OMTimes Magazine September 2022 Edition

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MARK NEPO Surviving Storms, Finding the Strength to Meet Adversity,

An Interview by Sandra Sedgbeer

– @reallygreatsite

September 2022

Mark Nepo is a poet and a philosopher who has taught poetry and spirituality for over 40 years. A New York Times bestselling author, his numerous award-winning books, including the ""Book of Awakening," ""More Together Than Alone,"" and ""Drinking From the River of Light," have been translated into over 20 languages. He was several times a guest on Oprah Winfrey's Super Soul Sunday program and the recipient of a lifetime achievement award from Age Nation. In addition, he was named one of 2016's 100 most spiritually influential living people by Watkin's mind, body spirit Magazine. He was also chosen as one of the Own networks, Super Soul 100, a group of inspired leaders using their gifts and voices to elevate humanity.

Mark Nepo spoke with Sandie Sedgbeer about his latest and undoubtedly most timely book, "Surviving Storms, Finding the Strength to Meet Adversity," in which he covers where we are, how we got here, and, more importantly, how we can meet these challenges by deepening our roots and solidifying our connection to all spirit and life. Sandie Sedgbeer: Mark, in "Surviving Storms," you state that every generation has faced times of turbulence and chaos, and all the traditions offer practices and resources to help us meet the challenges of our day. Still, the storms we face today and "the fault lines we endure as a society," as you term it, are not the same as what previous generations have faced. Today we've got many more storms converging together at once.


Mark Nepo: Yes, we do. It's a paradox because at once, what we're facing is complex and unique, yet every generation has faced it. It's our turn. Will we choose love over fear, or not? How will we show up? What will? Great love and suffering have always been great teachers, and they will reduce us to the core of sameness, the wonderful core in our hearts. But we do live in a particularly strange time. Recently, there was another mass shooting. When I look at this in the book, I make an effort to try to understand where we are today. There seems to be a convergence of many dissociating factors that have almost bred a generation that has lost its direct connection to life. And without that reverence, we don't know what's real and what's not anymore. One of the strangest things was the insurrection at the US capital. I remember seeing that live. It was horrifying because of how brutal people were to each other, and there was this strange dissociation. They were taking pictures of themselves as if they were in a video game. I am trying to understand this epidemic of mass shootings, and what comes to me is the image of an aneurysm in the body. An aneurysm is a weak cell that, when the body is under pressure, explodes, and that usually leads to a stroke or something very significant – @reallygreatsite in a physical body.

September 2022

“Light is in both the broken bottle and the diamond.” ― Mark Nepo,

I think that, while every one of these individuals is responsible for their own actions, there are social aneurysms; there are weak cells in the social body and the responsibility we all bear. So the question is, how have we pressurized society to have such an epidemic of weak cells exploding? How can we depressurize society? How can we re-find our equilibrium and love each other forward? Sandie Sedgbeer: Many are asking the same questions. In "Surviving Storms," you lay out a really good explanation of how we got here, from the industrial revolution on. We all know that technology is creating so much division, separation, and isolation, and it's also affecting our brains. It's affecting our ability to sit and be with information; as soon as we've digested one piece, there's another and another. You say there's madness eating our society from the inside out. As we think of it, this confluence of progress is adding to that. So, tell us about what happens as society gets more complex. Mark Nepo: There is this confluence, and we can go back to the industrial revolution. One of the great insights about modern progress comes from Karl Marx. We often, because of communism, tend to throw Marx out of the picture, but the fascinating thing is Marx didn't create Marxism. He had some insights about how society works that are still very useful. And this was one of them. He saw, in 1844, as the industrial revolution began, the relationships that life was centered around. It was mostly farming, so people lived together, worked together, and the center of life was the farm and the fireplace in the center of the home.

