Pennsylvania Musician Magazine April 2014

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THANK YOU to all our advertisers and readers. Without you we wouldn’t be.

April, 2014





April, 2014

April, 2014



ACROSS THE DESK By Whitey & Robin Noll

I have exactly 10 minutes to write this. I was going to stop doing the PA Musician Magazine but have come to the conclusion that I would miss all of you too much and several people told me they would miss us too. So here I am typing furiously so the printer can once again get all the pieces. I believe that God will keep me doing this until I get it right and then he will move me on. The Israelites were 40 years in the wilderness so I have 8 more years to go. As I was compiling all the information this month there are quite a few things going on: Market Cross Pub in Carlisle is turning 20 Years Old and they are celebrating all month long with the big bash happening on April 12th with the band Seldom Said No. Everytime I go in there it sounds like a huge party going on. They do know how to party. Another establishment celebrating 200 YEARS, yes 200 years is Shank’s Tavern in Marietta. They are the oldest operating Tavern in Lancaster County. They have a whole month of specials going on and if you have never been there you might want to check out their schedule and all the events happening on page 16. It’s a charming atmosphere with super friendly people. Big Woody’s is hosting a pretty interesting event at their establishment this month and probably in the future

April, 2014

as well as the events are getting sold out pretty quick. It’s called “A Muse Uncorked Paint & Sip Parties!” They are happening in the beautiful Rockville Room every other Wednesday from 6pm-8pm. Absolutely no art skill required. You have to buy tickets online at You show up, get yourself your favorite beverage and get ready to paint. They supply the canvas, the paint, brushes, and aprons. I checked it out on line and it looked fun and very interesting. They have them in different areas and you can even host one in your home I think. There are a whole lot of live reviews this month as this issue is reviewing all the Millennium Music Conference activity that took place in February. It made me wish that I could have gone but when duty calls one must press on. Launch Music Conference is happening in Lancaster this month as well. Every month I always miss putting something on the cover of some significance this month it’s The Blue Coupe show that is coming to Tubby’s on Saturday, April 12th. Blue Coupe comprises the long awaited reunion of Albert and Joe Bouchard, founding members of Blue Öyster Cult, on drums and guitar respectively, and bassist, Rock And Roll Hall Of Famer, continued on page 27...





April, 2014

OUT & ABOUT by RACHEL ROCKS! The month after the MMC is always one of my favorite months. NOT! I feel like I should be a novelist making millions. So many words to type and so little time. I’m especially under the gun this month because tomorrow I officially go back to working out of my home Monday-Friday. This is an adjustment for me, but hopefully I’ll quickly get better disciplined and still fit everything in that I WANT to do. This article is just about my regular “Out and About” shenanigans. My first stop this month I bopped out to Double K to see That’s What She Said back rockin’ the stage. These guys were on a brief hiatus to regroup. They were definitely back with a vengeance. Double K was packed with people dancing and having a great time. TWSS learned some new songs while they were on their break and it definitely paid off, all of the songs were a big hit with the crowd. Welcome back guys, I’m sure I’ll be seeing you again soon! On a side note I wanted to say welcome home to Josh Lingle! He just returned from Afghanistan and was out celebrating with his family and friends. Thank you so much for your service!! I was excited to go see Take 147 playing at a new venue for them, The Alpine Inn. I was excited when I pulled up because the parking lot was packed and overflowing. Inside the party was just as crazy! It doesn’t matter where these ladies go, their “Takers” will follow. I was glad to see The Alpine crowd seemed happy to have a new band to listen to. Take 147 knows how to bring the party and that’s what they are doing at every venue in the area. If you want to liven up the party at your venue, check out their ad in this issue and give them a call today! Speaking of parties, my night wasn’t over yet. Next I zoomed back to Double K to see Kat and the Mad Dogz. Kat is such a super fun entertainer. That girl is all over the place and her smile is so contagious. Within seconds of seeing her perform you can’t help but have a smile on your face too! Her Mad Dogz do a great job at supporting her too. They’ve been building up quite the fan base. Even tho Double K was packed Kat still found a way to climb on tables, chairs, and even the bar doing what she does best! Check out their ad in this issue and see where Kat can play her fiddle for you next! Another busy night this month was Susquehanna Ale House’s Open Mic Battle of the Bands, hosted by Jason Purcell from the Colt Wilbur Band. Jason has been inviting me out to his Open Mics for quite a while now, I’m glad I finally got a chance to stop out and check it out. The contestants were Stonehenge, Save the City, Brothers From Another Mother, Mixed Company, and Inside Out. I unfortunately missed Stonehenge, but I did get there in time to see Save the City. I’ve written about these guys before, they are a newer cover band that is getting out there and getting known rather quickly. Jason Carst their lead singer also spent the weekend at the MMC this year. It was his birthday and he asked his wife for a Conference Pass. This goes to show you how much his music means to him. He was there all weekend going to as many panels as he could and networking with as many people as possible. It was great seeing a local artist so excited about fine tuning his craft! They decided just moments before the Open Mic that they were going to compete. Even tho their drummer, Luke, was just coming home from working in Philly he still dropped everything and came straight to the gig. Keep an eye out for these guys, you will be seeing a lot more of them very soon. continued on pg. 1 2 ...

April, 2014



Out & About continued.... d’jembe, and another one on some sort of bongo drum. You might think it was too much, but it really sounded cool. Of course they gave all the drummers their moment and they pretty much had their own little drum circle for a song! It was great seeing Gypsy Caravan back on the stage. Check out their schedule in this issue and get out there to help welcome their new drummer(s) to the band! Deezle Church was finally playing locally and in a club I’m allowed to go to, so I went to see them one night at the Winner’s Circle. I’m thrilled to say Jim Horn is back!! He was off on paternity leave, but he finally took back the mic! The Winner’s Circle is always a fun place to go to watch their built in crowd of line dancers. Line dancing is one thing I just can’t do. I’m just not coordinated enough, but I do love to watch it. Deezle Church kept everyone’s feet stomping and boots gliding around the dance floor. It was great to see and hear the guys play again. The next night it was time for super special St. Patrick’s Day fun! I was finally driving my new car so I loved zooming over to Chick’s for Element 22’s acoustic Irish Sing-Along. I really wasn’t sure of what to expect, but I was still surprised. Jeff Seyfried and Shawn Oliveira were playing acoustic guitars and singing to some pretty crazy songs, Jeff even thru in some Nelly. They were taking requests and doing their best to cover whatever was requested of them. They had cue cards for the sing-alongs that were quite hilarious and a whole big treasure chest full of St. Patty’s Day fun! It was a great night filled with shenanigans for sure! I heard that Element 22 finally has their band all put back together again so hopefully we’ll soon be dancing with those guys again! Check out their schedule in this issue for all the updates. I donned my new little St. Patty’s Day headband and

April, 2014

zoomed back over the ridge to Double K to finish off my night and the month with Black Mountain Jack. There were definitely some leprechauns running thru this club, there were glittery shamrocks all over the place and a lot of people squished on the dance floor having a blast! Black Mountain Jack are some down to Earth true country boys that know how to have a good time. They play all of your classic country favorites, plus they throw in some of their own amazing originals. Every night with Black Mountain Jack is a fun night of boot scootin and boogying! Check out their schedule and get out there and dance the night away! More new advertisers this month! I’m very excited about that!! Please consider advertising if you enjoy reading our articles and seeing our magazine at local venues, gas stations, coffeeshops, etc.. It’s not cheap getting the magazine out there every month, and we want to keep supporting local music, so we really need your help. Even if you’re not part of a band, you can advertise car dealerships, tattoo shops, painters, carpenters, insurance companies, etc.. whatev, be creative. Give us a call at 717-444-2423, we would love to talk to you more about our advertising opportunities. Well that’s all for this month. Thanks so much for reading and for supporting the PA Musician Magazine. If you have any questions or comments, please e-mail me at Have a wonderful month and a Very Happy Easter! If you see me Out and About please stop me and say Hi! Support Local Music!!!



