PA Musician Magazine November 2013

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November, 2013



November, 2013


5 PA Musician Magazine



November, 2013



November, 2013

ACROSS THE DESK By Whitey & Robin Noll

Thankful this month, very thankful for all of our faithful advertisers of whom some have been with us for 31 years. We’re actually going into our 32nd years of publishing the Pennsylvania Musician Magazine. Seeing as we’re a sole proprietorship I’ve been with the company for 32 years. There’s no doubt in my mind that I would have been fired if I worked for someone else with all my procrastination techniques. They are quite developed after 32 years. But I am getting better (my printer is laughing if they’re reading this) but, I have greatly improved. When Andrea worked for me she taught me to make list and to be honest about how much work there is to do and not to cut myself so short. You just can’t do 3 days worth of work in 1. It doesn’t get done. I still cut myself short and by far have a long way in learning more. That is what is wonderful about working for one’s self, you have to keep learning and expanding. Missy, my daughter-in-law taught me how to stay focused and at task. Of course since she has moved on it’s not easy when you’re in the office by yourself and your home chores are just a threshhold away. Butt in chair as Bobby and Rachel always tell me. Bob Kutz Jr. helped me for years and taught me so many things that I don’t have enough space to tell all

November, 2013

that I learned from him. Let me just say that the Centre Daily Times was impressed with my pdfs and all that I knew about getting the publication ready for press. Talking about Rachel... our Rachel Rocks came on the scene and has given bands and our advertisers great coverage and she actually enjoys doing it when she has the time. She also comes up and helps me get it all done and to the printer so many times. She couldn’t today though she had to work at 3 other jobs today. She offered but she sounded exhausted (love her so much). She also was responsible for getting my Quick Books up and running which saves oodles of time. So many things that child does for me everyday. She calls and talks to me every morning. Because of her I know why God likes to hear from me every morning as well. She is such a blessing to me and to the PA Musician Magazine. I guess my biggest problem is not raising my rates and selling more ads so I could afford to pay all the wonderful people I just wrote about. No one can work for free, and trust me I paid them for a time but as our revenue decreased I just couldn’t do it. They still help me though when I’m desperate. I have learned so much in 32 years. There were a lot of tears and many typos. Actually our local school gets continued on next page...



OUT & ABOUT by RACHEL ROCKS! Happy Anniversary PA Musician Magazine!! I’m so proud to call you family. We’ve been through a lot together over the years… All the way from my diaper changes to the diaper changes of my babies! A lot happens in 32 years!! Businesses come and go, competitors come and go, but we’ve made it! It hasn’t been easy, but nothing in life is easy. Thank you so much to all of those advertisers that continue to support us and have supported us at some time throughout our existence. Without you, we wouldn’t be! I’m crazy proud of my Mom and Dad for supporting the local scene. I had a crazy month but managed to squeeze in a couple bands along the way. My first night out I headed over to Gullifty’s for one of Nick’s 717 Entertainment nights. Rebel Inc. from Baltimore was back on the Gullifty’s stage so I knew it was going to be a great night. Rebel Inc. plays with such intensity, they definitely know how to get their crowd pumped up. It was a pretty decent crowd for Gullifty’s with a full dance floor and venue. Rebel Inc. had the people on their feet and singing along to their songs. Nick is currently working on getting bands nominated for his 717 Entertainment Awards show. Make sure you get your favorite band on the ballots! Also keep an eye on Gullifty’s schedule, Nick books a lot of great original artists traveling through the area on tour that are worth checking out. The next night out was a busy one at Tubby’s with three bands: Everybody Wants Some, LeadFoot, and the headliner, Kiss Alive. The show started with Everybody Wants Some, a Van Halen Tribute from Baltimore. These guys were fully decked out in costumes and ready to rock. It was a great pairing with Kiss Alive. Everybody Wants Some did a great job covering all of the Van Halen songs. The crowd was singing along like a bunch of crazy people and having a good time. It was also nice to see the whole band hang out and listen to the bands the rest of the night and rock out with their new fans! LeadFoot was next to take the stage. I haven’t seen them play for a while and they were definitely pumped and ready to keep the crowd rockin! They jumped in full force with their 80’s Metal and got the dance floor even more rowdy. Russ has a great stage presence and does a great job as the frontman. I can’t believe how high that white man can jump. The hair was flying on these guys making it a lot of fun to take Hot Shots! It’s always nice to see a band on stage with just as much energy if not more than their fans. Finally it was time for the headliner, Kiss Alive. I’ve seen these guys before and was amazed by their talent and this time was no different. They go all out with costumes, make-up, and even with their overall stage decorations and stunts. They put on a great show for any Kiss fan or just an all out metal fan like myself. I couldn’t imagine seeing them anywhere else except on Tubby’s stage. The lights and stage are perfect for these guys. Tubby’s is really a top-notch venue. Check out their schedule in this issue and get out there to support live music and a local business. To see some really crazy pictures in full color of these guys and all the bands I cover, check out, under ‘Hot Shots’. Jim and I both take tons of pics each month and weedle them down as far as we can, usually that’s right around the 100 mark for both of us, then for our hot shot pages in the magazine we have to make them black and white and then weedle them down to more like 30 to 36 pictures. All of our first cuts go on the website, so there is usually around 200 fresh, new hot shots on there every month and our website is updated each month with the current issue. Sorry we don’t get it up sooner but, hey our IT person, me, has four part time jobs to make ends meet. (just like a majority of us in this economy). The following weekend I was going to just stick local and bop around my Linglestown circuit, but then my friend Glen called me and told me to come up to Tubby’s to see Green Eggs. I’m so glad I did! What a show!! Plus I found out that Green Eggs are officially calling it quits after 17 years and over 2,300 shows!! What a shame. They will be missed for sure! They are going out with a bang and Brad and Brian called back Matt Day on guitar and Jake Gochenaur on drums for what they are calling their “Final Lap.” Their final show is Thanksgiving Eve, November 27th at Champions in continued on page 1 3 ...

November, 2013



Out ‘N’ About continued.... Highspire. Green Eggs still put on a crazy show with plenty of wild antics. I had a blast taking pictures of them on the nice, big Tubby’s stage. Since they’ve announced this is their “FINAL LAP” they had fans come up all the way from North Carolina and Virginia wearing special “I love Green Eggs” shirts. Champions is going to be insane! I wish them all the best of luck, and who knows maybe we’ll see them back on the stage someday. The next day out was super fun. My sister, Andrea, and her husband Dave hosted a Musicpalooza for all their music making friends in the small town of Newville and the surrounding areas. Dave goes to a lot of open mics and decided it would be fun to host his own. It was a beautiful night which was perfect because all of us cackling women were outside by the bonfire with the patio doors open so we could still hear the music. I was shocked by all the talent that showed up to play. Between the spectators and the musicians they probably had close to 50 people in and out of their house all day. All the different instruments were pretty awesome too. Dave kept things moving on the snare and tambourine when he wasn’t up playing his 6-string, Austin Dechene, one of the youngest performing musicians, was accompanying anyone who would let him. Dave, the soundman Russell, would pick up his guitar and quietly strum along too. Karen, James, Linda, Marc, Steven, and too many to list played their favorite songs for all of us to hear. John brought his banjo and his harmonica, and Mike even showed up with a saxophone. There were djembes, cajones, tambourines, maracas, and super awesome back up dancers and singers. Oh and the food!!! It was a potluck, and not only can these people play, they can cook too! I gained 3 lbs.. literally! Plus the laughs, I don’t Brian & Brad Nicarry of Green Eggs think I laughed so hard in ages. My back hurt the next day from all the laughing. Overall it was an amazing day of music and fun. I can’t wait til the next one! The following weekend was a weekend camping with my family. We went to Riverside Campground up in Montgomery. My Mom-in-law reserved the spot so I didn’t do any research, I just showed up. When I got there I realized there was a Lounge right in the campground and they were having live music on Saturday night. All Else Fails were going to be there. You might think, ‘Awesome!’, but no. Unfortunately my Mom-in-law is against continued on next pg...



