One Tribe Magazine – May 2019 – Issue 20

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May 2019 20

The definitive style magazine for





Join the world’s most inspirational creative writers living their lives in technicolour.

Wherever YOU are in the world, this is YOUR TRIBE, we together we are ONE TRIBE. Featuring: How Do You Choose To Show Up In Life? Nina Sadlowsky Billy Joel: Piano Man And Divorce Coach Esther Mccann I Walk Naked With All My Imperfections & Darkness Feela Light April Showers Bring May Flowers Christine Saunders How To Heal Holistically Audra Oakes Be With Someone... Samantha Caroline Lavallée Freedom And Happiness Winnie Mabena The Conundrum Of Choice Andrew Gregory The Best Ways To Get Through Life Robert Landau My Story James Roberts The Key To Beating Jealousy Kate Caddle Be Willing To Look At The Inner Parts That Don’t Want You To Be Happy So You Can Be Fulfilled Joanna Intara The Ripple Effect Dawn Bates Let’s Give Our Children The Gift Of Awareness Jenaya Huxter The Power Of Zing – Part 1: Putting More Spice In Your Life Larry Rosenberg & Andy Ferguson What Does A Collaborative Team Look Like? Gill Tiney A Woman Of Substance Vanessa Louise Moore A Walk In Springtime – Lifting Our Mood And The Rhythm Of Life Lyn Halvorsen How Being Visible Has Been The Most Healing Experience For My Inner Growth Juliette Stapleton Groundhog Day? Andy Ferguson The Power Of Zing – Part 2: How To Become A Master Zinger Larry Rosenberg My Top 10 Inspirational Quotes (May 2019) Alice Landry When I’m Gone Burt Kempner

If you too are on a yellow brick road, just click your heels and say: There’s no place like finding myself.

Esther McC ann

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Our cover features the amazing Esther McCann (above), a highly respected Intuitive Manifestation Mentor from Bristol, England. You can read Esther’s insightful article ‘Billy Joel: Piano Man And Divorce Coach’ on page 8. One Tribe Magazine will transform the way you see yourself and the world around you. So, get ready to LOVE YOUR LIFE, as our creative writers share fresh perspectives, inspiring stories and simple, easy-to-follow steps that will help you find a happy, rewarding and fulfulled life. We would like to thank our fabulous creative writers for their amazing insights and you, our wonderful readers for your continued support over these 20 issues. Have a fabulous month and remember to share the love and live your life in glorious technicolour. – Kenny Ball (Editor and Creative Director) (Please note our writers are from all over the globe where there are variations in English dialect, to preserve authenticity we have retained these variations throughout the magazine). Photos and text are Copyright to the respective authors and OTM. © 2019 One Tribe Magazine | | OneTribe.Media

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Contents One Soul Tribe




How Do You Choose To Show Up In Life? Nina Sadlowsky | 04 Billy Joel: Piano Man And Divorce Coach Esther Mccann | 08 I Walk Naked With All My Imperfections & Darkness Feela Light | 10 April Showers Bring May Flowers Christine Saunders | 12 How To Heal Holistically Audra Oakes | 14 Be With Someone... Samantha Caroline Lavallée | 18 Freedom And Happiness Winnie Mabena | 20 The Conundrum Of Choice Andrew Gregory | 22 The Best Ways To Get Through Life Robert Landau | 24 My Story James Roberts | 26 The Key To Beating Jealousy Kate Caddle | 28 Be Willing To Look At The Inner Parts That Don’t Want You To Be Happy So You Can Be Fulfilled Joanna Intara | 30 The Ripple Effect Dawn Bates | 32 Let’s Give Our Children The Gift Of Awareness Jenaya Huxter | 34 The Power Of Zing – Part 1: Putting More Spice In Your Life Larry Rosenberg & Andy Ferguson | 38 What Does A Collaborative Team Look Like? Gill Tiney | 42 A Woman Of Substance Vanessa Louise Moore | 44 A Walk In Springtime – Lifting Our Mood And The Rhythm Of Life Lyn Halvorsen | 46 How Being Visible Has Been The Most Healing Experience For My Inner Growth Juliette Stapleton | 48 Groundhog Day? Andy Ferguson | 50 The Power Of Zing – Part 2: How To Become A Master Zinger Larry Rosenberg | 52 My Top 10 Inspirational Quotes (May 2019) Alice Landry | 54 When I’m Gone Burt Kempner | 56


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How do you choose to

show up in life? Nina Sadlowsky | International Results Coach, Yoga Instructor, Essential Oils Lover. And you are a beautiful person inside out, you are unique and perfect in not being perfect.

Do you know these moments in life when you feel like being in the mud? Those times when you feel low in energy, demotivated, overwhelmed and simply exhausted? When you question the things you are doing?

So, if perfectionism is such a deal breaker to our expansion and growth, why is it that we have this idea of perfectionism in our head? We all know it’s not coming from our heart.

Yes, the mud comes in many facets, in different shapes and forms, yet it always leaves us feeling stuck. And it’s not easy to pull yourself out of the mud, right? I feel you. Over the last years, I have felt stuck in the mud more than once, but I also understood more with every single day of my life that it is only up to me, whether I’m stuck or free, tired or energetic, bored or motivated, exhausted or active. Maybe you disagree thinking that certain life situations put you into that mental and emotional state and that you can’t do anything about it. But let’s be honest here. It’s always up to you, me and us! We all have faced the muddy times in our lives, yet what really matters is the answer to the following question: “How do you show up when you are in the mud?” Isn’t there a temptation to make excuses, to be lazy and to hide from that situation? Yes, I hear you, but what I believe we do is we actually hide from our own life. Because, we all have tough times and although I sometimes wish we didn’t, I truly believe they are part of our life and that they do serve a specific purpose. The purpose of reflection, change, expansion and growth. So, let me ask you: “When you are in the mud, which excuses are you reaching for?” 4 |

Why do we keep using perfectionism as an excuse? Why do we sabotage ourselves to live in expansion and growth? I encourage you to write them down, not only now, but whenever you are in the mud, with the objective of deepening your awareness for the excuses you are reaching for. • Are you tired? • Is perfectionism getting into your way? • Do you not have enough time, money or knowledge?

I think the answer is simple: We are scared. We are scared of not being enough. We are scared of showing up as ourselves. We are scared of not succeeding, yet also of succeeding. Because we don’t know what comes after the success, right? Maybe we are not ready. Maybe we don’t know how to deal with it all. Maybe we worry about the opinions of others.

I am certainly more of a perfectionist than I am not, but thanks to my well established, daily awareness practice, I observed that my perfectionism has probably been one of my biggest excuses.

But let me tell you that you are always in charge of your life.

What does perfectionism mean?

• You can choose to grow into your best self. In every moment of the day.

To me, perfectionism means I’m choosing to be less of myself. Nobody is perfect, never has been, never will. Neither will the conditions ever be perfect, that’s just not going to happen and we all know that! I also reflected on the impact that perfectionism has on our lives and I found that it is the biggest thief of joy. It also stops our actions, it keeps us from progressing and it hinders us to fully show up as ourselves.

• You can choose to pull yourself out of that muddy situation. • You can choose to live in expansion and growth.

• You can choose to see a tough time as a massive opportunity to catapult yourself massively forward in life and in business. “Are you courageous enough to play with the mud?” Life is a beautiful playground, a space where we experience the good and bad times, the light and tense moments, love and fear, expansion and throwbacks.


Life is a beautiful playground, a space where we experience the good and bad times, the light and tense moments, love and fear, expansion and throwbacks. – Nina Sadlowsky | 5

In order to play with the mud and use it for our own expansion and growth, I believe we need to lovingly and playfully look at all the layers within ourselves that don’t serve us any longer. This is a constant process that - when played out fully - will help you tremendously in removing your fears, the fears that make you reach for excuses, such as perfectionism, and that will eventually prevent you from expanding and growing. “Now, how can you turn this around?” Ask yourself, how you can use your revealed fears to transfer them into impactful habits. I have found that the best solution is to stay in action every single day. No, I don’t mean the hustle; I talk about taking consistent action every day without the hustle, the busy-ness and the perfection. Know that taking action can be gentle, too, but ensure you take some kind of action. And be aware of the word “sometime”. You can do something consistently in part time or full time, but never ever even think about taking action some time. Or it will kill the action altogether. Show up consistently for your life and take action every day, if you want to get your desired results. Think about which morning and/or evening activities serve you to take consistent action, actions that keep your energy levels high, that make you gain good momentum, that keep you riding that wave of momentum, that make you choose expansion and growth. So, do you choose to live in expansion and growth?

Keep up to date with Nina at: or Facebook + Instagram

Show up consistently for your life and take action every day, if you want to get your desired results. – Nina Sadlowsky

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Our purpose is to make you feel good, do good & be good in everything you do. “NAMACCI creates lifestyle essentials for healthy and conscious living.” – Cho-ting Kuo | 7


Choose a journey of authenticity; you are responsible for your happiness, your time is now to create that life of fulfilment. – Esther McCann

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Billy Joel: Piano Man and Divorce Coach Esther McCann | Manifestation Mentor I’m going to tell you a tale and I have to warn you it gets worse before it gets better. Like how Snow White is toast and in the glass box until the prince appears. So bear with me. Once upon a time, there was a girl (who was pushing 30), on her morning commute. Her noble steed was actually a car, that also serves as a dustbin and karaoke bar on wheels. It is where all McDonald’s drive-thru wrappers are laid to rest and where she holds regular concerts for 1. That girl, not yet a woman, is me. It was a grey morning; the month doesn’t matter much because, in England, grey is a colour for all seasons. I heard “The River of Dreams” on the radio in my car; I had heard it many times before but had compartmentalised it in my mental discography along with “Hakuna Matata” and “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”. I didn’t know the lyrics and at that point, it was still in that section of the library. Later that day a friend recommended it as a song I should try to cover. I thought this an odd coincidence, but at the time I had little understanding of synchronicities and universal signs. So I went home and started to lyrically listen to the song that was going to change my life forever. Rewind to a few months earlier. For quite some time I had known my marriage was in trouble. I had tried to suggest marriage counselling but that always fell flat on its behind. When I entered my marriage I felt confident and used to express myself through various mediums. But quite quickly, whoever I was got quashed and she took a big yellow taxi to anywhere I wasn’t. She wasn’t gone forever, but she changed her number and blocked me on Instagram so I couldn’t find her. I had been compromising on being myself for years and more than anything, I just wanted to be loved. This is the part where you say “awwww”. I listened to the song, slowly the lyrics washed over me. That was the turning point when I hired Billy Joel to coach me through my divorce. Billy isn’t aware

of this, so I hope he won’t send me an invoice for the number of hours he put in because I’m sure he’s not cheap. I went straight into a deep depression. Sorry, Billy and everyone reading this. For two weeks from 7 am to 11 pm, he was in my ear, giving me grief and pushing me to do something about the inevitable. I would walk to the school gates but in my mind, I was walking with Billy down to the river and he would say “it’s too hard to cross”. I would reply “you’re damn right its too hard Billy, why are you showing me this?”. How was I ever going to make a stand for what I deserved? It felt utterly impossible and hopeless. And there was the incessant question of what was I looking for?? I wasn’t sure what that was either but I knew something more existed and I needed to find it. Billy told me that he’d lost a part of himself and it wasn’t intentional, he’d lost “Something somebody stole”. I felt so angry that I’d allowed my light to be extinguished and I was living somebody else’s dream. I felt like an empty shell and I was tired of not being myself. It felt like my solution and destination were both in thick fog and I didn’t know where to start. One day, I decided to Google “how to leave your husband”. It’s like that song “50 ways to leave a lover” by Paul Simon. Except when you’re a mum and you have equity in a house, you can’t just hop on the bus Gus and drop off the key Lee. You have to get yourself together and have a plan, Stan. Google has all the answers, it knows when you have a fungal infection and it knows ways to leave husbands. I found a forum where a lady had written her husband a letter. I thought this would suit me down to the ground because I hate confrontation, usually chicken out, or the words come out wrong. I thought a letter would give me a chance to explain how I truly feel and when I’d given it to him I could hide behind the sofa like a kid during a horror movie.