18th MMC IN REVIEW by Rachel Rocks

If you missed the 18th Annual Millennium Music Conference on February 20th-23rd, you missed out on a great time. I was once again amazed by all of the talented bands and performances I was able to see and hear, so much music in so little time. This year I also had the privilege of mingling around the conference and basically doing whatever I wanted to do. Jim Price manned the PA Musician Magazine booth this year along with his trusty side-kick Meredith Kaminek. They did an amazing job! After 6 years of hosting the Open Mic on the trade show floor, I was more than ready to pass the torch on to Jim. With a lot less responsibility I was able to meet so many more people and I also had the opportunity to visit and network with bands and friends that I met in past years. It was a total blast! The MMC was at a new hotel this year, The Best Western Premier Central Hotel in Harrisburg. It was a little intimidating at first because you don’t know what to expect. But we figured out quickly that the staff were all super nice and helpful, and they even had FREE Coffee, Water, and cookies! The hotel was super clean and overall it was an amazing experience. I once again got the MMC started off as early as possible by volunteering for the bag stuffing, but even before that there was already a nice big group of people eating dinner in O’Reilly’s enjoying their Happy Hour. Not only are the drinks cheaper, but their appetizers are half price too! The networking had already begun and we were already belly laughing about crazy things we did throughout the year. The bag stuffing this year was a HUGE success! We had a large amount of people show up to help, which meant we were done stuffing all 500 bags in about an hour! It was awesome to see so many people eager to get the conference started and start networking! This year for the first time PBR sponsored a Kick-Off party in O’Reilly’s, the hotel restaurant. The room was packed all night long. The Great SOCIO officially kicked off the performances of the MMC. It was The Great SOCIO’s first time playing acoustic, but they seemed like professionals to me. They came in from Philly, and definitely started the party off right. After hearing them it re-confirmed how amazing this conference was going to be. Music From Another Room, from Pittsburgh, took the stage next. This four piece band of guys had some absolutely amazing harmonies. I found out two of them are brothers and you tell by how well their voices blended together. They kept their percussion nice and calm with just some shakers and a tambourine, which was perfect since we were all socializing and enjoying the show at the same time. There was already a buzz going on about the next band of the night, The Speedbumps, from Akron, Ohio, they continued on pg. 1 6 ...

Jim Price, Meredith Kaminek & Rachel Rocks toasting MMC 18 with Dr McGillicuddy samples 14


April, 2014

MMC 18 Review continued.... came ready to play. I actually saw them pull in and all jump out of the van, they kept piling out, I think there were at least 6 of them, but maybe 8. Erik and Abby are the two singers, and their harmonies were killer too! Plus the whole band played I don’t know how many instruments, cellos, stand-up bass, mandolin, guitars, etc. It was insanely cool, and an awesome way to end the first night of the MMC! A quick shout out to Dylan and Tyler from Observe the 93rd, and Sabrina and Patty from Take 147. It was great getting to know you all a little bit better, some things I wish I didn’t know! Plus of course my fine ladies who keep the conference running as smoothly as possible, Christine and Carole (the registration goddesses), and Heather Hodge, the mentoring queen! I’ve become very good friends with


these three ladies the last 7 years at the MMC. I wish we had more time to just hang out throughout the year, but when they are from Boston, Philly, and Texas, it gets a little difficult! When I arrived at the conference around 11:30 Friday morning, it was already hopping! Jim had the booth all set up and ready to go. He had people sign up for time slots this year which was nice. It really helped cut down on the confusion and craziness! I didn’t see all the performers during the day, but I did see quite a few. The first one was Eric Loy with his custom guitar/harp masterpiece. I’m not sure what that thing was he played or what to call it, but it was amazing! He not only played all of the strings on this instrument he also used the shell as a percussion instrument. Plus it was hooked up to a bass amp, so he could turn around and make this beautiful acoustic looking instrument into a thrashing metal guitar if he wanted to. It was definitely something to see. He had his own booth at the trade show, so he graced the acoustic stage a few times throughout the weekend, every time was a jaw dropping experience for other people in the room. I caught Erik and Abby of The Speedbumps. I saw them with their band the night before and they were amazing then, but I love seeing the acoustic acts on our stage, where it’s just bare bones music. You can really hear every word and again hear how well their voices just blended together. There were also quite a few younger performers, the first one was 17 year old, Cosette Gobat, from right here in Hershey, PA. I couldn’t believe she is only 17! Her voice is absolutely amazing and it’s hard to believe the compassion she sings her lyrics with. I’m definitely going to keep my eye on the coffee shop circuit for Cosette! Next up was Jack from the band Rise, My King from


Rachel & Joey Welz (Canandian American Records

Nazareth, PA. Jack was also only 17. I looked up his band and their genre is listed as “Spirit-Filled Progressive Deathcore” .. It never ceases to amaze me what “genre” bands have themselves listed as. He played a song called “Clouds” that was a beautiful song, but when he has his full band with him, my guess is it all sounds a bit different. A familiar face to the area and our stage was up next, Broken Fayth, graced us with their presence again. Chuck has a great voice and one that doesn’t really need a microphone. That guy can belt out the notes. When he sang his version of “Simple Man” we just turned off the mic. Broken Fayth has an ad in this issue. Check out their schedule and please get out there and support them. Some of their shows are locally, right here at Tubby’s. Sterling Koch and I have been crossing paths a few times lately. This was their first time down to the conference, and they are glad they made it down. Sterling and Gene were the only ones that played on our stage, and Jim Price filled in on D’jembe. I heard that continued on pg 1 8 ...

April, 2014

MMC 18 review continued.... unfortunately Sterling is looking for a new drummer. Check out the classifieds if you’re interested. You can also check out his full schedule in his ad in this issue and get out there and listen to some good rockin’ blues! The next band I saw a glimpse of was Mileunder. I heard a lot about these guys even before the conference. One of my good friends Fabian is their bass player. He’s doing a great job at keeping me in the loop of what’s going on with the band. I hope to catch them with their full band Out and About soon. Another repeat customer from the past few years was Donovan Rice with the band The Standing Cinema, based out of Philly. Donovan has such a clear, distinct voice. All of his songs have such catchy hooks, you’re humming them in your head in no time. I’m always excited when I see him ready to play on our stage. Maybe some day I’ll catch his full band too. Like I said, I unfortunately didn’t see all of the acoustic stage performers this year. I was mingling around talking to everyone and having a good time. I was excited to see some people supporting the mag and wearing their PA Musician Magazine shirts. It always helps to “feel the love”.. when people wear our merch! I felt like there were a lot more locals at the conference this year which was very exciting for me. I always try and express to everyone to come to the Conference, check it out, mingle, go to panels, workshops, mentoring sessions, etc.. this is such a special treat right here in our own backyards! I had a full night of places I wanted to check out on Friday night. My trusty friend, and sidekick Kristin came with me again this year to help be my secretary and take notes for me. I always appreciate her help! I first headed over to see Cello Fury at Midtown Scholar. When I was researching all the MMC bands I saw their website and knew that I didn’t want to miss their showcase. Headbanging cello players! Oh yes please! Cello Fury didn’t disappoint. Not only did they have the three cello players but they were also supported by a drummer, with a full rockin’ kit! Parts of Cello Fury’s set were calm and beautiful, and when you would least

