Ozone Mag #29 - Nov 2004

Page 1



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ffi# {#sy

Enjoy the "sex issle," but keep these numbers* in mind. Remember that it5 a risk, every time,

E 7o/o 67.000.000

a,stive of re:ru.alt5r Irlgaraclrosl !€ntotra retrrorlted urrlngaoondorr" dutrln.. nofrt rreOent .err lir 2tO(D8

people liring in the United tltates (an eetirnated 24.6304 of the population) are inlected with genital herpes


curularrYElYnnoudr DEC!ilDEIt00t,ttx


of ifis toi0l nunb$ 0f reDolted csrs! of gDnorrfiss ln lfis Unirrd Stqtd tn 2003

ccuned ornng Allcen-Amdcsnr.

titlll ltt o]ttattt


iurDEnot atDtcllgtti



rllE lrtrriclutE no$Dt l*1,aIlDGEOlGlrF ,

335I04 casG$ 0f

g0nontca werc rcnoned


in 2000

15,t8(' llrcgF


n.lrrdes (.lgl€e ltt0t occr!€d In lsrlrlarnar ln ltre t/€.rr 2000.

19.60/o ofthe females edering


conectionalfacilities in Georgia


2003 te*ed posi. live for chlanldia

1027 1 3,47$-r.lqffiffiilifi#nff

vomem in Mississippi onhzcted c,hlamytlia i,n 2fi)2

e O o/ 'llffi$Fiini$li#L',?ffi'n 8.60/o lJ tJ toslx AFnrqLlu!.FlcAr, Arr

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sf Afi.ican-Amenioan malee who vieited oarticipating EiTD clinibe in 2OOB tand were not previously known to be HIVpoeitiveJ tesEed poBiEive ltlants, 8ofrgia,


#2 lgrooo,ooo larn t,b vllus

rrew conrbined HIV &AIDS cases r,rroe rryorted in Florida in 2003

in the Unired

STD lnfectlons occur annually ln the Unlted Stttes,

almost half of them among youth ages








with tho highost rspftsd rato ol syphil'E. l}ths South*n citiss ra*ing high on lhs lbt irEluds

Ihll6/Ft. Sorth, llo$ton,

llomphis, Uiami, 51. Petrsbug, and l{aw


*statistics provided by the CDC (www.CDC,gov), Kaiser Family Foundation (www.StateHeatthFacts,org), and wwwTeenPregnancy.org



Jutia Beverty (JB) Chino



EDITOR"IN.CHIEF: Jutia Beverty (J8.)



ADG, Rohit Loomba, WaLty Sparks CONTRIBUTORS:

Bobby Novoa, Bogan, Brian O'Hare, Chris lmani, Cynthia Coutard, Dain Burroughs, Darnetta Dunham, Dave Goodson, Felisha Foxx, FeLita Kniqht, lisha Hittmon, Jaro Vacek, Jerry Diaz, Jeska Manrique, Jesse Jazz, Jessica Kostow, J Lash, Katerina Perez, Keith Kennedy, K.G. Mostey, Lisa Coteman, Matik "Copafeet" Abdut, Maurice G. cartand, Natatia Gomez, Noet Matcotm, Rayfield Warren, Spjff, Swift


B5t Or ttFS* UCanols/hdi Cdd< pg Al I 0Z0NE Photu Goflsies Al


PothdlyWoitilg pg Al0


Che' Johnson (Gotta Boogie Mgmt) LEGAL AFFAIRS: Kyte P King, P.A.

(Kiry Law Firn)



Mercedes {Strictly Streets.) Buggah D. Govanah (On Point.) Big Teach (8i9llouttr) STREET REPS / DISTRIBUTORS: At-My-T, B-Lord, Big Cee Jay, Big cotton, Bitt Rickett, Btack, Butt, Cash, Cedric Watker, ChitL, ChiLty C, ControlLer, Dap, Dereck Washington, Derek Jurand, Dwayne Barnum, Dr. Doom, Ed the Wortd Famous, Efren Mauricio, Episode, Eric Ettiott, Generat, H-Vidat, Hottywood, Janky, Jason Brown, Judah, Kamikaze, Kash, Ktarc Shepard, Kydd Joe, Lex, Lit PhiL, Lump, Majick, Marco Matt, Matt Sonzata, Mr. Lee, Music & More, N'Ron, Njck@Njte, Pat Pat, Phattlipp, Pimp G, quest, Red Dawn, Rob-Lo, Smok, Statik, Stax, TJ's DJ's, Victor WaLker To subscribe, send a check




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Web: www.ozonemag.com

Iliani office:

555 NE 'l5th St. Suite 7731 Miami, FL 33132 Cover credits: T.l. photo by Eric Johnson; Chingy photo by Darren Thomas; Webbie and Homebwoi photos by Jutia Beverty. OZoNE Mdgazine is published eteven Limes annually by OZONE Maqazine, lnc. OZONE does not Lake responsibiliLy for

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Ittiilhgicp$432 PodlllhllpgA29 PeafiAokkp$F23

Gleldor lllodeb p9 Bl61 7 Plrdcyp9B2e25

PirhllpgMT IeedruilIespgrM3 &oupie Corftssbns pg B2G2I Entormge pg Bl&I9




n$ 82&31


l'm writing to clear up a misunderstanding that some of your readers may have had


after seeing my ad [for G-Mack] in OZONE. I dropped a mjxtape in Kentucky back in 2001 which had a freestyle over the Nappy Roots' singte, "Aw Naw, Helt Naw" beat. {n my rhyme, I said, "l'm from Kentucky, but not neighbors with Nappy Roots." I received a Lot of good feedback from the record and decided to use the Une as the slogan for my magazine ads. lt never crossed my mind that people woutd consjder the statement to be a low blow at the Nappy Roott. When I ran the ad in OZONE, I began to hear different storles aboLrt the Nappy Roots and I aLtegedty beefing. I have atways been on good terms with the Nappy Roots, bLlt at the time I had lost conlact with them whjch didn't hetp the situatjon. Peopte woutd ask, "Do you and Nappy Roots stjlL taLk?" When I tett people that lhaven't heard from them in a wirite it causes them to make further assumptions that we are beefing. But the fact is, they're busy workjng on thejr music and tour'

DJ in SoLrth Caro tina. He'lL aLways be furnber one to me, and rhe only one .ir e ^ tn L'e ' lnosl pass;on. - Hchocolated@aol.com (Myrtle Bench, 5C)

Thanks for your articte on Lit' Scrappy, cr DarryL Richardson ll. He is 5exy as heL[, and we iove him jn H-Town Ljke he was one of our own. He keeps aLl the ctubs crunk. His name says it atL: Prince of Crunkl What can lsay, he's great at what he does. - Myoshi, myoshikw34@aol.com (Houston, TX) Thanks for your cover story on Pjtbull. I knew he wouLd biow ever since the first tine lheard that -.ggd: A( a Ldlir,o, rhere 5 nor\inq I enjoy rore than watchjng another Hispanic succeed, especiatly jn an jndustry that's mostly bLack. That UL'Chico is going to the top fa'sho. - Colombiano Johny 6il, chavarriag@bellsouth.net {Boca Raton, FL)

ing and I am busy with my career 50 that leaves minj'

mal time to communicate wjth one another. PeopLe shoutd reaLize that just because we do noi keep constant communication doesn't mean that we don't have a positive retationship. This weekend lwas in Tal{ahassee for TJ's DJ's Record Pool meeting, and I met up with a partner of mjne who goes to schooi jn Taltahassee. He informed me that he was at a locaL barbershop recentty and watked in on a discussion about the atteqed conflict between me and the Nappy Roots. He said the peopte in the barberghop weren't talking as if they were confused about the beef; instead, thev were talking as if we were of' ficiatty at war against one another. Apparentiy, they had seen the ad in OZONE. To hear that this G-Mack vs. Nappy Roots topic was coming up randomty was disturbing, because ldjdn't reaLize how widespread the subject was. lt amazes me how people are so controverslatJ and forget about what happened to

admire him and his lvork. From my point of

view he's the nun'ber one

lllE solrllltlx rrfl't e ''" '^ -'-' t|l] rourHtnl{ wc oI HIP'llol MusK


We loved yoLrr cover story on Pitbtitl and are wondering if he has a fan ctub of some kind. We don't want to come across tike hoes, we just tove how he raps about his prjde of being Cuban. And damn, does he look good! We went to his concert in Las Vegas last month, and when went to Mjamj for

vacation we ended up seeing hjs show again. We coutd feet the love there. Please keep hitting us up wjth those Pjt pictures! - Leiktianloni and Mahiki, ftsbmczg@aol.com (salt Lake city, UT) I iove the picture you printed of Peedi Crakk in the bubbie bath. He's so fine, I tove him so mu.h. His rhymes are tjght and State Property is doing their thing! 1 Love my Puerto Ricans! - Jade Long (Phila-

delphia, PAI

I tike the way you gave information on Pitbult, 'cause l'm his number one fan in the entire

world. I give you big props for doing that- You made me happy today. Thank you! - Kathlette,

2pac and Biqgie. Biq V lof the Nappy Roots] and I decided not to feed into the hype, and we're working on a mixtape together with Rob Jackson. - G-Mack,

bbyth 182@aol.com

bjgmackS59@aol.com (l-exington, KY)

0ZOf.lE reserveE the right to edit feedback subnnissions fon clarity or length"

DJ Profile on DJ B-Lord. He is a great DJ, and every tjme I hear about hirn being at a ctub there, because I in the fMyrtle Beach, SCI area

I loved your





€,n e-n


#r 4s G.n en q-n


er €6


*'/'n notsa,n'Du'l t

fll]ffi$ -mk


"Eueny'odr,ta nul*uct<in




latb is bcause lrtis

hlmas pronoler.didn,f iaw


nv npney. 5o lle nexl frne pu hear

"#;";;;;;;';;; i; i;;s, w;;;';'ffi';;v'Q;; da v,gg; g'2i#fl,fr#iy,;ffi" ""- -' llc' Lbyd &an/e' oArf fon'ass

Yfie reagn l cane -







rm,r:,ifutnffi[:,r*ffi *[n //e

ffiffi!A!:[i'#,y,##'tr;,f#f,ffi#:'#;, ercrvhofu in lle SMli' ttfun

ol nore logellcneas lftan anyfufu e@ 'ia hiplop' EverThody,knov I'n W! #;.i #' ;' ;';; i;;;;-. * *s';";;;?i, ;;;;;%?;l(mruWn:ru!"f,;;,t:ffi;, oulfi|, ne'w

bse sight of

ltw nuch of a atusshs it is






Sirre ft ! the secord anruat "se( edltion " JB ar6 /Er5 ttE qle qr.Estirn ]oule a[ be€fl a6ldr{: vvlD codd Ed tt? fl.ep mind thd thisit lor o,fiisanffitt D,Jt7s,.3only N

great writet but


oniywhenImlnsprred. What's more inspiring than sex? My

dirty storjes have been


to bust a few


tance nuts, but even though it's the sex issue I'm not going to bless

Tyson B€cKord: I had a [,son fan $€bslte before peopte l(lleri, \*Et tlE m€frEt v€s.

Vou readers with any trashy romance novets. l'm sure my mother is going to read this jssue and tecture me about my depravVib6's Yrrdfest: ,'rrtike Frerh, Erik parker, Ali

ity iike tast year


S{lm ThW:

Ptatinm teeth are a hge trlrYloff, so I realty can't €rplaln thb orE, h fitlght be hb voke, or tlE fact that het tike

I'd rather write

about the bitch that pjssed me off at Jermaine Dupri's Hattoween party. Everyone toves it when I knock oLrt the haters with a

hb girtfrlend \,!bn't be off€ided tf stE reads thts.

etht feet ta[. fbp€fdty

single swoop of the pen,

Benny Boorn:

Her name was Nefertiti, so that alone shouLd tetl you something. I can take constructive criticism, but a wise man once said: lf you don't have anything good to say, keep your mouth shut.

Beffry aldays corn6 out tookirg real dzy in pictue6, but in person tp b hot, I atv{ays en}y behg on hb vldeo sels cause

JlEt ttke Berrry, Svtalr comea off mudl better in person tlEn tE does on Tv (0r in pkhre.). He atlo sE/s heb p{aff{rE to cut hh tEli t!fiidr I thlr* k. good no,e.

kl6{ hli hi[ttlght of Lud{rb' sfnv6 for me !\6 villei thb Back before arl/orE


I rnet hlm !*len he ptayed f@tb6tt at FSu. I don't kEnv vrtEl t46m he plays for mw, ard I don't realty

care. Alost NFL ptayers corid get

might be the least tyrkauy-irdlrEd rnqnb€r of DBtoclq but he loolc tlke Fle


packin' ttE mo6t. Jl.Et a gue.6.

B"Stitte of the llappy Roots:





I'd admit thb, hrt yrs, co\ boy tEts are so(y l/lorrb


HeS a lttUe too pretty. I'd probabty

_, r

tr6t rEnt to stare at

hlm. >



EMdr lsa plmp.




of ol.r arcft ^4an:

yrnoua groupier d€scribed him as

With Urdque Faclat Haln I coddn't flrd a


"coitJolLirB'ln bed, wfiidr sdri& good to me.

plctue of

D'AEeto: wb all

,,l{lts or Tedr NirE,

htlha\€as€rlor6 lttakrE6 for



the vldeo.

gty [o6tee3.

f/ Usher & Ludacrls "Lovers & Friends" Betty Wright "Sleeping With the Enemy" Trick Daddy fl Khia & Tampa Tony "Jump On lt" The Roots "Somebody's Gotta Do lt" Oowee f/ Petey Pablo "Chain Swangin"' Zap Mamma f/ Erykah Badu "Bandy Bandy"





Dll Dre: I tike otder rnen, ard ke tools Sood slrEe tF to6t a tot ofwelglt. Pt6, scaB are se$

L en

LilJon &



to gjve the underachievers somethjng to aspire to, so whenever somebody pjsses me off give them a free subscription. Nefertiti may be reading this right now, so let this be a tesson to ail you dumb fucks: find out who someone is before you tatk down to them. lguess OZONE jsn't for everyone, but if you're too bougie to appreciate a hustie, stay away from me.

(Tyson Beckford & Benny Boom photos by Ray Tamarra)


\thrrkk Durn:


Anyway, il's been said that fame is a sexuaLly transmitted djsease- lt'5 true; why etse woutd names like Monica Lewinsky, Paris Hilton, and GLorja Vetez appear jn our pop culture vocabulary? So, who better to talk about sex than celebrities for our lecond annual sex edition? Unfortunateiy, we weren't able to interr'iew everyone. Ciara and Shawnna both declined to discuss their goodies and pussy poppin'. The queen of dancehatl fitth, Lady Saw' was in a bad mood when we asked her to tist ten vrays to steal someone elses' man, and Lil Jon declined to discuss his recent bachelor party on the record. BLrt, we do have some controversial. groupie confessjons, Jacki-O's extensive sexuaL dictionary and some interestjng stories from artists tjke LjL Scrappy, Camron, and Lil Wayne. AIL jn all, this month's sex issue witi excite you, but ultimately leave you feening for more - just Like the reat thing.


"tryp€ rlan" took off hb

I iike

A few of you are probabLy expectinq me to comment on a cedain indie record label o\aner who's read The Art of Wat one loo many times. I had a few chor'ce words prepared, but I decjd€d not to particjpate in the Jedj mind tricks. He already showed his true "family" vatues jn Jacksonviltej there's nothing more for me to say. l'd al5o like to thank the guy who dumped his drink on my camera at Trina's birthday party. Thanks for offering to buy me a new one, too.


hel nke to tod( at.


Admjttedly, having spent a few long days on the road, I was tjred and not in a great mood to begin with. lwander around the party getting lome shots of the DJs (C Styles and Mars, thanks for the shoutouts!) and cetebs. Then, ! sit down at a tabte way in the back, far away from everyone etse, obviousty minding my own bu5iness and wanting to be Left aLone. Here comes Nefertiti, snatching a magazine off my piLe and handing me her business card. I have a camera around my neck, 50 she assumes that I'm just a pirotographer working for the magazine. She asks jf I'm avaiiabie to freetance, and sarcasticalty comments that "they" must not be paying me enough. I smlle politety. Next, she starts flippinq through the magazine and crjticizing. Ihe cover? "This is so corny!" There's aiways room for improvement, but I've been doing graphic desjgn for five years now and I've never heard it described as "corny." lt'5 just an opinion, so I tet it slide. Page by page, Nefertiti has a negative comment on everything. And yet she is stitt reading. The photo galteries? "Oh my God, look at how many pjctures they have crammed together How av!4utl" When she gets to the middte and sees the CD inse.t (which reqojred hours and hours of manual labor by myself, MaLik, and Mercedes) she wrinktes her face up jn disgust and explains that she needs a djfferent magazine because her CD is "cGcked." I expiain that it is not the CD that's cracked, jt's just the smalt opening in the clear adhesive sleeves where the CDs are inserted. She responds snottjLy, "l guess they can't afford better packaging." Finatty, she spends a good thirty seconds attempting to rip the CD sleeve oLrt and stick it in her pretty tittte purse. She jsn't smart enough to just remove the CD from the pLastic packagjng, so she gets frustrated and throws the entjre magaztne onto the floor under the tabte and storms away.

- Julia BeverLy, jb@ozonemag.com



Tlle Gar€r diay, prdtymrdr

,{ike Jones "Feel Good" Lyfe "l{ust 8e Nice"

Lil Boosle & Webbie "Glmme Dat"

anybody ln G"Unn cou[d get it, o(cept

Joss stone "You Had




T.l. "You Don't Know lrle" Trillville "Some Cut" OZONE


Saris' borlr{

Gangbangln' b €sp€cialty sery.










CUck X ued


1 dorc ,"ade you cry nig\t \aw Aortened ny dayr

,{nd yoa'd



I've Soita tac+ tlc

qP iev excGet Ar1? tq/ing +D ",ake pain it r vodd peodrcer ro Btrt '(c\ Xf X codd d6 it att o'/er agaii ni9\t










lle preate: cztte ll,e Wdt X"' +r/in' \ard +o tort',e nry +afier Przy h 6d X can, aaybe one day ve can rtart agaiir karrddaddy te{t ny grarrdhl'l'l1a vhen ny hor\na va, +ive To

namied vonan









+}€ coad

Ve 6!d oiry kiovt +ryin' +o aake a bettec lite ?u ya X can bqy ,or€+|\iig q'ca ?or ya



had +o ,acfi+ic€




odecrtand ar yoc aet













h tle ,trqjgle

yoqr be+ {Tiend, be yoqr +.e, to tatk to, bettec vatc\ v\at ylq ray

u Ia* u

N99a tv;n' yor Proble,,'r? Have

Excqrs to {;q\t

ln/ a,



tqck 'en',


yoq e'iery


nigga rePlac€d

t'rre yoqr l'3hti dqe ii99a c\eJt, t\ey ,trerred

yoq in aio+lr€r



ce tyPe or +\e vi+e t/Pe

I aiit oie o+ ttcn. bo{te c\ck , Ii

a rqde bitc\ taaily, and yotlf P\or€y-a# ilaiir'y lll qp in ny ,[it tryin' +o va]c\ v\at yoq \aid i\e yoqr \ad +lt, ,lv,t \Iay be+re X elen 'r€t 1 keeP a \oire, aid a carr ard ,!'i€ car\ ready +D leave yo' a# Iof v\en 1 cai? +rqrt y6q, t\a+" v\y 1 keeP ,i,e ,Ut yoq can? take








a M4ter...

\(lft a bitc\ o bad 1 va*ed to do yon I I 'ca., yoq krt a bitc\ o bad I va'*ed to rre voodo An/ bory yorr na,.,z, bni t\a+ atn? hy gai€ ;,ean, yo{


var v;tting to do anyt\inj tD ear€ t\at pain Vefu beei +hoqj\ +!o bqck, tDo

''{cb '!ad€ 'iany To@\ed too naiy bbcq \ad too hai/ ni99a, tor +\e ,l'it h j(|'i drop t\e ht€+ tal[ ii t\e iai] r\oP Everybody tiovr, 1 orrtd j4r+ \€ar tl€n toe,




,ki'r,r''h't\a+ green ap h ny deiin

ain? \o'E +\ey be b€99h'to get

peti+e c\ick


dovr, t\roqg\ yoqr

V\at if ;+



t t






- bct yoa'r an ercoy Ener'y' (+co"' t\e aibiin 'Poe

of ne


agreercr* drdnt ,*an




oqr mnojanro<r






i+ ny one altake Had +\e Menttal to heak qP oqr \aPPy lp,'€ Voald yol vanr,a knov

V\at tt all

yw tell 'er ir;t, tlcnr \oe be on +t€ €reevay Iace it, yoa got a drea'r yot$ att bet+e( cl\ate it 'Cawe



cant +r(l't +l€re \oer,

No oie

nigga, yoq be


Nor*4|y., yorr \ad ttc - Jaclt-o, 'rreepiiS Vit\



tte yard


du'? knov cnt, even Bo knov, blov +ft"' blov-qP rM tell o{fi X *ayed up in t\e naB vit\ fraud


Hod day

va, Jut a kid n/reF ih t\e v.fld ,t Bqt yoq i\e rearoi I live a.d yoq t\e atr t hea+lre I\ot\in9 ek vordd natter a, long a, yo{ lorin'''!e - Bo\agon, 'Uatk a lit"" (tror t\e alha 'Georgia Outt) i-ean a,

?eked, nijja, X \a+ed

ain? ny taq* X 9rl hy vit\ bovr in 'enr vit\ a ,veet clit and C-aqp, h nake yoq iat qlick l,ke 0 'Caoe yoa ain? newr had a bi+c\ like T\af co(d ,p;t like he, vitl +\at a' '.€, in a 6 like

1 pobabty vor"t elen lrear \er +ir+ vord, v\en ,\e 4art to talk T\;tgr l&e tl';r eat at r"y \eart, tear qP n/,ql HD?e+qry ),oq'll


:qre rht :veet hakh' rqfe ve eat and 'iakin' Started ttiPPir" yoqr e;c\e, 3ot +!6 bt9 tor yoqr httc\e, ttayed riP ir\ t\eir tttty bar, vit\ t\e"\ ,ick bitc\at ,{'d yoor \oneboyr? Cracker, 9ol'en ,;r'rh' like bir& Tod +\e"' b6yr v\ere yoq ,err€ ard vt€re ,oq +ar\ yoff vork


dot 9et to ree yorr nro\ ar I vanna V\et'I d6,I c n'+ tlatrl a*ed yor lr+l to valk Iy bat id 'tartti'


+lck nij9a...

ewcy fr,,c




U& )6qr brickt

toad yorr cliP or


U\en yoqr

if lh doe,n't, He knov all t\ir v\at X'n' r?lf'trt l'ly tr/o beaalital da(s\tert U\o voqda +\oq$t rl ,'€ a, a daddy Uir|,,h' yott bot\ +ayed vit\ ne, one \apPy +arily vf€i J'"r o4t



,(nd yorr

lnd eren

yoq ,o


I n;dl bwted nqtt vett f &ked it Etlery key yoq htt cnsqardcd, yealr l ecacted it hl




vit\ accootr and bookr and rlv't Bct yrr tru4 r'c vlt\ your lite 'caare evety n5\t X cook, /lct t\cee, hi rae *e it X cadd tn it up Every cred;t card ya \ad,I trled tr to il q lnd

\ad \ih ,M in t\e back, Pararyz€d cra?y \ov +\e vofd rewlver, PeoPle ;Nolved X pray it a3\t nrl be o++ ii t\e +eePh te 6od Bct 1 knov tk odertad lc 4ill


von? tet ,'e

)oq dont

rtill tle ther, ,a

even curtide vit\ vanna bbed t\e"\ [oer' arterie,

ri& vt+|, can?

1 dor'? teel rate no n'pre /oa dor'? need tl'e keyr to +\e ra+e n0 nre )orr a;r'? tfcr+ prrr bo:+er t lle ie I bwted yu


It ti''e



T\at rut boilcs

jqrt va.rq ,+rei9t\ci t\at




apolot"€ +a everyivrrg

cq.,'r19 +m',\ yoqr only ,on



tt aid t\org r\e dldnt


ul\in5 ,irc€ it


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voqt 16 barr fo lBe020NEltlA6.C0l'1 -" con,idera+i0,.