At the end of the forum post, the lady had signed off. Her name was “Esther” too. I knew it was another sign so I followed her advice. I wrote my letter and carried it around in my handbag, like a piece of forgotten homework, all the while listening to Billy and trying to find my courage. I was hoping the Wizard of Oz might show up and bestow some on me but he never came. You have to be your own heroine sometimes if you want to live happily ever after. Fast forward and today, the girl (in her 30s), lives in the house of her dreams with her daughter and her dog. She has the relationship she longed for, and a career that sets her on fire helping others manifest their desires too. You create your own reality. I have been asked several times where I found the courage to give over my letter and what was the turning point. Being brave doesn’t look like slaying the dragon, or pushing the witch off a cliff; being brave is choosing to love yourself. You are allowed to feel scared and uncertain, as long as you know that you always deserve to be unapologetically you. Choose a journey of authenticity; you are responsible for your happiness, your time is now to create that life of fulfilment. Only settle for the dream that lights you up. If you too are on a yellow brick road like mine, just click your heels and say “There’s no place like finding myself”. Thank you to Billy Joel for mirroring my journey through your words and for coaching me to cross my river. “We’re all carried along by the River of Dreams”. Billy Joel

Keep up to date with Esther on: Facebook | 9

I walk naked with all my

IMPERFECTIONS & DARKNESS Feela Light | Healer and Mentor at Heal with Feela

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I take time to reflect and examine, my behaviour and what I believe, let me take a moment, to feel and breathe, does this hold true to me? So in each experience, I ask myself how did I create this? What is this teaching me? How can I show up next time differently?

IThis day is here, where I walk naked with all my imperfections and darkness, yet I’ve never felt better. I’m feeling sexy, I’m feeling empowered as I walk in my natural essence, it’s been a long road to acceptance, diving deep into my triggers, where the trauma and pain is hidden, surrendering to the resistance, I trust even if I can’t see in the distance, learning to feel and listen.

So, I sit in meditation, in observation and I wait patiently, preparing myself for the answers gracefully. You see not every single belief, will help you succeed, are you aware of the limits you’ve set yourself on what you can achieve? Are you aware of your self-sabotaging patterns on repeat? Are you aware of what’s standing on the way of your dream? Are you aware of the undeserving stories, the creative ways your mind comes up with to create misery, oh so real they seem!

I understand everything is a reflection of my inner creation, looking within when in need of answers and assistance, so I take a moment to stop and breathe, as I take a look within, opening myself to see, the infinite potential that’s seeking to rise, I remind myself I am destined for greatness I am destined to shine. I give myself permission and so should you, to let the authenticity rise, I choose to no longer play small, or keep telling lies, just to fit in with the other guys, I take off my mask, I no longer hide, because I am no longer judgemental or in denial, I’ve let go and put bullshit stories aside, I no longer self-hate or criticise, I’m madly in love with my feminine design, I sit and visualise, opening myself to the divine connect and align, madly in love with the dark and light combined, I’m in awe every time the greatness, courage and wisdom I find inside, I’m madly in love with this planet and mankind. Back in the day, I used to follow like a sheep, always seeking for approval, always seeking to please, THOSE DAYS ARE GONE, it’s all about selflove, I discovered I am a goddess, dope as fuck hey look at me now! no longer I apologise for the truth that I speak, no longer I apologise for being me, I finally see that there’s nothing wrong with who I’ve always been, it’s not my past or hang-ups that define me, being grateful for the darkness and the demons that I’ve seen, grateful for the challenge, that’s the key, so here I stand grateful and blessed for the darkness and the

mess, there is no shame or regret, that would be a disservice to me and my progress. I’m in love with the person that’s staring back at my reflection, I’m far from perfection, deserving of the best, I treat myself with respect and affection, keep away with your badass intentions, nothing less is no exception, I’ve got my sage and tourmaline for protection, reminder, attention! Your perception is only a reflection of you and not me, what you see in me is what’s within you, after years of rejection, I am my biggest fan and obsession, I finally see it was simply a redirection, guiding me to a different dimension. I decided to be free, I haven’t forgotten but your forgiven, I’m grateful for the lesson, I no longer hold onto the past, growth and progression, that’s my obsession, instead I meditate and chant, in love with my ego together we dance, I’m about the light and dark , you’ll never hear me complain or rant, I choose my words wisely, I’ll never say the words I can’t, I speak to myself compassionately and kindly, the words that follow I AM are only divinely.

I have a vision and my life is the masterpiece, therefore I no longer react to everything within or outside of me, I am the witness of my experience. I leave with saying it doesn’t have to be hard, I welcome you to have more fun, play and dance on this beautiful planet I call heaven, I challenge you to see the world wondering, carefree, like when you were seven, bringing with you your child like essence, a little secret you imagination is your weapon and you are the creator. You hold the key to all which you seek, so close your eyes, relax your mind, breathe, look within and dive deep!

Keep up to date with Feela on: Facebook | 11

Christine Saunders | Empowerment Coach at Wholehearted Life.

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April Showers

Bring May Flowers Christine Saunders | Empowerment Coach at Wholehearted Life. It’s been a year of reflection from past experiences all the while enjoying my new found freedom. I can’t believe it’s been a year since I shared my story with the world! As May approaches, I find myself reflecting on a year of excitement with surprisingly a lot of other emotions. The year has flown by and I am surprised time has gone by so quickly. My year-long emotional slip and slide starts with fear. It took a few weeks to realize sharing my story was just as powerful if not more than I had anticipated. The first week felt surreal and almost like an out-of-body experience. I found I was isolating myself and less confident around others who I knew had read the article that graced the cover of One Tribe Magazine. The sheer vulnerability of sharing my story came with adjustments. The first few times I talked about it, I cried! I don’t know if it was it the pain of telling the story or was it simply fear? I’m sure it was both and I believe more so the fear of the unknown. Fear of judgment, fear of critics, and fear of losing connections dear to my heart. I think the thing I feared most of all was the fear of losing love. I truly believe what kept me grounded the whole time was my purpose. In crept doubt, “Oh good lord I should have just kept this to myself”…“this was a mistake!”… “People don’t and won’t understand”, these are just a few words that left my lips. I believe it was more prevalent when sharing with family and friends. Explaining the emotions and then the “why” it took me so long to share. Trying to explain in a clear way without getting defensive became challenging at times. What kept me grounded was my purpose!

My dear friend, “over thinker” decided to show up just as I am popping a bottle of celebratory champagne live on social media. Here I am telling all my family, friends and connections...that I was sexually assaulted! My mind spun in circles as I heard the cork pop and go flying. What’s going to happen next!? What if this was a bad idea? What if I lose respect? The power of “loss, less and never” had to be put in play to keep my “over thinker” in check. Then came fear…that pesky four letter word. Fear is always there, ready to take over your mind if you let it and this time was no different. Fear of losing relationships, losing trust, rejection and losing the old me. The prior version of “me” was certain and familiar and yeah there was the trauma I held on too. But overall, she’s not that bad…right? Well... no, in the big picture to the outside world she was good. To me though, she was broken, sad and mean… I could still depend on her but for what? Keeping me stuck in the same mindset because it felt scary to let go. This last year I have spent time taking care of and loving me! I’m finally accepting the newer version of the women I am. Along the way, I discovered layers of acceptance. Others acceptance of who I was and now who I am. The me I knew was there and was hiding behind the big dark secret that I held. The transformation had all the supporters, up front cheering me on and holding me up when I needed a little more support. There were also people in my life that I wanted and hoped for support and empathy who were and are unable to be vulnerable enough to show their love and support. I know in my heart though it is there and someday they may feel comfortable enough to show it.

Oh, and there are those who are simply no longer a part of my journey and I have come to terms with’s ok. The acceptance I needed most was from me and the person who I am today! There is one constant during this last year and that was excitement. The universe has provided me with opportunities to expand sharing my story across different mediums. I have a platform to help others explore and share their story. My purpose is to empower people to share their journey and know they are not alone! Helping people to see ways to ease their suffering and providing an outlet for them has been a quest for my original goal for sharing my story. I ultimately believe this helps people ease unnecessary suffering. The most powerful aspect of sharing my story and having art on my body tell my story was freedom. The freedom I received by letting go of the energy I had held inside for way too long. This kind of release is intense and was somewhat unexpected. I always imagined I would have some sense of freedom though nowhere near the level I have experienced the last year. I also want to share that this freedom did not come the moment my tattoo was done, or the moment my article was released. There just was a moment in time and I can not to this day pinpoint when it happened. But the energy shifted from shame, guilt and sadness to ultimate freedom with endless confidence. Peace out!!

Keep up to date with Christine on: Facebook | 13

How to Heal

Holistically Audra Oakes | Author / Blogger / Motivational Speaker


Energy expended on our yesterdays, rob us of our joy today. Practice harnessing your energy, and attention on the present, knowing that each time you do this, you are building a better future. – Audra Oakes

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Once a little girl stood, alone and afraid. She had one companion and solace. Her imagination. She retreated here often as she shied away from the taunts, and trauma of her early years. In her mind, in the very recesses of her psyche, she created a place of love, joy, peace and beauty. Here, she was loved, valued and understood. She was courageous, kind and strong. She was the champion that defeated any darkness that tried to take over this place of joy. In this place, she was safe. Her hope was that one day she would realise this place as her reality. This girl was too young to understand, this place already existed in reality. She did not understand that this place was a place she could have if she chose to take it. Above all else, I have always desired peace. Peace is described as “Freedom from disturbance; tranquillity” and “mental and emotional calm” (Oxford Dictionary, 2019). I was unaware that I could choose to be tranquil and undisturbed no matter the circumstances. I was only a child who was dependant on the care, protection, provision and guidance of others. I could not physically control my circumstances or how others treated me but I always had the power to choose how I responded. I lived in Rome for 5 years as a young child. I learnt to speak Italian and English at the same time mostly by watching Italian television. I did not attend formal education in Rome but my life was full of learning experiences. One of such experiences happened on the streets of as I walked with my mother. I remember a girl who would have been twice my age at the time calling out to me “Nigreta, Nigreta”, which translates to “black” or “nigger”. After passing her my mother had asked me why hadn’t I called out to her about being a gipsy girl on the street. My response to my mother

was, “I have to do my part”! This girl was obviously trying to offend me but to this day, I marvel at my response. I inherently knew at a very young age that I did not need to respond in like manner. I knew who I was, even though I was only 5! As I grew, the pain from the unhealthy environment I lived in began to take my breath away. My peace eroded and I lost faith that I was loved by the person I loved the most after a significant traumatic event in my life. I created an escape. A perfect world where I was free and safe but in reality, I had become afraid, reclusive and then very defensive. I barely recognised or believed in that child of hope anymore. The child who would not be offended or offend anyone. The one who loved laughed and forgave. As the years passed, this beautiful child died and I buried her and mourned her passing. She was no more. In her place, a wretch stood. I was plagued with anxiety, depression, thoughts of suicide and revenge. I wanted to embrace the darkness fully. I wanted to allow my pain to flow like a never-ending river. I did not care who it affected. My words cut deep. I abused anything that momentarily took away the pain. My lack of love, understanding, peace and empathy for myself meant a lack of the same for others. In truth, I was dead. I had forgotten about this beautiful world I created in my mind, however, my “utopia” had not forgotten me. In my book, “My Red Sea: Journey from war to peace”, I describe my journey through a physical war. The first Liberian civil war that began in 1998. I also describe my battle with depression, PTSD, anxiety and emotional pain (Oakes, 2017). My next book describes the process of healing I went through more closely and takes a look at the psychological, emotional, spiritual and physical elements that I have holistically appropriated to maintain my healing and productivity. I have

put together a short list of practices that have helped me and will help you in your holistic healing journey. Holistic Healing, To Do List • Meditate daily – To meditate is to focus one’s mind for a period of time in silence or in aid of chanting… as a method of relaxation (Oxford dictionary, 2019). There are many forms of meditation. My advice is to research the various forms of meditation then test them by allocating 5 and 10 minutes, daily to a specific form of meditation. Everyone has a form of meditation that they prefer. Usually, one should be able to find the right fit for them that will allow you to harness peace and stop your mind from wandering. Practice this as often as you can. • Practice mindfulness – Mindfulness has been described as non-judgemental, present moment awareness and is shown to increase emotional regulation while decreasing stress (Snyder et el, 2011). With so many of us living busy lives or fixated on past events, we forget that our life and our strength is now, here in the present. Energy expended on our yesterdays, rob us of our joy today. Practice harnessing your energy, and attention on the present, knowing that each time you do this, you are building a better future. The future isn’t given. • Value your time –Time is your life’s currency. How are you spending it? Are you prioritising yourself? Are you allocating it wisely? Guard your time. People who waste your time are wasting you. Make your time valuable by appreciating it and recognising the gift it is. When you honour your time, you show others to do the same. This is not selfish or rude but a fundamental requirement for success in every area of your life. | 15

• Healthier Diet Choices – I’m not an extremist. I enjoy eating various meat and don’t mind the occasional foods that have sugar in it. Easter being a time of a bountiful supply of chocolate Easter eggs and bunnies, (I can’t understand how bunnies and eggs go together) I will enjoy a few treats, guilt-free, however I will make sure to balance that out with a diet that is is good for my body by taking into account my age, weight and how I react to different food groups. I love being energetic and going to the gym as often as time permits, therefore my meal requirements may be different from someone else who is not in my stage of life or who shares the activities I partake in. Make no room for same and guilt, whatever you eat. These negative emotions do not help but sabotage you in the long run. Rise above them and start again fresh. • Positive Self Chatter x 3 – This was my biggest challenge. I had become accustomed to the dark, pessimistic voices and that shamed, rebuked and essentially bullied me. With the aid of the above, I began to see them for what they were. Lies. I began telling myself positive, loving, kind and generous things. Now, when a negative thought comes in, I am mindful of it (non-judgemental awareness), and find 3 positive things about myself to think and focus on. I don’t run from it. I accept who I am. If this thought is true, looking at it mindfully empowers me to make a positive change instead of flooding me with the useless and energy-sapping emotions of guilt and shame. This practice essentially takes the power of shame and guilt away from that negative thought and empowers me to embrace my uniqueness and continue my personal development journey.

