The Pennsylvania Musician Magazine October 2013

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October, 2013

October, 2013



NOVEMBER is our ANNIVERSARY...31 YEARS of serving the Pennsylvania Music Industry. They said we would die within a year...Many others have come and gone but we’re still here. Rolling back the cost of a 1/4 page to $100 for the month of November Only! Call me, (Robin) today to reserve your space...717.444-2423. Deadline is MONDAY, OCTOBER 21st! Get your business in the History of the Pennsylvania Music industry. The PA Musician Mag has longevity— some people have every issue. 6


October, 2013



October, 2013

ACROSS THE DESK By Whitey & Robin Noll

Phew, the last piece of the puzzle. You would think I would write this little tidbit way in advance, but no, last minute Suzy. When we first started the PA Musician Magzine 31 year’s ago Whitey would always wait until the last minute to do his article as well, I use to get so upset but as soon as he let me do it on my own I do the very same thing. It’s so frustrating when you push yourself to get something done and there’s always one more thing to do. This month I had the blessing of my IMac crashing on my deadline day of are other paper, The Shopper’s Remedy. Fortunately the computers were networked and I was able to go on the hard disk and copy all my info onto the other computer and now also have it copied onto a hard drive. Ah yes, I guess these computers don’t last forever. I was trying to think when I got my Imac and I think it was about 7 or 8 years ago.



So, I’ve been wanting to learn some new graphic programs and once again I’m going to be forced into it. God knows me so well. He knows that I hate change and he’s been telling me changes are a coming and need to be. This month I printed an article by Maddie Strunge, she actually calls herself Maddie Simpson because she’s one of Cody Simpson’s “Super fans”. She’s an only child and her and her mom try to go to as many of Cody’s shows as they can up and down the East coast. Anyway, she did an interview and asked if I would print it. I normally stick with Pennsylvania performers as we are The Pennsylvania Musician Magazine but she was super excited and her grandmother, Deb Whitcomb has been a friend and happens to help me work on the papers. So Maddie’s first officially printed article appears on page 26. I was a little pressed for time to edit it like it should be but I did do some. Originally when I started being the editor of the mag I wanted to get people to write more of what Maddie has done. She captured the moment at the show and also her feelings of anxiety and anticipation of her interaction with her ‘heartthrob’ plus I needed the filler so it worked out for everyone. Cody now has a PA Musician t-shirt I hope he wears it on stage sometime ( tee,hee hee, I can still get giddy at 59, especially with no sleep in over 24 hours). There are so many shows going on the first week of October that is why I’m pushing to get this baby to sleep, printed and on the streets. Rachel wrote a decent article about The Badlees, if I do say so myself. The Badlees were on are cover several times over the years. All the magazines and everyone wrote about them and talked

October, 2013

Across the Desk continued.....

about them. I use to not think too much about it until one night at the Millennium Music Conference I got to experience their talent. Then I said to myself, “Now I get it. They are all so gifted and that was a few years ago before they went their separate ways and I know that none of them gave up on their music, true musicians just don’t do that. Not with their talent. They’re new CD and shows are going to be phenomenal and if you don’t catch them locally while you can they’ll probably be taking off on world tours. They’re actually going to do a pre-show on top of someone’s roof in Harrisburg on Thursday so check their facebook and website and see what’s going on and enjoy their talent and charisma. As usual I have to make this short and sweet because I’m only 4 hours late and I don’t know if they’re going to print my paper or not...I hope that they do. They are such sweethearts but I know I messed up their schedule once again. Jim emailed me last night and said so we’ll have it by 7:30 - 8am... I was like hmmm. I was thinking noonish. So... go through the paper and check out all the great articles. By the way it’s Jim Price’s birthday month if you think about him send him a card and wish him a happy birthday. He wishes everyone he knows a Happy Birthday at the end of each of his articles. One month I had someone call and complain that he missed them. Geez. I always want to edit that out but his fans would throw a fit. I am ready to make some big changes in my life. If anyone is interested in buying the PA Musician Magazine we are currently taking bids on it. There is so much potential under the right management. They say paper is going away. My dad was in the printing business and they were saying that 60 years ago. I imagine it will change and it is changing and we have changed with it. We have a website and our facebook grows everyday but there’s nothing like having all the information at your fingertips without having to depend on electricity. There are people who still want to pick it up. We distribute over 12,000 copies every month and we ususally wind up picking up about 1,000 (give or take a few). But anyway I’m rambling. Take care, have a great month. And for those of you who want to know about Whitey, the Mighty he is doing great and giving lessons. Everyday he plays his instruments and lately he’s been into art. The other day he was researching and experimenting with different kinds of paper. I love that about my man, he’s always learning and doing something. Take care and God Bless all of you who work and support all the many benefits that are happening everywhere. No wonder it’s hard for musicians to place ads everyone wants them to perform for free and the do it gladly for the love of their music and because they like helping people. Musicians are a special breed of people. Email: or call I like the phone...717-444-2423.


Deadline, Monday, October 21st!! October, 2013



OUT & ABOUT by RACHEL ROCKS! What a crazy fun filled month, so many celebrations and new adventures. I finally officially found a job that is as flexible as I need it to be to continue to be a Mom and of course, Rachel Rocks. It was an extremely long job hunt, and I’m glad to say it’s finally over. The first band I saw this month was Booby Trap out at Double K. Booby Trap has played at Double K before and their fans were back in full force. It’s always nice to see a full venue. Booby Trap plays a great mix of classic to modern rock, plus even a few hilarious originals. Sometimes hearing them live you think to yourself, “Did he just sing what I thought he sang?!?” Now that I have my Booby Trap CD I know I’m


hearing him correctly. Their original songs have some crude humor, but I personally think they are hilarious. It’s always a great time when Booby Trap is in the house. On my way home I swung into the Blue Moose for Shea and Swish. They of course had the Blue Moose packed and people were dancing everywhere they could possibly dance. I got there during the 3rd set and by that point in the night it was more or less a free for all. They would ask for requests and play whatever they were asked to play. Every time I see these guys they simply amaze me. I can’t imagine all the notes and lyrics in Shea’s head. Their following is amazing, I’m sure most musicians wish they had the same notoriety as these two! The next weekend there was a great benefit for Autism at HMAC called “Get on Board 3”. There were three bands playing, Sixis, Tsunami Experiment and Trailer Park Cowboys. That was awesome in itself, but the other super cool part was all of the hand painted skateboards from different tattoo artists throughout the state. It was cool to see how all the tattoo shops pulled together to make this benefit possible. The boards were on display to purchase throughout the month of September. I sure hope they raised a lot of money for Autism. When I got there Sixis was on stage. Sixis is a three piece jam band. It was cool to see Kevin Daboin, formally of The Thrives back behind the drum kit. He’s a great drummer and perfect for this type of band. Ryan from The Colt Wilbur Band is also part of this band too. It was cool to see him have even a bigger part in this small three piece band. They also had a great guitar and it was nice to sit back and hear them jam. Tsunami Experiment caught me by surprise. Again another local band that amazed me by their talent! I know I’ve heard their name before, but it was the first time I saw them. They played some instrumental/jam band type of music, but occasionally their lead singer, Dave, would sing, he has a great voice, I personally feel like he should sing even more. They had Ryan on keys, which really helped add to the sound of the band. I’m glad I finally saw these guys. Hopefully our paths will cross again soon. The main reason I came to this show was to see The Trailer Park Cowboys, and to support Autism. The Trailer Park Cowboys recently replaced their bass player. It’s been a long process, but hopefully it’s not too early to say, they finally