9et terted


01 - Lit Scrappy, Kay stay, and Pooh Baby @ Exit (NYC) 02 ' Len WooLfotk, Lit Wyte, and DJ Btack @ TJ's DJ's (Tattahassee, FL) 03 - Bryan Leach, Stay Fresh, and Lit Jon @ Visions (Attanta, GA) 04'Ati Muhammad, Matthew Verden, and DJ Drama (Tallahassee, FL) 05 - Qand Disco @ Hpnotiq (Orlando, FL) 06, Lit'Jon and the East Side Bolz signjng autographs (Attanta, GA) 07 - GueriLLa Btackand Warren G @ OakLey (Los Angetes, CA) 08 - Davtnci and Patrick @ AKA Lounge (Ortando, FL) 09 ' Coot Runnings' Shane and Bigga Rankins @ Ctub Five (Jackonvitte, FL) 10-cotti and Fahiym Ratcliffe @ LiL'Jon's retease pady (NYC) 11 Tony Halt@ 238 West (Gainesvitte, FL) 12-JasonGeterandRatt@ Five (Jackonvitte, FL) 13 - JC Crunkand Greg Brayman reppjn' Crunk Juice @ Exit (NYC) 14- Lotto takes it attoff @ 238 West (Gainesvitte, FL) 15 - Buttahman and Rated R@ Lit'Jon's retease party (NYC) '16'DirtyMouf, LA, Marityn, and Big Sam @ Visions (Attanta, GA) 17-TJ Chapman, Ed the wortd Famous, and Dr, Doom (Jacksonvitte, FL) 18 - Disco and his son reppin'OZONE @ Hpnotjq (Ortando, FL) '19 -Amy @ Five (Jacksonvitte, FL) 21 - BMF rep and Smack @ Exjt (NYC) 22 - Dirty Red and and Kareem Johnson @ Exit (NYC) 20 Dynasty and Big T (Jacksonvitte, FL) 23 - Gangsta Boo reppin' OZONE @ Visions (Attanta, GA) 24 - Tony and a friend @ Rock the Vote (Ortando, FL)


'T 01 , Bun B and Cash @ Vision Sound Studios (Jacksonvitte, FL) 02-Scott Johnson, David Banner, and Jeremy Mccassy @Aer (NYC) 03 - Davey D, Latin Prince, Charles Dixon, and Cipha Sounds @ Exit (NYC) 04 - Four and Freezy @ Tabu (Ortando, FL) 05 - Mekkah, Swift, and P-Nukktes . , (NYC) @ TJ's DJ's (Tattahassee, FL) 06 Damion and friends (Jacksonvitte, FL) 07 Kardinat Offishat and dead prez @ Lit Jon's retease Party Pitbutt reppin' Crunk Juice @ Exit (NYC) 10 - Kid Capri DJing Jay'Z's afterparty (Jack08-Lit Fate and Jaycee @ Visions (Atlanta, GA) sonvitte, FL) 1 1 - Big Bodie and I,\aMn Dixon @ Yardfest (Tatlahassee, FL) 12 - LiL Jon and the East Side Boyz with Doug E. Fresh @ Exit {NYC) 13 - Mike Jones, DJ Mettow, White Boi Pizal, Pautwatt, and Shoeb @ CtienteLL car show (Orlando, FL) 14 - Rashad Tyter and friends @ AM Lounge (Ortando, FL) 15 - The cheapest gas station owner in OrLando, Dawgman, and Tampa Tony (Ortando, FL) 16 - Tony Hattand friends @ 238 West (cainesvitte, FL) 17 - Poe Boy street team reppin' Jacki-O (Jackonvilte, FL) 18 - Toni B and L.A. of Trittvitte @ Visions (Attanta, GA) 19 - Jacki-O and the WTMG crew (cainesvitte, FL) 20 - Kwasi Kwa and Len Wootfotk reppin'Crunk @ Exit (NYC) 21 - C. Wakety and Phingas (Attanta, GA) @ TJ's DJ's (Tattahassee, FL) 22 - Big Weazie and Scorpio (Attanta, GA) 23 Lit Scrappy and Vince Phittjps @ Visions


01 - Tampa Tony, Tom G, and BtoodRaw @ TJ's DJ's OaLLahassee, FL) 02 ' Lil Jon and the East Side Boyz repptn' Oaktey and Crunk Juice (Los Angetes, CA) 03 - Armageddon, Fat Joe, and Prospect @ FIAMU Homecoming (Tattahassee, FL) 04 ' Suga D, Disco and his son, and Pimp J @ Tabu (Ortando, FL) 05 - B.G. and fans @ Fjrestone (Ortando, FL) 06 - Ric Ross, Ed the Wortd Famous, Ati Muhammad, and DJ Dap @ Vibe/ Boost's Yardfest (Tatlahassee, FL) 07 - Rasheeda @ Yardfest (Tattahassee, FL) 08 - DJ Watly Sparks and Lit Phit @ Kaos (Chattanooga, tN) 09 - Mike Jones and Lit Wyte @ TJ's DJ's (Tattahassee, FL) 10 - Fetisha Foxx and Frank Luv @ Yardfest (Tattahassee, FL) 11 - Ace Boom Koon @ TheMoon(Tattahassee,FL)'12-DJB-Lordreppin'OZONE@TJ'sDJ's(Tattahassee,FL) 13 - Jermaine Dupriand Ciara @ his hattoween party (Attanta, GA) 14- David Banner and the Goodfettaz (LosAngetes, CA) 15-Btockwear@ Birdtand (Jackson, MS) '16 - DJ Prostyte and reppin' OZONE @ Firestone (Ortando, FL) 17 - C.0., Trjck Daddy, and Money l,{ark @ Rory (Ortando, FL) 18 - Trillvitte and PiccaLo @TJ's DJ's (Tattahassee, FL) 19 - Mannie Fresh showing off his OZONE cover (Chattanooga, TN) 20- E and co. @ Firestone (Ortando, FL) 21 -cypsy Gattaredo and Antonjo Tarver @ Skye (Tampa, FL) 22 - DJ Nasty and Dee Sonoram (Ortando, FL) 23 - Big L and King Ron @ Firestone (Ortando, FL)



gF T.I,





Rreparing for

his photo shoot in an Atlanta recording studio, T.l,

PSC (Pimp Squad

Clique); and Grand Hustle's female rappers Xtaci. DJ

all business, His entire crew is on-hand, including his business Pispartners I in his label Grand Hustle Entertainment; his posse, the

our chief of staff, They keep the shit moving, make sure shit is in order for us. Ctay brings in different opportunitjes and Doug [Petersonl does as wett, They're tike two different reatms of the company, CLay deats more with promotions and endorsements, things tike that.

Drama's Gorgsto 6rillz: Down With the King mixtape is blaring through the speakers over and over, a constant reminder of T.l.'s lyrical assault on his current rival Lil Flip. Despite being locked up for part of the year,


T.l. certainly knows how to keep his name current ln the streets. still, you get a glimpse of T.l. the famity man when he takes a quick lunch break in the studio lounge with his youngest son and longtime girlfriend, former Xcape singer Tameka "Tiny" Cottle, A few weeks later, we caught up with T.l. by phone while handting some business in NYC for his upcoming album, Urban Legend.

when we were doing your photo shoot, you were commenting that there's "nice T.1." and "cocky T.1." ls there some truth to that?

stirred up the streets with your DJ Drama/Gangsta Grillz mixtape aimed at Lil' Fllp, Down with the King, There's been a lot of controversy around you calling yourself the "King of the South," so how can you justify that?

Man, the peopLe support me, period. I'm the King I said so.

of the South because

the conversations you had with him about Lil' Flip were being recorded? Yeah, yeah. He knew he was being recorded. Did Scarface know that

I have a hot head sometimes, but I don't think I'm hatf as bad as peopte think I am. lt's ying and yang. There's positives and negatives to everything

Now that the South is finally getting recognition in the hip-hop world, do you think it hurts the South to have two of lts biggest artists against

you do.

each other?

You had one of your children there with you at the studio. How do you balance having a career and having kids? It's a sacrifice. t have four kids, and basicatty, l'm being there for them less now so I can be there more latet That's a mission, making sure they have everything they need. Luxuries and necessities. They're not gonna be spoited, though. They're gonna have the things they need but they witt underctand and respect the vatue of a dotlar as long as I'm there. You made a joke that your son should be on the magazine cover - would you encourage your kids to rap, or be in the entertainment business? I want my kids to do whatever they want to do. I want them to have access to anything they want to do. ldon't want their options to be limited.

As you've been promoting your new album,



like you've been working hard to brand your label

Grand Hustle more so than the label you're signed to,


lmean, Attantic don't need my hetp. Attantic was the home of Patti LaBetle and a tot of other tegends, not mistaken.

Do you plan to




I don't give a damn if you're in the South, North, East, or West, if two men have a probtem they gonna have to handle the situation. Att this shit about

"unity," man, you just unify with whoever you wanna unify with. Ain't

none of your business what the next man do. You can't telt me who not to muthafuckin' have a disagreement with, Where the fuck were you when this bitch was on stage sayin' "Game Over"? I don't give a fuck about what none of these niggas say. That's how shit gets btown up to be bigger than


reatty is. There's other peopte comin' in sideways, puttin' they nose where a muthafucker don't betong. I don't need no hetp, no muthafuckin' peanut galtery Shit, man, anybody who knows me knows that anything I say, pimp, it's cause I mean it. I ajn't never said nothing that wasn't on my heart. I ain't never said anything that I didn't stand behind, whether it's "King of the South" or anything I've said on the record. Did you get

the reaction you were hoping for from the mixtape? Man, I ain't looking for no reaction. l'm lookjng to uncover the truth and tett peopte what's reaLty going on. There's a lot of muthafuckers faking and flossing and tying for so long, l'm showing peopte what the real is. lf you choose to betieve [Lit' Ftip] then continue on, but if you're the kind of person I am, you'tl want to know the truth for reaL and l'm just putting r't out there for you. Muthafuckers are lying, man. I wanna show how they are when they ain't actin' tike they hard. Man, quit muthafuckin' flexin'for the cameras and microphones and be a reat person. I ain't lookin'for no muthafuckin' reaction, I don't give a fuck. I gotta say what's on my heart. That's the way I Live and operate.



THE rerease arbums rrom Grand H"'rt BECAUTE I 'AUTH

through Atlantic? That's possible. lt hasn't been discussed yet. We've got Big Kuntry Mac-Boney, AK, and C-Rod.

$AID tA.n

Do you think it's gonna be harder for them to establish their own identities, if they come out kind of under your wlng? A lot of people are tired of rappers putting on their friends. It's gonna be easier for them. They don't have to go through the shit I went through. They're spoited, to tetL you the truth. But it ain't just me coming out and trying to put my friends on, Even back when we first met each other, I toLd 'em I couLd rap and they were tike, "Shit, us too." We atways had a common goat, it just happens that I got there first. We've

spent a significant amount of time together; we've known each other since we were ten, fifteen.

One of the arguments Lil' Flip has made is that he'! sold more records than you. Man, he Lyin'. That man sotd tike 1.4, 1.3 mittion right? This man got a double aLbum, which means it gets doubte scans, That means he's got two albums beinq sotd for 512.99, the same price as one of mine. 5o this man ain't so{d but 700,000 records, man, Right now we've lsoLd] Uke 910,000. It'5 smoke and mirrors, man. lt's that buttshr't that niggas be puttin'out

there. What's the first release coming from Grand Hustle? It's gonna be a group atbum, PSc. Pimp Squad Ctick. We're gonna put that out the beginning of 2005. lt's catted 25 to Lr'fe. That's what the guys wanted to name the atbum. They've reatly got control of this project. At the end when it's crunch time I might add a tit'something, but they've decided what songs they want to be on the aLbum and what artjsts they want to work with. I ain't reatty tryin' to dictate this project. From what they totd me, they agreed on the atbum titLe 25 to Lile 'cause they att turned 25. and they gon' be on this shit for tife. On Nelly's song "Pretty Toes, " you've got a line where you said, "l don't wanna rap no more, l'm C-E-O." What's the advantages and disadvantages of being an artist and being an CEO? The advantages of being an artist is that everywhere you go, peopte know who you are. More recognition, more special treatment. The groupies are good (ioughs), and you get in ctubs free. But the disadvantage is that you neyer know where the money's going untess you take extra special tjme to find out. You're not reaLly connected with the ins and outs of the profits and tosses of the company.

Who's involved with Grand Hustle as a labet besides you, and what are

their roles? Me and Jason

lceter] own the company togethet and Ctay [Evans] i5 like

think bootlegging has anything to do with it? Bootlegging hurts everybody, not just me, lt hurts everybody's potentiat. I mean, if you come out today and soLd 10 mittion, you coutd've sotd 13 mittion if it wasn't for the bootLeggers. That's just part of the business Do you

right now. What other side income do you have besides music? I do my thing. I have several sources of income, but I'm not gonna put 'em atl out there. I do shows, I setl cars Hea\ry Chevy Ctassic Chevys - that we restore. I'm about to open a new restaurant with my uncte in Bankhead. We got att kinds of things we're working on. When you put out sonEs like "Look What I Got," do you think the average person who doesn't have a lot of money can relate to that? I feet tjke its 50/50. Hatf of 'em Like to hear that shit 'cause jf they had

the money they'd do the same thing. But you can't oversaturate the

market with bragging about what you've got, because you've got to have some kind of substance and meaning other than that. So, I feet tike your messaqe shoutd be 50/50 or maybe 60/40 depending on which qroup of peopte you're trying to reach. When I say, "Look what I got, " l'm speaking on material things and atso "respect from the niggas and G's." l'm tatking about my fottowing, my admiration and presence in the ghetto, not just OZONE MAGAZINE




anybody. They're onLy worried about themsetves and how they could make

their famiLr'es Uves better. What would you do if you were President? l'd try to provide substantiat emptoyment for peopte so there woutd be less crime. You can't just teLt peopte, "Don't selt dope." lt's just a way to pay the bitts. You can't tetl peopLe, "Don't go rob." I don't rob or setL dope, I don't do anything iltegal for money anymore. But if I had to choose between setting dope or my chitdren starving, guess what l'm going to be doing? lt's not reatistic to expect someone to make that choice. 5o, I feet tike pro" viding adequate emptoyment shoutd definitety be high on the Presidentiat priority tist. I atso feet tike education shoutd be equal in the ghettos and the suburbs. Just because you're from the ghetto, that doesn't mean you shoutd have a subpar education. I think your educatjon shoutd be just as extensive and advanced as someone who Lives in a rich neighborhood.

Clockwise from above: Grand Hustle's Jason Geter, Ctay Evans, & Doug Peterson; Tl. & his girtliny (photo: Sandra RoseJ; T.l. performing in TaLtahassee, FL

What was your education like? ldidn't even graduate hjgh schoot, man, Where do you think you got your business sawy from? I don't know. I just started reading the newspaper when I was three or four years oLd. My mom is smart as helt, real book smart. My daddy wa5 reaL street smart. I guess that's where I got it from. Since this is

the "5ex issue" of OZONE, I'm going to name some females,

and you can tell me how you think they'd be in bed. Gloria Velez? I think she's been through a lot of nasty shit, so she'd be reat open. I don't know, I might wanna try putting her in the same bed with some of the other girls on your List. Beyonce. She

off timits, man. That's my homeboy girt.

Vivica Fox. She seems, uh, experienced. l'd want her to teach me something, When l'm with otder women I wanna learn something, ya dig?

tatking about my jewetry and cars. Trina-

After an album like Trop ltuzik, now that you're a cetebrity and you don't have to be on the streets hustling every day, how can you still

She seems

speak to that audience? Because I know what it's Like

Remy Martin. Nah, she'd wanna be in controt. lain't with that. lcan't do that. (pduse) Whoa! Speak of the deviL, there go Remy right now. Let me go hotta at Fat Joe about some business. Hotd on. (long, long pause)

to be there. I ain't forgot. I stiLt have a presence there. When I say l'm from the ghetto, l'm not just tatking shit. I tived there for the majority of my tife, and it ain't shit to go back. I ain't never gonna be broke again, but I stitt go back and show [ove. try to show peopte that if I made it out of here, you can too. lt means

ljke she might have a few tricks up her steeve.


somethjng to me, and that coutd change somebody's life. Yo(,t don't gotta just accept your fate. Some peopLe feet tjke they don't have a chance, tike they can't do nothing with their tife. You provide hope.

You've got a Lot of fans who aren't from the ghetto. Why do you think

they relate to your music? Trop h'luzik was like 70130. 70% was catered to niggas who don't know nothing but that way of tjfe. With this atbum, I feet tike it's 50/50. lt don't just cater to them njggas. lt speaks to the trap niggas, but at the same time it speaks to cats that don't know nothing about the trap. There's cats in the suburbs going to coLtege who just tike to go party. They don't tike to fight and shoot, they just like to have a good time and ride around to they big-ass house and tife they happy tife. lt speaks to those peopte. too. lt s very diverse. Who is featured on the album? Features, l've got Nelty, 8.G., Lit Wayne, Lit Jon, Trick Daddy, PSC ctique, Jazze Pha, Daz Dittinger. As far as production, l've got beats from Jazze Pha, the Neptunes, DJ Toomp, David Bannet Scott Storch, Swizz Beatz, and LitJon.

It seems like just recently that they said you'd be locked up for three years. I hadn't been sentenced at att, that was just somebody taLkin'about what they thought was going on. l'm done with that now, l'm just on probation.

(TI. interrupts the interview, shocked at something he's seeing walking down the street in NYC. "Do you know Seon John makes a fuckin' doggie sweoter, man?!? l've got to muthafu.kin' holla at Puff...")

Speaking of Puff, do you have any comments on the election? I have two comments. One, y'att shoutd go out and vote. Iwo, jf Bush wins, we're fucked. They're atl for self, man. They have no attiance with



Okay, how

'bout Paris Hilton?

She's interesting, yet frajt. I don't think she coutd take it. I don't generatty do white women. l've had, uh, encounters, but l've never stept with a white woman. lt's just that l'm an ass man. I tike asses, and white women generalLy have more titties. Not to say that they're not nice; I tike a set of nice titties as much as the next man. I know a Lot of coot white broads and we can go kick it and drink and have a good time, but you know, that attractjon just don't be there. I've seen a few on TV that I might consider.

Like a Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera? it. Chrjstjna coutd get it. Britney got a lit' ass back there! But l've onty seen 'em on ry so I don't know. They may have added something to make 'em look a tittte more votuptuous. Yeah Britney could probabty get

Do you


think there's


difference sexualLy between different races?

Latin girts, like Puerto Ricans and Brazitians. latso like mixed girls a tot, I don't think there's a difference sexuatty, though. lt just depends on the person. Has your sex life changed since you became a celebrity? Man, l've atways been that way. lwas aLways a ladies man. When lwas in high schoot, lwas the nigga with atL the girts. I was in the 8th grade tryin' to hotta at the girLs in 12th grade. lwas in the 5th grade tryin'to hotta at the girLs in the 8th grade. Right now, this just shows everybody what kinda nigga I am. I haven't changed. I was with you in Tallahassee the other day after your performance, and there were a lot of females chasing after you saying they love you and they'll die if they don't touch you. How do you keep stuff like that from going to your head? I know they gon' say that about anybody. lt's not me, it's my position that's making them do that. When you start betieving that it's you, that you're the reason, that's when you get big-headed and lose sight of what's realty important, That's what Public Enemy meant when they said, "Don't beueve the hypel"

How did you originally get into the music industry? lwas born into it. I have a lot of famity that are musicians orin the music industry I guess you coutd say I was a roadie, carrying bags, being on the scene, being a runner. When I started taking it seriously and putting my focus into it, my first officiat job was on an internship [evel at Jive. What artlsts did you go on the road with? Brand Nubian, Heavy D, X-CLan, Pac, a lot of different artists. Anybody lwas cool with who needed somebody just to be on the team and be focu5ed and hetp promote. ljust started doing street team and regional coLtege radio promotions, and that's hor,v lgot a job at Hot 97.5 in Attanta back in the day, I wa5 a programmer during the day and a personatity at night. Why did you get out of radlo?

fired. I trul.y don't know why, to this day. The technical reason that was given to me was that I didn't do my job sufficiently, but I know that I did, I guess it wa5 just potitics, or for whatever reason. I love radio, to I got

this day. I tove


behind the scenes and on the air.

think you'll ever go back into radio? haven't reatty teft, because l'm constantLyin contactwith programmers and DJs. I tatk to DJs, I tel,l 'em how to do their breaks better. I come up with radio promotions to hetp promote my artists. I woutd tove to get back into radio. Do you I

Ludacris was a personality on the same radio station, right? ls that how you met hlm? Yeah, he used to come to my office and drop off music and ask questions about the industry just to get feedback. At some point, we just created a retationship and a mutual respect. When he asked me to be his manager, at the time I reatty didn't want to do it. A tot of artists had asked me to manage them because lwas the music director, so they figured lcoutd get their record ptay. Something about him and the way he approached me just made me say yes. From there, jt's been history. When you first heard Ludacrls rap, what appealed to you? The thing that stuck out was that he sounded different than everybody

else that was coming out of the south at that time, and he could definitety rap his ass off.

Have you watched him grow musically since that time? l've seen so much groMh it's ridiculous. lt's not even the same artist, in the sense of progression. He's a perfectionist, He atways wants to progress and he doesn't want to be repetitive, he's aLways tooking for

diversity. A lot of peopte speak hlghly of you a5 a manager. What do you think separates you from everyone else? I don't know. I guess it's just a matter


perspective. Maybe my approach and how I deal with business sets me apart. Everybody's job is to market and promote their product. The product, in this case, is the artist. A tot of peopte can do that wett, and from that point on, it's att about retationships. I like interacting with peopte because it

atlows me to transfer and bounce things off them and vice versa, and


creates great

Retationships are what game js buitt upon,




tife and


difficutt to be partners with


they're focused.

My brother

is focused, hewalked me into the game

and through


game. When I started what I was doing it was separate, then I went to him and asked him to hetp me because he taught me att the groundwork,

Chingy recently





DTP. How would you analyze or explain that

situation? I can analyze it a bunch of different ways, but the onty way I can explain it is that dude just felt he wanted to do his own thing separate from DTP The stuff that he's sayjng about me personalty is fabricated. Everyone's gonna ask, "Why woutd you teave DTP when you just soLd three mittion records?" It's an army, a team, He's gotta make stuff up so that it witt make sense. There's peopte getting in his ear. lf there's an issue, bring it to the source. Bring it to us. He hasn't talked to me in over ejght months, He never tatked to me about the situation, In passing I'd always say, "Whenever you're ready to sit down, tet's tatk," and he'd say, "Yeah, we'tl get together," but it never happened.

think he would have sold three mil if he wasn't Mth DTP? It's possibte. There's ptenty of artists that have good records and do Do you

nothing and there's plenty of whack artists that btow up. lt's all about how you're presented to the wortd, and how they accept you.

it make you hesitant to sign any new artists? mean, that's the business I'm in. The onty thing that makes me hesitant is that l'm a very personat person. it just makes me wary because me and his reLationship was business and personat, but it was a definitive Une. I've never crossed it, but to me, he did. Does I

What other projects are you working on? We just did our futt-fledged tabet deal with DTP through Def Jam for our new artists Eobby V Sharissa, Norfclk, and a rock band, Lazy Eye. We picked up FieLd Mob through Geffen, we sti(t have l-20 at Capitat, and we have Playa Circte at Universat. We have deats at four different labets. We're constantty doing fitms through our production company, we've got three movies sold. Ludacris is invotved in some of those, and l-20 is aLso making his acting debut. We're trying to find the next crop of up-and-coming btack HotLywood stars, We're trying to create history create superstars who are very cutturatty relevant. We want to continue to grow as a company and surpass what my mentors have brought into the game so that the peopte who come behind me can surpass what l've done. What ls the key to success? Being open"minded and witting to tearn something new every day.

How do you feel about



managenent at Def Jam? You have opportunjtjes to do business with peopte up-close and personat, and from afar. Me and L.A. Reid have a relationship that spans way back and he's a good guy. lwish hirn the best in what he's doing at Def Jam, and right now he's my business partner, so approaching the game together,


family member?

Yes, I have seven brothers and seven sisters so I only work with a certani few of them. Me and my brother Ueff

Dixonl are partners, and we're are

atmost direct opposites and we argue

att the time, but we argue to make each other better and to give each other different perspectives. We watch each other's backs, and it's a beautifut


to work with

famity when

Anything else you'd like to say? Love the magazine, For real, I do, lt's fresh, it has its own format. You move around a Lot and get good pictures 50 it's kinda tike seeing the worLd from your perspective. You're everywhere!


Julid Beverly, jb@ozonemdg.com dt left with his son

(Choko is shown

ond fother) OZONE





didn't fuck me that night. I don't tike

Who's on Lil' scrappy! hlt tist? Man, we got Meagan Good on LiL' Scrappy's hit tist. she's somebody I woutd tike to fuck with. But who I woutd tove to fuck with? Mya. And at The Source

the ones that come at me, I tike the ones lcan go after. I'm a dog, I tike to chase. lf I'm tryin'to chase 'em, they gonna feet it when l'm tooking directty in they

Lil' Kim kissed me on my cheek. l'm a qrown man no$ so you know I've gotta fuck with the grown women. I can't fuck the tit' girLs no more. I meanr it's a lot of women on my tist! Anybody

eyes. They know I wanna fuck. lf I'm tookin' directty at you, then answer and come, But if l'm chittin', drinkin', and you comin' at me, I'm gonna kick you to the curb tike BArvil

that wants the big dick, they coutd have it. Ya feet me? Any beautiful women without HIV can have the big dick.



your sex life changed since you've become a celebrity? My sex tife is about the same. I don't know, I guess I a[ways had God's btessings to be abte to fuck women, you feel me? l'm a freak. l'm a Capricorn, I'm a freak the whote way around. l'm fuckin' every day. Has

the first time? oh! I think any man can remember. I was tike thirteen or fourteen, dawg. I was in junior high school, it was right before I stabbed a dude. I had got kept back in the eighth grade. lt was my birthday, and my brother was [ike, "l got this bitch Do you remember

for you. Matter of fact, I got t'/vo bitches for you, and it's fixin' to go down!" I was kinda nervous. These broads came in and he left out the room. The hoes got to suckin', I put on the rubber and loi to fuckin', and [ike, as soon as I stuck it in, it was over! I was tike, "uh, uh!" tike eight pumps. lt was hot, wet, and I was [ike, "Oh, my God!" The shit just came out. I been hooked ever since. I can't stop, I was hotdin' it jn before I even busted, But, before I ever had any pussy or any head, I was already fuckin' around doing tittte freaky shit, humping and shit. How does Scrappy like to fuck? Scrappy Like to fuck jn all the positions, but my main position is from the front with the tegs up because you get to go in deeper, From the back is okay \,vhen the bitch got a big ass, 'cause the ass is bouncin'. But that's the only excitement you get out of that. So

you're a tltty man?

l'm a titty manl How did you know that? (Lil Jon voice) Yeaaahhhh!!! For reat, though, I'm a straight titty man.

