Parents Ink Spring 2015

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Dear Readers, This edition is near and dear to my heart. We


are dealing with an important issue this

● Fiction

quarter, colorectal cancer and how you might

● Creative Nonfiction

defend yourself against it. Prevention is key. A

● Poetry/Prose

special thanks to Emily’s Mom - who is featured

● Essay

on the cover with her daddy - for writing this

● Article

informative article but asked to remain

● How--To Article

anonymous. Also, spring is here so that means Easter, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day not far behind. We hope you enjoy the history and traditions as much as we did.

Thanks for being the essential part of Parents

● Recipes ● Product/Book/Movie Review ● Photography ● Graphic Art ● Cartoon/Comic ● Images of physical art such as:  Painting


 Sculpture


 Jewelry  Pottery

Jeni Tetamore

 Quilting


 Needlework  And More

Send all submissions to:

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HELLO NUMBERS DISCOVERY PACK is a portable multisensory learning tool that reduces math anxiety by turning numbers into “friends you can count on.” Each plush number includes magnets on both sides of its “head,” allowing the creation of multiple-digit numbers, and embroidered dots on the back link the number shape to its quantity. The number characters also appear in the associated book Hello Numbers and free tablet app for iPads. The book includes 72 stickers and a decoder in the shape of Zero that allows children to create their own numbers and discover secrets on each two-page spread. The combination of book, plush and app makes this a great way to introduce children to the fun and friendly number characters! Page 4 ~ Fall 2014

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Contact us at to inquire about how you can advertise your business for three full months for the price of one!

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The last school newsletter I received had a article in it about the dangers of video games. “I have a friend who is addicted to Minecraft,” the student author said. “She doesn’t realize the danger.” I recognized the student’s name and asked my daughter, “Is she talking about you?” “What? I don’t know. Whatever,” my daughter said. She’d just logged onto the Happy Hunger Games server and wasn’t paying much attention to me. Our Minecraft life started when we were staying in temporary accommodation last year during a move. All their toys packed away, the only thing my two daughters could do was jump on a mossy old trampoline or play Minecraft. They did plenty of both. I didn’t mind. To me, the block-based world has lots of Page 10 ~ Fall 2014

potential for creativity. You can mine things, build things, farm things. You can change the appearance of your own avatar. Using a special block called redstone, you can build basic logic circuits. You can log onto servers and play in virtual worlds, or record your play on video and upload it to YouTube. My girls have done all this now. Their favorite thing for a long time was to both go on the same server, build sets for movies like Frozen or Tangled, and role play in them together and with other people who logged on. Yes, there is danger. My younger one plays with older kids online, and without doubt some of them are not children. I’ve had to set limits on what kind of contact they have. More importantly, my girls seemed to lose interest in the rest of life. I took my daughter to the big city and rode on the subway, and she was like, “This is fun, but not as fun as Minecraft.” Then, one day, she woke me up. “Yes, you can use my computer,” I told her. She said, “Actually, can you tell me where Kaya’s hairspray is?” I sat up and looked. She had her American Girl doll out and its hair was sticking straight out with freshly-brushed static. Bored with Minecraft at last? I thought to myself, Welcome back to the real world, my dear. I missed you.

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No more loose blankets The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the use of baby wearable blankets.

Clever shoulder straps Shoulder straps make it easy to place baby in the sleep nest, even when asleep. No more struggling to get baby’s hands through an armhole! This patent pending design is exclusive to baby deedee wearable sleep sacks.

Comforting cocoon shape Unique cocoon shape provides a cozy environment. Babies sleep better when they stay covered throughout the night. Parents sleep better knowing baby is comfy & secure.

Quilted duvet material The baby deedee sleep nest is quilted for an extra layer of warmth.

Cotton exterior & lining for pure comfort The sleep nest shell is made from 100% cotton for maximum breathability.

