Your BESA Issue 19

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Issue 19


New BESA Jobs Board prepared for launch

• Ventilation is good for your health p8 • Safety culture demands skills register p12 • Building back better and greener p16 • SKILLcard launches ‘academic card’ p22


‘Beginners Guide to IAQ’ published


BESA Group


we have it covered.

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BESA chief executive David Frise


YOUR BESA - ISSUE 19 In this issue:

David Frise















Tackling ‘Brovid’ together Welcome to the latest issue of Your BESA where, as usual, you will find a wealth of information about the big issues confronting our sector along with updates on the wide range of more ‘niche’ or specialist activities being undertaken by the Association on behalf of members. Keeping the information flowing is a very important part of what we do, and we recognise that our membership is a broad church, so we try to ensure there is something for everyone in the magazine as well as in our many other forms of communication with you. On the big picture front: We are all too aware that many of you are facing real challenges due to Brexit and Covid. Inevitably a new label – ‘Brovid’ – is now doing the rounds. The wider construction sector is facing labour and material shortages, which has a knock-on effect for all parts of the supply chain. If your materials are held up at Dover, the big question is who bears the responsibility? There are huge legal implications here and BESA is urging its members to look closely at their contract terms. You can read more about all things legal and commercial on page 30, but the primary message is that it is only reasonable to ask for new terms

during a period of unprecedented uncertainty. You cannot be expected to bear responsibility for delays that are outside of your control. While uncertainty remains, we are also on the cusp of a period of extraordinary and positive change. The development of vaccines and the government’s strategy for unlocking society and the economy do promise better times ahead. The pandemic has also highlighted the importance of focusing on what unites us rather than what divides us – and therefore this seemed the ideal time to create a new engineering services alliance Actuate UK. This partnership of eight engineering services bodies seeks to build on that new found spirit of collaboration that made it possible for us to support essential services like hospitals, supermarkets and schools in a way that would never have been possible if the sector had stuck to its ‘traditional’ fragmented supply chains and dog-eat-dog approach. It is vital that we seize this opportunity to build a new and lasting collaborative culture – and by bringing eight organisations together we aim to keep up that momentum. Initially, Actuate UK will represent the interests of our sector in these four key areas:

• The new post-Covid world of business • Hackitt – the new competence and compliance culture • Skills for the new environment • The climate crisis and net zero target We aim to offer leadership, expertise and, above all, practical guidance – particularly to small businesses. The alliance will deliver a single consolidated voice for the UK engineering services sector and make sure our companies are properly listened to and respected when the big decisions are being made. We have earned that right over the years, but the pandemic has made what we do more visible and suddenly policy makers and influencers are sitting up and taking notice of what we do. To learn more about Actuate UK and help shape its activities go to: n Your BESA Magazine is produced and managed by Open Box Media and Communications Ltd. • Tel: +44 (0)121 200 7820 • Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information given, the publisher - the BESA Group; or Open Box Media and Communications Ltd - the production managers; cannot accept liability for loss or damage arising from the information supplied. The inclusion of adverts and information herein does not in any way imply or include endorsement or the approval of, or from, the BESA Group.

Open Box Media & Communications are proud to be corporate sponsors of Heart Research UK (Midlands)



Getting recruitment right with the new BESA Jobs Board Who would have predicted the last 12 months? Whilst we are still in the midst of a pandemic, there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon as half of the adult population have now been vaccinated and the Government has set out its roadmap for reopening the UK. With the construction industry being open for the majority of the pandemic and a lot of workers and engineers being classed as key workers, it comes as no surprise that recruitment is still an ongoing requirement for companies within the industry. The question is are you getting the best possible person for the job and if you’re a small business do you have the time or the right resource to search for the ideal candidate? Although we may not have been able to control what has happened over the past year, you can certainly try and steer the future of your business by hiring those who will be of benefit. Over the last few months, we have been working with BESA Affiliate PRS Recruitment Services, to create a BESA Jobs Board. The PRS group of companies specialise in the contingent recruitment of permanent and temporary contract staff within UK infra-structure services including Facilities Services and Building Services Engineering. They are available at short notice across the UK 24 hours a day to provide a wide-ranging skillset of staff from FM, Security and Logistics to specialist critical engineering within Building Services / HVAC, Power and


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Distribution and Building Controls, Lifts, Fire and Security sectors. The BESA Jobs Board will be specifically tailored for the building engineering services sector, which can be filtered down by specialism, job role, location or company. For the first 6 months BESA Members, REFCOM Members and SFG20 subscribers will be able to post vacancies for free, once it goes live after Easter. “This is another example of how we are continuing to add value to our membership offering not just for BESA members but the wider Group. We know it has been a tough time for some of our members over the past year so for those who have renewed, we wanted to give something back which will hopefully make their lives easier and benefit the future of their business” said Jason Hemingway, director of membership. “Working with PRS on the BESA Jobs Board has been great and their expertise and knowledge of recruitment within the building services sector is second to none.” BESA has been the first trade association PRS has worked with

and hopes to use the success of the partnership as something which can be replicated with others in the future. “As a BESA Affiliate, we wanted to utilise our expertise and provide a service to those who might not necessarily have known they needed it. For a lot of SMEs and medium sized businesses, word of mouth is the traditional way of hiring within the industry, a family member or a mate of a mate but they might not be the best person for the job.” said Richard Snarey, director of PRS Recruitment Services. “The BESA Jobs Board will eliminate the stress of those who don’t have a HR department and will find them quality candidates. For the larger companies we can also work with you on a bespoke solution for when you post a job through your HR software, we can provide coding which will automatically push it out via the BESA Jobs Board too.” For individuals looking for a career change or have recently been made redundant, uploading your CV to the BESA Jobs Board and looking for the latest industry vacancies is a must! There will be top tips on how to help write your CV, how to prepare for an interview online and what are the questions you may get asked that you least expect. “We would like to personally thank Richard and his team for all their hard work and support over the past few months! We can’t wait to go live in April and look forward to developing it further in the next few months!” said Jason. We will email BESA Members, Affiliates and Associates with an exclusive link once it goes live in April. n


Commercial buildings are missed energy saving opportunity BESA’s new Energy Efficiency in Buildings (EEIB) group is pressing the government to pay more attention to the role commercial buildings can play in reducing energy waste and achieving net zero. It has highlighted a number of gaps in government policy and support adding there was a danger that the excitement around alternative sources of power like renewables and plans to use hydrogen in the gas grid was pushing energy efficiency measures to the back of the queue. This, and the greater attention paid to the residential sector, was making commercial buildings a “missed opportunity”. “Energy efficiency is just as important as low carbon sources of power in the battle to narrow the country’s looming grid capacity gap,” said the group’s chair Emma Brooks. “It is understandable that renewable power and emerging technologies are seen as more ‘sexy’, but without huge improvements in the energy efficiency of commercial buildings, in particular, the country will not achieve its net zero carbon goals.” She said the government appeared to have a clearer route for the residential sector, but the failure of the Green Home Grants scheme, which has had its funding reduced from £1.5bn to £320m, has put that in doubt too.