You're a young dude, so do you prefer women your own age or older women? I tike to fuck with otder women. Them the experienced ones. Why fuck with muthafuckers that you've got to teach? I am not a teache[ l'm a tearner. I v,/ant to tearn aL[ I can Learn. What's the best tesson you ever got? The best lesson lever qot was when a bitch ticked my ass, dawg. lwas tike, "Oh, my muthafuckin' God!" I was tike, (Lil Jor voice, "Whatttt????!" 'Cause I used to argue with niggas att day, tike, "How y'atL gonna tet a bitch lick your ass? That ain't proper, my njgga! That ain't hood!" But then I was getting my dick sucked and the bitch tifted my teg up and ticked my ass. I coutdn't heLp it, I was screaming. oh, I fett tike a bitch. What's your ideal woman llke? My baby mama. she's so fuckin'fine. That's the muthafucker I kicked it with forever. Like in real tife, I have a daughter, and lher mother] is like,



the most interesting


you've ever had sex? ln the car. Driving. lt was just a normal day, smokin'weed white I was ridin'. I'm going to the studio with a bitch, and she hops over - you know, she suckin'the dick first - | had to have my seats tean att the way back in the Che\y Monte Carto. But l'm sittin' there driving and shit, and the bitch just starts gutpin' tike she's about to throw up on my dick 'cause it's big as fuck. she's going up and down and then I putt over and put the rubber on. We fuckin', and I start driving again 'cause I want to see how it feel on the expressway. We was fuckin'on the expresswayl On 285? 2851 How did you know?

(aoughing) Everybody fucks on 285,

Ohhhhlll! You nasty muthafucka, you! Yeah, it was 285! You already know. That's the sex highway! wow. Her body is wow, he. face is wow, she's so fine. How coutd you tet her go? And she knows everything that I [ike, so where etse am I gonna go? So lt doesn't bother her that you fuck around when you're on the road? Of course. But she get all the money, so why

should she complain? She's pimpin' right now. lf you got a baby by any nigga that's rappin' or trappin'or anything, you pjmpin'l You can sit back and retax.

What would you do in bed with your baby mama that you wouldn't do with grouPies? Man, I woutd eat her the fuck out. That's what I wouLd do. Groupies can't even get a kiss on the cheek. What's the craziest thing a groupie has eve. said to you?

A bitch came up to me and grabbed my dick from my balts and was [ike, "l'm gonna fuck you tonight." And guess what happened? She

couU,l nnaldsl@ on flto'ste*s, dgrlg.I donVthinkOodnpuld Dwttittqd,to doflst, thoryh." -LilScwpp I

What's something you'd like to do rexually that you've never done? I would love to just go up to a bitch and grab her hair and say, "l wanna fuck you right now," and she be coot with it, lt's on. I ain't with the kiss" ing and all that shit. I'tt suck the titties, though. I tove titties, and you can Lick on me atl day, but kissing is not my thing unless you my baby mama.

What'' the largest group sex experience you've had?

A foursome. Three girls. I ain't even know if I coutd take 'em atl or not, lwas in a hotel room, and it was two of 'em doing they thing over on the other side of the room, and me and shawty, Then they connected, some kinda way. lt was fun, I ain't never had that much fun before, We was taughing, tatkin'about it, that's the best way to do it. I was tike, "You can't do this shit here! Bitch, watch this shitl" She screaming, "Ahh!" No niggas attowed in my room. Oh, except Pooh Baby! Me and my nigga have been in the same room and fucked two different bitches and switched 'em out! Sho' did, man. That's my nigga. I guesr that's a male bonding experience, Yes, it is! I tove my nigga, dawg. We skeet on hoes. We skeet on they eyes, they hair, they nose, they ears, you know, they cheeks. Everywhere, everywhere. This is some G's Up shit. lf lcould, I woutd skeet on the stars, dawg. I don't think God woutd permit me to do that, though.

could you ever have too much sex? Hett yeah! Dawg, just two weeks ago I was tired of havin' sex. Now I'm back on it again. l'm teLting you, though, my nigga Pooh Baby do not take a break! He fucks on the road, goes home to his baby mama, fucks her, and comes back on the road. That nigga is the Energizer bunny! - Julia Beverly, jb@ozonemag.com

What kind of guy is Teedra Moses into? Physicatty, normatly tike very, very dark-skinned guys, but l'm not just reLegated to that. I like guys that can teach me something, guys that are confident, because I thjnk that spilts over into the bedroom. I definitely tike an aggressive guy in bed.

What do you think about phone sex? I tike phone sex. When you travet a lot


sometimes you have to do that.

Are you into porn? l'm not big on porn, because when I'm

with a man it's about me.

Since you've become a celebrity, have you had any male groupies? My criteria for a man is realty, reatly high, so I don't date a tot. 50, the guys that come try to attach themsetves to me because of how I sing or the songs I sing, they never get ctose. I haven't reatly experienced any mate g.oupies. I don't have security so guys can watk up to me after a show and l'tt be cordiat, but they can teLl by my attitude. They'tl be tike, "l tove the way you wjnd your body on stage and dance. Can we hookup?" I tett 'em that I'm just focusing on my career right now.

lf you could

Being a woman Ir the industry, have you had any glys offer to help you. caree. if you 5lept with them? Oh, no. They know l'm a grown woman, not a littte kid. That stuff doesn't impress me, and I woutdn't want to be stuck with them afterwards. No, l've never had that problem. lt's never been an issue with me. l'm a person that truty reties on my tatent and my gift of gab, lf I run across somebody that lactuatty am interested in, he might get it. But you're not gonna get jt just cause you can do something for my career. lcan

caeate your own porn,

what would be the ideal scenario? When you get on stage and perform, it's orgasmic. I perform with a band, so there's so many different energies up there on stage. lf it was porsibte, I woutd tove to just be grabbed off the stage at that moment and just taken, you know what I mean? That woutd be perfect. It's not reatty possibte, cause I might go to jail or something. But that would be great cause it's two of the things I tove so much. Fjrst I'd get off just by being on stage and then l'd have sex with a man. He'd have to be reaLly aggressive, slam me against the watt, that type of

What about your ex-boyfriends or guy friends, have they changed at all since Your career has started to take off? No, cause they know the real Teedra, I've atways acted the same way, But, their homeboys are tooking at the yideo like, "Damn, Teedra fine as hel[," and it kinda makes them feetweird. How important is it to your career fo. you to put forth a sery image? The onty rea5on it's important is because I'm a very sexual person. I'mnottryingto be something l'm not, Everything I write about, even if it's a serious matter, comes across sensual. Being sexy is very important because I'm a woman, so why wouLdn't I be? lt's not that I want to sell it and make everything about sex, but it's a part of every woman. It's a part of everyone.


she's doing is great, but l'm not gonna sit here and compete v{ith her. lf he's gonna get aroused by looking at her and have sex with me, no, my ego's too big for that. I'm not into other girls, I know that's some peopte's thing, but I don't want any competition in the bedroom. It's atl about me and how I put it down. When he gets up the next morning I want him to be thinking about Teedra,

thing. That's how

lam on stage, real

aggressive. HaYe you Do you recall saying anything embarrassing


bed, or having anything weird said to you? Wett, there was one dude. I don't know what he was talkjng about, but he kept saying, "Ooh, your sl.omach. your stomach. Have you been workjng on your stomach?" lt was tike, shit, did I have a gut before? He just kept saying it, and he could barely even see my stomach. He was getting ready to orgasm and kept taLking about my damn stomach. That was kinda weird. Does size matter?

Size is very important. Everybody says it's about the way you use it. No, it's not. lf it doesn't make you feel tike anything is even in there, what is there for you to use? Size is important to me. I don't know about other womenr


mean, no one wants someone to btow

l've done


ever had sex in public?

in a grocery store before, late at njght. My ex-boyfriend and I were in a z4-hour grocery store. lt was about three in the morning. You know where the yogurt aiste is, kind of in the grocery section? By the titt(e side yr'att, there's normalty a door or something. We kinda duckâ‚Źd off to the side rjght there. I think that having sex in pubtic is very sexy. I don't think sex is a nasty thing or a bad thjng, especiaLty when it's two peopte that care about each other. I think you shoutd do it in public, as long as it's not around kids and stuff! {loughing.,

I'm going to name some rappers, and you tell me how you think they'd bâ‚Ź tn bed. Lil Wayne? Li[ Wayne is cuLe. he's a handsome young man. I don't know, he's too young for me. I can't took at him in that way.

they back out comptetelyr but you do want

do that for mysetf.

something you can feel (laughinq.

P Diddy?

What's your status right now? I had a realty iong relationship that lasted twe{ve yeaB, and I haven't had a boyfriend Jince. I'm not stressed to be in a retationship right now.

What's your favorite position? My preference would be me on top. Ot from the back from the side, [ike, layinq down.

for me. I like rugged men.

I love the yr'ay he dresses, but he's too manicured

Petey Pablo? He tooks tike he could reaLly put



ln a twelve-year relationship, wa5 it hard to


keep the sex interesting? No, actualLy it was very interesting. lt's even better when you're with somebody for a tong time because you know more about them. Basicatty you've just gotta get into character. Some nights you wanna be sensual and make tove, and some nights you wanna go hard. Some nights you just want it to be reatty qujck so you can go to sleep (Laughing). When you realize you're being routjne, you have to take it to a different levet. No man or woman wants to do the same thing every time you have a sexual encounter Sometimes I'm very submissive, sometimes I'm very controtling. Sometjmes I want to be totd what to do. Sex is never the same.

He's a very nice looking young man. but he's a pretty boy. He's attractive. but just not for me.

"l d<tnYrcsnf eryl cor/nlrt-

'tttion in lhe btdru:owl,\lg

ego\too bEforfhet.ft\ ellahout rare end ha,u I yrtrt lt drtwn."

Who could get it? Stephon Marbury could get jt. He's married, so I apologize to his wife, but it's her fautt for having a fine-ass husband. Atlen lverson coutd get it too, ail day long. He s married too. so no disrespect to his wife, but that's my kind of man right there. Anything else you want to say about sex? It's good, I tove it, and I plan to do a Lot of it for the rest of my tifel iioughing) - Julia Beverly, jb@ozonema!.com





1. "That's like. cut or uncut."

dick.whupped (dik-whupf) v 1. "That's when he put it on you so good that he hittin'that wall and you could feel it

way down deep in your stomach." 2. "Even though he's doggin'you out, you still keep going back. You find yourself buyin'him shit thatyou don'twanna buy. You flnd yourself doing things thai you don't normally do." 3. "lt's all about the dick. You wake up, dick. You go to sleep, dick. One night y'all fuck and the next morning you wake up like, 'Damn, that nigga can fuck!"'

straighl.lunch (skraell u n ch) n. 1. "When Isay'straiqht lunch,'that means, 'Mmmmmmm!'The diner is operl"

ltick y'dick (tik-e-dik)


1. "There's some big-ass dudes out there with little-ass dicks. That's a tricky dick."



It t

I'm gonna start by naming some names of rappers, and you can tell me how you think they'd be in bed. Mannie Fresh? He's cuddty. He tooks tovable and huggabte. He looks tike the type of guy that knows what he wants and ain't afraid to tett you what he's tooking for. And, cho-ching!

arwatLs! He make the sugaMatls come down. When you get with him, what he gon' do to you is gonna remind you not to forget him,

Lil Wayne said you're like a sister to him, and he can't look at you that way. Tett Lil Wayne l'm not his sister. Lil Wayne, we coutd be kissing cousins (laughing.

Too Short? Ain't he a pimp? Next! Ludacris?

He got nice tips, and tooks tike he's just the right size.

Cuban Llnk sald he thought you'd be "traditional" in bed. "Traditionat"? What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Like, missionary position? I am anything but missionary sweetheart.

T. t.?

What rappers do you think are packin'? Petey PabLo. Lit' Ftip. Ludacris. They just give me that vibe. Who etse is holding a big package? Definitety Lebron James, cause he's a young tall nigga with some big feet. Them batLpLayers, tike

Strajght Lunch!

Cl.jnton Portis, and Lebron James. Lebron James

J-Kwon? I coutd teach him a few things, He's a nice-Looking dude. Young and witting to tearn,

straight muthafuckin' lunch. And now that shaq done moved to Miami, he ain't exempt, neither! But they coutd be trjcky dicks, they could be foolin' us. Look tike he's

50 Cent? 50 is a tittte too seasoned right now. He look like a convertibte. I bet he got a teft hook, but I don't know, he took tike the dick might be good. What size shoe does he wear, anyway? (loughing) Young Buck? Now, Young Buck is Jacki-O's typicat kind of dude, but I shoutda got him when he was fresh. lf I had got to hjm, he woutd be a whote different type of ptayer, a whole different type of dude. There's good men out there, but what makes a better dude is a good woman.

Carmelo Anthony? Lunch. When I say it tike that, you ask me no more questions. Lunch!

ain't gotta

R Kelly?

Hard-top with a tit' hook in it.

had 5ex, or would like

Have you ever been dick-whupped? Nah, not yet. I try to pussy-whup a nigga jnstead.

I just do my thing when I get in the bed with a


Lights on or off? Leave the Lights on! He gon' wanna see this! (laughing) Keep ya eyes open. Don't blink or you might miss it!The hands are quicker than the eyes, baby. Oh, I have an alter ego in the bedroom. My name is Jacki-o, but my atter ego is Backdoor Bambi. 'Cause my name is Bambi and I tike it in my backdoor. Nah, I'm just ptaying. Oh, I tike to rote pLay. Rote ptaying is when we pretend that we're not reatty who we are and we're abte to tet our hair down and do what we realty want to do. I pretend that I'm not me, and you pretend you're not you. We could att get it down and have [ots of fun. Let your hair down, swing from the chandetiers, and hotta from the moon. The next day it'tt all be a btur, you won't even have to remind me of it.

"l heuo a bhck bea wifh a l<rt offan.tous. nete enuuqh,lo i< foduiote enuush ,tb cowe lfe,aau isfo borqe itt irt ,ua ae&t/oot4t, helrorri^, ho'llknow ne 'llu Kfiow lrnow a aboqt The the bblack ' bag. l,t'< ft4' secrel."eaow tracki-Q -

Petey Pablo? He's a nice size dude. He look Like after you finish puttin' it on him, you coutd just Lay on that big oL'chest and play with them ears. Convertibte. Xzibit? West Coast tunch! Coming from the South att the way to CaU, he tooks like the five hour flight would be wett worth it! He Looks tike a hard top. He's straight Lunch. Put that twice!

Freeway? He Looks tike he can go a good twenty minutes without retoading. He's a good dude, so if I get wjth hjm l'tt try to hook him with a Ljt'sativa. (loughing) He definitety tooks tike a good lay. Probabty a convertibte,


I could just ptay in his hair He looks Uke a nice ptate of cottard greens and cornbread and baked chicken.

Dayid Banner? Hard top. Big feet.

Lil'Jon? Missionary so them dreads coutd hit you in the lace (loughin l

Lil'Wayne? He's straight out the projects. Strajght tunch, on a big ot'pLate. He took tike a hard top, the young njgga who's dick don't never go down. It just stay hard. He's the type of nigga that witt remind you not to forget him when you out boosting. When I'm out stronq-arminq, he's the type of nigga you won't forget. You calL and say, "Where you at? Got a fresh pair of Jordans for you, damn, hit a bitch back!" (laughing) sug-

to have sex?

Cherry bush. Middle of Times Square. The [Miami hotell Mandarin Oriental in the Hong Kong room, on the balcony, Backyard cherry bush. Uh, I've gotta be more creative than this, Something sickening. ln a saitboat on the French Riviera?Top floor of the Bettagio in Vegas, on the private crap tabte that they bring to your room. The back of a jet-ski on South Beach? Nah, l'm just ptayjn'. Djd I say "cherry bush" atready? The last ptace woutd probabty be 35,000 feet in the air, on a private jet.

What roles do you play? I wear a tot of hats in the bedroom. I have a btack bag with a lot of fun toys. I won't give that away, though, a guy has to be there to see 'em. So if he's

fortunate enough to come to my bedroom, he't[ know about the btack bag. lt's top Didn't you see his porn video? Oh, you know what? I did see part of it, and it secret. lt ain't no crazy shit, though, it's mostty took tike jt's reat good. I'm just being reaL. lf things for me. I use myself to give him pteasure. that was him on the tape, it looked real good.

Since you've been in the music business, have any industry dudes tried to get at you? Yeah, a coupte of 'em. I don't wanna put nobody a!5? Loved it. I paused that part. lt's on my TV right on the spot, but they know who they are. They atways come at you through the music, they'll now (laughing). start by talking to you about shows or business or What's the difference between a thug and a tracks or whatever But, l'm not saying that I don't enjoy the advances. I enjoy being a lady and havPretty boy? Thugs gon' give it to you tike you want it, and ing men hit on me, because that's part of being a they gon' take it even when you tetl them no woman. lf they didn't hit on me, I'd be concerned! they gonna be tryin' to putl your panties off or (laughing) tear 'em to the side. You know, a girt tikes it rough every now and then. A pretty boy is gonna Anything else you want to say? ask for it and when you telt him "no," he gon' I think it's coot to tatk about sex, because hip-hop be like, "Okay,"Athug is gon'be Like, "shit, you js a very sex-driven cutture. But when we have so many listeners, we've got to inctude a message. gonna gjve me some of that pussy!" Atways, atways practice safe sex. Ladies, don't So when does it become rape? Where's the swattow! (loughing.) And att these names we're catLing out, I think I speak for a lot of the artists line? Wett, att men shoutd know that "no" means in your magazine when I say that we're just having "no." But when you're saying (whining softly) fun. lt's aLl entertainment, we're being a littte cre"no," a thug gon' know what that means. But ative and spicjng thjngs up a bit for the readers. 5o a pretty boy witt be tike, "Okay, maybe next don't get it twisted, nobody needs to get offended time." We atl know that "no" reatty means and sue Julia for putting y'alt names in the maga"yes" (laughing),I mean, after the ctothes are zine'! (laughing) And as for me, l'm just hotding jt off and the onty thing Left on is the pantjes, if down for the tadies that are reat. A lot of females you done went that far "no" means "yes." But witl see a nigga pass by and be thinking, "Damn, you want him to be a tittte aggressive. But if l'm that njgga coutd get it!" but they won't actuatly futty clothed and we're at a movie theater or say it. I'm just that bitch that'Ll say what's on my somethjng, uh, "no" means "no." Oh, you could mind, and fuck whoever don't tike it. lt's att about ask me about ptaces lwouldn't mind gettin' being a lady. l'm so gtad I'm a female!

What about the part where he was eating

down in.

Okay, what are some creative places you've

- Julia Beverly, jb@ozonemag.com




l'm gonna name some females, and you tell Okat Christina Mlllan?

that girt wants me to do. Whdteverl That's what I'm tatkin'about, man! And then after that, l'm gonna marry her. After that, l'm gonna marry her again. I'lt divorce her, we'tl have to break up so we can get married I would do whatever

me how you think they'd be in bed. Ciara? Ciara has the type of body that \,vould make you wanna tear that ass up, but personatly, if I taid down with her l'd try my hardest to make tove to her 'cause she's a [ady, a woman. Even though she's "crunk & b" or whatever, you stitt see a sensual tady so you'd have to make Love

again. Man, you could ask me anything you want about her and me. You coutd start a rumor about us, I don't care. I love her, my God! And you know, I dated Nivea before, and another singer. My momma, she don't know anything about this music stuff, she was like, "You date atl those

to her. Oprah?

Oh, you know l'm gonna be good to Oprah! She'd get whatever she wants. She's rich, and she's tosing weight, man. she on that dietl

REB girts, I tike the new girt, the 'Dip lt Low' girt, I thinky'att woutd be a good coupLe."'lwas tike, "That was the best thing you ever told me, mom." So right now, mom, I'm on a Christjna Paris Hilton? (whisttes) You atready know! You saw the tape. MiLian hunt. I heard she got a man, and he ain't l'd get down with her the same exact way. She's got shit on me. For real, for real, I woutd do the type of girl where you just gotta tay back whatever it takes. That's real. We coutd be on and Let her do her thing. She took like she got a some lke and Tina shit, and she coutd be lkel

tot of bad girt in there. That's one of her biggest

What's the most exciting place you've ever

stages: the bedroom,

had sex? On the batcony in the Bahamas, looking beautifuI it was.

Shawnna? Shawnna said [jn an interview] that she have sex to my atbum atl the time, my whote atbum. so when I see her, l'm gonna cut my album on and see what happens. I'd do my thing with Shawnna

Are there any Lil'Wayne sex tapes floating around? Girt, I hope not! I do have a camera in my bedroom,

'cause she fine. She the

though. I've had that for

type where you don't want her response to be,

Like three years, so it got some heavy footage

"He didn't do his thing," I'd do whatever it takes.

on there, But tet's hope nobody gets to that. They might see they girlfriend

Jacki-o? I know Jacki-O, and she

reat cool. she's tike my sister so I woutdn't think about her in bed.



about anal sex.

thsav's xb kids,


ihsfTtuii"" *

and l'm a tit' dude, so I would reatty have to put my thing down. She'd get


That was back in the day. Now if you try to puLt that shit with a girt, they like, "Oh, no," But back in the

day, that shit was real

poputar. For real, like, we had a whoLe 'hood known for doing that. The advantage is that jf the rubber pops, there's no kids, you

just end up with that Twix.

the futt throttLe. lnnaa (whistles) I,\an, you gotta tet me know! From the back, att day! Bap, bap, bap! Lay down, open her legs from the back, put the pittow up under het grab her hair - the part that's reat, put her hands up and bap, bap, bapl Lisa Raye stitt tiving? Nah, l'm just ptain'. wow, what woutd ldo to Diamond? I'd tet Lisa Raye ride She

me. see, another man's answer might be different but I'm a tittle dude so her tatl sexy ass could just ride me, I woutdn't reatty be working too hard, but I coutd be pushing at the same time and going att in her stomach.

Britney Spears I'd make love to Britney, onty for the simpte fact that I'd be trying to win her over for good lwanna be the next controversiat boyfriend dude, l'd do her real nice. l'd make her see that rappers are good. When she fuck with Lit' Weezy, yeah, y'atl gon'see. Okay, next question... Wait, you didn't ask me about Chrjstina Mitian?


I law some comments you made in )(xl's sex issue


Crizzurp and she coutd get it. She's a bjgger woman


on there, so they might not wanna get the tape,


Remy Ltartin?

I'd catch Remy with a tit' bit of that Sizzurp. We mix Cristat with Sj?zurp and catt it Crirzurp. 50, we'd have some of that

at how


(loughtng) Nah, to tetl you the truth, I ain't reaLty did that shit since lwas 17 or 18. Ugh, I don't even wanna do it now I guess I was

just young and it was popular.

Do you get a lot of sery voicemails or text messages from groupies or fans? lget thoseeveryday, of course. lget crazyvoicemails from cetebritjes too, but l'm definitety not gonna say no names. That's the craziest ones, to hear celebrity females say something witd. I get the ones that are Like, "l'm thinking about you right now and you can't imagine what I've got on." Some of 'em, you can picture what they're doing at that moment.

What's the craziest way a groupie has ever approached you? Somebody came up and told me, "Look, Lit' nigga, I don't know what you sing, but I know you say'bLing-bting."' she honestty didn't know Lit Wayne or my struggtes or Cash Money. she said, "The onty thing I know is, I see you on TV with those tattoos and your shjrt off. l've got three peopl.e in my Lifetime I wanna fuck: Tupac, Martin, and you. 'Pac died, Martin went crazy, and you right here." she was dead serious, too.

Oka, l'm gonna start by giving you some names of females and you can tell me if they'd be your type in bed. Remy? Remy's not reaLty my

type, she's too thugged out.


Trina tooks tike she coutd be a lot of fun, especiatty coming from down here. She's probably very liberalwhen it comes to the bedroom. Paris Hilton? Het[ no! No way. I tr'ke women that got bodies.

who's on Pitbull's hit list? I tike Cotombian women. She's very very beautjfut. She Looks tike she's fuckjn' kitter in the bedroom. We att know that J-Lo's got So

Sophia Vergara.

that magicat shit, so she must be doing something extraordinary in the bedroom.