Troy (Badd Seed) & Rachel

the top picks from John Harris to go see at the MMC and I understand why. She’s only 17, but by her talent alone you could never tell. She is so talented. She already has a CD out and some of her songs are already getting radio air-time. Her voice is very unique and a great blend of indie pop with maybe even a touch of country. She’s definitely someone to keep an eye on. Hopefully I’ll catch her Out and About again soon. The next band up was Doin’ Time from right there in New Cumberland. This was a 3-piece band who’s ages ranged from 17-11! Their drummer was only 11 years old! All of them are students at The Perfect 5th, they were already amazing, and they are just going to keep getting better. It’s cool to see the next generation wave of musicians making their way in the music scene. Kudos to their parents for helping these kids along the way and helping them pursue their dreams. We tried to go to Flinchy’s for Ashley Leone, but it was crazy packed, unfortunately Flinchy’s isn’t the best place to catch a band. I knew Ashley was going to be

at Tubby’s, by far the best stage and lights this year at the MMC. Unfortunately this is where my MMC fun ended for a while.. Tubby’s was packed and I was on the street and unfortunately some chic came flying in the road and hit my car so hard it was undrivable.. but luckily hers was too. Tubby’s helped me get her insurance info. and Randy, Tubby’s owner, even sat in his car with me until 3:30 am when the tow truck finally figured out how to get my car on the Rollback. I was finally home and in bed by 4:30 am, what a long and emotional night! I’m so grateful to Kid Dynamite for taking all of my friends back to the hotel so they didn’t have to wait out in the cold with me. Also thanks to Small Town Titans for being prepared to leave gear behind just so they could drive me back to Harrisburg. You guys are a bunch of sweethearts! Luckily thanks to Faulkner Nissan I finally got a new/used car, just the other day. It took a whole month, but I think it’s all finally taken care of. Unfortunately I had two payments left on my old car, and now I have five years of payments, oh well… such is life. I’m just glad I wasn’t actually in the car when it happened, and no one was hurt except her wallet! Saturday all in all is a little blurry, so you’ll have to bear with me. Luckily my good friend, Sabrina Kreps, Take 147’s “Mother Hen” lives right down the street

Dave & Bobby of Right Coast Recording w/ Rachel

expect it, they would be standing up rockin’ out with their cellos.. Great way to start the night! The next band playing at Midtown Scholar were The Speedbumps, so we were able to hear them yet again. The acoustics at Midtown Scholar are awesome with the walls filled with books, so hearing bands there is always a special treat. The Speedbumps had six members all playing their own special parts mixed in with the harmonies of Erik and Abby, they were crazy good. Also if you saw The Speedbumps anywhere, chances are you also saw Cookie, the drummers faithful Grandma that never misses a show! I was glad to see the Midtown Scholar was standing room only with a lot of people enjoying the music, but alas it was time to get moving! Our next stop of the night was the Cornerstone Coffeehouse for Cossette Gobat. Cossette was one of 18

playing at Gullifty’s on Saturday night so my plan was I would just catch her then. Next up we went back to the hotel to pick up my friends Heather and CK, and we headed up to Tubby’s for New Day Dawn. New Day Dawn has been around the MMC for the last few years. Every year I love getting out to support them. Their music is absolutely amazing and truly rocks! They were playing at Tubby’s where John Moyer from Disturbed was hosting the night. He knows how awesome they are, he introduced them by getting the whole crowd chanting “New Day Dawn”! Very awesome and well deserved! New Day Dawn played their crowd pleasers like “Runaway” and “Whatever it Takes” and even broke out a brand new song, “Fire”. I loved it all. It was a great showcase performance, and I was able to get some great pics with all of the cool lights PENNSYLVANIA MUSICIAN MAGAZINE

and she was going to the conference anyway, so she gave me a ride over. It’s hard not having my own wheels and being able to do what I wanted when I wanted, but it was also nice to get a little intoxicated and have designated drivers to take care of me after such a stressful night. Saturday at the conference was another full day of networking and fun! All of the panels were full and tables and chairs in the atrium were full with people talking and swapping stories of the music bizz. Our acoustic stage was again busy all day, and I’m so grateful once again for Jim and Meredith holding down the fort this year! I didn’t get to see everyone perform, but I did see a couple of them. The first one was Nicki Sbaffoni. Nicki was from Philly, but she’s now from South Jersey. I was out in the atrium and Nicki’s voice drew me into the Trade Show to see who was playing our stage. Her voice is very distinct and catchy. I love her genre on Facebook is listed as “Jangly Pop”, she’s definitely one of a kind. I’m glad I was drawn in and had the chance to enjoy her performance. Another one I was able to catch the tale end of was Steve Leak. I saw Steve last year and I was glad I was able to catch him perform again. His songs are very catchy and have you signing along in no time. If you need a quick pick me up, just put in one of Steve’s CD’s. His songs are so cleverly written about our everyday life, one of them is even called “An American Man”. It will continued on pg. 1 9 ...

April, 2014

MMC 18 Review continued.... have you laughing by the end for sure. Steve is a great entertainer! Thanks for playing on our acoustic stage again this year! I once again had another long list of bands I wanted to bop around and go see at a bunch of different venues, but when you don’t have a car, that makes things a little difficult. Luckily my friend Paula Savastano drove me and a few other friends around the town. We first stayed for a while in O’Reilly’s. I swear I lived on their soup this weekend, it was so delicious! One act I saw there was Michi. I first saw Michi last year as part of the MMC and I was glad I was catching her performance again. Michi is a 3-piece band from New Jersey.. Her voice is again so distinct and special in her own way, plus her song-writing skills are amazing. I love how her songs are a mosh of jazz, rock, and blues, I’m really not sure what it is, but one thing I do know is that it’s worth seeing and hearing for yourself. Michi is just finishing up her fourth studio album at Saturation Acres. Keep an ear out for Michi, she’s getting radio air-time throughout Pennsylvania and beyond. After Michi we all piled in Paula’s car and she drove us to Gullifty’s to see Ashley Leone. Every time ya see one performer you think it can’t get any better than this, but then you see the next one! Ashley Leone is yet another amazing vocalist. She’s so young and her talent is unbelievable. She’s also backed up by some amazing musicians as well. Ashley has a bluesy/pop tone to her voice that sucks you right in. She just recently released a new music video for her single “Spinning” you can check it out on YouTube. Ashley will be playing as part of The Launch Music Festival on Friday, April 18th at 8pm in the Marion Court Room. If you missed her at the MMC, do yourself a favor and don’t miss her again. You can also check out her ad on the back of this issue for more show times and information. Next up we all went back to the hotel pub O’Reilly’s for J and the 9s. Wow! What a punk rock experience. J9 came out in full costume, make-up, wig, she had it all. She was even doing somersaults in the middle of the show! It was definitely a one of a kind experience. After that brief stop back at the hotel we went to Double K to catch Take 147’s first MMC Showcase. I’m so proud of them for applying and being a part of the MMC. Most people don’t know Take 147 as an original band, but they’ve definitely been writing some great music. Hopefully before the end of 2014 we will see their first full length record! Take 147 had Double K packed to standing room only. Karen, at Double K, liked them so much, I’m sure you’ll be seeing more of them at the Double K very soon! Some clubs get a certain rotation of bands and it’s hard to get new ones on the schedule because they are already so booked, but once a club finds an opening for Take 147, they do their best to find even more! These ladies know how to rock a club, and have a great following of “Takers” backing them along the way. The last and final band of MMC18 was OT93, also known as Observe the 93rd. These guys are from right here in Harrisburg. I saw them before and was blown away by their talent and this time was no different. They rocked the night to the very end. It took my neck a couple days to recover after headbanging with them. I’m so happy that Dylan has stuck with his “onesie” it’s definitely a trademark for the band! These guys have been rockin’ the area stages for a few years now. They are a band to watch. These guys are on the move! What a great ending to the MMC! Besides for the part about getting my car crunched, MMC 18 was a really great time. I talked to quite a few people that were there and they were all saying they were glad they came, and they were learning a lot. I’m so glad John Harris continues to host this great conference. I can’t wait til next year! April, 2014