found their man. Trust me when I say you would not expect this guy to be part of this band, but I can see why they chose him. His bass lines are amazing and really help the songs get their groove. The energy these guys have is just crazy! I swear the longer their set gets the faster the songs get too! Trailer Park Cowboys put on a great show from start to finish, and never disappoint their fans. The dance floor was hopping from start to finish. It was definitely a great benefit to support. I’m glad I had the opportunity to get out there and check out this great event! The next night I headed up to Tubby’s to see Mindcrime and Back in Black. Mindcrime is a Queensryche tribute band. I saw Mindcrime the last time they played at Tubby’s and they are amazing. I knew my friend Terri Miller would love them, so I brought her along. She couldn’t believe how spot on they all were, especially their lead singer, Branko. The last time I saw them Kelli, their female vocalist, just came up and sang a couple songs with them, now she sings back-up and some lead throughout all the songs. I couldn’t believe how calm the crowd was when they were on stage, but that didn’t stop Branko from just going out there and signing with them. It was a great show! Next up was Back in Black, I love these guys and it was a great way to celebrate my birthday. It also happened to be the same night Halestorm was playing at the York Fair, so there wasn’t quite the crowd they usually have, but it was still a really good crowd, and I personally appreciated not being squished in like sardines. I had a blast taking pictures with my new camera. You can see them all in color and more at Back in Black always puts on a great show. Spencer keeps them all on their toes with all of his crazy duck walking and jumps across the stage. He’s definitely the youngin’ of the band. Back in Black continues to go above and beyond at every show I’ve seen! I could’ve easily stayed all night, but there are always more bands to see and hear. I zoomed down to Johnny Joe’s to see the tail end of S.O.S.’s show, and I’m so glad I did. The party was in full swing by the time arrived. It was awesome to see them already take some of my advice and get a little crazier on the stage. Their new guitar player, John, definitely adds some spunk to their stage. Congrats to Larry on buying a new drum continued on next page ...

October, 2013

Out & About continued... kit, it looked and sounded awesome! It’s hard to find a band that truly creates a party, but these guys definitely do! It was a great way to end a crazy, fun-filled night! After surviving my 11 year old’s birthday sleepover I needed to bang my head and have a good time, and what better way to do that then go to a Gun Metal Gray show at Double K. Luckily I even convinced Terri to go out with me again and we truly had a head banging good time. My head and neck reminded me of that the next morning. If you like rockin’ out to heavy metal, do yourself a favor and get to one of their shows! I was glad I was there to hear them play their brand new, self-titled, original for the first time live. Great job guys! I’m sure you will continue to create amazing originals. One thing I would love to hear is Millhouse singing more... I’ve heard him sing in other bands and his vocals are amazing, just my own humble opinion. Congrats to Gun Metal Gray for being selected to open for Slaughter on October 5th at the Hummels Wharf Fire Co. Check out the ad in this issue to see all the info on how you can get tickets to see this amazing show! What an awesome opportunity!! My last adventure of the month was a big one! I escaped for the weekend and followed Take 147 down to Rehoboth Ale House for their last beach gig of the season. It was their fourth time there this year and I was sick of hearing about all the fun they all had, so I thought I’d end my birthday month with this special trip. My friend Michelle Miller went along with me, and we had a blast! Take 147 had Rehoboth Ale House packed both nights. I hadn’t seen them in quite a few months and I was pleasantly surprised at all of the new songs they’ve added to their set list. I know I don’t always get to full shows, so it was cool to hear them from start to finish and see them get crazier and crazier as the night goes on. There were plenty of locals on hand to enjoy the show, but I was surprised to see how many people came from Harrisburg and even Williamsport to see them rock da beach! Take 147 have developed quite a loyal fan base. Rehoboth Ale House was a great venue with super nice staff, the stage area was tiny, but Take 147 managed to rock it anyway! It was definitely an added bonus to walk about a block and have your toes in the sand during set breaks! Take 147 already lined up five shows for next year’s beach season starting in April, for most major holidays, Memorial Day, 4th of July, all the way thru I believe even October for the Sea Witch Festival! Congrats ladies on all you’ve been accomplishing! I’m proud to be your fan!! I have to throw out a shameless plug for Eagles Nest Family Campground in Milton, DE. We stayed in a 4-person cabin for only $54/night that had heat and air conditioning, a microwave, and a mini fridge! Not to mention a bath house with flush toilets, and nice hot showers! It was only 13 miles from Rehoboth. We thoroughly enjoyed the beach all day at Cape Henlopen State Park, which was only a quick ten minute drive away. It was a relatively cheap way to get to enjoy the beach, the show, and some time away from all the craziness of life! If you want to get to a beach gig, or even just get to the beach and save yourself a couple bucks, I highly suggest it! I attempted to surprise Nate Myers & the Aces at the Dogfish Brewery in Rehoboth. continued on pg 1 4 ...

Looking for Musicians or want to join a band? Check the classifieds in the hard copy and on line at

Deadline to place a FREE Classified for Musicians Wanted & Musicians Available is the 20th of each preceding month. Email your classified today... October, 2013



Out & About continued... Unfortunately it’s one of those venues that doesn’t really have any space to just stand around and hang out, especially in a monsoon storm! We had table reservations at Rehoboth Ale House at 9pm and by the time our table was available at Dogfish Brewery it was 10:50pm! If it wasn’t storming so bad I probably would’ve adventured over. I’m sure they had a great show because not only are they amazing musicians, but that place was PACKED! Hopefully next year I will make my way down there to support even more live music! On a side note to all musicians out there.. NOW is the time to sign up for the next Millennium Music Conference!! The registration deadline is November 18th! The MMC has a new location this year. It is off of Union Deposit Road at the Best Western Premier-The Central Hotel and Convention Center. It’s also going to be a week later on February 20th 23rd. Remember if you just submit you or your band for a showcase spot, you automatically definitely get free registrations for you and all of your band to attend the workshops, mentoring, and trade show! That means you get to come hang out with me! It’s only $25 to submit your band! Don’t delay go to and submit today! On a more serious note.. I would like to send out my condolences to Ed Miller and John Seiger’s friends and family. Ed passed away on Friday, September 13th. Ed performed with Scream from the Huntingdon/Altoona area. I loved watching Scream perform and hearing Ed shred on the guitar, he will be missed by many. John Seiger, another musician/music loving friend, passed away in a tragic house fire, also on September 13th. The last thing I saw him post on Facebook was a post about how much fun he had rocking out with Take 147 at Tubby’s. Hopefully him and Ed are rockin’ out in heaven… R.I.P. to you both! That’s all for this month. If you see me Out & About please come up and say Hi! I love meeting new people. E-mail me any questions or suggestions at Check out all my Hot Shots and Jim’s in color at And more importantly… get out there and SUPPORT LIVE MUSIC!!



October, 2013

Nationals continued... Todd Harrell, the bassist for 3 Doors Down, has been found guilty of DUI and ordered to attend a DUI intervention program in Mississippi. Harrell told police he’d taken five different prescription drugs before driving into a truck. Harrell still faces charges for vehicular homicide related to another accident in April, in which his car clipped a pickup truck that lost control and flipped, killing the driver. Harrell allegedly acknowledged drinking and taking the prescription drugs Lortab and Xanax prior to that incident as well. Rumors continue about David Bowie booking his first shows since 2006. Promoters are ready “for a huge bidding battle” over the British musician. Live Nation is trying to tempt the Bowie to play London’s Olympic Park next year with “a multi-million pound offer” and that AEG is coming up with its own offer that’s expected shortly. AEG supposedly wants Bowie to take the stage at Hyde Park. “American Idol” is betting this year’s judges’ consisting of Jennifer Lopez, Harry Connick Jr. and Keith Urban will fare better with viewers than bickering divas Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj did last season. Ryan Seacrest will again host the NBC talent show for its 13th season. Upcoming shows: Wavves Philadelphia First Unitarian Oct 2. The Badlees Harrisburg Whitaker Center Oct 4. Slaughter Hummels Wharf Fire Co Oct. 5. Black River Mafia Harrisburg G-Man Oct 8. Sean Wheeler (Throw Rag) Philadelphia Underground Arts Oct 12. The Sounds Brooklyn NY Williamsburg Music Hall Oct 14. Butcher Babies Luzerne PA Brews Brothers West Oct 16. Nine Inch Nails State College Bryce Jordan Oct 19.