It's exciting for a woman to be in a car and take off her pants and fuck white they driv' ing. Just puLt the panties to the side and fuck 'em jn the middLe of the road. That's exciting to a woman. But, when it's just recreational

tet's go to the room and fuck missionary that shit is borjng. women want excitement, they don't wanna be tike, "Just fuck me and get off me." And the funny thjng is, most of the time the horror stories I hear from women, their men are these modet-looking buitt dudes who can't fuck for shit 'cause they're too jnto themsetves. They're just a regular dude who comes home from work, watches ry and doesn't tet their woman do shit. 50 she's tike a bird out of the cage when she goes to the ctub. She gets a coupte drinks, you te[[ her what she wants to heat and she goes crazy. They tike that adventurous shit in

their tives. What's Pitbull's ideal woman? I just tike women that are exotic tooking that look Like they have no rutes when it comes to the bedroom. lt's just att-out, everything's a green Ljght.

Has your sex life changed since you've become famous?

(ove women that are tike, black and white,

My sex life is always gonna change, even if l'm not famous. I always tike to grow and Learn new things. lt's alt mental, at the end of the day. lf you can't mentatty control yoursetf when you're jn bed, you're no good.

mixed. ln my experience, the hottest ones in bed are Spanish women that are mixed with something

What's the most aggressive groupie that's

etse. They tike to have a good time, they're open.

approached you?

What do you think are the differences between Hispanic, white, and black women in bed?


lwas with my girl at this ctub and this girl came up to me tike, "Me and my girl wanna fuck you." lwas like, Okay, I know you see me here with my tady. So for -..11 her to come uD and sav i/: { tnat shit, no, idefiniteLy s ;* didn't acceot her offer. " l& wr,"n offeri come rn so

They're not tike, "Oh, no, ldon't do that, that's nasty." A lot of btack women ,.' , aren t open, they re lrke, Let's .*.A fuck" and that's it. I've never re-

with a white woman in my Life. Of course, I'm at' atLy been


tracted to attwomen, but once you get to the bed you wanna have a good time. I coutd just

jack my dick and nut, but

" r:Ilfl bLunt tike that, you sorta ;:ii'i'.i.W Cet scared because she ,ls+l.litg couLd be doing that shit wjth anybody and you put yoursetf in a hjgh-risk


wanna have a good time.

Why do you think Miami is such a sexually open city?

It's the atmosphere. There's

Would you credit Luke with helping that Miami sex reputation also? Oh, of course. Luke grew up in this environment. I deatt wjth Luke for a year on toLrr, and man, I can only imagine hr'm back in the day. What do you think about the theory that Florida is shaped like a dick, so that's why most of the music that comes from Florida is about sex? I've never heard that theory before. That's fLrnny, though. Ftorida tooks tike a gun to me. I think that everything that comes out of Ftorida is sexuat because guys come down here and don't know what to do 'cause of alt these women. They're tike, "Oh, shit, atL these womenl" ALI these New York muthafuckers come down here and act hke straight whores.




many peopte from so many djfferent istands. lt's a meLtjnq pot, and our environment is so hot it makes us hotbtooded and sex-driven [ike fuckin' rabbits.

What's a typical night in bed with Pitbull like? I come from a nejghborhood where we say, "Don't tatk about it, be about it." I'm not the type to tetl you what I would or woutdn't do, but you've seen the type of peopte I hang out with.

A lot of rappers have come out

with sex tapes, is that something you plan on doing? I witt, but I'm definitety gonna do some different shjt. l've got some ideas but I can't put 'em out there yet. What condoms do you recommend? Don't use no cotor condoms. that irritates women's pussies. lf you reaLty wanna beat the shit out of a woman, get them Trojan en" hanced joints. I usuatly just stick to Trojan. What's the largest group sex activity you've been involved in? Shit, being with Luke, l've seen the whote fuckin' stage involved in a sex scene. Like, ten peopte suckin'and fuckin'at the same time and doing att types of shit.

there such a thing as "too much" sex? Nah. But sex is a drug, definitety, ls

Since you've become a celebrity, have you had any famous women come at you? (loughing) I can't put any names out there, oon t worry though, when it gets real juicy

I'tl hit you up. Do you get a

lot of sexual calls and voicemails? Oh, I get that alLthe tjme, Women catl me pLaying wr'th themsetves. They Like that shit. Women tove that shit, that's why they're cheating on their man 'cause he's not giving them what they need.

Any toys or foods in the bedroom? It's good to have toys for the women, you know, just to fuck they pussy up. Cameras and shit, that's fun too.




I heard you aren't really lAike Jones: Wett, I tiked

was, for real. she Orteans so I was

with Lit Wyte. He cool, man, same way. I got a girt, and I


wanna take everything jumped off, so I a chance of messing it up over somebody who onty tikin' me 'cause l'm "Mike Jones." But you've got lyrics like "l got a lot of hoes 'cause I got a lot of money," Are you just saying that to sell records? /VJi No, that's reat. But when I say "l got a tot of hoes," I mean, I've got a lot up on me now because l've got money. Now a lot of hoes are comin'at me'cause I moved out of the ghetto, but I ain't takin' advantage of that.

llffi "\*f i:ft ilii;#",i::"Tx

New Orteans and met her the same night. Me, her, and Choppa did a song together. She coot, man.

5o from then on we've been keeping in contact, She caLled me the other day, actuatty, My girt know about her, I mean, it ain't Like that. She's just reat, real coot. She's a good person.

so Paul, why do they callyou the chick magnet? Paulwall: ln my earlier raps I used to always refer to "catchin' boppers. " see, you've got golddiggers, groupjes, and boppers. A goLddigger is somebody who wants your money, a groupie is somebody who wants to steep with you cause of your status, and a bopper is somebody who just wanna be seen with you cause of your status. A bopper is generalty a How do girts usually approach you? ,1,1J: Man, they come up to me and sing [my girl, but not necessarily a girt. And it's not neces" songsl tike "Dick don't fail me now,," or "FeeL sarily because you're a rapper, you coutd be just good, don't you?" They're [ike, "Can you do a regutar person who has an Escatade on 24's so that for me? Can you show me that?" But they they wanna be seen with you. So, I used to atways coot, though, they don't be trippin'. say, l'm so fly that lcoutd catch boppers if I rode on spare tires and donuts. I ain't gotta have 24's, The lyrics to "Feel Good" sounds like it't girts stitt be boppin'off me cause l'm so fly. So my homeboys used to be tike, "You the chick magnet, based on a personal experience. J: (loughing) \eah, that was from the heart. Paut, l'm gonna stand next to you." You know, I've What that song reatty means is like, if a dude got a good personatity and good tooks, so I do genis with a girt and he puttin'it down on her, eraLty have a lot of girLs flock to me cause they've makin' her feel good mentatty and physicatLy, heard about the legend of Pautwalt. and she start trippin'or messin'up he's just reminding her. "You feetgood, don't you? Reat What exactly is the legend of Paulwalt? good, don't you? You don't want thi5 dick up PW: The bedroom tegend. They've heard about in nobody else good, don't you?" Basicatty, you the, um, squeakation of the bed springs, makin' better quit trippin' before I put it in somebody em feet like they watkin' on the moon. etse. Being on the road and having a lot of women throw themselves at you, how hard is it to be

in a committed relationship? ,1,1J: To be reat, it's not hard. But it's tike, if you've got a girt who you don't realty trust, then dudes are tike, "Shit, if she trippin' then l'm gonna be trippin'." But with me, that trust is there so I don't want nothing that'tl come back around on me and then I'tt be feeung guitty.


be chitLin', man,

ing with those girts.


be mess-

50 you haYe a certain technique? Pl{i Yeah, I sexercise a lot. Three to four times a week, it hetps keep me in good shape. The Mushu Academy, that's where I tearned the tricks of the


it fair to say that you take advantage of the, uh, perks of being a rapper? PW: I witL say this: lt's kinda impossible for me to meet a girl that isn't at least somewhat intrigued by the fact that l'm a rapper. They might have seen me on TV or heard my music, but that only gets me so far. Some girts that'tt get you in they panties, but not atl the time. lf that's what I'm ls

Do you think people assume that you fuck groupies, since you're a rapper? aftet what's gonna get me in there is my personal" iUi A tot of fame brings a tot of girts, but it att ity and just my whote demeanor. I have four sisters depends if you want to take advantage of it or and I grew up wjth a singLe mother, so I don't disnot. lt ain't just rappers, it's footbatl ptayers, respect any women. Never have, never witt. I'm whoevet anybody that's successful and popu- reat respectful of atl ladies, but at the same tjme, tar in the public eye. And being famous means a tot of women are intrigued by me being a rapper. they paid, so a tot of girls, they after that meal So, do I exceed the timits? Maybe sometimes I do, ticket. And there's a tot of people that just be They might get to feet what it's tike to watk on the boppin', and I appreciate the love that people moon, on occasion. show. l'm a cool dude, but a lot of dudes do take advantage of it. With a lot of rappers, if a There aren't too many white rappers in the girt comes up and she fine and wants to do this game, so you're a minorlty. Do you prefer black and that, it's tike, "Wett, come on then, tet's women or white women? get in the truck and get busy." But nah, it ain't PW: Atl women, all women. I don't prefer any of tike that with me, and it ain't tike that with em, I just love all colors. Everything, for reat. a lot of other rappers too. lt's a job. I mean, don't get me wrong, I tove doing what I do. But What! Paulwall's ideal female look like? at the end of the day, it's a job. PW: Junk in the trunk, rear-end extended cab, gotta have that. Pretty face too, I tike att women, There's a rumor that says that you turned though. I tike big women, stim women, skinny women, but I preferwomen with junk in the trunk. down Mya, ls that true? hlJ: (loughing) Mya's a good friend, she's real See, some girls think they thick. lt be a tot of skincoot. She was tjstening to my CD, A friend of ny girts tatkin' about they "thjck" just cau5e they mine down in New Orteans had hit me and said, got a booty, but that ain't what "thick" is. "Thick" "Hey, I got somebody who's a fan of yours." He generalty refers to the thiqhs and hips. But I tike put her on the phone and said it was Mya. I was all types of girls, for reat, and I tike girts for they

personatities too. You could check my resume,

Any famous women on your resume? Pl* We've got a tot of wett-known women on the resume. I can't name any names, though, cause that woutd knock me out of the box for doing



You can't give us any hints? PW: Wett, there's a couple professionat athtetic

women, some multi-mutti-mutti-ptatinum R&B singers, and a few rap femates. I can't say no names, I can't give too many hints. At[ I can say is that I've got a hett of a resume. And most of the women say they're not attracted to me cause l'm a rapper, it's more my personauty and my demeanor.

What's the craziert way a g.oupie has ap-

the women, if they're sleeping with a cetebrity generalty just cause they wanna say they slept with em, But with me, that's neyer what it was about. Atmost any girl I ever stept with, it wasn't cause of my rapping status or whatever, they reatly tiked me. But sometimes it's the opposite. A tot of the girts I meet are tike, "Oh, you think I'm finna tatk to you just cause you Paulwatt?" No, I think you gon' tatk to me cause l'm cute, cause I got a lot of money, cause I ain't no loset cause l'm funny, I got a good personatity, and lcan dress qood. You know, why woutdn't you want to tatk to me? Not being conceited, but that's just confidence.


(Our interyiew is interrupted by o girl teling l{ike she loves him, and asking Pdul for o hug. lAike osks her if she's visited his website yet, www.whomi kej ones, com )

Not even with your girl?

I can't do that, man, I'd be kicked out of Swishahouse, lt's like a vegetarian who doesn't ^{Ji eat meat; we just don't eat that stuff at the Swishahouse. PW: (covering

llike & T Fdrris' eors): Earmuffsl I PM lt's been some crazy shit tike girLs throwin' PM Anyway, when we go to other cities, the mean, if the case catts for it, I'tt go down! tbey panties on stage and stuff. You know, girts that approach us are the same girts that J : Ohhhhhhhh! I r ! r r I M ! I I you usuatty hear about that happening at rock approach every cetebrity. l'tt meet girts that PW; See, now girts are gonna read thjs shit and concerts or something back in the day, but l've know atl the rappers, footbaLl ptayers, and NBA be tike, "Oh, fot real?" (loughing) Hey, if the case never seen that before in my Ufe. One time a pLayers. That's a tittte scary. So, we don't reatty catts for it. Yeah, I've done it before. Proached you?

girt threw her panties and her bra on the stage. The funny part is when l'm on the road, there's people that don't reatly know me, but they be


Like they know me so they're the ones that get the reat groupies. They'tt act tike they know me to get to the girts and they end up smashin' more girLs than me. But with me, it's

not necessarity about smashin' as many girls as I can, That ain't what it's atL about, Are you looking for a steady girlfriend, orjust looking to have a good time? PW: I have a lot of part-time lovers. I don't have a girtfriend, but I know it's gonna be a whole bunch of gjrls reading this that are gonna be mad at me for sayin' that. (loughtng) There's gonna be a couple girts in every city tatkjn' about, "What you mean, you ain't got no qirtfriend?" They gon' catl and cuss me out... I mean, yeah, I'm tooking for a good woman. But we party a tot, \,ve on the road a lot so it's not necessarity about smashing as many girts as we can or whatever, we just like to have a


to groupjes, we tatk to women.

And being a rapper just makes


Every guy has,

easier to

meet women. PW: Oh, it definitety makes it easier to meet women cause of who we are. You know, our jokes are a tittte bit more funny. They take us a little more seriously. If a girt is watkin'through the ctub and the average dude taps her on the shoulder, she gonna say, "Don't touch me." But if I tap her on the shoutder, she gon' at least hear me out.

Do you have some good pickup lines? PW: I'm just a funny guy, l'm a nice guy, so when I'm tatking to girts I gotta be corny and cheesy. Dudes are gonna read this and be tike, "Oh, wow, that's so Lame," but when girts hear it in front of they face, it works. They thinking, I can't betieve Pautwatt just totd me, "lf I coutd change outfits, l'd put you and me together." (loughing) But that shit be workjn' though, cause it put a smite on they face. see, good time. you taughing too, ahhh! JB! But yeah, that shit works. I can't give you the btueprint to mackin' So is there any difference between famous though, I mean, you reatty just gotta be yourwomen and regular women in bed? setf. When the average dude tries to tatk to a PW: Oh, yeah, there's a big difference, lt's kin- girl, at first he usually tries to put up a front, da hard for famous women to get picked up by actin' hard or actin' like they got money or guys cause usuatty they security is reaL strong. whatever. lf you just be yoursetf, that changes The onty guys that can really get to 'em tend to the girt's whole outtook on things. I mean, att be celebrities, so the celebrity mackin'game is this stuff was happening before I was rapping. a tittte different than a regutar person. Cetebri- Girts have atways been drawn io me and atties don't usuatly have to do too much. Most of tracted to who I am. I've got the g(ow.

l,lJ: I ain't never done that. I swear to God I ain't never done that. I mean, I ain't sayin'that I won't ever, but I just can't see myself doing that.

lfyou can receive, why not give? Whythe double 5tandard? i,lJ: lt's a tot different than gitls. (holds up a rotled-up mdgazine ond uses to demonstrute)


See, our shit is tike, right there in front of your face. Y'aLl's shit is Like, up, inside. There's stuff comin', going. I don't be down with alL that shit, PW; That ain't some shit that woutd happen on a one-night stand, but if it's somebody I'm steady with. it ain't no thang.

Actually, what I was gonna ask about your teeth is, are the grills part of your public persona? Do you take em out when it's a personal situation? /tU: After the show I take em out. The teeth don't make us who we are, lt's just how we are down South, in Houston, we just tike to shine. ln this business we do a tot of tatking, we have a lot of fans tike, "Oh, that's clean," but when we get in the room just chiltin' that shit be off. Even when l'm in the studio doing a song, I take em out. lt's just tike a chain, you don't wear it everywhere. PW; ln the heat of the moment, you never know. But the teeth don't make us, we make the teeth! - Interview & photor by Julia Beverty, jb@ozonemag.com





Some people think you're gay, wearlng

Are there any female rappers or farhous women on Camron's hlt llst? l'm not reatly interested in no rappers. to teL[ you the truth. lf I had to pick anybody,

it'd be somebody

all that pink and purple and talking about'no homo." At the end of the day, I could qive a fuck

what peopte say. ihat bank account

tike Angetina

is what counts. I don't get dressed to please people, I get dressed to be fly and be who I am. so I understand what you saying, and it may have confused peopte, but if I realty cared about what peopte said lwoutdn't be sitting here

Jotie. l'm feeting her, she's sexy. You know what reatty tumed me onto her? Her v/ork in lroffic turned me on, how she got shiesty with u.S. Customs and started selting coke 50 her husband coutd get out ofjaiL. (llnform camron that the woman who starred in Traffic was Cdth" erine Zeta-Jones, not Angelino Jolie. An orgument ensues. Com finolly soys, "l'm gonno settle this right now," and diols o number on his cell phone. "Yo, whdt's up with the wlfe who played in Troffic?" he osks the person on the other line, "Catherine Zeto-Jones? Aight, good Iookin'.") Okay, vr'ett I like Catherine Zeta-Jones and Angetine Jotie.

taLkinq to you. I'd be out chasing a hundred fifty mittion peopte. Honestly, I got that "no homo" thing from dudes in Jefferson Projects. They used to say that when I was like tweLve years otd, I'm not the creator, I m just a product of my environment?


lnever really met Jacki-O personally, but she looks nice in her videos. Paris Hitton? That's my peoptes, so no comment. ljust seen her the other night, we was at a few parties together in New York. Paris


not gonna say

say what she needs to say, and a girl who



fuckin'with you, dawg," I popped botttes with him after that, cause he was keepin' it

Halle Berry? Hett yeah! Actuatty, l'm gonna tett you SUCh a funny story about Halte Berry this is some crazy shit, This was back before my first atbum came out, I don't think I even had a video out or anything. lwas in L.A, on a promo tout liust had a CD of snippets from Who's Camron. I was wolfin', I hadn't had a haircut for like two months. I had just got finjshed ptaying basketbatl, so lain't have no shirt on and I was sweaty. l'm getting out of a fifteen-passenger van to go to the ATM and there's a tady there, but I ain't payin' her no mind. I stick my ATM card in the shit, and Jimmy and alt these niggas in the van just start bangin' on the window so I torn around, tike, "What?" They tike, "Yo, that's Hatle Berry!" So I took up tike, "Yo, Hatle, tet me talk to you for a minute," and she's backin' away tike, "No, no, no, l've gotta go." I'm like, chasing her over to the Range Rover, There's a dude in the car leaning back in the seat. I'm tike, "Yo, Hatte, I rapl l"m about to come out! Just take the CD!" She rotted down the window like, about this much (Com holds his fingers on inch opatt to demonstrcte) and took the snippets. she rotled out and we sittin' there buggin' out. That was probabty in earty 1998. Then Last year, 2003, l'm at thjs party in Vegas after a fight. Some boxer had a party, and there's mad niggas jn there, the crazy retarded gir( from Scary Movie, everybody from fuckin' mainstream America was tike, "Camron, we tove you, man!" 5o we chitlin' with Tyrese and Larenz Tate and they tike, "Ah, Cam, we fuckin' love you, 8," and Larenz putls me off to the side, He's tike, "Yo, lfucks wjth you, dawg." So I'm Uke, "Good lookjn', it's att qood." He was tike, "Remember that day when you slid that CD in Halte's car? That was me, when I was fuckin' her, and ain't

too funky! There's only a few niggas who know




nothing so I'm not gonna say nothing. It's a batance, I mean, you've gotta find the right girL at the right time. You gotta find a girt who knows when it's time to


nobody know We was on the [ow. Yo, Cam, that was me in that passenger seat. That's how long I

It depends on what time of year

because obviousty she's

is good peopte.

I ain't fuckin' Oprah. I don't


Right now, when we on promo tour, I don't need no aggressive, telt-me.whatto-do type of woman. I need a girl who witl understand what l'm doing and don't give me a headache. lf I'm out of town, I gotta go. But when you jn a city running att over a woman, doing anything you want, sometimes you be tike, how stupid is she? l'm gonna keep getting away with this as long as I can,

What about Trlna? I woutdn't mind doinq Trina. She's hot, she got a phatty. l'd hit that,


Do you prefer a girl who's laid-back, a girl who's more aggressive?


knows to shut the fuck up when the fuck up.

it's time to shut

that whote 5tory fam. The first thing lwas Physically, what attracts you to a girl? thinkin' was, whoever in that passenger seat is pimpjn', yo! He got Hatte goin'to theATM! What's the craziest thing a groupie ha5 ever come up and said to You? The craziest thing is peopte that be having my name tattooed on'em, When you first meet 'em they got tike, Diptomats tattoos or a Camron tattoo. I'm Uke, thank you, but you ain't have to go through att that! That's crazy. How do different races act in bed?

White girls just wanna have more fun. We don't want headaches. And I Love bLack girls too, they give me the chattenge I need. They tike, "Who the fuck you think you taLkin' to?" Sonetimes you need that. But, I don't have a preference. I tike everybody, l'm cotorbtind,

A big phat ass. That's my cup of tea. I been do" ing phat asses since I was fourteen. lt's nothing personal, but skinny women just don't turn me on. lt's nothing personaL. A girl just asked us the other day, "You tike big butts?" lwas tike (Sir rlixA-Lot voice), "l cannot deny..." (laughirg) When was the first time you had sex? Actuatly, the first person I ever had sex with was my baby mama, My son is four now. I was thirteen, we were at her mother's house. What would you do in bed with someone you're dating that you wouldn't do with a groupie?

Sometimes even when you with somebody you ain't wanna cuddle, but with a groupie, you definitely don't wanna cuddte after you bust a nut. You not gonna lay there wjth her and hug her unless you totally drunk, and I don't get that drunk, Either she gotta go or I gotta go. What's your favorite porition? I tike to get head and then hit it from the back.

"LJoudoflNifub uot cu&liry wlfu agfttryrie aftergtu bust e wrt. l4ou notgonna hgfherc. andhug het'anlusgysu


What's the crate5t voicemail you've received? shit, you wanna hea( 1t1. (Com flips open his cell phone ond plaw over twenty minutes of d re' corded phone coll with an dnonymous femole, in which she thrcotens to kill him ond cloims that she could find him because "every chickenhead" knows where he is - complete with clucking sounds. She olso asserts, "l don't wanna be yout girl, shit, atl you do is cheot on then bitches." Com shrugs and nods ln ogreement in response to this comment, os the rest of the Diplomats cra.k up laughing in the bock of the tour bus.) - Julia Beverty (Photo: Julia Schell)

(As we begin the interview, Jazze is humming "Fenzel") 15 that your official

l'm gonna throw a few names at ygu of famous females and you can say how you think they'd be in bed. Gloria Okay,

name now? Yeah, You know when girts be tike, "l want your real name!" I tett 'em Fenzet. They tike, "Yo mama ain't named you Fenzel!"

Velez? She's a freak.

I don't know, it depends on how she's tatking. There's different tevets of freakiness. I don't think I woutd like her cause I've atready seen her on


on sex tapes, I'd probably have to be real drunk. lt'd probabty have to be a party situatjon, tike, me and the boys.

Any relation to Denzel Washington?


Fenzel Washingtonzel.

You're kinda known for the sexy strip club-type hook'. lf you could make a sex soundtrack, what songs would you put on there? It'd definitety have "Girls in the Ctub" by Sho'Nuff. l'd put some Too Short on there, Jodeci, Sitk, Genuwine, and some otd stuff. It'd be kinda raunchy. You've

Choo choo on her ass.

gotta speed it up, then stow it down,

Trina? Trina could get it, you know that. Trina's a friend oi mine, too, but she stjlt coutd

Remy r{artin? Nah, that ain't gonna happen. But that's Fat Joe's girL, I can't say anything bad

about her

What's the best strip club in Atlanta? l,{agic City isn't open right now, but they about to open it back up so l'm gonna

say Magic City.

lt's stitt officiat.

trainl Yeah, we'd Sout Train





out there and tet




Club Cheetahs, they got some reat nice lookin' chicks in there.

Alicia Keys?

What kind of stripper gets the most


,Aticia Keys is definitety a candidate. she gon' get it att. She can get the reat first

tips from you?

The cootest one, not necessarily the best-lookjng stripper. I [ike somebody that's cooL, not the ones that are tryin' to ptay you tjke you won't be back. For

exampte, if lgo somewhere Uke PinlJp's where the dances are 55, they'tt try to ptay you tike an out-of-towner even thouqh they know you be at Magic City hard. She'tt dance three times and be Uke, "That's 530." 1'm like, "No, baby, that's S15." lhey won't get another dance from me, I don't care what they took tjke. But jf I come back and they act right, then that's coot. I ain't gonna count 'em out yet. Should we expect to see Fenzel's Strip Club anytime in the near future? Yes. You know what? I think me and Big Boj shouLd do a strip ctub. You know, he's got the Little personal strip poLe at his crib, but l'm tatking about an actuatstrip ctub with tike fifty girts. That's his thine, but I mean, I think we shouLd. We haven't reatty tatked about it yet. How would your strip club be different from the rest? When peopte imagine Magic City, they think it's this big etaborate cLub wjth beautifut tights or something tike that with girts waLkjng across the bar, but when you get there it's just a room. I mean, jt ain't hot, as far as the way it looks. As a btack entrepreneur, I wouid take jt to that next tevet. l'd have aquariums and everythjng. I mean, jt's just the b.anding of the name and who you bring through and who's running jt. lf you've got a real hip cat from the streets running jt, it's gonna be a poppin'ctub. lf you've got a square cat on the other side of the city with a beautifut ctub but he don't know nobody, peopte are stitt gonna go to Magic City. lf he don't know nobody, ain't nobody going to his ctub. But, we rnjght go just cause we know he got some quatity shit. PLus, we don't wanna be with the crowd. ldon't wanna be nowhere where you can't walk in the strip ctub, that's crazy.

