him square in the middle of the 1980’s controversy over the lyrical content on some records that would necessitate marking them as such. He then got involved in politics in a way that would have made Bono look like a pansy in comparison. Zappa was grilled in the media, both print and on television over his opposition to the labeling certain pieces of art, in particular popular

music, offensive. Zappa was even brought before Congress to testify regarding a law that a group of Washington political wives (known as the Parental Media Resource Center) were pressing to get passed. Zappa opposed censorship in any form and was adamant about it. During his statement to Congress, Zappa asserted that “the PMRC proposal is an illconceived piece of nonsense which fails to deliver any real benefits to children, infringes the civil liberties of people who are not children, and promises to keep the courts busy for years dealing with the interpretation and enforcement problems inherent in the proposal’s design.” One of the albums to receive the “Parental Advisory” sticker was Frank Zappa’s Grammy-winning album Jazz from Hell, presumably for the use of the word “Hell” in its title but also for the song “G-Spot Tornado”, even though the album is a collection of instrumental pieces and contains no lyrics whatsoever. If you take the time to listen to his testimony before Congress you will find that what he said about himself in his autobiography, The Real Frank Zappa Book, is true. He described himself as a Practical Conservative, one who wanted a smaller, less intrusive government and lower taxes. Zappa also believed in the Constitution that limits the action of government and allows all citizens to prosper in the environment of freedom. Freedom is to do what you want as long as your exercise of freedom does not bring harm to anyone else. That is the American way and Zappa understood that. Too bad our current crop of legislators don’t.







“He who knows, does not speak, and he who speaks, does not know.” ~ Lao Tzu


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OCT. 29 - NOV. 11, 2015



Lone Star College-Montgomery Provides Employee Training to Local Small Businesses CONROE – Employees of MercedesBenz of The Woodlands and The Woodlands Young Learners Academy recently began convenient, free training with Lone Star College-Montgomery through a partnership that the college has with the Texas Workforce Commission Skills for Small Business Program.


“It is a pleasure for LSC-Montgomery to be able to provide this type of on-site or convenient instruction to these employees,” said Pat Chandler, interim director of continuing education at LSC-Montgomery. “It will greatly increase their effectiveness at their jobs, which will help enhance local small business operations and drive our local market competitiveness.” The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) dedicated $2 million to the Skills for Small Business initiative, a program now available through Lone Star CollegeMontgomery, to support local businesses with fewer than 100 employees. Thanks to a $20,000 contract allocated to Lone Star College, tuition and fees are available for full-time, permanent employees to be paid up to $1,450 for newly hired employees, and up to $725 for existing employees, per 12-month period. With this program, small businesses can now offer current employees the chance to upgrade their skills, as well as train newly hired employees to better fulfill their new job requirements. Credit and continuing education courses, in both the classroom and online setting, are available to students.



OCT. 29 - NOV. 11, 2015

Employees of Mercedes-Benz are working on-site toward a Continuing Education Management I Certificate, while employees of The Woodlands Young Learners Academy are training in Microsoft Outlook 2013 at the LSC-Montgomery campus. For more information, contact Pat Chandler, interim director of continuing education at LSC-Montgomery, at (936) 273-7220, or email Patricia.L.Chandler@ LSC-Montgomery is located at 3200 College Park Drive, one-half mile west of Interstate 45, between Conroe and The Woodlands. For more information about the college, call (936) 273-7000, or visit


images which potential customers would view as an eyesore. Based on the standards of this particular community, opening this Church of Lucifer with its images publicly displayed is on par with opening a porn shop across from a school or a strip club beside a Christian church. Property owners could also be adversely effected if their property values fall due to the negative publicity involved.

Petition To Shut down Church of Lucifer in Old Town Spring by Michael Malleus As of October 30th, The Greater Church of Lucifer (GCOL) will open to the public at 310 1/2 Main Street in Old Town Spring just north of Houston, TX. GCOL filed for its business license half-way across the state rather than file in the community, its organizers operate under aliases, and the group uses a tax-exempt non-profit status even though they presently offer no charities that benefit the Old Town Spring community. Old Town Spring is a community of small

businesses thriving on the image of quaint, small-town, old-time values. This business community appeals mainly to a customer-base of families and children, especially during the holidays. The black flag full of upside-crosses and other such atrocities which this “Church of Lucifer” publicly flaunts essentially constitutes a public nuisance contrary to the economic interest of surrounding businesses. Their shocking public image interferes with and obstructs the ability of surrounding businesses to attract a family-oriented customer base. Their rights to free expression do not include erecting


It is therefore imperative that the “Old Town Spring Preservation League” live up to its name and, under the auspices of the Houston Northwest Chamber of Commerce, take all possible action within the law to rid the community of this nuisance which will harm business and property value in Old Town Spring. Those who sign this petition seek to alert the Preservation League and the Chamber of Commerce that the prosperity of the Old Town Spring businesses are in jeopardy through Thanksgiving and Christmas this year if it appears that no meaningful and serious actions are being pursued to remedy this problem. Out-of-town signatures are welcome because out-of-town visitors comprise a large part of Old Town Spring’s prosperity. As Old Town Spring welcomes the money of out-of-town consumers, we welcome the signatures of concerned out-oftowners.


Those who sign are also asked to share their concern by sending email to the following:

Five Tips to Make Your Smartphone a Mindfulness Tool We all have incredible intentions to be mindful throughout the day, but then life happens and we get distracted, easily losing our momentum. Luckily, Ali Katz, author of Hot Mess to Mindful Mom and certified meditation guru, understands the struggle. Ali considers technology both a blessing and a curse in life. She adores how technology allows us to connect with others in one’s work and personal life. As social media is ever more accessible, posts and quotes keep us inspired and entertained throughout the day. On the other hand, technology can be a huge time consumer. Monitoring our use of technology can be quite challenging, as it is usually a habit. Studies conducted by the University of Derby found that one in eight people are addicted to their smartphones. They shared that “the average phone user spends 3.6 hours of their day on their device and the more you use your phone, the more severe your addiction gets.” Russell Clayton, a lead author from a University of Missouri study, says “the results from our study suggest that iPhones are capable of becoming an extension of our selves such that when separated, we experience a lessening of ‘self’ and a negative physiological state.”

Ali wants to shift the unhealthy overuse of smartphones into a beneficial mindfulness tool. Being mindful is being cautious with your daily routines and use of time. It’s doing things that will benefit you rather than add stress to your day. Here are her five tips on how to use technology knowledgeably, controlling our use rather than have it control our day: 1. Reminder Feature 2. Online Calendar 3. Media Convenience 4. Notes Section 5. Mindful Apps Ali uses the reminder feature as an inspirational tool, as she sets a quote to appear on her phone every hour. This assists to provide a moment to pause and put thought into the midst of a busy day a mini reminder to keep a positive mindset. The busy author’s online calendar is her best friend and survival tool, especially being a working mom. Ali not only uses it to schedule her daily tasks, but also as a mindful reminder to take a break. She sets a 3:00 p.m. alarm every day reading “Gratitude is My Attitude,” reminding her to take a break from her busy day. She takes three deep breaths and thinks of something she is grateful for daily. The convenience of having pictures, music,

e-mail and all media accessible through her phone puts Ali at ease. She keeps a mediation playlist to play during car rides, while cooking or during time alone. This allows Ali to connect with her soul and relax for a period of time during the day. Her top favorite music artists include Jai-Jadeesh, Snatam Kaur and Deva Premal. Ali uses journaling as a peaceful hobby. The notes section in her phone is an excellent stand-in when needed, as her journal is not always around when inspiration strikes. Many smartphone users can agree, the applications are the best feature to the phone. There is an app for almost everything you need. Ali is truly grateful for the accessibility and the personalization that these applications can offer. Her favorite one, which she cannot survive without, is called Insight Timer, as she uses it to time all of her meditation sessions. Being an all-in-one tool, smartphones can be a best friend, but one should not let it take over life. Be mindful of your smartphone use, removing it from your vicinity when eating or with friends and family. As Ali says, “Technology isn’t all bad, as long as we become mindful enough to real ize when we need to take a break and head offline!”





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Writers in Performance Series Welcomes Novelist Elizabeth Crook to LSC-Montgomery CONROE (October 29, 2015) – Lone Star College-Montgomery and the Montgomery County Literary Art Council’s Writers in Performance series welcomes novelist and Texas Institute of Letters Book Award winner Elizabeth Crook for a reading and discussion session about her works, The event, which is free and open to the public, takes place on Thursday, November 19, at 7 p.m. in the General Academic Center (building G), room 102, at LSC-Montgomery. Crook is an American genre novelist of western fiction. She is the author of Monday, Monday, The Night Journal, Promised Lands and The Raven‘s Bride. Monday, Monday received the Jesse H. Jones award for best work of fiction and was named by Kirkus Reviews as a best fiction book of the year. The Night Journal was awarded a Spur Award from Western Writers of America and a WILLA Literary Award from Women’s Writing the West. Crook has written for anthologies and periodicals, including Texas Monthly and the


Crook was born in Houston, graduated from Rice University, and currently resides in Austin. Writers in Performance is a reading program dedicated to bringing the most distinguished minds and their bright visions to the citizens of Montgomery County through thoughtprovoking literature and cultural diversity. The series’ events are made possible by the partnerships between Lone Star CollegeMontgomery, SWIRL literary and arts journal, the Conroe Commission on Arts & Culture, the Greater Conroe Arts Alliance, and the Montgomery County Literary Arts Council. For more information, visit; or contact Dave Parsons at (936) 524-6537 or david.m.parsons@lonestar. edu.



Southwestern Historical Quarterly, and served on the council for the Texas Institute of Letters and the board of the Texas Book Festival.


“This isn’t just our college students,” said Robby Wood, LSC-Montgomery ceramics professor. “We have students from several area high schools pitching in to create the bowls. Our goal is to donate 300 bowls this year, which is 100 more than last year.” LSC-Montgomery ceramics student Ed Maready is no stranger to working with clay and has a vested interest in this cause – he is also a substance abuse counselor. He believes the bowls are reminders to their owners of the talent behind the creation and the benefits from their donation. “Each bowl is unique because of the artist and the care they put into their craft,” he said.

LSC-Montgomery Ceramics Lab Fires up Kilns for Fundraiser CONROE (October 28, 2015) – The ceramics lab at Lone Star College-Montgomery is fired up as students from the college and area high schools are molding their efforts to make 300 bowls for the upcoming Empty Bowls fundraiser held Wednesday, November 18,

at the Conroe Tower in downtown Conroe. Sponsored by the Montgomery County Homeless Coalition (MCHC), the luncheon is one of many events held to raise awareness and funds to support the homeless. Money raised from selling the bowls goes toward MCHC

programs. LSC-Montgomery students have made bowls to donate to the Empty Bowls event for 15 years, but this is the third consecutive year in a row that the funds raised go to the MCHC.

Janet Kasper, program director of Community Youth Outreach, an affiliate of MCHC, thanks the students for donating their time and talent. She added that the event is a good way to get the works of our local art students in the hands of Montgomery County citizens and leaders in the community. “People come to us from a variety of backgrounds,” said Kasper. “It’s not always your stereotypical set of circumstances in which people may find themselves homeless. Asking for help is hard for some people, and we are here to help educate and raise awareness about the homeless in Montgomery County.” For more information about the LSC-Montgomery art department, visit art-dept.htm.

LSC-Montgomery Nursing Professor Honored With Outstanding Distinction trict 9, with the proceeds benefitting the Texas Nurses District 9 foundation. As one of 25 outstanding nurses in the Houston and Galveston area, peers and co-workers nominated Girocco as an exemplary registered nurse. In addition to being honored at the award ceremony, scholarships and research grants will be presented and a President’s Award will be given to a leading advocate for nurses and the nursing profession. After graduating from nursing school, Girocco has taught nursing in schools such as Northeast Louisiana State University, Charity Hospital School of Nursing in New Orleans, and at LSC-North Harris, LSC-Kingwood and LSC-Montgomery. Girocco has worked in several areas of nursing but always found oncology, palliative care and hospice to be her passions. CONROE – For Lone Star College-Montgomery nursing professor Carol Girocco, the distinction of being recognized as one of 25 outstanding nurses for Nursing Celebration 2015 is not just about her hard work and dedication, but the intrinsic reward of knowing that her efforts and passion are recognized. “I believe all of this is like leaving a legacy,”

Girocco said. “And knowing that I have an impact on others lives, no matter how small or fleeting.” A celebration and award ceremony is scheduled for Thursday, November 12, in Houston. Nursing Celebration 2015 is sponsored and hosted by the Texas Nurses Association, Dis-

When asked why she chose nursing as a profession, Girocco likes to boast that nursing chose her. “I really can’t imagine ever doing anything else in this lifetime that did not somehow involve caring for people,” she said. “I love what I do and I have the best of both worlds – teaching and nursing – so what could be better?”


Upon retiring in the spring of 2017, Girocco intends to continue to work part-time as an oncology nurse navigator or in hospice. She also plans to increase her current volunteer involvement with the Leukemia Lymphoma Society. “This distinction is humbling and I am touched,” Girocco said. “But more important than the reward is the belief and appreciation of others that I respect andhold in high esteem in my contributions to the vocation of nursing.” Any registered nurse currently licensed in the state of Texas and working as a registered nurse in District 9 is eligible for nomination. However, previous recipients are not eligible to receive the award again. For more information on the nursing program at LSC-Montgomery, visit nursing-dept-montgomery.htm. LSC-Montgomery is located at 3200 College Park Drive, one-half mile west of Interstate 45, between Conroe and The Woodlands. For more information about the college, call (936) 273-7000, or visit

OCT. 29 - NOV. 11, 2015


Send us your events for inclusion in our Events Calendar

THIS WEEK & BEYOND STAGES Actor’s Gem Productions presents Celebrity Mystery Theater Second Saturday of the month 6:45pm The Spaghetti Warehouse 901 Commerce St., Houston, TX 77002 Imagine yourself enjoying dinner, socializing with friends, having a few drinks . . . when suddenly a murder is committed. Let the wacky antics of two famous detectives, never seen together before anywhere, amuse you as they solve the crime. Who did it? Was it Fran Drescher, Marilyn Monroe, Cher, Elvis Presley, Elizabeth Taylor, Rocky Balboa, Bill Clinton, Joan Crawford or was it you? Admission is $55 and includes a three-course meal, dinner show, soft drinks and gratuity. Reservations are required. For more information call 713-305-8117 or visit them on the web at Theatre Under The Stars (TUTS) presents A Christmas Story The Musical December 8 - 20, 2015 The Hobby Center for Performing Arts Sarofim Hall (800 Bagby St., Houston, TX, 77002) Prepare yourself for a red-blooded, twofisted, all-American Christmas in the holiday show heralded by the Associated Press as “a charming triumph infused with utter joy.” In this clever musical adaptation of the 1983 film comedy, we follow the childhood dreams and schemes of little Ralphie, whose heart is set on getting one thing and one thing only for Christmas – the official Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle. Along the way, we discover the stuff of pink nightmares (think bunny suit), the power of fishnet-clad lamps (careful, it’s fra-GEE-lay), and the wintry hazards of sticking a warm tongue to a cold metal pole. With its timeless scenes, quirky innocence and nostalgic warmth, this musical trip down memory lane will leave the whole family bright-eyed and buoyant. It’s far and away the most fun you’ll have this holiday season! TUTS’ production of A Christmas Story The Musical is made possible by the generosity of Ballard Exploration Company, Inc. TUTS’ 2015/16 season is generously sponsored by CHI St. Luke’s Health. For all shows, air transportation is provided by United Airlines, the official airline of TUTS. Media sponsors include ABC-13 and Houston Chronicle. Season support is funded in part by grants from the City of Houston through the Theater District Association, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Texas Commission on the Arts. Tickets start at $30. Check TUTS Online at, or phone them at 713.558.TUTS

ARTS “Black Panther Party Power” A new exhibition by Phillip Pyle, II On view through November 6, 2015 continued on page 12