Product warmth: Our sleep sacks for infants and toddlers are lightly quilted. They are intended to be worn over regular sleepwear. Recommended room temperature is 67-74°F. Sleeve length and thickness of baby’s sleepwear should be adjusted accordingly. Shell: 100% cotton Filling: 100% polyester Care: Machine wash cold, tumble dry low Made in India Page 12 ~ Fall 2014

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Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths for men and women combined in the United States. However, it is highly treatable and even preventable if detected early. Regular screenings are critical for early detection. Page 16 ~ Fall 2014

Colorectal cancer is cancer in the colon or rectum. It usually develops very slowly from polyps on the inner lining of the large intestine or rectum. The polyps are abnormal growths and some (not all) are precancerous and will develop into cancer if not removed. Regular screenings for CRC are critical for people aged 50 and older, even if a person has no symptoms. Symptoms often appear only when the disease is advanced and no longer at a curable stage. While all people 50 and older should be screened regularly, those younger than 50 but with other risk factors such as heavy alcohol use, cigarette smoking, obesity, diabetes, a diet high in fat and red meat, and a family history of colorectal cancer may also benefit from

being screened. A common misconception is that colorectal cancer is a men’s disease, but colorectal cancer is just as common in women as it is in men. The earlier the cancer is found, the better the chance of survival. People diagnosed with colorectal cancer at Stage 1 have a 94% 5-year survival rate, and people diagnosed with stage IV (the most advanced stage) have only an 11% 5-year survival rate. Early detection saves lives! Screening is key to early detection. The most common screening strategy is colonoscopy. It is invasive and requires people to fast and cleanse their colon using laxatives. Only about 1 in 3 people over age 50 in are compliance with screening recommendations. Stool tests are a

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noninvasive screening method, and 2 types of tests are available. Fecal Immunochemical Test and Fecal Occult Blood tests detect blood from a stool sample. The Cologuard stool DNA test detects specific DNA markers and occult hemoglobin from a stool sample. In a 10,000 patient clinical trial, the Cologuard stool DNA test outperformed FIT. Cologuard detected 92.3% of colorectal cancers, 69.2% of high-risk pre-cancers, and 42.4% of advanced pre-cancerous lesions. FIT found 73.8%, 46.2%, and 23.8% of cancers, high-risk pre-cancers, and advanced pre-cancerous lesions respectively. The Cologuard stool DNA test had a specificity of 86.6% while the FIT had 94.9% specificity. Since colorectal cancer often develops slowly, repeat screenings increase the

chance that pre-cancer will be detected and eradicated before it turns into cancer. Cologuard was first available in 2014, and it provides a good option for noninvasive colorectal cancer screening. Be sure to talk with your doctor about your screening options for colorectal cancer. Information about Cologuard is available at and Sources: Imperiale, T. F. et al. Multitarget stool DNA testing for colorectal-cancer screening. N. Engl. J. Med. 370, 1287–1297 (2014)

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The moveable feast, never landing on the same date two years in a row, Christian churches in the West always celebrate Easter following the first full moon after the vernal equinox on March 21st. This means that Easter can land as early as March 22nd and as late as April 25th on any given year! Given its peripatetic nature, it may be difficult for some to believe that Easter is in fact the most important holiday in Christian tradition, celebrating the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. However, many of its roots are grounded in rituals much older than Christianity, so while Christians celebrate this most holy of feast days, the methods of the feasting come from a plethora of other traditions that existed before the time of Christ. Spring festivals are ripe with fertility symbolism and new beginnings, so it is no surprise that Easter has a variety of these icons present in its celebration in addition to the Jewish traditions of Passover. So, where did the Easter bunny, colored eggs, and all of our other various customs begin?