October, 2013

Crocodiles Washington DC9 Oct 20. Pearl Jam Philadelphia Wells Fargo Oct 21-22. FIDLAR Philadelphia First Unitarian Oct 25. FIDLAR Washington DC Rock N Roll Hotel Oct 26. Misfits Lancaster Chameleon Oct 26. Kix Camp Hill Radisson Oct 26. Pearl Jam Baltimore 1st Mariner Oct 27. Southern Culture on the Skids Philadelphia World Café Oct 27. Like Eric on facebook/Eric S. Hoffman and see more pics.

Karen O of Yeah Yeah Yeahs



HUMMELS WHARF FIRE COMPANY READY TO ROCK! By Keith Hummel Back in the 80’s Hummels Wharf Fire Company was a buzz with music. Known to all as “The Wharf,” local bands played weekly and national band Dirty Looks played a couple of dates there. All was great in the 80’s. Then in the 90’s grunge hit the airwaves citing the death of “hair metal” as they called it. “The Wharf” tried to move past this, but the fans fell off and PLCB rules kind of put handcuffs on who could or could not enter a Fire Company music event. So “The Wharf” fell silent for years. Now come the years 2000 and PLCB has got their act together for firehouse rules and the cuffs are off. The Hummels Wharf Fire Company has rebuilt, revamped

and is reborn. A new truck room has been built with room for bigger fire trucks, barracks for the crew and a new feel for the company. Now the big room got the fire house crew thinking, “we can build a stage and put the people into this new room for live music.” The show that got them excited for future shows was when Fisher Promotions brought in Kix and they had over 1,000 people in attendance just a few months ago. The crew, at “The Wharf” have been fine tuning the room for shows ever since. They now have a VIP section for fans at a modest extra price that features limited balcony seating, private bar, private restrooms and appetizers. If you don’t like getting crunched in the crowd you can pay a little more to have these creature comforts. You do have to buy tickets for the V.I.P. Package directly from The

Hummels Wharf Fire Company. They also have a trolley service for parking as parking is limited at the Firehouse. You can park at the Plaza House parking lot and get a free ride to The Wharf for the show before and after, that way there is plenty of free parking. This month on October 5th Slaughter comes to The Hummels Wharf Fire Company. You remember them with their 1990’s hits, “Up All Night” and “Fly to the Angels”. Original members Mark Slaughter on vocals and bassist Dana Strum will be in the house. Their drummer, Zoltan is a monster drummer and a must see live performer. Local favorites to open the show are Sunbury’s Kill Scheme and Harrisburg’s Gun Metal Gray. Doors open at 6pm and the show starts at 7pm. You can get tickets at The Hummels Wharf Fire Company or at any of the three Surplus Outlets in the area. Another great show by Fisher Promotions. See the ad for further ticket details.

Susquehanna Valley NEWS By Keith Hummel October, no not Roctober—October, witches, ghosts, vampires, goblins. Well, ghosts of rock and roll will come to light in this piece I write. What I would like to see this Halloween is a “Ghosts of Rock Tour”. Let’s get a bus, a keg (or two) and load up and visit the “Ghosts of Rock”. Let’s start in my home base of the valley, Sunbury. The Strand Theater is gone but memories of Kix shows live on there. Whitey’s Hotel outside Sunbury has fallen silent. This place rocked to local bands in the past. The Brass Key in Sunbury burned out last year, same for The Peppermint Lounge which was the home of Harpo until it burned down a few years ago. The Log Cabin outside Sunbury on Route 61 was a dancing hotspot for over thirty years—now gone. Many a story about the Logs, but the best is loud music complaints from the neighbor who in real life owned a dynamite factory, kaboom! Let’s head northeast, Danville the home of Hybrid Ice which had Al’s Café where one could go see local bands weekly there also for years and years. It changed hands and was called The Dirty Bird. It also burnt down. Up to Berwick there was Annie’s an old room with a barrel ceiling and a very small stage, closed down. Also there was Peppers, a huge place to see a band, pro wrestling continued on next page ...



October, 2013


and bowling - closed down. Up in Shickshinny there was a place bands played (can’t think of the name) but the last time I was there rain water was running down the wall. Jump over to Shamokin where the real bummer is what happened to the Coal Hole, a Mecca in the area for years of rock and roll. Closed down and neglected, it’s falling down now. Conn’s Garden Club, downtown Shamokin, I remember working there with Hybrid Ice, and at 1:30 Conn would mop up the floor so it was wet when we loaded out. Also there was the Salvation Army lady who came in with a tambourine for collection of money. The Inferno in Marion Heights, no joke, burnt down. Now straight north to Lewisburg, I can’t even remember those two places names where bands played. One was on Route 15 and was downstairs. The other was a band/restaurant then a strip joint. Now it’s a car repair place. Still going north we come to Milton. Two really hotspots that are gone are The Rondevu/Steamers, this club had music three nights a week (it burnt down). Fiddlestyx, which started out as a teen club, LaHacienda is now a flea market. Moving further north to Montoursville where Shore Acres was washed away by the sandy rains. Now a new restaurant has been built no music. Dink’s was a real rock room where White Witch was the house band. Going into Williamsport, you had a real dance club with Burbon Street in Newberry. Then across the river you had rock at The Susquehanna Hotel. The 218 Club in Billtown also had rock three nights a week. Both places closed and are falling down. Down my way Charades in Port Treverton became a strip club and is falling down. And the Pig’s Ear in Oriental burnt down years ago. These are club, pubs and places I can remember rocking through the years. I may have forgotten some, but you get what I’m saying, if you’re “old school,” we have a lot of good and bad memories of these past “rock rooms” and a salute is due to all of them for bringing us great live music through the years. Long live Rock ‘N’ Roll! Music Notes: I will continue to write my article for a time until we see what comes up for the future of the PA Musician Magazine. A big thank you, from me and all the Saxon warriors who made it to Reverb in Reading this past month for the show. Fozzy fronted by WWE wrestler Chris Jerico was a hoot. Also, THANKS Reverb! The Badlees new cd, “Epiphones and Empty Rooms” will be released October 4th along with a big show at the Whitaker Center in Harrisburg. Locally a bus will be going down to the show. Contact 94 KX radio for the info or check it out on The Badlees facebook page. The band Beef got wet this past summer playing outside events (just as I did). Now they are ready to rock inside. Playing classic and 80’s rock they’ll be at Evan’s Roadhouse in Drums on October 5th, Taylor’s Bar in Unityville October 12th. Coming to Dan’s Den in Sunbury on Route 61, Beef teams up with Holy Hannah for a night of classic rock October 19th. Hooter’s drummer David Uosikkinen has a project with an all-star line up of musicians October 19th at the Colonial Theater in Phoenixville, PA. “I Saw the Light,” a Todd Rundgren song, is covered by David’s band In The Pocket, showtime 8pm. Philadelphia’s best musicians will back David including: Graham Alexander, Ben Arnold, Richard Bush and Jeffrey Gaines all on vocals, Steve Butler on guitar, Tommy Conwell on vocals and guitar, Jay Davidson on sax, Greg Davis on guitar and vocals, Cliff Hill on vocals and bass, John Lilley on guitar, Fran Smith on bass and vocals and Wally Smith, keyboards and of course Dave will be on drums. A true “ALL STAR” line up. See you next month. Send news and views to K. Hummel, 2770 Klinger Hollow Rd, Liverpool, PA 17045. Email: October, 2013





