1 minute read


❛❛ I make sure I never miss an event and thoroughly enjoy it ❜❜


❛❛ The Platinum Club is a really well organised networking group, with the hosts helping facilitate to ensure we always make useful, new contacts at each event ❜❜


Esg Recruitment

KPMG has unveiled a new report finding that companies’ Environmental, Social, and Governance commitments now have a huge influence in their recruitment/retainment prospects. It found that they are a deciding factor in applying for a job for half of the UK workforce, with one in five willing to turn down work if it doesn’t align with their values.

The report also found a growing trend of younger workers are participating in ‘climate quitting’; actively seeking out new employment that is environmentally conscious. As employees take more of an active stance in the companies they choose to work for, organisations that care about their environmental impact and make strides to ensure their staff are educated on the effects of their everyday decisions, are becoming more attractive to employees when looking for work.

A landmark report from SaveMoneyCutCarbon found that 34% of Brits agreed that they would be more loyal to their workplace if they provided them more detailed information on how to be greener at work and at home.