PERFORMANCE The Association is working on a series of initiatives aimed at encouraging Emma Brooks better use of energy performance data to drive improvements in non-residential building design and occupant behaviour. It is responding to the current consultation on revisions to Part L of the Building Regulations and hopes to highlight the role of commercial building retrofits at the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow this November. “The current review of the Building Regulations is an opportunity to embed meaningful steps for measuring, monitoring and improving energy efficiency particularly through the retrofit of existing buildings,” said Brooks. “We must get better at gathering data and even better at turning that information into something usable by building owners and managers.” A lot of clients are confused about new technologies and are unsure about how to deploy them to

maximum benefit, according to the group. Brooks said the use of data to measure performance would help, but there should also be more effort put into educating and informing commercial building users. “There is also a knowledge gap in the heating sector with many installers uncertain of how to best design systems that work with low temperature heat sources like heat pumps,” added BESA’s head of technical Graeme Fox. “The BESA Academy is developing a number of training courses aimed at upskilling engineers to take on this challenge.” The EEIB group, which is a collaboration between BESA and the Energy Services and Technology Association (ESTA), is also determined to drive behavioural change by developing a joined up approach to long-term operation of buildings with the facilities management sector. For more information about the EEIB Group, please contact: n



BESA helps to connect apprentices within our industry What most of us have realised during the pandemic is how much we rely on technology. Whether it be for those endless Teams calls for work, online lessons as part of home schooling the kids, a family Zoom to keep in touch with loved ones or simply a binge watch of a boxset. But what happens if you don’t have WIFI? What if you don’t have a laptop, tablet, PC or smartphone? Working or learning from home becomes a lot harder or impossible. Here at BESA we have recognised that a lot of apprentices and learners within the industry, simply don’t have the digital equipment or setup at home to help them continue with their apprenticeship learning and studies during lockdown.


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According to a survey conducted by the Office for Students, 71% of learners reported a lack of access to a quiet study space, whilst 18% were impacted by lack of access to a computer, laptop or tablet. That is why we have set up BESA Connect - a scheme where used or unwanted laptops and tablets can be donated to us and we will give them to learners and apprentices to continue their studies from home. We are delighted to be working with Softcat, who will refurbish the used laptops and tablets including deleting any previous data and supply the original owner with a Certificate of Destruction as proof. We have already sent out our first batch of laptops to apprentices in Wales, who really appreciate them

and thank you to those who have donated so far! You can donate your laptop or tablet by posting them to: BESA Connect, Old Mansion House, Penrith, Cumbria CA10 2BX Please include a note of your name, company and contact details so we can acknowledge receipt, include you in future promotion and let you know the story behind who receives your kit. Alternatively if you don’t have any spare kit you can help by donating to our BESA GoFundMe page here. Your donations will be spent on buying laptops, tablets and Internet dongles for those learners or apprentices who currently can’t continue their studies during lockdown. Thanks in advance for your support and hopefully together we can help connect those who are the future of our industry. For more information email: n


Green skills gap threatens net zero aims Innovation is not just about technology – it is really all about change, which is led by people. At last month’s launch of the new engineering alliance Actuate UK, speakers made the point that ‘green skills’ would be even more essential than ‘green technologies’. Engineers are bound to get excited about the potential of breakthrough systems and products, but if we don’t also nurture the skills needed to install, commission, and maintain these new technologies the government’s plans for a green recovery and a long-term net zero future will fall short. The government’s ambition for heat pumps is the clearest example. The Prime Minister wants an industry that installed around 70,000 units last year to be installing 600,000 a year by 2028. It is fantastic to have that sort of vision, but where are the suitably skilled people going to come from to ensure all those new systems work properly and deliver their potential carbon savings? Also, close to 50% of people working in building services related jobs are expected to retire before the end of this decade. Replacing that volume of experience and expertise is one of the biggest challenges facing our industry and it has huge implications for the wider economy. However, we are already hamstringing ourselves by not

recruiting from a wide enough pool of talent: Just 12% of British engineers are women compared to 18% in Spain, 20% in Italy and 26% in Sweden and yet 65% of engineering employers say a shortage of female engineers is a threat to their business. Only around 5% of workers in construction-related fields are registered disabled and the BAME population accounts for less than 10% of workers across construction.

DIVERSITY The BESA Academy, which opened online last summer, has made improving diversity a key objective and its online teaching model is a real help. We can use this flexible format to make training materials more easily available to a broader range of potential engineering recruits and more appealing to people from all backgrounds (see pages 12, 13 and 18). However, this also challenges us as employers to rethink our recruitment strategies. Are they still fit for purpose as we emerge into this new post-pandemic era? If we are looking for different skills and a new demographic to build our teams, we need to consider how we appeal to that audience.

BESA President Neil Brackenridge

Are we flexible enough about things like working from home and part-time posts? The new working generation, particularly those aged between 18 to 34, were already looking for a more flexible working day – even before the pandemic turned everything we know about employment on its head. Fortunately, the way engineering has changed in recent years means we are well-suited to remote working and wider use of digital connectivity. The Chancellor also announced improved funding and greater flexibility for apprenticeships in this month’s Budget, which is another opportunity for us all to revisit our recruitment strategies and build suitably skilled teams for the future. Visit the BESA Academy for lots more on this topic: n




Who could have predicted that ventilation would have become so central to the public discussion and be recognised for playing such a key role in protecting our future way of life? Out of sight and out of mind for so long, but now front and central – and seen as crucial to giving people confidence to go back into communal buildings as we emerge from the pandemic. Even before the pandemic 90% of people were spending up to 90% of their time in a building…during lockdown that almost certainly increased. And at a time when people are spending more time than ever confined to their homes, the value of a properly engineered


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indoor environment is more visible than ever. People are also wearing face coverings because they are now more conscious of what could be in the air they are breathing. Previously, people were a bit hazy about airborne threats even though the average adult, when resting, inhales and exhales about 13kg of air per day. If you compare that with daily food intake of around 2kg and fluids of 3kg – it is extraordinary that people haven’t given this more thought…until now. Our industry is a specialist in tackling invisible threats like poor indoor air quality and, suddenly, that invisible threat is visible. So with interest in indoor air quality (IAQ) surging, BESA has produced

a new ‘Beginners Guide’ to the topic and it has gained the support of one of the UK’s most high-profile child health campaigners. World Health Organisation (WHO) advocate Rosamund Adoo Kissi-Debrah has backed the Guide, which was created by BESA’s Health & Wellbeing in Buildings committee in partnership with our affiliate member Mitsubishi Electric. It is also being supported by Global Action Plan, the organisers of National Clean Air Day and the British Lung Foundation. The ‘Beginner’s Guide to Indoor Air Quality’ offers advice and guidance for employees and visitors to commercial buildings and, with so many people now working from home, includes some easy tips for optimising IAQ in residential settings.