“LIVE REVIEWS” By Jim Price The harsh winter of 2013-14 is now in the rear view mirror; and with spring’s arrival, my calendar is already starting to fill in with plentiful warm season concerts, festivals, benefits and other outdoor events. Harsh as this winter was, at least it didn’t impact late February’s 18th annual Millennium Music Conference. This year’s Millennium moved to a new location, the Best Western Premier, the Central Hotel & Convention Center in eastern Harrisburg; and again provided a weekend of music industry panels, mentoring, networking, and showcases featuring nearly 250 bands and artists performing throughout the Harrisburg vicinity. My Millennium 2014 experience began shortly after I

checked into my room at the host hotel on Thursday night, and then headed mere feet down the hallway to the kickoff party at O’Reilly’s Tap Room. I missed openers The Great Socio from Philadelphia, but did get to see Pittsburgh’s Music From Another Room as they demonstrated an acoustic side to their brand of indieflavored rock, and showed some crisp harmonies along the way. Akron, Ohio-based Americana group The Speedbumps closed the evening, displaying their pleasant-toned Americana sounds. This group exuded total musicianship with a roster including cello player, upright bass player, plus ukulele and cajon on the stage as well. Since this year’s Millennium Music Conference coincided with Pennsylvania Musician’s deadline period for March; our editor and imperious leader, Robin Noll, was unable to host our table and acoustic stage during the conference trade show. So the dynamic duo of staff photographer (and keeper of the sacred carton of Maple Donuts) Meredith Kaminek and yours truly (with

assistance from Rachel Rocks despite her car being debilitated during the weekend) held down the fort both days, and I ran sound and coordinated the performance schedule on the acoustic stage. This prevented me from being able to take in any of this year’s Millennium panels or seminars, but it enabled me to enjoy a multitude of this year’s showcasing Millennium performers in an acoustic setting. (BIG THANKS to My Wife’s Sound Company and Reliable Backline for furnishing the gear on our stage, and being patient with my phone issues!) Some 26 different groups and artists graced the stage over the two days and provided excellent entertainment; and a few even invited me up to tap along on my djembe! (Thanks Sterling Koch, Mileunder and Steve Leak!) One of the most popular attractions to perform on our stage both days was Lewisburg native (now Dayton, Ohio-based) Eric Loy with his harp guitar. Using fluid hand and finger movement, Eric masterfully worked all corners of this amazing instrument, utilizing several octaves of strings, bass tones and more on a variation of “Carol of the Bells” that integrated a few Cosette Gobat ‘80s rock riffs along the way. Other trade show stage performers during Friday included Erik Urycki and Abby Luri of The Speedbumps, Hershey-based singer/songwriter Cosette Gobat, Jack Murray of Lehigh Valley Christian metal rockers Rise My King, two members of Wiconiscobased rockers Broken Fayth, Gene Babula and Sterling Koch of the Sterling Koch Band, Jonathan Spirk and Andrew Pochan of Mileunder, Donovan Rice of Philadelphia’s The Standing Cinema, Philadelphia’s Blackrue, three members of Baltimore’s Apollo Sun, and country singer/songwriter Dylan Lee. Saturday’s trade show stage performers included a number of singers/songwriters; including Eli the Hawk, Tom Wentz, Chris Whitmer, New York’s Linda Draper, south Jersey’s Nicki Sbaffoni, Washington, DC’s Levi Stephens, New Jersey’s Steve Leak and northern Virginia’s Maggie Anderson. Also performing Saturday were Mileunder, Tam Garcia of New Jersey’s Garden State Line, Ajay Shughart of Mechanicsburg R&B/hiphop group Rhythm On Main, Harrisburg’s Billy Cave, Philadelphia’s The Terribles, namesake Jon of Jon Garcia & the Hopeless Romantics, and Baltimore’s The Cardboard Kings. Perhaps the most unusual act to grace the stage this day was Harrisburg ‘jug band’ Free Bacon, complete with washboard, cigar box guitar and washtub bass! continued on pg. 2 1 ...

Levi Stephens 20


April, 2014

The Professor’s Live Reviews continued For my Friday night showcase entertainment, I headed to Gullifty’s in Camp Hill to witness a five-band bill. Western PA was well represented at this showcase, starting with Pittsburgh’s Josh McCann & the Uninvolved, who opened the night with driving, melodygeared hard rock with a slight retro edge. Lancaster’s Worthy Adversary then introduced their take on original hard-hitting indie rock. Comprised of singer/guitarist Greg Saltzman, lead guitarist Andy Raymond, drummer Bob Raymond and bassist Justin Hillyard, Worthy Adversary generated a lively vein of rock that threw caution to the wind, as well as interesting song titles like “Tom’s Cruise” and “Nic’s Cage.” Next was another Pittsburgh entry, The Semi-Supervillains, who did high-powered garage-flavored rock of the Jet/White Stripes vein. Sporting suits and ties, The SemiSupervillains provided constant energy and tightlywound original songs plus a spirited version of the Beatles’ “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.” Nine members strong, Erie’s The Romantic Era then introduced a high-energy party of pop, rock, funk and hip-hop flavors; laying down dance-friendly grooves with unpredictable tempo breaks and total motion. With their choreographed jumping and dance moves, no member of this band needed to join a fitness club, their performance was an exhaustive, full physical workout! Harrisburg’s Mileunder then closed the show; this was the first time I had seen the completed Mileunder roster in action. With guest keyboardist Joe Trocjak sitting in, Mileunder - singer Jon Spirk, guitarist Andrew Pochan, bassist Fabian Marroquin and new drummer Kevin Daboin - did groove-laden songs from their forthcoming “Bedtime Stories” CD and current EP, such as the tranquil “Spacegirl,” the adventurous “Nemo” and more. Mileunder’s musicianship was sharp and

April, 2014

sturdy, and Jon’s spirited blend of soulful crooning and beat poetry evoked reminders of the Doors’ Jim Morrison. My Saturday night showcase sojourn started out at the host hotel, as I caught some of the performances at O’Reilly’s Irish Pub. I arrived in time to see Michi, performing her brand of pop-rock with her band. Now calling Jersey City, New Jersey her home base, Michi displayed her bright and distinctive singing style as she did new songs along with tunes off her first album. Philadelphia power trio Modern Colour then impressed

wild, visual set of punk-driven hard rock. Decked out in multi-colored hair, vivid makeup and clothing; singer and performance artist J9 quickly made the whole O’Reilly’s room her playground, as she took her show to the people with reckless abandon. She piped out some impressive flute solos on several songs as well. At this point, I decided to catch music at another venue, and eventually arrived at Coakley’s Irish Pub in New Cumberland, which was running acoustic and live band entertainment on two stages. At the acoustic stage I took in half of the set by Columbus, Ohio duo the Shaw Brothers, who demonstrated bright harmonies and a variety of instrumentation on their brand of melodic folk and Americana sounds. Bringing my Millennium 2014 experience to a close on the downstairs electric stage was Harrisburg’s own JT & The Mild Heat. Dedicating much of their set to bassist Matt Daly’s gallbladder; Matt, singer/guitarist Joe Tertel and drummer Ryan Pudloski brought the fury as they fired up the crowd with their set of punk-driven blues and blues-driven punk rock. Female-led heavy rock has exploded in popularity in continued on pg. 2 2 ...