“LIVE REVIEWS” By Jim Price ‘Tis the time of the year where we start to experience, to quote area musician John Charney, that “autumn crisp” in the air. The homestretch of the outdoor live music season still features a few fall festivals and other events; enjoy the music and fall colors while they last! Since I referenced John Charney, he was part of last month’s fourth annual Wang Dang Doodle Music Festival & Car Cruise, which happened near Johnstown’s Roxbury Park and raised money for the Roxbury Bandshell Alliance and Dylan’s Heart Fund. The early portion of the show featured performances by Todd Homan, Glenn Henry, The Crew of the Half Moon and the Justin Garman Trio. I arrived during the waning moments of the set by Dave D and friends; accompanying singer/keyboardist Dave Distefano were John on guitar and vocals, and Scott Jeffreys on bass. The trio

closed with an excellent read of Led Zeppelin’s “All My Love.” Next was Pittsburgh-based ensemble the Old E Allstars, who laid down some captivating funk-driven grooves. Seven members strong this day including guest bassist Brian Bolton (of Pittsburgh’s Fourth River) and guest Dave Distefano on hand percussion, the Old E Allstars played their original blend of ‘dirty soul’ and ‘funky blues,’ working in their own arrangements on some favorites along the way; such as Sam & Dave’s “Soul Man,” Stevie Wonder’s “Superstition,” Bill Withers’ “Use Me” and Sly & the Family Stone’s “Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin).” Northeast PA’s Cabinet ended the day with their selection of folk, bluegrass and Americana sounds. Mandolin player J.P. Biondo, banjo picker Pappy Biondo and guitarist Mickey Coviello all sang; flanked by upright bassist Dylan Skursky, fiddler Todd Kopec and drummer Jami Novak. Cabinet engaged the audience with arrangements that started out simple and rustic, before slowly intensifying into heated acoustic jam interludes that triggered vigorous dancing, grooving, hula hooping, and even a fire hoop dancer/twirler. Johnstown’s Cambria City neighborhood erupted with music and fun times on Labor Day weekend, as the annual Cambria

City Ethnic Festival filled a multi-block stretch with two days and three nights of song, dance and food. Having visited Labor Day weekend celebrations in this neighborhood every year since the National Folk Festival took up residence here in the early 1990s, it was an honor for me to actually be part of the performance slate at this year’s Ethnic Festival, as my Backyard Rockers band mates and I played outside the Bottle Works Ethnic Arts Center on Saturday afternoon. I then spent the rest of the festival watching the rest of the performers. For much of the remainder of Saturday, I headed to the nearby Venue Of Merging Arts (VOMA) stage to enjoy a wide variety of sounds. The first I saw was Tertium Quid, performing a diverse, drum-based sound that incorporated African and other worldbeat rhythms. Following them was Painted By Millions with their indie retro pop/rock flavor. Singer/guitarist Johnny Bayush, bassist Robbi Rummell and drummer Shawn Willard - along with Tertium Quid’s Bryan Fazio on congas - triggered street dancing with their mix of original melodies and select covers, including Rusted Root’s “Send Me on My Way” and Violent Femmes’ “Blister in the Sun.” The Cash Review then celebrated the music of Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash, with Bill Venet portraying the ‘Man in Black’ and Marianne Locher in the June Carter role. Their voices sounded strong as they did such Johnny and June favorites as “I Walk the Line,” “Cry Cry Cry,” “Folsom Prison Blues,” “Jackson,” “Daddy Sang Bass” and more. The Crew of the Half Moon continued with their unique and multiangled acoustic sounds. Singer/multi-instrumentalist Katie Rhodes and guitarist/mandolinist Dan Oatman performed several songs off their Automythography CD, along with select covers from Neil Young, Fleetwood Mac, Tom Petty, White Stripes and more. Katie displayed a clear, edgy and expressive voice that grabbed attention, and the pair’s mix of instrumentation kept the sound fresh. One Track Mynd then proceeded with their brand of improvisational indie rock, performing original compositions and a cover of Modest Mouse’s “Float On.” Keeping with tradition, I then headed to the St. Mary’s church pavilion to check out Yum’s annual street party. A huge mass-of-humanity crowd looked on as singer Dan Vavrek, guitarist Darren Buchko, bassist Shawn Mock and drummer Brian Scaletta played favorites from Michael Jackson, Ozzy Osbourne, Cheap Trick, Prince, Bangles, the “Fat Albert Theme” and much more. Darren is stepping away from Yum at the end of this month to pursue other endeavors; his finale with Yum will be Oct. 26 during Ace’s Lounge’s annual Halloween bash. I then ended the evening back at VOMA as the Groove Gathering mesmerized the crowd with their blend of jazz and funk grooves, executed with precision musicianship. Ringleader/bassist Scott Jeffreys and his assembled cast tackled song material from Herbie Hancock, Jaco Pastorius, Rick Hirsch, original compositions and more. I returned to Cambria City Ethnic Festival on Sunday, and encountered Irish pub music first, as The Irish Pretenders entertained at the ACRP stage. Singer/guitarist John Skelley, guitarist Dave Scott, bassist Bill Sheetz, drummer JP Skelley and pennywhistler Jess Picklo played Irish folk and pub favorites. Formerly Broken Spoke, Shiz’n’Giggles entertained the Holy Cross stage with a mix of country, rock’n’roll favorites and humor. Meanwhile at St. Mary’s, Cajun Norm & the Jam Session Band, comprised mostly of members of the Johnstown Classic Rockers, performed a mixture of rock and pop hits. I then headed to the Resurrection Parish tent to enjoy Full Kilt’s annual Irish pub party. Guinness pounders were hoisted en masse as singer/guitarist Mike Zerbee, fiddler Mandy Passmore-Ott, bassist/singer Chris Myers and drummer/singer Pat Boland cut loose with Irish pub and folk favorites, original songs, Celt-i-fied spins on popular rock and roll songs and more. Thanks to Pat for inviting me up to help out on hand percussion! And this year’s Ethnic Fest experience ended inside Ace’s Lounge, where the Stone Bridge Blues Band performed classic and original blues. Singer/guitarist Mike Borstnar, singer/bassist Brian Moore, harmonica player Rick Rhodes, drummer John Mundy, keyboardist Harold Hayford and guest sax player Gene Peterson celebrated the blues with classics from B.B. King, Muddy Waters, Jimmy Reed, Stevie Ray Vaughan and more. The Cresson Sportsmen’s Club was alive with music during the last full weekend in August, with two benefit concerts happening back-to-back on Saturday and Sunday. The Saturday benefit, Pickin’ for Wishes, spotlighted bluegrass music to help out the Make A Wish Foundation of Western Pennsylvania. As I arrived, the Blue Shades were on the stage and mixing continued on next page ...



October, 2013

The Professor continued... bluegrass, folk and country sounds. Guitarists/ mandolinists Brad Foust and Don Fronk, banjo player John Dively and upright bassist Troy Wigfield all sang; lending their voices and harmonies to original and traditional folk and bluegrass numbers. They also threw in a few surprises, such as ruralflavored renditions of Rod Stewart’s “Maggie May” and the Supremes’ “Stop in the Name of Love.” Morgantown, WV favorites The Hillbilly Gypsies introduced their fast-firing brand of folk and bluegrass sounds, demonstrating amazing precision musicianship along the way. Singer Jamie Lynn Buckner, guitarist/banjo player/singer Trae Buckner, fiddler/singer Ty Jaquay, banjo player Dave Asti and upright bassist Ryan Cramer introduced songs from their forthcoming new CD, ‘The West Virginia Line;’ including the title song and “Deep Dark Mine.” Guest Chuck Cox from Mama Corn joined the group on mandolin during the latter half of their set. Finishing out the event was Mountain Therapy, who celebrated traditional bluegrass sounds. Guitarist Lonnie Wellman, banjo player Tim Custer, mandolinist Ron Dick and bassist Mike Ash mixed vocal and instrumental numbers, displaying amazing instrumental skills and cohesiveness. Mountain Therapy did songs from their Focused CD such as “Cry Cry Darlin,’” the Boxcars’ “I’ve Been Waiting,” and they closed their set with “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.” The inaugural Pickin’ for Wishes was a major success with a huge audience turnout; it will be back in 2014. Then on Sunday, the annual Kids Come First Benefit: 22nd End Of Summer Jam again raised money for Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, as it featured a wide variety of area rock and acoustic performers. With guest Jim Ricotta sitting in on bass and with “Harmonica Dave” Baird unavailable this day, The Backyard Rockers started the afternoon with their blend of acoustic rock, folk and country favorites. Western PA classic metal rockers Iron Wolf then awakened the arriving audience with their stunning display of soaring vocals, harmony guitar leads and monster riffs as they did original songs plus their spins on Iron Maiden’s “The Trooper” and Judas Priest’s “Metal Gods.” Former Lost Ledny member Ryan Long then introduced his solo acoustic presentation, mixing original songs