This digital publication is designed to give a comprehensive, but non-technical introduction to the subject and can be downloaded for free here. It is being promoted to the widest possible audience including consumers, commercial building managers, school leadership teams, policy makers etc. The Beginner’s Guide will also be of interest to those BESA members involved in designing, commissioning, and maintaining indoor environments because it provides a useful overview of the main topic areas. It would work as a starting point for anyone looking to set up a strategy for tackling the poor IAQ that is having a detrimental impact on thousands of UK buildings and their occupants. With an introduction from KissiDebrah, the Guide explains how the ventilation and building services industry is able to turn buildings into ‘safe havens’ to protect occupants – particularly children who face the greatest risks – from the worst impacts of contaminated air. “This guide is an invaluable nontechnical introduction to the issue of IAQ and explains how we can make our own indoor environments safer and healthier for us and our children.” said Kissi-Debrah, who is also honorary president of the Health & Wellbeing in Buildings group. It provides links to more information and organisations that can offer further advice. It is designed as a jumping off point from which anyone affected by the health and wellbeing

implications of poor IAQ can engage with specialists to start addressing their problems. It also explains how good ventilation and air filtration along with accurate measuring and monitoring of particulate matter are the keys to an effective IAQ strategy. So, the Guide includes information about the main sources of air pollution and the contaminants that affect indoor spaces and explains why IAQ is often many times more damaging to human health than outdoor pollution. “Our guide demonstrates why the air you breathe inside buildings is often worse than the polluted air outside,” said Nathan Wood, chair of the Health & Wellbeing in Buildings group. “It also points out how much more control we have over our indoor conditions and how we can turn our homes, offices and leisure places into ‘safe havens’ from polluted and contaminated air. “This is particularly important now as we seek to give people confidence that they can safely return to offices and other communal buildings.”

POLLUTED The Beginner’s Guide also distils the main findings of healthcare research

that has pinpointed the links between poor IAQ and increasing rates of asthma and other respiratory problems; and the growing threat to life posed by our increasingly polluted air. Mitsubishi Electric’s Head of Sustainability, Martin Fahey pointed out that on average, UK residents spend up to 90% of their time inside buildings – a figure that is likely to have risen even higher during the recent lockdown periods. “Given the hazards in outdoor air, it’s important that we can regard our homes and workplaces as safe areas that can achieve higher levels of indoor air quality with the right approach,” he said. “The technologies and expertise already exist to help, so we now need a concerted campaign to highlight the issue. “We believe everyone has the right to breathe clean air, and that can only be achieved if we work together to raise awareness of the risks of pollution and to drive change in our legislation and behaviours.” Download a free copy of the Guide here. For more information about Indoor Air Quality go to: n



HSE stepping up Covid spot checks BESA’s head of health and safety Becky Crosland warns members to be prepared for a visit from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), which is carrying out spot checks on all types of businesses to make sure their premises are ‘Covid secure’.

produced a check list of what to expect during one of these visits and how to prepare for this and any other health and safety inspections. It can be downloaded at http://cicvforum.

FREE LATERAL FLOW TESTING Companies also have until the 31 March to register for the government’s workplace testing scheme, which is available to companies of all sizes. You can register here to order free lateral flow COVID tests.

Contractors working on behalf of the HSE may visit your place of work to carry out spot checks. They will be carrying ID and authorisation letters and should ask to see someone in authority.

Alternatively, all local authorities in England are now offering rapid lateral flow testing for small businesses if they can’t offer rapid workplace testing. Businesses can find their local test site here.

The health and safety sub-group of the Construction Industry Coronavirus (CICV) Forum has

MASK FOR TASK: COVER FOR COVID Don’t waste PPE if you only need to cover for COVID For moving around site and protecting each other = wear a face covering of suitable material

If the task demands it = wear the appropriate mask/respirator

Wear your mask, respirator or face covering like this:

DON’T wear it under your chin or around your neck

DON’T wear it under your nose or mouth

DON’T wear it on your head or around your arm

DON’T touch or adjust it without cleaning your hands

Don’t just wear it, take care of it!

Wash your hands thoroughly before you touch your mask.

When putting on or taking off, only touch the loops or ties.

When not in use, store securely in a sealable bag.

Find out more at #InThisTogether #RebuildingTogether #COVID19


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SITE SAFETY BESA and the CICV Forum have also created a new face mask campaign that will further improve site safety. The bodies have launched an animation and downloadable infographic to remind workers of the importance of following health & safety rules and using an appropriate face covering in the right way. Headlined Mask for Task: Cover for Covid, the initiative emphasises that workers should wear the appropriate respirator or mask for the specific job in hand

and that a face covering of suitable material should be worn when moving around site.

KEY COVID-19 SECURE SITE SAFETY STEPS • Wear a well-fitting, high quality face covering • Clean/sanitise your hands frequently • Practice social distancing-keep 2 meters apart from co-workers • Comply with the local COVID controls in place on site • If you are not sick get the lateral flow test (Some people are asymptomatic, and don’t know they are infected) By getting tested you are protecting everyone around you! • Practice social distancing in your free time • Stay home if you’re sick and get tested • Avoid close contact with anyone who is coughing and sneezing • When your turn comes up, get vaccinated. With essential construction work being allowed to continue during lockdown, it is incumbent on everyone working in the sector to ensure that they are operating safely, whatever their capacity. It is vital, that risk assessments are completed, and the site operating procedures adhered to. That is why we are also stepping up our full range of social media messaging about travel, social distancing, and domestic work to ensure everyone is clear about exactly what behaviours are always required. Visit for more on the Construction Industry Coronavirus Forum. n

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New safety culture demands skills register The intense focus on improving building safety must prompt a fresh look at how the competence of individual refrigeration and air conditioning engineers is demonstrated, says BESA’s head of technical Graeme Fox. The UK will continue to mirror the rules set by the European F-Gas regulations to drive reductions in harmful emissions from refrigeration and air conditioning equipment, but we should take the opportunity created by Brexit to go further by setting up a national register of individual operatives. This has long been regarded as the best way to stop unqualified people getting their hands on equipment and refrigerant gas. However, it was never a priority for the EU and was dropped from the original plans for the F-Gas regulations because most other European countries already


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had much stricter rules about who is allowed to set up a business in the first place. Barriers to entry into technical professions are lower in the UK, which means pretty much anyone can set up a contracting business. Not actually being able to do a job has not stopped people winning a job in this country. We can trace the competence of some individual engineers through the mandatory REFCOM register of companies, but the industry has a very transient workforce and operatives change employers frequently. So, we need a better process to safeguard the general public.

URGENCY The fact that the UK will also continue to follow the HFC phase down programme established by the F-Gas regulation adds more urgency to this issue.