Like how packed it was at that strip club for the "Get Low" video. Oh, yeah, thatwas crazy. That ptace doesn't even exist now; they tore it down to the ground.

Brigitte Nielsen? Oh, what! I woutd cLjmb up on her back. I wanna wrestte with her. Shawnna?

She kjnda sexy, but me and Shawnna kinda tike buddies. For celebrities now, it seems like putting out a sex tape is the "in" thing to do. Oh, that's old.

Lil Kim?

there's no Jazze Pha sex tapes out theae. Oh, no, not untess somebody etse putted it off. I'm pretty impromptu, though, so nobody coutd .eatty putt nothing tjke that with me. I'm not like, "l'm on my way over to your house,"

Venus E Serena Williams?



pop in.

Who's the top three on Jazze's hit list? Hatte Berry Free, and Metyssa Ford, the girt that just started the show with Tigger on BET.

Naw, cause you don't know what she gonna took

tjke in the morning.

50mething sexual going on. No, nothing tike that. We're real close, though, so maybe that's why peopLe would think that. You know, she might hotd my hand or some' thjng tjke that. But it ain't no thang tjke that.

"I -think w'e eNd Big Eoi should d<t a sfriy, club

'trydher. Asebbck entre.prcrca4l wt:uld 'ta/,u. lt to thot set:t fuueL "


Both of them. They're so rich they coutd get just off that.



Oprah can definiteLy get jt. Oprah couLd tetL me not to look at ait them other broads and I won't. l'tl Look straight ahead. Jacki-O? I

Anytime a female artist comes in the game under the wing of a male artist, there's always gonna be some rumors. I've heard a few people theorize that you and Ciara had

lain't into

don't think she's my type. lthjnk she's a sweet it off with a real artist/pro

heart, and we hit

ducer connection. She can rap, she's dope. She's got her own littLe sexy vibe about her, but she ain't my type. What's your type? I'd have to pojnt it out to you, because I have different types. I like taLL gjrLs, though. Sometimes I tike a square chick that don't know who I am. That's a turn-on. Like, they might have seen me somewhere, but they don't reatty know what I do. They just think I know a bLrnch of people. I tjke sma t girls. I tike girts t5at are irto taking ca.e of their man. Not necessarity spending money on me, but just taking care of me in their capacity. Not necessarily catering to you '100%, but just tetting you know that you're the man. And I'm not saying don't have a voice. Ptease. have a voice. I love a woman with an opinion. And, somebody who's kind of a mother figure cause l've got a son. He's seven,

the square chicks get the real nane. Exactlyl


- lnterview and photo by Julia Beverly, jb@ozonemag.com OZONE MAGAZINE NOVE},T8ER 2OO4


l'm going to name some females

iou i"n t"tt me how you thini "na they'd be ln bed. Let's start with T.ina. Trina is fine. I think she woutd probabty be great in bed, 'cause I've heard more than a few things about her from people in the industry. Jacki-O?

Jacki'O is sexy. She's atso artist.



Britney Spears? Britney Spears is from Louisiana, so she's a good country girt. I think she's really, reatly attractjve but probabty not great in bed because of her tack of experience, from what I hear. I think I could teach her a few things. You

woutdn't want to know what they

are - that shoutdn't be printed in a magazine (laughing). l'd give her a run for her money. What do you think about using toys or food in the bedroom? I got mysetf, I don't need no toys. I don't do no handcuffs or ropes, l've got enough toys on my body to keep a person interested. How would you describe l1r. Magic''

ideaI woman?

Mr. Magic's ideat girt is somebody with a Lot of innocence. I'm not real ty into the freaky type, the ones that have been with too many peopte. I like innocence, that's attractive

to me, I like a girt with a


that just got out of Cathotic schoot. ln that type of situation, I can train 'em and teach 'em- That's what I find

attractive about a woman. I don't tike a tot of makeup, I don't like a tot of fake stuff. Fake fingernaits, atl the accessories to make a woman beautiful, that isn't necessary, I like natural beauty, lf you wake up in the morning and you're beautiful, you'tl keep Mr, l,tagic interested, A woman that makes me happy is a woman who tikes me for me, and it has nothing to do with my stardom or money or whatever, A woman who likes Awood, not l r. Maglc, A woman that's gonna be home cooking dinner and keeping the house ctean, because l'm on the

road consistentty so it's important


have somebody maintaining my

home tife.

Do you have a lot of groupies approachlng you? I try to cater to my peopte as much as I can, remembering that this is the entertainment business. I haYe to make them feel special because they're girls that have been buying my CDs. ['ve had] girts come up to me saying, "Magic, if I had one chance with you..," and it's so flat-

tering, but l'm sure they woutdn't want to be treated tike a piece of meat. The first time you treat a girl like that, that's a lost fan. Girts are so emotionat, When she say that, she means everything from her heart and sout and if I don't feel the same and I

take advantage, her feetings wilt get



"fhroupla{woJ Bso futto,ring, buttheflrst tfuuo gou trraate


lihoa yriatoofweat,

lhot\e lostfen."

hun, I try my hardest to treat

everybody the same. I get a tot of girts that come and offer me things, but I let'em know it's just music. lt's best for me to chill. You don't want me to [fuck you] and teave in the morning.

You think I'm what you want, but I'm not. You don't want a man that's

consistentty on the road. Women require a lot of attention. 50, if you make love or have sex for the first time and then you're gone for two months, they gonna feet like, "Oh, he hates me."

Has your sex life changed since you've become a celebrity? Honestly, l'm so focused on my music that my sex tife really hasn't changed. I didn't need to be a star to have sex. I hate to be a bore

for this article, but I'm so focused I don't reatty have tr'me to indutge in stuff tike that. l'rn trying hard to keep my consumers happy. Maybe after l've made thirty mit, I can sit back and have att the sex Iwant. Don't get me wrong, though, I like women. Women are beautiful. Sex is a wonderfut thing, and it's important to have it in your tife. But I try my hardest to stay focused. Do you think there is such a thing as "tgo much" sex?

I don't think there's such a thing if your tife can handte it. lf you're comfortable in life and you've achieved atlthe things you want to, I thjnk you shoutd find some sectuded

istand and fuck your brains out til you die. That's the best way to go

out. But, that's only if you're com" fortable with your achievements.

Ithink a tot of people's


are messed up. That's why you've got so many whack atbums, because lthe artists] aren't focused on the music and they spend too much time fucking.

l ost people have the pâ‚Źrception that all rappers fuck grouples alt the tlme. Do you think that's


unfair stereotype? Actuatly, I don't think so. Because I betieve that 85% of the peopte that become stars do lfuck groupies]. And I aLso believe that's why you have so many one-hit wonders. The

artists that last for years, entertain for years, are the peopte that's fo' cused. I guarantee if you go to their hotet room, they're steeping, I vatue steep. I go straight from one show to another show, so when I do have a break it's very important for me to steep. We entertain peopte, so men

watching our shows betieve that we're fuckin' fifty hoes every night, but that's unbetievabte to me. To stay focused on my work, when I go up to the room it's time for me to sleep. But, Like I said, probabty 85% of the lrappers] are doing that, and that's why their careers probabty

won't tast. - lnterview & photos by Julia Beverly, jb@ozonemag,com

How do you think Trina would


ish girls have the juicjest cooch-

inbed?l55heyourtype?Hl-s-ie5.somethin,aboUtthatGoya,l Trina's definitety my type. l think


lii:l'i*l'*i*1*-*,""[{j iii,SSi;l',ilj3,-iiliJlL""it"fi:I


:'ffi:iffiJl":"T"i:ITr.'li::: -|-fstuckuptodowhat5hegottado.proachingyousaying5omething

Haye you had any sroupies ap-


times I tike to be nasty vr'hen the





got a girl.

cfazy? Oh, yeah, girts say a lot of shit.

Brown? llikeFoxyBrown,butldon,tknowhadasongsayin',',Girt,areyou Foxy


i'i*'r,6t-Lil'i;;.i.;;;;ii]t,"i'iy,''"nomadgjrt5usedto a way,


my dick, this and that.

Jacki-O? I

haven't reatly seen her too




Did you take advantage of those offers?






Hilron? Yeah,definitetymytype.lthinkanddefinitetynoki5sing.He[[no.

is my

Hi;'f]"#lirl"", ""tT:][', XiT


she,snasty,andllikenasty.Sh"''lmight5lap.emonthea55,but very rexy to me. She makes me Eii---'l-

lf,:,":r::"ff Tr""t; ii$lt"i thatsexvvibe Oprah?

that's about it.


since you,ve been on tour with




involved in a sex activity at one

the l:jEsry money,|'dgetatoprahjust5osheAw,man!ldon'tknowaboUtthat could say that a tittte nigga put it rm.tetting you patti, r'll hang it.att up. r't[ Lbe l'd get at oprah. tt ain't about

::T:.TJr.t*t Britney

-Il|J I


faithfut. lwon't mess with nobody. l*unt Patti LaBelte' I wanna put my face on

breasts tike a she's not rea[y my type, but I'd turn her out. don't think she'd be very good in bed, though.

shesauhype. -.'j Lll


.i#1",!iii"'i"?,lff,l;, uloui ainur"ni



timel one. That's not a question for me! one

you, /rauohinor "-" " your Do you have a favorlte



don't matier, However they tike it. l,m about pleasing a female. I'lt cum later.

ohings turn me


shaved or hairy? You know



vour shit is tookin'

cat-,. I'lt[f"'rt;oJ,:ttn Detween dr" egory yeah, I'd so in there and handle-that. ilili?::"1t:il"#3?sexuarrv place vou've eve' of course there's differencer betweâ‚Źn ra.-:r, Hiflj.rttnt most exciting Ha[e Berry? oh yeahr she's my type au the way. rt ao"sn't L,f!un'^f :",:-".I"fl jll,:9-1" lfl:::: "19 i,il iio-. rt a *rriLe ago. a rew years aso. on 'as She teanel back, I roLted ;n the even matter trow good Fiatte Berry is in bed u". l)lli Ylili till ::-": ::t:S': : .111Y :fml the dance floor. tlltcause l'm gonna fuck the shit outia her anyway. :::"i:"- rY,:t-::-:"1j11.::. ."'::l condom. The Lights were off, nobody knew cause -*"T:: Heu yeah. she,s in the

Trina/Jacki.o/Lir Kim

rm sonna ;ake Harte Berry good in the

bei! iffil' ;:;""J:"i,{:"i;"1?iljl il#iir:,1$ it iu't roor,"a tiie we were dancins. in bed Everybodygot they diffetences, l-think

what would make a woman badin bad in bed2 bed? l.ls there th.r. anywhere you'd vou,d like to have sex where '-'"*"':1"'-::l::"'lJ'l'l^ physicat differences I woutd say spa"' "nrrr"here it v"B First of att, I don't tike no dry coochie. I'm gonna as far as v."'i""J"iia'"". get the coochie wet regardtess, but some girls In a mittion dotLars. And l'd stitl have a mittion just dry out fast, especially if you using a condoltars after I'm done having 5ex. lL

ffl iffil#x'il.i';",i*:j*T3::fT:1]Ji:: that. And some women are just dead, no move' ment. I gotta do everything! Whining about how



you ever been pussy"whipped? Haveyou Have Never. I've enjoyed pussy, but l've never been

r fut tittoflit, it, I lf,owhgn ls there anybody else on Juelz' hit list who 4,t .t

courd get





4, ,fle Wfrh


yd it on you, ,iw!,!? gonna ht$ go ass!"' l1:,9"y,1Pj:jl my tist. love Patti. T^y.j:T?::ll.LiB,:ls._rl1:-: Patti is sery, o(der, mature i:fl,*Ji:! "1$:.',ljl,:,:lJilj;il,1;:L$r'J.? I

pussv'whipped' Anv tovs in the bedroom? No. not into that.



pretty panty rover. , rove when a sirr

" sexy shit has on some


certified woman. l'd marry het l'd hang it atl up to marry Pattj. (leans closer into the recordet)


. Julia Beverly, jb@ozonemag.com (Photo: Julia Schell) OZONE MAGAZINE NovEt{BER



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r**s*Hv I

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IAZffi.PfIA .fi i:au'noN yfrf,. PITBULL JACKI-O






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ffin'w s tBB@u[N macon, oa

a@flN A/MOS maGon, oa iJ"

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aqNhd .Ju€rJr


01 ' Da Backwudz and Pautwatt @ TJ's DJ's (Tattahassee, FL) 02 - Three 6l afia @ Civjc Center (Chattanooga, TN) 03 - Stax, Zion, and Askia Fountain @ Birdtand (Jackon, MS) 04 - Antonio Tarver, Garfield, and Grandaddy Souf @ Hard Rock (OrLando, FL) 05 - UNLV @ TJ's DJ's (Tattahassee, FL) 06 - Mike Jones, DJ Mettow and Pautwatt @ ClienteLL car show (Ortando, FL) 07 - B.G. and the promoter @ Firestone (Orlando, FL) 08 - Pautwatt, Dawgman, and Mike Jones @ Clientett car show (OrLando, FL) 09 - Sharee and Sharon @ Kaos (Chattanooga, TN) 10 - Shyne and Smoke D reppin' OZONE @ BirdLand (Jackon, MS) 11 - Mike Jones and Lacarey @ Ctientett's car show (Ortando, FL) 12 - J-Hatt Security wi[[ kickyourass ifyou don't read OZONE (Chattanooga, TN) 13'TJ's DJ'screw: Keith Kennedy, Brian Seatey, andTJ Chapman (Tatlahassee, FL) 14 - H-VidaL and the Diptomats (Tampa, FL) 15 - Traci Bingham steats LitJon's pimp cup (Los Angetes, CA) 16 - Attitude and his future in-Laws before the wedding (Miami, FL) 17 - DJ Nasty and Skip-A-Chuck @ TJ's DJ's (Taltahassee, FL) 18 - Stick Vic and Greg (Tattahassee, FL) 19 - Zena PhiLLips and JC Crunk reppin'Crunk Juice (LosAngetes, CA) 20 - Polow and Keyshja CoLe @ Justin's (Attanta, GA) 2'1 - lntoxicated @ Vjbe/Boost Mobite's Yardfest (Tattahassee, FL) 72 - Dizzle and kazy (Ortando, FL) 23 - Reppin' Boost Mobite (TatLahassee, FL)





Troal Ehtâ‚Źrtainils]tt


V w


rhvminq partner Lit he's sotd independently atong with his 19-vear-old Webbie isn't sure how many records "Buku itb a.a tot. -.6uKrL Bo;sie, Boosie. bur he knows it3 noe, corin' up to me rhan before _6u{u l:lsi'ilf"x,] or what. but somebodv's makin' s 6oottegs i, -'"t#,i:ft":i,i.?:.'i:,','::iii;rll'jl,i:'i +,rtiil a maior deat "l was rapwithorri fame ;"ti"" has street monev! ' ln lrue bootteS fash]on' tn" ""ii'"'if""g" after'mv mama died l iust started right tiiiil-erade ii'" t'" to atwavs win the oin' before that chronic '"turrili:ril"ti"it l";l tippin'agiinst my bovs l usedand i; the two signed iatkin' about what's hupp"ntn unc tttiLousiana clib scene

",*lii'lir::F.:l]il'i**:."1;i*:ltlf;T:,X'fi:li,:: i:;"#;".t,iore ri'i*li



As a


'ntt.'qoi"e titni"; t""n"c"a *"oot"



'",ji i.'i"i.i"il"J ilJ,,H$flff,iHT'ttr:i=l.i:r|..;;:ll;;ix:fi,lilr*'**:*:*_1":1":';:li:Li,iilY;"Y""'lll'?,,?l&ei tla: c:l:rated buz' in the southeast take care of me.,. Boorie uno w"oo," .nJr"lEl "tPumi

f,! i'I





He's hesitant to discuss oetarLs ot

mapr"i't't?JlriJvl'iJi"-**"a b*-P:':9:-ffh$""':J;11""?:t'XU

*'"]:t::;:"i:!sH rffiiili;iT'.'l'ffi"*";;;


;H[{:1*::"Ti:hi":L it down tit Prmp L.get il''i"];"r""i'i


ii* ,$:;

Boosie/webbie chemistry is lurtt to Lasi "-Yo" you snrri" ter the outsiders come ano retr



't"pd"a a solo ariisi he assures'iifans that the page with your peopte " he says "Don't

tiiJ"ln \iebbie's

cottu iiuy o;th" tt-t -\io?-oiinJ

and been holdin'


jb@ozonemag'com irtoto uy .tulia Beverly,






The Oak Hitl Boys - better known as o_H.B.. don,t have a record deat, but their sjngle ,.paratyzed" has been movinq crowds in Ftori.ia cluts steaairy ror irre pasi nl"yti',i.,,gnt gu"r, fron'

fl? l'piu;;i'i;'j;.iiJ;:'ln fi",Hirili.Hii., uil;;;;i#;;;'"';i'Jium.

n"i""iiiiv west Frorida. rhe three members, aees re and 20. i".t"J" prJ,i."rCii";;;[i ,,Tli; and snap Doss. ro promote the Lead singre;ff thei; tney nit the streets. ,,Every city I steD foot in. I might give out , hunjr"i ior-io DJs.,,says J Green. "shit just picked uo from tnerel^1"61;;,"iGi;t;;,il"i;ti'iei"r'o''arrpray "l. in nearby cities like Tampa and Ta[ahassee. an.i the song was nominated year in the upcoming cFL Awards herd bv ctear chunn"i , rurrur,iii!" for Street Banelr of the iuoio iiuiio'n]? iiuret,". un'pt usizes that a[[ the beats from their uocoming o" generated on Playstation. Even with a localized namc for their "tOm debut, J Cr""" ir":i *irii"O ii""ut being limited .,t to Haines city. don,t think it'rr hora rx oacr," le irrebiize;-;i ;;; Liiifi:,ff;em reppin, the





ATL, so_t feet tike we've got to do the same.. crrr"ntiy iurinlri'ut'iioiou oar"r uniuur_ sity, J Green ptans to use the book knowLedse he,s buzz to buiLd up an independent labeL until the maiors.5<irng cguing "i/" si".v ;i;hr. "euery day, seven days a week. tf we ain't qot shows. we in the tab,,, he ionti^lrr.1.ill, put in that.s gonna hetp us make it.,,_ Words and photo Uy


sainin;;;s;iil fi";;,;;;et

jirfii g"i;it,





,;;[ iii" ji'@;;;ffi;:L; "?i"rt'we




insptred by in Griffin, Georgia, a smalt town south of Atlanta, Homebwoi has been rapping "forever"' when his brother joined the mititary I" iu"i ur" ,fi ,t" ,r'red to torment him during their rhyming sessions. prove that lni*.nr'on four-vear stint to Germany, Home6woi got motivlted. 't just kept rhymrng so I coutd working I was back' he came " time Bv the thing a comietitive became i*"iuii# ir',1" r,li.,': t" ii"gt'i. "rt nim." Havins perfected his Lyricat skitts, Homebwoi focused onthe :i';;;;;;G;ili; ina icouia outstrine for uninspired beats, he started doing his own production' i"it oOttu.r"-, ttu.xt. Tired of paying producers producer DJ imurf,_who signed him to their colipark Record. "l i*ins' iini vani ot eai iffi"i;;i; ;;;s-dih; .,Smurf fgtt tike I was so setf-contained he wouldn't expLajns. ;f;;i; il;,ii;";; my own st-uff,,,iomebwoi " featuring 8.G.. is a potential ctub i"1r"" i;r"lvii?ili,.; iilniii ,tncr". the Smurr.produced "where They At. from Southern DJs Atthough 6""Lr. f, t'ii"l, been serviced t; radio yet. bui is atready getting rave reviews Like rha <inole is a sood reoresentation ot Ho;;bwoi's party sid-e:there-'s cuts on his upcoming atbum N! Pioce nrrt of frustration. because Break' a from s;mpte used the 'Gimme ;;;,1;i;;";litiG'more meinincfut. "l got,a that l;"" u"* a"ing$rit ttuff for so long-. I atso had a son thit passed this yâ‚Źar, so I\egive !:91:3t:9 -song Lhe breaK ne Homebwoi to".lfi."iLv toiit," he says whit; some predict "where They At" witt finatty wav l'd 11""L. r."i"i .i."*inp trr6 eno resuLt. ':ai;st put it in God\ hinds " savs Homebwoi "But if I had mv -Jiih"!i,vilr,1", |.'"ariy n"ra 1,e gu.e together. t,d rike to be abre to put out records Based

il $ fif l$i1

lfi rl$ ',"$ irtr

t* lri

i;i:? ;; i.ilil;;;ii:

tenyearsfromnowandstitlbevatid."-wordsandphotobyJuliaBeverly'ib@ozonemag'com $'9r:*ii!j!t;r.:



i rj



$*; '{'i;.

6ffi $si **'{ ?s.:l


tid Wbt


l+l ,4# 1E.Q;


The Diplomats

"s.a-N.T.A.N_4." (New York City)

Koch Records

Peedi Crakk "Throw it on Back" (Philadelphia, PA) Roc-A-Fella/E,ef Jam




the deal two months after that. You, J-Kwon, and Nelly have all come out of St. Louis with that party vibe. Yeah, that's just a flavor we've got in the Midwest, period. We tike to party, kick it, and go out to the ctubsr so we make that type of music. Do you think you've helped put the Midwest on speak? Yeah, l'm part of that estabtishment?

the map, so the

Who would you credit the most with that? Nelly? No. You gotta took back and think. You've got Bone llhugs-N-Harmonyl, Twista, a Lot of peopLe from the Midwest. R Kelty, he's not a rapper but he's atways been making music. Then there,s the underground scene, too. I mean, there's a tot of people. ,,1 trust me.,, ls that your philosophv? Yeah, I trust me. That's business. ln this shady game, you can't trust nobody. Trust ain't there. Another thing is, I don't want nobody messing up for me. lf there's some mess up, lwant jt to be my fautt. you know? lwant it to be my fautt instead of somebody etse messing up and me getting mad at them. lf I mess up. it's my fault. I've gotta fix the problem. you know? So that's why I trust me.

You're wearing a shirt that says

Who do you have on the album as far a5 features? Janet Jackson, R Ketty, LiL Wayne, David Banner, Nate Dogg, and the Get it Boyz of course.



Does it have a similar vibe as your last album? You know me, I'm gonna stitt keep the ctubs jumping, lt,s a party, fun vibe. I atso got the street records on there with the Get it Boyz and "We Do" with Bun B. l've got some soto joints on there too. lt's a mixture on this atbum, it's street but I'm stitL hittin'the ctubs with

that party vibe.

UIITII HE SOPIIOMORT AITB[IM. lill$ Do you think that a lot of street cats had a hard time respecting you otrrN r.ABE[,, AltD HEt OUIN CLroUt iff:Xti:l:j:i;3.'J,J:T;:11ffi'1''; of street cats and they l::lii?# iff[:::

company and doinglomething with my crew, the Get to stay a member of anythjng, I want to etevate

lf people call you a commercial rappe., how would you respond? you know what? I don't even care 1,,turi,,; as tong as-the fans who've been with me love lf the peopte tove it' that's who I'm making the



Boyz. I'm not




Are you still signed to No. lwas, but I'm not no more. Stot-O-Lot, that's my record [abe[. Did vou feel like being a part of Drp was hordins you back from doins



your ffi:.g:,t iJi:T"t#lii#li;til1H5!""1older'


Nah, because that's where it att started. lt's just that l've got to do what got to do. But, them my guys right there, so we coot. lt,s atl [ove, it ain't


It seem5 like your career just blew up pretty quick. How


your life

changed? WeLt, you know, back then nobody reatly knew me or cared too much about my music. I was just another guy trying to get a deal and rap. But now, peopte

know me worLdwide and peopte appreciate my music. Now that this atbum is getting heard, l'm get ting money and l'm grindin'trying to take it to the next tevet. l'm tryin' to hetp my foLks eat and do what they gotta do cause they're into the music thing. The Get it Boyz, they rap too, and a lot of other peopLe.

(the Get


Boyz walk

Thurr they go.")


ond Chingy comments, "You just spoke ,em up.

Will their project be released on Priority too? We just working things out now, so we'tt see. Backing up a little bit, how did you originally get put on? you hooked up

with the Traksta.z?