What’s in a Name? The origins of the word “Easter” is murky at best. Some sources claim that it can be traced back to the Teutonic goddess of spring and fertility , Eostre while other accounts state that it is derived from the Latin term hebdomada alba, meaning “white week”, which could be a reference to the white clothes people wore when they were baptized during ancient times. Later, due to a mistake in translation, the term later appeared in Old High German as esostarum, eventually becoming “Easter” in English. However, in the true Latin-based languages such as Spanish and French, the word for “Easter” is rooted in the term for “Passover” and derived from the Greek and Latin Pascha or Pasch. In Spain, Easter is called Pascua while in France they have named it Paques. As Jesus crucifixion and resurrection happened after he traveled to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover, or Pesach in Hebrew, this translation makes perfect sense.

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Lots of Time to Celebrate! Easter begins with the season of Lent, the 40-day period leading up to Easter Sunday, as a time meant represent the 40 days Jesus spent alone in the wilderness before he began his ministry. This is when many Christians often go through a time of fasting or withholding from themselves certain enjoyments as a penance to embody the same resistance to temptation that Jesus showed when he resisted the devil while in the desert. The week before Easter, called Holy week, often coincides closely with the Jewish holiday of Passover, but not always. This is the week that focuses on the Last Supper and His crucifixion before the transition on Sunday to His resurrection. But if you that it was done then, there’s still the whole 50-day period after called Eastertide that include the celebration of Jesus’ ascension into heaven.

So How Did We Go From Jesus to A Colored Egg Laying Bunny? While Easter itself is primarily a Christian holiday, spring festivals have been around since time immemorial. Those traditions all became mashed together as Christianity was adopted within cultures and as cultures interacted and intermixed, it became one, big soupy story that brought us the Easter Bunny! Really, there was a legend of an egg-laying hare in Germany and this story was brought to America by German immigrants in the 1700s called “Osterhase” or “Oschter Haws”. However, the decoration of eggs is believed to go as far back as the 13th century while the rite of the Easter parade has even older roots. The egg itself is an ancient symbol of new life and is closely associated with both pagan and Christian traditions. For ancient Christians, Easter eggs had two connotations - the first is that they were meant to represent Jesus’ resurrection and new life, and the second is that they were customarily forbidden during Lent, so they would be decorated to demonstrate the end of penance and fasting and then they would be eaten as part of the Easter celebration. Sources: Staff. "Easter Symbols and Traditions - Holidays." A & E Networks, 2009. Web. 18 Mar. 2015. Staff. "Easter - Holidays." A & E Networks, 2009. Web. 17 Mar. 2015. Page 24 ~ Fall 2014

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You are your parents greatest accomplishment, whether they realize it or not, and with Mother’s and Father’s Day’s quickly approaching, it seemed appropriate to examine how these two holidays came into existence. Most people, even if they are estranged from their parents, find themselves sending a card or some kind of remembrance on these Sundays. So, was it just Hallmark’s way to increase their profit margin, or was there more to it?

I don’t think Hallmark has a card for that.

In truth, the tradition of honoring our parents dates back to the ancient Romans and Greeks where the festivals honoring the goddesses such as Rhea, Cybele, and Magna Mater (all earth goddesses) would also translate into honoring their earthly mothers. Contrarily, festivals honoring Zeus and Jupiter (the father figures) were then the early manifestations of Father’s Day. However, these were not the tame fix-mombreakfast-in-bed or buy-dad-a-necktie events we know and love. No. These were lion drawn chariot accompanied by wild music and orgies with many people thrown into jail for disorderly conduct types of events.

By the 19th century the custom of Mothering Sunday had almost completely died out only to picked up again after World War II when American servicemen brought their Mother’s Day custom’s back over the pond.

Early Christians in England then developed what may be considered the true grandmother to our current “Mother’s Day”. On the fourth Sunday of Lent, they began to celebrate “Mothering Sunday” in honor of the Virgin Mary, the mother of Christ. By the 1600s children would then bring up gifts and flowers for their own mother’s as a tribute after the prayer service.