November, 2013

Out ‘N’ About continued.... was thrilled to see R.S.M. Productions were there running the sound with Rob Meyer, that just confirmed it was going to be a great show. I was there by 9:30 and I couldn’t believe how packed it already was. It was by far one of the biggest crowds for the Radisson Kix shows, an estimated 900 people came to the show. I was lucky and had a V.I.P. ticket with my friends, thanks to John Harris, which did get us closer to the stage, but I still wish there was something more for V.I.P. I understand if they don’t want to have a bar in the “special section” but maybe at least some guy selling waters out of the little wheely cooler. Steve was commenting on how he thinks this is the most sober he’s ever seen people at one of his shows. That’s because the only way to get a drink was to catch some of the sweat off of Steve’s body when he spun around like a maniac!

Kix live at The Radisson

photo by Rachel Rocks

It was too much of an effort to leave thru the V.I.P little entrance all the way at the front of the room and then work your way back to where the bars were just to wait in line and miss the show. Plus if you did get a drink for a friend, it was 75% spilled by the time you got it to them because of people bumping into you working your way back to the V.I.P. section. Just a friendly suggestion, what about at least putting an entrance back by the sound booth instead of right by the speakers? I know it’s a concert and that’s how all concerts are and I shouldn’t whine about it, but it is still frustrating. Kix put on a great show and played all of the Kix songs you would expect. It is fun just people watching and seeing the “extreme” fans. I love how everyone holds up their cell phones now taking video and pictures. It makes it even more distracting for us “short” people, but it is the only way to get a good picture. I eventually joined the herd and held my camera up and managed to get a couple good shots. Overall it was a great concert and I had a good time with my friends, and at least we saved a couple bucks because we couldn’t get to the bar. My life has been evolving, my kids are getting older and more demanding and it’s even harder to find time and energy to get out and Support Live Music, but I still try my best! It’s hard for some people to understand why I don’t make it to their shows, why it takes me so long to update the website, and why the magazines aren’t delivered more promptly. (I have 3 part time jobs that pay me —the PA Musician Magazine stuff I do to help my Mom and because I do like to go out and hear live music when I can fit it in my schedule) It is all a process, I do it all as good and as quickly as I possibly can, but my priority will always be my husband and my children. I am a Wife and Mother first and foremost. Most people do respect that, but for others it’s a challenge, and to them I apologize. The holidays are quickly approaching and I hope to make it out to as many shows as I possibly can. If you see me Out ‘N’ About please stop by and say, “Hi!” If you have any questions or comments, you can e-mail me directly at Plus don’t forget to check out our website at and like us on Musician Magazine. Advertisers in the hard copy can post their events and such on our page and we’ll share it on the PA Musician Magazine timeline.



November, 2013

The BackYard Rockers… Jim Price, from the Reporter to the Musician By Rachel Rocks

Rich Dasch Jim Price

Dave Baird Photo by Meredith Kaminek Photographer

From a live music addict, to a Radio DJ, all the way up to a college professor, and even higher up to the one creating the music for addicts to listen to, Jim Price has done it all! Playing with The BackYard Rockers is just the icing on the cake. It’s hard to believe how one person’s life can change in the matter of 30 plus years, but Jim’s has definitely evolved. I’m sure 30 years ago as he was writing about and covering the live music scene he never thought that he would be the one being covered. Congrats Jim Price on all you’ve done for the music scene throughout your years writing for the PA Musician Magazine. We are proud to call you one of our own! Jim has been covering Open Mic/Jam nights at Pellegrine’s for a long time. Thanks to the host, Adam DiFlaviniano (“Adam D”), Jim became not only a spectator, but a musician as well, starting out with crazy kazoo renditions, and eventually adding in some bongo drums. He jammed with many different musicians, but was most comfortable with the already formed duo, Rich Dasch and Harmonica Dave. After a few jam sessions they started talking about forming an official band and trying to get some gigs. Back in 2012 they decided they needed a name, Dave suggested “The Backyard Rockers” and it was perfect. I’m sure it helps that was the name of Jim’s old radio show. Jim has gained some notoriety throughout the years of all of his different “professions” you might as well take advantage of that. Plus it’s perfect because being a ‘backyard rocker’ is exactly what they want to do. They love playing picnics and festivals in anyone’s backyard, just jamming out and having a good time. Out of the three musicians Rich Dasch, has been playing and performing the longest. He picked up a guitar in his early teens and it stuck with him over 40 years now. This is the first experience he’s had playing in a band. Rich spent his working career on the road with the railroad, he would take his guitar along, and just jam with various musicians throughout the years. November, 2013

The band that Rich liked the most growing up was Buffalo Springfield, and Neil Young is still his favorite musician to this day, and one of his biggest influences. Even though The BackYard Rockers know how to rock, Rich still plays the acoustic guitar and he is also the lead vocalist for The BackYard Rockers. Dave Baird (“Harmonica Dave”) also started out his musical career as a music lover. He never played an instrument until he started playing harmonica in 2006. He started playing the “harp” just as a hobby, but it wasn’t very long until it became his passion. Dave’s biggest musical influence has been Eric Clapton. He’s been listening to Clapton since his early teens, Clapton gave him an appreciation of the “Blues” and instilled in him a “Rock n’ Roll” heart. With The BackYard Rockers, Dave plays the harmonica, and it’s been known that he has a custom made giant harmonica, that thing must be at least 2 feet long! He also still plays percussion when it’s necessary and helps out on vocals. Jim Price (“The Professor”) started dabbing into hand percussion about 4 years ago when he was coaxed by several friends to join the St. Francis University World Drumming Ensemble. He learned djembe techniques from the leader, Jim Donovan. He was also influenced watching Jacob Haqq-Misra from Mysterytrain. He has a wide variety of percussion instruments that he uses for his shows. More recently he’s learned a few tips from Bryan Fazio. He also pays a lot more attention to drummers everywhere he goes, you can learn from everyone! Obviously Whitey Noll is his biggest ukulele influence, jamming with Jim several times and showing him new tricks. Jim has been jamming with many different musicians at Jam Night, which has helped him grow as a musician. Also Felix and the Hurricanes have invited him to sit in with them several times, and every time is a major learning experience! With The BackYard Rockers he plays the bongos, djembe, backing vocals, and even some kazoo solos. Rich and Dave are glad they found Jim. He’s PENNSYLVANIA MUSICIAN MAGAZINE