OCT. 29 - NOV. 11, 2015


ONGOING EVENTS ARTS Conroe Art League Every Monday 9:30am-12:30pm Every Tuesday 6pm-9pm Every Wednesday 1pm The Wonders of Watercolor Classes with Carrie Allbritton! Carrie discounts that old saying that watercolor is the hardest media and unforgiving, believing instead that when you understand the paints and what they do on paper, you will find it fun, rewarding and very forgiving. Ongoing watercolor classes every Monday from 9:30am - 12:30pm AND every Tuesday from 6:00pm - 9:00pm at the Conroe Art League Gallery. Contact Carrie directly at: carrieallbritton@gmail. com or 936-444-7303 Cost: $25 per class (payable a month in advance)

Food Truck Festival & Charity Event Saturday November 7, 2015 11am-7pm Bareback Bar & Icehouse 19940 Kuykendahl Rd, Spring, TX 77379 Nick Rama is at it again, doing what he can to help the communities hardest hit during the holidays, the hungry. Rama along with Dan Grant of Bareback Icehouse, Sean Henry Jaehne of For The Love Of Food Truck Festivals, Melissa Ray of. Melissa Ray Agency - Nationwide, April Flugence of Creole Gold, James Nelson of Bravado Spice, Erik Cofield & Jamie Weed-Hessel of Cottage Bakers Unite - Spring/ Woodlands, Ken Petty of Public News Online, Zach Karrenbrock of Spring Happenings and Rodney Jenkins of the Montgomery County Food Bank. “We have a very, very substantial event coming to the Spring area on November 7th from 11am to 7pm. Our event is of course a food truck event of at least 8-15 trucks in attendance, along with several variety of other service vendors. Tickets are name-your-ownprice, and will be a direct donation to the Montgomery County Food Bank, “ Rama explained. “We’d like to invite individuals of all ages to join us. The event will be well suited for kids and families as we will have amenities such as Inflatable bouncehouse for kids, sand volleyball court with a possible tournament, shuffle board, pool, darts, cornhole tournament, several TVs with cable sports viewing and of course Bareback Ball,” Rama continued.

ing Room offering Wine and Cheese Tasting for 4, Southern Sweet Creations offering a choice of cake, Massage Heights in Panther Creek offering 2 Gift Certificates, Oh How Beautiful Mobile Spa offering a Gift Card for a Facial, Coffeeshop Company offering a Gift Basket, Zoom Zoom Catering offering a jar of homemade salted caramel with dried apple crisps, Bravado Spice offering 4-Pk of Goumet Hot Sauces, ATA Martial Arts offering a Package, Hybrid Elite Fitness offering a Package, Pure Romance offering Massage Gift Basket, Jamie’s Just Baked offering 1/2 Dozen Mini Bundt Mix, Bebe’s Cravn’ Cajun offering Dinner for 4, Incanto Italian Café offering Dinner for 2, Griddlez Roadside Café offering 25% off a Catering, Jay & John Dough offering a cake, Dunkin’ Donuts offering a gift basket and Pretzels Pleaze also offering a gift basket. Plus gift cards from the following vendors The Nook Grill, Jackpot Pizza, Creole Gold, Taco Crave, Eden Cafe, 5.ATE Cafe, Rustica Food Truck, Le Pam’s House of Creole, Rakuu Restaurant, Wine Envy, La Casita Mexican Cuisine, Whistle Stop Tea Room, Cisco’s Salsa Company and Nonnie’s Soda Fountain. Tickets for the event have been set as a “Name Your Own Price Admission”, as all admission monies collected will go to the food bank.

Rama also added that Bareback Ball is an event where the participants toss a ball into a bucket-sized cup. Also Melissa Ray Agency is sponsoring the kids zone.

Rama also shared that organizers were looking to bring together the entire surrounding community to this event and that any churches, schools, businesses, or other substantial organizations are invited to share in a mutually beneficial outcome. Contact Sean Jaehne for more information: 281-658-9593 or www.

There are also raffle prize drawings for several items plus a person can double their chances with a donation of an unopened, unexpired jar of peanut butter. Raffle tickets are $2 each or a set of 3 for $5.

As of press time, there have been seven food trucks confirmed with an expectation of 15 by festival time. An expected crowd of 3,000 is anticipated for the event.

Items up for raffle include: Melissa Ray Agency offering Houston Texans Club Level Tickets, Landhaus Nikodemus offering a 1-Liter Salt Glazed Stien/Dinner for 2, Genuwine Tast-

To get your event tickets visit: https://www.

Conroe Art League Every Tuesday 1pm-3:30pm Oil Painting Classes w/Gary Hernandez Each student works at his/her own pace in a creative and pleasant atmosphere. The students will learn the tools and materials of oil painting. New students will be painting a new painting at the first session. You will copy master paintings as a pathway to creating your own style of painting. You will learn.... -How to use a grid to quickly layout the painting. -How to select the right palette. -How to select and mix colors. -How to select the right paint brushes -How to apply color theory and use the color wheel. -How to pick the right canvas and how to coat a canvas. -How to varnish a painting. -How to paint in Grisaille These are only a few of the tips I will teach you to create successful paintings and more importantly have an enjoyable painting experience. Ongoing classes every Tuesday from 1:00pm 3:30pm at the Conroe Art League Gallery- 127 Simonton St. - Conroe, TX 77301 Contact Gary Hernandez directly to sign up: 713569-9209 or Cost: $35/per class paid in advance monthly. Conroe Art League First Thursday of the month 11am-5pm Photography Learning Center w/Ed Gorman The Photography Learning Center is back at the Conroe Art Gallery!! If you have questions about photography or how to use your camera, whether it’s a DSLR, SLR, film, cell phone, iPad, etc., then come to the Conroe Art Gallery on the first Thursday of each month from 11am - 5pm. The Conroe Art Gallery is at 127 Simonton St., Conroe, TX 77301. Ed will show you how to work your camera and take better photographs. Contact Ed Gorman: or call 936-443-3487 for more information. Conroe Art League First and Third Thursday 1pm-3:30pm Figure Drawing Group Classes are at the Conroe Art League Gallery 127 Simonton St. Conroe, TX 77301 Live Model, All Skill Levels Welcome! For more information contact: Darby Kachmar 936-228-5126 or Marilyn Lowry or 936-447-1579 Fee is $10 per session, no reservation necessary Conroe Art League Every Thursday 2pm-4:30pm


Painting with Pastels This is an ongoing weekly course, beginning February 5, 2015. The class meets every Thursday from 2:00pm - 4:30pm in the upstairs classroom at the Conroe Art League Gallery - 127 Simonton St. - Conroe, TX 77301. Painting in pastels is quick, easy, colorful, beautiful, very portable - and FUN! Handled correctly, pastels will last many lifetimes and their pure colors never fade, crack, or peel. No stress and no pressure here to paint a masterpiece. You’ll learn how to turn “happy accidents” into a part of your painting, or erase it - pastels are very forgiving. Everyone will hjave a chance to experiment with different techniques and materials, and you’ll develop your own unique style over time. For those who are new to art, you’ll learn the basics of drawing and painting. For more experienced artists who are new to pastels, you’ll learn the characteristics and techniques that are unique to pastels. At the end of each class, you’ll have a finished or nearly-finished painting to take home, ready for framing. Each student is encouraged to learn at their own pace. You are welcomed to do a class-based painting from reference photos provided by the instructor, or bring in your own reference materials to use. We may also paint from life, or go outdoors to paint as the weather permits. During this ongoing course, you will: -Improve your drawing skills, including proportions and perspective. -Learn how to see and paint values, types of underpaintings, both wet and dry. -Create different effects using hard vs. soft pastels. -Layer and blend pastels to get exactly the color you want. -Develop and use a portable pastel kit for outdoor painting and travel. -Know how to paint trees, clouds and water. -Learn how to paint and draw from life and en plein air (outdoors). There’s no pressure to develop a masterpiece or “do it right”. This class is all about having fun and discovering the artist in you. You’ll have lots of individual attention from the instructor with helpful feedback so your paintings keep getting better. Your supply list has options to fit a budget, and everyone is welcomed to register and join us any time. Please contact the instructor, Kathy Fediw, at or call her business number at 281-687-6966, if you have any questions and for a list of materials. Cost: $30.00 per class, payable at the first of each month or at the beginning of each session. Instructor: Kathy Fediw, LEED AP ID+C, CLP, CLT

EDUCATION Barbara Bush Branch Library Ongoing [call for class dates & times] Ongoing Computer Classes Dave Smith, computer instructor, will be teaching seven different computer classes at the Barbara Bush Branch Library in March 2015. The classes are Computer Basics, Introduction to the Internet, Email, MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, and MS Publisher. He also teaches additional classes which are offered at various times throughout the year, including Digital Photography and Smartphone Tips. Please call for the dates and times of the classes and to register. Each class meets for a single 2-hour session. As class size is limited to 12 people, pre-registration is required for each class. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration opens 30 days prior to the class. continued on page 13

OCT. 29 - NOV. 11, 2015



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Avoiding Scary Legal Issues on Halloween by Matt DeLuca Though it may not look or feel like it yet, autumn is upon us in Houston. And with autumn comes Halloween, a holiday celebrated by children and adults alike. But the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has reported that Halloween is actually the most dangerous holiday of the year. In America, more injuries and deaths are reported on Halloween than on any other single day of the year. Scary stuff, indeed. But when you think about it, Halloween is the one day of the year where it is not only accepted but encouraged that young children stay out after dark, knock on strangers’ doors and demand Matt DeLuca treats, all while in full costume and masks. What could go wrong? But steps can be taken to help ensure that Halloween is less trick and more treat. The reality in our lawsuit driven society is that, as a homeowner, you could be liable for any injuries that happen on your property. So in order to protect yourself from a horrifying lawsuit, make sure that if you’re participating in passing out treats to trick-or-treaters or inviting friends over, your home and property are well lit and are safe from any hazards that could potentially injure a child. I know many people like to go crazy with the Halloween decorations, but make sure that even if over-decorating is your thing, all walkways are clear of anything that a child might trip

on. Remember, many children’s costumes can obscure vision, so combine that with a child’s general lack of awareness of their surroundings and it’s easy to see imagine that children are magnets for injury on Halloween night. Also keep in mind that many children’s costumes can be highly flammable, so make sure that any open flames, inside jack-o-lanterns or otherwise, are kept a safe distance away from walkways so that a child doesn’t brush up against them. If you’re a dog owner, make sure to take necessary steps to avoid any injury caused by your pet. With all of the unusual sounds, smells, and sights, Halloween can be a stressful event for dogs. In Texas, dog owners may be found liable if their dog bites a person who is visiting their home while trick-or-treating. In order to avoid any potential injuries, make sure to keep all dogs at a safe distance from walkways and doorsteps where you may be interacting with people. One caveat – most of these property liabilities I’ve outlined above apply to those injured while legally on one’s property. If one is trespassing and a prank goes awry, remember that criminal trespass and criminal mischief are crimes in Texas, even on Halloween. And commercially run haunted houses around town usually require a signed release of liability to enter. Halloween can be a fun experience for both children and adults. But stay safe and make sure to protect yourself so that it doesn’t become a nightmare for you or anyone else. If you have any questions or comments, you can e-mail me at

Aggressive Criminal Defense The Law Office of Matt DeLuca

AUTHENTIC MEXICAN STREET TACOS 5200 FM 2920 #120, Spring, TX 77388

(281) 288-0940

Houston Office 712 Main St. #2450 Houston, TX 77002

(713) 429-4400


OCT. 29 - NOV. 11, 2015



Fresh Arts presents “Black Panther Party Power,” an exhibition by Houston-based artist Phillip Pyle, II., Pyle will present a collection of original images that recast some of the most recognizable and outspoken activists of the Black Panther Party as superheroes. At its inception, the Black Panther Party’s core practice was to arm citizen patrols to monitor the behavior of police officers and challenge police brutality in Oakland, California. In 1969, community social programs became a central activity of party members. The Black Panther Party instituted a variety of community social programs, most extensively the Free Breakfast for Children Programs, and community health clinics. Federal Bureau of Investigation director J. Edgar Hoover called the party “the greatest threat to the internal security of the country,” and he supervised a comprehensive program (COINTELPRO) of surveillance, infiltration, perjury, police harassment and many other tactics designed to undermine Panther leadership and incriminate party members in an effort to discredit, criminalize and drain the organization of resources and manpower. In an attempt to reimagine the history of African-American people in the United States, Pyle will represent these vilified historical figures of the Black Panther movement in their new fantastic roles. Paint Your Own Wine Glass Class “Holiday Themed” November 19th, 2015 6:30pm - 8:30pm Envy Wine Room 317 Gentry Street, D1 in Old Town Spring Come out for an evening of fun while learning how to paint your own wine glass! The class is $25 which includes all materials and instructions to paint your very own wine glass, a free glass of house wine and light snacks to munch. For reservations call 281-528-9868.

FESTIVALS Tomball Bluegrass Festival Sunday, November 15, 2015 11am-6pm Tomball’s Old Depot 201 South Elm Street in downtown Tomball The old Depot in downtown Tomball, Texas will ring with the sounds of banjos, dobros and fiddles as the City hosts the 4nd annual Tomball Bluegrass Festival on Sunday, November 15th, 2015. Coming from deep in the hills of northern Alabama, David David & the Warrior River Boys will headline the one-day musical event. David and the Boys return to Tomball after their successful festival performance here in 2013. They take to the gazebo stage at 4:30 p.m. The Lone Star Bluegrass Band makes its first ever appearance at the Tomball Bluegrass Festival starting at 2:30. Performing together since 1982, the band is led by Chris Hirsch, a three time Texas banjo champion. Bordertown Ramblers will return to the Tomball Bluegrass Festival with its own regional style of Bluegrass with a touch of Country, Blues and mountain traditional from 12:30 to 2 pm. Returning after a long absence, Aunt Erma’s Filling Station opens the Festival at 11 a.m. Local performer John Armour will lead this

year’s “Shade Tree Jam” pickin’ party in front of the Empty Glass Wine Bar where Bluegrass musicians will come and go throughout day, playing their own favorites, as well as joining in with other pickers beneath the old oak trees. Listen, watch and talk Bluegrass with some of the best in Southeast Texas. There will be great down home cookin’ from Mel’s Country Café and others, vendors with handmade merchandise, activities for the kids and more. The fun is from 11:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. Admission and parking are free. And, while in Tomball be sure to visit the unique shops and restaurants in the nearby downtown district. The Tomball Bluegrass Festival is at the historic railroad Depot, 201 South Elm Street in downtown Tomball. Call 281-351-5484 or visit for more information. Houston Whatever Fest Friday thru Sunday, Nov. 20-22, 2015 Warehouse District, East of Downtown Houston More Comedy, More Attractions & More FUN Coming This November! Houston Whatever Fest, the City’s most eclectic two-day music, comedy and art street festival, has added even more unique programming to its diverse line up! In addition to the 90 + music and comedy acts performing on 5 stages in the heart of the East End of downtown on November 21 & 22, the second annual festival will also feature a variety of attractions and shows. Admission to the festival will also include access to unique experiences, interactive shows and pop-up performances including: The Underwear Show, 7 Minutes in Purgatory, Air Sex Show and Punk Rock Circus, plus a variety of street performers and pop-up entertainment experiences taking place throughout the weekend—from brass bands to burlesque, performance artists and more, there’s a show around every corner! For those looking for more than just music, comedy, art and food, we have the HWF Midway Games featuring a variety of carnival games and challenges along with a Giant 65-foot Ferris Wheel—it’s the perfect location for that mile-high-in-the-sky selfie you know you want to take with the festival grounds all around you! Get ready for The Greatest Little Show on Earth as the superstars from Hulk Hogan’s Micro Championship Wrestling, bring their high powered, athletic show to downtown for one weekend only! Don’t miss your chance to see the #1 Midget Wrestling Company in the country showcase their unique, energetic wrestling style with two performances each day. Sports fans will also have the opportunity to catch all of the weekend’s best college football and NFL games on the largest mobile HD television screen in North America. You won’t miss a minute of the action or the chance to keep up with your favorite teams and fantasy leagues in between all the great live entertainment and festival fun. HWF will also mark the debut of the HWF Art Experience, showcasing over 150 local, emerging artists with original artworks on display, the 3D Blacklight Experience housing interactive artwork, dancers, murals and other performers, and the Canvas Combat live art competition where artists take to the streets to create original art pieces before a live audience. To participate as an HWF Art Experi-

ence vendor or sign up for Canvas Combat events, please email The fun kicks off on Friday, November 20 at Warehouse Live with a stand up show from Doug Benson. This event is FREE to patrons with Big Shot or Baller VIP tickets as part the #HWF2015 festival experience! Limited tickets are available to the public, for more information, visit Check out the newest kHWF Radio MixTape curated by Justin Nava, a veteran of the Houston music scene, who currently fronts one of #HWF2015’s most dynamic local bands, thelastplaceyoulook. Nava’s musical influences scene span an array of genres and his impact on the local music scene is as just as storied. From his solo acoustic folk shows to the creative, dynamic productions and performances of thelastplaceyoulook, to his behind-the-scenes work producing other upand-coming bands, Nava himself, is a diverse product of our diverse city. Nava’s MixTape showcases his multi-faceted appreciation of music and performers coming to town—from hip hop and electronic to pop, rock and more. But if you ask him, he’s mainly excited for the local bands and comedians to stand on level ground with national acts because he believes the Bayou City is home to some of the most creative and talented people in the industry! Click here to access the sounds of #HWF2015 as compiled by a guy who is ready to rock and give fans a reason to always be H-Town Proud! We are rolling out new playlists weekly,

curated by some of Houston’s movers, shakers and trendmakers. Be sure to visit to stream or download the sounds of the #HWF2015! General admission individual day passes are $35 in advance. Two-day general admission passes start at $55. VIP Weekend Passes presented by Blackhorse Limo, are also available. Prices increase at the gates. Click Here to purchase today! For more information details on performers, festival attractions and more, please visit