Actuatty the Trakstarz, them my homeboys from way back in the day doing this music thing. They wasn't dojng too much and I wasn't doing too much, so we decided we needed to formutate a ptan to make this happen. We started working on the Jackpot atbum. ActualLy, the aLbum was already done before we did the deal, for reat. We did a five song demo and sent it to a coupte peopte. [DTP'S] Chaka lzutu] happened to be one of the ones that catted back and tike it. We put it on vinyt, sent it out there, and got a nice buzz and got 12

rhev teLtin' me to keep doins it' so' nah' I don't

what happened with Drp? why isn,t chaka zuru maoasing you? WetL, them stitt my peoptes, but it's just that l'm starting my own record


how do vou switch

I go with the times. I write aboui whatever I tike to do, what I see and what I want to do. Whoever can relate to it, that,s who I write for.

5.ffi:"iT,liill: J8l\e

been soing throush personauy that you

Basicatty, Powerbattin' is just the fottow-up to Jackpot. The accomptishments go on and on with my second atbum. It's just a cetebratjon of coming from nothing to something. Did you expect Jackpot

to be so successful, three million 50ld? Not for real. lwas a new artist coming out, so I woutda been happy if it went gotd. I woutda been happy if it soLd 20O,OOO. Three tjmes ptatinum? You can't be mad at that. I ain't expect it, but I was hoping for it though. Yeah, that's a lot of records sold. Would you credit that to the radio support you had for "Right Thurr"? I'd credit that to radio, magazines, and the shows. lwas out here grindin'and I'm stitt out here. I ain't stopped yet, I ain't had a break yet. I'd credit that to everybody who had something to do with my success. I just hope they show that same love on my second aLbum.


Do the Get it Boyz have a project coming out? Yeah, we've got a project coming out next year catted Hood


lot of artists come out and put their crew on, like Nelly and the St. Lunatics and Emjnem and D1?, and don't get the same respect, You just let your music speak for itsetf and do you. Don't tet nobody put no negative stuff in your brain. That's how we rott. We get respect cause we real people. A





Foi unyon. who is;'t familiar with you, tell talk about oc Ron c. You'rg known for beeveryone who you are and wnere you're ing one of the Premier DJ's when it comes to



OG Ron C out the Wreckin' Yard, H'rown - Houston'

How dld you get started



youfeet screwed & chopped music. What nakes your Do you fe€t like thi lhbli areicoming through,!: representin' style of screwin' and choppln' different than right now and snE:tdhJri"up all these artists in



Man, l'm so gtad you asked


[?Tl3l*H'l1:h*lg,if:.:ti'Rroper that question. yel, do. I'm gonna.telt me"ffii'* why






I fdet

lwas in a rap qroup And before I evertr.answer, tq me first say rest that way. TJle DJ ii !o irhportant, because if it in the Late 8O's. Whjle \^/e were producing a in peace to DJ Screw Now, tr'ith that in mind. wasn't for the DJ, the music woutd never be demo we didn't have anyone to make the beats. l-was a big DJ Screw fan and l stiLt am. I'tt stitt heard, So, yeah, I feet tike I shoutd be given"fio One of our aartners had somq turntabtes and plck up a Screw tape and Listen to.it. That's re credjt for the.workthat I've done in breaking a I started fuakin' around with ihdm. I decided pretty much the onty way l"tt tisten to stowed tot 6f lhdab artists from Texas. But I'm not gon;a then that lwanted to be the man that handled down music, so when you pick irp.an 06 Ron C sit.around'and whine and cry about it. lf another tape, I try to keep the true essence of a Screw muthafucker never thanks me, l'm codti b€cause altthe music. tape. The scratchin', the cutting, the draggin', l'm bte!$ed. I thank'God for everything l've beeh ' Just to clear up some of the corlfusloh for the choppini, atl of tlrat shit not computer abte to do, some of the old-school music heads like my- shit. I'm givin' you some reaL DJing, and that's ' self; You are not the rapper Ron C who was ,what DJ Screw did. You can tett that there's ls there anything else you'd like to say? signed to Profile Records back in the day, who someone on the turntabLes givin' it to you the Make sure you tetl at( these peppte.-around thijr,, . eyeryone thought was Too Short's alter ego? way you want it. wortd to holta at thd OG so they can quit gettin' Nah, that's not me. That's the Trendsetta Ron stopped up, and get chopped up! Al5o be on the How do- you fee!,about labels sending out tookout for Mr. CF{e,b:s- suA€r'tizergoming DecemC, outta Dattas. ,, screwed and chopped vinyl, not just a screwed ber 8th and the Major With A rajor Deal mixtape Aight, thanks for the glarification. 50, tell me, and chopled album? Being a DJ mysetf, I think featuring oG Ron C and CH6riiilftoqEirq. sending screrved. screwed 12" to DJt DJs $ is trish, trash, who all is down with thewreckin''Yard? the Wreckin' Yard? :. , , .r, . . : ,", . You ve got myseLf, of course, OG RonC, and Mr. Once agajn. it goes back to the art of that ls thete qlycontl{ info'ycrtdd&dto give out? particular styte of DJing. lf yoq W4!ln4 get it Yeah, thll is f6l tf*e indqpdn\dedt cats who have cateb, Koot Rod, and Biq Nik, the way it's supposea to be doie; thCi the shit pioblems with radio DJs who don't wanna paty \r/hat's your involvement with Chamillion- the{abets are doing is going about it ihe wibng your muslci,Vou tan send freesvtes, CDs, orwhat. Actual.Ly, I got started when



My retationship wjth chamittionaire -ii sltid. We've been down since day one. II iiasrreat wasrreat

instrumental in putting hjm or. back in the day on att that other butbhit and put that iirto the when I was with Swishahouse, and ive stitt to- promotionat budget! Stop putting screw ori wax



way. Even though I woutd stiLt do lhe,fultversion ever to OG Ron C, 34'18 Hwy 6 South, Suite B #108, screwed and chopped atbums, t wbutbn't\do the'. Houston, Texas iz08z. You can also.hit. me up ai wax. Oh, and print this: Stop spending money OcRonc@tmail.com .

, .


-,. . ': '

gil"iy.lihll:{ii#iijjiHl#i'i: '',





ffiI#$ffi*ffi1ffi,::Tf #,ffi;H#rffiffifr'.H['#. .,, for anyon6 whi's invitved or a-nyone who they've got something to say about the

thinks situa-



, I



f]1\J/ra1 ., .'"ffiii\'i,ilhfitr"i',?11',l11i};1i?illii,,if, ffi:'1T"::["T#:'l;"111'"'i,1i1",::,.'::i,:l'i }(i(\11 rll[. ll t tf if you rob someone, yoiJ canrt just



:::,i'*:,6-fi"TYl"+li,illil;iti',i?1[,?i Lr'ke,






around thjnking thinkin€ that nobodv nobody ain't gon' €on' try and

,"t;"". i;;;.-il,r,k;-L-,,-,iii'r"i'a'"'t.ii'l"u;, WURDSWjIIIySpARKS taLk' , .,I everywhere '' [c-hamittionaiie and l] went, we hearini lMike

said some thangs, did a lotta internet shit, and some other shit, A tit' tatking here, a til' ing there. lt got to the point where

5:ki'li:#ff.ill"';"ilfi::#"":11lli$*: '!

had to do. And jirst to be ctear, this js as far as it's going. No one is gonna get hurt, and we ain't wishin' no itt wilt toward anyone. But we're not just gon'sit here and tay dowll.'Fuck that.

,'1 Now that we're done with that topic,

let's .







Fl orn and raised in Jacksonville, FL,24-yearJokisha "Dynasty" Brown is an aspiring l{old ymodel. actress, and rapper who appears on the cover of Fantasy World's 2005 calendar. How did you decide to pursue the entertainment business as a career? First I became interested in acting. Modeting was second, and then rapping. I was a fan of Janet Jack, son and I aLways knew that I wanted to do music and entertain, but ldidn't figure out how tit a cou' pLe years later. Singjng wasn't for me. croups like Satt-N-Pepa inspjred me, Rap reaLty started ctinging to me, and I knew that this is what lwanted to do.

lstarted doing tittle tatent shows, and now I've got the acting and modetjng and musjc. l'm constantly putting my music on hotd for modeting, tryjng to juggte everything at one time. What's on your resume so far? As far as actjng, l've done severatindependent tow budget fiLms and a lot of ptays and fashion shows in Jacksonvitle. We just wrapped up a movie in Mjami caLted Street l.lorey. I ptayed a gangsta girt, and I end up kilting one of the majn characters. l'm tike a hit girl. lt shouLd be at Btockbuster soon. You've got a reputation around Jacksonville as a hustler. How have you earned that reputation? [Photographer and Fantasy Wortd pubtisher Atdrick Wittiams] says l'm hjs number one selter. He has two editions, the Men's Edition and the Dimes Edition. I'm on the cover of both. I was one of the tast sirts to be added to the catendar.

Where do you sell the calendars? Mostly in the cLubs, barbershops, flea markets, and car washes. I get so much [ove, everyone's supportjve, lf l'm jn the grocery store, l'm outside tike, "Hey, wouLd you tike to purchase a catendar?" I'm surprised that even femates have been buying. They make good


istmas presents.

the guys that buy the calendar hit on you? I get a tot of comptements; they usuatty want me to hook them up wjth different girts. lt makes them happy to buy it 'cause you sign it for them. 5o, they're tetLing their friends they know me or whatever and that's what setts. Do

Any celebrities you've met? I just did the Trick Daddy video for "Let's co," that was a cool set to hang out on. I know Twista, T.1., they're coot. I talk to Tigger every now and then.

Have you had artists offer to help out your career, with 5trings attached? Yeah, I've heard that before. I usualty watk away from situations like that, because peopLe tend to pre-judge me. With the catendar they figure l'd be witting to do certain things, but whatever I earn, I want to earn it the right way. I know it takes a lot of hard work and determination to make it in the industry and l'm determjned. I aLways pray about those situations. l'd never lower my standards. What kind of guy are you looking for? A guy who's honest and supportive. A tot of guys can't handte the fact that I've gotta communicate

wjth other guys in the industry I don't want hjrn to feet any tess of a man. I don't see the money, l'd rather have someone who tikes me for me. I't[ support them 100%; I just need someone to be my backbone wjthout any jeatousy.

order, visit www,fantosyworldmodels..om "lliss hlorch." You can also visit her website, nsdynastylive.com. To

where Dynasty appears os

- Julia Beverly (Photo: Atdrick williams)

6 '




l I odel and actor Jasun Wiggins has appeared and fiihion shows. Most ffiin many calendars , Y lrecently, you can catch him on the cover of the annual Rundu Men calendar. How did you get started modeling? lwent to schoot at NorfoLk State University, and that's where I started modeting. After that, I spent five years in New York doing more fashion stuff and then I moved to Attanta. I was with my ex-girl at an expo and watked past [Attanta-based photographer and calendar publjsherl Rundu's tabte, and she wanted to work together. This is my second year with Rundu's calendar. Now, l'm on the cover. Do people recognize you often?

It's kind of amazing. I get more recognition from catendar work than any other media.

As a model, have you ever been asked

to do something that made you uncomfortable? It took me a while to get comfortabte within the modeLing reatm because I'm a tittte shy. some of the modets are exotic dancers, so I think it's a tittte easier for them to do certain things. But Rundu made it easy for me. lt's not forced, and you can see that in the images. Do you use

the "l'm a model" pick-up line? No. Actuatly I don't tike to say that. I've noticed that when I say that, the whoLe energy of the conversation changes, usualty for the worse. They think you feet a certain way about yoursetf. I don't like to tett peopl.e that l'm a modeL, I tike my work to tatk for me. lf people notice me, then I apprecjate it, but I don't throw it around. I've been btessed that women have responded wetl to me. Do you date female rnodels? No. Wlth modeting, I always fett tike an outside be-

cause I come from a smatttown. I'm from Hampton, Virginia, the same town asAlten lverson. To go from there to a big city is a different experience.

What attracts you to a woman? I Like sincere women. I tike the progressiveness of Northern women, lthink their sawy is sexy. At the

time, I like some of the traditions of Southern women. l'm big on energy and vjbes. I tike to connect in many different ways other than .just the same

physicat. My ex didn't reatty underrtand what I was doing. she tried, but with modeting, r'f you're not in the industry yoursetf it's hard to understand. She was very jeatous. I was very patient and compromised so much. A tot of times when I went to shoot in the istands, she was right there with me, and I don't think the staff was feeting that because I was there to work. Wlth women, for me it's about the vibe and the connection. lf she's attractive too, that's beautifuL. Everybody wants something nice to look at now and then.

How do you stay in shape? ActuatLy, lthink I'm fat in Rundu's catendar, I have two rotes that l'm lauditioning for], and she caught me when I was preparing for the rote. The guy is big and ripped, so I was getting ready to butk up and then chiset down. I onty had about two weeks notice to get ready for the shoot, which was cooL, but I wasn't jn the best shape. She put me on the cover, though, so I guess it was good enough. Right now l'm eating a Lot and tifting hea\y. When it's time for me to get lean, l'tLstart running in the morning and drinking two or three gatLons of water a day. To order the Rundu filen 2OO5 calendor, visit www.rundu.com, You csn olso find more photos of Jasun ot www.ethnicitymodets.com.

- Jessica Koslow (Photo: Rundu) OZONE MAGAZINE NOVE}TBER



we won't just man

this atl the time. There

singLe Spett-

Atlanta as wett.

nitety a Ptaystation night. This

doesn't go down every night, oh, no. Even when a bunch of girts come to the hotel together, that doesn't guarantee ass for the crew. Out of five girts, there's probably onty one that

5o, you're Ludacris' DJ. We'Ye heard the stories about the girls who


some nights that are defi-

out, we'tl inctude Ctark


to suck the manager's dick to meet the artist, etc., is that the way lt work wants to fuck and she's atways in the DTP camp? Do they the one that's not driving. hook up with you to get to When we go to cities where Luda, sleep their way up to the top? rappers come atL the time, tike Miamj or D,C., Nah, in our camp it doesn't reatty work tike they're not reatty fazed. Occasionatly, though, that. GeneratLy if I putt a bitch, l'm fuckin' her we'tl have a show in a smaLl town tike Littte Rock that night. Nobody etse is fuckin' her. Ir it fair to say that you're the whore of DTP? No, definitety not. lt's just that I'm the onLy one wiLtjng to tatk. We'tt just teave it at that,

free room & board. world travel. group sex.




loves his iob-

here he siaras some of the perks of beinq a part of the entourage.

'r#"#'lil"'""ii,'"i!l'i'* !M:,::"'#'f Y Y responses to that interview? Yeah, remember how the phone rang during the inteMew and the picture that went with the ringtone was a girt's tits? The girl who was caLtjng me read the interview and she thought it was funny you mentioned that. She's down there in Whoretando (ldughing). We heard Big Boi from Outkast refer to it as Whorelando. Orlando has some, uh nah, nah, I ain't even gonna say that. I just Uke Ortando, I've met, you know, some pretty coot fotks down there.

Met any interesting girls this past year since our last interview? I met a chick on the set of "Pussy Poppin'." Were you disappointed that "Tip Drill" came along and stole the spotlight from "Pussy Pop. pln"' on BET'5 Uncut? Ah, yes, I was very hurt. Disturbjng Tha Peace, we had BET Uncut on tock first with the uncut version of "Right Thurr," and then 'Cris came atong with his joint. But yeah, it's safe to say

that Netty shut it down.

Are there plans to try to take back the BET Uncut crown? Hey, man, that's aLt up to 'Cris. But you know what reatly made it hurt was that [Netty] came to Attanta to film the video. Like, atl those girls in the "Tip Dritt" video are Atlanta girts. That njgga came to our city and took our hoes. There was a lot of controversy between Nelly and the Spellman College girls, Did you see any Spellman girls in the "Tip Drltl" video? That woutd be a safe assumption. Spettman atumni definitety make their presence felt at att the poputar strip cLubs here in Atlanta, but that's a whote 'nother discussion in itsetf. But 18




Have you traveled to any interesting places this year? We went to Japan, Brazil, Germany, and London a coupte more times. The women in Japan are reaLly cute, but there's one specific area that's a probtem, They're very lacking in the ass de. partment, and that's a definite requirement. you didn't tap any, uh, Japanese ass? No, but I got some Japanese head. lt's pretty good, actuaLly. Japanese women, they're definitely very skjtLed. So

Did you haye to pay for it? Paying for sex is generatly frowned upon. How does the saying go? Why pay for the cow when you can get the mitk for free? I only paid for sex once. One time in Minneapotis, I gave a chick 5100 to join in and eat some pussy.

Why'd you pay her, was she hesitant to do lt? I r{ouldn't say that she was hesistant, but I kinda caught her at the tail end and she was tired from atl the other shit. Here's the situation; this was after a show. l'm with a chick in my room, and this other girt was in another room on our floor. lt was a whole tot of things going on jn that room that I didn't participate in, because I atready had my own shit going on in my room. I put the girL to steep in my room, and I happened to get the page from the head honcho saying, "Come to my room." So lwent to his room and there was tike four girts in the room with other members of DTP. There was a tot of sturping going on. (laughing, This one girt that I was trying to get wjth, she was done. Her jaws were tired, she ain't wanna do nothing or whatever. 50 I was Like, "Come to my room, l've got something to show you." So I brought her back to see this other girt that I was with. Now, the girl was asLeep, but she was Lookin' at her and I guess she got turned on or whatever. She was like, "l don't know, l'm kinda tired." lwas tike, "l'tt give you 5100 if you crank it up one more time," and she agreed. She saw the ass on the girl and she was tike, yep, I'm going down. Sure enough, it did go down.

or Myrtte Beach. I'm not gonna Look down on them and refer to them as "starstruck" or anything, but basicatLy those are the cities where the freakier shit tends to pop off,

After being on the road for a while, does it calm down?

Oh, yeah, that shit has definitety catmed down. I think I speak for any new artist when I say that when you first start hitting the road, it's atways like, "Ooh, how many bitches can I get with," but after a while it gets otd, man. lt reatty gets otd. There's some nymphos out there, but yeah, niggas have definitety slowed down. For one, the whoLe idea of the constant chase after the show, that shit gets old. Then you've got other factors like the whole Kobe l8ryant] shit, so that's honestty why ljust tike to fuck with peopLe that lalready fucked with before. That wat you atready know it's not an issue, Not to say that I don't meet any new peopte, but most of the time if I touch down in a city where I had a pretty good time before, chances are I'm gonna catt that girt again. What about protection? Oh, c'mon. That's a no-brainer. Atways have the Magnums on-deck, always. Not an issue. ls there anything you'd do in bed with your girl that you wouldn't do with a grouple? Ihat's funny that you ask, because the girts I end up dating are usuatty the ones that act real prudish and won't do certain things. Like, the chick on the road witt probabty swallow, but your majn gjrt is probabty like "Hett no!" Why is swallowing such a big deal, anyway? Aw, come on! The feetingl That shit just, aw' the whote feeting of busting off in somebody's mouth. I can't even begin to articutate the sensation.

What about eatlng ass, like the R Kelly tape? Aw! Nope. And you know what? I haven't even seen the R Ketty tape, to this day, Are there any DTP sex tapes out there? I highty doubt that one! We're so paranoid about cameras, oh no! What determines

lfa girlis

you'd want to date?


groupie or someone

it's att about the way the girl carries themthe girt dictates how they get treated. lf they carry themsetves in a respectful What are the rules of group sex? manner then they'lt get treated that way, but if The unwritten rute is that you definitety don't the come up to me on some shit like, "Where the pay attention to whatever else is going on, You afterparty at?" and their titties are hanging out, just supposed to do you and keep it moving, I'm gonna ask 'em to come back to the room. bam. We don't condone, uh, wood-watching. (loughing) But, lgroup sex] doesn't reatty hap- What's your hlt and miss ratio? pen att that often. I've generatly been successful damn near everyls

it like the "Holidae lnn"


A tot of hopping from room to room? Yeah, that woutd be kinda accurate. Granted, it's not like

To me

seLves. EasicalLy,

where I go, except Baltimore and Phitty. I don't know what it is about the girts in those cities, but I haven't been abte to crack em yet. Battimore and Phitty, quit ptayin'so damn hard.

lf a girl turns you down, how long would you keep trying? Some girls you know right off the bat you're just gonna be cool with'em, so you aren't reatLy tryin' to make some shit pop off. But generalty, I'tl give a gjrt a grace perjod (ioughirg). lf something don't pop off the first time but the girl is coot, I might stitt stay in touch with her and maintain some type of contact so that next time I roltthrough, some shit coutd happen. Ever had 2way sex? I have. I try not to, but you know, every now and then. lf it's somebody that you hit it off with and the sex was good, and she sends me a message tike, -Hey. I enjoyed your baLts in my mouth," ljust might reply (laughin .

What's the most interesting



you've received? Hotd on, let me took through my 2way right now There's this girt in London that sent me a message the other day. NeedLess to say, l'm Looking forward to going back to London. Let's say that she's a great head doctor and she enjoys what she does.


known to stap a bitch in the face a few times. Have you had any situations where a groupie expected it to develop into a relationship? occasionatty, yeah, you'Lt come across a girl who after she's given you the pussy and fantastic head - att of a sudden she'lt be tike. "Damn, I know you probabty got ten other hoes in other cities that do the same shit." She might be right, but what the fuck is she worried about it for? Like, if l'm not deaLing with you in a disrespectful manner, what's the probtem? Do you ever

feel guilty?

About what? Nothing to feel guitty about. You'd onty feet guitty if you're leading somebody on. lf they get the phone catL at three, four in the morning, they know what's up. They make the decision themselves if they want to show up at

the hotel. Do most of these

girls have boyfriends?

Generatty that's something that's not discussed,

but if you're friends with them too eventualty

that topic does come up. Some of these girts do have boyfriends, some of them even have husbands.

What about on the flip side, have you had any groupies go crazy on you? No, I can't say that I have any psycho bitch stories. I did have one experience where a girl tried to steat a tittte Tiffany doq-tag necklace. They're only tike, 5135. lt was some other shit I had on in addition to the big DTP chain, l'tL rock the tittte dog-tag or whatever. This gjrt came to my hoteL room in Chicago. lt surprised me, because I had been fuckin'with her before. This wasn't a random chick, this was somebody I had

atready been with a coupLe times. I just wasn't expect-

ing her to be a ktepto.

"l was very hud when

'Tip Drill'stole the spot light from 'Pussy Poppin'. VWat really made it hurt was that

Why'd she

lNellyl came to our city and took our hoes."

chain on in bed, just to be super, super safe. Yeah, the


for the dog-tag instead of the DTP chain? I keep the big



has been

so what's the appeal? Why do they keep sleeping with you? guess it's the fame factor. They're hanging out with us and they're getting

Mth some, I would

to see [the music business] from the other


pect. lt's kind of interesting. l've been in situations where women are tike, "Damn, them girls are acting reat thirsty tryin'to get up in VlP," and it freaks them out because they've never seen some shit tike that before. Some of 'em, it'lt make them wise up. One girt, after hanging out wjth me, she was tike, "Damn, now I see how I used to took."

If you settle down with somebody in the future, do you think you'd feel comfortable

telling them about your past? I got a couple things I need to get out of my system first, but l'd tike to settLe down with somebody eventuatty. I don't wanna be known as that otd nigga in the ctub. I'm fortunate that I don't look my age. I'm in my early thirties but I stit( get carded everywhere I go. But, if I find somebody that I tike that much, l'tL share lmy past]. That's how you know you've stumbled across somebody that's right for you, if you can taLk and have an adutt discussion without getting mad. I haven't found that one yet.

Are there any celebrities on Jaycee's hit list? Mya, but honestLy, I was told that I shoutdn't want her on my tist. This very famous Atlanta-based music producer was tike, "Nah, you don't wanna fuck with thatl" lguess the imptication was that she was a nutcase. I woutd hope it wasn't from a hygienic standpoint. Atso, the chick from Desper' ate Housewives, Eva. l've gotta get her. JC from N'sync is atready tappin'that, so apparentty she has a thing for Jaycees. Any more stories you want to tell before we go? You've qotta put this in the magazine, and it's not even invotving sex. We did a show in Atlanta, and the next stop was Memphis. A friend of mine wanted to come to Memphis, so I rode with her in her car. After I did soundcheck and everythinq we were on the tour bus, chiLtin'. We were just having a casuat conversation, me, her, and lity Boy from DTP 5o she gets up tike, "Where's y'alt bathroom at?" We pointed her in the right direction. Now, we know y'alt take a tong time in the bathroom, so we wasn't reatly trippin', but she was taking a reatty, reolly long time to come back outside. When she finalty opened the door it was the worst fuckin' smelt, ever. I was tike, oh God, this bitch took a shit on our tour bus. Not onty that, but she tried to lie about it. We have signs posted atLaround the bus that you can't shit in the bathroom. She was like, "Jason, I see the signs, I woutdn't do that to you." So, I'm tryin'to beLieve her. Shawnna atways has to use the bathroom to change before a show, so Shawnna came in the bathroom and was tike, "Oh, hett naw!" cause of the smetl. She was tike, "Jaycee, your bitch jost came in and took a shit on the tour busl" I'm tryin'to defend my friend. Shawnna was Like, "l hope you ain't fuckin' her, cause she smettin' real raunchy!" The girt was stitt maintaining the Lie, saying she ain't shit on the tour bus. The one way to find out for sure was the ask the bus driver, cause that nigga gotta change the tank every day. Anyway, I was the butt ofjokes for the tast three weeks of the tour because of this shit. She fett so uncomfortabte she didn't even bother comin' to the ctub. To this da, I haven't spoken to her. lt was confirmed the next day when we went to New Orteans. The bus driver was tike, "ln my 27 years of driving this bus, I ain't never seen nobody take a shit tike that before." (loughing) The sad part of this whote situation was that she was absotutely gorgeous! Probabty one of the best looking girts l've ever puLted. I just thought she would've known better than to do some shit tike that. - Julia Beverly, jb@ozonemag,com





be a too Enquirer-ish, even for us at ozoNE. lt may piss off a few people, but fuck it, that's never stopped us before. .bit T!l: Jnce -Tj:S.Tlclt rnls ls tne "sex issuâ‚Ź"' we decided to 8et inslde the mind (and body?) of a groupie, commonly defined as someone who has sex with II lamous people because of their status. Everyone has wondered at one point in their lives what it w;uld be like to sleep wittr a ceieUrity, io

here we've got some (presumably) real-life experiences to satisfy your curiosity.