definitely the perfect fit to their puzzle to complete the band they’ve been dreaming about for years. I unfortunately haven’t seen The BackYard Rockers yet, but I asked them what they think helps get the crowd excited about their performance. The biggest thing they all agreed on is how they take the great classic and vintage rock n’ roll and make it their own. A lot of their songs are meant for a full, plugged in band, since they take more of the acoustic approach they torque it and still make it a rock song acoustic style. One thing the crowd always appreciates is that you can still have a conversation even when The BackYard Rockers are rockin’. Don’t get me wrong they still get plenty loud, and they still use microphones and amps, it’s just a unique approach that people have come to appreciate. Some of their biggest “crowd-pleasing” songs are Tom Petty’s “Mary Jane’s Last Dance,” where Harmonica Dave brings out his big harmonica for the first time. “Wagon Wheel” is also a popular favorite, and in Etlon John’s “Crocodile Rock” there are even some kazoo solos that always get people’s attention. “Copperhead Road” and “Folsom Prison Blues” are also big favorites. They do play some originals, “Tara’s Song” which Rich wrote for his daughters wedding, and another one written with area musician Brian Cupples that they like to call “Happy”. They are just getting started and they hope that there are more originals in their future. Until that happens they’ll just keep rockin’ to whatever makes the crowd happy. The BackYard Rockers have already spread their wings and have begun to branch out from the Altoona area. They’ve played in Johnstown, and even up the mountain into Patton at The Thirsty Dawg, and in St. Bonaface there is Madhatters and the Blue Knob Ski Resort. Starting in November they will be breaking into State College. They have a few big shows coming up in November, one being the 3rd Annual Patched Together Benefit Concert at Altoona’s Bavarian Hall, where they will be raising funs and awareness for the Healing Patch Program which provides counseling services to young people who have lost loved ones. On Thanksgiving Eve, November 27th, they also will be debuting at the Heidelberg Country Club. They would love to continue to break into the Williamsport, Harrisburg, western Maryland areas and beyond in the months ahead. You can check out their ad in this issue for all of their upcoming shows. You can also contact Rich Dasch to get The BackYard Rockers booked at your venue, 814-330-1883 or e-mail Rich at When I asked the guys about who they wanted to thank for helping them become the musicians they are and they continue to be, the names came by the hundreds. Unfortunately there is only so much space for the cover feature and I can’t list all of them that they wrote down and sent me but hopefully you know who you are! I will mention that they wanted to thank all of their family, friends and fans, plus all of the musicians that have sat in with them, the venues and the events that have welcomed them on their stages so far, especially Pellegrine’s in Altoona and The Thirsty Dog Tavern in Patton. Thanks to Rich’s wife Ellen for not only her support of Rich for the past 40 years!!! But also for allowing them to practice upstairs, and even for cooking for them! Also a big thanks to Adam Diflaviano one of the best musicians in the Altoona area who runs the Jam Night at Pellegrines, without his support and knowledge of music they would not be where they are in their musical journey. Also all of the staff at Pellegrine’s for allowing the Jam Nights to continue and for supporting live music every way possible! The BackYard Rockers are just getting started and it will be awesome to watch where they go. I hope I can catch a show Out ‘N’ About and see their unique band for myself. You can find them, like them, and follow them on their facebook page at 15



November, 2013

NATIONALS By Eric Hoffman

Greetings Rockers ‘N’ Rollers! Last month began with a great local show downtown at the Harrisburg Gingerbread Man. The show featured 3 bands: Kills & Thrills (New York), Black River Mafia (Harrisburg) and Pan (South Carolina). All the bands were talented, however, Black River Mafia stole the show with their hardcore music! The Harrisburg based band consists of Elray Gunn, Billy Cooper, Chuck Wheat, KA Alleman and Ryan “On Call” Conner. Singer Elray Gunn does not play an instrument but his howling pipes are truly an instrument of their own! Very intense and impressive vocals in which the rest of Black River Mafia provide a great background. On October 12th it was off to Philadelphia to see Captain Sean Wheeler and Zander Schloss perform. Being a huge fan of Wheeler for his work with Throw Rag, there was no way I could miss this show. Schloss is noted for his work with bands: Circle Jerks, the Weirdos, Joe Strummer. The Rod Stewart Legendary Duo’s music gave vibes of Johnny Cash and Roy Orbison. They were the opening act for Mark Lanegan who was the frontman of grunge band Screaming Trees. The show took place at a great new Philadelphia venue called Underground Arts. It was a privilege to sit and catch up with Captain Sean after the show. I consider him one of the most original frontman in music. Rod Stewart visited the mid-state at State College’s Bryce Jordan Center. The legendary singer who is considered one of the best selling artists of all time, has sold over 100 million


records worldwide. At the age of 68, Stewart continues to tour and his distinctive raspy singing voice is iconic. The production of the show was huge and Stewart played his catalog of hits including “Maggie May,” “Young Turks” and “Do Ya Think I’m Sexy?” A highlight of his shows includes Stewart showing his passion for soccer by kicking over 100 autographed soccer balls into the crowd for fans. Stewart is a big supporter of the Celtic Football Club in his native Scotland. NATIONAL NEWS: Nirvana, Linda Ronstadt, Peter Gabriel, Hall and Oates, and The Replacements are among first-time nominees to the Rock ‘N’ Roll Hall of Fame. The hall of fame announced its annual list of nominees and half the field of 16 were first-time nominees. Nirvana is nominated in its first year of eligibility. If selected for induction, the band would enter the hall of fame almost exactly 20 years after frontman Kurt Cobain’s suicide at age 27. Repeat nominees are KISS, LL Cool J, N.W.A., Cat Stevens, Deep Purple and Chic. More than 600 voters will determine the class of 2014. Inductees will be announced in December and an induction ceremony will be aired on HBO in May. Ronnie Wood is reportedly talking about a Rolling Stones global outing in 2014. Wood said his Rolling Stone cohorts loved the reception fans gave them on their 50th anniversary shows, “While the big wheel is rolling we are going to capture it before it stops totally.” Also, a 6 9 - y e a r -old Connecticut man was arrested for possessing explosives allegedly with Keith Richards among his bombing targets. Joseph Callahan, lives approximately 35 miles from Weston, Conn. where the Rolling Stones guitarist resides and told police he was making a bomb for Keith Richards. Police discovered 142 guns, all registered to Callahan. Are The Killers dead? Eric & Sean Wheeler Bassist Mark Stoermer


Black River Mafia bailed out of their Battle Born tour early. Guitarist Dave Keuning is not feeling it. Keuning admits “I am sick of this. I’m done. The end is in sight. Some people might go. You haven’t done what I have done, so you can’t relate. We just toured a sh*tload.” And frontman Brandon Flowers announced he plans to spend 2014 writing and recording a 2nd solo album. Flowers commented on the band’s upcoming greatest hits album, “This record feels like a great way to clean everything up and move onto the next thing.” Lars Ulrich wants Metallica to tour with U2 and Green Day. Apparently the bands could be up for it. Ulrich says, “U2 came to San Francisco two summers ago and we ended up having a lot to drink with them and Green Day following a dinner. I was told in the wee morning hours following this outing that members of U2, Green Day and Metallica agreed to tour together. We haven’t talked about it since, but speaking for myself I’d be very up for that.” Little Richard recently credited Jesus and an aspirin for saving his life. “The other night, I didn’t know I was having a heart attack,” Little Richard said, according to ‘Rolling Stone’. “I was coughing, and my right arm was aching. I told my son, ‘Make the room as cold as ice.’ So he turned the air conditioning on, and I took a baby aspirin. The doctor told me that saved my life. Jesus had something for me. He brought me through.” continued on pg. 1 9 ...