Then mechanized society started having people leave to work, and their work became a division of labor. And now people are only working on parts. Marx foresaw that when people are divided from their true basic nature, if enough citizens become divided and separate, they will form an "Alien Nation." He was the one who coined the term "alienation," which is social loneliness or estrangement. In fact, he foresaw the first generation of therapists as alienists, as those who would restore people to their true whole basic nature. He didn't say do away with progress. But, he said, let's repair the cost of progress. I think that's very relevant today. So much of our struggle is because so many people have been separated from their direct connection in life and from life. So, there's a loss of reverence for what life is. With media, we can cut and paste and record and playback, but every moment is unrepeatable. I remember back in 2001, seeing the twin towers come down and how horrific that was. Then we saw that scene hundreds of times with 24-7 news. The value of technology today is that a hundred different people can see it once, not for you and me to see it a hundred times. So, one of the ways we have to stay current and connected to life is that when I feel the one time in my heart, I have to not look again. I have to not become hypnotized. Because I also think a modern struggle is that things, in nature and spiritually, are always coming together and falling apart. But when things come together, they're very quiet, and when things fall apart, they naturally make a lot of noise. We in the modern age have become addicted to the noise of things falling apart.


“…I keep looking for one more teacher, only to find that fish learn from the water and birds learn from the sky.” ― Mark Nepo

September 2022

But when things come together, they're very quiet, and when things fall apart, they naturally make a lot of noise. We in the modern age have become addicted to the noise of things falling apart. So, it's not that we need a 'good news station. We need a whole new station––so we can feel the balance of life, not turning from good to bad or bad to good but seeing the totality of life. We talk rightfully in our age about ethnic diversity and racial diversity, and that's built on spiritual diversity, which is what makes life so resilient. Such a resource is its diversity, which means letting all things in. Sandie Sedgbeer: You say that today's difficulties are part of a historical pattern. And if I may quote something you wrote, you said, "The long swells of history crest and crash century after century, the kindness and cruelty of an age expand and contracts, the openness and narrowness of how we learn either grows or collapses, depending on how each generation reacts to the storms they encounter, and create." Well, everything has crashed in the world as we know it. And you say we can learn through this, but it's cyclical. We've been here before in different ways. And we have never learned because we are here again! OMTIMES MAGAZINE

Mark Nepo: Well, I would hold it a little differently. And that is because I believe I've come to think about incarnation and progress. So, what I mean by progress is that in our daily world, we can benefit and leave the world a little better for those who come after us. An example is an indigenous tribe––they migrate, move, and look for a place to set down roots and live.

And they land on a plateau, and there's an amazing epic reminiscent of eternity. So, they say this is where we want to live. And all the adults of that generation clear all the trees. So, when their children wake up, they just simply look out. So that's progress. The children don't have to clear the trees. The adults did the previous generation, but incarnation is no one can open your eyes and look for you. And if you don't see, what's the point of opening your eyes once you open your eyes? And if you don't love, once you open your heart, what's the point of loving? So, the incarnation is that every generation goes through these archetypal passages, no matter what technology we have or not, every generation from primitive times to today has the same spiritual journey of how to be a spirit in a body and time on earth together. So, wisdom is not a shortcut.; it's a resource. And so, we haven't learned, and it's our turn to do it. And how will we do it in our turn? I have come to believe more in incarnation than progress because I believe in the human heart and spirit, which is why Mother Theresa talked about courage and doing small things with love. It can be paralyzing to think about all of this on such a global level, even though we have to. Still, then it's in the very gestures before us every day. How do we do this? So, two things: there's a chapter on the purpose of goodness. This came to me by looking at the work of Neil Degrassi Tyson, a wonderful contemporary physicist. He wrote a short book that is anything but a shortcut, called "Astrophysics for People in a Hurry" with a tongue-in-cheek title. It's a very serious primer. In the beginning, he shares his feeling and his guess about how the universe began. And he talks about how, before everything was formed, basically, matter and anti-matter were vying for their place. What's going to exist here? They were basically eating each other, and, he says at the moment, they were a billion and one photons of positive energy and just a billion hadrons of negative energy. Just one more, and boom, the universe came into being.