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• Stay in your lane – Comparison has been described as a thief of joy. None of us was designed to be exactly the same in body, mind and spirit. Each of us is uniquely encoded with strength, weakness, gifts and inabilities. Energy spent trying to be like someone else is robbing you of being more of you. Your unique abilities are needed. Appreciate them, grow them and share! • Healthy Connections – No man is an island. Human beings are wired to connect and form attachments. The lack of a Secure Attachment Style according to Attachment Theory is an indication of future problematic relationships where a child becomes insecurely attached to others (Bowlby, 1988). The good news is there is hope. Attachment styles can be improved and become secure. Engaging in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is a great way to bridge the gap between insecure and secure attachment styles. Read Bowlby & Ainsworth.

This was a quick list of ways to help you heal holistically and is in no way extensive. I mentioned exercise as something I do but time has not permitted me to go in depth in this field. I would recommend that you ask a personal trainer or physiotherapist how you can get active today and improve your holistic health by engaging in some physical activity at your level. Remember to stay in your lane always! I would like to ask for your support by lsharing this article and signing up to my blog! I would love to hear your feedback as it encourages me to keep sharing and motivating others to live their best life! Let me know how the holistic healing list has resonated with you and feel free to share your own additional holistic health tips! Live mindfully, love passionately and choose your responses.

Keep up to date with Audra at: and Facebook


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Be with someone... Samantha Caroline Lavallée Writer & Lover of all things soul at Beautiful Disaster.

Be with someone who laughs with you, not at you. Be with someone who talks with you, not to you. Be with someone who holds you up, not back. Be with someone who is a source of nourishment to your soul, not a source of depletion. Stop settling for scraps of love when you are fully deserving of a loving full course decadent delicious meal. Stop tolerating being a choice when you are a priority. Stop making excuses for another’s poor treatment and behaviour while asking yourself this: “why do you think so poorly of yourself that you allow this to continue?” So much wasted time is spent on bargaining our very worth with another that we lose sight of our very own natural and innate sovereign generosity that is of high integrity and lavishly diverse and overflowing with precious value. Tolerating being treated like an afterthought is how we break our own hearts. It’s a choice to accept or refute. Choose to respond by choosing to release the need for what doesn’t want you, what doesn’t enliven you, what doesn’t empower you to rise, what doesn’t nurture you when you fall and what doesn’t appreciate the wholeness and the fullness of who you are. Accept nothing less and you’ll never again stay seated at a table that doesn’t serve you with respect, unconditional cherishing love and profound appreciation. Leave when that’s no longer on the menu. You are deserving of inner wellness and fulfilling partnerships. May you continue to love with the desires that burn deep in your belly and the warmth that brightens your soul while you stay true and aligned to your sacred precious heart with joy in your steps and that gorgeous smile upon your beautiful face my loves.

To receive weekly inspirational reminders and heartfelt reflections straight to your inbox from Samantha’s heart to yours SUBSCRIBE HERE | 19

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Freedom and

HAPPINESS Winnie Mabena | Author and Founder of The Knowledge Effect

A few years ago I struggled with confidence and believe in self mostly because I allowed myself to stay in spaces where I would let another undermine my greatness. As this was slowly suffocating me while causing me to hide in the spaces I wanted to show up I released I had the power within to defy the odds. Thus I made a decision that; if I don’t find someone good, optimistic, grateful and loving to spend my life with, I will only spend my time with people who I can learn from, people who will inspire me to be a better person. These people will also make me stand taller, eat cleaner, behave better and dream bigger. I set this rule for life believing that if I go by the rule, my life will get better, bigger and more fulfilling than to pay the price through the loss of energy, unnecessary drama and exude other forms of pain and inconvenience because of letting myself stay in unwanted spaces. My goal is never to stay in a space of negativity or create room for negativity and so should I find myself in a group I will allow myself to gather something called “ The One Takeaway” _ what did I learn and what am I learning? A lot of us struggle with living for self and understanding that sometimes you have to set rules for yourself and also create some quiet time for yourself so you can allow yourself to see your vision again. Taking time away from the noise also allows you to listen to your own voice and rediscover you. The struggle to live for self is always coupled with an act of failing to emancipate from what we are so used to seeing in ourselves than what

There is always something inside of you that can only manifest if you choose to allow your spirit to light as a candle that helps to search all of your inward parts of your belly. Something is to be birthed out of you but only if you create that serenity that will accept the new version of you. Being conscious of the environment we are in and being conscious of who we hang out with is very important not just for personal development but to reconnect ourselves to the divine for we are made in the image of the divine; beautiful and powerful and not corrupt. Just as your health is your responsibility, so is your freedom and happiness. should be. This leads to doing things the way others think of us, want for us and how they define our very life while we go on a journey of neglecting what we so much feel and desire to exude. Merely this is an act of dysfunctional loyalty, an act of placing the right thing on a wrong spot..... it could be appreciation or it could lead self to do something you don’t want because the person involved helped you in a way than to be true to self. To avoid living for another and living a lie, we must learn to listen to the little voice speaking from the inside of us; intuition and learn to believe in ourselves more. We must also learn to stay in our lane by choosing to mingle with those that accept us for who we are and accept everything about us without judging or wanting us in their lives for their own benefits. Make sure to choose your tribe confidently and wisely as you carry greatness inside of you.

Live joyfully and be happy knowing you have chosen to be in the right places and you surround yourself with good people. A people that bring out the best in you and are concerned about every aspect of your life. Always remember that it’s important to stay fiercely loyal to yourself to be that person that inspires others to dream bigger, act bolder, not to settle for anything less but live _ your absolute best. Be positive!

Keep up to date with Winnie at and Facebook | 21

The Conundrum of

Choice Andrew Gregory | Confidence Coach

First, when you are faced with a choice, pay attention to your thoughts and feelings.

We live in a society where we expect to have choices in every area of our lives. And not only that, we are bombarded with different options to everything, everywhere.

Your intuition can offer some serious insight into what we believe is the right option.

From adverts on television, magazines, social media, websites, billboards, sides of buses and radio stations to product placements in our movies, television shows and games.

If you feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders when hearing an option, likelihood is that it is a good fit for you.

But what would it be like with less choice? I mean can you imagine walking into a clothes shop and only seeing one unisex outfit in white and that was all there was? You would probably feel indignant as a consumer with the lack of options available to you. Inevitably you would still have a choice but a very simple one, buy it or leave it. However, is having too much choice good for our confidence? I’m going to ask you to imagine once more, but this time you are entering an ice cream parlour for the very first time, never having had ice cream before in your life. The shop is full of other experienced ice cream eaters but here you are having never tasted it, let alone ordered an ice cream before. Imagine how daunting it would be to get to the front of the queue and finding 30 different flavours to choose from. Not only that there are 20 toppings, 5 types of cones or tubs and 7 sauces that you can choose as well. You may start to feel overwhelmed, panicked and self-conscious when you are asked: “What can I get you?” 22 |

Hopefully, in this simple example, you can see that you can put yourself under some serious pressure in having to make a choice. Now, what if that was something bigger? The house you want to buy, the career change you want to make or taking that loan for home improvements. If it is not something you have done before this can be massively overwhelming anyway but throw in the number of choices you would have, it can be crippling. Here is where we hit the conundrum of choice. We all want to have options but when we have too many it can actually be detrimental, impacting on our wellbeing and confidence. So how do we go about combating that overwhelm and in turn make the decision making process a lot easier? Well, one option would be to ask society to change its ways and simply cut back on providing so many options…

However, if the very next option sends your head into a spin and a churning feeling in your stomach, it could be that it is not a right fit at all. That said, your intuition should only be a guide. We have to consider the engrained flight or fight reaction to something taking us out of our comfort zone. Our natural instinct is based on these principals and it is our brain trying to protect us from danger i.e. we either fight or fly. If it is a big decision this reaction is obviously going to be stronger but it is still important to pay attention to our thoughts and feelings as a starting point. Once you have got your head around how you are initially reacting its time to consider your values and beliefs in making the right choice. If we want to be confident in cutting through all the choices and making a decision we must reflect on what we value. This can allow us to form crystal clear criteria and help reduce the number of choices we have.

Yeah, I didn’t think so either.

Let’s go back to the “big decisions” and consider buying a house.

So let’s start closer to home and consider what we as individuals can do.

If we value open space, fresh air, less traffic, community feel, we are less likely

Next time you face a decision, and you’re overwhelmed with choice, just remember to acknowledge your thoughts and feelings, before taking mindful action. – Andrew Gregory

to find these in a big built up city. So looking at houses in that area you are not going to be able to find satisfaction in any home you view. However, if we believe the hustle and bustle amenities and activities are important then possibly being out in the middle of nowhere is not going to work for you either. As such you would want to look in the best location that provides you with the best of both worlds to satisfy your values and beliefs. You can see how doing this can reduce the number of options we have and reduce the feeling of overwhelm. Being able to do this takes practice however it can boost your confidence in the decision you make, knowing it is in alignment with what you truly value and believe.

Finally, all you have to do is make a decision. Sounds obvious, however, we can sometimes get lost in our thoughts of considering every eventuality that we can panic ourselves in to never making a decision. Once we have considered our thoughts, feelings, values and beliefs it’s time to take mindful action that coincides will all this.

So the next time you face a decision, big or small, and you are overwhelmed with choice, just remember to acknowledge your thoughts and feelings, revert to your values and beliefs before taking mindful action in making that decision.

Taking the above example of buying a new home, you may have found the perfect house for you but through your considerations and going back and forth whether it is right for you, someone else has come in and had an offer accepted.

Know that by following this you will become more confident in making decisions and tackling the conundrum of choice.

Meaning you miss out on your dream home and put yourself back into square one.

Keep up to date with Andrew on: FaceBook | 23

Life The BEST Ways To Get Through

Robert Landau | Motivational Speaker, Certified Life Coach & Published Author.

Imagine being able to go through the rest of your life as if you were on a luxury cruise. there’s just something about boarding a cruise ship that gets everybody pumped and looking forward to the best journey of their lives. A sea vacation of wonderment and joy awaits anyone who is open to it. Your present life experience IS a cruise. At least it can be if you make the right mindset preparation and walk on board with the right attitude. Just like a cruise, your life can be full of fun and positive experiences. The 24 |

great thing about your cruise through life is that YOU are the Captain of your ship! In over 10 years as an International Cruise Director, I found that a successful cruise depends on four elements; having well-planned fun, visiting some amazing ports of call, making sure that everyone on board is safe and after the cruise is over, what can passengers take away from the experience? Here’s how you can translate all of that into a workable plan for the rest of your life’s journey.

HAVE FUN There isn’t much point to a cruise unless there’s fun involved. Fun is the glue that holds everything together not only on a cruise but in your life as well. The Cruise Director can create scenarios where plenty of fun is involved, but it’s always up to the passengers to participate. Fun is a choice. It’s up to you to create and invite it into your life. Greet each and every day with the idea that you will have fun as the day unfolds, no matter what. Fun is like a magic wand that can change things

for the better as soon as you put it to work for you. Don’t know how to get started? Focus on things that make you smile and bring you joy. Adopting that type of mindset only invites more of the same into your life experience. When too many days pass without the spark of fun and joy, sadness and loneliness begin to set in. Science now proves that this is detrimental to your health. PLAN YOUR COURSE Every cruise has a plan to visit some amazing ports of call and each of those stops is strategically chosen to add specific value and memorable experiences. In the cruise that is your life, this means setting goals and successfully realizing them. It’s a great feeling to set out with a specific destination in mind and then get there. Choosing the right ports and charting the correct course means you’re not wandering aimlessly at sea. Whatever it is that you want out of life, it’s essential that you have a plan. It’s the only way to get from A to Z. As the Captain of your ship, make a plan to get the most out of each place your ship stops. Each day of your cruise is another opportunity to get the most out of your life. Not every stop along your journey will be a memorable one. There may be some that you wished you had never set foot on. But that’s life. Choose to make the memorable ports of call along the way the ones that matter. MAKE SURE SAFETY PROTOCOLS ARE IN PLACE On board a real cruise, before the ship heads for that first port and before all of the fun begins, we take time to make everyone aware of the safety procedures, just in case of unforeseen rough waters or worse yet, a disaster at sea. If you happen to be experiencing rough seas at this point in time, don’t go down with your ship. Just like a cruise ship has

life jackets, lifeboats and special instructions in case of emergency, so should you. Throughout your cruise, a good Captain ensures your physical, mental and emotional security, especially during a disaster. It’s all about putting protocols in place so that you always feel safe throughout your journey. It’s important to remember that you can’t be prepared for everything that may present itself during a cruise. The unexpected can happen but how you choose to deal with it makes all the difference in the world. I always used to advise passengers should something unpleasant occur during their cruise, to acknowledge it and choose not to let it ruin the rest of the voyage. In life, it’s always best to manage experiences of a negative nature. Make the choice not to become them. If we attach emotion to issues of a negative nature, we have to be sure to rise above that level sooner than later. What three things do you need to do right now to move on from a not so pleasant situation? Put your safety plan in action and you will soon find yourself sailing through much calmer waters. A ship’s Captain knows that no storm lasts forever. It’s always smooth sailing ahead. All you have to do is get there.