October, 2013

with select covers from Philip Phillips. Playing their swan song performance this day as members embark on new projects, the Rhythm Sharks one more time celebrated electric blues and rock. Singer/ guitarist Kayla Feaster, bassist/ singer Bethany Helsel and drummer Dave Mollica performed numbers by Gary Moore, Jonny Lang, Kenny Wayne Shepherd and the Animals, and also broke out a version of the Clarks’ “Shimmy Low” before ending with their original song “Bluesberry Muffins.” After a brief solo acoustic set by the Backyard Rockers’ Rich Dasch, Untyed brought high-octane rock to the stage; triggering dance and even backflip action on the stage front lawn as they did favorites by Ace Frehley, Judas Priest, CCR, AC/DC, Wild Cherry and more. Introducing new addition Damien Falatak on bass, Punk Fiction mixed old and new acoustic sounds, performing numbers from Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Mumford & Sons, the Lumineers, Rusted Root, the Beatles and more. Introducing their new guitarist, former Retroactive member Keith Little, Emberstitch kicked up the high-powered rock. Keith, singer Tyler Hull, bassist Russ Patterson, keyboardist Nate Smouse and drummer Ed Murvine pulled out a number of surprises during their set; including a rocking take on Lady GaGa’s “Edge of Glory,” Tal Bachman’s “High Above Me,” songs from the Ramones, Greg Kihn Band, Kenny Loggins, Chuck Berry and more. Ghostown Revelry then then celebrated ‘60s and ‘70s rock in their own distinctive way. Guitarist Adam Gerycz, drummer Pat Bowman, keyboardist Kevin McKenrick, bassist Allen Hostetler and rhythm guitarist Craig Pablic offered their own distinctive spins to classics by the Guess Who, the Band, Three Dog Night, the Doors, Jimi Hendrix, Spencer Davis Group and more. As the sun set over the Cresson Sportsmen’s Club grounds, Lies, Inc. lit up the stage with their explosive brand of female-fronted heavy rock. Singer Lily Taylor’s voice was fearless and forceful as she belted on Lies, Inc. originals such as “Waking the Misery,” “Invertigo,” “Plaster Apparent” and the new song “The Reaper”; but she and the group also brought the crowd to full attention with their intense version of Rush’s “Temples of Syrinx.” Locked and Loaded then drove the show home with their jubilant and rowdy set, leading off with a swaggering and bluesy take on Humble Pie’s “30 Days in the Hole.” This kicked off a forceful set of hard-driving


classics from Ted Nugent, Aerosmith, ZZ Top, Van Halen, Thin Lizzy, the Doors, Jimi Hendrix and more. Locked and Loaded kept the crowd excited through it all, with calls for an encore resounding well after the last song of the night. Around $1,200 was raised for Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, and talks are already under way for making next year’s Kids Come First Benefit bigger and better yet. Last month’s 82nd annual Sinking Valley Farm Show near Altoona provided my first opportunity to see The Steinbeisers and friends. Lead guitarist Leo Steinbeiser, keyboardist/ accordionist/ singer Skip Steinbeiser and harmonica player Cletus Steinbeiser have performed together since childhood; and were joined this day by rhythm guitarists/ singers John Catish and Paul Shaw, singer/guitarist Mary Busko and fiddler Linda Littleton (of Simple Gifts). During their twohour performance, The Steinbeisers performed a mixture of old-timey folk, pop and country standards, and even a polka or two. Each musician was given the spotlight to shine and showcase their individual talents as the audience politely cheered them on. The Steinbeiser brothers were last year recognized as Pennsylvania Heritage musicians by the Huntingdon County Arts Council, an acknowledgement of the contributions the brothers have made to preserving traditional music heritage in Pennsylvania. The Steinbeisers entertain on the second Saturday of every month at the continued on next page ...

Armed & Ready by Jim Price


The Professor continued... Tipton/Antis Firehall, with proceeds each month helping out community members in need. The Dreaming returned to Aldo’s early last month, one of several national recording acts to grace this stage lately. Featuring former Stabbing Westward singer/guitarist Chris Hall and drummer Johnny Haro, former Static X bassist Brent Ashley and former Orgy guitarist Carlton Bost. The Dreaming performed a cyber-tinged, melody-geared heavy modern rock sound not far removed from any of the members’ well-known former projects. They introduced a number of their own original assaults such as “Sometimes It Hurts” and “Echo,” and they also reprised three well-known songs from Chris’ and Johnny’s Stabbing Westward past; performing “What Do I Have to Do” and “Shame,” and “Save Yourself” for the night’s encore. Left for Dead and Hate Grenade opened. The Supersuckers also visited Aldo’s stage last month. After Railroad City Murder Machines opened with their bristling, punk-driven rock set, Hellbound Glory cut loose with jagged rural-toned sounds. Lead singer/guitarist Leroy Virgil displayed rugged, gritty vocals as he sung countrydriven odes to alcohol, decadence and sleazy women. The Supersuckers then took Aldo’s on an action-packed joyride. Billing themselves as the “Greatest rock’n’roll band in the world,” singer/bassist Eddie Spaghetti, guitarists Dan “Thunder” Bolton and “Metal” Marty Chandler, and drummer Chris VonStreicher performed high-octane rockers from throughout their career; including “Rock and Roll Records,” “Fisticuffs” and “Pretty F***ed Up” to end the night, as well as a new new number called “F*** It.” The Aldo’s crowd gave a big and uproarious response to the Supersuckers’ performance. As reported last month, longtime Altoona area drummer Clint Carothers has relocated to Nashville to pursue new music career opportunities. Clint closed out his Altoona tenure in late August during the swan song performance of one of his bands, A.X.E. at Family Pizza & Pub. I only caught the last three songs of the night, arriving as guitarist/ singer John McKelvey gave his Jimmy Page bow-on-strings display on Led Zeppelin’s “Whole Lotta Love.” Guest singer Bob Gates flexed his voice on a version of Angel City’s “Marseilles” (which Clint, Bob, John and Randy Rutherford recorded on Clint’s 2008 EP, ‘4 On the Floor’), before A.X.E. with Bob closed out the night and their story with Jackie DeShannon’s “Put a Little Love in Your Heart.” Clint’s career on the Altoona music scene dates back to the 1970s and his early years with Black Diamond. He, John McKelvey and bassist/singer Denny Frank formed the original A.X.E. following Black Diamond’s split in 1979; A.X.E. subsequently went their separate ways as John and Clint joined The Front in the early 1980s. Clint has always been known for his professionalism and steadying presence behind the drum kit, and I always have enjoyed the “war stories” he shared from his early years on the music scene. We wish Clint the best luck on his new endeavors in Nashville; John and Denny will continue to work together in Flight 19. Armed and Ready made their first visit to Glenn’s Place in Claysburg last month, and met with an enthusiastic, good-sized crowd. Singer Terrie C, guitarist/singer Dusty Kramers, bassist Robby Bastian and drummer Jayme Rowles mixed up hard modern and classic rock favorites, with an emphasis on the ‘80s and ‘90s. Armed and Ready kept dance floor action steady with tunes from AC/DC, Ozzy Osbourne, Candlebox, Three Days Grace, Tonic, Theory of a Deadman, Nickelback, Seether, Velvet Revolver and more. Their instrumental execution was energetic and tight, and Terrie’s vocals displayed the balance of range, melody and grit. Armed and Ready delivered their rock with swagger and confidence, and easily won over a room of new fans this night. They will be back. Ganister keeps rocking the region while going through a revolving door of personnel moves lately. Their latest inception visited Magoo’s in Cresson last month. The lineup this night included singer Tony Irvine, new guitarist Matt Markham (replacing Rob Sottile, currently on hiatus), former Bad Daze guitarist Kenny Murdick, bassist Dan Lukens and drummer/singer Randy Wilson. Ganister mixed up a variety of rock and country favorites, with a few surprises thrown in along the way. Some highlights included the group’s improvised take on Big & Rich’s “Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy,” Prong’s “Snap Your Fingers Snap Your Neck,” Monster Magnet’s “Space Lord,” and their crunchy nightcontinued on next page ..