J9 of J & the 9s

the crowd with their strong brand of original blues-based hard rock/funk. Singer Stephan Sirochman demonstrated a clear, powerful and soaring voice and stinging guitar work, flanked by the tight rhythm section of drummer Tom Weir and bassist Chris Boyle. Michigan’s Star Darts then displayed their edgy, melody-geared modern rock sound. The group’s songs were punk-driven yet catchy, and included numbers from their newly-released EP, “Shooting Star Darts”. A band I first saw during last year’s Millennium, Brooklyn’s J & the 9s, then brought the house to full attention with their


Apollo Sun


The Professor’s Live Reviews continued recent years following the international success of such names as Evanescence, Halestorm, Skillet, In This Moment, Lacuna Coil and others. Four of western PA’s rising female-led bands converged on Mr. Small’s Funhouse in Pittsburgh’s Millvale section early last month for the second Female Voices Of Metal concert. Pittsburgh’s Stark commenced the night with their distinctive take on hard, emotion-packed modern rock. Their style incorporated elements of modern hard rock and metal, industrial and even hardcore. Namesake/singer Leeja Stark demonstrated a strong, emotion-packed voice and mystique in her presentation, as she rose to the emotional challenge of each song. Helping Leeja bring powerful songs like “Symptoms of Insanity” and the new single “Charming Arms” to life were guitarist Ryan Martin, drummer Thor Lesnock and bassist Mitch Meverden. (This was one of the final appearances of this lineup; Leeja, Ryan and Mitch have since merged with guitarist Bret Stark and drummer Matt Kastner to form the Leeja Stark Band.) Making their Mr. Smalls debut, Altoona’s Lies, Inc. introduced their brand of progressive-edged modern metal. Making her presence and impact quickly felt on the Pittsburgh audience was singer Lily Taylor, who took charge from the get-go and pushed the brink of her emotional intensity early and often. This set also marked the official debut of Lies, Inc.’s new axeman, former Rain Must Fall guitarist Jarrett Bickel, who passed his trial by fire with flying colors as he helped bassist Kent Tonkin and drummer Ron Brode construct the detailed backdrops to such songs as “Waking the Misery,” “Invertigo,” “Over Easy” and “Don’t Blink.” Next was Pittsburgh’s Lady Beast, who quickly got down to business with their explosive set of aggressive, ‘80s-toned classic-styled metal. Frontlady Deb Levine showed that she could hold up the ‘beast’ side of this group’s equation, bringing a feisty and feral vocal presence up front. Guitarists Tommy Kinnett and Chris Tritschler, bassist Greg Colaizzi and drummer Adam Ramage provided the crunchy, action-packed backdrops as Lady Beast did original songs from their self-titled CD to the enthusiastic cheers of the crowd. And Pittsburgh’s Second Empire closed the night, demonstrating their symphonic-geared heavy metal sound. Their style merged elements of folk, classical and progressive metal; suggesting a fusion of 1970s era Rennaissance and Dream Theater. Singer Alex Lindsay Roth displayed an exquisite, siren-like voice and provided piano interludes along the way, backed by forceful and majestic arrangements from guitarist Bret Stark and drummer Matt Kastner. Second Empire performed detailed compositions from their recently-issued five-song EP along with newer song material; they are currently working on a full-length album. The central PA music scene again demonstrated in recent weeks its giving spirit, gathering together to help out neighbors in need. Two benefit concerts in recent weeks helped out fire victims. After fire ravaged Lynne McDonough’s Duncansville residence in early February, friends and area musicians converged at Pellegrine’s to raise money to help Lynne recover. The Lynne McDonough Fire Fundraiser featured performances from Eric Delozier, Phil Baskin, Cottonmouth, the Backyard Rockers, Half Tempted, Steve Summerhill and Zombie Butterflies. And after a devastating Feb. 27 fire in Hollidaysburg left several people homeless, Pellegrine’s also hosted the Help Hollidaysburg benefit to help out the fire victims. Bands donating their talents this night included the Dashing Saboteurs, Wreathbearer, Klockwick, Emberstitch and New Trick. The concert raised nearly $2,000, along with clothing and other supplies. Also this same night, the continued on pg. 2 3 ...



April, 2014

The Professor’s Live Reviews continued 1960s, Roy made music on area stages, playing bass with such groups as The Countdowns, Flyer and others. And he also manufactured Barker bass amps. We send our heartfelt condolences to Roy’s family, friends and musical associates. News and notes… Flight 19 has parted ways with singer/bassist Denny Frank, and Rogan Allen takes over bass duties on the “Party Plane.”...Former Pittsburgh national recording group The Gathering Field has begun work toward a brand new album; they begin recording the new album in Tennessee this month, with an expected summer release date…Former Hooters drummer David Uosikkinen issues a new album this month, Sessions, with his Philadelphia all-star musician project, In the Pocket, featuring members of The Hooters, The A’s, Soul Survivors, Tommy Conwell & the Young Rumblers and more. Happy Birthdays to Arejay Hale (Halestorm), Ron Dalansky and “Big Jim” Ricotta (Half Tempted), Ron Brode and Jarrett Bickel (Lies, Inc.), Kelly Montgomery, Ashley Thompson and Brendon Burns (7th Gear), Bill Hocherl (Triple Threat/Skye 2.0), Chuck Lavera (Hate Grenade), Rob Hampton (Gas Station Disco), Todd Giornesto (Giornesto), John Homerski (Flood City Brass), Matt Harnett (Tree), Glenn Walstrom (Kyx), Justin Fair (Xs for Eyes), Dave Nott (Gypsy Caravan), Steve Spack (Red Alert), Tony Feighner (Never Enough) Chuck Mason (Chuck Mason & Blue Reality), Chip Castello (One Brick Shy), Dave Buzard (We Came From Space), Drew Jackson (Atlas Soundtrack), Mark Hill (Biscuit Jam), Bob Gironda (Who’s Your Daddy), Pat McGinnis, Ryan Matthew, Dennie Huber, Lauren Johnson, Mark Oswald, Kenny Karlheim, Rob Carolus, Ricky Lee, Ron Gallucci, Shel Hoachlander and Danette. Please send correspondence and recordings to: Jim Price, 1104 S. Catherine St., Altoona, PA 16602. You can also e-mail me at and if you’re into social networking, look me up on Facebook or Google+. SUPPORT LOCAL MUSIC!

April, 2014



Pennsylvania Musician Magazine CD Reviews THE SEMI-SUPERVILLAINS - TRICKS (no label) Formed at Pittsburgh’s Duquesne University in 2010, the SemiSupervillains deliver a vigorous, garage-rocking wallop on their first full-length CD, Tricks. The band’s nucleus of founder, s i n g e r, guitarist and keyboardist Vinnie Longhi and bassist Ron Rekowski team with several drummers and noted producer/multiinstrumentalist Rick Witkowski to lay down a raucous, guitar-fueled garage rock sound. The group’s style displays the g o - f o r -broke demeanor of Jet or White Stripes, but also captures the spirit of classic ‘60s-era garage rockers like the Kingsmen, Kinks and early Who. The disc’s 11 songs are compact, with catchy hooks and to-the-point melodies; providing the backdrops for Longhi’s lyrical odes to boy-meets-girl ups and downs. The Semi-Supervillains offer four quality textbook crash-bangwallop guitar-rock exercises to launch the album; the discopening title track “Tricks,” “Magic Touch,” “Black Letter” and “Learned My Lesson”; and stomp hard on the crunchy “Trolls.” They accelerate to punk-like velocity on “Come On Pain Give Me Sympathy” and the disc-finisher “Start the Show,” and provide infectious ska chops on “Right for All.” The group crafts a catchy R&B-like pop melody on “Fool for You,” taps a McCoys “Hang On Sloopy” vibe with the playful “She Put a Spell on Me,” and belts out a convincing doo-wop ballad on “Say the Word.” The Semi-Supersonics deliver all of it with a caution-to-the-wind velocity and abundant enthusiasm; yet the execution is airtight and dead-on. Longhi’s vocals are playful and tuneful, yet capable of going off the deep end at any moment. Witkowski’s studio finish enables The Semi-Supervillains to sound sharp and edgy, yet polished and radio-ready. No trickery involved, Tricks delivers a refreshing, awakening garage-rocking slap to the cranium, and The SemiSupervillains provide a stripped-down, fun and raucous listen. (The CD can be obtained through the group’s Reverbnation website, WE CAME FROM SPACE - HOW TO BE HUMAN (no label) We Came From Space arrived on Earth last year,