GALA Pop The Cork Wine Tasting & Fundraiser Friday November 13, 2015 Conroe Art League

127 Simonton St. in Conroe, TX 77301 Montgomery County Performing Arts Society is hosting their annual Pop the Cork wine tasting fundraiser on Friday, November 13th, at the Conroe Art League. VIP’s will start the wine tasting at 6:00 p.m. with everyone else coming in at 6:30 p.m. VIP’s donation level will be $75 and they will be tasting premium wines and receive a commemorative wine glass to take home. The general donation level will be $50. A wine tasting for 20 people, led by local wine guru Ron Saikowski, will be raffled off at the event. Heavy appetizers and live music will enhance the evening as we taste wines from all around the world! Donations to reserve your spot can be made on our website: Any questions, call us at 936-760-2787.

continued from page 11

the Robin Bush Room at the Barbara Bush Branch Library, 6817 Cypresswood Drive in Spring.

Please visit the website ( or call the library at 281-376-4610 for more information and to register for these classes. The classes are held in the Barbara Bush Library Friends Computer Lab at 6817 Cypresswood Drive in Spring.


Baldwin Boettcher Library Ongoing English As A Second Language The Baldwin Boettcher Library Staff provides ESL classes for folks who want to learn to speak English or improve their English speaking skills. Our beginning classes are scheduled on Mondays, 6-7:30 pm; Fridays 1-3 pm; Our intermediate ESL classes are on Wednesdays, 6-7:30 pm and Thursdays, 1-3 pm; Our conversational English class is on Tuesdays 10-12 pm; Our advanced English class is on Tuesdays 4-5 pm. Call the library at 281-821-1320 for more information about the ESL classes. Barbara Bush Branch Library Every Thursday noon-1pm Yoga For Stress Relief Certified yoga instructor, Linda Popinksi, offers this free class every Thursday from 12:00-1:00 in the Earl Elliott Room at the Barbara Bush Branch Library, 6817 Cypresswood Drive in Spring. Both men and women are welcome. Bring your own yoga mat and a beach towel. Barbara Bush Branch Library Every Friday noon-2pm French Classes with Marie Come and learn French with Marie on Fridays from 12:00-2:00. The class is intermediate level and so some knowledge of French is required. No registration is necessary. The class will meet in

Big Thicket Distilling Every Saturday noon, 2pm, 4pm Big Thicket Distilling Tours Big Thicket Distilling offer tours at 12, 2 and 4pm on Saturdays. $10 per person. Includes a distillery tour and tasting of our products. Make your reservation online at Big Thicket Distillery’s telephone number is 936666-1341 Conroe Art League By Appointment Conroe Art League 127 Simonton, Conroe TX 77301 The Conroe Art League invites all Montgomery County residents and friends to come in and see their award-winning artists and their masterpieces. They are located at 127 Simonton, Conroe 77301. Their gallery exhibit includes paintings, prints, sculptures, pottery, jewelry and much, much more. If you are wondering what to do for fun this summer, contact Kerry Conkling at kerryart127@gmail. com to arrange a guided tour of the 103 year old historic gallery for groups of from 5 – 25 people. Your free tour includes refreshments (coffee, afternoon tea or happy hour) and an artist demonstration. This would be great fun for couples or for a group of friends. Southern Star Brewing Saturdays 2pm Southern Star Brewing Co. 1207 N. FM 3083 East Conroe, TX 77303 Southern Star Brewing Co invites everyone to come and enjoy a free tour of their brewery on

LSC-Montgomery to Host Career Seminar for Community CONROE – Do job interviews make your palms sweat? Do you struggle with finding the right interview attire? Lone Star College-Montgomery, in conjunction with the Rotary Club of The Woodlands and Sam Houston State University-The Woodlands, invite you to “Show Me The Money,” a free career workshop designed to help you ace your interview, get that job and get paid. “The motto of the transfer, recruitment and career (TRAC) center here at LSC-Montgomery is ‘Get Connected’,” said Matthew Samford, faculty counselor and supervisor of the TRAC center at LSC-Montgomery. “This unique collaboration is a great way to make that happen through interactions

with leaders from the professional sector.” The workshop, held Tuesday, November 17, from 2-4 p.m. at Sam Houston State University-The Woodlands Center on the LSC-Montgomery campus, is open to the community and will include tips on how to dress for an interview, financial guidelines and even mock interviews to help you prepare. Attendees need to RSVP in advance by visiting For more information email Samford at, or call (936) 273-7341.


Saturdays starting at around 2pm. The tour includes one free beer and there is no reservation or sign up required. Oh My Darling! Hot Dogs will be there to serve up some of the best artisan hot dogs around! Children are allowed at the brewery provided they are with a legal guardian. Unruly children will be asked to leave Due to health code, Dogs are not allowed inside the actual tasting room, but are allowed outside Absolutely no outside alcohol is permitted on brewery property Southern Star Tasting Room Hours Fridays 5pm - 9pm Saturdays noon - 6pm For more information on the tours or anything else regarding Southern Star Brewing call 936441-2739 or visit them on the web at

GAMING Beginner HeroClix Sundays at 4:30pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 292-8444 HeroClix is a fun game that allows players to pit their favorite Heroes and Villains against each other in combat! Battle characters from multiple series, from Lord of the Rings to the Justice League! Who will reign victorious on the fields of battle? For beginners or casual players HeroClix Tournament Night Mondays at 7pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 292-8444 HeroClix is a fun game that allows players to pit their favorite Heroes and Villains against each other in combat! Battle characters from multiple series, from Lord of the Rings to the Justice League!


Who will reign victorious on the fields of battle? For more experienced players, and competitive players Netrunner Meetup Night Mondays at 6pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 292-8444 Netrunner is an amazing living card game, with an amazing story and amazing game mechanics. Players compete using one of two decks they construct, either the Corporation or the Runner. In a Matrix style world, Runners jack into the computer system in order to hack into the Corporation’s systems in order to discover their secret agendas. Casual meetup night for players of all experience levels X-Wing Meetup Night Tuesdays at 6pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 292-8444 Star Wars X-Wing is a fun and innovative dogfighting game, in which you must defeat your opponents in space combat! Use ships from the Star Wars universe as you construct your custom squadrons, and fight for either the Empire or the Rebel Alliance! Casual meetup night for players of all experience levels Pokemon League Wednesdays 5pm - 8pm Space Cadets Collection Collection 27326 Robinson Road #117 Oak Ridge North, Free and open to all. Learn to play, trade cards, have fun with friends and make new friends. Earn free League only Pokemon foil cards by playing 7 games (DS or card). On any given week we continued on page 15

OCT. 29 - NOV. 11, 2015




Heroic Marine takes on the GOP Establishment Machine

Last year during a GOP candidate forum at the Crescent Moon Wine Bar, Public News sat down for a quick interview with a political newcomer with some grit and chutzpa aiming to unseat a then 18-year incumbent in Kevin Brady (R-CD8). For two years Craig McMichael, has worked hard campaigning and setting the ground work for a new offensive; removing Kevin Brady from representing Congressional District 8 in Texas. As a former US Marine, McMichael knows what it takes to be prepared for success. As a courtesy the Public News reached out to the Brady campaign for their answers to similar questions as well as those expressed to keep him accountable for his votes in Congress. Brady did not respond to emails or calls for his participation. Over the internet and telephone we spoke with Craig McMichael about his plans and campaign. Public News: You are taking on an entrenched 20year congressional incumbent in Mr. Kevin Brady, what makes your brand of Republicanism better or

more preferred than his? Craig McMichael: I would say the fact that I actually understand and desire to uphold the Constitution. Our republic provides freedom to all, not just the elite insiders that can buy a congressman. It is time we had people who fought for our freedom back home in the district and not their power inside of DC. Public News: What are some of the things that you are bringing to the table for voters to consider? Craig McMichael: FairTax, Term limits, end congressional retirement, privatize the VA and finally attempt to control this massive federal government. Normally people in congress fail because they want to be part of the system, why break down something you are part of? I will never be part of the establishment in Washington, I’m a Texan and my concern is the freedom we all desire. Public News: What brought you to this point, running for public office? Craig McMichael: The absolute failure that our

federal government has become, the specific vote was the fiscal cliff bill of 2013 that added 4 trillion dollars to our debt. I have children and I will fight for them every day so they can have the same country I had. It is our duty to leave this republic in a better state than we found it. It is long past time that normal people stood up and took on this challenge of running for federal office. This is still the country that belongs to we the people and it is us that still have the power to reclaim America’s greatness. We only have to have the courage and belief of the simple fact that has always been true: we can do anything! Public News: Gerrymandered districts have been drawn to favor one party’s guy over the other. CD 8 was drawn to favor Republicans. Do you think this is fair and is this why you are running as a Republican? Craig McMichael: The district are drawn by the State Reps, I really try to stay out of state issues while I am running for this office. I’m running as

#AllLivesMatter period.


OCT. 29 - NOV. 11, 2015


a Republican because at the heart of it I stand for republican values. A lot of Republicans today claim the party but never fight for our values, we need people like me in the party to point that out. Public News: The last time you ran against Brady you lost in the GOP primary. What were some of the things you took away in that loss that you will be more mindful of this time around? Craig McMichael: We ran with very limited money and being that I’ve never held office no one knew anything about who I was I knew it would take time. We’ve spent the last three years getting to know people and this time we are out in the district engaging the voters to let them know they have a choice. A lot of voting has to do with name ID, I’ve spent three long years building that inside of district 8. Public News: What are some of the concerns that your family had running against such a person as Brady? Craig McMichael: There are no concerns there; my family has been very supportive and proud of my continued fight for this republic. What I am doing now is no different than what I did for ten years in the Marines. Public News: What do you think is Brady’s Achilles heel, or does he have one? Craig McMichael: He has a few. You could start with his votes against the Constitution: NDAA, CISPA, NSA SPYING, Patriot Act. You could add his votes for bigger government: NAFTA, Debt ceiling increases (7), Cromnibus bill, Fiscal Cliff spending, TARP. If the voters start looking at the votes he makes and not his propaganda that is on his website and fliers, they will remove him from office. In 18 years he has not written and passed a bill in Washington, in 18 years he has done almost nothing to stop the massive federal government from growing. Public News: What are some of the first things you plan to do once you’ve taken Congressional District 8’s seat in Washington DC? Craig McMichael: I plan to bring the truth about Washington DC back to the people of not only CD 8 but of Texas. I will push for three things. FairTax, Term Limits and privatization of the VA. Public News: How many terms do you expect or want to serve? Craig McMichael: I will only serve three terms, I believe the founding intent of this country was to have citizen servants in Washington, not the lifetime politicians that we have today. We need to rotate in new ideas and people who are willing to actually fight.

continued from page 13 have 25-40 players aged from 6-40+ (yes we have moms and dads that play also :) World War Wednesday Wednesdays at 6pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 292-8444 This is a meet up for all our Historical themed miniatures games. Bolt Action, Flames of War, and Saga players rejoice! We have tables as well as beautiful terrain for players to use. It’s a great event for both beginners and veterans alike, and a great way to spend a Wednesday! Casual meetup night for players of all experience levels

Public News: Do you think term limits in Congress (both in the House of Representatives and Senate) would bring about better representation than what we presently have? What goals have you set for yourself in this election? Craig McMichael: I think term limits would fix a lot of the lobbyist issues we have today, also people in Congress would attempt to do something instead of waiting around for more power. We’ve changed the Constitution and put term limits on the President it is now time to do the same in Congress. Public News: Would you vote to shut down the government if the debt spending limits are not held back or in check? Craig McMichael: I would refer to it not as shutting down the government but forcing the government to spend within it means. If you control spending with a zero based budget you would never get to a government shutdown. We cannot allow ourselves to spend our children’s fortunes by not having the courage to control spending now. Public News: How would you help strengthen the monetary value of the dollar? Craig McMichael: A strong America would bring back a strong dollar. We could start by a full audit of the Federal Reserve to see exactly where we stand. Once completed then we could put everything on the table to come up with solutions for bringing the dollar back. A return to the gold standard would be a good start. Public News: Tell us more about zero based budgeting. How would it work and how would it be beneficial? Craig McMichael: Currently the federal government grows every year by about 3%. When Washington DC talks about cutting spending normally they only cut the growth of spending and not actual spending. This has led our government to be full of programs that attempt to spend as much money as possible so they can receive more funding the following year. This would never survive in the private sector and has only maintained in the government for so long

because the government doesn’t have to produce anything and also has a guaranteed income (Taxes). Zero-based budgeting for the federal government would mean that instead of automatic growth each program would have to be reviewed each year to make sure it was worth the money spent. This would allow the Congress to actually eliminate programs that are not productive. Federal spending has exploded more than ten thousand times since 1800 with almost all of the increase in the past 40 years. The way to truly stop spending in our current massive federal government is to evaluate each year who gets the hard earned money of US taxpayers and how much they get. Public News: A final question; in your campaign you propose eliminating the IRS, auditing the Federal Reserve and establishing the Fair Tax. Would you urge the repeal of the 16th Amendment? Craig McMichael: You have to repeal it as the 16th amendment is a violation of your 4th amendment rights. Your income is your personal property, the government has no right to take what is rightfully yours. Public News: What is your website so that Public News Readers can get to know you better? Craig McMichael: They can find more information at

Magic Commander Night Wednesdays at 6pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 292-8444 Test your mettle in one of Magic the Gathering’s most popular multiplayer format! As one of the most fun and casual formats for Magic, Commander night is a blast! Players Construct a 100 card deck with no duplicates allowed, and play in a multi-man game leading to some crazy shenanigans. See you on the battlefield! Casual meetup night for players of all experience levels Warmachine and Hordes Meetup Night Thursdays at 6pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 292-8444 Warmachine and Hordes (commonly known as Warma/Hordes) is an awesome Miniatures game where players assume the role of a general leading their warriors into combat. Control amazing machines called Jacks or harness the wild power of powerful beasts and monsters to destroy your adversaries. Casual meetup night for players of all experience levels My Little Pony Collectable Card Game Thursdays All Day Space Cadets Collection Collection 27326 Robinson Road #117 Oak Ridge North Come learn how to play the My Little Pony collectible card game. Free event each week. Magic Draft Night Thursdays at 7pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 292-8444 Players purchase 3 booster packs from standard (depending on what the group votes to draft), and an additional 2 booster packs of any available expansion to add to the prize pool! Players then construct a 40 card deck from the contents of their draft to compete with, battling for prizes and glory! Fun event for players of all experience levels, and perfect for players to expand their collection For more Details go to: events/340064569532538/ Friday Night Magic Fridays at 7pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 292-8444 Experience one of the most intense and fun Standard Magic tournaments in the area every Friday at Fat Ogre! Players bring a 60 card Standard legal deck to compete in a massive tournament! A fun night for players of all ages and experience levels, Friday Night Magic is your premier Magic event. Fun event for players of all experience levels For more Details go to:

PUBLIC NEWS events/510118335795397/ Warhammer Meetup Night Fridays at 6pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 292-8444 A fun meetup night for both Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40k players, Fat Ogre has an amazing community for Warhammer. A great night for players of all experience levels, new players can feel free to stop by and learn! Fun event for players of all experience levels Hero Clix Saturdays 3pm – 5pm Space Cadets Collection Collection 27326 Robinson Road #117 Oak Ridge North, TX 77385 Come on out and learn how to play Hero Clix. We are an official HeroClix tournament site , so come and enjoy the fun. We have added a full line of Hero Clix items. Marval Dice Masters League Saturdays 5pm – 8pm Space Cadets Collection Collection 27326 Robinson Road #117 Oak Ridge North, TX 77385 Learn how to play this exciting new game, which sold out all over the nation as soon as it was released. It is an inexpensive game to start , at around $15 for a starter and $1.00 for boosters. If you have ever played the dace game Quarriors, this will seem familiar to you, as it is created by the same company. Join us! Board Game Night Saturdays 5pm – 8pm Space Cadets Collection Collection 27326 Robinson Road #117 Oak Ridge North, TX 77385 Bring your favorite board or card game. Meet up with friends or make new ones while you are here! Please only bring all ages appropriate games. Monopoly anyone? We want everybody to be able to participate. Magic Modern Tournament Saturdays at 6pm Fat Ogre Games & Comics 525 Sawdust Rd, Spring TX, P: (281) 292-8444 A fun tournament for Magic the Gathering players to test their competitive skill with access to older and more powerful cards. Players bring a Modern legal deck comprised of 60 cards, and compete for prizes and glory! Players may use any Magic the Gathering card printed after 8th edition, with a few specific exceptions. Fun event for players of all experience levels For more Details go to: events/1376049572715159/

SUPPORT GROUPS Free 2B Support Group Tuesdays, 6:45-8:30pm Faith Bible Church, The Woodlands FREE 2B is a faith-based codependency support group, where those facing relational difficulties can share their struggles and begin the process of restoring healthy balance in their lives. Free 2B is open to the public for individuals and couples 18 and older and is free to attend. For an information packet, email Scott at

OCT. 29 - NOV. 11, 2015



EMILY COLE LIGHTS UP THE NIGHT OF HER DEBUT CD RELEASE The trek to stardom seldom takes on a humble tone and that was Emily Cole’s first inclination when it came time to celebrate the release of her self-titled debut. She didn’t really want a big event that everyone had to pay to get in and hear her play. She had been used to a decent showing of an audience anywhere she played and her stage presence has been perfected over the last year or so. The venue to play was settled on Ransom Steakhouse off the main freeway east of Montgomery, Texas. The stage was a slightly raised platform, just tall enough so everyone in the restaurant could easily peer over everyone else’s head to see who was playing. The sound


OCT. 29 - NOV. 11, 2015

was well mixed and not at all overwhelming. On the stage stood two microphone stands with microphones in place, a keyboard, a ukulele and two acoustic guitars, one for Emily and the other for her songwriting partner Chris Chimene. The first set was well paced with Emily playing a few of her own songs mixed with songs by Taylor Swift, Hasley, Meghan Trainor, Hozier and others. It was a stroke of genius to blend the set like that as it was very easy to see what artists influenced Emily Cole musically as well as lyrically. Emily Cole was at ease swapping one instrument for another as she transitioned from one song to the next.


Her banter during these transitions blended between storytelling, a little self reflection and some humor. After a short break to go over to her merchandise table to autograph CDs and T-Shirts, her vocal coach, Theresa Yow, took the stage for a short set of her songs. After a brief intermission, Emily and Chris took the stage once more and riveted though a strong set songs off her new album. As an unplugged set, it met with delight from the approving crowd. It was a great night that none will forget as we got one more chance to see a shining star honing her craft as she moves on in her career, blessing the audience with her perfectly executed performance.



THE LONG BLACK VEIL by Mark Crampton

by Mark Crampton

This article is definitely for those of us over “a certain age” – those of us who watched and remembered the original broadcasts of Star Trek from 1966 to 1968! You youngsters may know Leonard Nimoy from all the follow-up Star Trek movies, but WE saw and lived the innovative series and met him as it happened! Leonard Nimoy, of course, portrayed the half-Vulcan half-Human Mr. Spock on the series and in all the follow-ups, maintaining and developing the character from the groundbreaking pilot “The Cage”, which was filmed in late 1964, until his final appearance (before his death) in the 2013 “Star Trek: Into Darkness”. “The Cage” was never aired (until 1988, that is!), but the footage was incorporated into the two-part “The Menagerie”, aired during the first (1966) season. Leonard Nimoy was NOT just an actor, although many folks don’t know that. He was also a professional photographer; a writer and novelist; a TV and movie director; a book, TV and film producer; a poet; a songwriter and a singer! This article, naturally, is about his career as a songwriter and singer. Wait, you didn’t KNOW that Leonard Nimoy was a songwriter and singer? He recorded five albums during his career – that’s one more than either Roy Rogers or Hank Wilson recorded! (I once had ALL FIVE, and wish I still had them!)

Nimoy’s first album came about through the demands of one of Mr. Spock’s avid fans – how else?! Dot Records VIP Charles Green was planning a studio album of Star Trek-based “space music”. His teenaged daughter informed him that if he was recording “space music”, ESPECIALLY Star Trek “space music” than, of course, Mr. Spock would HAVE to be on it! Green contacted Nimoy, who was interested. The 1967 album Mr. Spock’s Music From Outer Space was the result, and reached number 83 on the Billboard charts, with Nimoy’s single A Visit to a Small Planet / Theme From Star Trek going up to number

121 on Billboard. These sales figures were successful enough that Dot offered Nimoy a recording contract. Green also personally produced Nimoy’s first four albums.

Two Sides of Leonard Nimoy followed, released in early 1968. Side one was, again, Star Trek-based “space music”, but the songs were more personal, reflecting Mr. Spock’s conflict between his Vulcan and Human halves, especially By Myself and Once I Smiled. Once I Smiled was based on “This Side of Paradise” (Season one, Episode twenty-four, March 2, 1967), in which Mr. Spock learned how to express and exhibit human emotions, even love. In the closing scene of the episode, Spock comments about his experiences, observing, “I’ve little to say about it, Captain ... except that for the first time in my life, I was happy.” Side two is a mélange of pop and country, and includes the classic Ballad of Bilbo Baggins. Too bad that this song didn’t get picked up for Jackson’s movies!

Fall 1968 brought the release of The Way I Feel, Nimoy’s third album. This album pretty much got away from the Mr. Spock persona, mostly consisting of folk songs. Two tracks, however, Consilium and Where It’s At, were recitations, not songs, and kind of can be related to Mr. Spock – or at least, they’re kind of “spacey”. With 1969 came album four, The Touch

of Leonard Nimoy, all folk and love songs. An interesting note is that in Star Trek’s third season episode (November 22, 1968, episode No. 65) “Plato’s Stepchildren”, Mr. Spock was forced by highly sadistic telekenitic aliens to laugh, cry, and sing a love song to Lt. Uhura and Nurse Chapel, and even kiss Chapel (who carried an unrequited torch for Mr. Spock her entire time on the series). The song Mr. Spock sings to Uhura and Chapel is Maiden Wine, which Nimoy wrote, and is on this album. (Note: this episode was banned in the UK for the sadistic theme, and supposedly was the ‘first inter-racial kiss’ – that is, between a white man – Kirk - and a black woman – Uhura – on US Television). Nimoy also wrote the songs Contact and Piece of Hope on this album.

The New World of Leonard Nimoy was his fifth and final album, in June 1970. It was country on side one, and country-rock and folk on side two. Nimoy wrote The Sun Will Rise from side two. As I said before, unfortunately, none of these albums have been re-released on CD – but they are still available as pretty darned expensive vinyl LPs! There are now two current compilations of Nimoy’s music on CD (one of which also includes several ‘songs’ by William Shatner), which do have most of his songs on them. But they are NOT the original albums.


This song has always been one of my favorites – I just LOVE the haunting chorus. It’s a simple, short little song, really, in one way – the story of a man, unjustly accused of a murder, who refused to defend himself because he had been with his best friends’ wife at the time. (OK, I am NOT going to get into any morality here – it’s a SONG, for gosh sakes!) The woman watched his execution without a tear, but now cries over his grave at night. Written by Nashville veteran Danny Dill, with input by Marijon Wilkin, it was actually intended to be a folk song. Dill said that it was based on two true life events: the murder of a man in New Jersey under a streetlight with numerous witnesses, and the mysterious ‘Woman in Black’ who laid a rose at Rudolph Valentino’s grave every year. He also admitted that the chorus was heavily borrowed from Red Foley’s song God Walks These Hills With Me. Somehow, though, instead of a folk song the song became somewhat of a Country Music ballad. I think I remember the original version by Country singer Lefty Frizzell in 1959, but like many people, what really comes to memory is the 1965 version by Johnny Cash. Cash first recorded Long Black Veil (his version dropped “The”) for his 1965 album Orange Blossom Special, then again on the live album Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison in 1968. (He actually laughed and stopped the show when the prisoners cheered at the line “…in the arms of my best friend’s wife”). Long Black Veil was one of the songs Cash sang on his TV show debut July 19, 1969, in a duet with Joni Mitchell (a relatively unknown folk singer at that point). Even though Long Black Veil has been recorded by over 200 other artists over the years, by Country, Bluegrass, Western, Blues, Rock, and Punk singers and bands from all over the world – in English - and even some European foreign-language bands did versions – Cash’s is probably still the most recognized! Cash had a way - which still hasn’t been replicated by any modern singers I can think of – of taking a song, even a song that was a hit by another singer or group, and making it HIS. From The Long Black Veil to Hurt, once Cash sang a song, it just seems like any other version was just second best. Another version I DO like, however is on the 1995 album The Long Black Veil by the Irish/Celtic group The Chieftains. The vocalist on their version was none other than Mick Jagger! (And the entire Rolling Stones on another song on that album). Honestly, now I think I even like Jagger’s version better than Cash’s! Both of Cash’s albums and The Chieftains’ are readily available, so give a listen and decide which version YOU like best!

OCT. 29 - NOV. 11, 2015


LIVE MUSIC GUIDE - MONTGOMERY COUNTY Fri. Dec. 4 9:30pm Legacy Sat. Dec. 5 9:30pm Jason West Fri. Dec. 11 9:30pm Cadillac Blues Band Sat. Dec. 12 9:30pm Brian Sacco Fri. Dec. 18 9:30pm Nigal Edison Band Sat. Dec. 26 9:30pm Charlie Parker Band Kat Daddy Bar 463 FM 1488, Conroe 936-273-9342 Every Sunday 4pm Corey Micheal, Caleb & Friends



Papa’s On The Lake 9400 Hwy 105 W., Lake Conroe 936-447-2500 Sat Oct 31 8pm Cheap Trick Sat Nov 14 8pm TBA


Red Brick Tavern 119 Simonton, Conroe 936-539-2000 Every Sunday Gospel Sunday Brunch Mondays - Blue Monday with Charlie Parker Sat, Oct 31 7:30PM Marcus Eldridge / Jake Black Sun, Nov 1 10AM Neil Austin Imber Mon, Nov 2 7PM Charles Peters Wed, Nov 4 7:30PM Jake Black Thu, Nov 5 7PM Jason Allen / Sarah Peacock Fri, Nov 6 10PM Stephen Chadwick Sat, Nov 7 7PM Marty Haggard Sun, Nov 8 8PM Marty Haggard Mon, Nov 9 7PM Charles Peters Tue, Nov 10 7PM Don Pope and friends


4 2 7





Bernhardt Winery 9043 County Road 204, Plantersville All Shows start one hour prior to sunset Shows are $10 - ages 18 and up



Genuwine Tasting Room 6503 FM 1488 #401 Magnolia 832-934-2675 [no cover unless stated *] Thurs. Oct. 29 Bobby Martin Fri. Oct. 30 Scott Haskins Sat. Oct. 31 Girl Friday **cover charge Thurs. Nov. 5 7:30pm Corey Michaels Fri. Nov. 6 7:30pm Keetin Coffman Sat. Nov. 7 7:30pm Joe Bailey Thurs. Nov. 12 7:30pm Jeannine Higgins Fri. Nov. 13 7:30pm Sam Jenkins Sat. Nov. 14 7:30pm Louis Lamb Thurs. Nov. 19 7:30pm Keith Rea Fri. Nov. 20 7:30pm Alva Sim Sat. Nov. 21 7:30pm Russell Boyd the Piano Man Fri. Nov. 27 7:30pm Luke Novick Sat. Nov. 28 7:30pm Sheri Lavo & Ain’t Nobody’s Business Fri. Dec. 4 7:30pm Chase Gassaway Sat. Dec. 5 7:30pm Keeto



Fri. Dec. 11 9pm Sarah Burton SAt. Dec. 12 9pm Justin Mason

Wed Nov. 11 Justin Michael Bell - Singer Songwriter Humpday Thur Nov. 12 Guy Forsyth and the Hot Nut Riveters

Backwoods Saloon 230 Lexington Ct., Conroe 936-273-0203 no website Open Mic every Thursday 8pm with Dan Scott & Friends

Dosey Doe Music Cafe 463 FM 1488, Conroe 936-321-2171 Thur Oct. 29 Josh Fuller Band Fri Oct. 30 Sarah Kelly Artist Residency - Ryan Kennedy and Elin Gardestig opening Sat Oct. 31 8 Seconds Sun Nov. 1 Tom McKinney’s Katch A Rizing Star Mon Nov. 2 Java Jazz Tue Nov. 3 Scott Brown - Story Tellers with Jody Booth Wed Nov. 4 The Vespers with Kyle Hutton - Real Life Real Music Thur Nov. 5 Folk Family Revival w/ Bottom Dollar String Band Fri Nov. 6 Liz Longley and Max Gomez Sat Nov. 7 Mike Donnell with Mason Ashley opening Sun Nov. 8 Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers w/ Bird Cloud Mon Nov. 9 Nashville Songwriters Association Tue Nov. 10 Open Mic Night

Game On Sports Bar 1717 N. Fraiser Conroe 936-788-6209 Open Mic Every Wednesday at 8pm Fri Oct 30 9:30pm Legacy Sat Oct 31 9:30pm Scooter Brown Band Fri. Nov 6 8:30pm Legacy Sat. Nov 7 9:30pm Lyssa Warren Fri. Nov 13 9:30pm Satisfied Drive Sat. Nov 14 9:30pm Cody Wayne Fri. Nov 20 9:30pm Corey Michael Band Sat. Nov 21 9:30pm Patrick Murphy Fri. Nov 27 9:30pm Cadillac Blues Band Sat. Nov 28 9:30pm 80’s Bash with The Lost Boys Band


The Corner Pub 302 N. Main St., Conroe 936-788-2390 Tuesday Open Mic with Jeremy Bankhead Wednesday Hippie Night with The Lankfords Brothers Thurday FarLand jams with Adam McFarland Fri. Nov. 6 9pm The Shady Rest Band Sat. Nov. 7 9pm Dallas Dorsey Fri. Nov. 13 9pm The Matchsellers Sat. Nov. 14 9pm Little Outfit Fri. Nov. 20 9pm Doug Westcott Sat. Nov. 21 9pm The Powell Brothers Fri. Nov. 27 9pm Chase Holbrook






OCT. 29 - NOV. 11, 2015


LIVE MUSIC GUIDE - SOUTHERN MONTGOMERY COUNTY & NORTH HARRIS COUNTY Fri. Nov. 27 The .07 Blues Band Sat. Nov. 28 Space Monkey Fri. Dec. 4 Nigel Edison SAt. Dec. 5 TBA


23 That One Bar

13 10

11 12

14 25


26 27

18 19 20

Two Mules Tavern 24 100 Cypresswood Dr., Spring 281-528-0600 no music events reported