TAKEAWAYS? You’re on an absolute high for a week…and then it’s time to fly home. It’s one thing to have an amazing time during a cruise, but what can you take away from the experience to make the memories last? The key is to keep the joy of the cruise going long after the vacation experience is over. In life, you have good weeks and you have bad weeks. Figure out what key feelings and emotions created the “high” of a great week, and do your best to re-create those feelings and emotions when the sea gets a little stormy during the darker weeks. If you’ll just take control and be the Captain of your ship, all of the excitement you experience during a cruise can also be realized in your journey throughout life. All it takes is knowing that life really IS a cruise full of fun, adventure and success. The overall experience is up to you simply because YOU are always the Captain of your ship. Bon Voyage!

Keep up to date with Robert at: | 25

My Story James Roberts | Podcast Host at ‘The Mindset Athlete Podcast’ Former Professional Athlete & Transformation Coach.

I was born with a congenital disability called femoral dysplasia and a floating hip of the left leg as well as scoliosis of the spine. I grew up on a NATO base in S.H.A.P.E (Casteau), Belgium but now reside back in Prestatyn, North Wales. I’m an online training and nutrition coach by trade, but I was an elite Paralympic athlete for just over a decade. I’ve been lucky enough over those years to have represented Great Britain at countless World Championships and 2 Paralympics Games (Beijing 2008 and London 2012) to just name a few.

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I started out my sporting career in swimming and was part of British Swimming’s Potential Squad from 2003-05. During that time, I held the SB8 200m breaststroke and 50m breaststroke national records. After being dropped from the GB swimming programme, I moved on to rowing in 2006. The transition happened fairly quickly as I made my first senior international competition that summer at the 2006 World Championships in Dorney Lake, Great Britain and made the final finishing 6th. 2007 World Championships Semi-Finalist, 2008

Paralympic Finalist (5th) and 2009 World Championships Finalist (5th). I made another transition of sport, this time to sitting volleyball. From 2010 until 2012, I amassed 56 caps for Great Britain. My first international was a surprise selection to compete at the 2010 World Championships in Edmund, Oklahoma, USA. I was lucky enough that my time with the squad, to have competed for Great Britain at my only European Championships in my repertoire as well as a Continental and Intercontinental Cup. My career calumniated at the London 2012 Paralympics where the GB sitting

volleyball squad lost in the quarterfinal to eventual silver medallist Iran. My issues with self-worth/body imagery You wouldn’t think I had these issues would you, as I come across as quite the confident person. However, I did. The 3 incidences that come to mind would be as a teenager, a young child and more recently as an adult. In all reality, I shouldn’t be able to walk due to the number of bones that I am missing in that leg, however, my parents never told me what the doctors had said to them when I was a young child. So growing up I was no different to any other able-bodied child albeit the physical differences. Yes, it probably did take me longer to learn to walk and with the aid of a walker, but I got there in the end. So now let me get to the first incidence where the issues of body imagery came up would have been when I was a young child, yes I know I was different – but where I struggled I think looking back would have to be ably explaining my disability. The second incidence would have been as a teenager, where I would hide my disability by wearing long trousers in the warmer months of the year instead of shorts. But it hit me one day that the only person I was impacting on was myself. The final incidence happened only about 6 to 7 months ago whereby I was having trouble with to some degree with body dysmorphia as I saw myself as smaller than I physically was when I had clothing on with was brought by anxiety and stress which I talk about later in the article how I have made it my new “norm” and learnt from it. I kept taking things to heart when people would say that “you look like you have lost weight” I know looking back they meant well, but when you low in confidence you take things in the wrong way or out of context.

Yes, society has become obsessed to some degree with what others think of them, I too was probably a victim of that. But what people should really be concerned with is what they think of themselves. My issues with anxiety You may or may not know that I have had struggled with issues around anxiety after a recent scare with my health. But through the help of the NHS through Healthy PrestatynIach / Healthy RhuddlanIach and through my former workplace at Blessed Edward Jones High School as well as that Denbighshire County Council I got better. Using such apps as Headspace to do daily and I mean every day to do my meditation to help with concentrating on my breathing and to get in touch with my thoughts and emotions. Something I have made a habit of doing now without thinking. But also to be able to use their analogy “Seeing your thoughts and emotions as just passing traffic as you sit by the side of the road”.

Being able to acknowledge when I am having an anxiety attack and being able to deal with it in a positive manner. Using such tactics as (learning relaxation; i.e pilates in my case, distraction and/ or a combination of identifying and challenging worrying thoughts and replacing them with positive ones and finally probably the most difficult in my eyes, deliberately changing your behaviour and going back into difficult situations in a gradual stepby-step fashion). So how does this help you? Having a disability myself I completely understand the adversity one can face on a dayto-day basis. It’s about having an adaptable mindset, how am I going to overcome this problem that has arisen, with a solution that best suits you of course. Will you go under, over, around or through this metaphoric wall? The answer is up to you.

Keep up to date with James at: & Facebook | 27


JEALOUSY Kate Caddle | Life coach, writer, speaker.

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When we compare ourselves to others, the issue isn’t in noticing the difference between the other person, and ourselves. We hit discomfort because we give away our power. And when we give away our power, we lose connection to ourselves, and it’s from that space that we feel ungrateful, inferior, agitated and totally out of alignment. We all know the feeling of looking to someone else and all they have, and the flooding rush of energy that moves through us as we’re overcome with jealousy. And let’s be honest, it’s not something that is often talked about. Because it’s one of the deadly sins? Maybe. Or maybe it’s because with jealousy comes a mountain of internal shame, and no one wants to expose that to the world. I have felt jealousy too many times to count, and I know you have too. #realtalk It’s time we unlocked this conversation because as I said at the start of this post, the issue isn’t noticing the difference between yourself and another person, it’s how it makes you feel.And hiding your shame isn’t going to change the pattern. Powerless. Disconnected. Unworthy. Broken. I don’t want you to feel any of this, let alone all of them in one big hit! It damages your relationship with yourself, and your self-belief plummets. Not exactly the recipe for a vibrant life!

with a client comes back to their relationship with themselves. So if this is something that you’re facing, I want you to be honest with yourself.

SELF CARE IS THE BEST PLACE TO START. Priorities the things that make you feel good, but don’t come with the pressure of an outcome. Make time for them, and leave your guilt at the door. What brings you back into your power? What makes you feel solid, and grounded in who you are? And if you don’t know, all the more reason to invest in this work. Just play! Have fun, try it out. And if you don’t like the things you’re doing, try something else.

The reason we indulge in comparison isn’t that we want to get clear on why we aren’t ‘good enough’, it’s because there is something that we’re missing, that we want to find.

Self-care is about feeling good, so if it doesn’t feel good, you’re doing it wrong!

It’s a little deeper than that. I want to encourage you to be honest with yourself, do you lovingly and wholeheartedly accept who you are? Because I can promise you that every situation of jealousy that I have discussed

Spending time with your animals (or someone else!) Treat yourself to a spa visit

It’s from this space of clarity that we can make a change.(Not that shame space we were just talking about)

And no it’s not what she’sgot.

Dance in your kitchen

CHOOSE THE THINGS THAT LIGHT YOU UP! Here are some ideas to get you started…

Journaling Walk in nature Morning snuggles *On a side note, if guilt is big for you, I recommend the work of Brene Brown. This is about building a solid foundation from the ground up, and it always starts with your relationship with yourself. This step can’t be skipped. Well, it actually can, but you’ll find yourself facing the same issues over and over again in a different outfit. Creating a foundation of a solid relationship with yourself is key to moving through comparison and jealousy, and setting yourself up for new habits that serve your highest purpose. So tell me, what are you going to do for yourself today to build your solid foundation? Share in the comments section below.

Reading a book Sitting in the sunshine Attending a class or a creative workshop Meditation

Keep up to date with Kate at: or Facebook + Instagram

Stargazing | 29

Be willing to look at the inner parts that don’t want you to be

happy so you can be fulfilled Joanna Intara | Medicine Woman for the Soul

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I was sitting outside in my red and yellow striped Italian hammock this weekend feeling pretty fancy and free.

back. They’re not very Law of Attraction popular, but you cannot manifest anything with unseen boogeymen or women, in this case, running the show.

The emerging warm Spring breeze caressed my skin and I gasped a little sigh of delight as I inhaled the Abe Lincoln rose petal that was pretty intoxicating. If you’d told me twenty years ago that I’d have a beautiful family, two gorgeous soul children, a dream roster of soul mate clients, be in the best shape of my life, have a marriage that is magic and loving and own a home of my own I probably would have laughed at you. I thought I wanted it all. I cried about it. I dreamed of it. But never ever did I imagine that in order to truly be able to have it all, is to have to ironically get truly nitty gritty with the parts of me that actually didn’t want it all or didn’t know how to actually hold it all. I was so focused on my complaint, melancholy and heartache of not having it all, that I hardly recognized that there were some deep imprints in my heart, mind and body that we’re definitely concerned and actually ultimately didn’t want it all, and even more, slithering through my nervous system, that I wasn’t safe to. That was really hard to look at. I watched the sharp, stubborn, convinced part of my mind lock onto my unhappiness about not having it all. I really believed I only wanted only fulfilment. But as I picked my nails and found ways to criticize myself I knew there was much more self-sabotage there behind the scenes to look at more closely. So I did. I’m a huge fan of inquiry and using an ancient method of repeated questioning asked myself the following question, which I have since asked thousands of clients. What parts of you don’t want to be fulfilled? What parts have something to gain from staying where you are?

And this is a huge fundamental mistake I see over and over again in the coaching industry without having the trauma clearing work we do over here to actually clear it. People think facing these things will hurt you, not help you. But, the opposite is true. What might you be replaying from your past or fears from the parts that don’t want to be fulfilled? Some people call these secondary gains from staying stuck, and I think it’s a very worthy endeavour for those of us who find ourselves not where we would like to be at times.

And since facing those parts, I’ve never been more confident, nor able to manifest. It’s like someone took the dryer screen out, scraped off the lint, and stuck it back in, and the clothes dry so much better, only my soul delight, peace and happiness is evident and only here to stay.

I labored with heavy breathing in my ask.

This is what I want for you, all the way.

And kicked my anxious mind to the side and put her on a time out with big heart daycare. (this can be loving and fun.)

Your deep embodied fulfilment matters, of your soul, your heart, your desires, your gifts, all the way friends.

And just loved the heck out of her naked ego fears of actually being fulfilled, soul style, all the way.

And the way I see it from the ones I work with, you’re either in the embodied full-on world of fulfilment, or the land of empty discontent in some way or another.

This is where I had to turn down the volume of rational mind streams that would say, ‘of course you want to be happy and fulfilled, of course, you do, you’ve been wanting this forever, of course...’ Well, maybe it wasn’t of course. Maybe it was too scary and it was time to see the fears for what they were. And what were they? Voices that kept me stuck. Voices that sounded so familiar and freaking old. Voices that made my body feel stuck and in pain. Voices that I hadn’t made time to consciously sit with.

And you have a choice, right now, of which way you want to go. I mean, is there really a choice? Get your soul fulfilment on, get the soul love and intimacy you deserve, the full bliss of living your soul expression, gifts, and purpose out loud, and get going on leaving soul legacy. P.S. If you’re reading this, and imagining yourself in the shoes of the Soul Fulfilled ones, wishing it was you right now experiencing deep soul love, and fulfilment in your work like what I’m sharing, I’m opening up a couple of spots to chat with only committed people who are ready. Feel free to book a call with me at and let’s talk.

And most important. Voices that simply, were, untrue. People think that facing these parts is unpopular and going to hold you

Keep up to date with Joanna at: | 31


Ripple Effect Dawn Bates | International bestselling author, coach and speaker. Living life by other people’s measure of success or happiness, living life fearful of speaking our truth for fear of judgement, rejection or upsetting others, none of it serves us well. We end up hiding who we are, playing small and crushing our own inner beauty.