September 2022

And he suggests that if the earth had settled in its orbit, a little closer to the sun, all the water would've evaporated, and there'd be no life. So, we wouldn't be talking. Likewise, if it settled a little farther away, it would all freeze, and there'd be no life. So, I was struck that we're here by such a small gesture. This isn't a description of the moment of creation. This is a description of the ongoing creation of life. And every day, anonymously, life continues because there's one more photon than hadron; there's one more kindness than cruelty because there's one more awareness than unconsciousness. And so, the purpose of goodness is, can we, through our incarnation, be the one gesture that keeps life going? Can we do that? Sandie Sedgbeer: Well, that's a good question because, at the same time, it's vice versa. One more incremental thing tips the scales the other way. And we are moving in a different direction than we end up where we are now. Mark Nepo: Well, and yet still here. So, to not deny how difficult things are, not to deny the cruelty and disconnection. But, still, because we are addicted to the noise of things breaking apart, we have to look and listen harder for the things coming together and for that one gesture. And we will never know. If you're in the grocery store parking lot, an old woman or man falls down and drops their groceries. You go over and pay and help them up. You will never know if that is the one photon that keeps life going today. And still we, we have to do it, whether it is or not. So, let me bring you this ancient parable: Two monks have been told that if they study hard enough, one day, they can have an appointment with Buddha at the top of this mountain. So, they study, and finally, the day comes, and they start out halfway up the mountain when one of them breaks his leg. So, they spend the night, and the other takes care of him, intending to keep his appointment with Buddha the next day.

But when they wake up, the one who broke his leg isn't doing well. He has a fever, and it's not as simple as just leaving him. And the parable ends there and says, what would you do? And when we have more people in an age that will keep their appointment at the top of the mountain, no matter what, we have an age that will engender cruelty. And when we have more people who will discover that tending their broken other is the summit, we have an age that engenders compassion. And we face this choice every day, every one of us. And it doesn't matter what you put on top of the mountain––God, security, wealth, safety, wisdom. So, this raises the real notion that our gifts, at least in my life, tend to appear when we work with what we're given more than what we want. Tthere'sThere's nothing wrong with working for what we want. It's wonderful to have goals and dreams, but often in my life, working for what I want has been an apprenticeship for working with what I've been given. OMTIMES MAGAZINE

Sandie Sedgbeer: I'm glad you raised that because I would like you to share with us your wonderful metaphor of 10,000 hands because that is so beautiful. Mark Nepo: Thank you. Again, this comes from the humility of meeting what we're given and our limitations, which are nothing to dismiss, rationalize, or minimize. There is a whole journey in accepting and grieving the losses we encounter. Those limitations open new ways of being, feeling, and thinking. So, it's a metaphor; that the heart has 10,000 hands. That's the part in us that is the infinite spirit. We want everything. We want to dream about everything. We want to go everywhere. We want to love a thousand people, but we only have two hands, and that's the human in us. And so, when we insist on wanting what the heart wants, 10,000 hands, we will do harm. Just imagine, we're sitting a group of us, and I want to bring you all tea, and I'm carrying 10 cups. Well, inevitably, I will spill one and maybe burn you or me or both. But if I can bring the desire from 10,000 hands into the two hands I have and bring that one cup of tea to you, it is the cup of a lifetime. And so, we are often drawn in our humanness to go out of ourselves.


― Mark Nepo September 2022

Sandie Sedgbeer: So, when everything around us is reflecting us, all of these "10,000 things" that we should be thinking about wanting, and pursuing more, more, more… how in that kind of an environment do we find what we need to step back and say: "No, that's not what I want"? Because it's hard not to get distracted by everything out there.


MARK NEPO Exclusive Interview

Like, 'Oh, if I could love everyone…. But I'm only one person, and I can't love everyone. Well. I can love one person well at a time.‘ 'So, this is the trap of desire. We take our two hands and say, 'But why can't I do more? Why can't I go here? Why can't I go there?' It's wonderful to think about these things and even do them when you can, but we start to put life other than where we are. 'It's over there. If I could just get over there, it's in the one thing I haven't done yet. It's in the one person I haven't loved yet.' And this is what embodiment is all about - not taking all of the possibilities and putting it in our two hands, on the one thing before us. Then we meet eternity. Then when I feel my pain and your pain, I am in the moment of everyone who ever felt pain. When I feel your kindness and love, I am in the moment of everyone who ever loved me. And it's through our authenticity and bringing the 10,000 hands into the two we have that we have this blessing of experiencing eternity through the smallest moments in our lives.

“The pain of life is pure salt; no more, no less. The amount of pain in life remains the same, exactly the same. But the amount of bitterness we taste depends on the container we put the pain in. So when you are in pain, the only thing you can do is to enlarge your sense of things…. Stop being a glass. Become a lake.”