October, 2013

PA MUSICIAN MAGAZINE REVIEWS THE STANDING CINEMA - MODERN ESCAPE (no label) Philadelphia-based singer/songwriter Donovan Rice formed The Standing Cinema in 2011 with bassist Dave DeHart and drummer Bill Rose. Their six-song EP, Modern Escape, introduces listeners to a bright and catchy brand of British-rooted modern pop-rock. The melodies and arrangements recall the classic British pop sounds of the Beatles, but driven with a modern pop/rock gusto more consistent with the Foo Fighters or Goo Goo Dolls. The vocals and harmonies are crisp and catchy; and the presence of piano, accordion and horns flesh out the arrangments and give the sound color and depth. Quarky asides during the melodies aren’t out of the question, and lend to occasional unpredictability during the songs; such as the ragtime piano edge during the playful question-andanswer “Quite an Event” and the closer “Property Owners” with its tempo and intensity shifts, capped with a psychedelic reverb ending. Pop hooks create captivating ear candy on songs like the opener “High Praise” and “Maple Shade,” and the group rocks at a brisker tempo on the title track “Modern Escape.” (A seventh song, “Stay, Stand, Stare,” is available on the digital version of the EP.) The Standing Cinema’s performances are airtight and tasteful, and Rice’s voice demonstrates consistently solid range and personality. Produced by the band and engineered by Rice, Modern Escape sounds clear and balanced, with the instruments and voices carrying the day, and just the right touch of studio reverb and effects to lend a late ‘60s flavor. The Standing Cinema merges modern and nostalgia on Modern Escape, offering listeners a pleasant escape through its retro-flavored sonic journey. (The EP can be obtained through the group’s website, —Reviewed by Jim Price XANDER DEMOS - GUITARCADIA (no label) Currently performing with his own self-named band, plus tribute group

October, 2013

James Rivera’s Sabbath Judas Sabbath, Pittsburgh’s Xander Demos has emerged into prominence for his immense guitarshredding talents; earning awards and recognition from Steve Vai’s, A.J. Pero of Twisted Sister’s The Real Radio Show, endorsements from Suhr, McNaught and Conklin Guitars, and more. Mixed by C.J. Snare of Firehouse, Demos’ full-length CD, Guitarcadia, offers a guitar-shredding sonic paradise, ten tracks of full-force guitar fireworks. His amazing guitar shred displays speak for themselves, as Demos exhibits a melody-based style informed and influenced by such masters as Steve Vai, Vinnie Moore, John Sykes, Neal Schon, Eric Johnson and others. But besides Demos’ fast-firing arpeggios and fingerwork, melodies and arrangements also stand out through Guitarcadia’s journey. Compositions like the cruise-speed “Nothing Major” and the driving “Chase the Sun” establish jubilant melodies for Demos to work his guitar strings to, and his skills support the journey of each song. The disc-opener “Right Angles,” the title track “Guitarcadia” and “Metagalactic” enable Demos to explore more complex arrangements and melody lines. He cuts loose and burns the fretboards on the speedy assaults “White Knuckle Driving” and the more playful “Woodshed Sonata.” The disc contains two vocal numbers performed by the Xander Demos Band; “Under a Darkened Sky,” first created a decade ago when Demos played guitar in the Pittsburgh-based band Stronghold, and a guitar virtuoso update of Don Henley’s “The Boys of Summer,” one of two cover songs on the album. The other remake, an instrumental rendering of Chris DeBurgh’s hit “The Lady in Red,” closes out the album. Demos’ guitar skills are front and center throughout the album, and his fluid execution gives its own polish and smoothness to the compositions. The overall sound is big and broad, showing listeners that this artist and his band are easily suited to rocking arenas and colosseums. Fans of guitar fireworks will easily salivate over what Xander Demos has to offer on Guitarcadia, while fans of melody, arrangements and virtuosity should find plenty to celebrate here as well. (To obtain the CD, visit Xander Demos’s website, —Reviewed by Jim Price


JOHN HAHN- DARKNESS FALLS (no label) Written, performed, produced, recorded and mastered by John Hahn This ten song CD of guitar wizardry by John Hahn brings you up to date to where John has been as of his last release, “Out of the Shadows” in 1992. John is well known locally for his guitar work with the band Harpo in the late 80’s when they released “Armed to Deliver” on Atlas Records and later “Fire Your Fire” with exRod’s singer Shmoulik Avigal. John played and traveled the upper east coast and Canada with Harpo opening for the likes of Ted Nugent, Foghat, Night Ranger and Winger for eight years. John’s guitar work was heard by Mike Varney of Shrapnel Records and spotlighted John in a column in “Guitar Player Magazine. It was David Chastain of Leviathan Records who would sign John to release his debut CD, “Out of the Shadows”. 2013 brings John to his studio to record a new musical instrumental CD. Playing all instruments, John has hit that “high note” with “Darkness Falls”. First song, “Next Day Air” fires off the CD with soaring riffs, heavy rhythms and breaks, giving the dye, which Hahn has cast for this CD. “Journey from Within,” song two, has a heavy bass line, usually not heard on, “shredders” CD’s. “Darkness Falls,” song three, highlights this CD as it should. Complex weaving and layering of riffs make this the anthem song. “Flight of the Phoenix” shows off John’s piano playing which is something I did not know John could do. There is great keyboard work on this CD from John. “Storm Runner,” song five, follows with riffing and keyboards moving in and out. These last two songs are my favorites. The five other songs on this CD are also a tribute to John’s guitar prowess. If you like Dream Theater or Riverside without vocals, you’ll dig the new John Hahn CD “Darkness Falls.” The best work by him I’ve heard today. ( —Reviewed by Suzanne & Keith Hummel Send your CDs for Review to : PA Musician Magazine, PO Box 362, Millerstown, PA 17062


MY FIRST “LIVE” INTERVIEW WITH CODY SIMPSON I remember it clear as day, my mother and I left the hotel later than what we should have to go see Cody Simpson in concert, I wanted to get an interview with him for the PA Musician Magazine. We were running roughly about two hours late, causing us to be in tears, not sure if we would end up making it in time to interview Cody, and even if they would let us, but we go to so many of his concerts and they always treat us nice so I knew my chances were good that they would allow us to do the interview. “We’re here representing the PA Musician Magazine,” My mother and I spoke to one of the security guards. “Wait one moment please,” a lady said, walking back calmly. About five minutes later she came back to us, telling us to follow her. Walking into Cody Simpson’s ‘Meet ‘N’ Greet’ I laid my eyes on Justin Stirling, Cody’s faithful friend and assistant. “Hey guys!” Justin said, a smile blooming on each of our faces. “Hey!” The Aussie singer, Cody Simpson grinned at us while talking to a fan. We felt welcome. “If you guys would just go wait by the sound booth,” Justin said, giving us a smile. I looked back to Cody and waved. My mom and I, giggling from excitement, walked to where we were told to and waited patiently. I was greeted by my friend Karina, who was nervous that we weren’t going to make it, which luckily, we did. Then suddenly, Cody Simpson’s father, Brad comes to greet us, opening his arms for a very welcoming hug. Brad is somebody who has always been there for my mom and I, along with the rest of Cody’s team and family. We fell easily into a conversation with him, as we always do, making small talk. Brad went back stage to check on something whilst Justin and Cody passed by, heading backstage. Justin looked back at my mom and I and waved us to follow, so we did. As we walked in, I noticed Cody sitting down on a staircase. He smiled once he noticed me, standing up and offering a hug, which I obviously accepted. Whilst Justin and my mom spoke, I made