Watching the ripples over water is a beautiful thing. Seeing the ripple effect of a smile as you stand on stage sharing a motivational speech or watching the best man share a speech at a friend’s wedding is heartwarming. The ripple effect of the start of a Mexican wave at a sporting event or the lights come on over the town as dusk begins to fall. One good turn deserves another, the concept of paying it forward, being there for someone, so they have the strength and courage to be there for someone else. Giving yourself permission to be happy and overflowing with gratitude and self-love so others are inspired to do the same for themselves, are all very beautiful moments in time. But what of the negative ripple effect of one bad business system and procedure that impacts someone’s life? A person who’s ‘just doing their job’ without thinking about the effect of not paying someone’s invoice on time and the ripple effect that has on the life of that person, and their family? A missed mortgage payment, a school trip not funded so their child misses out on a life-changing experience with friends, a missed deadline to secure their place on an allimportant training course, repairs to the home boiler or a much-needed pair of shoes for the children? How about the faulty product that causes an injury, the Dr who is so overworked and tired due to staff shortages and budget cuts who misses the vital clue in someone’s health and well-being? Does it result in something which could prevent life-long pain and suffering or even death? And how does that affect their ability to work, providing for their family or the suffering to their loved ones? Or the teacher who is inundated with administration that they lose the passion 32 |

for the subject they once loved, gets burned out and is signed off work with stress; and the impact that has on the students and their family, the teacher’s family, the other teachers who have to cover and the overall results for the school? Regardless of whether the ripple effects of our actions create a positive or negative impact, it is a sure sign that no matter what we do in life, we can guarantee we are all powerful in our own way. Some people will benefit greatly from seeing us smile, as will some not so nice people who will benefit greatly from seeing our demise. We see the effects of bullying on so many young children, how it affects them through to adult life. We see adults who go through life thinking they are not good enough, not capable enough or not interesting, keeping themselves small and not taking the risks in life that will lead them to the life they once always dreamed of. Settling for mediocrity instead of greatness, settling for a job which does not fulfil them, settling for a marriage which is not working instead of allowing themselves to live a life full of pleasure and deep joy, however that may be for them.

When if we stay true to what makes us happy, living life on our own terms, honouring ourselves, voicing our ideas and opinions from a place of love and acceptance of self, we return full circle to the beautiful smile and confidence we had when we were a baby, a small child, so full of excitement and possibility that the ripple effect of smiles and whoops of delight then create a cascade of beautiful moments. And isn’t that what life is all about? Filling life with beautiful moments so when we look back over our day, our lives, we light ourselves and others up from the inside out? That warm fuzzy feeling we get when we have done something great, even if that greatness is simply putting a smile on someone else’s face, especially someone we don’t even know; because for that stranger, our smiles could be the one thing that gets them through a really terrible day, an awfully painful time in their lives or help them have the courage to own their own smile. So let’s start a purposeful ripple effect of smiling at strangers because that ripple will be incredibly beautiful.

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So let’s start a purposeful ripple effect of smiling at strangers because that ripple will be incredibly beautiful. – Dawn Bates | 33

Let’s give our children


AWARENESS Jenaya Huxter | Self Empowerment Speaker, Educator & Advocate

With the GIFT OF AWARENESS, we can raise the next generation of children as strong, self-confident, emotionally intelligent, genuine, driven, strongwilled, empowered people leading the way in this world with love, empathy and kindness. – Jenaya Huxter

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Whether we are being the best versions of ourselves or someone else people will and won’t like us either way… But we can only ever feel truly happy, fulfilled and empowered if that person we are embodying is ourselves.

Imagine if we could teach our children to become aware? Of themselves, their own feelings and emotions… Of others and the way people act and deal with their own stuff. Imagine if our children could feel, think, reflect and understand that in those moments of struggle, of feeling and emotion they had the ability to take a step back, look at their own feelings, emotions and situation from a calm, safe, diplomatic place...

We all have our values, we all have our own morals, and beliefs… We all like, love and hate different things…. And that’s okay… We are all individuals but we can come together in a safe space of love, support, integrity and kindness….

Imagine if in those moments where they are feeling attacked, belittle, hurt or bullied they had the awareness to take that step back and look back in with empathy, kindness, love and acknowledgement… Imagine if we could give our children the GIFT of AWARENESS... With that one simple thing, we could and CAN change the world. We can empower people to drive forward with love, passion and empathy. We can empower people to reflect, feel and align….. Imagine if AWARENESS was taught in schools... AWARENESS would be a superpower for children, their intellectual and mental nourishment and their self-confidence. I have grown up in a world where women are tearing themselves apart… “I don’t like this bit”, “I don’t like that bit”… “I am not good enough”… “Can I really do this?”... “But look at that person”… We have created a society of women looking outside of themselves for nourishment, for confidence, for encouragement. We have created a society where we tear ourselves down, we judge and tear down others, because of how terribly we feel about ourselves internally. We are too worried about the opinions of others to be ourselves for who we are... and that is sad. There are so many women and PEOPLE these days who are just feeling disconnected, un-loved, unappreciated and are struggling to deal with everyday life.

It is OKAY to be yourself.

We have created a society where men are closed down, they feel although they can not feel, can not express, they can not show emotion, they need to portray that “front”, they need to be that “tough” guy, the one in charge, the one in control, the one keeping it all together and that is a heavyweight of oppressed responsibility to carry. We are raising a society of repressed males’ and look where that’s leading us. We have more suicide, selfharm, violence and abuse than ever before (since we started to generate the common sense of killing and violence = bad at least)... The divides between us are getting greater, the battle to overcome it is both getting further away and pushed further into the limelight. Like most great societal ideas, 20 or so years go by and we go “Ohh, whoops... That’s how that turned out…” Imagine if we could give our children the gift of awareness? Imagine if they taught that in schools? Imagine if our children knew…. It’s okay to feel, it’s okay to express, it’s okay to believe.. It’s okay to have your own unique values, traits, beliefs, and flaws. We ARE all different and that is okay.

It is OKAY to not fit in with the norms of others and the conforms of society. It is OKAY to speak up or to speak out if something does or doesn’t feel good or sit well with you. We are all different but when coming from a place of love, kindness and empathy we can express our own unique values and beliefs without having to suppress or repress our true and highest forms of self or judge that of others. Imagine if our children learnt to tap into their thoughts, their feelings and emotions and ask themselves those questions. Okay, where is this coming from? Why do I feel this way? How can I fix this? What am I missing? What can I do? Is this the right choice? Does this feel good for me? Does this sit well with me? and actually build that AWARENESS and RECOGNITION of their own thoughts, feelings and values in those moments… Imagine if they learnt these skills and could apply these simple things to life, the way they deal with stress, frustration, sadness and indecision? Imagine IF our children could become aware and recognise these thoughts and emotions in others? There is a lot of talk, conversation and solution around bullying…. Let’s talk about how it’s bad, let’s deal with the bully, let’s put an action plan in place. But are we looking at the | 35

reason for the bullying OR simply giving children the gift of awareness so when they are on the other side of this aggression or outward repression in their lives they can recognise it and go “Okay, this is outside of me, this person is going through something.” Yes, sometimes we frustrate or trigger people, yes, sometimes people frustrate or trigger us... BUT bullying and aggression comes from a very internal space, one that is trying to deal with something. A bully is experiencing something, a thought, an emotion, a problem and this is their way to try and deal with it... Imagine if our children knew this Imagine if our children could have the awareness to recognise this in those moments... Both as children and adults when faced with aggression and emotion.

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If someone is coming at them if someone is being unfair, nasty, mean…. Whether that be a child, an adult, even an animal... That person, that soul… Is dealing with something... If our children on the receiving end of the bullying and aggression could take that emotional step back and go “okay that hurts, that’s unkind... But that has NOTHING TO DO WITH ME, that is NOT MY FAULT, that person is dealing with something, that person is hurt, that person is missing something in their lives... Yes, this is unfair, yes this isn’t nice... But no, this is not about me… What they are saying, or doing is not a reflection of me... It’s an outward reflection of what is going on inside of them, and this person is trying to deal with something” With the GIFT OF AWARENESS, we can raise the next generation of children as strong, self-confident,

emotionally intelligent, genuine, driven, strong-willed, empowered people leading the way in this world with love, empathy and kindness. With the GIFT of AWARENESS… We CAN - CHANGE THE WORLD… We can raise our young men and women to be confident, fulfilled, self-empowered, loving, emotionally intelligent leaders in the community. Speaking up for what they believe, leading the way with love, empathy, kindness and value.

Keep up to date with Jenaya on: Facebook & Instagram



Power of Zing

Part 1: Putting More Spice in Your Life. By Larry Rosenberg, PhD, Inspirational Entertainer, The Larry Show & Andy Ferguson, – Personal Development Redefined

Every month Larry and Andy explore ideas on how to put more energy, connectivity and impact into our relationships, both personal and business. This month they look at behaviours that they claim creates a state they call Zing. Larry proposes Zing happens when you give yourself permission to be fully authentic, expressive and provocative with diverse people and situations. Andy joins in.

What Is Zing? Larry – One can view life as a series of mental and behavioural choices that interact with our environment, resulting in the texture and quality of our life. From a very early age, we are conditioned on how to think and act in order to make various choices– from what we say and how we move, to what career to follow and how to make love. We can all notice the exuberance, spontaneity and creativity of children; then fast-forward to later in their life and we may observe how families, schools and society teach them the right or only way to do things. This process limits our range of options and rigidifies life into conformity bordering on caricature (a good source for comedians). Our inner child used to be free (and still part of us for all of life), but perhaps the vast majority of adults settlefor a conventional and confined life, which years later can lead to frustration, regret and illness. I believe that life’s substance and style are interrelated, and often hard to tell apart and that many people these days are realizing that a good, even a great, life is about being fully alive. That means expressing the humour in serious situations, dancing around when bursting with happiness, and letting out a song when feeling deeply. It 38 |

y r r La is about coming more from the heart than the head. Being fully alive involves tapping into the energy of the inner child, but at an adult level that’s been enriched by life experience, the versatility of expression, and wisdom accumulation. I think this intensive attitude, activity and lifestyle is what Andy means when using the word zing. For me, it entails living a heightened aware, active, exciting, creative, fun, fulfilling and amazing life. To people who unconsciously accept a straightjacketed life, people with zing may come across as wild and weird. But when you give yourself permission to personally experiment, grow and transform our life into a work of art in progress, then I suggest we

let out our authentic self-expression, tap into the vastness of the present moment, and demonstrate to the world that we feel we’re living an extraordinary life. This is when we will experience the power of zing!

Andy – So here’s the thing: Since I suggested we write this article a few months back, I have found myself running low on zing, which has been quite a revelation to me. Larry, you mention choices: You say it’s our choice to turn on and tap into this abundant and consistent zing energy. Living with zing seems to be about vibrant and highfrequency energy. However, for most of this past winter, I’ve found that almost as soon as I’ve firedup I’ve fizzled out.

Delving right in then: Over the last four months, I’ve felt under the weather and out of sorts. All my re-energisers – the zingers thatusually work for me – have all proved temporary or tentative. As soon as I tap into a rich seam of zing, it seems to seep away quickly. Look, to be clear: I’ve had health issues that have taken a lot of energy to deal with. So it’s not like I’ve been lazing about; I know that the energy that I would normally be directing outward is being diverted inward to cope with my legacy health issues. Also, while I may not be brimming over with zing, I am spiritually in a really good space. I’m able at least once a day to really connect with my essential self, which right now seems to require me to manifest quiet, reflective energy. Yet I’ve been able to zing it when I needed it; for example when interacting with business clients. So it’s interesting discussing this highly energized and extroverted energy when I’m not feeling able to stay in it for long.

Larry – Andy, you and I have cultivated an open, enthusiastic and meaningful friendship for the past four years – one month of it spent together when I visited you in Scotland and we experienced a series of creative highs. I know you solidly believe in zing and have practised it often and gloriously. For a professional soccer player with a great overall record, an occasional lacklustre season does not lessen the affection of her/his fans. Andy, you are in touch with the underlying health conditions that have sapped your natural zing-ability. I have no doubt that your passion for zinging will return. Meanwhile, let’s carry on and make the case for the potential power of zing in the life of personal-growth-committed individuals.

Concerned About Lacking Zing? Andy – This is a question I’ve been asking myself for the past several months. A lot of people know me for putting out ample zing energy; in fact, it’s how some people think I live 24/7. Now that’s never been the case. I’ve always been able to access it and direct it when needed,; but I’ve faced burnout from time to time too.