― Mark Nepo,

September 2022

Mark Nepo: I think one of the menacing assumptions that are more acute in our time than ever is the assumption that life is other than where we are. And so, whatever person or spiritual practice we choose, and whatever combination of gifts from all the traditions work for each of us, they all reinforce and reaffirm: "Life is right where we are.". God, or whatever name you give to it, is right where we are. So, I really support the practice of returning to being human. We will be seduced by these things, but the work of self-awareness is to come back. How do we do that? The first thing is through presence. Whenever I am distracted, confused, in pain, or fearful, I try to give my full attention to the nearest thing - it could be the leaf on the tree outside my window - to give my full attention to the nearest bit of life until it becomes my teacher.

As you know, in the Hindu tradition, there is the term "Upaguru," which means the teacher next to you at this moment.

There's always a teacher next to us if we can open our hearts and be there. This goes all the way back to the Book of Awakening, the subtitle of which is to have the life you want by being present in the life you have. And that has been a great teacher to me because just because I can speak these things, I'm not exempt from them, not exempt at all. I think this is how we start, bit by bit, to restore our direct connection to life. Because once we restore that direct connection, we feel how rare it is to be here. And then the reverence of life is in us again. And once the reverence of life is there, it is not so easy to do harm. I think we have so many people doing senseless harm because they have lost their reverence for life. They are actually violent. Violence is often a desperate last attempt to feel.

Sandie Sedgbeer: Presence. It's one thing for us to understand that we need to be more present and active in creating opportunities for ourselves to be present. But how do we convey this too and encourage it in our youth?


Mark Nepo: I don't know, but let me speak to it. My wife and I don't have children, but I was a child; so I have some experience, but I think with children, as well as with adults, it starts with honoring and inquiring into the truth of their experience; because being present kind of implies, oh, that's a good thing. Well, presence to pain, fear, and confusion are also necessary because presence is the key to our authenticity. And our authenticity is the key to our kinship. To our relationship, and the fact that we're not alone, that we are part of a larger living web of connection. So, it starts with inquiring into the truth of each person's experience. What is it like to be you? And, I think that it's so important – especially with young people - to honor wherever… Where is it that you live? What is that?

September 2022

What is it like to be you? How do you see the world? And from that conversation, to start to affirm the authenticity, the presence. One question I often ask of adults, but it is very important for young people, is What is heartening and what is disheartening? What is life-giving, and what is life-draining? Because often things feel complex. We get in our heads, and for me, this simplifies things. If what is before me, even if it's difficult, is life-giving and heartening, well, then I lean all in. But what am I doing there if what's before me is life draining and disheartening? And so how do we, through the specificity of their own knowledge, how do we encourage our young people to move toward life? Sandie Sedgbeer: They're good questions to ask because so often when parents and their youth are going at it, it is about one being right and the other being wrong.

They can't get to that place where they can just stop and say, "tell me what it's like for you. Tell me what it's like in your world. " Mark Nepo: I think because it's one of those difficult things that's gone on forever, but is more acute in our age, especially with parents and children. But even among peers, in the sense that because we feel that if I've gone through something, I know what it will be like for you, which is not true at all. So, whether it starts with experiencing love or pain, we make philosophies out of it. We make stances from our experience and then make political theories. And now, all of a sudden, we have all these patterns that we're propping up rather than staying in the current of life. We're seeing this today worldwide. All we look for is to confirm what we already know. And that's not education. Robert Keegan is a developmental psychologist at Harvard. One of the things he said that I quote in one of my books is that he talked about centrism, whether it's "ego" centrism or "national" centrism, or "ethnic" centrism, whatever it might be, comes from when we mistake what is familiar as true. I think that's profound. Because it's familiar doesn't mean it's true. But when we do that, anything that's new is false, and then we're doomed because how do we ever grow? How do we ever grow as opposed to thanking God you are not me? Teach me something. I don't know. Sandie Sedgbeer: Good point. I want to talk about one particular segment of your book that has stayed with me for many days, and that is where you say, 'the old world is gone.' Mark Nepo: Yeah. And I imagine that other people who've been through lifethreatening things might have had an echo like this.