THE WOODLANDS Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion Lake Robbins, The Woodlands, 281-210-1105 23 2005 Sat, Nov. 7 7pm Zac Brown Band Sat, Nov. 14 10am 20th Annual Children’s Festival Sun, Nov. 15 noon 20th Annual Children’s Festival Thu, Dec. 3 7:30pm Holly Jolly Jingle Sat, Dec. 5 7pm KSBJ Presents Christmas with Amy Grant & Michael W. Smith



4660 Louetta #100, Spring 832-562-3942 Fri. Nov. 6 The .07 Blues Band Fri. Nov. 13 9pm Turn Mics Fri. Nov. 20 9pm Texas Joe Bailey & the Sweet Leaf Junction Fri. Nov. 27 9pm Groove Bone Fri. Dec. 4 9pm Andrew Wade Band Fri Jan 1 9pm .07 Blues Band




NORTH SPRING 10 19th Hole Grill & Bar

202 Sawdust Rd #118, Spring 281-363-2574 [$10 cover on all shows] Thu Oct 29 8pm Thursday Night Jam Fri Oct 30 8pm Another Pearl Harbor, Farewell to Solace Sat Oct 31 8pm HALLOWEEN PARTY! [Details coming] Fri Nov 6 8pm madSons Sat Nov 7 8pm Enchant, Dimension, Color Chemistry, Relayer Fri. Nov. 13 8pm Hounds Of Jezebel, To Whom It May, North Til Dawn, Seldom Sat. Nov. 14 8pm Autopsy Room, Chucky The Killa, Recco Demize, Gravedog, Wicked Brothers, Hodge Boys, LBO Room, Louie G, Queen Lady Bishop, Lowcoe, Local Mindz Fri. Nov. 20 8pm AJ Santana Band Sat. Nov. 21 8pm Metacrisis, Lost Chapters Sat. Nov. 28 8pm Spinning Still Sat. Jan. 9 8pm Twelve Years Driven, MadSons, Para Bellum Crabby Daddy

11 25186 I-45, The Woodlands 281-296-2722 Shows begin at 7pm no music reported

Crescent Moon Wine Bar 12 440 Rayford Rd., #115, Spring 281-364-WINE (9463) Every Thursday is Salsa Music Night Fri Oct 30 7pm Texas Star-Pure Texas Talent Sat Oct 31 7pm Halloween Party Fri Nov 6 8:30pm Alter Ego Band Sat Nov 7 8pm Fab 5 Fri Nov 13 8pm Cool Breeze Band Sat Nov 14 8:30pm Elvis Is In The House Fri Nov 20 TBA Sat Nov 21 8:30pm Luther and the Healers Fri Nov 27 8:30pm Johnny & the Spinsters Sat Nov 28 8:30pm Yelba’s Variety Band

Doe Big Barn 13 Dosey 25911 I-45 N., The Woodlands 281-367-3774 Thur Oct 29 8:30pm Jason Eady and Scott Miller - In The Round Fri Oct 30 8:30pm Ricky Nelson Remembered Sat Oct 31 8:30pm The Guess Who - Halloween Night! Wed Nov. 4 8:30pm The Traveling Red River Songwriters

Bar & Grill 24 Brautigams 106 Market St, Tomball 832-698-4461


- Susan Gibson, Josh Grider, Drew Kennedy, the Trisha’s Kelly Mickwee and Brandy Zdan, Walt Wilkins Thur Nov. 5 8:30pm Taylor Dayne Fri Nov. 6 8:30pm Lorrie Morgan Sat Nov. 7 8:30pm Marc Broussard w/ JB Barnett opening Mon Nov. 9 8:30pm Robert Cray Wed Nov. 11 8:30pm Gino Vannelli Thur Nov. 12 8:30pm Jimmy Fortune Fri Nov. 13 8:30pm Vince Gill - SOLD OUT Sat Nov. 14 8:30pm Carlene Carter Wed Nov. 18 8:30pm David Cook Thur Nov. 19 8:30pm Melanie Safka

11528 Jones Rd. Houston (281) 894-1811 Every Thursday Open Mic & Artist Showcase Sat Oct 31 Doyle Fri. Nov. 6 Crank Case CD Release Party Sun. Nov. 15 Fall Brawl w/Seek Irony Fri Nov 20 Autograph, Jim Finn, Dirtymind, 72 Down, Dark Energy, Washed Up Sat Nov 21 Marzi Montazeri & Tim “Ripper” Owens, Day of Reckoning, Epic, The Black 13, MadSons, and more!

Ice House 14 Papa’s 314 Pruitt Rd, Spring 713-364-8140 Fri. Nov. 6 Guns 4 Hire Sat. Nov. 7 Misfits w/Sid 17, Guillotines, Godless, Shaw, She Demons Fri. Nov. 13 Dirty Reckless, Theory Of Thieves Sat. Nov. 14 Jackyl, Smokin Aces Sat. Nov. 21 KISS Alike Fri. Nov. 27 The Chromatics Fri. Dec. 11 Scott Weiland & The Wildabouts SAt. Dec. 12 The Fab 5 No music announced

CYPRESS CREEK 15 Acadia 3939 FM 1960 W., Houston 281-893-2860 Fri Oct 30 Troublemaker featuring Kat James Sat Oct 31 Heallaboo 14, Black 14, Perfect Disease, Sirenicide, Beyond All Deception, Aeon Code Sun Nov 1 The Hennessy Band,Carthy,Carter,Hollie Frye Fri Nov. 6 Another Pearl Harbor, Wax Panel, Remanon, Metacrisis Sat. Nov. 7 Rear Naked Choke, Straight Jacket Theory, Broken Valor Sun Nov 8 “Major L,Ominious Necro,Iggy,Mykronyk”. Thurs. Nov. 12 “The Return Of Green Jello With Pukebox, Theory Of Thieves, Witness To The Fallen”. Fri Nov. 13 Lasien, Carmeci, Kronika, Xwansongs Sat. Nov. 14 Channing Sall, Oddiz,Soul Harvest, The Minds Eye Mon. Nov. 16 Treason, The Earth As We Know It, The Fine Constant, Sirens Thurs. Nov. 19 Machete Season, Giant Kitty, Punk Rock Project Fri Nov. 20 Klodine, Lost Cause, Underage Sat. Nov. 21 Millenial Reign, Echo Temple, Chaotic Justice Sun Nov 22 “Free Show Raven Douglas B-Day Bash With Smokin Aces, Shaving Suzie, Twisted Karma, Epic, Coming Up Zero”. Fri Nov. 27 Free Show With Hold On Hollywood, Rockett Queen, Pulse Rate Zero, When All Is Lost Sat. Nov. 28 Free Show With Erase The Virus, Farewell To Solace, Pattern Recognition Sun Nov 29 Talk In Theory, B

16 BFE Rock Club

Concert Pub North 17 The 2470 Cypress Creek Pkwy., Houston 281-583-8111

OLD TOWN SPRING Saloon 18 Jailhouse 310 Preston, Spring 281-288-0255 no music reported

19 Puffabellys 100 Main St, Spring 281-350-3376 Wednesdays 8pm Davin James’ Songwriter Showcase Thursdays 6pm Open Mic

SPRING 20 Bombshells 21005 I-45 North, Spring 281-288-2769

Place Sports Bar & Grill 22 Mak’s 5200 Louetta Rd., Houston 832-698-1611 Fri. Nov. 6 Cold Steel Revolver Sat. Nov. 7 Dunville Fri. Nov. 13 TBA Sat. Nov. 14 Brian Lofton Fri. Nov. 20 Jonathan Mitchell Sat. Nov. 21 Shinolah

PUBLIC NEWS Sun. Nov. 1 10am J B Barnett Fri. Nov. 6 Bryans Scott Sat. Nov. 7 Aubrie Lynn Sun. Nov. 8 10am Kevin Weishaar Fri. Nov 13 Presley Lewis Sat. Nov. 14 Willow Creek Junction Sun. Nov. 15 10am Kevin Weishaar Fri Nov 20 Josh Fuller Sat. Nov. 21 Hillary Moore Sun. Nov. 22 10am Kevin Weishaar Fri. Nov. 27 Mandi Powell Sat. Nov. 28 Sheila Marshall Sun. Nov. 29 10am Kevin Weishaar

25 Cheers 916 West Main St., Tomball 281-351-2599

no website no music reported

Street Crossing 26 Main 111 West Main St., Tomball 281-290-0431 Thurs Oct 30 8pm The Damn Quails Weds. Nov 4 Kevin Galloway from the band Uncle Lucius Thurs. Nov 5 Real Life Real Music Young Artist Show Fri. Nov 6 Abbey Rode (Beatles Tribute Band) and Already Gone (Eagles Tribute Band) Thurs. Nov 12 Jack Ingram Fri. Nov 13 Doug Stone Thurs. Nov 19 Quebe Sisters Fri. Nov 20 Carolyn Wonderland Sat. Nov 21 Blue Water Highway Thurs. Nov 25 Ezra Charles Mon. Dec 1 Paul Thorn Tues. Dec 2 Paul Thorn Fri. Dec 4- Brandon Rhyder Thurs. Dec 10 Adam Hood and Jason Eady Fri. Dec 11 Monte Montgomery Dec 16 Gary P Nunn Dec 17 Hal Ketchum Dec 18 Cool Freddie E and the Crew Dec 21 Annie Moses Band Christmas Show Dec 23 Two Tons of Steel Dec 31 New Year’s Eve Party with Abbey Rode(Beatles Tribute) and Already Gone(Eagles Tribute) Empty Glass 27 The 104 Market Street, Tomball Thursdays are Open Mic Nights no music reported


OCT. 29 - NOV. 11, 2015


LIVE MUSIC GUIDE - INNER WEST LOOP/ NORTHWEST HOUSTON Sat. Oct 31 9:30pm Uncle Lucius Thurs. Nov 5 7pm Jeff Plankenhorn - Mike O”Connor Thurs. Nov 5 9:30pm Johnny Nicholas Fri. Nov. 6 7pm Radney Foster Fri. Nov. 6 9:30pm Shawn Phillips Sat. Nov. 7 7pm Shake Russell Thurs. Nov. 12 7pm Guy Davis Fri. Nov. 13 7pm Steve Poltz Fri. Nov. 13 9:30pm Piper Jones Sat. Nov. 14 8pm Bruce Cockburn Thurs. Nov. 19 7pm Brant Croucher Thurs. Nov. 19 9:30pm The Roosevelts Fri. Nov. 20 7pm Sam Baker Fri. Nov. 20 9:30pm Josh Grider Sat. Nov. 21 7pm Wheatfield Sat. Nov. 21 9:30pm Shelley King Thurs. Nov. 26 7pm Thurs. Nov. 26 9:30pm Fri. Nov. 27 7pm Lisa Morales Fri. Nov. 27 8pm Bob Schneiders Moonlight Orchestra-Cullen Theater Fri. Nov. 27 9:30pm Carolyn Wonderland Sat. Nov. 28 7pm Slaid Cleaves Sat. Nov. 28 9:30pm Slaid Cleaves

WEST HOUSTON Pub 30 Shakespeare 14129 Memorial Dr, Houston


30 28 29


28 2010 Waugh Dr Houston

713-521-0521 Weekday shows & Sunday, doors open at 8pm Most Mondays are Open Mic/Comedy Shows, always free Friday and Saturday, doors open at 9pm [unless otherwise mentioned] First band listed is headliner/or plays last. Music starts at 10pm Thur. Oct 29 7pm St. Arnold Beer Dinner Fri. Oct 30 10pm Funeral Horse, Bellringer, Baron Von Bomblast, Sat. Oct 31 HALLOWEEN!!! TBA Sun. Nov. 1 Pegstar presents: Suston, Ted Stone, Fri. Nov. 6 Beneath Oblivion, Funeral Horse, Hogs of War, Sat. Nov. 7 Ceremony of Alchemists: PuraPharm, Mr. Plow, Blue Funeral, Sun. Nov. 8 Quaker City Night Hawks, Broken Spokes Thu. Nov. 12 530-7pm Houston 2040 Meeting/Adam Bricks-TBA Fri. Nov. 13 Poor Dumb Bastards, The Beaumonts, We are the Asteroid, Sat. Nov. 14 Pegstar presents: YOB, BlackCobra, KRVSHR, $15ADV/$17DOS Tue. Nov. 17 Bootown presents: Grown up Story Time 8pm & 10pm Wed. Nov. 18 Pegstar presents: Moving Units, Hope Riot, $12 Cover Thu. Nov. 19 Rudyard’s Beer Tasting featuring: Brash Brewery Fri. Nov. 20 Pegstar presents: Midnight, Venomous Maximus, Peasant, $12ADV/$13DOS Sat. Nov. 21 London Girl-Reunion Show w/Jealous Creatures, Wed. Nov. 25 Meg’s Benefit w/ TBA Thur. Nov. 26 THANKSGIVING! Fri. Nov. 27 Generation Landslide!, Screech of Death, Deige’ Sat. Nov. 28 Broken Teeth, HogLeg, Aguila Black, Thur. Dec. 3 Women That Rock Fest featuring Gwen Doll, Libby Koch, Mystery Loves Company, Fear the Poet and Giant Kitty-630pm Fri. Dec. 4 Ex-Optimists(CD Release) Sat. Dec. 5 Doomsgiving 4-Project Armageddon, Linus Pauling Quartet, The Dirty Seeds,

29 McGonigel’s Mucky Duck

2425 Norfolk St Houston (713) 528-5999 Thurs. Oct 29 7pm Ashley Monical Thurs. Oct 29 9:30pm If Birds Could Fly Fri. Oct 30 7pm Guy Forsyth Fri. Oct 30 9:30pm Guy Forsyth Sat. Oct 31 7pm Uncle Lucius


OCT. 29 - NOV. 11, 2015


281-497-4625 Every Sunday Sparetime Murray & the Honeymakers Blues Jam Fri Oct 30 9:30pm Big Cletus Blues Experience Sat Oct 31 9:30pm Lucky Losers w/Cathy Lemons & Phil Berkowitz Sun. Nov. 1 9:30pm Sparetime Murray & The Honeymakers Blues Jam Tues. Nov. 3 9:30pm Tres Amigos Percussion Trio featuring the Mighty Orq Thurs. Nov. 5 9:30pm Great Scott & The Almighties Fri. Nov. 6 9:30pm The Mighty Orq Happy Solo Hour, JW Jones Sat. Nov. 7 9:30pm Erin Jaimes Band Sun. Nov. 8 9:30pm Blues For Food, Sparetime Murray & The Honeymakers Blues Jam Tues. Nov. 10 9:30pm The Paul Ramirez Band Thurs. Nov. 12 9:30pm Sonny Boy Terry Fri. Nov. 13 9:30pm The Mighty Orq Happy Solo Hour, James Henry Band Sat. Nov. 14 9:30pm Brent Johnson & The Call Up Sun. Nov. 15 9:30pm Sparetime Murray & The Honeymakers Blues Jam Tues. Nov. 17 9:30pm Tres Amigos Percussion Trio featuring the Mighty Orq Thurs. Nov. 19 9:30pm Leonard “Low Down” Brown Fri. Nov. 20 9:30pm The Mighty Orq Happy Solo Hour, The Peterson Brothers Sat. Nov. 21 9:30pm Randy Pavlock Band Sun. Nov. 22 9:30pm Sparetime Murray & The Honeymakers Blues Jam Tues. Nov. 24 9:30pm The Paul Ramirez Band Fri. Nov. 27 9:30pm The Mighty Orq Happy Solo Hour, Dave Nevling and The Blues Kats Sat. Nov. 28 9:30pm Converse & Co. Sun. Nov. 29 9:30pm Sparetime Murray & The Honeymakers Blues Jam Tues. Dec. 1 9:30pm Tres Amigos Percussion Trio featuring the Mighty Orq Thurs. Dec. 3 9:30pm Steve Gilbert Band Fri. Dec. 4 9:30pm The Mighty Orq Happy Solo Hour, Tommy Dardar Sat. Dec. 5 9:30pm Steve Krase Band (Holiday Ball)