channeling the talents of four seasoned veterans of the westcentral PA music scene: Ten Till Destiny/ApologetiX guitarist and multi-instrumentalist Bill Hubauer, former Ask A Stranger guitarist Dave Buzard, bassist Mike Kurtz and drummer Bret Talbert. We Came From Space bears a gift to mankind, their 12-song debut album, How to Be Human. The group brews up a varied stew of sounds through the album’s course; the primary flavor is melodic, progressive-minded ‘70s and ‘80sera rock of the Yes, Kansas and Styx variety, but elements of worldbeat, jazz, techno, punk, dark modern rock and other ingredients mix in as well. Each song is distinctive, with the group’s thread of inventive, rocking musicianship tying the set into a unified whole. Using clever wordplays and touches of sarcastic humor, the group’s song themes largely involve surviving and coping with humanity and the modern world. Setting a hopeful and futuristic tone in the opening seconds, “Solar Powered Sun” uses a jumpy ‘80s new wave vibe to kickstart the album with a message of unity for mankind. Riding a futuristic techno-rock arrangement, the title song “How to Be Human” establishes its infectious groove quickly, before professing a lyrical blueprint for living life. Credit advice is somewhat offered on the harder-rocking “Cat Caught Rat,” and with its hints of Steely Dan jazz-rock fusion, “The Grand Pantaloon” gives hope to the societal buffoon. “Here on the Outside” channels worldbeat flourishes, the post-split taunt “Wish This on You” evolves into a jam-laden homestretch, and the abrupt “The Pledge” dabbles in Iggy Stooge-toned punk rock. “Reality Dissolved” merges dark modern rock tones with a MiddleEastern vibe, and the introspective “Waterline (Change Within)” sounds like a missing Tommy Shaw outtake from Styx’s Equinox/The Grand Illusion period. We Came From Space’s melodies are catchy and clever, and often detailed and elaborate. The vocals are clean and on target, and the group’s chorus harmonies often recall classic Styx and early ‘80s-era Yes. Their musicianship is dazzling; the arrangements are colorful and varied, and each band member’s contributions comfortably fit, serve and supplement the melodies. The mix is clean, tight, and given enough polish to sound smooth without dulling the group’s adventurous edge. How to Be Human offers a stellar set of intelligent, innovative songcraft; We Came From

Space’s first sonic alien invasion is a welcome treat for human ears everywhere. (The album can be obtained through iTunes at MODERN COLOUR - MODERN COLOUR (no label) Philadelphia’s Modern Colour first surfaced in 2011, offering their own variation on classic-flavored blues rock. Their selftitled sophomore recording introduces listeners to seven boisterous, blues-infused rockers with some interesting variations along the way. The group’s base sound recalls the hard-rocking soulful edge of classic Robin Trower, the funkier side of Black Crowes, and the heavy blues thunder of Kenny Wayne Shepherd. The battery of drummer Tom Weir and bassist Chris Boyle anchors Modern Colour’s sound with powerful, erupting rhythms; while guitarist/frontman Stephan Sirochman delivers crashing chords, stinging solos and soaring, soulful vocals. The songs each demonstrate sharp, catchy hooks and melodies, with the band’s abundant firepower driving them forward full force. The disc-opener “Can’t Hide,” “Love to Hate” and the disc-closer “The Setback” rock full-tilt with almost reckless abandon. “Come Down” filters a Motown-like beat into a driving, rowdy rhythm. “Mercury” rides along Boyle’s particularly beefy bass riff and Weir’s drum thunder. “J.B. Walkin’” and “Shoot from the Hip” both suggest Victim of the Fury-era Robin Trower with their distillation of soulful swagger and bluesrooted crunch. The performances are vibrant and enthusiastic, and Sirochman’s voice rises to the challenge of each song, often pushing to the emotional brink. Ron DiSilvestro’s production and mix gives Modern Colour’s presentation a deep fullness that makes listeners almost forget that this is a trio; yet all three musicians individually shine while serving the songs’ tight arrangements. Blues-rock connoisseurs should take note of Modern Colour; this EP serves notice that this group has the goods to command some attention. (The CD can be obtained from, or through the group’s website,

—All CDs Reviewed by Jim Price




April, 2014

Across the Desk continued...

Dennis Dunaway, founder of the Alice Cooper Group. Albert is the co-writer and arranger of many of Blue Öyster Cult’s biggest hits including “Cities on Flame with Rock and Roll,” “R.U. Ready to Rock” and many others. Joe wrote “Hot Rails to Hell,” “Astronomy” and co-wrote many other well loved BÖC songs. Dennis cowrote Alice’s biggest smash hits including “I’m 18,” “School’s Out” and “Under My Wheels.” Together they have sold over 15 million albums in the United States alone and have been awarded over 30 gold and platinum records worldwide. In 1962, Dennis met Vince Furnier (a.k.a. Alice Cooper) in Phoenix, Arizona in Art class and as teammates of their high school track team. Their first musical show was for their high school talent show where they were bitten by the rock and roll bug and began their long journey to the top of the rock pile when they hit it big as Alice Cooper (the group, not the current solo artist) in the early 70s. The Alice Cooper group invented theatrical rock shows that set new standards for all bands in their wake. They are credited with spearheading the “Glam” movement as well as Theatrical Rock and Shock Rock. Dennis’ wife, Cindy, designed and made the original sequined and chrome costumes that set the Alice Cooper group apart. After years of touring and hitting the top of the charts, in 1975, the original group decided to take a break to record solo albums. Alice began his solo career and the original group has only reunited for special one-night performances and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction. Dennis has recorded several albums with Joe Bouchard, including Back From Hell by Bouchard Dunaway and Smith, the “Smith” is Neal who is Dennis’ brother in law and the original Alice Cooper group drummer. Albert Bouchard met up with fellow engineering student Donald Roeser (a.k.a. Buck Dharma) at Clarkson

Looking for Musicians or want to join a band? Check the classifieds in the hard copy and on line at

