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The People We Meet


This is an article I have wanted to write for some time. I first met Aaron Newman two years ago after walking into his camping store in Balcatta just after taking over the reins of Western 4W Driver. Aaron was welcoming and supportive and I knew straight away that we would get on like a house on fire. Aaron wasn’t always into the outdoor life. He started his career as a bank johnny, working for the R&I and not really loving it. A chance to transfer to the south west changed all that with stints in Albany, Bridgetown and Pemberton giving him ample, easy opportunities to go mountain bike riding, rock climbing and camping. He was hooked. After nine years working for the bank, he was offered a job with Main Peak in Cottesloe which saw him go further down the rabbit hole of adventure sports. It was

Aaron Newman here that he really learnt the trade of outdoor sport and recreation. His perseverance and dedication to the lifestyle was rewarded nine years later when he was offered the newly-created role of Global Sales Manager with local power brand Sea to Summit. If Main Peak was high school, then working at Sea to Summit was a university master class. As the Global Sales Manager, Aaron spent considerable time venturing around the world, gaining an education on the process of concept, design, manufacture, and marketing of product. It was during this time that he rightly claims he became a 'gear expert'. Wife Curl, whom he met in 2000 and then married in 2002 also had the outdoor adventure bug prior to meeting Aaron. A match made in heaven. Curl’s roles in marketing and operations gave her considerable flexibility to join Aaron on many of his overseas trips, allowing the couple to venture far and wide across the globe. From yurts in the Rockies, the highest walking point in Europe, to the most remote parts of Australia the couple’s exploits are enviable and make for great conversation around a campfire. “When you boil it down, hiking and overlanding is our passion,” Aaron confesses, “Travelling light, regardless of whether we are hiking or driving is important. Taking the emphasis off all the stuff that people insist on carrying and focussing on the journey and the experience is, for us, the most important aspect.”

“Despite our global travels and experiences, we are happiest here at home,” Curl confesses, “There is nothing like sleeping out under the stars under canvas.” After leaving Sea to Summit, Aaron identified a gap in the market and went about establishing Red Roads, the couple’s own brand of camping gear. They are especially proud of their canvas products which are all made here in Perth. “Starting out, we represented Red Roads at various 4WD and camping shows but as we got busier, we realised that we would need to make the leap to a retail outlet. Just over two years ago an opportunity came up for us to lease a commercial premises where the previous business had closed. Another camping store, Go Camping, we decided to keep the name and add Overlanding to the title. The rest is history.” Since opening, the store has gone from strength to strength, establishing a reputation for good quality products backed up by oldfashioned customer service and real-world knowledge. Wherever possible, Aaron and Curl try to source Australian-made products and opt to not follow the big box camping store cycle of cheap products constantly on sale. A result of their success has led to Curl leaving her long-term corporate gig and focussing on the business full-time with plans afoot to further leverage their industry knowledge and equipment expertise with a greater social media presence. “It is still difficult to establish a link between light-weight gear and the 4WD community,” Aaron points out. “Considering the greater focus on vehicle weights and many people exceeding their gross vehicle mass, many are still not making that connection between getting good quality light-weight camping gear.” It is a challenge Aaron and Curl are more than ready to undertake. A recent FJ40 purchase sees them heading out onto the tracks whenever the opportunity presents. “We are keeping the FJ in as original condition as possible to show people that you don’t need every accessory under the sun, as these vehicles are more than capable as they are. We practice what we preach.” Aaron and Curl are a lovely couple and their store, Go Camping and Overlanding, is a delightful experience of rediscovery. Pop in, say hello and check out the store at 9/58 Erindale Road, Balcatta.