Besides that, I want to address a point you made at the start Larry: We all are aware, even if at a subconscious level, that we exist in a relationship with the world. So there could be a couple of things going on with me right now. It could be that I’m just not in sync with my environment. Think about riding a bike. When you come to a steep hill, you need to find the right gear, whether you’re going up or down. Being in the wrong gear trying to go up is torture and being in the wrong gear going down means your legs barely keep up with the pedals. With so much going on in my life right now, maybe I’m just not in the right gear. I think the other thing that might be going on is an imbalance between short-term and long-term living dynamics. Right now, the world is going through major restructuring and turmoil. Because of that, there is so much noise, so much of a din going on, and so much of energy buzzing. Frankly, I’m feeling overwhelmed and with a profound need to slow things down – to make quiet and not more noise. If I want energy, I only have to switch on the TV and watch our politicians shout, scream and humiliate themselves. But I think, Larry, you might say, “that’s not zing”, which is positive; in this case is the zing being trumped(sorry, Larry) by the noise? So what I’m feeling is the need to use my energy for healing– both for myself and those in obvious distress around me. I can’t help but feel that there must be many out there feeling the same way. I’m hoping in the course of this dialogue to see if there might be another way out of this dilemma: One that uses zing to take the heat or the sting out of all the negative energy flying around, an energy that’s distracting and confusing many of us these days.

Larry – Yes, Andy, I admit there is a mix of conflicting emotions that today’s world triggers in us. Still, I believe that zing can be viewed as a way to free ourselves from past patterns that control and upset us, and that is stimulated by our overly pumpedup world. I affirm that it is possible instead to build a life – one zinger at a time – that is more beneficial and desirable, for the individual and Humanity. At its best, zing is positive energy. If we want more positive phenomena in the world, I believe that

y d n A discovering how to apply zing, creatively and continuously, is the way to go. When we advocate a concept for personal growth, we tend to make it wonderful, robust and the key to great progress. That’s how I essentially look at the role of zing. Nevertheless, your reasons for not being grounded in an active state of zing behaviour need to be respected; because as humans we go through up-and-down cycles and hit the wall of life-limiting habits. For me, zing serves as a driving force of my life, relationships and the better world I endeavour to create. Zing has become a key component of my identity, aspirations and purpose of life. After coasting through decades of ordinary personal and career living, I am determined in the last third of my life (I’m 76) to live an awakened, energetic, creative and fulfilling life. I reach for the extraordinary what I think and do because I crave a more extraordinary life | 39

than I lived for my past decades and than I witness many of my Boomer generation settling for. The benefits for me of a prolific-zing lifestyle are turning out to be greater health and vitality, free-flowing and excitingly creative ideas, closer and livelier relationships with fascinating people, more help to heal and uplift others, a celebration of solutions and opportunities, and a deeper peace of mind. Through introspection, will-power and supportive friends, I’ve been able to break most of my habits that reinforce conventional, outdated norms, by finding ways to build a zinging repertoire of funny, zany, edgy, exuberant, joyful and loving words and actions – and, based on feedback from most others, to enliven them too. Full disclosure: There are a few people who do not appreciate my being so way-outthere; in which case I immediately cease zinging, apologize appropriately, and switch to so-called normal behaviours. But I’m happy batting 97%. These days, I am the happiest I’ve ever been in my life – living in a paradise-like place (Sedona, Arizona), relating to a heartful and supportive circle of friends (around the world, including Andy in Scotland), having a compelling and passionate life mission (as a show-biz entertainer applying my life’s wisdom to inspire others to heal, grow and share), feeling authentic as a human being and conscious of the Soul’s dimension that makes life worth living (the Divinity within). For me, zing has become a natural and wonder-full way of being. And I am delighted and humbled to be called its role model for other people who believe it’s never too late to release habits that no longer serve us, and instead vibrate their life and the world through zinging.

Andy – Thanks for that. And you know what, sitting here reading your words, I’m asking myself, “How much is my ego getting in the way of feeling good?” Normally when people ask me what is it that I do I reply, “well my job is to find projects and opportunities that allow me to inspire, encourage and empower the people I meet day to day.” I have a lot of opportunities at the moment ... perhaps too many! I think my ego is undermining me, doesn’t it always? It’s telling me that I’m still not doing enough 40 |

and that I’m not making the most of all these opportunities, I’m not making enough of a difference – that somehow I’m not enough. And I think that this is a common issue for many people. When we are not filtering out all the news, choosing positive fuel, and focusing on our journey, we let ourselves get pulled off course by the people around us, the ones that surround us. We allow ourselves to be led by people who, well, let’s just say, “It’s a case of the blind leading the blind.” What do you think? Andy, I grew up singing We Shall Overcome. And I regard zing as a major tool for me to achieve just that. As I see it, zing in our life involves thoughts and feelings that lead to unusual, unexpected, dramatic and touching actions. Or in some cases, it might be a non-action, such as being silent and still. Preparing for our conversation has made me realize that I have tips and ideas about zing that have proved useful on my own journey. For people thinking of doing more zinging, I suggest asking yourself, “Do I have a passionately desire to grow myself and improve the world in dramatic ways? If your answer is yes, I believe it is imperative for you to widen your zing options, chose to use new-for-you and bolder zingers, and even create wholly original zingers. In Part 2 of this article, I have created a list of zing methods that have worked for me and I have observed others using to great effect.

Final Comments Andy – Thanks again, Larry, I’m sure readers will find your list useful. For me, I’m happy to believe that with a little bit of tweaking can retune myself and get back to zinging regularly. In fact, over the weeks that you and I have been developing this article, I’ve regained my capacity to hold on to zing for longer periods. Resting up and managing my energy expenditure means I have had ... wait for it ... three 11 out of 10 days in a row. Yeh, 11/10 days – days that exceeded my expectations and then some. How cool is that?

Larry – I’m happy for you, Andy. The world does not appear in back and white; it exists in an uncountable variety of contrasting and vivid colours. Look around at Nature, and

you’ll behold numerous examples of zing, such as The miracle-like birth of a baby, the glory of a blazing sunrise or sunset, the cascading of a waterfall, the sweetness of berries picked off the vine, the joyful playfulness of a dog or cat, and the flowering trees in early spring. With zing so prevalent in Nature, I invite you to consider that it may thus be natural for you and the people close (and other) in your life. Here’s one way to view our incredible world: The Creator is the greatest zinger of all! I believe you don’t have to work hard to learn to use zing; what is more critical is to unlearn the rules and habits that say, “Don’t you dare risk mistakes, act differently, and stand out.” Then you will be able to live life more fully and deeply by empowering yourself and those around you with the magic of zing!

Andy – My biggest take away from writing this article: Don’t sweat it when you’re struggling to zing – if you lose it, it will come back. Look after yourself, put your needs right back at your life’s centre, and enjoy as much of this life as you dare. As Larry writes, don’t work at it, let it come back naturally. It will. To learn more about how to apply zing, check out Larry’s The Power of Zing, Part 2: How to Become a Master Zinger.

Keep up to date with Larry at:

***** Keep up to date with Andy at: | 41

What does a

Collaborative Team look like?

Gill Tiney | Co-Founder of BeCollaboration The Catalyst not only spots the genius required and can spot it at a million paces they also inspire the team to ‘Click’ to enjoy each other’s company, to be aligned in values as well as the project in hand. The Catalyst builds the relationships and ignites the spark of collaboration.

You have been tasked with an amazing project, finally given the responsibility to make your idea come into being. This is so exciting and yet… what if the team don’t gel. What if they can’t get over their own ego, they squabble like school children and your idea, your beautiful project, fails because they were being,… well, they were simply being idiots. (polite description) How can you get them to work collaboratively and more importantly for them to build on your ideas? How can you inspire and nurture this potential you have in front of you? The potential to create something amazing, something valuable for all. What will make you the leader to make it happen? Well in our experience a great collaborative team is made up of people with the following attributes: The Visionary – to build the picture The Catalyst – to build the team The Driver – to make it happen The Strategist – to make a plan The Technician – to develop the idea The Tweaker – to make it better The Salesman – to share with the world The Multiplier – to build scale The Monitor – to keep things moving The Nurturer – to look after the team The Financer – to make the numbers add up The Finisher – to make it sparkle You already have The Visionary – that’s you. Now in charge of a team, maybe

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not 12 strong, but all the roles can be covered. Maybe people take on more than one position. They also have to understand that right and wrong do not live in a collaborative team. Only solution seeking characters need apply. They will also have to leave their ego at the door. Past success doesn’t count in a new project, you are all standing on the shoulders of giants, and Mr/Ms Cool will not create a collaborative space. YOU have to create a place where people are allowed to fail, where it is ok to come up with a ‘really stupid’ idea because that might just trigger a genius solution. You have to paint your vision and enrol your team into the possibility of what it can bring, for the company and for the team and to the individuals. Share the win/win/ win. Next, find The Catalyst they have the vision in mind and can build the appropriate team. Those with technical skills and natural talent that can be encouraged and grown are essential.

The Driver is essential. How many times have you seen great ideas struggle and die for the want of someone to drive it forward? This person is your accountability buddy for the team. They ensure meetings are ended with action points, that previous action points are completed, integrity is upheld, people keep their word and living below the line with Excuses, Blame or Denial just isn’t an option. In short, The Driver delivers a professional team who bond even more because they aren’t watching or waiting for others to fail, they are simply delivering their genius for the benefit of the team. The Driver also has a sense of urgency, a brilliant project manager they have high standards of themselves and expect that of others. Next is The Strategist bringing your vision into being. They map out the steps needed to bring it to fruition. A clean, simple step by step process to ensure everyone stays on task, with enough wiggle room for imagination, for people to go off-piste and stretch themselves, come out of their comfort zone but still within the safe boundaries of the laid out strategy which ensures a safe completion time. Each member of your team will lean towards either left brain, analytical, detaildriven thinking or right brained, creative,

people focused being. Collaboration is often considered easier for right-brained thinkers and feminine energy. That is not to say left brain masculine energy is not powerful and essential too. It is by bringing them together explaining the ‘rules of the game’ you build a collaborative dynamic team We have already brought together a visionary, catalyst, driver and strategist into the team. With the right culture, agreed ‘rules of the game’ and time spent building mutual respect this small team could potentially do the job in hand. However, if this is a big project a larger group will be called for and some additional skills and talents will be welcome. The Technician is the archetypal leftbrain, detail-driven, product-focused person who can build the dream. They take the idea and put it into development. Being involved with the project they will be aligned with the person who comes along and tweaks the product to make it better. Like writing a book the author needs an editor to tweak the work and bring it to a standard where The Salesperson can get to grips with it. By selling it outside of the team the group will see how others perceive their idea and where more tweaks might be required. The Tweaker and Sales Person will work well together. Overseeing the project is The Monitor who will be looking at progress, where improvements to the way the team work together can be made. Keeping the project on track, not from a command and control perspective, which limits creativity, but from a practical space, showing data to inform next steps, looking at budgets and feasibility, the Monitor keeps the project viable. Collaboration is known to bring projects in faster and cheaper than anticipated, but that is only when one of the collaborators has their finger on the pulse. They work closely with the person responsible for the budget The Financer (as opposed to the Financier). There are many people who have a beautiful relationship with money, they see it as a tool to be used and can make it work for them. Their role is to be creative with funds and they love finding creative ways to deliver what the team need alongside the restrictions of budgetary forces.

Throughout this project The Nurturer is ensuring that communication is flowing, the culture is upheld, egos are locked away and the space is one of inclusivity and creation. They are also responsible for seeing the project growing and everyone being valued and looked after. They also liaise with the Visionary to ensure the end result fits the original vision. The Finisher has an opportunity of overseeing the final product and polishing the edges ready for launch or presentation. They spend time working with the whole team to ensure everyone’s brief is coming together in a collaboration that is bigger than the sum of its parts. Finally, The Multiplier, who has been part of the project from the beginning will have a clear idea of how they will be maximising the opportunities and scalability that this new collaboration brings. Whilst these are clearly defined roles, it goes without saying that many collaborations will not fit with this model. Having an awareness of the roles and their purpose within the culture gives you a taster of what might be achieved. Collaboration is not easy. Collaboration takes an empowered mindset, with a humble understanding of each other’s skills and talents. It has to be approached from a place of love and authenticity. Being able, to be honest about an idea, open about our misgivings and share concerns without fear of ridicule, is truly love in action. Mutual respect and acknowledging each other for great work as well as failed attempts build’ strong bonds.

Each person has to be aware of the context for their involvement, their reason for choosing to be there. That is your job as The Visionary to build the picture for them. Give them their reason WHY get their buy into the project and align their reason with the team. Get them all pulling in the same direction. If you are part of a great collaborative team; where you feel free to express yourself, feel valued, loved, respected and where you enjoy your work then I believe that makes for an environment where work becomes play and people don’t know what time it is – they are having too much fun! And we all know that when work becomes fun you never have to ‘work’ a day in your life. True collaboration brings benefits on so many levels, not just the project at hand but also stronger relationships, shared skills, enhanced possibility for future collaborations and a satisfaction and pride in what has been achieved. Wouldn’t you like to work in a collaborative team? If you would like to share or discuss collaboration more fully you are welcome to attend either a BeCollaboration meeting Or join the discussion at our online platform BeCollaboration Global

Keep up to date with Gill at: & FaceBook | 43

A Woman of Substance Vanessa Louise Moore | Transformational Mentor & Speaker.