November, 2013

Nationals continued.... Gene Simmons stated Kurt Cobain of Nirvana was not an icon. In a recent interview with the KISS member, the subject of deceased musicians came up and he had this to say about what makes iconic musicians. “Kurt Cobain, no, that’s one or two records, that’s not enough. Amy Winehouse, that’s one or two records, that’s not enough. What, just because you died that makes you an icon? No, no.” The NFL is reportedly suing singer M.I.A. for $1.5 million because her middle finger stunt supposedly ruined the league’s reputation during the 2012 Super Bowl halftime show. The NFL also wants a public apology. M.I.A. and Nicki Minaj performed with Madonna during the song “Give Me All Your Luvin.” M.I.A. contests the underage dancers used were “wearing cheerleader outfits, hips thrusted in the air, legs wide open, in this very sexually provocative position. Is this not more offensive to the American family audience than my finger?” Cher returns to the road beginning in late March. So far, the 49-city “Dress To Kill” tour goes all the way into July. Cher, hasn’t toured since her 2004-05 Las Vegas residency that was originally called “The Farewell Tour” but later renamed to “You Never Can Say Goodbye Tour.” Cher commented on the rigors of touring, “The road is horrible, but the concerts are great. I understand why guys in bands tear up hotel rooms and throw TVs out the windows, because it’s a very lonely place. The only time you have fun is at the concerts.” Cher visits: April 4 – Washington, D.C., Verizon Center and April 28 – Philadelphia, PA., Wells Fargo Center. The Pixies return to North America this winter as the band unveils a January-March journey with these close stops: Jan. 24 – Philadelphia, Pa., Electric Factory, Jan. 25 – Pittsburgh, Pa., Carnegie Music Hall and Jan. 26 – North Bethesda, Md., Music Center At Strathmore. Fidlar provides supporting act. Courtney Love is releasing an autobiography before the year’s end. ‘Courtney Love: My Story’ will tell “her rocky relationship with her hippie parents and her days spent stripping to make ends meet and the truth behind her drug abuse and recovery.” The 400-page memoir will also cover her relationships with Kurt Cobain, Billy Corgan, Trent Reznor as well as her engagement to Ed Norton. Love is also releasing a new solo album ‘Died Blonde’ in coming months. UPCOMING SHOWS: J Roddy Walston & The Business Philadelphia TLA Nov 6.. GWAR Reading Reverb Nov 16. Lisa Marie Presley Sellersville Theatre Nov 16. Manchester Orchestra Lancaster Chameleon Nov 16. Mazzy Star Philadelphia Union Transfer Nov 22. Crocodiles Philadelphia Boot & Saddle Nov 22. The Virus Baltimore Metro Gallery Nov 23. Mazzy Star Silver Spring Fillmore Nov 23. Fates Warning Reading, Reverb Nov 27. Like Eric on Eric S. Hoffman

Susquehanna Valley NEWS By Keith Hummel Well this being our 32nd year for the Pennsylvania Musician Magazine I had to put in my two cents this month. A lot of naysayers said we would not last, and they would put our magazine out of business. Well we out lasted them all. Now a new frontier comes upon us here at The Pennsylvania Musician Magazine. As you know I’m winding down on doing an article per month. I do have an offer from a friend to take over, I must weigh in on that and ultimately it’s Robin’s decision. Also Robin wrote in her last month article she would like to sell the Pennsylvania Musician Magazine. So the future is up in the air right now. [We will continue the PA Musician Magazine and hopefully someone will come along that will see the potential and will continue to unite the Pennsylvania music industry editor’s note] I got to see some shows last month and I had a great time at them. I really want to thank Travis Fisher Promotions and the Hummels Wharf Fire Company for the great Slaughter concert they had. I got to meet the guys just before they hit the stage for a great night of music with about six to seven hundred people rocking out. Opening bands Gun Metal Gray and Kill Scheme really tore it up and had the fans ready to rock. Great rock and classic rock from GMG. Kix will return to the Hummels Wharf Fire Company in the spring. The Wharf is rocking so be ready. continued on next page ...

November, 2013



Susquehanna Valley continued.... Some ole buddies of mine just can’t stop rocking. Nightshift, playing classic rock, based out of Sunbury are made up of Ralph Burkhart on lead guitar, Kevin Hoffman on lead guitar, Ed Moyer on bass, John Lyter on lead vocals and guitar and Todd Chappell on drums. These guys are just getting the band together and look to do full shows in 2014. Keep an ear out for Nightshift. Adrian Blitzer keeps on playing as they look for a new lead guitar player. 90’s nu rock with great dance vibe is what they do. As always the girls love them and always tear up the dance floor. The night I saw them, Clifford Moore from Handsome Devils sat in on lead guitar. I have not heard Cliff play in a long time, he has mastered his craft well and did his homework to play a great night with Adrian Blitzer. If you want it hard and heavy - get BLITZED! I missed the Holy Hannah show last month at Dan’s Den outside of Sunbury and I’ll repeat... I missed out. John “Lloyd” Kistner, lead vocalist of Harpo, got on stage and sang some Ac/Dc tunes. Holy Hannah is now made up of two bands, Holy Hannah and Beef. Both bands teamed up again to

work with Gun Metal Gray at Hummels Wharf Fire Company for Thanksgiving Eve. 80’s rock and metal! You can catch Beef at Bandits in Berwick November 16th. Music Notes: The Badlees return to the Front Street Station November 20th with openers, The Dustin Drevitch Band. Dustin is a new member of The Badlees as is also Nyke Van Wyk. So get ready for new Badlee music from the new CD “Epiphones and Empty Rooms” and great music from Dustin and his band. Sucker Punch will be introducing new guitarist Paul Young, a.k.a Pauly formerly of hard rock band Pan.a.ce.a. Come check out the even louder line November 27th at the Hilltop outside Danville, PA. Bombadil is a Durham based band whose music is a quirky, sophisticated twist on the vintage pop, indie rock and alternative/country. They will play Williamsport’s Bullfrog Brewery November 2nd. In December’s issue I’ll try to do a year end sum up and maybe let you know where the magazine and I stand. If you got news send it, some one will read it! Enjoy your Thanksgiving and family. or K. Hummel 2770 Klinger Hollow Road, Liverpool, PA 17045.



“LIVE REVIEWS” By Jim Price November marks yet another anniversary for Pennsylvania Musician Magazine. If my math is correct, this publication has now been serving the state’s music community for 32 years! Thanks once again to Whitey and Robin Noll for keeping the flame burning for this magazine and its role in supporting local live music. As I have related before, Pennsylvania Musician has been a highly influential force in my life; really, the centerpiece of my whole career! My involvement with Pennsylvania Musician has either directly or indirectly led to almost every other employment opportunity I have enjoyed since, including my current teaching endeavor at Penn State Altoona; all coming about via people I have met through my coverage of the music scene in this magazine! As I was delivering last month’s issues of Pennsylvania Musician, I was traveling between Bedford and South Fork (near Johnstown), and pulled off the road to take a break at Beaverdam Run Reservoir near the Cambria/Bedford County border. I happened to have my ukulele in my car, and I sat on a bench overlooking the reservoir and strummed away on the uke for the better part of an hour as the sun set. As I strummed, it dawned on me that I was repeating a scene I had witnessed numerous times during my early years with Pennsylvania Musician, carried out by magazine publisher and founder Whitey Noll! When Whitey would bring each month’s magazines to State College for me to pick up, he would have one of his ukuleles with him, and after transferring magazine bundles between cars, Whitey would then invite me to sit in the front seat of his station wagon to listen as he strummed out new songs that he had been working on. Many of those songs would eventually appear on Whitey’s 2000 album with Joe Agoglia, Between the Curtains and the Clouds. Sure enough, I’m now carrying on Whitey’s tradition and strumming the uke while I do the monthly deliveries! The outdoor live music season proceeded through its homestretch during the past month, with a number of noteworthy late summer and early fall festival events. Heavy rain stunted attendance, but didn’t thwart the musical fun during the 8th annual Roar in the Mountains motorcycle rally at Hollidaysburg’s Legion Park in late September. During Saturday’s festivities, rain intensified as the Backyard Rockers opened the afternoon under the pavilion with their mix of acoustic classic rock, folk and blues. The Lawn Darts then elevated the party with their upbeat mixture of rock, funk, country and blues. Seven members strong, The Lawn Darts offered their own unique slants on favorites from the Rolling Stones, CCR, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Kentucky Headhunters, Little Feat, Santana, Cream, Allman Brothers and much more. Singing duties were shared among guitarists Luke Henry and Marvin Walter, bassist Tiki Paterson and guitarist/pedal steel player Kim Metzgar. Doug Conrad played sax, while Greg Williams and Perry Conrad shared drumming and percussion continued on next page ...