Cody & his band on stage photos by Danielle & Maddie

By Maddie Strunge —a devoted fan

small talk with Cody. Something I love about Cody is that, he’s so easy to talk to. He’s always been a very relaxed guy and he’s a sweetheart to top it off. I mean, you’d expect him to be nice but you can tell the difference between a person who is nice because they should be and a just genuinely kind person and Cody is one of the latter. His musical style goes along with his personality. He isn’t really a pop artist, he has a beachy kind of vibe to his music, the kind of music you’d play while sitting down at a campfire with your friends. He isn’t only a singer but he’s a gifted guitar player, songwriter, dancer and an amazing performer with the charisma that enables him to do what he does. “Hey Justin, I have about 5 questions to ask Cody, I mentioned, looking up at him. “That’s cool, I can give you about 5 minutes with him.” “When do you want to do it, where do you want to do it?” An excited Cody asked, taking a step down the stairs closer to me with a beautiful grin spread across his face. I couldn’t help but smile. “Let’s do it over there,” Justin said, pointing to a door with a sign that said “Stage” with an arrow pointing to it. “By the door?” I asked, walking over with Cody. As I was preparing for the interview, I saw Cody, putting his hand up to a blonde lady about to come through, “Stay right there,” he joked. “I’m joking, you can come through if you want. You want to come through here?” he asked, giving her a few seconds. I was incredibly nervous to interview him and he really did help ease the nervousness by cracking jokes and playing around. I was questioning my questions, wondering if Cody would find any of them completely stupid but I knew that I was over-thinking. I didn’t really know how to start it so I looked over at him and kind of shrugged. Then I just decided to look at the camera and say, “So hey, I’m Maddie.” “I’m Cody,” Cody smiled slightly, after I waited for him to introduce himself. “What was the toughest dance routine or move for this tour or any tour that you have had to learn? Was there any move that kept you stuck or that you couldn’t get down?” “Uh,” Cody started, rubbing his forehead slightly. “Uh, there’s a couple like every now and then that take longer to learn than others but eventually, I get them all.” “What were some of the best gifts that you have received from fans?” “I don’t know, I get a lot of cool homemade stuff. I got a turtle once (Cody really likes turtles!), a fan gave me an iPad once,” he smiled, making a face as if he didn’t understand why while I did the same. “That was random but really cool.” “How does it make you feel when girls look at you and say to you things like ‘Cody, you’ve saved my life’?” “It’s tough to sort of process that. I’m just honored that I can help someone that much.” “So like ‘wow, I can’t believe I have that impact on




somebody?” I asked. “Yeah.” He smiled at me. “This is so stupid,” I mumbled as he smiled more at me. “How do you get on sleeping schedules when you go from place to place?” “It’s tough, I don’t have much of a sleeping schedule anymore. This past week I’ve been getting like three-four hours of sleep every night. I just struggled through the Maddie & Cody days.” “Who is your biggest musical/singer wise influence, dance influence and all around life influence?” “Singing wise, Timberlake (Justin Timberlake), Jack Johnson. Dancing wise, Justin Timberlake, Chris Brown. All around life, my dad.” I looked over to Justin, “Justin, do you have a timer on your phone?” “Sure.” Justin said while Cody smiled slightly at me being unprepared. “Go!” He said once the timer was going. “Would you rather live in Harry Potters world or continue living the life of rich and fame?” “Harry Potter’s world, for sure!” He said, as all four of us laughed at him. “If you had the chance would you rather duet Michael Jackson or Justin Timberlake (he looks up to both of them)?” “Oh Jesus. That’s too hard for me to answer, go to the next one, “ he said, while I laughed at him. “Would you rather be a dog named Killer or a cat named Fluffy?” “A dog. I don’t like cats.” “Would you rather be the sand castle or the wave?” “Uh,” He thought for a moment. “The wave.” “Would you rather have a zombie apocalypse or world war 3?” “Zombie Apocalypse, I guess.” He said, laughing. “Those were good questions,” Justin complimented as Cody reached over to hug me. “I liked those,” Cody said in the middle of the hug. After we finished up, Cody and I took some pictures together. We talked for a few minutes longer, I hugged Cody again, told him good luck and that he’d ‘kill’ the show. Eventually we got a picture of us holding up the PA Musician shirt, leaning over a pile of gifts, Cody started to put the shirt in before looking at me and saying, “Can I keep it?” “If you want to.” I said as he smiled and continued to let the shirt drop into the pile. Then we said our goodbyes and we parted our ways. Soon before long it was time for the show, a band of brothers, Connor, Toby and Riley who were named Before You Exit opened up the show. Their smiles lit up the entire club and put everyone in a good mood. Next came on Ryan Beatty, a 17 year old boy with an incredible voice and a very good sense of music and humor. Then came on some special commercials on screen including the shoe brand Pastry, which his little sister Alli models for alongside their friends, Madison Pettis of Disney Channel and Jessica Jarrell, another singer. Alli’s music video for her bubbly pop hit, ‘Why I’m Single’ began to play, making all of Cody’s fans scream the lyrics and dance around. They played some funny videos of Cody’s French camera man Florent Déchard running around backstage along with Justin, looking for Cody before it was time for him to hit the stage whilst Cody hid and ‘shh’ed the camera, making the room of teenage girls scream at the sight or sound of the Australian singer or his and his little sister’s youngest sibling Tom. Before you knew it, the lights were turned down low and the girls were screaming like never before as a countdown popped up on the screen playing ‘Eye of The Tiger’. Suddenly after a little video, Cody ran on stage opening with his song, ‘Be The One’. The boy dances so well, every time he made a move or looked in a certain direction the girls in the crowd would scream. Cody’s charisma on stage along with his dancing reminded me of a cross between Michael Jackson and Justin Timberlake. From feel good dance grooves, slow and heartfelt songs, to a special serenade to a lucky fan, Cody Simpson of Gold Coast, Australia always gives his 110% and puts on a must see concert. Keep an eye out for Cody’s shows in PA, he comes quite frequently and keeps the tickets at an affordable price, so be sure to bring the whole family! October, 2013

CLASSIFIED NOTES BUSINESS CLASSIFIEDS HAIR STYLIST WANTED: Famous Cuts “rock n’ roll hair salon” is looking for a stylist. Must have experience and following. Generous commission. Fun work atmosphere, flexible hours. Call Jerry 717-761-5050. FOR RENT: Indoor spaces availabel for bands seeking places to practice. Located in Marysville. Call Earl at 717379-2168. WANTED: WE PAY CASH for used guitars, amps, effects, etc!!! Call Matt at Creter Guitar Shop, Jonestown at 717-865-3677. We also do guitar repairs and have a variety of lessons available.

October, 2013

WANTED: Vintage guitars, basses, amps, banjos, etc. Fender, Gibson, Martin, Rickenbacker, Gretsch, etc. Top dollar paid! Call Player’s Exchange at 717-975-2385 or stop by and see us at 225 S. Third St. Lemoyne, PA. Email:

Altoona PA. Phone 814-9442406.

sheet music. Call 717-2504798.

RIGHT COAST RECORDING: State of the art vintage recording environment with years of experience and a long list of satisfied customers. . Phone 717-560-1530.

DRUM LESSONS: Former Green Eggs band drummer now accepting students for lessons at Camp Hill home. 20 years live and studio professional,, practical experience. Beginner on up. Stand out from the crowd, be your best for your band, the music and you! Call Doug


Black at 717-571-8896. FAMOUS CUTS “ROCK N’ ROLL HAIR SALON” is looking for a stylist. Must

have experience and following. Generous commission. Fun work

continued on next page ...

THE BEST VALUE FOR YOUR RECORDING DOLLAR: Celebrating our 28th year in business. Pro Tools, HD3/Accel, 192k Interface, 2 inch 24 track analog, 16 channels of API outboard mic pres, Yamaha Maple Custom Absolute kit, SWR 7 GK bass amps, Marshall half stack, Fender twin & Bassman guitar amps, Hammond B-3, Yamaha C7 grand piano. Authorized Pro Tool dealers. CD/DVD duplication on site 3 CCC Video Services. 5.1 surround mixing. $300 per day.,



Classified Notes continued... tmosphere, flexible hours. Call Jerry 717-761-5050. SOUTH SOUND PRODUCTIONS Currently Seeking Bands needing

Representation. Serious inquires only please. Call Vickie at 717-832-6154 or Email: vickiesouthsoundprod@comc

EQUIPMENT FOR SALE FOR SALE: Tascam 380 24 tract recording board with V.O. meters, $500. 717-6274800. FOR SALE: Mastering cassette recorders like new, $25 to $35 each. 717-6274800. FOR SALE: Hammond Proline 860 Leslie, With foot pre-amp and Leslie 11 pin

cable, All in great condition! $600 Phone 717-248-8739 Email: FOR SALE: Peavey LB1200 par 64 midi and dmx controled lights with gels, 2 bars with 4 lights each. work great $250 Ph. 717-248-8739 email: FOR SALE: Ensoniq TS-12 Performance/ Composition Synthesizer. 76-note weighted-action keyboard. Includes Musician’s Manual, Tutorial, & Service Manual.