The idea of an official holiday honoring mother’s, and shortly thereafter father’s, was first suggested by Julia Ward Howe of “Battle Hymn of the Republic” fame. She was an activist, writer, and poet during the Civil War era and believed that June 2nd should be celebrated annually as Mother’s Day and should be dedicated to peace because of all the loss of life.

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Except, it wasn’t really Julia Ward Howe’s original idea, either. Fifteen years earlier, Anna Jarvis was an Appalachian homemaker who wanted to raise awareness of the poor health conditions in her community and felt that mothers would be the best advocates. She called “Mother’s Work Day.” When Anna died, her daughter, also named Anna, began to lobby businessmen and politicians to support a special day honoring mother’s. 1908 was the first year that it was publically observed in churches in America, so Anna handed out her mother’s favorite flower, white carnations. Initially, Mother’s Day was observed by attending church, people writing letters to their mother’s, and finally growing into sending cards, flowers, and gifts. As its popularity grew, and Mother’s Day became increasingly commercialized by gift-giving and anti-war efforts, Jarvis believed that the original sentiment behind her vision was being lost and actually filed a lawsuit to stop a Mother’s Day festival, going so far as to be arrested at a convention selling carnation for a war mother’s group. Before her death, Jarvis admitted that she regretted ever Page 29 ~ Fall 2014

beginning the mother’s day tradition. However, by 1911 Mother’s Day was celebrated in almost every state in the Union and on May 8, 1914 President Woodrow Wilson signed a Joint Resolution designating the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day is celebrated around in the world, although the dates and traditions vary. While most countries seem to celebrate some time in May, countries like Spain celebrate in December where they celebrate not only their own mother but also the Virgin Mary. Most countries also take the time to celebrate not only their mother, but also their grandmother and the women who have been like mother’s. If you are in the mood for a special treat, try the English Mothering Cake or Simnel Cake, which is a rich almond cake traditionally eaten for Mother’s day! But mom’s didn’t become that way on their own! What about the dads? This is exactly what Sonora Smart Dodd was thinking while she listened to a Mother’s Day sermon at her church in Washington state in 1909. And she was right to think this as her father was an exceptional man. William Smart was a Civil War veteran, a widower who raised six children by himself after his wife died in childbirth having their sixth, all while managing their small farm in Washington. She suggested June 5th as the day for the celebration as the was the anniversary of his death, but there was a mix up in the planning so the celebration in Spokane, Washington was postponed until the third Sunday of June. Or perhaps you prefer believing that it began in 1908 in Fairmont West Virginia when Grace Gold Clayton suggested that they hold services in the local Methodist church to celebrate father’s after a mine explosion killed 361 men? Page 30 ~ Fall 2014

It took far longer for Father’s Day to become an nationally recognized holiday, but it came without all the angst. While Anna Jarvis was active in campaigning first for Mother’s Day to become a holiday, and then its strongest opponent ultimately dying destitute and mad in an asylum, there was no single person advocating for Father’s Day to become its own national holiday. However, the unofficial support with local celebrations began almost immediately. In 1942 President Calvin Coolidge was the first to recommend Father’s Day be recognized on a national level, but no official action was ever taken. Then in 1966 President Lyndon B. Johnson, through an executive order, designated the third Sunday in June as the official observance of Father’s Day, but it still wasn’t until 1972, during the Nixon administration, when Father’s Day became an officially recognized national holiday.

Day observed somewhere in the world are January, February, and April! However, Father’s Day is still somewhat shortchanged. According to research conducted in 2009 by the National Retail Federation, the average individual consumer only spent an average of $90.89 on dad while they dropped about $126.90 on mom! The reason being is because dad is generally happy with a tie or a new drill while kids seemed compelled to buy mom jewelry, a trip to the spa, or a fancy dinner. So, this year, take some time to think about how the originators had meant for them to be celebrated and think of new ways to honor your mom and dad!