November, 2013

Professor’s Live Reviews continued.... duties. The Lawn Darts had constant fun as they played their music, and the vibe became looser and more freewheeling as their performance continued. Highlights were frequent, including Greg and Perry’s percussion duel during James Gang’s “Funk #49,” a go-for-broke rendering of the Allman Brothers’ “Whipping Post” and more. The cancellation of the day’s next scheduled band cleared the way for The Lawn Darts to extend their party for the duration of the afternoon and early evening. Ebensburg celebrated the spud for the 22nd straight year with another edition of Potatofest in late September. Live music was again a big part of this year’s event, and I got to see four performances in between browsing art and craft vendor tables and savoring potato-based foodstuffs. The first band I encountered upon arriving was Pittsburgh favorites JD Eicher & the Goodnights at the main tent. Celebrating the recent release of their new CD, “Into Place” ; namesake/ singer/ guitarist J.D. Eicher, keyboardist Ben Portz, bassist Jim Merhaut and drummer Ryan Kirk mixed songs from the new album with past original songs, and their own distinctive spins on select classics. Original songs like “The Last Love Song” and “Lately Lady” were smooth yet punchy pop-rock; while the group made their cover song selection their own. They gave Tom Petty’s “I Won’t Back Down” a piano makeover, and provided a funkier Steely Dan-like lean in their version of “I Don’t Need No Doctor.” Next, I checked in with hometown Ebensburg rockers Never Enough at the Memorial Park tent stage. Singer Stacy Feighner displayed a clear and soaring voice up front as she led the group on upbeat favorites from Adele, Janis Joplin, Guns N’Roses, Queen, GoGos and more. Guitarist Tony Feighner, bassist Lou Nagy and drummer Christi Roddy also flexed their voices during the performance; with Tony fronting the group on Tom Petty’s “Mary Jane’s Last Dance,” Lou singing lead on Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “Gimme Three Steps” and Alice Cooper’s “Be My Lover,” and Christi singing from behind the kit on Wilson Pickett’s “Mustang Sally.” After Never Enough finished their performance, I divided time between Fuse at the main tent and The Highlites at the South

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The Rik Golden Band Center Street tent. These days featuring the sibling rhythm section of lead singer/ drummer Nick George and bassist/ singer Rich George, guitarist/ singer Tom Buck and keyboardist/ singer John Stackhouse; Fuse rocked downtown Ebensburg with ‘60s, ‘70s and ‘80s rock favorites from Bryan Adams, Whitesnake, Billy Idol, another take on “Mustang Sally,” and their powerful and furious closing rendition of Lynyrd Skynyrd’s epic “Free Bird,” with guitars a-blazing ‘til the final note! Featuring members from Cambria and Bedford Counties, The Highlites struck up the party with their showy brand of vintage ‘50s, ‘60s and ‘70s hits. Singer Dan Atwood, the dual keyboard tandem of Steve and Kathy Petrullo, bassist Troy Daugherty and drummer John Swat kept audience members cheering with their version of “Mustang Sally” (obviously a popular song this day!), Bob Seger’s “Old Time Rock and Roll,” Neil Diamond’s “Sweet Caroline” and more, including their rousing singalong finale version of the Isley Brothers’ “Shout.” The 49th annual Fall Foliage Festival filled Bedford’s downtown streets with plentiful arts and crafts, food and music during the first two weekends of October. I attended three of the festival’s four days, and saw a different act each day on the Gazebo stage. On the first day, Oct. 5, Pittsburgh’s Etta Cox and her band performed a tasty selection of smooth jazz, R&B, pop and blues. Etta sang with a clear, bright voice that smoothly escalated in power and range during each song. Her bandmates were supremely talented; including trombonist Al


Dowe and keyboardist John Burgh (of the Jimmy Adler Band). Etta and her group did a varied selection of songs; including George Benson’s “This Masquerade,” Lenny Welch’s “Since I Fell for You,” “Miss Celie’s Blues” from the movie The Color Purple, Etta James’ “At Last” and many more. The following day, Sunday the 6th, former Houserockers guitarist Bill Toms and his band Hard Rain brought Pittsburgh rock and soul to the Fall Foliage Festival. Armed with his guitar and a gritty singing voice, Bill led his Hard Rain cast on a selection of original R&B, rock and blues. Bill frequently gave background on his songs and the Pittsburgh personalities and settings that inspired them. The “Ballad of Jimmy Jones” was about an ill-fated Pittsburgh bank robber, “Payin’ These Dues” dealt with music scene reality, and “Misery” concerned married life (not his own). Bill’s Hard Rain cast was very talented as well, featuring energetic sax man Phil Brontz, former Cyclones bassist Tommy Valentine, guitarist Mark Cholewski and drummer Bernie Herr. Bill and Hard Rain lifted the mood of the Fall Foliage crowd and earned demands for an encore at show’s end. And rain didn’t dampen the spirits of the crowd on Fall Foliage Festival’s final day, Sunday the 13th, or put a damper on the Gazebo stage’s final act, western PA classic country practitioners Black Horse. A touring fair and festival band that was recently invited to join the world famous Wheeling Jamboree, Black Horse - singer/guitarist John Natale, upright continued on next page ...