The market for HFC gases, such as 410A, has shrunk to just 45% of what was available in 2015, which represents massive progress in the campaign to reduce the industry’s impact on the environment, but there is growing concern that this means engineers will be working with many more ‘alternative’ gases including a number that are flammable. Some of the new gases being used to replace HFCs are only very mildly flammable, but we are seeing greater use of propane (R290) in systems, for example, and this needs careful handling. None of the new lower GWP (global warming potential) substances represent a serious challenge to experienced and qualified engineers who have updated their skills, but the risk posed by untrained and uncertified installers is a real cause for concern. Only between 3.5% and 7% of F-Gas certified personnel have received training on these alternatives,

according to a survey carried out by the European refrigeration and air conditioning contractors’ body AREA. It found that just 7% of engineers working with ammonia were trained to use it closely followed by CO2 (6.9%). Hydrocarbons score 6.2% (small scale systems) and 5.3% (large systems). It also showed that just 3.5% of F-Gas certified personnel are trained on HFOs. AREA, of which BESA is a member, suggests “one simple solution” to the issue by extending the existing mandatory F-Gas certification scheme to low GWP alternative refrigerants. “This would provide a sufficient number of contractors with the necessary level of competence to ensure safe, efficient and reliable handling of equipment working with low GWP refrigerants. To this end, AREA is now preparing concrete proposals, including minimum requirements,” it says. Many of the small units used in residential applications come precharged with flammable refrigerant gas and these are far too easy for DIYers and unqualified installers to buy – particularly online. A mandatory certification scheme would help because suppliers could only sell to those on the register.

underpinning knowledge and requirements of certification that drive the standards change over time. Without re-assessment and renewal courses there is the very real possibility of working practices becoming obsolete and outdated. Many engineers have upskilled already by taking the BESA ACRIB Flammables training course, but there remain many thousands of engineers without the basic skills needed to transition safely.

ACADEMY The BESA Academy also offers an easy to access F-Gas Renewal course (six modules) online. The Association speeded up its availability during the Covid-19 lockdowns when physical test centres were forced to close. All of this is aimed at giving clients more confidence in our sector and discouraging politicians from feeling impelled to impose stricter legislation on us. However, the system has another Achilles’ heel in that too few clients check for evidence of an engineer’s qualifications. This is even more unforgiveable when you consider how easy it is to do now thanks to the digital techniques we have

including ‘smart’ skills cards and online checking systems. There should be no reason for someone turning up to carry out maintenance work on a supermarket chiller, for example, not to be challenged to provide evidence that their F-Gas qualifications are up to date. However, we know that many engineers have expired qualifications that will not be revealed until their company goes to renew their REFCOM registration at which point the audit will pick this up. In the meantime, how many are working unsafely? The pressure to address this will only grow in the wake of the Grenfell Tower disaster and the renewed focus on building safety brought about by the Hackitt Review. The resulting draft legislation, including the new Building Safety Bill, will impose much tougher legal demands on our sector to demonstrate its competence and compliance. n

The REFCOM Elite Supplier scheme shows how this can work. This is a voluntary register of responsible suppliers who will only sell to properly certified people and it is starting to make the system work better for the whole supply chain. Creating a mandatory installer scheme would also underpin the push for higher professional standards and improved training across the sector. This would help to address the issue of qualifications being allowed to lapse. Although City & Guilds qualifications do not require renewal on a regular basis in the same way that other types of qualification do, the


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STRONGER VHE SCHEME SUPPORTS PUSH FOR FIRE SAFETY BESA has responded to growing demand for improved fire safety in buildings by adding new features to its Ventilation Hygiene Elite (VHE) scheme and is working towards new standards for fire damper testing.

to show whether firms are fully compliant with TR19® or whether their status is under review for any reason. This is designed to ensure the system of ensuring compliance is robust and can give clients the reassurance they need when looking to employ a company with fully up-to-date professional credentials.

The VHE scheme is based on BESA’s long-established specification and guide to good practice TR19®, which sets the industry approved standard for ventilation hygiene – an essential way to reduce the risk of fire being spread through ductwork.

They will be able to see if a member company is approved, under review or suspended from the scheme. Some firms may be going through an audit process before becoming full members or be the subject of ‘elevated compliance surveillance’ before they get the stamp of approval.

The Association’s certification arm BESCA audits work to ensure standards are maintained and manages a database of post-clean reports to give reassurance to clients and their insurers that ventilation systems are being maintained to a high standard. It also ensures that all operatives used by member companies are undertaking recognised training and have reached the right level of competence to meet the TR19® standard. The scheme has now been further enhanced with the introduction of a ‘live’ feature on the VHE website

POWERFUL In some cases, a VHE member may have allowed their membership to expire or they might be the subject of a client complaint. By making all this information live, BESCA is sending out a powerful message to the sector and its clients about the vital role ventilation hygiene plays in building safety. “With building owners, operators and insurers becoming more aware of the fire risks posed by poorly cleaned and maintained systems, there has been growing demand for a robust process to verify the quality

of cleaning – particularly of grease extract systems used by commercial kitchens,” said BESA’s head of certification Duncan Sibbald. “It is, therefore, crucial that clients can have full faith in the scheme by being able to see the current status of all vent hygiene specialist suppliers. Ventilation hygiene is a critical part of any fire risk assessment process and the VHE scheme helps building operators provide supporting evidence to prove that fire safety strategies are being well managed. It also helps the member company maintain an auditable trail of cleans and reduces insurance risk.” BESA is also updating its guidance for fire damper testing as demand for this work is rising equally rapidly as end users become more aware of their fire risk responsibilities. Any growth market like this does, however, tend to attract uncertified operators offering sub-standard testing work. The Association is working to address this through the updated guidance and communication to members and their clients about the importance of only using fully certified firms. For more information about the VHE Scheme go to: n



announced plans to include a ‘built environment day’. He said that “action to decarbonise the buildings and construction sector is critical to meeting our Paris Agreement goals”.

GREENER A new net zero building package worth over £3 billion will focus on making our “homes, schools and hospitals greener, warmer and more energy efficient, whilst supporting up to 50,000 jobs by 2030”, according to Sharma.

Building back better and greener ‘BUILDING BACK BETTER’ STARTS NOW AS THE UK ECONOMY SPLUTTERS BACK TO LIFE, BUT WHAT DOES THAT MEAN FOR BESA MEMBERS? The UK has a vision for a ‘green industrial revolution’ backed by £12bn in government investment, which could create up to 250,000 new jobs.


budget. In any case, the Construction Leadership Council has called for greater ambition on this front via a national education programme to persuade Britons to spend £525bn on home improvements. This would need an additional 500,000 people to join the industry’s workforce – doubling the present numbers over the next 20 years.

Decarbonising the heating and cooling sectors sits at the heart of its 10-point plan, which includes a pledge to tackle energy efficiency in hospitals, schools, and other public buildings through the £1bn Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme.

The biggest hospital building programme in a generation is also underway including six confirmed major projects worth £2.7 billion due to be delivered by 2025. The government’s Health Infrastructure Plan aims to use more standardised design elements and modular construction methods to speed up delivery. Eventually, the aim is to deliver another 30 new hospitals over the next decade.