College in 1965. After they both dropped out of college, they relocated to Long Island, New York and formed a band called Soft White Underbelly. They recorded two albums on Elektra Records, which the company decided not to release, causing some members to leave the band. And so Joe Bouchard, who had just finished his music degree from Ithaca College and wanted to postpone his intended music-teaching career, was asked to play bass guitar with Soft White Underbelly. After a year of hustling small club dates in New York and New England, rewriting much of their original material and recording demos, they auditioned for the head of Columbia Records, Clive Davis, who signed them to a seven album deal on the spot. The only thing that they needed was a new name – something that would sit well with the new music of the 70s. They became Blue Öyster Cult, which was actually the name of a poem that manager Sandy Pearlman wrote. In 1973, Blue Öyster Cult’s career got a great boost when the Alice Cooper group chose them as an opening act because they thought they were unique. And so both bands set out on a record-breaking tour of outdoor festivals and sold-out arenas that socially and musically bonded Joe and Albert and Dennis ever since. With such an illustrious background, it’s obvious why Blue Coupe shows are an event for fans and new comers alike. Blue Coupe shows feature their impressive list of well known classic hit songs as well as their newly released, Tornado On The Tracks. In January of 2008, Albert, Joe and Dennis played their first official gig together as Blue Coupe, performing three sets for an enthusiastic crowd in rural Pennsylvania. Right then and there, they all recognized the birth of something that promised to be artistically satisfying and loads of fun. And so Blue Coupe began playing some of the best gigs of their lives including New York City’s 2008 Halloween Parade attended by an estimated one million people, opening for Alice Cooper himself and headlining several successful international tours. And now, with great expectations, Blue Coupe have combined their songwriting skills to record Tornado on the Tracks featuring such guest stars as Tish and Snooky from the Sic F*cks and Robby Krieger from the Doors. I got all that information off of their website. I thought it was quite interesting. There is much more going on, as usual pour through the mag enjoy and pick out your choices of entertainment for the month. Music abounds throughout PA. I’m going to follow my article with a piece written by Nate Myers of Nate Myers & the Aces. A sweetheart of a guy who wrote this after he was competing against his fellow musicians in the Billtown Blues Competition, which they won. But he was blown away by all the talent there that day. That is one very big reason the Pennsylvania Musician Magazine doesn’t do contest and awards...there’s always great musicians who don’t win. Whitey is a musician and he says it’s hard enough to keep one’s confidence up and what one person loves another one just doesn’t no matter how talented the musician may be. Anyway got to run and get this paper and me to bed. It’s been a grueling couple of weeks. May the love, light and peace of Jesus our Savior flow through one and all! ‘Tis the season of resurrection life.

Deadline to place a FREE Classified for Musicians Wanted & Musicians Available is the 20th of each preceding month. Email your classified today... April, 2014


Nate Myer’s Wonderful Rant I was in Williamsport yesterday for a multiband showcase. I tossed and turned a little last night because it got me to thinking. I got my first exposure to real blues and roots music in Billtown and I have a lot of heavy memories: good and bad but mostly good. I remember seeing Ben Andrews (go to Amazon right now and buy everything he put out under his name and the Blue Rider Trio.) Ben isn’t with us anymore but he had the spark of God in him. Ben was made to play music. His versions of “Gallows’ Pole” and “Be Sure that My Grave is Kept Clean” are unparalleled. The recordings are killer but his live versions-divine. I digress. Yesterday I got to see the mark of the Creator manifest in six different variations it prompted me to comment. You can go to for further info but I got to see Sean & Adam, Shawn Strickland and Larry Tickle, The Hyatt Howe Band, KG +3, the Jeff Fetterman Band, and One Hot Minute. Each of these units was KILLER and I mean KILLER. I loved seeing the diversity,talent and humanity. I just wanted to encourage my friends and family to support these guys and gals. We need you; in fact without you we don’t stand a chance. We all want to succeed on a local, regional, national, interplanetary and intergalactic level. We’ve all invested different amounts of our lives into this music thing. Some have sacrificed family, health, mind, body, soul and even life to bring you what we bring you. We’re your local artisans, artists, and craftspeople. Musicians, we need to support each other as musicians, confidants, and friends. We need each other. We’re all insecure and we all question our own validity as performers and artists. We can all be better as technicians, entertainers and song-smiths. Finally, we owe our community a debt. We as musicians need to get involved, we need to support our local artisans, artists and craftspeople. Try to buy locally, try to get your gear from independent retailers, eat locally, drink locally and get tattooed locally. We as a musical community owe the public our best. We’re in symbiosis with each other and everyone around us. It’s obvious, I hope, from this litany of verbiage that I am humbled by the music around me, I’m elated to be alive and involved, I’m challenged to be a better friend and supporter of my local/regional/national artists, and I’m finished with my rant. I love you have a fab day.

SANE ADVICE By John Kerecz

The snow has finally melted (again), and I’ll bet I’m not the only musician out there who feels the slight quickening of adrenaline in anticipation of spring. It’s here! And that means that there are going to be TEN THOUSAND things to do in a short amount of time. Maybe not right now. But very soon. And the best way I know how to welcome spring with open arms is with a plan. A well-defined, multi-list having, clear and concise agenda will help you to be motivated to progress on your musical career. Try not to Procrastinate. Everyones plans should be jam packed with projects, and ideas. Reacquaint yourself with what you accomplished and did not accomplish in 2013. You should approach this years musical agenda like a general preparing for the enemy. I like my planning super-organized with a big side of spontaneous free-for-all. So let the season’s renewal of nature be your motivation and get on the road to making 2104 the best year of your musical career yet! 27 CLASSIFIED NOTES BUSINESS CLASSIFIEDS FOR RENT: Indoor spaces availabel for bands seeking places to practice.

Located in Marysville. Call Earl at 717-379-2168. WANTED: WE PAY CASH for used guitars, amps, effects, etc!!! Call Matt at Creter Guitar Shop, Jonestown at 717-8653677. We also do guitar

repairs and have a variety of lessons available. WANTED: Vintage guitars, basses, amps, banjos, etc. Fender, Gibson, Martin, Rickenbacker, Gretsch, etc. Top dollar paid! Call Player’s Exchange at 717-975-2385 or stop by and see us at 225 S. Third St. Lemoyne, PA. Email: THE BEST VALUE FOR YOUR RECORDING DOLLAR: Celebrating our 29th year in business. Pro Tools, HD3/Accel, 192k Interface, 2 inch 24 track analog, 16 channels of API outboard mic pres, Yamaha Maple Custom Absolute kit, SWR 7 GK bass amps, Marshall half stack, Fender twin & Bassman guitar amps, Hammond B-3, Yamaha C7 grand piano. Authorized Pro Tool dealers. CD/DVD duplication on site 3 CCC

Video Services. 5.1 surround mixing. $300 per d a y., Altoona PA. Phone 814-944-2406. RIGHT COAST RECORDING: State of the art vintage recording environment with years of experience and a long list of satisfied customers. www.rightcoastrecording.c om Phone 717-560-1530. WANTED TO BUY: Piano sheet music. Call 717-250-4798. DRUM LESSONS: with Jeremy Hummel now at 3 Locations: Selinsgrove Home Studio, Dale’s Drum Shop (Harrisburg), and The Perfect 5th (Mechanicsburg). Jeremy is the original drummer for platinum selling artist Breaking Benjamin. He has over 15 years experience as an educator, continued on next pg...



April, 2014



professional musician and is a regular contributor to “Modern Drummer” magazine. FOR S A L E : PA Call 570-898-0800 equipment alto sub’s, mid’s, to get started. high’s, all self powered. More than enough for home FOR LEASE: 5 bunk or club’s, small venues, etc. sleeper Mercedes-Benz All cables and Yamaha Sprinter available for lease. board included. Call 717Will be coming to 303-4211. Pennsylvania & Ohio area Spring/Summer of 2014. FOR SALE: Only eight Please visit: Epiphone guitars left, www.cartertransport.shutte flyingV, two Explorers,, three traditional Pro’s, SG m/busmanagement or Goldtop. Models all have email: case’s, leather straps and strap locks installed. m for questions. (8/14) Package deals. Call 717303-4211. FOR SALE: Music Store, complete stock and FOR SALE: Vintage displays. M o e ’ st Rogers drum set, three Everything Muse 825 Ann rotos, six drums, one snare, Street, Stroudsburg, PA three cymbals. All stands 18360.Call 570-223-6900 and pedals seat. Call 717shop 303-4211. or 570-350-2962 cell. ATTENTION BANDS: Sound man with pro gear available for your shows. Experienced, fun, easy to work with. Fellow musician who understands your needs. Call Jerry at Control Freak Sound Productions, 717-4658120.