Black Horse


Professor’s Live Reviews continued.... bass player Ken Homerosky, guitarist Ray Sherman, pedal steel player Jon Sporada and drummer Mark Keen celebrated the legends of country music over their two sets. They performed classics from such names as George Jones, Waylon Jennings, Hank Williams, Roger Miller, Merle Haggard, Buck Owens, and of course - Johnny Cash; they closed their performance with a Cash train song medley that strung together “Casey Jones,” “Wabash Cannonball” and “Orange Blossom Special.” Also during Bedford’s Fall Foliage Festival, I caught pieces of street performances by Johnstown-based singer and songwriter Dean Rumsey and eastern PA-based percussion ensemble Junk Rock, who perform rudiments on oil drums, trash cans, milk containers and other unusual objects. Last month’s 38th annual Hartslog Day celebration filled Main Street in Alexandria (Huntingdon County) with a multitude of arts and crafts vendors, food stands and live music under a tent near the Hartslog Heritage Museum. As I arrived, local favorite Anita Roseborough was performing an acoustic blend of folk, pop and country favorites. Anita displayed a strong, clear and bright voice as she did selections by Jason Mraz, Carole King, James Taylor, John Denver and more. Along the way, Anita welcomed several friends up to join her; including her brother, John, who sang lead on Gordon Lightfoot’s “Early Morning Rain.” For her final song, Anita led the audience on a singalong rendition of John Denver’s “Grandma’s Feather Bed.” Next were area Christian rockers Scent Of Water. Five members strong, Scent Of Water mixed Christian-themed numbers with their own positive-leaning adaptations of songs by U2, Lenny Kravitz, Chuck Berry, John Mellencamp and more. Singer David Beck gave a bold, robust performance and strong presence out front, flanked by lead guitarist Brett Rodkey, acoustic/rhythm guitarist Barry Little, bassist Shane Walters and drummer Mick Galentine. Raining Blue then closed out the day with their tasty and distinctive sound. Walt Yatta played keys, harmonica and ukulele; while Amy Williamson sang lead vocals, played basses, bongos and other percussion. Amy showed a smooth, elegant voice and delivery as she crooned numbers by Peter, Paul & Mary, Janis Joplin, James Taylor, Tom Petty, Otis Redding, Animals and more. Raining Blue showed constant versatility, switching off between their various instruments frequently throughout their performance. Indoors, area musicians, friends and fans converged on Pellegrine’s in late September to help a popular area musician on the mend. Half Tempted guitarist/singer Ron Dalansky suffered serious injuries during a July dirtbike accident; proceeds from the Benefit for Ron helped with his medical costs. The obvious highlight of the day took place when the show beneficiary strapped on a guitar, stood in and traded guitar licks with Felix Kos during the Hurricanes’ set. Showing the large audience that he indeed was on the way back to full strength, Ron fired off hot guitar licks on versions of Free’s “All Right Now,” Ted Nugent’s “Stranglehold” and Rush’s “Working Man.” Performances before and after this highlight were strong as well. Acoustic performances from the Backyard Rockers and Ryan Matthew commenced the afternoon, before Black Sun escalated the fury with their set of original improvisational heavy rock. One Brick Shy set the party tone with their driving set of classic rock favorites from Lynyrd Skynyrd, Spirit, ZZ Top, Judas Priest, Golden Earring, Traffic and more. After the Hurricanes’ set, Locked and Loaded - introducing new guitarist Dan McConnell - kept spirits high with their high-octane set of ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s rock. My favorite highlight was their thunderous adaptation of the Gov’t Mule update of Humble Pie’s “30 Days in the Hole.” Introducing their new rhythm section of drummer Paul Caracciolo II and bassist/singer Denny Frank, Flight 19 capped the benefit with their soaring set of classic and modern rock favorites. Denny shared lead singing duties with frontman Brian Thomas and guitarist John McKelvey, and provided high range on Flight 19’s version of Nick Gilder’s “Hot Child in the City.” The “Party Plane” also rocked the show homeward with songs from Bon Jovi, Black Keys, Styx, Social Distortion, Nine Inch Nails, White Zombie and more. When all was said and done, more than $2,500 was raised to help Ron Dalansky on his road to recovery. The inaugural Halos & Harlots: A Celebration of Female Music and Art took place at Aldo’s in late September. Staged over two nights, Halos & Harlots kicked off with Friday’s “Heaven” night, which featured more of a folk, alternative and continued on next page ...



November, 2013

The Professors Live Reviews continued... weeks, including Nashville Pussy, who headlined one triple bill last month with their southern-tinged three-chord raunch rock. Railroad City Murder Machines set the tone early with a high-octane set of their punk-infused hard rock sounds. Singers/guitarists Cheeze and Tim Mort, bassist Dan Mort and drummer Bill Mort sound tighter and more focused with each set, continuing to define their distinctive style and sound. The show shifted gears as the second group, Pittsburgh-based Jayke Orvis and the Broken Band, introduced fire-andbrimstone breakneck folk and bluegrass sounds. Namesake, singer and mandolinist Jayle Orvis, singer/guitarist James Hunnicutt, fiddler Liz Sloan and upright bassist Jared McGovern played their rural-geared music with instrumental precision, speed and intensity, but with a sinister twist and tone. The group did original songs from their latest CD, Bless This Mess, as well as select cover material. Their performances intensified during the course of each song, reaching crazed crescendos that drew raucous roars from the Aldo’s crowd. My favorite highlights were their tasty take on Hank Williams’ “Kaw-Liga,” and their stormy closer, “Lead Me Astray,” with its fiery and intense homestretch! Clad in and backed by red, white and blue, Nashville Pussy provided balls-to-the-wall, southern-tinged raunch rock to finish out the night. Singer/guitarist Blaine Cartwright, guitarist Ruyter Suys, bassist Bonnie Buitrago and drummer Jeremy Thompson mixed new and old material, chugging out rowdy three-chord stomps that had the large Aldo’s crowd going wild at the front of the stage. Nashville Pussy celebrated themes of sex, drugs, drinking and rock’n’roll through such anthems as “Keep on F***in,’” “I’m So High,” “Everybody’s Fault But Mine,” “Go to Hell,” their raucous closer “Why Why Why” and more. They also previewed songs from their next CD, The Dosage, expected in January. Influential early British punk rock legends The Vibrators, whose resume includes backing stints with Ian Hunter and Chris Spedding, returned to Aldo’s last month. Ben Dumm and Nobody’s Heroes performed roots-based opening sets to start the night. The Vibrators then generated fast-firing punk and punk-fueled rock. My second time seeing them this night, I could better appreciate how a number of The Vibrators’ anthems were rooted in the raw and abrasive rock tradition of ‘60s-era Rolling Stones and Kinks; you could hear that undercurrent in their melodies and presence. Now with lone founding member and drummer John “Eddie” Edwards and former UK Subs/Dogs D’Amour singer/guitarist Darrell Bath, The Vibrators performed freewheeling anthems this night such as “I Need a Slave,” “Troops of Tomorrow,” “Bad Time,” “Birdland Is Closed,” “Baby Baby” and more. Last month was the height of Oktoberfest season, and Aldo’s celebrated that fact with their own Oktoberfest party; featuring German food, Oktoberfest beer and Pistol Peg & the Beer (Bier?) Kegs. A wall-to-wall mass of humanity, cowboy boots and hats, flannel and western shirts grooved as singer Jill

Simanski, singer/guitarist Mark Simanski, guitarists Joe Scott and Brandon Kane, bassist Justin Brown and drummer Steve Holtz performed modern country favorites from Shania Twain, Florida Georgia Line, Gretchen Wilson, Little Big Town, Hank Williams II and more. Both Jill and Mark showed great voices this night, and the group radiated a constant fun vibe that kept folks happy and celebrating for the duration of the night. Pistol Peg & the Beer Kegs visited Pittsburgh’s Hard Rock Café last last month; they return to Aldo’s for the Chinese New Year party Jan. 31. NailDriver introduced their new five-song EP, The White Devil Chronicles, Vol. I, online late last month. They previewed scathing numbers from the new recording when they headlined a double-bill at Aldo’s last month. Johnstown’s 10 Million Devils kicked off with their brand of metallic “devilry.” Singer/guitarist Jason Straw, bassist Greg Hatch, guitarist Kris Stiffey and drummer Darren Byer introduced several new songs this night, including the impressive “Guns and Rosaries” with its harmony guitar leads. They also pounded with such terse assaults as “The Hands that Break You,” “Mind Your Murders,” “Sons of Devilry” and the closer “Godspeed Goddamn.” NailDriver followed with scorching originals from the EP such as the single “Enemy,” the volatile “Hypocrite Anthem,” “Phoenix,” “Dawn of a New Day” and more.” Lead howler Matt Watson, lead guitarist Scott Botteicher, rhythm guitarist Todd Dale, bassist Scott Bush and drummer Kevin Siegel also stormed out powerful versions of Motorhead’s “Ace of Spades,” Budgie’s “Breadfan,” songs from Pantera, Black Sabbath and more. R2B2 brought their brand of party rock back to Davey’s in Hastings last month. Guitarists/singers Rick Wertz and Ric Criste (the R2 half), and bassist/singer Bill Smith and drummer/singer Beau Saller (the B2 half) quickly triggered dance floor activity with their blend of favorites, with an emphasis on the ‘80s. R2B2 did many numbers not commonly covered on area stages, including the Smithereens’ “Girl Like You,” Tommy Conwell’s “I’m Not Your Man,” Robert Palmer’s “Simply Irresistable,” INXS’ “New Sensation” and more; they also did numbers from Tom Petty, Gin Blossoms, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Men At Work, the catchy pairing of Tone Loc’s “Wild Thing” with Falco/After The Fire’s “Der Kommissar” and more. All four members alternated lead singing duties and changed things up to keep the presentation fresh and invigorating throughout the night. Thanks to R2B2 for inviting me to help tap out beats on Wild Cherry’s “Play That Funky Music!” They return to Davey’s Dec. 14th. Other bands and artists I saw recently included On The Run and the Rik Golden Band at Aldo’s, and One The Run’s Paul Johnson performing solo at the entrance of the Altoona Giant Eagle supermarket during the annual Grocers Fight Cancer fundraiser. News and notes…The third annual Patched Together benefit concert for Home Nursing Agency’s Healing Patch program happens Nov. 16th at Altoona’s Bavarian Hall; this