DOWNTOWN HOUSTON Last Concert Cafe Nance St. Houston (713) 226-8563 31 1403 Fri Oct 30 Pigs On The Wall Sun. Nov. 1 SoulDig! Mon. Nov. 2 Cartwrite w/ The Funky Knuckles, Ronnie Coleman Jr Weds. Nov. 4 Potroast Thurs. Nov. 5 Papa Mali Fri. Nov. 6 Roxy Roca w/Turkuaz Sat. Nov. 7 Electroluv Festival w/ HEARTBYRNE, A Sun. Nov. 8 Keep Gina Walking (MS Benefit) w/ The Eric Tessmer Band, Room for Three, and 3 others Weds. Nov. 11 Potroast Thurs. Nov. 12 The Annie B! Band Thurs. Nov. 12 The Hightailers Fri. Nov. 13 The Magic Beans Sat. Nov. 14 Flounders Without Eyes



Going Near to See Far: Asian Art in Houston by Rosanne Friedman

A celebration of Art of the Far East has happened and is currently happening in Houston. Offered were moments of appreciation with the Buddhist ideals of “I am content with what I lack” with Japanese artists coming together to create a space using traditional ideas and “Drawn from Nature” currently at the Asia Society with ideas of and from nature in a contemporary format. continued on next page




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continued from page 21


A Japanese Garden transformed a modern space at 4411 Montrose designed by Keiji Asakura,. All who entered were greeted just beyond the door for a moment of mindfulness to prepare: calligraphy in Japanese is written, “I Am Content with What I Lack”, a phrase that is inscribed on a stone water basin used for ritual purification in the temple gardens of Ryōan-ji in Kyoto. A spare seasonal flower arrangement by one of three Ikebana schools of Houston that participated in this exhibit— for a sense of nature. And then we stop for Mari Omori’s paper lantern. A woven paper structured over a rectangular cube, lit from the inside in daylight, the simple bent paper sparkles with the light, loose to catch the breeze of entry. It is a beautiful example of the Hiru Andon or daytime lamp, for something or someone that seems to have no purpose. It refers to the classic story of the ronin or leaderless samurai from the 18th century, who seemed to be doing nothing but were quietly working to avenge the death of their leader and at the same time transforming the political power structure and ended up setting the example in Japanese culture of loyalty, sacrifice, persistence and honor —ideals that the samurai and by extension people seek to have


in their daily lives. This classic story of the Forty Seven Ronin is a cultural icon recalled in Japanese theatre, puppetry, and film. The path is designed step by step stone by stone to focus the vision of the participant. It takes us along to the Japanese Lantern, another classic form that I’ve spoken of in this column before. Each part has Buddhist significance from the earth to the sky, from the physical to the gift to the heavens. Houston’s sister city of Chiba presented a wonderful example of one that is in McGovern Gardens. Looking up and lining the space are layers of translucent Japan paper covering images of the landscape of Kyoto like a veil. In a dramatic view we see a sculpture done in Brazilian black granite, called Night Ocean, articulating a wave by Masaru Takiguchi. This sense of wholeness and flow and coming together is tender and eventful and necessary in our sojourn in the garden. An echo of the tea ceremony is found in the most interior space with stoneware tea bowls by Terry Hagiwara. Unlike a set of matching cups we find in the west, each tea bowl has its own identity arranged in the case like a miniature landscape. To exit there is a place to pause for a moment in a small room that is the illusionary outside space. with bench to ponder in front of the Zen Rock Garden—big rocks mirror hills and




OCT. 29 - NOV. 11, 2015


small rocks are raked to echo water, providing harmony for all who enter. The Japan American Society of Houston worked with The Museum of Fine Art curator, Christine Starkman to create this environment. Though this is now closed, we hope for this circle to come around again. The Asia Society at 1370 Southmore Boulevard offers contemporary artwork in “Drawn from Nature” that will run until February 21st. The focus of this exhibit is the inspiration, materials and processes in nature. Each contemporary artist from different places in the Far East illumine different responses in their relationships with nature from the geometric to the organic. Interesting to note that two of the artists were children of the country in time when more and more is culturally and city centered. Palden Weinreb looks for the engineered structure beneath the surface in nature believing that existence is a facade that he searches through to find the essence. His drawings, created with precision, set up stunning dimensions. There is magic in his master craftsmanship. Seon Ghi Bahk speaks of his childhood in remote Korea, spent with the wind and the trees. The basis of his work is the acuity of his forms in a dialectic of nature and culture. The power of the material, charcoal transformed from trees, are suspended in precision in space. Stunning are these wholes created from more than the sum of their parts.

Soheap Pich a refuge from Cambodia and in his life’s journey returns to that country seeking resolution of meaning in his artwork. From training as a painter he finds rattan and bamboo, with those materials he develops organic forms that grow from his childhood’s innocence. Mineko Grimmer, originally from Japan, freezes pebbles in water and hangs these over layers of tense wire and bamboo structures. As they thaw, pebbles are released to create sounds upon impact with those materials— nature’s sounds, etherial sounds. One could say that the artist sets up nature to outdo the artist here. This is delicious because of the tension of where art stops and nature starts is exacted here— echoing through the galleries. Bridget Bray, curator of the exhibit, notes “that there’s a certain wildness in nature but there is also an underlying organizing principal to it.” Bridget Bray has been following these artists for a long time and when she came to the Asia Society in 2014, she felt like these particular artist’s approach to materials was harmonious with the architect of the Asia Society building, Yoshio Tanaguchi in his use of natural materials such as Jura Limestone and American Cherrywood evident in this building completed as recently as 2011.


These artists are inspired by nature, with it’s own timing and tensions and structures, but leaving in their wake are moments of awe for all who enter here.





OCT. 29 - NOV. 11, 2015







OCT. 29 - NOV. 11, 2015



I just found a German food place in Old Town Tomball, TX ….a quaint little old house turned into a restaurant called Landhaus Nikodemus. First, let me tell you that I am so happy that I now have great authentic German food closer then Montgomery or Houston. I met my family and a good friend for lunch on a Friday after work. Looking over the menu, I just knew this place was going to be the real deal. I wanted to try so many different dishes that I was already planning my next trip. I am a sucker for good Schnitzel (Thinly pounded pork loin breaded and fried with your choice of sauce, served with buttery Spaetzel German egg noodles and red cabbage. There are four traditional sauces to choose from: Jaegersosse {hunter sauce – brown gravy with red wine, mushrooms, onions & bacon}, Zigeunersosse {gypsy sauce – tomato based with red & yellow peppers, onions & paprika}, Zitronen Dill Sauce {lemon dill sauce – mayonnaise based with lemon, dill, green onions & parsley} or Zwiebelsosse {onion gravy – brown pork gravy seasoned with onions & parsley}. Jaeger Schnitzel is one of my all time favorite German dishes, so of course I chose the Jaegersosse. I have eaten this dish at many places and nothing, until now, compares to the one I used to get at a place called Alphenhaus that closed down many years ago. I finally found the schnitzel that I have been searching for all these years. The pork was tender and lightly breaded and crisp, and then came that red wine brown gravy with the mushrooms, onions and bacon. The gravy was not too thick and not too thin, just like it supposed to be, and was very flavorful. I could tell this was not rushed gravy and was made from scratch,

just like the Spaetzle that also was definitely house made. The red cabbage was perfectly sour with a hint of sweet served warm. Three of us ordered the same dish, and let me tell you that the only words spoken was in the forms of “mmmmm” and “oh my god this is so good”. My wife Claudia decided on the “Wurst Teller” Sausage plate (Choice of 2 German sausages & choice of 2 traditional sides: sauerkraut, red cabbage or warm German potato salad, served on pretzel bread & choice of mustard.) I was totally impressed by their selection of “Wursts” on their menu from Bratwurst, Coarse Bratwurst, Currywurst, Knockwurst, Knackwurst, Bockwurst, Nuernberger, Kaesewurst, and Spicy Chicken Bratwurst to your All Beef Frankfurter. There were four kinds of mustard to choose from: Grainy, Austrian Beer, Bavarian Sweet or Spicy. She chose the Bratwurst and the Knackwurst; I haven’t had great German sausages like these since Mathias’ pub closed down. Already this experience had replaced my memories of two of my favorite restaurants from the past; this was a foodie-winning day! Our waitperson, Brandy, was friendly and very knowledgeable about the menu. We got to meet Tracey Nikodemus, the owner/chef of Landhaus Nikodemus, when she came out to check on us. Tracey smiled from ear to ear when we told her that everything was fantastic and we couldn’t wait to return. On my next visit I decided on breakfast for lunch because I am one of those people that can eat breakfast foods for any meal. I had the Fruehstueck Platte {Breakfast Platter} 
Choice of any Wurst, Fleischkase {German breakfast loaf of pork, beef, bacon & onions} or a small Schnitzel served with 2 eggs any style, a large

potato pancake & choice of crusty bun or pretzel bread. I opted fir the Nuerenberger (“original breakfast sausage” pork with marjoram, 
ginger, cardamom & lemon), with a potato pancake, two over easy eggs and Pretzel bread. I was informed that the pretzel bread wasn’t ready yet, but they would give me a pretzel stick instead. Wow! They make their own bread too! The Nuerenberger was great with eggs and very different from any breakfast sausage that you get aroud here. It was a lighter sausage and had nice flavors built in, especially with the hints of fresh lemon, and the potato pancake was a very nice compliment to this platter. Crispy on the outside, but still cut with just a fork. It had a fluffy interior and was served with applesauce and sour cream. On visit number three, I had Tracey’s version of a Rueben, called the Pork Loin Rueben. It consisted of bacon wrapped pork loin, sauerkraut, Swiss cheese and 1000 island served on a crusty bun. I wouldn’t call it a Rueben, but man that was some really great tasting pork. I didn’t get a side, because I had not had dessert there and that was about to change. My waiter talked me into one of their limited offerings the Hazelnut Nutella Chocolate Mousse Cake. This cake is perfection! Layers of dark chocolate cake, Nutella, chocolate mousse, hazelnut sponge cake topped with an entire Ferrero Rocher Fine Hazelnut Chocolate. I got to see them cut into another featured cake, the Apricot Cake, which also looked quite good. I was wishing for another stomach right then. Landhaus has so much more for me to explore on the menu with eight different appetizers, a charcuterie, gemuse & Obst Platte’s section (smoke meats, vegetable & fruit platters),

sandwiches and a few other traditional entrees. I definitely will always have to save some room for dessert to try some of their other cakes like Black Forest and Raspberry Cream or an Apple Strudel. I got a chance to ask Tracey some questions; here is what she had to say: Nick Rama: What made you choose to open your restaurant in Old Town Tomball? Tracey Nikodemus: I had been looking for years for a place to put a small shop with European Antiques and imports I was bringing from Germany, and maybe some cake and coffee. I stumbled upon Tomball purely by accident one day and learned about the German Festivals that take place here twice a year. When I realized the German heritage here I thought it would be a good place to begin my dream. And since there aren’t any German-themed shops or venues in town, I thought I might have an edge. Nick Rama: Explain the name “Landaus Nikodemus” and also how you have combined German/Texan heritage? Tracey Nikodemus: Landhaus in German

means farmhouse. My name is Nikodemus… I married a German man 15 years ago and we lived in Germany for 7, then move to the states for the rest. Had I known what a pain in the *** a long name like that would cause…. I think I would just call it Landhaus. My dream had been a pick your own berry farm, some glamping, grill food, movies on the barn etc. Instead, God gave me a sweet little German Café in Tomball, continued on page 26



OCT. 29 - NOV. 11, 2015


continued from page 25 and I’m very grateful. Nick Rama: German food has had a stigma of being bland. How do you change peoples mind on that and what can someone expect on their first visit to Landhaus Nikodemus if they have never had German Food? Tracey Nikodemus: Ask them if they eat pork or if they like sausage… Most people say yes, some say YES! As for bland…. You will note in my Café we don’t put salt and pepper on the table, we have it upon request only in a drawer. It is RARE that someone asks for salt or pepper. I’m thinking German food isn’t so bland after all. We are mostly meat & potatoes comfort food, which speaks to most people. Meat, potatoes, fresh veggies… Schnitzel throws people off because it’s a foreign word. If you like chicken fried chicken or steak, you will love schnitzel. We also have a refreshing lighter side too, Caprese Salad (fresh tomatoes, mozzarella and basil from our back porch garden… not so bland…),

a Salmon sandwich with caper cream on toasted sourdough with crisp red onion… yum! If you have a sweet tooth we have seriously delectable desserts. How about Mocha Chocolate with homemade chocolate butter crème? German Chocolate Cake dripping with caramel, nuts and & coconut? Please tell me now, why do people think German food is bland?? Nick Rama: What one thing that you make do you pride yourself on? Tracey Nikodemus: I will tell you my Mission Statement, which is to share a high quality of life, made of simple things, GOOD FOOD, COMFORTABLE SURROUNDINGS, and LOTS OF LAUGHTER. Food is important, GOOD food is even more important. It is our sustenance, what carries through our days. I love cooking for my family. I love to feed people good food. When I come out of the kitchen and talk to our guests and they are smiling from ear to ear with Jaeger sauce dripping from their chins, I know I’ve hit my mark. Sometimes when we are busy it takes a little

longer, because sometimes it’s just me cooking. However, our standards are high to ensure that we always feed people good fresh homemade food and staying true to German recipes and heritage. No chicken wings on my German menu…. Nick Rama: Where did you learn to cook the German cuisine? Tracey Nikodemus: I learned by teaching myself and from Franz’s (ex-husband) mother. Nick Rama: Are these family recipes? Tracey Nikodemus: Some are family recipes, some are from books. Nick Rama: What are some of your signature dishes here? Tracey Nikodemus: Schnitzel for sure! Pork Loin Reuben and Apple Strudel Nick Rama: Do you make all your own Wursts? Tracey Nikodemus: No we import our wursts in from various German butchers through out




OCT. 29 - NOV. 11, 2015


the US. Nick Rama: Tell us about German breakfast foods that you have on your menu? Tracey Nikodemus: Our Fruestueck (German breakfast) is served all day. We have the Fruegstueck Platte (Breakfast Platter). Choice of any Wurst, Fleischkase (a traditional German Loaf of Pork, Beef, Bacon & Onions) or a small Schnitzel with 2 eggs any style, a large potato pancake & choice of crusty bun or pretzel bread. I recommend it with the Fleishkase or Nuerenberger our original breakfast sausage. We also have Zwiebelkuchen (Quiches) in bacon & onion or spinach Swiss & onions served with fresh fruit. Nick Rama: I see your as more than a restaurant. What else do you sell? Tracey Nikodemus: We have German “Salzglasur” which is saltglazed pottery and some of my artwork that is displayed is for sale. Nick Rama: Wow, so your and artist too! How



did you get in to art? Which came first, the love of cooking or the love of art? Tracey Nikodemus: I was always into art very early in my life. I fell in love with Van Gogh and that was the beginning of my love for art. I would say that the love of art came first. Nick Rama: What is Feirabend and also what is Stammtish? Tracey Nikodemus: Fierabend basically means quitting time! We have Bier and Brats specials on Fridays $3 Brats and $1 off all Beers. Stammtisch means “regulars table”, we serve our meals family style and the menu changes with each one. Seating is limited, so reserve today. Nick Rama: Tell us about your beer selection. Tracey Nikodemus: We try to keep 15 German beers at anytime, including Flensburger biers, which have the swing top bottles. We have a nice Wein (Wine) collection too with some whites, reds and even Mead (honey wine). We carry some from Griffin Meadrey in Willis, TX. Nick Rama: Do you do any catering or parties? Tracey Nikodemus: Yes to both.

Nick Rama: What are your hours? Tracey Nikodemus: We have Fall Hours right now until after Thanksgiving We are closed Monday and Tuesday Sunday 12-5, Wednesdays and Thursdays 11am2pm / 5pm-8pm Friday 11am-9pm* Feirerabend Saturday 9am-9pm (Stammtisch every 2nd Saturday of the month) Note that we will close for large parties sometimes and if Stammtisch sells out, we close the door to the public and open menu ordering. We try to post online on our website (see our calendar) and on Facebook.




La Chef ARGENTINE 5200 FM 2920 #180, Spring, TX 77388 (832) 585-1840 Hours: Open daily at 11am, closed Tuesdays Argentine cuisine at its best served in a side cafe style restaurant. They offer over 15 styles of handmade empanadas, a few destined to become your absolute favorite. Probably the best kept secret in Spring, until now. We cater!