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““We are each the authors of our own lives. We live in what we have created. There is no way to shift the blame and no one else to accept the accolades.” - Barbara Taylor Bradford, A Woman of Substance

Have you ever been so moved by a book that you make different life choices? I read my first book when I was 23 and it shifted how I perceived myself and my life. ‘A Woman of Substance’ by Barbara Taylor Bradford had such a profound effect on me. Looking back over the past 20 or so years, I can see how this book touched, moved and inspired my soul and has contributed and shaped me into the woman I am today. The tale told was of Emma Harte, a young woman, from a poor family who worked as a maid for a wealthy family. Emma gave in to the advancements from the son of the wealthy family, they had a beautiful love affair. Emma fell pregnant and was quickly abandoned by her lover. In 1904 it was seen as a disgrace for a young woman to be single and pregnant. Scared, lonely and broke Emma flees and begins a new life alone. Against all the odds and through two world wars, Emma created a life for herself and her daughter and built a thriving multi million dollar empire as in her words ‘I’ll show them…no one will ever take advantage of me again’ This book had me gripped from beginning to end as this story resonated with me deeply. As I reflect 20 years on, I enjoy seeing the lessons I have applied consciously and unconsciously to my life in the pursuit to be ‘A woman of substance’. We all have times of struggle in our lives and we all make mistakes and I believe it is a choice as to whether we apply our learnings in everyday life. Looking back, I can see that with any challenge I have faced, my awareness was key. In my awareness I recognised where I applied the golden rule; ‘Do unto others and I would have them do

unto me’. Treating others with respect, kindness and to consider that they too have their ‘stuff’ they are dealing with. While I recognised the importance of treating others as I would like to be treated, it took me many years to apply this lesson to myself. It was so much easier to be there for others, love others, be kind to others, consider others, respect and accept others than it was than to be any of this for myself. Life experience has been my greatest teacher and even though there may have been times I looked up at the heavens and asked ‘WHY?’, I wouldn’t change a single moment. Today I can appreciate my drive and determination have certainly been what’s powered me through and kept my momentum high at times. My tenacity and grace have enabled me to remain present and grounded in my current reality. I have learnt the necessity of focus and that when I set my mind on something, I become a formidable force. Strong and resilient are two characteristics I would say are the result of my choices but most of all I would say learning how to love because I want to love rather than from a place of needing anything back in return, has been the the most rewarding and liberating feeling. To live a life of substance, I believe there are two main areas of focus: Firstly, choose yourself. Learn to love and accept yourself just as you are. Too many of us live our lives for others, guided by others or because of others. Secondly, live with integrity. This ensures all our thoughts, feelings and behaviours are authentically ours. Allowing us to instinctively listen, trust and follow our own inner guidance system true to our very own purpose in life.

nurture, support and love others. All while living with integrity, I believe is the best example of strength and living a fulfilled life. Today, when my family refer to me as ‘A woman of substance’ it warms my heart. “We are each the authors of our own lives. We live in what we have created. There is no way to shift the blame and no one else to accept the accolades.” - Barbara Taylor Bradford, A Woman of Substance

Keep up to date with Vanessa at:

Now that we are nurturing ourselves first, we are in the best possible place to | 45

A Walk in

SPRINGTIME Lifting Our Mood and The Rhythm of Life. Lyn Halvorsen l Creative writer and blogger. I often talk about the benefits of getting out into the countryside; the green fields and the chirpy birdsong usually manage to lift the spirits for a while at least. It’s always a comfort somehow to see the same old trees in the woods standing stoically strong; their trunks immovable and their roots firmly planted alongside the path where we often walk deep in thought. How many footsteps must have passed their way over perhaps hundreds of years and how many more still will? I can look at the trunk of my favourite tree in wonder. I can sense a benevolent charm in its being and almost see a kindly expression in the depths of its bark. And then I can look up and see its lofty branches reaching for the light. It knows what to do, my tree, it doesn’t need a set of rules or list of suggested requirements for better tree development. I am a bit of a scaredy cat – I have even written a book about a scaredy cat. I am a person who has to cling on tight to the things I hold dear in times of strain and here is where I find nature has a way of literally grounding me. We may not find the solution to all our problems, but we sure can get them more into perspective after a walk in our favourite part of the countryside. Recently I spent a long weekend in Devon. I can’t recall a time the countryside had ever looked more beautiful but maybe the spring has a way of renewing our outlook and refreshing our surroundings so that 46 |

were uncurling beside them. Trunks of old apple trees leaned at random angles, blotched with the lichen that Mother Nature inscribed on their ancient barks. From beyond a curtain of apple blossom, I could hear a blackbird - who alone of all birds can put imagination into song like him? Some trees still held their buds tightly clenched, as though half a hundred Springs had taught them to fear the oncoming of summer, yet Mother Nature gently commands, and soon every reluctant bud would open to fulfil its destiny.

every time we revisit it is like the first time. Walking through an apple orchard it was as though I could breathe life from the abundance around me and win hope from all the promise; I could listen to the music of the birds and see the beauty of the surrounding colours. A million petals gleamed and the air was fragrant with blossom as the bees were busy in each open flower preparing for the vital matter of making honey. Beneath my feet, there was a carpet woven of many shades of green, shot through with vibrant threads of sunlight, and spiky spring flowers. The bluebells lowered their heads where the ferns

So when we are being a scaredy cat – when we have those days when we can’t conjure up much effort to stride forward – it is good to look at all the signs around us and take the reassurance that everything turns and moves and goes full circle. I could almost imagine Pamona the wood nymph who was reputed to be the goddess of fruitful abundance talking to me with all her ancient and modern wisdom. I certainly felt she was making me welcome – her light laugh mingling with the surrounding sounds. I think she was saying “I do love this time of year best, although I shouldn’t have favourites; it is dear to me because it is all about life – and the promise of good things to come later. And remember, dear one, no winter lasts forever.” And that is what I feel we need to remember – good things will come.

The Butterfly Walk Over the bridge, I lean and watch The bright and brimming river, And it seems that I have known This familiar scene forever. And on deep and silver waters Where ancient moons once shone, Nature keeps her quiet watch Like a hidden chaperone. No need here for a ticking clock To hasten the sun to shine, Or an order for the hollyhock To flower by supper-time. As the songbirds in the hedgerows Conspire to lift my mood, Sweet air blows the rustling leaves And I feel no need to brood. The butterfly, woken by the sun, Gently unfolds her wings, Here, no less beauty am I shown Than cardinals or Kings. Š Lyn Halvorsen

Keep up to date with Lyn at: | 47


How would it feel if you realised one day, that the life of your dreams is already here? You are living it. Not because you have the money, because you feel in the flow, happy, trusting the journey you are on and looking forward to the next upgrade? – Juliette Stapleton

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How Being Visible Has Been The Most Healing Experience For My

INNER GROWTH Juliette Stapleton | Online Visibility Strategist

Two years ago I found myself feeling stuck and burning with a desire to do something impossible with my life: to take control of everything I can and, in a way, things I couldn’t. This was what I felt as the news was sinking in: my husband was fighting the most aggressive form of Cancer and he was not doing that well. This was the moment that has started the most amazing journey in my life. Visibility is something I was always a natural at, even being an introvert. I was also a natural entrepreneur, but I did not realise that for the first 40 years of my life. In fact, I have been beating myself up for not being able to get along with authority in my jobs. I always felt that my initiatives are undermined and not needed and often this resulted in me getting really demotivated. I also had difficulty following directions I did not agree with or creating close relationships with my workmates (I was not one for going out after work, and this always lead to me being an outsider and often bullied for being different and having “the wall” around me. Classic signs of an entrepreneurial introvert! So when I started my own business in 2012, things became a little easier I could decide on my own direction or activities, but I was still working with an “employee mindset” - taking clients who were wrong for me only to be getting paid regularly, undercharging, not setting boundaries. I found myself working with people who did not appreciate and even questioned my expertise - the most damaging to your self-worth position you can be in. To make things worse, I was still attracting weirdos, bullies and people who I shared absolutely nothing in common. So when that day when I learned about my husband’s cancer came, I decided that enough is enough! I was done being a victim, and I was done giving energy to negativity. I made a decision to NEVER focus on my problems again and only focus on the determination to

are simply wrong people, and with over two billion users, there is plenty of those who will adore, worship or, at the very minimum, appreciate you. Just as you are! Secondly, as you keep showing up and pushing through your fear of being ‘found out’ as a fraud or fear of attention, you see that you are actually changing people’s lives with your energy. Even before they come into your business - you already make a huge impact on the course of their lives as they feel inspired and empowered by you. And that is the best feeling in the world. create a life of my dreams - together with my fully recovered husband, of course! I decided to build something that will allow me to be in control where I live, who I work with (and I decided to only work with people I really like) and on my own terms. What this required was for me to be much more visible to more people, so I can find and attract the right one with my best asset - ME! I chose Facebook as my center stage. A platform that allows us to empower, connect, and create relationships that are meaningful and real! And deep in my gut, I felt that this is exactly what will help me create those opportunities I wanted to create! What I did not realise then and what I know for sure right now is that no matter how scary stepping into the spotlight and connecting to strangers is - it is also the most healing experience you can imagine! Firstly, because unlike in a geographical location, on Facebook you get to attract people who are exactly like you. Like a huge family of soulmates, you had no idea were there. Genuine. Caring. Supportive. Inspiring. This means you stop feeling that you are alone on this journey. You realise that people who do not agree with you

To summarise, as you start giving off your unique energy, your beautiful light to others in this world, that energy and that lights come back multiplied and not just heals you. It upgrades you. It helps you let go of your fears. It helps you let go of your perfectionism. It helps you accept your weaknesses and quirks. It helps you show up just as you are and this is exactly what other people want - your authenticity! It has been a fantastic journey, and yes, it resulted in something impossible - my husband is recovered, he is doing great, and we are now planning to move to a better country to live, as my business has created the financial security we needed. How would it feel if you realised one day, that the life of your dreams is already here? You are living it. Not because you have the money, because you feel in the flow, happy, trusting the journey you are on and looking forward to the next upgrade? This is where I am now, and it is all because that day I decided to become VISIBLE!

Keep up to date with Juliette at: | 49

Groundhog Day? Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose. Andy Ferguson | Author. Guide. Mentor. Speaker.

I was fifty-eight years old the other week. In other words, I have lived here on planet Earth, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year for fiftyeight years. In another two, if I’m lucky, I’ll have made it to sixty.

nothing like a pie. At least not a pie of any description where I came from. But I used the term, especially with kids, as a visual representation of the shape I wanted them to make with their skis: “Make a “slice of pie” shape, I’d say ... BTW here’s another thing about being from “my generation”, I can remember there was a time in my life when I had never heard of Pizza, Lasagna, Cappuccinos or Fettuccine. I was at the very least eighteen before I’d heard those: Italian cooking was still a novelty in Scotland before the 1980s. It’s amazing how the newest craziest idea becomes the norm, right?