Other countries soon followed suit, but unlike Mother’s Day where most seem to celebrate in May, Father’s Day is observed all over the calendar year depending where you are on the globe. Iran, Bolivia, Honduras, Italy, Lichtenstein, Portugal, and Spain all celebrate in March while Luxembourg, Estonia, Finland, Norway, Sweden, and Thailand all celebrate between September, October, November and December. In fact, the only months that don’t have a Father’s Page 31 ~ Fall 2014

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How Sleep’n Sync is Revolutionary Mission To help children excel when facing challenges and improve their functional skills and their wellbeing

Sleep’n Sync’s objective is to help the child achieve their goals fast. It does this through an audio designed to help the child with the specific issue being addressed, which is played at night, as the child sleeps, every day for six weeks. Sleep’n Sync uses the power of the mind and empowers the natural motivation in children to do well. It does this by integrating to the audio positive suggestions and messages that reach the subconscious mind of the child at a highly receptive state: sleep. 


Non-confrontational: with Sleep’n Sync there is no need for negotiating or convincing the child to do the program every day, no need to use their valuable fun time for it.

Easy to use: the program’s implementation does not affect your child’s schedule, it is at night during sleep time, no need to set time from the child’s busy day for this. Program the alarm with Sleep’n Sync’s audio at a time the child is asleep, and set it to repeat every night.

Based on extensive scientific research and best practices: each Program is designed based on extensive scientific research and best practices, so that the messages and recommendations contained in the program are effective and to the point of the specific goal of the program.

Sleep’n Sync uses:  Principles of hypnotherapy by designing the necessary messages the child needs in the form of positive suggestions tailored to be easily absorbed by the subconscious mind of the child.

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Sleep, as it provides a highly receptive state of the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is always awake and receptive, however this receptivity is increased when the conscious mind does not interfere/ is resting/cooled down, as it occurs during sleep. In addition, sleep is a time when the outside input is minimized, and the information received during the awake time is sorted, organized, evaluated, linked with other memories, and stored or discarded according to its relevance. Sleep’n Sync takes advantage of sleep as a natural receptive state for its messages to effectively be absorbed by the subconscious mind, and the natural function of sleep in building and solidifying brain connections, and its natural role as self-therapy since it processes and links negative feelings and experiences with positive feelings and previous experiences, diminishing their overall negative effect (Rock )

Neuroplasticity: which is the changing of the strength of neural connections, the adding or removing of connections or the adding of new cells. Thinking, learning and acting actually changes the structure and functional organization of the brain. (Christiansen & Baum, 2005).

Principles of neuroplasticity: The brains ability to act and react is ever-changing. It is constantly laying down new pathways for neural communication and to re-arrange existing ones. The changing of neurons, the organization of their networks, and their function changes via new experiences

Repetition: It is well known that repetition wires the brain. It is repetition that allows a person’s brain to establish the necessary connections or synapses between the brain cells. Learning occurs right where neurons meet. Without these connections, the brain cells are useless. It is known that what wires a person’s brain is repeated experience, and without it, key synapses do not form. And if such connections, once formed are used too seldom to be strengthened and reinforced, the brain eventually eliminates them. Therefore, repetition of the desired messages in the suggestions in Sleep’n Sync audios is a key element for the effectiveness of the message incorporation into the subconscious mind of the child.

Binaural Beats in the background music: Optional. Binaural beats work by sending two different tones to each ear. The frequency difference between the tones is created by the brain as a “binaural beat”. With this technology, one can take the mind into a relaxed and receptive state, allowing easier connections between the brain cells. This is optional since sleep is already a receptive state for the messages to be absorbed, however its use can help.

Connecting the subconscious mind with the conscious mind: This is what Sleep’n Sync’s audios facilitate, so that when the child is awake, he/she has the self confidence, skills and tools to use in order to get his/her desired goals.