4880 Louetta Road, Spring, TX 77388 (281) 288-0940 Hours: 5:30am to 8pm daily Make Every Day A Good Day at DeNovo Coffee. Located near the northeast corner of Kuykendahl and Louetta, DeNovo is the perfect place to get your morning pickup whether it’s your favorite coffee, smoothie, karache, donut or something else sweet. Drive in, drive out, it’s DeNovo

5210 FM 2920 #600 Spring, TX 77388 (832) 823-5157 Hours: noon - 11pm Experience a little bit of Cuba in North Houston. One of the newest of all the themed restaurants in North Houston. Live music on weekends, karaoke on Tuesdays and the best Cuban cuisine, seven days a week. Try out the bongo seats as you check out the tasty drinks at the bar.

Nick Rama: 5 Words to describe Landhaus Nikodemus…. Tracey Nikodemus: Fresh food, comfortable surroundings, laughter LandHaus Nikodemus is located at 413 W Main St, Tomball, TX 77375 and their phone number is (832) 559-3492 Check them out on the internet at:


27326 Robinson Road 115, Conroe, TX 77385 (832) 785-8906 Hours: Open every day at 11am, closed on Sundays A Counter Cafe providing the best designer sandwiches and other comfort food inside Space Cadets store. Featured photo: The Ron Swanson Sandwich

Taco Crave MEXICAN

Where Do YOU Want To Eat?

5200 Farm to Market Road 2920 #120, Spring, TX 77388 (281) 288-0940 Hours: Open at 11am every day, closed Sundays The best Mexican street tacos this side of the border. Also offers Quesadilla and huge Burritos. Tasty flavors like beef or chicken fajita, beef brisket, chicken chipotle and more. Flavor for the month of September: Nopalitos Con Chorizo [Cactus w/Chorizo & Cheese)



You’ve been picked!


Mitch Sheeren Shrimp N Grits Catfish Station From Northside Eateries Facebook page PUBLIC NEWS

OCT. 29 - NOV. 11, 2015



Howl-oween Series – Part III: What To Watch

by Glen Ryan Tadych

How many scary movies can you watch in a day? Depending on how easy you scare, it may not be the brightest challenge to take. Halloween, however, is the day where it just feels wrong to ignore the horror movie trend. Everyone, of course, has their taste when it comes to horror films, and this is mine. No matter how bad some of these movies have scared me over the years, I can’t deny their superior quality. So as October comes to a close, I conclude this series with a countdown of my Top 10 favorite horror films.

Glen Ryan Tadych

Happy Halloween.

(Note: Some of the following clips contain major spoilers for the films listed below, and some feature explicit content) 10. The Shining (1980) Based on Stephen King’s terrifying novel, the Torrance family spends the winter in the mountains while husband and father Jack Torrance works as caretaker for the Overlook Hotel. However, Jack and Wendy’s son Danny, a telepath, begins seeing haunting images from the hotel ‘s dark past, making this winter anything but pleasant. Eventually, these wandering spirits and isolation drive Jack insane, causing him to go after his wife and son, following in the footsteps of the Overlook’s former


OCT. 29 - NOV. 11, 2015

caretaker. Can Wendy and Danny escape? Or will they become part of the hotel’s history like the previous family? I’m not a particular fan of Stanley Kubrick’s work, but this is one of his I can watch because his unique style fits horror perfectly. Oddly enough, I was first introduced to this film through the drivein scene in Twister (1996). The excerpt Twister showed scared me then, and even now there are scenes I can’t look at while watching this film, particularly the twins in the hall and room 237 scenes. Forget both of those if you want to sleep.

he refuses to believe his 5-year-old son could be something so evil, especially considering Damien appears to be an innocent, happy child as he himself is unaware. Can Robert accept the truth and prevent Armageddon? Of course, to do that there’s only thing he can do: Kill Damien. This film is one example of how ‘70s horror got it right. Next to #4 on this list, The Omen is without a doubt the scariest movie I have ever seen. Every element from the story to Jerry Goldsmith’s chilling, Latin-chanting score makes The Omen a movie you don’t watch at night.

9. The Strangers (2008)

7. Halloween (1978)

All James and Kristen wanted was a quiet night to themselves. Instead, they get a night of torment as three masked strangers terrorize their remote vacation home. Home invasion scares just about everyone. The horrifying thing about this film is its events are disturbingly realistic. Incidents like those in The Strangers have occurred many times in decades past and still do today. As far as the film’s concerned, I don’t know what’s scarier: what the strangers do, or the masks they wear. Piece of advice though, if someone unexpectedly comes knocking around 4 a.m., don’t answer the damn door.

The citizens of Haddonfield, Illinois are horrified when 6-year-old Michael Myers murders his older sister on Halloween night. After escaping from a psychiatric institution 15 years later, Myers returns home where he stalks Laurie Strode and her friends. Dr. Sam Loomis, Myers’ psychiatrist, follows him back to Haddonfield, desperately hoping to stop Myers from killing again. Halloween is one of the most iconic horror films of all time. I don’t recall this film ever actually scaring me, as I first saw it at an older age. It’s simply a classic seasonal film to me. What I love most about it though is how it’s become so iconic in the horror genre today, yet uses little to no gore. This goes to show that gore does not equal quality horror.

8. The Omen (1976) Robert and Katherine Thorn go about their lives unaware their adopted son, Damien, is the Antichrist. When Robert learns Damien’s true identity,


6. The Fly (1986) A remake of the 1958 film of the same name, Seth

Brundle’s self-teleportation experiment first appears successful, but he soon discovers his invention spliced his DNA with that of a lone housefly that wandered into the telepod. As time progresses, Brundle begins to transform, his humanity disappearing piece by piece. Eventually, he becomes something else entirely. I first saw this film around the age of 6, and strangely enough, I don’t recall it terrifying me at all. I remember it being disgusting and intense, but not scary. It was movies like this which fascinated me with science-fiction as a child. Now, as an adult, I’m able to recognize other aspects of this film and understand just how terrifying The Fly is. 5. Scream (1996) In the town of Woodsboro, one year after the brutal murder of wife and mother Maureen Prescott, a masked killer begins calling, terrorizing and murdering various Woodsboro teens. The townspeople become paranoid as no one knows the identity of the killer, and the anniversary of Prescott’s death sends the media in a frenzy as her daughter Sidney is one of the killer’s targets. The film ends with a startling climax when the killer is revealed to be someone viewers in 1996 never suspected. Next to Halloween, this is one of the best slasher films ever made, and for two reasons. One is the originality of the story, which provided relief after a decade of terrible, repetitive horror and slasher films. The other is the play on horror pop culture and the characters’ awareness of classic horror films and their associated trends. In my opinion, slasher films since Scream have

FRESH FILM PICKS THIS WEEK & NEXT WEEK never been of this quality or originality. 4. The Blair Witch Project (1999) As I said in the previous issue, this film’s opening title card says it all. “In October of 1994, three student filmmakers disappeared in the woods near Burkittsville, Maryland while shooting a documentary. A year later their footage was found.” Since I discussed this film in greater detail in Part II of this series, I won’t spend too much time on this one. I hold Blair Witch high on this list because it really is a well-made and unique film. The frustration Heather, Josh and Mike improvise at their inability to escape the woods is just so convincing, one can actually believe these people are genuinely scared for their lives, despite it being fiction. No found-footage film has impacted pop culture in the way this film did. A lot of found-footage horror fans may consider the Paranormal Activity franchise scarier than Blair Witch. I strongly disagree not only because Blair Witch is just a better movie, but it’s the film’s emphasis on the greatest fear of all: the fear of the unknown. 3. Jaws (1975) Set in the beach resort community of Amity Island, a great white shark puts a damper on summer festivities when a young girl’s remains wash ashore. Fearing for the safety of the island’s citizens, Police Chief Martin Brody fights the town’s mayor to close the beaches, but the mayor’s stubbornness prevails, resulting in several more deaths. Teamed with marine biologist Matt Hooper and shark hunter Quint, the three venture out to sea to take on the predator and put an end to the summer terror, but little do they know this shark will give them more than they bargained for. Another perfect product of ‘70s horror, Jaws set a new standard for cinematic tension while heavily impacting American society. When a film scares generations of people into avoiding the ocean for fear of being eaten, that film becomes the most effective horror film of all time. I’m not a fan of swimming in natural bodies of water, particularly the ocean, because of the unknowns that come with such a foreign environment, and it’s this fear that Jaws illustrates perfectly. 2. Carrie (1976)

boy in school, 17-year-old Carrie White reluctantly accepts under the assurance no one’s out to hurt her. It was the best night of her life until a joke went too far. Drenched in pig’s blood, she hears the discouraging words of her mother in her head as she senses the false laughter of everyone around her. Tired of the anguish, and through her recently discovered telekinesis, her emotions come to life and transform a night of fun into one of horror and death. This is one of only three films where I have to actually look away at certain moments. Despite these creepy elements, there’s no question in my mind the tragic story of Carrie White is one of my favorites in the horror genre. This is all because of the titular character, and Sissy Spacek’s performance. My emotional connection to Spacek as Carrie is one of the strongest I’ve ever had with any fictional character. Because I, too, was a skinny, red-headed, socially awkward kid in my pre- and early-teen years, I definitely saw a bit of myself in Spacek’s Carrie, which made the film resonate on a much deeper level than what one usually expects from horror films. 1. The Thing (1982) A John Carpenter remake of The Thing from Another World (1951), The Thing tells the story of 12 scientists stationed at an American Antarctic research outpost who come into contact with a parasitic, extraterrestrial organism that multiplies by imitating whoever it absorbs. Eventually, paranoia ensues the group as they try to figure out who’s human. As a science-fiction fan, I shamefully have to admit I didn’t see this film until only October 2013. It made a hell of an impression, as it is #1 on this list. Prior to my seeing this film, Alien (1979) would appear somewhere in my top 10, but despite the similarity in the films’ plots, The Thing features a far creepier element to its story. Unlike Alien, the viewer can’t readily identify The Thing. It could be anyone and everyone without the viewer knowing. I have to say I love everything about this film from start to finish. It’s now my favorite horror film, and certainly in my top three science-fiction films. Everything from Ennio Morricone’s suspenseful score to Rob Bottin’s amazing special effects makes this film a thrill to watch this time of year. I’ve probably watched The Thing six times in the last month because I frankly can’t get enough of it, and I’ll certainly be watching it again this Halloween.

Invited to the senior prom by the most popular


BURNT Burnt R 101 min Comedy | Drama Adam Jones (Bradley Cooper) was once a top chef in Paris until drugs and alcohol led to a meltdown that put his career on hold. After moving from New Orleans to London, Adam gets a shot at redemption when his former maitre d’ (Daniel Brühl) reluctantly hires him as the head chef of his fine-dining restaurant. Demanding perfection from his newly formed staff (Sienna Miller, Omar Sy), the acerbic and temperamental Jones gets a second chance to fulfill his dream of earning a third Michelin star. Director: John Wells Stars: Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller, Daniel Brühl, Riccardo Scamarcio

SPECTRE Spectre PG-13 148 min Action | Adventure | Thriller A cryptic message from the past leads James Bond (Daniel Craig) to Mexico City and Rome, where he meets the beautiful widow (Monica Bellucci) of an infamous criminal. After infiltrating a secret meeting, 007 uncovers the existence of the sinister organization SPECTRE. Needing the help of the daughter of an old nemesis, he embarks on a mission to find her. As Bond ventures toward the heart of SPECTRE, he discovers a chilling connection between himself and the enemy (Christoph Waltz) he seeks. Director: Sam Mendes Stars: Daniel Craig, Christoph Waltz, Ralph Fiennes, Léa Seydoux


Our Brand Is Crisis R 107 min Comedy | Drama An American woman, well-versed in political campaigns, is sent to the war-torn lands of South America to help install a new leader but is threatened to be thwarted by a long-term rival. Director: David Gordon Green Stars: Sandra Bullock, Billy Bob Thornton, Anthony Mackie, Joaquim de Almeida Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse R 93 min Comedy | Horror Three scouts, on the eve of their last camp-out, discover the true meaning of friendship when they attempt to save their town from a zombie outbreak. Director: Christopher Landon Stars: Tye Sheridan, Logan Miller, Joey Morgan, Sarah Dumont Freaks of Nature [Limited] R Comedy | Horror


In the town of Dillford, humans, vampires and zombies were all living in peace - until the alien apocalypse arrived. Now three teenagers-one human, one vampire, and one zombiehave to team up to figure out how to get rid of the visitors. Director: Robbie Pickering Stars: Nicholas Braun, Mackenzie Davis, Josh Fadem, Denis Leary Love [Limited] 135 min Drama | Romance Murphy is an American living in Paris who enters a highly sexually and emotionally charged relationship with the unstable Electra. Unaware of the effect it will have on their relationship, they invite their pretty neighbor into their bed. Director: Gaspar Noé Stars: Aomi Muyock, Karl Glusman, Klara Kristin, Juan Saavedra The Wonders [Limited] 110 min Drama A family of beekeepers living in the Tuscan countryside finds their household disrupted by the simultaneous arrival of a

OCT. 29 - NOV. 11, 2015


FILMS COMING SOON TO THEATERS silently troubled teenage boy and a reality TV show intent on showcasing the family. Director: Alice Rohrwacher Stars: Alba Rohrwacher, Maria Alexandra Lungu, Sam Louwyck, Sabine Timoteo Carter High [Limited] PG-13 110 min Drama | Sport During the 1980s Carter High School in Dallas, Texas was a football powerhouse. This is the story of four of the student athletes whose off the field activities cost them their future. Director: Arthur Muhammad Stars: Vivica A. Fox, Charles S. Dutton, Pooch Hall, David Banner Tab Hunter Confidential [Limited] 90 min Documentary | Biography The story of matinee idol Tab Hunter from teenage stable boy to closeted Hollywood star of the 1950s. Director: Jeffrey Schwarz Stars: Tab Hunter, Clint Eastwood, Paul Newman, Portia de Rossi

NEW FILMS: NOVEMBER 6, 2015 The Peanuts Movie G 93 min Animation | Adventure | Comedy Life always seems complicated for good ol’ Charlie Brown, the boy who always tries his best against seemingly impossible odds. When the Little Red-Haired Girl moves into his neighborhood, Charlie Brown finds himself smitten with her. As he deals with his feelings, his best friend Snoopy embarks on his own adventure in a fantasy world. As a World War I flying ace, the lovable beagle pursues his nemesis, the Red Baron, while also trying to win the heart of a beautiful pilot named Fifi. Director: Steve Martino

Stars: Kristin Chenoweth, Francesca Capaldi, Madisyn Shipman, Noah Schnapp Spotlight R 128 min Biography | Drama | Thriller The true story of how the Boston Globe uncovered the massive scandal of child molestation and cover-up within the local Catholic Archdiocese, shaking the entire Catholic Church to its core. Director: Tom McCarthy Stars: Rachel McAdams, Mark Ruffalo, Michael Keaton, Liev Schreiber Trumbo R 124 min Biography | Drama In 1947, Dalton Trumbo was Hollywood’s top screenwriter until he and other artists were jailed and blacklisted for their political beliefs. Director: Jay Roach Stars: Bryan Cranston, Michael Stuhlbarg, David Maldonado, John Getz Brooklyn PG-13 111 min Drama | Romance In 1950s Ireland and New York, young Eilis Lacey has to choose between two men and two countries. Director: John Crowley Stars: Saoirse Ronan, Domhnall Gleeson, Michael Zegen, Emory Cohen Miss You Already PG-13 112 min Comedy | Drama | Romance The friendship between two life-long girlfriends is put to the test when one starts a family and the other falls ill. Director: Catherine Hardwicke Stars: Drew Barrymore, Toni Collette, Dominic Cooper, Paddy Considine

