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Help to grow programme

The Rose Review on Female Entrepreneurship reported that for women to get the same opportunities as men, we need enhanced support, networking and education. This is where the University of Brighton’s Help to Grow Programme steps in. It is really not at all expensive, and with Platinum sponsoring all the female spaces, it is totally free. The response has been fantastic and here’s a comment from just one woman l know who has completed the course.

ROSEMARY FRENCH, OBE Rosemary’s OBE was presented for services to women in business

The course was really helpful, particularly the Marketing/Branding modules. We have now refined and segmented our market, enabling more effective communication with our prospective customers. The peer group was amazing! Every week we took an assignment back to our businesses. Then, at a group session later in the week, we discussed our bottlenecks, progress and how we were implementing what we had learned. I found it really valuable to hear others’ points of view, suggestions, and practical examples from fellow business owners ❜❜