Here's.how it worked: ozoNE put out the word on the street that anyone who had fucked a famous person could catt from a btocked number and confess att the juicy detaiLs. According to our catlers, Mr. cheeks and Tyiese got rave reviews, white Jadakiss and Atten'tveison were tess than satisfyjng. However, since the interviews were comptetely anonymous, we have no way of verifying i; they are a"i"itr (cities, ctub names, liotEi names) have been removed. 50, please keep in mind white reading the fotLowing two p&es th;t these stories "i "oi.mato; ;ay not be ?actuat, ano oo not necessarity represent the opinions of ozoNE Magazine (my Lawyer iotd me to sayihat). ln-layman's terms, that me;ns you lan't sue us if you don,t tike what was said. ALso, we alL know that it takes two to tanio, so just because someone*u, u'inait in'u"adni" oo"ii;i ir-uun tn"y re atways whack.



We received catls about

Jacki'o and Jim Jones which were not printed because there were some doubts about their authenticity. The fottowing stories are from several different women. These encounters did not necessarity occur recently, so ir you art currenttyiu"ing o;" or thlse nne gentte;e;, n; need to curse him out, lf you, too, have a ceLebrity confession, you can email us at reiaoact<ilozone.ig,"otir ioilnit..donr. ALLEN IVERSONi

grungy so

What's your story?


had a one-night stand with AtLen lverson. He was recording his atbum and I happened to be at the

studio. One of my homegirts was into one of his homeboys, There was four bitches there and he was Like, "l wanna fuck somebody for the night."

told me he picked

me 'cause I was the onty one "not up under his ass."

After six months, did you develop an emotional attachment to him or

attachment to him, because I stopped seeing everybody eLse at the time.

Did you worry about him having

How was it? He has the

was mostLy the conver-

was it mostly sex? To be honest, I did have an emotionaL

Why you?



sation. We chjtted for a few days, then he went out of town. Next time he came [to my town] he was Like, "Come to my hotet." Nothing happened the first night, but after that I ran into him again and [we had sexl.

titttest, ashiest dick I've

other women, being a celebrlty? it bothered me, but I didn't re"


'jYe_ah, I would recommend Benzino. He's

freakv as hell. Fle'll lick anv hole that vou ask him to- lf a'nvbody reads this, he's gonn6 get a lot of pussy. t"

ever seen. lt's tike, nonexistent. He tool(s tike he shoutd have a pussy. And

it's dry. I woutd give him

four inches at best, and skinny.

What was the sex like? He's freaky as hett, I'tt tett you that much, He'tt tick any hote that you ask him to. His dick is a decent size. He coutd fuck, l'tt put it that way. He'tt do it any way you want.

Editor's note: We received


5o you

would recommend him?


recommend him. lf anybody reads this, he's gonna get a tot of pussy.

conflicting occount from another coller who sdid AILen lvetson wos "gteot" in bed, but decided she didn't want her story printed.



How was Jadakiss in bed? He'5 a minuteman, for sure.

Were you in a retationship with

Were you disappointed? It wasn't that I was disappointed, I was just shocked because I thought he would tast tonqer. Ptus, l didn t

realLy wanna do pLace.

atty ask. I knew whatever came out of his mouth was gonna be a tie regardtess, so why bother? I just kinda knew, 'cause he was sLick.

So what happened? We wound up back at his hotet. It wasn't even worth taking my clothes off for. I ended up teaving before it was over. He didn,t cum, and neither did l, so that's why I teft.


watch TV in bed." 50 t'm thinkinq, Okay, I guess this is how it's gonna go down. We go over to the bed and he starts touching me. I was tike, "No, I don't know if I wanna do this," but it kinda just ted to t't and we were going to lhave sex] and he just busted. That was it. No orat sex or anything, it was just kinda grindin'. Sizewise, he was decent. Nothing to brag about, lt doesn't even reatty count as sex, because he busted so fast he didn,t even realty stick it in. Everything was coot, though, we just went to sleep and I left the next morning. We've never tatked aeain.


it in the first

was more disappointed

How did you meet?



ing, everything is cooL, and then the room. I

we're atone..." and we were watching TV. He was like, "Come here, [et's

want to sleep with? Ludacris, I think the sex woutd be fun; just 'cause of the way he carries himsetf. He taLks so much about sex. But, sometimes the ones that tatk about it aren't about anything. JAY-z..

When did you meet Jay.Z?

Ihis was back when


Doubt came out. We met at a ctub, One of his friends was fuckin' one

of my friends, and he was


"What up. My name is Jay-z." Was he already famous? Were you

attracted to him as a person, or more for the fame? I definitely didn't find him attrac-

he was borderline famous so I figured l'd have a story to tett.

that point.

So would you be offended


someone called you a groupie? I don't give it up that easy, it was

just in that if

circumstance. you

it, what,s wrong with that? I don,t consider any gi.l to be a groupie, ,cause everybody does their own thing. We don't consider guys to be groupies, so I don't think women shoutd be considered groupies either. know,

a woman wants

know how it happened that fast. He's gotta be able to tast with


eYerybody etse leaves

just kinda sat there, tike, "Okay, now

Are there any celebrities you'd

with myself for even getting to tive, but

How did you meet him? Do you think the minuteman It was a retationship, but mostly I was at a show where he performed. thing was just a fluke? sexuaL. lt Lasted at least six He approached me tike, "Yo, come It might have been a fluke. I hope months. here, come chitt with me." I waited it was just a fluke. I just don't

We kinda just bumped into each other at a cLub. He approached me and we just had a reguLar conversation. I was attracted to him as a person, but he was looking.eatty

taughing, tike,

"Jay-Z gave me three thousand dollars cash once and totd me to buy somethine nice for the next time lgavehim some {ood head."

Benzino, or just sex?

with him untit everyone teft and we went back to the hotet. We're chiLt-

I just kinda start "Oh, okay..."

what's your reaction when you hear hls lyrics talking about sex. or how good he is in bed? So

He totd me I tooked tike I had a "fuckabte mouth," which I thought was probabty the most disrespectfut shit l'd ever heard. How long did you mess with him? Like three months.

Were you wo.ried about him sleeping wlth other girls? He had a ton of other bitches. To tetl you the truth. with his boring dick, lwas gLad he was giving it to them. Boring?

Boring. The biggest dick you witt ever see in your tife, but boring. Huge. Like a one-titer Pepsi bottte. What do you catt those things? The zo-ounce bottte, lt's beyond huge. It coutd btock the sun, Too big

to suck?

No, not at atl. That's why he fucked

with me- And he screams like


bitch when he busts. lt's horribte. He has a big humungous dick and has no idea what to do with it. You

didn't try to teach him?

It woutdn't have worked to

him anything. He's just Ptus,




realty didn't care.



mostty just around for the cash. He might not be boring in bed to everyone, but me, ljust didn't dig him. He atways wanted head first, then backshots. Then he'd atways try to stick it in the asshote. I don't know what the fuck he thought he was doing with that big-ass dick. Did you ever let him?

I wouldn't be tatking to you right now if I had. My insides wouLd be in a bag.

What kinds of things did he buy you? Two fur coats. Diamond earrings. I got mostly cash, though. Cash alt

the time.

What'r the most cash he eYer gave you at one time? Three thousand. He toLd me to buy

something nice for the next time I gave him some good head. I was Uke, "Whatever." I used it to pay my bitts. Did you feel like a prostitute? The money came way before the head came. Sometimes he'd give me money and I hadn't even done


it like a booty-call thing? He'd call you at a certain time of night? He would have his homeboy caL[ Was

me and come pick me up and bring me over to wherever he was. The

studio, the ctub, wherever the fuck he was at, Did you ever go

to his house?

Yeah. He'd watch a movie, l'd ctean

his house, we'd take a shower, fuck, and he'd go to steep. I woutd take a cab, l'd atways leave.

Why didn't you spend the night?

no. That's too much buttshit. But Ithink most rappers basicatty try to fuck bitches who are smart and try to keep them around so they can tearn shit. I did it discreetty,

Why did it end? that he has women throwing themIt just did, I mean, he's married. selves at him? We're stitt cordiat, though, when- I know l'm not the onty one. What ever we see each other. does it matter?


worried about him fucking other Not that big.

though, so most peopte don't

lf he had a lot of other women, weren't you worried about catching something? Protection. Always. Anybody else on your hit list?

Petey Pabto. I don't know why, there's just something about him. I seen him on 106th and Park and he must have had a hard-on. Ptus, he's a country muthafucker, and I wanna get out of New York one time, That's it, but l'm not coming out of retirement. I'm retired now that I'm married. So what's your background like, sexually? I mean, some people mlght look someone who


sleepr around


sleeps with

famous people and assume that they were raped, or abused, as a chitd. ActuatLy, I kinda find dick that I like and stick with it for tong, tong periods of time. I was thirteen the first time lhad sex, and he's my husband now. We just got married a year ago. He stuck with me through att that shit. I mean, we weren't dating. We were junior high sweethearts, we were together for years. But I reaLized I didn't want the same dick all the time so we headed different directions. He had two kids with somebody etse and we came back together as a famity.

it make him insecure to know that you've slept with

I didn't

wanna wake up next to

So what was in it for you? Bragging rights? Yeah, l'm in the music business, so

that's pretty much the reason


fucked Jay. Just to say that I did.

there eYer a situation where you had to deal with him on a Was

businers tip?

Mixing business




I didn't



was just




Jay-Z? lf it does bother him, he

don't tet

me muthafuckin' know. I mean, if he sees Jay-Z on TV or something, he'tt just catthim an ugty nigga. lt's that mate ego buttshit. METHOD


How did you meet Method Man? He hottered at me white he was fitming a video. He picked me up

later from the club after he left the studio and we went back to his hoteL, and it was on from there. What was he tike in bed? He tatks a tot. lvlethod Man is a very interesting character. He's a beast in bed, he likes to spank and tett you to lay down, do this, do that. He's got a nice size. He's the real one. Very controtting. He tikes to hit it from the back white he pults your hair.

I wouLd say


How does he compensate for that? Oh, my. Atright, let me see if I coutd

put this into the

EngLish Language.

Were you more attracted to him There is some strange, weird positjon as a Person, or because he's fa- that he gets you into. He's the onty

person that has ever made me squirt. to him as a person. Like, when it shoots out and you think I ain't into no fame shit, it just it's piss. He's the onty man on the face happens. of the ptanet that has done that to mous? I was attracted

me. I think every woman in the wortd shouLd have him at teast once, l'm seone called you a groupie? rious. I think he shouLd be rented out. Yes, 'cause l'm not a groupie. HeLt, They witt never, ever find sex tike that I'm famous too (loughing). again. I'm tetting you, every fucking bitch on the ptanet shoutd fuck this lf you hear him using lyrics like nigga one time. He's fun. That's atL I "fucking bitches," does that of- can say about him, and I reatty wasn't fend you? attracted to his face but now I am. I No, I like for a nigga to catt me a was more attracted to hi5 styte. bitch every now and then. That shows me he toves me (laughing). Describe the position. It's kinda like missionary I don't know MR. CHEEKS: how to exptain it. Att I know is that it How did you meet r'lr. Cheeks? Did hits this particutar spot that no other Would you be offended



you aPproach him?

man on the face of the planet has ever

"Tvreset mouth should be for rent. His mouth and dick are both smd. He's workine with somethinq major. It wib, like, R&B sex. ll{ore sensual. " No, he approached me. This was back in tike, 1995. lt was at a club, he asked me if I wanted to eat breakfast. lt was midnight, so I was tike, "lt's not breakfast time." He was tike, "lt wiLt be when we wake up in the morning."


"Method Man is a verv interestins character. Hel a beast. he likes to sodnk and tell-vou to lav down. d6 this, do that. He's very cdntrollind." him. He's ugty,

Since he's famous, were you How big is his dick?

Were you interested in him? No, I reatty wasn't at alt. But after that [ine, he had me. I was interested then, I mean, I didn't go to the show to see him or anything.



mean, the man just oozes

sexiness. He's the first person that's ever been abte to do that. Does he have any other weird sexual tendencies? Nah, he just has to have a backrub before he can fuck you. TYRESE:

What was your relatlonship with

Tyrese? I was at a hoteL in Memphis and I got an earty morning catl at tike 7 or 8 Arvl. Did he telt you why he ap- When you're out of town with [Uncle] proached you, rather than the Luke, he Likes to give out room numother girls in the ctub? bers and they be ringing your phone He said it was the perfume, and off the hook. An!,vay, Tyrese catted the cleavage. and said Luke gave him the number. I went to his room and it was on.

lsn't he

married? Does that

bother you? It doesn't bother me at atl. lt was mostty a physicat thinc. He tived with me for a few weeks, I Uved with him for a few weeks. [He and his wifel break up like every two weeks, so

it's never bothered me.

50 you stitl mess with hlm? ls there an emotional attachment there now after ten years? Yes, yes definitety.


it a turn-on that he's famous?

What was he like ln bed?

His mouth shoutd be for rent. His mouth is excetlent. He started off

with the mouth action. His mouth and dick are both good. He's working with something major. lt v/as, tike, R&B sex. More sensual. He Likes it from the back, too. Did you keep seeinE him?

That was the onty time we stept together, but we've seen each other numerous times since then.

Like, that other women want him? It sounds llke it was good, so why did Definitety. And they don't qet him. you only sleep with him once? It's a beautifutthing. He tikes white women. I guess he just needed some btack in his tife every ls it difficult to trust him knowing now and then. NOVE^48ERZfi4 21


Do you have a lot of Iadies come at you? Girts come at me crazy. I'm the onty Puerto Rican on the Roc so that makes me a Littte more popu-

tar. I don't even have a singte or an album out, so I shoutdn't even be as welt-known as I am. ln the beginning you're

stunned, but now it's cute. You get girts who

are tike (sweet girlie voice), "Hey, Peedi."

Yeah, but before I didn't know how to take it.

What's the craziest way

a groupie ha' ever ap-

I'm going to name some females, and you tetl me how you think they'd be in bed. Christina Aguilera? I think she'd be a freak in bed. she's the type to get on top and do some fuckin' crazy shit. Mya? She's very sexy. Candlight, romantic.


Back that thang up. Straight-up backshots. Doggy style. Hot sex on a ptatter.

JackiO? Mature sex. Stitt freaky, but more traditional. Like, we gonna have sex tonjght, come around 8:00 and spontaneous shjt.



busy. No

issy Elliot?

There'd have to be another chick in the room. You'd have to be hittin'it from the back, and she'd pay more attentjon to the chick than you. Who's on Cuban Link'5 hit list? Hatte 8erry J-Lo, and Beyonce. Describe the ideal Cuban Link groupie. I'm a freak too. I love my groupjes cause they're just another form of fans. A nigga needs sex, so atl you gotta do is approach me and be yoursetf. But don't be too much on the dick, that turns me off. Some of the situations l've been in, I feet tike my mind js at war. l've gotta

watch who's around me, so if you're showing too much [ove, l'tt fatt back a Littte bit.

What's the differences


between Spanish, btack, and white women? Spanish women are very passionate and very jeatous, which is atl good. They love you to death, and they onty want


to be with them.

BLack women

are jeatous too, but they're great sex partners. They're more grounded to the streets, that's been my experience. White women take orders with no probtem5, so you can get away with a tot of things. But white women are quick to do their thing too, they're sneaky. I tove att women, though. - Photo and interview by Julia Beyerly,


proached you? A tady yesterday totd me to give her some sex. She asked where I got my chain from, and I told her Dame Dash gave it to me 'cause I'm a rapper. she said, "Who is you?" and when I toLd her l'm Peedi Crakk, she just tost her mind. she said, "Give me some sex!" she was serious. lwas tike, "Yo, what did you say?l?" What'5 your favorite position? Used to be doggie styte, but now it's from the front wjth her legs on my shoutders. That's the shit, that's how I tike it. Fast or slow? I like it stow and then fast. You gotta finish. lf you start off fast, you're gonna fuck up the moisture and the mood for her and for yoursetf. So, you start off sLow. You wanna get it ready, let it marinate a tittte bit and then finish. But with

Did you have a lot of male groupies after the song "My Neck, My Back"? No, not realty, That was the first singte, but peopte know not to try me Uke that. A tot of peopte just respected the truth and the reatness of the song.

So you've got the new collabo with Trick Daddy, "Jump On the Dick," Yeah, Trick knew to come to the reat, to the streets. He knew he had to get the Thug Missus for that song. Me and Trick go way back and we respected each other from the beginnjng cause we

both from the streets, so it was realty just a respect and loyaLty thing. lt's the

some positions, tike doggie styte, you can't go stow. You gotta get busy.

second single on his album, and I have a new singte too calted "Porkchop." Both

Do you eat pussy?

what the streets want, so it's gonna be

I'm not gonna front, I witt jf you're the right girt. I ain't tike those niggas who try to front like, "Nah, I ain't doing none of that." l'm 27, l'm grown. That can happen. How do you think Alicia Keys would be in bed? I tove her style and creativjty. She's gorgeous, but I'm not reaLly sexualty attracted to her. I tike girty girts.

of them are real

sex-oriented. That's

good. I write my own stuff, so it's easy for me to cLean it up for radio and stitl keep the same concept.

What's Khia's ideal man like? A street njgga, a thug. l'm the thug mis5us, so he'd have to be a reat person from the streets who respects me.

,rtya? I love her, but I've read a few things about her. she's a Libra, like rne, and Libras are reatfreaky, But it's a littLe intimidating when you know someone i5 freaky and boLd going into the experience. l'd rather not know and just tet it happen.

,{elyssa Ford? She's gorgeous. I wouLd do her in a hot second.

What attracts you to a woman? It used to be a physical thing because I like ass, but now it's atl about a confident demeanor, a swagger, and a sexy-ass attitude. That does it for me. Do

you like to use toys or food during sex?

Just her tongue.

I never tiked the food thing. My baby mama used to aLways wanna do shit tike that. She'd try to use whipped cream on me, and I never wanted any of that sticky shit on me 'cause I had a bad experience. This one girt had atL this chocolate fucking syrup that you use to make chocotate mr'tk with. She put it atl over the place and I was so drunk that I just tet her do the shit, LuckiLy, it was her house and she fucked her own bed up. I woke up and everything was att sticky and shit. No more of that shjt for me. Keep it basic, just use your mouth.

Wrapped or raw? I wrap it up every tjme. I don't need any more kids, or any of that 5hit running around out here. - Photo and interview by Felita Knight, dmpfak@aol.com

Okay, l'm gonna name some names and

you tellme how you think they'd be in

bed. Lilwayne? Oh, I tove LitWaynellOooh, ooh! | know he gon'be good in bed. Oh my God! Whoo! {runs in a comptete circte around me) I tove Ljl'Wayne. He done turned 21, and hey, hey, hey, I know he'tt be qood in bed. He got 5ome nice [ips. Ludacris?

After that new Trick Daddy song with

him and Cee-Lo, it sound like he mjght know what he doin' in bed too! I tike Ludacris, cause they att from the South. My favorite is Lit Wayne, Ludacris, and T.1., and Ithink they'd atL be good in the bed. I'm gonna find out and tet you know.

Young Buck?

I don't know. I don't know about Young Buck.

50 Cent? Nah, I ain't goin'up North. I gotta keep it in the South! - Photo and interview by Julia Beverly,




ALMOST FAilAOUS? B.orn and raised. i-q the rgugh Miami 'hood of Liberty Cit!,


could. have beqn- in Jrina's position, but opted for fame ori a different level. OZONE caueht up with one of the most wdllkhown fieures in Miami's strio club scerie to find out how she's gained her reputation.



[Trick Daddy and Trina's hit record] "Naan." What's the story behind that? Yeah, I was supposed to rap, but we was young back then and I was scared.

When you're at the strip club, how can you pick out the guys with money? I can tetl if a nigga is broke by his conversatjon, not by what he's wearing or how he tooks. The brokest-looking nigga can be the one with the most money, and the one that looks tike he has money can be broke. A nigga wjth money isn't aLways flashy. I can usuatty tett from the conversation.

What's an average day for Pinkey like? I get up earty, I have a fetish for getting my hair and naits done, so I do that at least once a week. I Like to took good. I onty work on the weekends, and during the week I spend time with my chitdren. How many children do you have? I have

three. Two boys 13 and


and one girtwho's 12.

Do they know what mommy does? \eah (loughin . You know how the teachers witt ask the kids what their mommies do? Wett, the nine year oLd totd his teacher that mommy works in a bathing suit (loughing). I totd him he better stop saying that, cause the HRS is gonna come get him and take him away, He totd me, "No, mommy, HRS onty comes and gets kids who's mommies don't take care of them."

What about the older children, how do they feel? The older ones don't trip orworry about it. I take care of them and that's atL that matters. I have the utmost respect for them. Do you have any plans to retire soon? I can't reatty tetl yoo that. As long as I Look good,

I'tt keep doing it.

Are you in a relationship? No, I just got out of one. Do you have any plans

to settle down?

lam ready to settte down. I'm just waiting to find that right person, Do you think you'll settle down with someone from l iami or do you think he'll comâ‚Ź from somewhere else? I can't reatty say where he'Lt come from. There's not many good guys teft in Miami. Ptus, it's hard because of my background. A Lot of quys are

intimidated by me. How and when did you start dancing? l've been dancing for six years. I started dancing as a dare. Some of my other friends were doing it and bragging about the money they were making, so I tried jt and the money was good. We hear that the strip clubs don't generate as much money as they used

to. Any comments on that? Njggas ain't getting money tike they used to. And, it's atl these other dancers comjng in the game settting for [ess. They're cheap hoes messing it up for everybody etse.

What makes Pinkey so special? l'm the shit. l'm that girt that Usher sings about, lt's my looks, my attitude, my body.

What's you. specialty? How do you get these men to talk about you the way they do? My special.ty is seduction. I know how to seduce a nigga. What's your relationship with Trina? We may not be together every day, but we have a very speciaL bond. She's a true friend. I wiLl atways be there for her and she't[ always be there for me. We're tr'ke sisters. I used to live with lTrina's famityl when I was younger, and her mom basicaLty raised me. she's the one who taught me and Trina the game at a young age. She atways totd us not to tet no nigga use you and to never settte for less.

Do you have any regret5? lf you could turn back the hands of time, would you still want to be a dancer? I wish that I wouldn't have become a dancer, but that's how it turned out. Now ljust have to be about my money. l'm making the best of the situation.

What is Pinkey's ideal man like? I want a man to tove me and treat me like a queen. I'm the type of person that loves hard, and I want someone who witl love me back just as hard, Someone who won't give up on me, cause l'm not a quitter and it takes a tot for me to give up on somebody. Ijust want to be toved, but untit I find the right person (sighingr... I don't know. I tried the retationship thing atready.

you like older men or younger men? I Like younger guys, but I don't know Younger guys are usuatty just hard dick and headaches. Do

As we were doing this interyiew, Pinkey was sittins at o sports bor with some well-knou,/n celebrities. However, we've got to keep their identities confidential at her request. We cdn't fuck up het money, and dt leost one of the individuals she was with wouldn't want the information to be broodcdst.

What's your relationship with Trick Daddy? Me and Trick went to junior high school together. We was cool. We were friends and we remained friends. He's tike a brother to me.

AIso, this is the sex issue, ond Pinkey has hod her shqre of episodes with many, many celebrites. There's octuolly too rnqny to name, because she hod to think obout the question tong and hdrd. Every name thdt wds thrown out there hos felt rls- Pinkey's wrdth- We did hear some very in-depth details which were quite interesting, but again, becouse this is how she mokes her living, we ore not able to disclose thot information. Until next time!

We heard that originally, you were supposed to be the girl rapping on

- Miss Regina (Photos by Bogan) OZONE l,lAGAzlNE NovE

,iBER2M4 25


I It

ues{c ( I *lt t IIJJ I


] I

-r'[-r F T{ , '. '-L.z -..j.