Theeb 100 min Adventure | Drama | Thriller In the Ottoman province of Hijaz during World War I, a young Bedouin boy experiences a greatly hastened coming of age as he embarks on a perilous desert journey to guide a British officer to his secret destination. Director: Naji Abu Nowar Stars: Jacir Eid Al-Hwietat, Hussein Salameh Al-Sweilhiyeen, Hassan Mutlag Al-Maraiyeh, Jack Fox What Our Fathers Did: A Nazi Legacy 96 min Documentary Three men travel together across Europe. For two of them the journey involves a confrontation with the acts of their fathers, who were both senior Nazi officers. For the third, the eminent human rights lawyer and author Philippe Sands, it means visiting the place where much of his own Jewish family was destroyed by the fathers of the two men he has come to know. It is an emotional, psychological exploration of three men wrestling with their past, the present of Europe - and conflicting versions of the truth. Director: David Evans Stars: Niklas Frank, Philippe Sands, Horst von Wächter

NEW FILMS: NOVEMBER 13, 2015 By the Sea R Drama | Romance Set in France during the mid-1970s, Vanessa, a former dancer, and her husband Roland, an American writer, travel the country together. They seem to be growing apart, but when they linger in one quiet, seaside town they begin to draw close to some of its more vibrant inhabitants, such as a local bar/café-keeper and a hotel owner. Director: Angelina Jolie Stars: Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Mélanie Laurent, Melvil Poupaud

The 33 PG-13 120 min Drama Based on the real-life event, when a gold and copper mine collapses, it traps 33 miners underground for 69 days. Director: Patricia Riggen Stars: Naomi Scott, Cote de Pablo, Kate del Castillo, James Brolin Love the Coopers PG-13 Comedy When four generations of the Cooper clan come together for their annual Christmas Eve celebration, a series of unexpected visitors and unlikely events turn the night upside down, leading them all toward a surprising rediscovery of family bonds and the spirit of the holiday. Director: Jessie Nelson Stars: Olivia Wilde, Amanda Seyfried, Marisa Tomei, John Goodman James White R 85 min Drama A coming-of-age story about a young New Yorker struggling to take control of his reckless, self-destructive behavior in the face of momentous family challenges. Director: Josh Mond Stars: Christopher Abbott, Cynthia Nixon, Scott Mescudi, Ron Livingston Entertainment R 110 min Drama En route to meet his estranged daughter and attempting to revive his dwindling career, a broken, aging comedian plays a string of dead-end shows in the Mojave desert. Director: Rick Alverson Stars: Tye Sheridan, Michael Cera, Lotte Verbeek, John C. Reilly

FILMS CURRENTLY PLAYING IN THEATERS Black Mass R 122 min Biography | Crime | Drama The true story of Whitey Bulger, the brother of a state senator and the most infamous violent criminal in the history of South Boston, who became an FBI informant to take down a Mafia family invading his turf. Director: Scott Cooper Stars: Johnny Depp, Benedict Cumberbatch, Dakota Johnson, Joel Edgerton Bridge of Spies PG-13 141 min Biography | Drama | History | Thriller During the Cold War, the Soviet Union captures U.S. pilot Francis Gary Powers after shooting down his U-2 spy plane. Sentenced to 10 years in prison, Powers’ only hope is New York lawyer James Donovan (Tom Hanks), recruited by a CIA operative to negotiate his release. Donovan boards a plane to Berlin, hoping to win the young man’s freedom through a prisoner exchange. If all goes well, the Russians would get Rudolf Abel (Mark Rylance), the convicted spy who Donovan defended in court. Director: Steven Spielberg Stars: Tom Hanks, Mark Rylance, Alan Alda, Amy Ryan Crimson Peak R 119 min Drama | Fantasy | Horror | Romance | Thriller In the aftermath of a family tragedy, an aspiring author is torn between love for her childhood friend and the temptation of a mysterious outsider. Trying to escape the ghosts of her past, she is swept away to a house that breathes, bleeds...and remembers. Director: Guillermo del Toro Stars: Mia Wasikowska, Jessica Chastain, Tom Hiddleston Everest PG-13 121 min Adventure | Drama | Thriller On the morning of May 10, 1996, climbers (Jason Clarke, Josh


OCT. 29 - NOV. 11, 2015

Brolin) from two expeditions start their final ascent toward the summit of Mount Everest, the highest point on Earth. With little warning, a violent storm strikes the mountain, engulfing the adventurers in one of the fiercest blizzards ever encountered by man. Challenged by the harshest conditions imaginable, the teams must endure blistering winds and freezing temperatures in an epic battle to survive against nearly impossible odds. Director: Baltasar Kormákur Stars: Jason Clarke, Ang Phula Sherpa, Thomas M. Wright, Martin Henderson Goosebumps PG 103 min Action | Adventure | Comedy | Fantasy A teenager teams up with the daughter of young adult horror author R.L. Stine after the writer’s imaginary demons are set free on the town of Greendale, Maryland. Director: Rob Letterman Stars: Jack Black, Dylan Minnette, Odeya Rush Grandma R 79 min Comedy Self-described misanthrope Elle Reid (Lily Tomlin) has her protective bubble burst when her 18-year-old granddaughter, Sage (Julia Garner), shows up needing help. The two of them go on a day-long journey that causes Elle to come to terms with her past and Sage to confront her future. Director: Paul Weitz Stars: Lily Tomlin, Julia Garner, Marcia Gay Harden, Judy Greer He Named Me Malala PG-13 87 min Documentary A look at the events leading up to the Talibans’ attack on the young Pakistani school girl, Malala Yousafzai, for speaking out on girls’ education and the aftermath, including her speech to the United Nations. Director: Davis Guggenheim Stars: Malala Yousafzai, Ziauddin Yousafzai, Toor Pekai


Yousafzai, Khushal Yousafzai

Stars: Aubrey Peeples, Stefanie Scott, Aurora Perrineau

Hotel Transylvania 2 PG 89 min Animation | Comedy | Family | Fantasy Now that Dracula (Adam Sandler) has opened the Hotel Transylvania’s doors to humans, things are changing for the better; however, Drac is secretly worried that his half-human grandson, Dennis, isn’t showing his vampire side. So, while Mavis and Johnny are away, Drac enlists his friends to help him put the boy through a “monster-in-training” boot camp. But things really get batty when Drac’s cantankerous, old-school dad (Mel Brooks) pays an unexpected visit. Director: Genndy Tartakovsky Stars: Adam Sandler, Andy Samberg, Selena Gomez, Kevin James

Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials PG-13 131 min Action | Sci-Fi | Thriller Transported to a remote fortified outpost, Thomas and his fellow teenage Gladers find themselves in trouble after uncovering a diabolical plot from the mysterious and powerful organization WCKD. With help from a new ally, the Gladers stage a daring escape into the Scorch, a desolate landscape filled with dangerous obstacles and crawling with the virus-infected Cranks. The Gladers only hope may be to find the Right Hand, a group of resistance fighters who can help them battle WCKD. Director: Wes Ball Stars: Dylan O’Brien, Kaya Scodelario, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Giancarlo Esposito

I Smile Back R 85 min Drama Laney is an attractive, intelligent suburban wife and devoted mother of two adorable children. She has the perfect husband who plays basketball with the kids in the driveway, a pristine house, and a shiny SUV for carting the children to their next activity. However, just beneath the façade lie depression and disillusionment that send her careening into a secret world of reckless compulsion. Only very real danger will force her to face the painful root of her destructiveness and its crumbling effect on those she loves. Director: Adam Salky Stars: Sarah Silverman, Josh Charles, Skylar Gaertner, Shayne Coleman

Minions PG 91 min Animation | Comedy | Family Evolving from single-celled yellow organisms at the dawn of time, Minions live to serve, but find themselves working for a continual series of unsuccessful masters, from T. Rex to Napoleon. Without a master to grovel for, the Minions fall into a deep depression. But one minion, Kevin, has a plan; accompanied by his pals Stuart and Bob, Kevin sets forth to find a new evil boss for his brethren to follow. Their search leads them to Scarlet Overkill, the world’s first-ever super-villainess. Directors: Kyle Balda | Pierre Coffin Stars: Sandra Bullock, Jon Hamm, Michael Keaton, Pierre Coffin

Jem and the Holograms PG Adventure | Drama | Fantasy | Music As a small-town girl catapults from underground video sensation to global superstar, she and her three sisters begin a journey of discovering that some talents are too special to keep hidden. Director: Jon M. Chu

Pan PG 111 min Adventure | Family | Fantasy Living a bleak existence at a London orphanage, 12-year-old Peter (Levi Miller) finds himself whisked away to the fantastical world of Neverland. Adventure awaits as he meets new friend James Hook (Garrett Hedlund) and the warrior Tiger Lily (Rooney Mara). They must band together to save Neverland

from the ruthless pirate Blackbeard (Hugh Jackman). Along the way, the rebellious and mischievous boy discovers his true destiny, becoming the hero forever known as Peter Pan. Director: Joe Wright Stars: Levi Miller, Hugh Jackman, Garrett Hedlund, Rooney Mara Rock the Kasbah R Comedy | Music A down-on-his-luck music manager discovers a teenage girl with an extraordinary voice while on a music tour in Afghanistan and takes her to Kabul to compete on the popular television show, Afghan Star. Director: Barry Levinson Stars: Bill Murray, Zooey Deschanel, Bruce Willis Sicario R 121 min Action | Crime | Drama | Mystery | Thriller After rising through the ranks of her male-dominated profession, idealistic FBI agent Kate Macer (Emily Blunt) receives a top assignment. Recruited by mysterious government official Matt Graver (Josh Brolin), Kate joins a task force for the escalating war against drugs. Led by the intense and shadowy Alejandro (Benicio Del Toro), the team travels back-and-forth across the U.S.-Mexican border, using one cartel boss (Bernardo Saracino) to flush out a bigger one (Julio Cesar Cedillo). Director: Denis Villeneuve Stars: Emily Blunt, Josh Brolin, Benicio Del Toro, Jon Bernthal Steve Jobs R 122 min Biography | Drama With public anticipation running high, Apple Inc. co-founders Steve Jobs (Michael Fassbender) and Steve “Woz” Wozniak get ready to unveil the first Macintosh in 1984. Jobs must also deal with personal issues related to ex-girlfriend Chrisann Brennan and their young daughter Lisa. Eventually fired, Jobs launches NeXT Inc. and prepares to release a new computer model in 1988. Ten years later, Jobs is back at Apple Inc. and about to revolutionize the industry once again with the iMac Director: Danny Boyle Stars: Michael Fassbender, Kate Winslet, Seth Rogen, Jeff Daniels Suffragette PG-13 106 min Drama The foot soldiers of the early feminist movement, women who were forced underground to pursue a dangerous game of cat and mouse with an increasingly brutal State. Director: Sarah Gavron Stars: Carey Mulligan, Helena Bonham Carter, Meryl Streep The Intern PG-13 121 min Comedy Starting a new job can be a difficult challenge, especially if you’re already retired. Looking to get back into the game, 70-year-old widower Ben Whittaker (Robert De Niro) seizes the opportunity to become a senior intern at an online fashion site. Ben soon becomes popular with his younger co-workers, including Jules Ostin (Anne Hathaway), the boss and founder of the company. Whittaker’s charm, wisdom and sense of humor help him develop a special bond and growing friendship with Jules. Director: Nancy Meyers Stars: Anne Hathaway, Robert De Niro, Rene Russo, Nat Wolff The Last Witch Hunter PG-13 106 min - Action | Adventure | Fantasy The last witch hunter is all that stands between humanity and the combined forces of the most horrifying witches in history. Director: Breck Eisner Stars: Vin Diesel, Rose Leslie, Elijah Wood The Martian PG-13 141 min Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi During a manned mission to Mars, Astronaut Mark Watney is presumed dead after a fierce storm and left behind by his crew. But Watney has survived and finds himself stranded and alone on the hostile planet. With only meager supplies, he must draw upon his ingenuity, wit and spirit to subsist and find a way to signal to Earth that he is alive. Director: Ridley Scott

Stars: Matt Damon, Jessica Chastain, Kristen Wiig, Kate Mara The Perfect Guy PG-13 100 min Thriller With a fulfilling career and a loving relationship, lobbyist Leah Vaughn (Sanaa Lathan) seems to have it all. Things come crashing down when Dave, her long-term boyfriend, questions her future plans for marriage and a family. The resulting breakup leaves Leah heartbroken, until she meets the charming and handsome Carter Duncan (Michael Ealy). Soon, the budding romance turns dangerous as Carter reveals his volatile nature, forcing Leah to turn the tables on the man she thought was Mr. Right. Director: David M. Rosenthal Stars: Sanaa Lathan, Michael Ealy, Morris Chestnut, Rutina Wesley The Visit PG-13 94 min Comedy | Horror Becca (Olivia DeJonge) and younger brother Tyler (Ed Oxenbould) say goodbye to their mother as they board a train and head deep into Pennsylvania farm country to meet their maternal grandparents for the first time. Welcomed by Nana (Deanna Dunagan) and Pop Pop (Peter McRobbie), all seems well until the siblings start to notice increasingly strange behavior from the seemingly charming couple. Once the children discover a shocking secret, they begin to wonder if they’ll ever make it home. Director: M. Night Shyamalan Stars: Olivia DeJonge, Ed Oxenbould, Deanna Dunagan, Peter McRobbie The Walk PG 123 min Adventure | Biography | Drama | Thriller As a boy, Philippe Petit dreams of performing daring feats for dazzled crowds. As an adult (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), his life’s ambition comes true when he becomes a high-wire artist who stares death in the face with every step. Under the guidance of mentor Papa Rudy, the French daredevil devises a plan to walk on a tightrope attached to the north and south towers of the World Trade Center. With help from his team and against all odds, Petit attempts the seemingly impossible stunt on Aug. 7, 1974. Director: Robert Zemeckis Stars: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Charlotte Le Bon, Guillaume Baillargeon, Émilie Leclerc Truth R 121 min Biography | Drama Newsroom drama detailing the 2004 CBS 60 Minutes report investigating then-President George W. Bush’s military service, and the subsequent firestorm of criticism that cost anchor Dan Rather and producer Mary Mapes their careers. Director: James Vanderbilt Stars: Cate Blanchett, Robert Redford, Dennis Quaid War Room PG Drama Filled with heart, humor, and wit, War Room follows Tony and Elizabeth Jordan, a couple who seemingly have it all-great jobs, a beautiful daughter, their dream home. But appearances can be deceiving. In reality, their marriage has become a war zone and their daughter is collateral damage. With guidance from Miss Clara, an older, wiser woman, Elizabeth discovers she can start fighting for her family instead of against them. As the power of prayer and Elizabeth’s newly energized faith transform her life, will Tony join the fight and become the man he knows he needs to be? Together, their real enemy doesn’t have a prayer. Director: Alex Kendrick Stars: Priscilla C. Shirer, T.C. Stallings, Karen Abercrombie, Beth Moore


Woodlawn PG 123 min Drama A gifted high school football player must learn to embrace his talent and his faith as he battles racial tensions on and off the field. Directors: Andrew Erwin | Jon Erwin Stars: Sean Astin, Jon Voight, C. Thomas Howell


OCT. 29 - NOV. 11, 2015




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OCT. 29 - NOV. 11, 2015



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Contact John Calvin at or Tim Wayne at ____________________ LOOKING FOR A DRUMMER Must own your own kit, have one year experience, have your own vehicle, live in North Houston and we prefer that you are 19 to 24 years old. Contact Bernardo at 832-655-5270 or Scott at 832-524-2206 ____________________ ROCKING ALONE AT HOME? SO AM I. New to Houston, looking for other musicians to jam with. Love heavy metal, especially power metal, progressive metal and classic stuff from the 70’s and 80’s. I play guitar and keyboards and play a little bass and drums. If interested contact Jacob Butcher at or call 410-562-4978 ____________________ I TRANSCRIBE I write down on sheet music, your own songs! Call Luis 713-392-5354 ____________________ DEDICATED DRUMMER WANTED Rock project starting up. I am a singer/guitarist and I have a dedicated bass player and singer. We have a lot of stage experience and are interested in gigging, recording, etc. No egos, no bullshit. Call Rob at 832-717-4129 ____________________ VOCALIST BASS PLAYER NEEDED Rock n’ Roll trio playing Elvis to Creedence. Spring area rehearsals. Pro Level only please. Call Paul 832-654-0860 ___________________ KEYBOARD PLAYER Looking for Jazz or Blues oriented group. Call me 713-305-6876 ____________________ NOW HIRING MUSIC TEACHERS Lessons taught in student’s home in The Wood-


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