The Green Homes Grant for homeowners was extended by a year until March 2022, although it is now operating on a much smaller

The COP26 climate summit hosted by the UK in November will also have a heavy focus on buildings after its president Alok Sharma

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All of this promises exciting economic opportunities for BESA members; from the creation of ‘green’ jobs to being instrumental in tackling the climate crisis. However, the Covid-19 pandemic has also taught us some important technical lessons that we can use to improve the health and well-being of all building users at the same time as lowering their carbon footprint. The Environment Bill recently went through its final stages in the House of Commons and now includes newly added specific references to indoor air quality (IAQ). This is a welcome development and something BESA has been lobbying for through its Health & Wellbeing in Buildings group. The Bill is expected to be enacted this autumn and will place a responsibility on both central and local government officials to set out IAQ actions. They will undoubtedly need the support of experts such as BESA members to work out what to do in practical terms. Our contention has always been that good IAQ does not need to come at the expense of energy efficiency. Well-designed, operated and maintained mechanical ventilation systems can improve conditions for building occupants in a way that minimises energy use at the same time – by making greater use of heat recovery technologies for example. n


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Hands on training will always be vital Despite the growth in online learning and remote working during the pandemic, there will always be an element of physical hands-on training in most courses offered by BESA, according to director of training and skills Helen Yeulet. The Association is looking to work more closely with its test centre partners in the future despite the launch of the online BESA Academy and is eager to recruit new potential short course providers to join its existing roster of 12. Currently, BESA works with 11 centres in England and one in Northern Ireland. A centre in Scotland is currently going through the audit process and we are keen to hear from others around the UK who would be interested in delivering its short courses. There will also be a role for practical, hands-on training and testing in our sector because of the nature of our work. More content will be delivered via the online route in the future, but not everyone is comfortable with a purely online learning environment so


BESA Group Companies:

we are committed to a ‘blended’ model that gives them a choice. Many of the BESA short courses are delivered by physical test centres including F-Gas assessment; grease extract and air system hygiene; ammonia safe handling and a number of other refrigeration-based courses would be very hard to deliver and test properly via the Academy alone. However, it can play a crucial supporting role by allowing training providers to outsource the online learning elements of their courses to BESA freeing them up to focus on the aspects that require physical participation.

WRESTLING This development is particularly timely as many colleges are wrestling with social distancing restrictions that limit numbers and the amount of time students can spend in classrooms or handson training facilities – something that is likely to continue long after lockdown restrictions are lifted. Even when things return to ‘normal’ (assuming they do!), employers

and workers will continue to take advantage of the fact that the theoretical elements of courses can be accessed at any time and in any place. This is a huge convenience and limits disruption to working time – not to mention reducing travel costs. In some cases, the theoretical modules delivered by physical centres can also be compressed into a shorter time frame if accessed via the BESA Academy. This should also help test centres rebuild their businesses after a torrid time during the pandemic by making building engineering training more affordable. A lot of colleges were forced to discontinue some engineering apprenticeships, for example, because they are more expensive and complex than other types of training – even before lockdowns. If more of the course content is delivered remotely that will make it more economically viable for the test centres, particularly if they are forced to operate with reduced numbers for some time. If you are interested in becoming a BESA accredited test centre please contact and for more information about the BESA Academy go to: n


Is your F-Gas qualification due to expire? Renew online by completing the BESA F-Gas Renewal Course via the BESA Academy Immediate results and downloadable certificate if passed No more hassle booking a training centre

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BESA Group Companies:

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Experienced Worker Programme (EWP) ARE YOU AN EMPLOYER WHO HAS STAFF WHO HAVE WORKED IN THE INDUSTRY FOR YEARS BUT HAVE NO FORMAL QUALIFICATION? ARE YOU AN INDIVIDUAL WHO WANTS TO BE RECOGNISED FOR THEIR SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE BUT HAS NO INDUSTRY QUALIFICATIONS TO PROVE IT? THEN THE BESA ACADEMY EXPERIENCED WORKER PROGRAMME COULD BE RIGHT FOR YOU! The programme currently covers the following occupations - H&V Installation Industrial and Commercial Pipefitter and Planned and Reactive Maintenance on Heating and Ventilation Service and Maintenance. For those of you who work in ductwork, this will be next in development for the EWP, so look out for news on this in the next few months! Once registered on the EWP and you have completed an approved H&S test within the last two years, you can apply for a blue Experienced Worker SKILLcard enabling you to continue to access site. The card will be valid for three years.

The criteria for taking part in the EWP are: • You must have worked in the BSE sector for at least 5 years or more • You need to be working at a level 2 or 3 • You need to be currently employed so you can provide a portfolio of evidence For those of you who haven’t been in a classroom environment in years, don’t panic - the EWP does not require you to go back to school or take any exams! You will be assessed through portfolio and evidence-

based work, which you will show and work alongside your assessor. The EWP on average can take 12 months to complete but there is the option to ‘fast track’ in 6 months, which would need to be agreed with your assessor. There are five stages to the EWP – induction, set up of portfolio, site visits (currently done remotely due to the pandemic), final observation (done remotely) and submission assessment. On completion of the EWP you will be able to upgrade your blue Experienced Worker SKILLcard to a Blue (Level 2) Skilled Worker SKILLcard (valid for five years) or a Gold (Level 3) Advanced Craft SKILLcard (valid for five years). The EWP costs £2250 +VAT with a deposit of £500 required. Payment instalments and group booking discounts can be arranged. If you would like more information or to book please visit www.theBESA. com/experiencedworker or email n



SKILLcard launches ‘academic’ card Engineering Services SKILLcard, which has over 64,000 card holders across the UK, has developed the Academically Qualified Person (AQP) card so individuals with higher level qualifications can visit construction sites to help them gain more practical experience. SKILLcard, which is managed by BESA and is part of the constructionwide CSCS scheme, is used by heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigeration operatives to provide proof of qualifications, skills and experience. It already offers a Professionally Qualified Person (PQP) card, but this requires a certain level of industry experience. The new AQP card will enable graduate engineers and those holding further education qualifications such as HNDs and HNCs to provide evidence of their qualifications including the health & safety training needed to be allowed on site. Many of these academically qualified engineers do not fit the standard craft and operative criteria recognised by the industry, but need to spend time on site for employment purposes and/or to

gain valuable experience to progress to the next stage of their careers.

BRIDGE THE GAP “This new card will provide an essential bridge for individuals who hold higher level qualifications but don’t have enough workplace experience for the PQP card,” said BESA’s director of certification Rachel Davidson. “Holding a SKILLcard is not a legislative requirement, but many larger clients and contractors now insist on one for site placements or employment – and this is the best way for an engineer to provide evidence of their qualifications.”

chartered engineer status,” said Tony Thomas, visiting professor of workbased learning at LSBU. “This card provides a muchneeded imprimatur which will be progressively essential for graduates to gain employment or placements on construction sites.”

The card was developed in partnership with London South Bank University (LSBU) who stressed the important role it will play in allowing newly qualified engineers to gain site access and build their experience.

Professor Thomas also welcomed the stipulation that applicants must pass the Manager’s Health, Safety and Environment qualification or equivalent before placement as he said this would help to improve safety standards on construction sites.