April, 2014

combination with four 12 cab $550. Also 2 MG 412 cabs $175 each or $300 for both. Call 717-303-4211. FOR SALE: Peavy 100 tube Windsor model. 1960 Marshall top cab 1960 bottom cab, 1,200 or your equip. plus cash, call with needs or wants, all considered. 717-303-4211. FOR SALE: Genz Benz Uber 15” bass pro speaker cab. New never used $625; Fender Blues deluxe 40w tube EJ custom speaker, new condition, never out, $525. 717-654-7308. FOR S A L E : Ampeg 8x10 speaker cabinet with Hartke LH 1000 bass amplifier. Excellent condition, $800. Call Jeff at 814-585-0362

FOR SALE: Compressor/ limiters. Aphex 720 Dominator II, DBX FOR SALE: Two Marshall 266XL, Drawmer 241L. 100 watt half stacks, Red Leave message. 610-488limited edition. Edition 0914. mint condition, $475 each SALE: or both for $800. F O R Microphones. 2AKG CFootswiths for both and 391’s. 1AKG D112’s. patch cables, other cabs. Mics include clips and Call 717-303-4211. cables. Leave message. FOR SALE: Marshall MA 610-488-0914.

FOR SALE: Multitrack recorders. Tascam. 3- DA88’s, 1- DA-38 and 1- RC848. Includes sync cables w/balanced snakes, rack cases and remote control stand. Leave message. 610-488-0914. FOR SALE: Multi effects processors: t.c.electronics M5000 w/digital options. Ensoniq DP/4. Lexicon LXP-5 w/MRC. Leave message 610-488-0914. FOR SALE: DI boxes. Countryman Type 85 and ProCo CB-1. Leave message 610-488-0914. FOR SALE: Record video of your band from the stage or Front of House sound board. Attach any camera to these unique camera mounts. 610-4880914. FOR SALE: Hammond Proline 860 Leslie, With foot pre-amp and leslie 11 pin cable, All in great condition! $600. Phone 717-248-8739 Email: FOR SALE: Peavey LB1200 par 64 midi and dmx controled lights with gels, 2 bars with 4 lights each. work great $250. Phone: 717-248-8739 email: FOR SALE: 820XL Mixing board, 8 Channel, perfect for a band or an accoustical act. Comes with case. Lightweight. $125. Tom: 570-648-9615. FOR SALE: Black Mapex 5 piece drumset. All Zildjian cymbols, 22” ride, 2 crash, Hi-hat. Tama Cymbol stands, throne, extra Ludwig snare, Pedals, cowbell, etc: All Excellent condition $700. Call Tom: 570-648-9615. F O R S A L E : BASS GUITA R S : I b a n e z Soundgear SR 406 6 string , woodgrain body , black hardware , DX-6 pickups , very nice action , no fret buzz , 2 octave neck ,

beautiful condition , new battery , gig bag $300; Fender BG-31-MTB 4 string Acoustic/Electric, Black, 3 band eq nice sound, crack in the finish on the side, hardly noticeable, gig bag, new battery $250. Call or text 717-386-0930 or F O R S A L E : BASS EQUIPMENT: SWR Workingmans 300 Bass Head 160w@ 8 Ohms / 270W @ 4 Ohms. 5 Band Eq, rack mount, $250. Sans Amp RBI Tech 21 Bass Amp Modeler, rackmount, $250; Peavey TB Raxx Bass Pre Amp, rack mount $100; 2 Bass Cabs, home built, 1 12” EV Woofer in each, folded horn design $125/ea; Hartke VXL Tone Shaper/Pre Amp pedal, all metal case, really versatile unit $75; Boss CEB3 Bass Chorus pedal, all metal case $40. Call or text 717386-0930 or email: FOR



100 watt tube valve state



MOUNT EQUIPMENT: Furman Rack Rider RR-15, 8 Outlets $50; Alesis CLX440 Stereo Compressor/ Expander, never used $150; Yamaha GEP-50 Guitar Effects Processor $50; QSC USA 1300 Power Amp, 650 w @ 4 ohms / 1000 w 8 ohms bridged $150. Call or text 717-386-0930 / email : FOR SALE: RECORDING EQUIPMENT: TASCAM PortaStudio 424 mk II 4track cassette recorder/ mixer $ 1 7 0 ; Alesis MultiMix 6-FX 4 channel mixer with effects $60; Gemini case for rack mount equipment 14” high inside, 8 space ? Top opens, nice space for a

mixer, etc. $65;Grundorf case for rack mount equipment, 14” high inside, 8 space? $65. 2 Audix OM2 vocal mics w/cables $ 75/each. Call or text 717386-0930 / email :

MUSICIANS AVAILABLE AVAILABLE: Bassist/ guitarist, strong lead/harmony vocals, songwriter also available for working band/duo or musical situation. WilkesBarre/Scranton area, serious inquiries. Call David 570-899-2272.

of classic and commercial rock bassist available and ready to go. York area. Contact Robbie at 717668-1543. AVAILABLE: Metal/hard rock drummer looking to fill free time jammin with a talented group of musicians. Im 41 with tons of experience and gear. Harrisburg area. Interested? Call Victor 717-903-3155. AVAILABLE: Professional / Experienced - looking for band in York, Harrisburg, Lancaster area. Rock n Roll, Blues, Soul, Country. 717-659-2189 /email:

AVAILABLE: A veteran

MUSICIANS WANTED WANTED: G u i t a r i s t , singer and keyboardist wanted for all original project in Duncannon. Must have equipment, transportation and experience. Craig 717-4180020 or Matthew 717-7122008. WANTED: Cover/original hard rock band looking for a drummer. we play Priest, Maiden etc... Chops and pro gear a must. York area. call for audition 717-5853437. WANTED: Established, working blues-rock band seeks drummer. Band has steady gigs, management, indie blues label interest, several indie CDs. Seeking dependable, pro drummer with complete working knowledge of blues AND how to play them. Seeking simple, straightforward drummer who likes to STAY in the pocket. Small kit preferred. No vocals needed. Email: with resume, references, recordings, Yo u Tube videos, etc. WANTED: Upright Bass Player Needed for Rockabilly Power Trio. Serious Minded Only. Vocals a Plus. Call 570668-0164. WANTED: Lead Vocalist , Lead Guitarist , Rhythm Guitarist , for 80’s themed band. Northern Cambria / Indiana county area. MUST BE DEDICATED. Own equipment , Own transportation. Email : m.

WANTED: Bandseeking bass player: Central PA, all originals, must have pro gear and pro attitude and open schedule to gig, practice, record and Tour. Rock and Roll! Call 717701-7823 or 717-514-3291. WANTED: Musicians for an all in one cover, tribute, original band in Norristown, PA. Call Danny: 610-290-3492 or email: WANTED: Rhythm guitar for cover/ original rock/metal band. Band line up: lead vocals,lead guitar, bass, drummer. Call Aaron 484-369-9130. WA N T E D : Vocalist needed for established Lancaster based hard rock band. Clean vocals, no screamers! Contact supeyrockerchick@hotmail .com to hear tracks and for more details. WA N T E D : Seeking musicians for NEW band. Dauphin-Lebanon county. Practice space fully equipped with all instruments. Any position available. Any genre. For details call Junior 717-4548201. WANTED: Experienced guitarist drummer vocalists seeking bassist for ultimate blues rock funk trio. MUST S I N G . No baggage. Lehighton to Wilkes-Barre area. Call John at 570-325-2182. WANTED: Female vocalist for acoustic project. Covers and originals from the 60’s to now. Please call or text, leave message. Glen 717887-1260

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April, 2014

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