J'J,12!1J 1,{il


J:iJJ -




There's no mistake what

this shit is. Right

from the jump, it's time to get

crunk. Excuse me - GET CRUNK YOU BITCH ASS



Dey Rott" and the hard-hitting Bitch Nigga" are realty the onLy non-filler rnateriat on the album. There are two other songs which are basicaLly

"White Tees" part two and three. The Boyz jack some bars from "White Tees" and make a couple whack tracks. To conctude the atbum, "45s, Choppaz, & 9s" could have been a decent track but the repetitive use of a gun cocking in the track makes it get otd reat quick. - ADG,

intentionaLty ignorant hook: "l don't mind, your man don't matter to me / Keep the probLems, att lwant is your pussy." Disc two is hit or miss: on some tracks we are let down, onty to be blasted away by the next cut. A prime exampte is 212's solo 'Manic Depression" which is fitLer at best, but the next track, "Dat Boy (remix)" featuring Kamikaze, is solid. - ADG, adg@tmail.com

adg@tmai l. com


usual, Lit Jon & company

give you the



anthem. There are noticeabte differences between this atbum and previous Lit Jon & ESB atbums, however, such as the highpowered guest appearances. AtsoJ Jon actuauy rhymes instead of just yeLting, and the joints are more musicaL. LiL Jon shows his production range throughout the atbum lvjth cuts tike "Lovers & Friends," featuring Usher and Ludacris. Be prepared to hate this song in about two months, because that song is going to be a radio smash! Other gems are the Rick Rubin-produced ,,Stop Fuckin' With Me." That's a good t-hate-mywhack"ass'job song. Atso, Lit Jon capitatizes on thejokes DaveChappetle and Chris Rocks thrown at him by turning them into songs tike "Skeet Skeet Skeet," with DJ Ftexx. This is a straightup go-go song, so D.C. and Virginia shoutd get ready for that one. Now, is it just me, or is Li[ Jon becoming the officiaL career resurrector for legendary West Coast rappers? He djd it a few years ago With Too Short, and it seems as if lce

Cube is next in tine. lce Cube sounds like the nigga with an attitude again. Just tisten to ,,RoLt Catt" and possibty the best song on the atbum, "Grand Finate," which features T.t., Jadakiss, Bun B, Nas, and a key verse from lce Cube who murdered the original "Grand Finate" from The D.O.C.'S debut LP. There is so much more that could be said about this album because all bases are covered: rock, go-go, screwedJ West Coast. No stone is left untouched. This record wiLl be a monster. l'd bet money that there witl be at teast six singles off this atbum, and they'tt probabty stitt be in rotation a year from now Lj[ Jon said he wanted to make the down South version of The Chronic with his last atbum he came close with Kings ol Crur*J but with Crunk Juice he's officiaLty succeeded. Cop that shit! - Wally Sparks, dJwallysparks@yahoo.com


What does a producer do

BOY/TyT RECORDS Even though knew Jacki"O coutd spit, this POE

when he's already produced tracks for the tjkes of Cy-


press HiLl, Nas, Ludacris,

atbum reatty

surprised me. Some peopte may write her off as a sexpot,



pussy rapper chick, but Jacki-O steps up her game on this album and proves all these fotks as wrong as dick in the booty. Of course, she stjtl brags about her good pussy and what she's done with it to get her hustte on, but the way it's approached is fresh. This record is for the hustter's girtfriends, the chicks getting money in the skrip ctub, and the alt-around hustLa type of girt. Tracks tike "Gangsta Bitch" and "Pussy Real cood" have been ptaying on the streets for a while now, but

they're stiLt bangin'. Songs like the Jaze phaassisted r'Break You Off" and "Pretty," where Jacki-O shows off her vocal abitities (yes, she's singing) are ready-made for heavy radio rotation. On the flip side, you've got tracks tike "Champion," featuring Trick Daddy, which is )qx-rated. Let'r just say that the two of them are some nasty muthafuckers, The best thing about this atbum besides the quaLity productio; from heavyweights like Timbatand, Jazze pha, Coot & Dre, and coritLa Tek is the skits. Hitarious. lf you're a gangsta bitch or if you tike gangsta bitches, this is the atbum for you. - Wally Sparks, djwallyspa.ks@yahoo.com THE SHOCK

sHocK ttuztK voLUME



themes. The lukewarm intro i5 way too repetitive. On "Fight," DFB attempts

to bust your head to the

white meat but manages



cause minor

confusion due to the ctich6d hook. DFB changes its focus from the down South ctub thug to the femate preteen on "When Can We Date." The beat sounds like it would've been better in the hands of a Bow Wow or Romeo. The production is mostty handted by the group members themsetves, so many of the beats sound simjtar and uninspired. "Do Ya Dance Girl" is a sitty track that had me lookin' outside for the ice cream truck. Aside from the titte track, ,,Dats Da Way





a compiLation


which features the hottest

Sheek combine forces with H-A-V and Rapper Noyd to give us "D-Btock to the QB," where att four drop comparabLe vocals. The most unorthodox song on

the atbum comes from the combination of veterans M.O.P. and ATL newcomer Stat euo. Each add their distinct flavor, but gLimpses of greatness are soon dashed by the tacktuster M.O,P appearance. "Strength of Pain" is the only R&Bish track on the atbum, with Chingy laying some soutful lines aLongside Prodigy's gutta ad-tibs. As the atbum closes, Twin trades bars with Atchemist himseLf on "Different Wortds," - ADG, ADG@tmail.com

of the most officiat


we received in the mait this month came from Future Shock


gives us a tweLve-song atbum fitted mostty with otd production and trite





smash "White lees" was a good breakout hit, DFB

tatent and star power to

artists tike Mobb Deep, Nas, The Lox, and Stat quo, just to name a few. Eartier this year the Ltoyd Bank5 cut "Bangers" and the Nas and Prodigy coltaboration "Tick Tock" were teaked to the pubLic, adding to the hype behind Atchemist's project, Atchemist's work dates back to the mid 90,s wjth Cypress Hitt, but tately he's been held down by eB's own lnfamous Mobb Deep crew. That's why prodigy is featured atongside Nina Sky and BK,s ttta Ghee on the Lead singte "Hold You Down." The D-8tock camp atso makes a few notable cameos throughout the atbum. On "The Essence," sheek, stytes and Kiss att btaze the mic up. tn true Ruff Ryder fashion, Alchemist caters to the trio wjth a track that could easity be mjstaken for teftover material from The Lox's sophomore atbum. J-Hood and



Big Daddy Kane, and Linkin Park? He uses his artistic






After the lukewarm response to Mr. cheeks soto


is a nice


song, double-disc set with a very appeating took.




sophomore atbum,


the Atpine and listened

to the first few tracks, nothing reatty special except for ,,Jump," The song js about jumping ass cheek, and if they shot a video it woutd probabty have more ass than "Tip Dritt" and "Pussy Pop" combined. 212's flow combined with N-Sane's vintaqe MystikaL impersonation come together to give us a pretty memorabte track. On the next track we hear atL the artists (N-Sane, 212, G-Mz, Gotditoxx, and Q) come off very well over a simpte drum pattern laced with horn and vocaL samptes. The more I get into the disc, the more I get into their Muzik! With exception of the first few tracks on the first disc, it's pretty sotid. The "Mind Over Matter" skit brings us to "l Don't Mind," where 212 and N-Sane btast an



dered how Long we'd have to wait for the next effort.


a trooper, Cheeks is back again with Ladies and Ghettomen, a 13-song mjxLike

ture of good and


materiat. Cheeks drops the hottest verse of the atbum on the intro, so you're thinkjng you're going to get more of that Legal

that Mr. Cheeks and the LB Fam have been giving us for the past decade. Unfortunatety, the rest of the atbum doesn't live up to the intro. pete Rock produces two joints, going one for two with the nice summer joint "Atl I Know" and the banger "Keep it Movin"'which is hampered by Cheeks' uninspiring hook. For that ride to the corner store, Cheek provides us with two nice crujsing track: "Att Nite Long" and "Tu.n it Up.', Cheeks brings Drug

some new fam

to the table with "Btindfotd,"

featuring the Garcia Brothers, Stum, and Bump Johnson. Struck of the Garcia Brothers ends up steating the show. On the Lead singte, "lt's Atright," Truth Hurts shows up on the hook and sings backup white Cheeks'bouncy flow marries the beat perfectty. Cheeks has never been known as a hard-core tyricist, but his voice has the abitity to grab your attention and he demonstrates this here, The atbum ends with the undesirable remix of "What's Happenin"' as weLl as the itt-fated heartfett attempt "LB FamiLy," which wittfail to grab the attention of most Ladies and Ghettomen. The atbum has a few hightights but uttimatety feels unfinished. - ADG, adg@tmail.com


- but you cannot deny this joint! On "Yung Wun

Anthem," Swizz makes good use of those horns again, giving YW some more swagger. Fettow

duced "WaLk it, Tatk it." Atthough this sampler onty has snippets, the production on "l Tried to Tett Ya" teft me wanting the futt atbum! - ADG, adg@tmail.com WU.TANG CLAN


CLEF/ KOCH Wyclef Jean has atways hit us in the head sideways


verse. By the time this issue hits the shetves, the potiticatly charged "President" wilt be far out of people's minds. Regardtess of who wins the etection, I don't beueve their four years wit[ come cLose to futfitting Wyclef's vision which inctudes finding the cure for cancer, taking Air Force One to give the hometess in the hood

Air Force Ones, or seeing Mustims, Jews, and Christians hotd hands on the beach at a party together. The remix is a bit more hip-hop but has the same message, with help from Nevada and Trini Don over a synthed-out beat. About a year ago a track surfaced catted "Life in NY," which featured newcomers ShetLs, Posta Boy, Cassidy, and Trini Don. I was hoping it woutd be on Preacher's Son, but instead 'Ctef gave it to us on Creote 101. This version features Buggah, and it's in Creote. Whether you speak Creole or not, musicatty you can appreciate this aLbum. - ADG, adg@tmail.com YUNG WUN





More than a coupte years ago, you mr'ght have heard Yung Wun hotd his




Jadakiss, and Scarface on the Ruff Ryders' Ryde or Die 2 compitation, Just a year ago, I heard the resuLt of a David Bannet Lit Ftip, Dl,lX and Yung Wun cottabo with "Tear Up." I don't know why the song didn't btow up back then






spoken word intro, Jean's contempt for the British and French attempts to invade Haiti is tremendous, but stitt isn't as strong as the pride for his Haitian peopLe. Most of the tyrics are in Creote, which I don't understand, so LyricaLty I have no legs to rate this atbum. Ctef manages to introduce his culture to us through the rhythm of the drums and the precision of the guitar. CLef drops an Engtish verse on "Haitian Mafia," where Foxy Brown lends a hand with a bitinguat

was the timing or the promotion






36 IN CA


A littte

with his musical creativ-






Creole 101 acts more as a reciprocaL atbum. Carnival was predominantty Engtish with a touch of Ctef's native tongue, but Creole 101 - as you might guess from the name - proves to be the total opposite, ln the

HuSSler ("One Day"), DJ lvtesto ("ltalian Rid-

artist Cassidy adds some diversity

dim"), Drastix X ("DJ ShoMime freestyle"), Frank wjth "One More Day in the Hood," but the song Diggs ("Latin Swing"), and internationaI producer fails to make as much noise as the Banner-pro- Magiera ("Tru Luv"). Frank Diggs'"Latin swing" is FulL Surface


ity, att the way from jacking country sampLes to his stint at camp Canibus. He atways keeps us guessing. Promising to pick up where Carnival left off,

Foxxx. There's ptenty of beat'jacking here, but she does inctude original production from Cee

tess than ten

years ago, the wu-Tang Clan stormed into the New York hip-hop scene

with the

cLassic singte retease "Protect Ya Neck / Method Man" fottowed by "C.R.E.A.M. / Da Mystery of Chessboxin'." Soon, their aLbum Enter the 36 Chambers was reteased. Being a kid who tived just over the Verazano Bridge who's sister did promotions for Wu-Tang might have made the swarm a littte bit more fierce personatly, but tistening to the reteases is confirmation that the feeting I fett must have been fett by hundreds of thousands of hip-hop fanatics, The first retease, Legend, is nothing but sixteen tracks of pure heat. lt inctudes Method lan's solo banger, lnspectah Deck's verse on "Triumph," and the Shaolin rendition of Run-DMC's ctassic "Sucker MCs." I was a littte disappointed to see the exctusion of "Winter Warz " and the incLusion of "Shaotin Wortdwide" and "Diesel." The tatter CD, from Sanctuary Records, is a LIVE release which goes a bit further, giving us the real grime from "Teaft" to "lncarcerated Scarfaces." Live reLeases are more for the diehard fan than anyone else, but it sounds like anyone who was on hand for this Juty 17th show got a chance to see the originat Wu shine tike they haven't shone in years. - ADG, adg@tmail.com JADE FOXX



a nicely-produced track, but Jade's vocat sound forced. "52 Bars," however, shouLd be renamed "HEAT!" Over Xzibit's "Pavarotti" beat, Jade spits the ugly truth: "Sometimes I wonder why the fuck I make music / 'Cause it's tike l'm fighting for a cause fake and usetess / Peopte don't show you love untess your shit is ctich6 / l'm tired of having to show my skitl to shady DJs / 'Cause they don't respect you, even if you hot they don't accept you / Tit you got a deat, then alt of a sudden they want to rep you." - ADG, adg@tmail.com

BUMPJ&THEGOON SqUAD WELCOME TO GRIIIMWILLE PART 2 Mth the current success of Kanye West and Twista com-

ing out of Chjcago,

it wasn't

long before another Mndy City native woutd step into the spottight. Thefirst trackon the atbum/mixtape is the attention-getting "Overnight Cetebrity" remix. Camron, 50 Cent, and Twista verses are alt used to give the ittusion of a cotlaboration, but it's just a cut-and-paste job with Bump adding a fitter verse. On "Drama," both Bump J and the secret weapon sty Polaroid do a pretty damn good job of hotding down the Goon squad, but Bump takes the crown with bars [ike, "Niggas think I fett off, no no / If ever Bump fatts he's gon'come back like a yoyo / My flow's toco, your shit is so-so / Yo bro, my money tong tike Rebecca Lobo." Next, "G-Thang 2004" is a Snoop track where Bump J shows some

real tyrjcism with vivid simites, The true gem of this atbum is the remake of Jay-Z's "What More Can lSay," with its jmaginative metaphors. Bump touches on the subject of studio gangstas, spitting, "These rappers teave home, go to the studio and turn into Nino / Tatking the streets like it's

part of their lingo / Fine, they'tl find you in the water like Nemo." The DVD s reptay vatue is mini. mat, but a good education on the Goon Squad and Bump J. - ADG, ADG@tmall.com SEAN JAY

HIP HOP 4 DUIIAA,IY'S THEME MUZIK Sean Jay, formerty known as


lnfinite Prince, disptays con-


fidence on tracks like "Hawaii Hop," where SJ ctearty has no probtems being in


With wett over '150 mix-

his own skin. Some of the

tape appearances, Jade jacked instrumentals from nationat and regional Foxx now gives us her hits are reatly vitatto the effort, tike "Lean Back," own mixtape. Whether "On Fire," "Hood Hop," "Ridin' Big Yo," "The

a hook ("Progress") or spjtting some Champ is Here," "Jesus watks," and "Locked Up." heat ("52 Bars"), this is a good representation sean Jay is on fire with tines tike "see what you of Jade and it shows why this setf-proctaimed got, bring on your best demo / Get a burn mark as singing

long as a stretch limo / sean hard enough to make your man retire / DenzeL been hel[, l'm a man on just a basic promotionaL toot fitted with songs, fire." Fult lmpact's DJ Skream is the host, with apremixes, freestytes, drops, and declarations, lt pearances by Raw Dizzy, Rev Run, Pitbutt, and a does contain a nice consistency of materiat, few other soLid up'and-comers. Sean Jay is trying however, with Jade rattying atongside stars tike to pioneer hip-hop in the 50th state and has no Nas, 50 Cent, Dr. Dre, and Ltoyd Banks. To add qualms about repping it, but I do believe he hotds some vatidity to those mixtape appearances, some contempt for another Hawaii native which is Jade inctudes some sampLe material from documented on tracks like "Hawaii Hop," "Lean Funkmaster Ftex, Jesse Jazz, and Ezdusit. Jade Back," and "The Champ is Here," Sean Jay's tife is sounds right at home atongside Banks on the fulty documented on "ln the Spirit" and "Hustte," Atchemist track for "Bangers." Unfortunatety, covering atl the reat-Life issues an aspiring artist Jade's verse on "Turn up the Mic" paLes atong- experiences. This is hip-hop you can think to, not side the introspective Nas and the gritty Freddy just smoke to. - ADG, adg@tmail.com

mixtape queen is making so much noise. The actuat format of the CD isn't anything speciat, it's



dvd reviews: O

4 OO

fr /l /l fr


ln any successful business venture, there has to be a formuta. ln the music business, the formuta is to seLl a tot of records and then capitatize off your fame by any means necessary! We atL know that sex selts, so one


series, Doggie Styte. Treach from Naughty by Nature starred in his own sex DVD, and most recentty, Ltoyd the business with his video game porn, Groupie Love. Here, LiL Jon and the East Side Boyz have teamed up with Video Team for their own sex DVD, til Jon dnd the Eost Side Eoyz' American Sex Series.

. Banks entered

lffil;fr #rffi"tritr$',:';is;!i;#nrd*dftl'"llti',.'lnfr


the party by showing Too Short why they're named after these etements. There's Pipes appears in a threesome with superstar actress lndia and relative newcomer Jada.

aLso a


great scene where mate adutt star WesLey

Lil Jon promises that this DVD wit( contain a Lot of pussy, a55, and titties, and he does not disappoint. The onty reason I'd say this is soft-core erotica is because in alL the mate and femate copulation scenes, there are no views of the actuat penetratjon. That's one of the main things that makes this DVD different; it's focused more on the foreptay than the wham-bamm of a raw porno. Next, the Attanta-based group takes you o; a tour of two of Attanta's finest strip ctubs, tike the Btue Ftame. lnside you see what an officiatAttanta "onion" is att about. However, since it's an adutt ctub and the tighting has to be kept low, there are some bad shots of the most important parts of the femate anatomy. The next ctub is the Trapeze Swinger's CLub, a ctub where you can go swap partners, partake in orgies, or simply watch. Ljt Jon takes you on a tour throughout the ctub which witt mak6 you wish you were there. The casting for this DVD was weLt done; lots of beautifut tadies. l'd recommend it for anyone who's tired of the same hardcore porn and tooking for something with more of that sensitive caressing and rote'ptaying. The behind-the"scenes footage couLd be another DVD jn itsetf; you get to see Big-Sam do his Etvis impersonation as wetl as modeLs from the sex shows in Vegas. The last element to any good sex DVD is to have some go6d music, anl the soundtrack, Produced by Lit Jon, has alI his bangers on jt. So do your partner a favor and pick this one up. lt shoutd definitety be inlour sex cottection. - Malik Abdul, malik@ozonemag.com


First of atL, I have to say that I reatty enioyed my assignment for the sex issue: reviewjng porn DVDS. Evasive ,0 1l "11 /l /l /l /l /f f "1, Angtes is the premier company for the best in interracial sex. Their feature series' are 6ubbte butts, white, // // // $'"'1,'J:?:] ifiitiiil; ]""J"^.?i""v"l,i xl",u:E:::ii:;,;:;;i"",i?iEi,:11*ii,:i1:i"1.i,,r';iy::


give views of mainLy penetration shots and not many faciaL shots. Just like the company's name, they have att the angtes. Lots of wide-angte shots, lots of one-on-one sex, and of course, tots of switching partners, The female actresses reatty are Brazitian, and the video was actuatty shot in BraziL. They don't speak any Engtish, buiit seemed tjke they were enjoying the att-American mate cast. They are att wett-versed in the tanguage of sex, with tots of moanjng and faciat exfressions. This DVD has two fult'Length scenes, each with five mates and eight beautifut, sexy Brazitian women with big round asses. There's ptenty of up-cLose scenes and the switchjng isn't quick, so if there is one or two actresses you Like, you can-watch her and stiLt see what the others are dojng. Overall, if you're a porn Lover I woutd highly recommend this DVD. You can pick it up on thejr website www.evasiveangles.com or just get it from the Locat boottegger tike I did. - i,talik Abdul, malikc,ozonemag.com

ESPN has a show cal.ted Dream Job, where contestants compete to be the next Sportscenter host. Donatd Trump has The Apprentice, and Dattas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban has The Benefactor. At[ these shows have one thing in common: someone etse came up with the concept, and the wjnner is chosen by the show executives. But here we have three young btack men who decided to create their own dream job playing video games. They caLt themsetves the Konsole Kingz.

Whether it's Ptaystation, X-Box, or Gamecube, these guys put[ no punches when jt comes to rating video games. All the games are

rated for their qamepLay and

graphics, and anatyzed


the game is worth buying or even pLaying. The three hosts go back and forth with their ratings, so it's very much tike Sisket & Ebert. They atso Let consumers send them games to rate. With the Kjngz, you have three different opinions to hetp you decide if you're going to purchase a game. One game they att seem to agree on is Sou[ Catiber 2, for X-Box and Ptaystatjon 2, which is rated the "best video fighting" game ever.

the most interesting aspects of this DVD is that the Konsote Kingz have celebrity gamers ptaying and One of

being interviewed at the same time. lt's a great interaction between cetebrities and their fans. A few celebs catted out Davjd Banner on this DVD; it seems that he's a real gamer and has beaten a tot of feltow cetebs. But as professional gamers, the Kingz atways prevait. lhey give you pojnters about online gaming, lf you're a video game enthusiast, the Konsote Kingz DVD shoutd definitety be in your video game coLlection. You can visit www. konsolekingz. com to order the DVD. - Malik Abdul, malik@ozonemag.com





01 " Snoop Dogg f/ Phar.elt "Drop lt Like lt s Hot" 02 - Usher A Alicia Keys "My Boo"

03 -Mario "Let Me Love You" 04 - NeLly f/ Tjm Mcc.aw "Ove. And Over" 05 - Ciara


Jazze Pha & Missy Eltjott

"1,2,Step" 06 - Trick Daddy,

Lil. Jon & Twista Let 5 Go Rute, R KetLy, Ashanti "WonderfuL" 08 ' Des:iny 5 ChiLd "Lose My Breath" 09 - Fabotous "Breathe" 10 - N.O.R.E. Njna Sky & Daddy Yankee



01 - Mario Let Me Love U 02 - Ciara f/ Missy Ettiot "1,2,Step" 03 - Trick Daddy f/ Lit Jon & Twista Let s Go 04 - Chingy Balla Baby (remix)" 05 ' Ashanti "Onty tl' 06 " Lit Jon & the East Side Boyz f/ lce Cube 'Rote Calt 07 ' Aticja (eys "Karma" OB - Jay-Z f / R Ketty Don t Let Me Dje 09 - Terror Squad Take Me Home 10 - Stim ThuC f/ Bun B & T.l. Three Kinqs

01 - Trick Daddy f/ Lit Jon & Twista Lets co 02 - Ciara f/ Jaze Pha & Mjssy Ettiot '1,2,Step' 03 " Lil Jon 6 East Side Bofz, Ljtkrappy'What U Gon 04'T.l. f/ Jay Z Ering Em Out 05 - Mr. Magic f/ YounqBloodz & Roy Jones Jr ''I Smoke, I Drink (remix)' 06 - Destiny's Chitd Lose My Breath 07 - Ja Rute f/ R Kelly 'Wonde.fuL 08 - LilLvilie Some Cuf' 09 - I l . "U Don't Xnow Me ' 10 - Fabolous Breathe 11 - LL CooLJ Hush' 12 - Snoop Dogq f/ Pharrell "Drop it Like jts Hot 13 Lil Wayne Earthquake' 14 - Chingy 'Batta Baby" 15 - White Boy Can t Get Out of the came"

"Oye Mi Canto" - J-Roc f/ Blizz BaLboa "Get Naked" - Two Stabz "Cain't Stop" - Shonie "Dirty" - Bridge fl P.S. and Non-u "So Freaky" - Joelta "l Want More" 06 T Dogg f/ Trjck Daddy, Suave Smooth "Take it to da Streets" 07 - J'Von "Hey Shawty" 08 ' Danger "Da Name ls" 09 - Mota "Underdogs" 10 ' Southbound Ctik "Here Today Gone Tomorrow" 01 02 03 04 05

01 - Mr. Magic f/ YoungBtoodz & Roy Jones Jr "l Smoke, I Drink (remjx) 02 - Eve'nin Ridahz Where u From 03 - Bomb Squad "Lay it Dov/n (remix) 04 - Oowee & Petey Pabto Chajn Swirgin 05 - Uncle Head Get Dirty


Lit Jon & the East Side Boyz f/ Lit Scrappy What U Gon Do' 02 - Jay.Z 99 Probtems d!&03 -Chingy Batla Baby ,idffi 04 - Faboious Brearhe 05 - Lit Wayne f/ Mannie Fresh Go DJ' 06-l.,like Jones, Stim Thug, & PautwatL "Stitl Tippi,r" 07 " The Diplonats "5.A-N-T.A. N.A" 01

08 ' Lrsher f/ Aticia Keys "My Boo" 09 - T.l. f/ Jay-Z BringEmOut

'ru$m Fffiffi --ffi F" ,

l}ilf i?,nft! White Boi Pizal

"Ur aavoaite OJ" 407 -227 -1631

DJs, send your mix CDs (include a cover) to: 1516 E. Colonial Dr Suite 205 Orlando FL 32803




Gorrlto soolt www.r uslln

n EGon D I rG.Go


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