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Throughout history, the arts have been essential to our shared human experience. They are the threads that weave the rich tapestry of our culture and heritage, serving as a mirror, reflecting our past, as well as a window onto the infinite possibilities of our future.

In Art Focus and across all our programs, OVAC has the privilege of showcasing the incredible talent and innovation of artists and creators from across Oklahoma. Whether through the strokes of a paintbrush, the heat of a kiln, the click of a camera shutter, the warp and weft of a loom or through the written word, artists bring their visions to life to spark conversations, provoke thought, and tell stories. They capture moments in time, preserving cultural traditions and challenging conventional wisdom.

I hope you’ll join us, with this issue of Art Focus, by immersing yourself in the visions of our talented community and celebrating the enduring importance of the visual arts in Oklahoma. I also encourage you to visit our website and follow us on social media to learn about other ways OVAC is expanding the possibilities the visual arts can hold for our world and the unique lens they offer, through which we can explore the depths of human emotion, creativity, and imagination.

For example, in October, we open applications for artists ages 30 and younger to participate in Momentum 2024 . Another cycle of Artists Grants will be available