year’s performers include Mama Corn, Jim Donovan and the Sun King Warriors, G’Street, Cottonmouth, Nobody’s Heroes, Dirtkicker, The Hawks Blues Band, The Backyard Rockers, Pure Cane Sugar, Chris Vipond and the Stanley Street Band, and a special Benefit Band collaboration…A Toys for Tots benefit will happen Nov. 2nd at the Cresson American Legion, and will feature performances from Punk Fiction Project, the Backyard Rockers, Strings Radio, Root and the Fifths, Josh Gallagher, The Lux Republic and Locked and Loaded…James Forish takes over lead guitar duties in Sunset Strip, replacing Tom Brown…Tim Laney has parted ways with Night Train to spend more time with family; he has been replaced by Angelo Pompa. Lead guitarist Jared Carnevali has also left Night Train due to work issues; his dad, Jerry has taken over lead, and his brother Jesse has taken over rhythm duties...Adam Weaver takes over bass duties in Giornesto…One Adam 12 has issued their 8-song debut EP, Persistence Pays…Happy Birthdays this month to John Stevens (Mama Corn), Mike Lacovitch (Locked and Loaded), Kenny Murdick, Mick (Giants of Science), Tim Frick (Inside Out/Blood Union), Kevin Price (Drop Dead Sarcasm), Tom Noel (Xs For Eyes/Railroad City Murder Machines), Andy Hicks (Drain The Sorrow), Floyd Hunter (Screamin’ Ugly), Dan Way (Untyed), Jason O (My Hero Zero), Tom Buck (Fuse), Chris Peters (Nova 6 Studios), Steve Holtz (Pistol Peg & the Beer Kegs), Rich Johnson (Left for Dead/Hate Grenade), Eric Wertz, Melissa Vella, Alec Wolf (Iron Wolf), Bill Ross (Up Your Arsenal), Brandon King (Smooth Sound/Sun King Warriors), Rachel Allen, Caeser Pink, Jason Mittan (Aldo’s), Deanna Trio, Carol Markel and Mandy Coover. Please send correspondence and recordings to: Jim Price, 1104 S. Catherine St., Altoona, PA 16602. You can also email me And if you’re into social networking, look me up on Facebook. SUPPORT LOCAL MUSIC!

SANE ADVICE By John Kerecz

If you’re anything like me, you have a giant stack of business cards you’ve accumulated from conferences and events. Business cards are the starting point. Keeping that valuable contact information organized by entering it into your address book, that’s next. Then, you have to turn those business cards into networking relationships. To do this, you should schedule at least one full day to follow up with the new contacts you’ve made after a conference or event. Reach out and remind contacts who you are. Hopefully, you’ve made a good impression. Now is the time to make that impression stick. Keep in mind that they came back with a ton of business cards too. And they feel just as overwhelmed. Send them a “nice to have met you,” follow-up email. In that email, remind them who you are and what the two of you talked about. Give them your contact information so they can fill in your entry in their address book. Since electronic address books can include peoples’ pictures, include a small picture. Most people are terrible at remembering names, but are too embarrassed to admit it. Make their life easier by helping them reconnect your name to your face. Most contact manager programs and apps will let you create an entry for yourself. Then you can export it as a special file with your address book entry in it, called a vCard. Attaching your vCard to the e-mail will allow them to enter all your information into their address book with a single click, making their life even easier. If you promised to send them any information, now’s the time to include it. In your message, suggest a date for a followup phone call, or even better, a face-to-face meeting. You need to solidify the relationship. Choose a date 2-6 weeks in the future. Add this call or meeting to your calendar and be sure to keep it! There you have it. A few, simple ideas that should help you stay organized and focused on following up with contacts after a conference or event. Because, if you’re not going to build any relationships after a conference, why bother going at all?

DEADLINE for DECEMBER 2013 issue... Thursday, November 21st. 24


November, 2013

November, 2013



CLASSIFIED NOTES BUSINESS CLASSIFIEDS HAIR STYLIST WANTED: Famous Cuts “rock n’ roll hair salon” is looking for a stylist. Must have experience and following. Generous commission. Fun work atmosphere, flexible hours. Call Jerry 717-761-5050. FOR RENT: Indoor spaces availabel for bands seeking places to practice. Located in Marysville. Call Earl at 717379-2168. WANTED: WE PAY CASH for used guitars, amps, effects, etc!!! Call Matt at Creter Guitar Shop, Jonestown at 717-865-3677. We also do guitar repairs and have a variety of lessons available. WANTED: Vintage guitars, basses, amps, banjos, etc. Fender, Gibson, Martin, Rickenbacker, Gretsch, etc. Top dollar paid! Call Player’s Exchange at 717-975-2385 or stop by and see us at 225 S. Third St. Lemoyne, PA. Email:

November, 2013

20 years live and studio professional,, practical experience. Beginner on up. Stand out from the crowd, be your best for your band, the music and you! Call Doug Black at 717-571-8896.

THE BEST VALUE FOR YOUR RECORDING FAMOUS CUTS “ROCK DOLLAR: Celebrating our N’ ROLL HAIR SALON” is 28th year in business. Pro looking for a stylist. Must Tools, HD3/Accel, 192k have experience and Interface, 2 inch 24 track following. Generous analog, 16 channels of API commission. Fun work outboard mic pres, Yamaha atmosphere, flexible hours. Maple Custom Absolute kit, Call Jerry 717-761-5050. SWR 7 GK bass amps, Marshall half stack, Fender SOUTH SOUND twin & Bassman guitar amps, PRODUCTIONS Currently Hammond B-3, Yamaha C7 Seeking Bands needing grand piano. Authorized Pro Representation. Serious Tool dealers. CD/DVD inquires only please. Call duplication on site 3 CCC Vickie at 717-832-6154 or Video Services. 5.1 surround Email: mixing. $300 per day. vickiesouthsoundprod@comc, Altoona PA. Phone 814-944ur ad in Please say, “I saw yo 2406. agazine.”

EQUIPMENT FOR SALE FOR SALE: Tascam 380 24 tract recording board with V.O. meters, $500. 717-6274800. FOR SALE: Mastering cassette recorders like new, $25 to $35 each. 717-6274800.