Now back in the day, when I was a young man, sixty was old.People who were sixty looked old and by god, they acted old too. But now, as we near the third decade of the 21st Century, we expect something different, sixty may or may not be “old”, a lot comes down to us as individuals, how we act, what we believe and how we have come to understand life as it’s evolved for us personally over the many proceeding decades. Right now I gotta’ tell you I’m feeling old. Physically I’ve hit a wall and getting over it, round it or under it seems like really hard work. I’m not alone, a lot off men and women I know in their fifties seem to be struggling with the physical changes that happen to our bodies at this stage in life. I yearn for the days when I would teach skiing all day and then run ten miles home after work only to go out in the evening with friends. Okay that strategy did land me in bed with exhaustion a few times, I even ended up in hospital completely wasted once, but you get the idea. 50 |

Perhaps I have a certain type of personality, everything or nothing, so maybe the physical thing is just another cycle of exhaustion, there can’t be many people of whatever age out there at the moment, who have covered 4000 miles on foot in the last four years, so perhaps that’s what it is, just another cycle of me running myself into the ground. Back about thirty-five years ago, when I was teaching skiing, I learned a new term “pizza pie”. I couldn’t get my head around this as to me a pizza looked

As we journey through life we pick up all sorts of new and novel ideas. Some are so useful that they stay with us for a long time, some serve their purpose and are soon replaced with something newer, more fun, interesting or useful. And some last a lifetime. These ideas are the very foundations of our understanding of ourselves and of the world we live in. As we get older it can become harder to know which ideas to keep and which have “had their time”. Or which new one we really need to adopt. I suppose we could ask ourselves at regular intervals “does this thing still serve me”? And I have found myself asking

opportunity, I’ll deal with as best I can and be grateful there is the next day. And here’s one of life’s many paradoxes: We experience our lives as both being linear and cyclical. We can see a path that leads directly from our birth to our death. Each day is unique and moves us forward and yet so many of the things that happen to us are repeated - day after day, week after week, month after month until another year has gone by. And then years become decades. A life lived like the proverbial Groundhog Day. In so many ways I’m older now than I’ve ever been yet in each new day is like starting again from scratch. And I can do things now that I could never do before. I have experience and perspective on things, closing in on sixty years on the planet for example, that I could not have before. And so I realise that each new day I can start something over, I can start new things, I can build on what’s came before, get rid of stuff I no longer need or that need too much attention. No one knows how long they have on this planet and perhaps that’s a good thing. Our perishability is a defining characteristic of our lives, helping us appreciate the unpredictability of the world around us, helping us navigate the challenges and opportunities that appear when we least expect them, helping us prepare for the unknown, even the unknowable. that question more and more lately. I’ve also found it a powerful question to ask others too, especially those leaving their “Midlife” behind, so much so that people have travelled from the other side of the world just to have a conversation about this whilst we walk in Scotland’s many beautiful places. Yet this was never my plan. I didn’t set out to build a business or indeed a life around asking questions but here it seems is where I ended up. And I suppose if I am to make some sense of how this came to be it’s worth reflecting on the journey that brought me here.

quickly forget when we first encountered them. Heck, there are even people who are a major part of our lives and we can’t recall when we first met them either. Just for the record, I remember my first ever lasagna and cappuccino, in a restaurant in London’s Soho with my parents when I moved down to be a student there in 1980. And I can remember the first time I met my wife - hey I’m not just saying that it’s true. But so many things I now accept as normal, as a vital part of my life ... I have no recollection of my life before them or without them.

As I’ve said, there was a time when pizza and fettuccine were unknown to me. And I can’t tell you when they did first appear, which is amazing really. Or perhaps it isn’t. So many new things come into our lives, things we had no idea about before that we quickly get so used and then just as

At some point in the last four years I have discovered that despite there being so much to see and do, and so many things that will be left undone, I am at peace with the fact that I will be miss out on so much. I have right now and whatever is coming over the horizon next, challenge or

When I think about these things I always remember the indomitable Helen Keller, “life” she said, “is a great adventure or it is nothing”. And so I’d like to end with a French saying, not the one in the title that means the more things change the more they stay the same (cyclical) but one that has no direct English equivalent but which I think is easy to understand and so useful whatever age we are. I wish you on your journey, whatever decade you are looking forward to next, just one thing ... “Bon Courage”.

Keep up to date with Andy at: | 51


Power of Zing

Part 2: How to Become a Master Zinger By Larry Rosenberg, PhD, Inspirational Entertainer, The Larry Show

In The Power of Zing, Part 1: Putting More Spice in Your life Andy and I discussed the concept of zing for personal growth. I suggested it happens to me when I give myself permission to be fully authentic, creative and provocative, thus adding greater meaning, vitality and impact to my life. In this article, Part 2, I present three concepts that may assist you in applying zing to your own life.

Assessing Your Zing Capacity Larry – These days many people are realizing that a good, or a great, life is about being fully alive which means optimizing our capacity to have a positive impact on relationships and on the world. Andy and I call it jing energy, examples include expressing the humour in awkward situations, dancing around when feeling very happy, and bursting into song when moved beyond speaking. Zing comes more from the heart and gut than the head. Zing flows when you tap into the energy of your inner child, but at an adult level that’s been enriched by life experience and accumulated life wisdom. So here’s what I do and you call to try out for yourself: • I lead with a smile, have a twinkle in my eyes, and laugh easily. • I surprise people to make them aware, delighted and amazed – as in pure show business. • I feel that life is an adventure and others desire to live that way too. • I have the confidence and courage to experiment with novel and bold behaviours. • I am most often in the present, where it’s okay to improvise.

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y r r La • I overflow with joy and love, which other people will find contagious. • I hear others acknowledge that my words and behaviour make them say, “You’ve made my day!” • I am aware of the good things valued by other people and say and behave in ways to maximize their preferences and strengths. • I am able to say and do things that shift people from a bland and negative mood into an upbeat and positive mood.

• I use entertainment to help people obtain insights, acquire knowledge, and practice wisdom. • I use positive and expressive language and gestures that people emulate, or admit they want to, at least to some extent. Next, we can ask our self, where we would like to be with zing usage in the future. and remember to be sure to address and listen to your true (higher) self, and not the voice of your play-it-safe ego.

When to Use Zing Almost anywhere and anytime. Depending on your preference and style, putting zing in your conversations (face-to-face or via other media) and actions improves your ability to develop rapport, build trust, communicate information, elicit a response, distinguish yourself, and become memorable. There are certain situations in which you might want to especially insert some zing. Here are five times when I often go into creative and conscientious zing mode: • Making a first impression on people that is engaging, authentic and positive. • When you like certain persons, wanting to let them clearly and creatively know you do. • Emphasizing an important point that you want to be definitely memorable. • Lessening an awkward or stressful situation among the people present. • Taking the conversation to a higher level of joy, affection and consciousness.

Ideas for How to Zing If you are one of those people who passionately desire to grow yourself and improve the world, I believe you will benefit by widening your zing options, choosing to use new-for-you and bolder zingers, and even creating your own wholly unique and original zingers. Here are many of the zings that have worked for me, and those zinging professionals who I have observed and admired: • Songs, when greeting someone warmly, leaving a voicemail, emphasizing the main point, and saying goodbye with regret; they can be known songs (I’m fond of Broadway numbers) or spontaneous lyrics you create to fit the situation while using existing or made-up melodies. • Poems, either classical or rap style, existing or spontaneous; rhyming is great but let it go if you simply can’t think of a word to rhyme. • Dancing, with joy when greeting someone, emphasizing a high point, or jazzing up a low point; this can include a jump for joy or a spin around to evoke a shift.

• Humour, either a joke, funny story, or situational humour; laughter is a powerful catalyst to going beyond a stressful situation. • Positive feedback, based on what the other person is saying, doing, wearing or intending; while it is best to be sincere, it can involve a compliment that is worded in a fresh way, as in reframing in a positive light what others might deem to have a negative valence. • Colourful words, to describe what most people would call an ordinary situation; this could include metaphors and similes, inspirational quotes, and even foreign language words (which you translate if necessary). • Physical touching, when appropriate to the relationship and after asking for permission; holding hands, hugging, massaging shoulders or hands, locking arms, and putting a blessing on the forehead. • Nonverbal moves, such as clapping, thumbs up, V for victory, hands in prayer, drum roll before a key statement, voice shift (including a regional or foreign accent), and different language (to a real one or humorously faked). • Photography, to capture special moments and appearances; either using an actual camera or pantomiming the taking of a picture. • Magic, as in a spoken wish and/or body language of something appearing or disappearing; props can be used as with a napkin (for before and after references) or a chopstick (as a magic wand for waving for tapping). • Upbeat colours, for your outfit or room furnishings; to include greater-thanusual variety, brightness, exotica and patterns. • Evocative music, when people enter the room or as mood changers during a meeting; for announcing your mood or recognizing music related to their life. • Scene change, as moving from an ordinary room to an exciting one, or from inside a building to lovely Nature and vistas outside.

• Varying walking, such as in slow motion, rapidly, backward, sideward, casually or formally. • Role behaviour, as in becoming someone with greater freedom, creativity and power, such as a monarch, bandleader, clown, film star, an elder with wisdom, wish-granting genie or virtuoso musician. • Zing-generating tools, for example, a €1,000,000 play-money note, bubble blower, bicycle, dog on a leash, huge fake diamond ring, black silk top hat and cane, magic coin trick, samurai sword, dragon-shaped kite, or courtjester hat. Have I left out any zings – especially those that fit your personality and style? If so, feel free to add your own categories and examples. Being provocative and often at the moment, a zing may upset the recipient or simply not work. Gauge the openness of people to receive a zing. If a particular zing does not succeed, quickly apologize and adjust or omit further zings. But, as you improve your ability to zing, in my experience with a variety of people, the gains outweigh the risks of using zings. And the more you discover and apply zings, the better you will get at it. After all, Rome was not zinged in a day.

Keep up to date with Larry at: | 53

My Top 10 Inspirational

Quotes Alice Landry | Business & Personal Development Coach đ&#x;’Ť

I enjoy helping others connect with their spiritual nature and evolve through a personal journey of discovery and mastery.

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Some days you just have to detach, rise above, be an observer, and allow events to unfold naturally. ***** Do not be afraid of the unknown. If something wants to leave your life, then let it. Walk with the power of God within. ***** Micro-managing the lives of others prevents you from taking responsibility for your own life. ***** Difficult situations stir your soul and transform you on a deep level. You may not notice this alteration until one day you realize your view of reality has either darkened with bitterness or lightened with compassion. ***** You are here for personal growth, evolution of consciousness, and realignment with joy and love. ***** Empower your mind through education. Engage your body through action. Evolve your heart through love. Enlighten your soul through unity. ***** Thank God in advance for the perfect outcome and for healing your life in the highest way. ***** If you are so ready for change, be willing to take bold, massive action. ***** Don’t live then learn. That’s reactive. Learn then live. That’s proactive. ***** You are the author and it’s time to create the next book in your life series. | 55

When I’m Gone Burt Kempner | Independent Writer/Producer & Author

When I’m gone, Don’t just give me to the earth. I loved the wind and the sky, too. I fell under the spell of fire, hissing at me to partake of its secret knowledge. On bright days I skimmed the surface of the sea; on darker ones I plunged far, far below. Feed me to the elements. I hope you’ll cry a little, not because I’m no longer here, But because I once was, And perhaps something I said or did Deflected you from a hurtful path Or kept you going down the right road when you felt alone. Don’t bring flowers. Don’t bring food. If you spot an injustice, however slight, correct it. I’ll feel it like a kiss. When I’m gone Know that I loved life wildly and deeply, Until it broke open my heart And spread like wind-blown seeds, Falling sometimes on barren ground And sometimes, somehow took root in Paradise. When I’m gone You will still see me If you look out of the corner of your eye a certain way. You will still hear me if you catch a hint of laughter Amid wailing and lamentation. The earth’s supply of beauty is diminishing. Add to it what you can and say I do this in memory of my friend, my loved one. I do it so that his light remains between two worlds.

Keep up to date with Burt on: Facebook

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Living POSITIVELY Growing Up in one of the rural areas of Zambia Africa. Winnie Mabena was born with the odds set against her. Born into a culture where the society doesn’t see the value in a girls life seemed unbearable. Determined to defy the odds she was born into Winnie begins the journey determined to succeed. Suddenly her life takes a drastic near death turn. Life as she knew it would never be the same. Will Winnie choose to thrive once more or will it be too much to bare and easier to choose death?


Winnie Mabena

Winnie Mabena is an International Speaker, Author, Trainer, Civil registrar and Founder of The Knowledge Effect, a nonprofit company that is working to empower communities by promoting literacy. Winnie is currently serving as Board Chairperson for Young Women in Action and for nearly three years she volunteered with Plan as a National Representative for the Youth Advisory Panel for Plan International Zambia. She has participated in various local and international consultation processes especially on ending child marriage and promoting girls rights. Her tenacity to improve lives is unrelenting thus she uses her life experience so far “ her journey as a girl and living positively” to empower and transform young women like her with knowledge on various issues including promoting education, Surviving HIV/AIDS, ending child marriage, mentorship, living a rural community, and literacy. Winnie envisions a world where people are fully empowered with knowledge to live above social problems through promoting literacy.

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Her favorite quote goes by Nelly Ray “I know what giving up looks like, I want to see what happens if I don’t give up”. Her dream is to grow into a voice for the voiceless at a global level. To get to her dream Winnie keeps investing in her education and she currently pursuing her professional course in teaching methodology. She holds a Bachelor of Arts Double Major Degree in Library and Information Science and Public Administration alongside a Diploma in Management Studies from the University of Zambia.


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For full details visit our website: Precious Piñata™ Collectable Character & Precious Piñata™ © What’s in Your Child’s Stuffing?

Discover The Real Scotland – Discover The Real You.


Join him in Scotland and reconnect to the resourceful, vibrant, happy and successful person you really want to be. Scotland is amazing: A place that inspires, thrills and never ever disappoints. It’s the remarkable place of ideas and history, of culture and science, of great philosophers and world shaping entrepreneurs. And most of all it’s a place of breathtaking beauty and ancient vitality, a place Andy is proud to call home.

When you’re looking to understand yourself and your place in the world more deeply, when you’re at a crossroads in your life, your career or business, or when you’re stuck, the way forward will become clear on a walk with One Intention through the rich, stimulating and inspiring scenery of Scotland.

Scotland and Andy are waiting for you right now to begin the next exciting chapter of your incredible life. | 61

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