“Graduates will need this card during the transition period between graduating and acquiring the appropriate experience for the PQP card, normally while working towards

BESA has also extended the list of recognised professional qualifications that qualify for the PQP card and increased the number of professional bodies considered appropriate for the industry to 24 – allowing all their members to apply for an Engineering Services SKILLcard. As from 29th March 2021, CSCS AQP card applications (both for first time and renewals) should be made directly through SKILLcard. You can see all the different types of cards now available here. n


BESA Group Companies:





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BESA Group Companies:


Double the power: SFG20 Asset Mapping and Resource Modeller TWO NEW SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS FROM SFG20 WORK IN TANDEM TO PROVIDE A POWERFUL SOLUTION FOR BUILDING MANAGERS, AS STEVE TOMKINS EXPLAINS. SFG20, the unique solution for facilities managers and building maintenance teams, recently expanded its range of tools with two new offerings: Asset Mapping and Resource Modeller. Used separately, they provide vital support for building professionals in their day-to-day work. But together, they offer a powerful strategic tool that saves time, effort and money while making it easier to engage with modern construction techniques such as BIM. An industry first, the SFG20 Asset Mapping solution unifies industry data structures from Uniclass 2015 from NBS, NRM from the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)and CIBSE Guide M. Each designed for their own specific purposes, these three commonlyused data formats all include different names for the same asset in their data structures. This produces a real challenge for facilities management professionals trying to create a single view of a built asset in order to plan and cost maintenance schedules. The SFG20 Asset Mapping tool aligns these data definitions under a single format, and makes it easier to share and re-use data with mapped structures and a common language. Users of SFG20 Asset Mapping can upload data from an industry

Foundation Class or Excel file, for example, which then automatically selects the relevant SFG20 maintenance schedule for that asset using the industry structures predefined in asset lists. The Asset Mapping software can also accept BIM information and map relevant building assets and asset types, creating a 3D model. This shows clearly what needs to be maintained and the location of each asset. As new assets are added to the building (either during its life or in construction) SFG20 Asset Mapping provides an easy and convenient way to identify and set up the appropriate maintenance regime. The SFG20 Resource Modeller, introduced at the end of 2020, offers building owners and facilities managers a standard approach to planning and estimating maintenance costs.

against industry standards. Users can access useful data such as ‘prediction’ versus ‘actual’ to help continuous improvement of the planning process. There are significant benefits when using SFG20 Asset Mapping and Resource Modeller in tandem. The ability to predict maintenance costs and resources during the operational phase of a building is a challenge. Using these two software tools together allows facilities managers to harness the power of BIM modelling, easily create maintenance plans for each asset in the building and generate order of cost estimates and plan resources at the same time. The goal of SFG20 has always been to make tools that help facilities professionals meet the challenges of their day-to-day work. By bringing together Asset Mapping and Resource Modeller, SFG20 aims to provide the tools that support the important work of today’s FM teams in creating efficient and effective buildings.

SFG20 Resource Modeller can be used for new-build projects or existing buildings. The software can generate ‘order of cost estimates’ using approximate quantities at the design stage which can be updated as the project progresses. For existing buildings, asset registers, such as those generated by SFG20 Asset Mapping, can be used as the source of information.

In addition, using these tools together means that building owners, occupiers and designers can understand the operational costs of their building early in the design process. For new build projects in particular, early application of Asset Mapping and Resource Modeller will help clients understand the operational impacts of design decisions, giving greater focus on the lifetime costs of buildings.

The aim of SFG20 Resource Modeller is to provide visibility of forecasting maintenance costs and resources

Click on the links to find out more about SFG20’s Asset Mapping and Resource Modeller tools. n



Perfect balance Vital for our wellbeing With Swegon’s Air Quality Control dynamic pressure compensation functionality, GOLD will adapt to changes in the system, taking control and balance to a new level. Fortunately this only requires the push of a button, not walking the tight rope!

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Talk to the experts HEATWEB is a trading name of Thermal Integration Ltd.


BESA Group Companies:



New technical lead for HIU testing Dr Steffan Cook has been appointed as the new technical lead for BESA’s Heat Interface Unit (HIU) testing regime. Dr Cook is a technology consultant in the field of green heating specialising in building integrated micro-CHP and is director of Bia Energy Consulting. Decarbonisation of heat has been identified by the government as the UK’s single biggest challenge in the transition to a low carbon economy and heat networks have been highlighted as a pivotal technology. The BESA UK Test Standard for HIUs is playing an important part by addressing several performance concerns around those networks. It was developed by a steering group of industry experts and was one of the most important

outcomes from a BEIS-funded research project which exposed poor performance of HIUs as one of the key reasons for the performance gap between design and actual performance of heat networks. A key conclusion of the research was that if the HIU performs poorly, it is very difficult to limit network losses. The performance of HIUs was also a major determinant in the quality of heat delivery to residents. The testing regime set up by BESA is addressing an historic problem that meant there was no single accepted methodology for assessing the relative performance of HIUs. As a result, there was often a significant discrepancy between the claims made by some manufacturers and the performance of their units in practice and no way for

Dr Steffan Cook

those developing heat networks to make informed procurement decisions. The BESA test regime, which was developed by consumers for consumers, has filled that gap by using a series of performance metrics related to resident comfort. The availability of the BESA Standard has also triggered a surge in research and development leading to significant improvements in HIU performance that is already having a measurable impact on the quality of the user experience. For more information go to: n

A big welcome to our newest Affiliate...

Founded in 1966, Nuaire is an indoor air quality and ventilation manufacturing specialist and proudly employs over 530 people worldwide. Based in South Wales, it can manufacture almost all of its

products on site, which proved vital to speed of delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic. Its state-of-the-art facilities operate with minimal impact on the environment, driven by ambitious targets to drive forward green manufacturing practices. Supplying products to over 40 countries around the world, Nuaire creates multi-awardwinning ventilation systems that are used in a wide range

of applications, from hotels and houses to oil rigs and food processing plans. Renowned for exceptional quality, it was the first fan manufacturer in the world to achieve the ISO9001 quality standard. Its ongoing mission is to continue to lead the way in new air technology, setting the standard for clean air and energy-efficient ventilation solutions. n



Feeling the benefit in just 3 days HELEN BAKER, HEAD OF EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AT WELPLAN EXPLAINS WHY OFFERING A GREAT BENEFITS SCHEME FOR YOUR EMPLOYEES MAY BE EASIER THAN YOU THINK. AND WHY IT’S SO IMPORTANT IN TODAY’S COMPETITIVE EMPLOYMENT MARKET. ahead of the competition when it comes to attracting and retaining new team members. As an employee benefits solutions specialist Welplan focuses on the building services sector. We are a wholly owned subsidiary of the Building Engineering Services Association (BESA), so we understand the challenges of employers in our industry.

Construction companies face renewed competition for staff as the economy gets back to normal. According to the latest 2021 salary survey from Hays and Building magazine around 75% of firms in the sector are “looking to actively recruit in the next 12 months”. The same research shows that 38% of employees intend to search for a new job in the same timeframe. So, there’s a good chance that some of your current staff may be getting itchy feet and even if you think you’re not going to be recruiting, your business may find itself with positions to fill. To attract, and keep, the best team, it’s important to make sure that your business stands out as a good place to work. Of course, salary is a significant factor. But today’s employees are often looking for indications that a company is prepared to go the extra mile in supporting health and wellbeing. And that’s a very good way to get


BESA Group Companies:

• Sick pay paid from day four of absence due to illness • 75% of salary paid for weeks 1 to 28 • 37.5% of salary paid for weeks 29 to 52 • If the period of illness exceeds 52 weeks the individual can be considered for a lump sum benefit when permanent total disability is established

In addition to providing benefits for the BESA National Agreement, we can also offer tailored packages that meet the needs of individual employers or specific site agreements e.g. Hinkley Point.