$950. 717-827-3140. FOR SALE: Kawai K1 Digital Multi-Dimensional 61-key digital synthesizer. Includes 3 Kawai Expansion Cards. $275. 717-827-3140.

recorders. Tascam. (3) DA88’s, (1) DA-38 and (1) RC848. Includes sync cables w/balanced snakes, rack cases and remote control stand. Leave message. 610-4880914.

FOR SALE: KAWAI PHm Pop Synth Module. 250 PCM voices (200 single plus 50 combinations). 1/2 rack space midi module. $95. 717-8273140.

FOR SALE: Multi effects processors: t.c.electronics M5000 w/digital options. Ensoniq DP/4. Lexicon LXP5. Leave message 610-4880914

FOR SALE: Compressor/ limiters. Aphex 720 Dominator II, DBX 266XL, Drawmer 1960 tube. Leave message. 610-488-0914.

FOR SALE: Atlas heavy duty boom mic stand with 2lb. counterweight, triangular base and casters. Excellent condition. 610-488-0914

FOR SALE: Microphones. (2) AKG C-391’s. (2) AKG D112’s. Mics include clips and cables. Leave message. 610-488-0914.

FOR SALE: High end mic pre. Drawmer 1960 2channel mic pre/tube compressor. D I b o x e s . Countryman Type 85 and

FOR SALE: Multitrack



continued on next pg..

October, 2013

Classified Notes continued... ProCo CB-1. Leave message 610-488-0914 FOR SALE: Record video of your band from the stage or Front of House sound board. Attach any camera to these unique CAMERA MOUNTS. 610-488-0914 FOR SALE: Mapex doublebass pedal $75 call 570-898-5076. FOR SALE: 1972 Gibson SG II $1300, No cracks very few dings, Best one I have seen out there. Mesa Boogie Simul Class 2:90 $750; Digitech 2101 Artist with floor board $375. Tom 814386-223. FOR SALE: Hartke 4x12 cab with Celestions on wheels, mono stereo also Marshall 2x12 cab, use together or seperately. 4x12 $225. 2x12 $175, or both for $350. 717939-1383

FOR SALE: Sold 5 of 18 Epiphone guitars. Nice prices all with cases and leather straps and strap locks. Mint condition. all shapes and finishes. Package deals. 717939-1383. FOR SALE: Keyboards, Casio WK-6500, new stand along with Marshall Bass amp consisting of 210 combo with 15 inch bass cabinet sounds extremly great loud and clear 717-939-1383. FOR SALE: Rogers drum set, 1977, white all hardware cymbals, stands, pedals, seat. Bonus Beeline Rotos. Top bottom heads ond rums. All drummers approve of this set. 717-939-1383.


In Chains to Zombie. Contact adam at 717-300-0148 or email: dogthegod2112@gmail .com

WANTED: Lead guitar and vocals for heavy modern rock cover/ original band. Central Pennsylvania. Serious inquiries only. 570-412-7614

WANTED: Seasoned Guitarist/ Vocalist - All genres considered - prefer Acoustic / Electric ok. Based Lebanon County - Contact Rick:

WANTED: Bass player for a laid-back band (in our 30’s). Covers, some originals, mostly 90’s rock and other songs. Practice in Yo r k . E-mail:

WANTED: Backup Vocalists for Theatrical rock band in Columbia County. Auditions by appointment All vocal ranges desired. Looks are unimportant, your voice is the key, 18+ Call 570- 394-2019.

WANTED: Lancaster/ Reading area rock/metal band Circle of Sanity seeks guitarist. Vocal ability is a huge plus. Email us at m” WANTED: Drummer for StarChild. Hard hitter, good memory, good timing all essential. Willing to travel. Full drum kit available. Paid rehearsals. Working band. Call Jerry 717-761-5050. Band. WANTED:


Keyboardist for Female Fronted Blues Band , complete our line up , 3/4 of our set list worked out doing Meaty eclectic Blues.. Looking to go out soon..We practice on Sundays 2-5 in Union Deposit. or call / TEXT 717-364 5660. WANTED:Lead Singer / Front Man for established country band in Schuylkill County. New and classic country covers. We have gigs, PA and practice space. Rhythm guitar ability a plus. continuedon next pg..

WANTED: Shippensburg Drummer and Bassist with practice space seek Guitarist male or female for Hard Heavy Rock bar band. Alice

FOR SALE: Marshall 300W Bass set consisting of 210 with Tweeter amp combo with ext. cab consisting of 15” bass speaker with Tweeter and lower ports, 4800. 717-9391383.

October, 2013



Classified Notes continued... Call: 570-449-8583


WANTED: Musicians. Singer

& guitar player seeking professional musicians for HEART TRIBUTE BAND; need female acoustic, bass and keyboard players. Must be willing to travel. 814-380-1617 WANTED: Singer and guitarist wanted for all original band. We play rock/ hard rock. Must have equipment, transportation, and experience. 717-7122008 or 717-418-0020.

WANTED: Lebanon based Modern/Classic Rock band looking for drummer. Have a real nice pearl drum set to use for rehearsal. Call LJ 717273-1739. WA N T E D : Professional Bassist and Drummer looking for Vocalist and Guitarist or combination of both. We are a solid rhythm section with backing vocals. Would like to do a mix of originals and covers, have some originals and covers ready to go. please email or Call 717-713-4491.

Looking for Musicians or want to join a band? Check the classifieds in the hard copy and on line at

WANTED: PRO-Keyboardist for Female Fronted Blues Band, complete our line up, 3/4 of our set list worked out doing Meaty eclectic Blues. Looking to go out soon..We practice on Sundays 2-5 in Union Deposit. or call / TEXT 717-364-5660 or 814-380-1617. WANTED: Experienced lead vocals, guitar and bass for classic and modern rock. Rehearsal studio availabe in bloomsburg. 570-380-9043 Dave or 570-486-8287 - Ron. WA N T E D : Musicians. Writer, singer, guitarist, keyboardist with home studio and stage gear wants to connect to creative, fun loving people for combined original cover / classic rock type act. Call Dave in York 717-6506696. WANTED: Guitarist, bassist,

Deadline to place a FREE Classified for Musicians Wanted & Musicians Available is the 20th of each preceding month. Email your classified today...


drummer rehearsing in Ephrata on weekends exclusively looking for male / femal vocalist to do covers also solid guitarist to cover leads etc. Call 717-939-1383.

MUSICIANS AVAILABLE AVAILABLE: Very experienced Metal /Hard Rock drummer seeks to join or form giging band. Mansfield area. Contact AVAILABLE: 51 year old Guitarist looking for Harrisburg area musicians. Rehearsals at my location or yours. I’m welle quppied with several amps,d rums, keys, PA. Weekend time only 717939-1383.

AVAILABLE: Keyboardist. Hi my name is Jack I have over 45 years of playing experience in all genres of music. Pro gear no attitude own transportation. Contact for more info 570-579-4377 o r e m a i l AVAILABLE: Metal drummer available from Harrisburg erea. 40 years old. Looking to fill some free time playing in a decent hard rock to Metal band. Not looking to travel too far. Interested? Give me a call Victor 717-9033 1 5 5 o r

DEADLINE for the November Anniversary issue...

Monday, October 21st


The Pennsylvania Musician Magazine is now taking bids. We will teach you all we have learned or not, it’s up to you. Send your sealed written bid to: PA Musician Magazine, PO Box 362, Millerstown, PA 17062


October, 2013

October, 2013



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