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<-- Marc by Marc Jacobs Tote Gorgeous nylon note in the perfect spring color features comfy shoulder-friendly handles and an inside zip pocket. With exterior side pockets perfect for phone and keys, this is the kind of bag that a busy mom will appreciate for its versatility and chic casual style suitable for any occasion.

$198 Page 40 ~ Fall 2014

<-- Homemade Gin Kit A great gift containing dried juniper berries, two Italian glass bottles, a funnel, and a strainer as well as the secret blend of spices and flowers (okay, we’ll tell you the secret lavender, green cardamom, and sandalwood). Pour the juniper berries into a good bottle of vodka, tap your foot impatiently for 24 hours, add everything else, and pace for another 12 hours, strain, and you’ve got yourself a gorgeous, flavorful amber gin you made yourself!


American Steerhide iPad Case --> Orvis’ Colonel Littleton is lush and manly, perfect for the dad who loves his technology and is tired of the too modern look of most iPad cases. This is made from 100% Tennessee tanned steerhide and features a snap closure mode from a vintage WWII 45 ACP holsters. It is compatible with first, second, and third-generation iPads

$159 Page 41 ~ Fall 2014

Personalized Family Rules Doormat Welcome your guests with your family name (up to 12 characters). Comes in blue, cream, burgundy, or green, and features a non-slip rubber backing. Fun and encouraging words to live by.


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Natural, Wearable Candles Mom will love to relax first to the flickering candle, then taking the warm wax and using it as a moisturizer. These candles are made from natural fragrances so they nourish the mind and body. A wholly enjoyable experience!


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<-- Heated Shaving System Just put in your existing can of gel or lather and when the light indicates it’s ready, the dad in your life will enjoy the wonders and joys of a true hot shave. Using warm gel/lather means he’ll experience less friction on his face, leading to less razor burn and irritation. Believe me, he’ll love it!

$29.95 d+Shaving+System.axd?cid=464

The Tactical Apron Totally over the top fun for the dad who takes his grilling very seriously! Complete with pouches for spices and spatula and tongs, you will never lose the tools of your trade. Plus you are protected from splattering grease and hot coals while wrapped in the all cotton outer layer.

$35 Page 45 ~ Fall 2014

VW Camper Van Toaster Generally getting appliances for Mother’s or Father’s Day could lead to being perpetually grounded, but we think you’ll be forgiven if you bring this because how fantastic is it that this VW toast your bread for breakfast? This icon is fun and kitschy and perfect for the collector of oddities.


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Rainy Pot --> A flower pot that captures the form and function of nature in a fun design that will nourish your plants evenly as they would be in the wild.


<-- Light Saber Keys Get a set of 4 for the Star Wars 速 fan in your life. They can be cut to size for cars and home. How fun is that?


http:// -Space-Keys-1-pair-Red-BlueLight-Saber-Keys.htm

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What do you get the parent that already has everything? Maybe they would enjoy knowing that they helped another family! Consider giving a gift in your mother or father’s name this year...

Water Filter for Safe Drinking Water This is an individual water purifier that enables families to treat their drinking water in the comfort of their own home. Most water is highly contaminated with germs and parasites that sicken the drinkers, so this would remove most of those, reducing harmful bacteria by up 99%. Additionally, you would be helping the local economy because these filters are made in a nearby village, so your gift benefits far more than just the family to whom the filter will be sent!

$49 Page 48 ~ Fall 2014

Two Soccer Balls --> Play is so important for all children. This gift supplies soccer ball, uniforms, and cleats to children who live in extreme poverty. How awesome is it to give the gift of sport?

$16 http:// category/education/soccer-ball

<-- Give a Goat They say if you teach a man to fish you feed him for life, well, give a girl a goat and you will educate her, feed her, clothe her, and house her. Rosemena has sold 21 offspring, which is enough to pay for high school and college. They can sell the milk as well. This is truly the gift that keeps on giving!

$43 http:// category/animals/one-goat Page 49 ~ Fall 2014

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.