Alongside sick pay employers have the option of also providing lump sum benefits for accidents at work or accidental death. The amounts can be varied to meet the needs, and budget, of the client.

Our aim is to provide a range of easy-to-access benefits that offer significant support for employers and employees alike, no matter the size of the business.

There are no health checks prior to joining the scheme and employers can quickly add or remove staff when needed. What’s more, there is an easy-to-use online claim form as well as a free phone number if you have any questions for Welplan’s dedicated team of experts.

One example of this is the Welplan Sickness and Accident Benefit Scheme. Being absent from work while ill or recovering from an accident is a source of stress on both sides. The employer knows that they have to pay an absent employee; and the employee may be concerned at what level of sick pay they’re entitled to. The Welplan Sickness and Accident Benefit Scheme provides both a sick pay solution and lump sum benefits for accidents and long-term illness. Sick pay can be tailored to the needs of each employer with claims being eligible from as soon as day four of an absence from work. A range of alternatives are available, but a typical sick pay package is:

Welplan introduced its benefits scheme in 1960, so as an organisation we have a long history of helping employers support their employees. In today’s competitive employment market, standing out as an employer that offers practical support for staff is a great way to attract and keep the best people. Welplan is here to make sure that any business, no matter its size, can offer a great employee benefits scheme quickly and easily, so business owners can focus on running their business while we focus on supporting people. For more visit n



Transforming public procurement: Highlights of the Green Paper The Cabinet Office published its Green Paper in December 2020, setting out its proposed radical reforms to be made to the public procurement regime in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland post Brexit. Following the expiry of the transitional period under the Withdrawal Agreement, the government has signalled its desire to move away from what it sees as an ‘…outdated public procurement regime…’, The new approach aims to meet the less prescriptive rules set out in the international Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA), which forms part of the UK’s membership of the World Trade Organization (WTO) which commenced, independently of the EU, on 1 January 2021.

3. REMOVING THE LIGHT TOUCH REGIME The Schedule 3 services distinction is proposed to be removed so that all services are treated alike, removing the need for the distinct Light Touch Regime. 4. REDUCING THE NUMBER OF PROCUREMENT PROCEDURES Reducing to three, the available procedures for undertaking competitive procurements: • Open procedure: retaining the existing process for more routine, ‘off the shelf’ purchases. • New competitive flexible procedure: similar in principle with the Light Touch Regime;

The overall structure is aimed at being simpler and even more transparent, as a means, ambitiously, to reduce the number of challenges which delay implementation of contracts.

• Limited tendering procedure: akin to the competitive procedure without publication, gateway criteria to its use to be retained (urgency etc.) including new ‘crisis’ gateway criteria

The original consultation period concluded on 10th March 2021, so we await the outcome.


Summary of some of the key proposals are: 1. CONSOLIDATION OF THE EXISTING SUITE OF REGULATIONS Consolidation all of the 4 sets of existing procurement regulations into a single set of rules for all contact awards, to be supplemented with sector-specific elements.


proposed to be more flexible than simply state of unforeseeable urgency.

Introducing a reviewed set of key procurement principles: • Public good: Supporting the delivery of strategic national priorities (which can adapt regularly). • Value for money: Enabling whole life blend of costs to be factored into the evaluation process.


• Transparency: Accountability for spending public money, anticorruption and effectiveness.

New gateway criteria of a “crisis” be introduced justifying the use of the limited tendering procedure;

• Integrity: Promoting good management, prevention of misconduct, fraud and corruption.

BESA Group Companies:

• Fair treatment of suppliers: Ensuring impartial decision making without conflicts of interest. • Non-discrimination: Protecting suppliers from discriminatory behaviour by buyers. 6. EVALUATION CRITERIA MEAT BECOMES MAT In order to encourage buyers to place emphasis on non-economic factors, such as social value in evaluating tenders, it is proposed to change evaluation being based on most economically advantageous tender (MEAT) to simply most advantageous tender (MAT). 7. TRANSPARENCY Proposals in this regard include: • Establishing a single data platform for suppliers to register key data to streamline qualification procedures • Widening the grounds to exclude suppliers to include poor past performance of public contracts • Setting up of a centrally-managed list of debarred suppliers • Implementing the Open Contracting Data Standard as a means to upload and maintain data accessible by all public bodies • Wider assumption of the publishing of contract notices and contract award and variation notices. 8. MULTI-SUPPLIER CHANNELS Proposals include: • Introducing a new more flexible Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS+) • Allowing frameworks to be established for a 4 year term or an 8 year term (with strings).

Uncoiling the spring 9. PROCUREMENT CHALLENGES One of the most vexing issues that has faced procurement professionals for many years is the way in which challenges have been able to be used as a tactical means to delay or frustrate the outcome of a procurement. Options raised: • Introducing a specialised tribunal instead of the High Court, and/or a tailored expedited process within the High Court structure. • Reconsidering how automatic suspensions operate, including where a contract awarded in a “crisis” etc. • Reviewing the content of mandated debrief letters. • Capping damages on challenges to their legal fees plus 1.5 x their bid costs and excluding damages for loss of chance, as a means to act as a disincentive for suppliers making speculative challenges. CONCLUSIONS We face an extremely interesting time while procurement regulation is allowed to “slacken the reins” after our withdrawal from the EU, but whether this relaxation delivers better value for money for the public purse while also encouraging behavioural change on the part of buyers and suppliers, only time will tell. The outcome of the consultation exercise will be published probably by the autumn, with legislation following shortly thereafter. Keep a watching brief to see how this area of regulation is radically transformed. n If it would be helpful to discuss any of the matters raised in this article, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the author, Mark Fitzgibbon, Partner and Head of the Commercial, TMT & IP Team at Hill Dickinson LLP: mark.fitzgibbon@

The building engineering sector is poised for rapid growth later this year and a steady rise in 2022.

THE CONSTRUCTION PLAYBOOK Government Guidance on sourcing and contracting public works projects and programmes

Thanks to the roll out of the Covid-19 vaccines, forecasters are now talking about a ‘W’ shaped recession and recovery with a 14% Version 1.0 December 2020 surge in activity as we emerge from lockdown this summer followed by another 5% increase next year.

The Construction Products Association believes outputs across constructionrelated sectors will recover to precoronavirus levels sometime next year but economics director, Noble Francis, said it was a mixed picture across different markets. The “most notable” question mark hangs over commercial buildings and the future of retail and office space. On the other hand, he pointed out that infrastructure had largely escaped unscathed and would help drive the industry’s rebound. While happy to see the economy start to uncoil like a tightly bound spring, the government is also keen that the industry does not immediately fall back into its worst old habits. For example, contractors will now face “intense scrutiny” if they submit unrealistically low bids for public sector contracts, according to a senior official at the Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). Fergus Harradence, deputy director for infrastructure and construction, told a BESA webinar that sub-economic bidding was bad for everyone because it undermines quality, leads to low margins and lack of investment as well as poor payment practices and unfair contract conditions that place too much risk on suppliers. “We need to get away from a situation where people are only able to make

a profit by putting pressure on their supply chains… that is what led to Carillion,” he said while explaining the thinking behind the government’s new Construction Playbook, which will underpin all new public sector procurement in England.