FOR SALE: Hammond Proline 860 Leslie, With foot pre-amp and Leslie 11 pin cable, All in great condition! $600 Phone 717-248-8739 Email:

continued on next page ...

FOR SALE: Peavey LB1200 par 64 midi and dmx controled lights with gels, 2 bars with 4 lights each. work great $250 Ph. 717-248-8739 email:

the PA Musician M

RIGHT COAST RECORDING: State of the art vintage recording environment with years of experience and a long list of satisfied customers. . Phone 717-560-1530. WANTED TO BUY: Piano sheet music. Call 717-2504798. DRUM LESSONS: Former Green Eggs band drummer now accepting students for lessons at Camp Hill home.



Classified Notes continued... FOR SALE: Peavey LB1200 par 64 midi and dmx controled lights with gels, 2 bars with 4 lights each. work great $250.00 Ph. 717-2488739 email: FOR SALE:


Proline 860 Leslie, With foot pre-amp and leslie 11 pin cable, All in great condition! $600.00 Phone 717-248-8739 Email: FOR SALE: 1972 Gibson SG II $1300. No cracks very

few dings. Best one I have seen out there. Mesa Boogie Simul Class 2:90 $750. Digitech 2101 Artist with floor board $375. Tom 814386-2239 FOR SALE: Compressor/ limiters. Aphex 720 Dominator II, DBX 266XL, Drawmer 241L. Leave message. 610-488-0914. FOR SALE: Microphones. (2) AKG C-391’s. (2) AKG D112’s. Mics include clips and cables. Leave message. 610-488-0914. FOR SALE: Multitrack recorders. Tascam. (3) DA88’s, (1) DA-38 and (1) RC848. Includes sync cables

w/balanced snakes, rack cases and remote control stand. Leave message. 610-4880914. FOR SALE: Multi effects processors: t.c.electronics M5000 w/digital options. Ensoniq DP/4. Lexicon LXP5. Leave message 610-4880914 FOR SALE: Atlas heavy duty boom mic stand with 2lb. counterweight, triangular base and casters. Excellent condition. 610-488-0914 FOR SALE: DI boxes. Countryman Type 85 and ProCo CB-1. Leave message 610-488-0914

FOR SALE: Record video of your band from the stage or Front of House sound board. Attach any camera to these unique CAMERA MOUNTS. 610-488-0914 FOR SALE: Gallien Krueger Bass Rig excellent condition.700RBII head with a Neo 412 cabinet.$900 570412-7614 FOR SALE: Gallien Krueger 212 Neo cabinet.I have two for sale,excellent condition.$300 a piece.570412-7614. FOR SALE: 2 Explorers, 1 Flying “V”; 3 Standards traditional Pro’s; 2 SGs all with cases and leather straps and strp locks installed. Also bass and bass rig. 717-9391383. FOR SALE: Roger’s Drum set three Rotos, four mouned, one floor tom, snare and kick. 3 Cymbals, Hi-hats, pedals and seat included, $2,500. Trade in considered, reduced. 717-939-1383. FOR SALE: PA system Lows’s Mid’s High’s all self

powered Yamaha board. Effects with “CLG” 31 Band EQ Nady. All cables use home or play out nice. 717-9391383. FOR SALE: Selling handmade American Indian flute. An Emerson flute, and a piccolo. All three for $450. Call 717-379-8010. FOR SALE: Yamaha Drum Set, five drums, two Zildjian cymbals and High Hat like new, Schuylkill Haven area, $400. 570-527-6630. FOR SALE: Pair JBL PA bass bins, $400; Soveteck 100 watt all tube lead head like new, $500. Slant top cab 410’s, excellent condition, $100. 717-630-2394.

MUSICIANS AVAILABLE AVAILABLE: :Experienced Bass player looking for a band that does Original and cover music, please contact 717-713-4491 or continued on next pg..



November, 2013

Classified Notes continued... AVAILABLE: Bass player available. Good transporation, equipment, attitude. Can travel. blues, Jazz, Roots Rock, Country Jam band. Originals, duo’s or band. I sever the song. Call 570-5820059.

WANTED: Original band looking for guitarist and vocalist. Must have equipment, transportation, and experience. Practice in the Duncannon area for now. 717-4180020 Craig 717-712-2008 Matt.

AVA I L A B L E : Metal drummer from Harrisburg area. 40 years old, looking to fill some free time playing in a decent hard rock to Metal band. Not looking to travel too far. Interested? Give me a call, Victor 717-903-3155. or divinemizery@gmailocm

WA N T E D : “ L a n c a s t e r / Reading area rock/metal band Circle of Sanity seeks guitarist. Vocal ability is a huge plus. Email us at m”


Wanted - Lead Singer / Front Man for established country band in Schuylkill County. New and classic country covers. We have gigs, PA and practice space. Rhythm guitar

November, 2013

ability a plus. CALL: 1-570- travel. Full drum kit available. 449-8583 o r Working band. Call Jerry 761-5050. WANTED: PRO- Keyboardist Band. for Female Fronted Blues Band , complete our line up , WANTED: Lead guitar, 3/4 of our set list worked out keyboard, vocalist needed for doing Meaty eclectic Blues startup band. Looking for Looking to go out soon. We older band members playing practice on Sundays 2-5 in 60s/70s music. Upper Duncannon. Dauphin, lower Northumberland County. Call or call / TEXT 717-364 5660. Jim (717) 362-3825.

some fun”. We rehearse in Kingston so please only reply if you can make it there. or 570751-9122. WANTED: Working Lebanon

based female fronted Modern Country band is auditioning for a bass or guitar player. Vocals a plus. Visit and call John @ 717-222-9599. continued on next pg..

WANTED: Drummer wanted WANTED: N.E.P.A. Rock for StarChild. Hard hitter, band is seeking a guitarist to good memory, good timing all do originals and just “have essential. Must be willing to



WANTED: Professional Musicians. Singer & guitar player seeking professional musicians for HEART TRIBUTE BAND; need

female acoustic, bass and keyboard players. Must be willing to travel. 814-3801617.

WANTED: Sunbury based band needs a frontman. have PA, practice place, songs. Ready to hit stage and studio. Rock style. Some acoustic.

MUST practice every wekend 570-863-8572. WANTED: Band Rehearsing in Ephrata on weekends.

Connecting with musicians that just can’t make the grade to make it. Fall into place. Can you truly attend. 717939-1383.

WANTED: Guitarist from Harrisburg looking for same to join our up and running band. Rehearsing in Ephrata on weekends. Also looking for vocalist to cover material. 717-939-1383. WANTED: Selections from Bandmix is failing at a rapid pace. Looking elsewhere for Quality player that can make it click into place. In search of guitarist. 717-939-1383. WANTED: Band rehearsing in Ephrata searching for Guitarist and Vocalist to rehearse on weekends, more than enough equipment to use. need player to do covers. All 717-939-1383. Disorderly Conduct is seeking a Lead Vocalist We are now holding auditions for lead singer. contact me at or call 1-717-318-1428 WANTED: Bass Player well know working York/ Harrisburg area rock band. Contact me at

DEADLINE for December’s issue, Thursday, November 21st



November, 2013

31 Years ago we started with an idea a dream, no money, and a hope...THANK YOU to all our advertisers, past, present and future who have supported us through the years!

DEADLINE for December’s 2013 issue...THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21st. Please give me a call and reserve your space...717-444-2423 November, 2013



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