The Playbook was developed by the Cabinet Office in partnership with the construction industry and sets out how the government aims to achieve project delivery that is “faster, better and greener”. It includes advice to make wider use of digital and offsite methods and engage with suppliers earlier in the procurement process. “The fundamental principle is that contracts should be profitable,” said Harradence. He also warned clients against issuing incomplete tender documents with poorly defined specifications, which increase the risk for bidders. “We are starting from the basis that we want to do things differently. This persistent under-bidding for projects leads to ministers having to stand up in parliament and apologise for projects running over time and budget,” he told the BESA webinar. BESA chief executive David Frise, who chaired the webinar, said members would welcome the intention behind the Playbook and the move towards fully designed projects but would be watching carefully to make sure the rules were properly enforced and that payment practices improved. Harradence also said the government would prefer the industry to increase its numbers of directly employed people to boost skills and support for vocational training. n



The BESA Academy is the online learning solution for the building engineering services industry. We provide a range of training courses, assessments and CPD which enables you to develop your career. All our courses are flexible, can be completed at your own pace and accessed from your PC or laptop whilst at work, home or on the go.

Website: academy Email: academy@ Tel: 0800 917 8419

Start your learning journey with us today by registering at to complete one of the courses below.

COMING SOON! BESA Heat Pump Installer Course In partnership with Worcester Bosch and the Home Builders Federation, BESA has developed a Heat Pump Installer course for plumbing, heating and F-Gas engineers looking to upskill. The course will take no longer than 5 hours to complete online and the option for face to face training will be available once government restrictions are lifted.

BESA Health and Safety Environment Online Test In partnership with Mitsubishi Electric, BESA has developed our first online Health and Safety Environment test.

BESA F-Gas Renewal Course BESA has developed its first online F-Gas Renewal course in partnership with BESA Affiliate Mitsubishi Electric. The course is aimed at refrigeration engineers who are either approaching the end of their five-year certification period for Cat 1 and Cat 2 F-Gas or want to ensure they are up to date with the latest mandatory F-Gas requirements.

The test is 100% online and takes less than 2 hours to complete. There is also an online course to support the test.

Renew your F-Gas qualification in less than 6 hours all from the comfort and safety of your own home, with immediate assessment results and a downloadable certificate if passed.

Book here

Renew here

It meets the H&S requirements for all Craft and Operative SKILLcards and is designed for those within the heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigeration occupations.

Standard Operating Procedures – This free online module features the latest COVID CLC

guidance and will enable you to be up to date with the latest operating procedures onsite. Register here


Free CPD Webinars

Air and Dirt Separation Join Flamco for this CIBSE accredited course all about Air and Dirt Separation.

Understanding Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery for Commercial Applications Join this course with Ian Palmer, Head of UK Specification at Airflow to learn about the following;

• Why do we need ventilation? • Why is ventilation with MVHR an ideal solution?

• How does MVHR work? • Key drivers for MVHR • Legislation • Types of Heat Exchangers • Energy saving via different MVHR technologies

• Typical MVHR applications Register here

HVAC System Air Filtration for Clean Healthy Indoor Air Quality

On this course you will learn:

Air filtration is the best proven technology for the removal of hazardous airborne particles.

• The principles of operation

Traffic air pollution particles in cities and Covid19 droplet aerosol virus particles inside buildings are of concern. This CPD gives practical measures that can be used as a strategy to deliver clean safe air inside buildings. HVAC system maintenance with use of PPE should be made in adherence to current safety guidance. Enhanced air filter efficiency and reduced running costs can be made using Low Energy Air Filters. Register here

• Theory use and application of air and dirt separation equipment

• Theory behind air release • Common symptoms of sealed system equipment containing too much air and dissolved air. Register here

New Boilers on Old Systems – Hydraulic Separation This 2-part CIBSE accredited CPD training looks at system design in commercial heating applications. Learn about the difference between sealed and open vented heating systems and how to assess and choose the best method of separating the primary and secondary circuits.

History of Legionella and Legionella Within Hot and Cold Water Systems

• Part 1: Establish the existing system

Join Altecnic for an insight to the history of Legionella, Legionnaires Disease and managing the risk within water systems.

Register here

On this course you will understand how the systems we use today can be managed to reduce or remove the risk of Legionellosis and associated bacteria. Register here

• Part 2: Primary circuit design and connecting to the secondary circuit

Monitor, React and Prevent Corrosion Register for this CIBSE approved course, facilitated by Gordon Pringle of HASL on Monitor, React and Prevent Corrosion. Gordon is joined by Paul Ashby of Geberit and Rob Vissers of Resus. On this course you will learn:

Interested in working with the BESA Academy? If you have course content you would like to provide or would like to help us develop a course, then get in touch! Email

• Why do systems corrode? • Think again regards to Precision Carbon Steel adoption

• Why poor pressurisation is often the cause of corrosion problems

• The no-brainer benefits of an early warning system Register here

Reducing Risk When Specifying Building and Industrial Services Pipework Join TATA for this course on reducing risk when specifying building and industrial services pipework. On this course you will learn, how to correctly specify project pipework, review application and installation case studies to identify best practice and discover more about new innovations such as BIM and the use of VR, which will have a positive impact on the industry. Register here


BESA BITESIZE UPDATES BESA KNOWLEDGE CATALOGUE Download our BESA Knowledge Catalogue which features all the latest technical publications and standards you need to remain competent and compliant within the industry. BESA Members, Affiliates and Associates receive a 50% discount across all our publications. Download here

BESA National Conference and Regional Awards update Due to Covid-19 uncertainty, we have decided to postpone our Regional Awards until next year and will once again host our National Conference online as last year it was a huge success. We are currently working on the content and we can’t wait to share what we have planned! Watch this space… SAVE THESE DATES: 3rd- 4th November 2021

End Point Assessment Success for BESA Academy This March, we saw the first cohort of Building Services Engineering Installer Level 2 apprentices complete their End Point Assessments, at Choice Training, Dagenham. Hopefully the first of many, as restrictions are lifted within the UK. To find out more about the EPA, please visit here.

BESA Webinars As always, we have a jam-packed webinar schedule featuring the relevant HVACR vital updates, advice and support in one place. Attended by hundreds, this is THE webinar for the building services sector. Don’t worry if you miss a session as we have them all available via our on-demand service. See latest webinars here

Free Membership & SKILLcard for Apprentices

ip to all apprentices BESA now offers free membersh sector. working in the building services to join as Associate Apprentices are being invited ched last year to cater for members; a new category laun building engineering the in individuals with an interest e. her re mo out services industry. Find offers all registered Engineering Services SKILLcard LLcard. Ensure all your apprentices a free Trainee SKI site and start their career apprentices can gain access to , competency and skills nce plia on the right path of com record their course of through our smartcards which . They can apply here. learning and H&S compliance


BESA Group Companies:

BESA is proud to be part of a new alliance for the multi-billion UK engineering serv ices sector. Actuate UK is an alliance of eigh t leading trade, technology, research and profess ional bodies in engineering services. It will deli ver a single, consolidated voice for the sect or. For more click here

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