I was surprised when the pandemic unfolded that it brought many of my cancer journeys back. I started to pin it down to one moment that kept coming back to me. When I was first diagnosed, I had a large tumor growing in my skull bone during my journey. And I finally went to a doctor who told me that I had cancer. Of course, I was disoriented and afraid, and I thought he had the wrong folder. It couldn't be me. He must have made a mistake. When I left his office that day, the door I had come through to keep that appointment was gone. There was no way back to life before that moment. I think the pandemic has done this for humanity. The old world is gone. There is no way back. There is only loving each other forward. And you know what? It made me think more deeply about Elisabeth Kübler-Ross's passages of grief. There are these five moods or stages, as she identifies that we bounce around in grief. And one is denial; one is anger; one is bartering; one is depression, and one is acceptance. I started to feel that we have parts of our society globally stuck in these passages. People are stuck in denial. There's no pandemic, a hoax, and no virus. But meanwhile, millions of people are dying, and we have people stuck in anger––' You're not going to tell me to wear a mask.' What are we protesting? So when I could start to see it that way, it opened me more deeply to compassion. So, how do we get people unstuck? And this goes back to what we were saying about children; how do we ask and inquire into the truth of our experience so that we can move through it? Rainer Maria Rilke, the great Austrian poet, said: "Let everything happen; beauty and terror; no one feeling is final, keep going, keep going." And so, there is this amazing paradox about the life of feelings. Feelings are how we know spirit. They're essential to how we know each other, but the paradox is we are not our feelings. So, to understand this, we have to look at a tree in the wind. A tree is never more alive than when the wind lifts it, but the tree is not the wind.

September 2022

The tree is not the wind. So, how do we let the feelings through? How do we keep going? No one's feeling is final. I also believe in the Jewish tradition; the word Sabbath literally means the one day we don't turn one thing into another. The pandemic has forced humanity into a global Sabbath. We can't turn away. We can't go back. We can't scheme, dream, turn things into magic, or more technology. We had to stop. And through our discomfort, rediscover the miracle of what is that? What is here is more than enough. See, there's so much talk of the need to repair the world, which is true, but the first step to repairing the world is to inhabit it ourselves, each other, and to bring life alive where it is right here. Sandie Sedgbeer: Do you think that if you hadn't had cancer, if you hadn't had that door closed so loudly, that you would've followed the path you've taken, that maybe you wouldn't have gone as deep as you have in contemplating everything? Mark Nepo: It's hard to know, but probably not as nakedly or cleanly and as widely or deeply. And I think the two great gifts from almost dying for me are three…one: my head dropped into my heart and, ever since then, my mind has served my heart and not the other way around. The second thing is that I became a student of all paths. I was raised Jewish and have a great tie to the Jewish tradition and heritage. But I was blessed to have people from all walks of life, all traditions, including atheists and scientists, offer me some kind of gift or blessing. And all these years later, I am still not wise enough to know what worked and what didn't. And I think that I was asked and challenged to believe in everything. So, all my work, teaching, and books support trying to affirm the central unnamable spirit at the center of all traditions, the unique gifts of each. And again, through those questions, where does it live? Where does it live in our lives? OMTIMES MAGAZINE

And the third thing, for me, was that I'm here by a miracle. I was given the lens of the miraculous, and that is to see. This goes back to presence because I've learned that extraordinary lives are hiding in the open, in the ordinary; everything is extraordinary. If my heart is open enough and I'm present enough. So, I don't have to go somewhere to find something special. I need to inhabit life fully enough to reveal what's special, where I am.

For example, what time were we going to be talking today? And how did we turn on technology? But inwardly, and in the world of meaning, the questions don't have answers. So we ask questions and open relationships.

Sandie Sedgbeer: That's it, isn't it, right here, right now.

And so, I think, this was great. I learned from the book more together than alone. And this is a great tradition from the Native American tradition: elder councils, which still meet today.

Mark Nepo: Now, one of the great, kind of humble paradoxes is with all my teaching. I literally go all over the world. And when I, wherever I go, when I get there, I affirm that there's nowhere to go. So I'm happy to do it. Of course, we travel great distances on the surface, but we open the same eternal moment whenever we're together authentically. Sandra Sedgbeer: You write that "Surviving Storms" was about remaking humanity. Many of the books describe the practices and resources we can reacquaint ourselves with to restore our basic human nature and transform our perceived differences. Can you share a few of those practices and resources with us? Mark Nepo: One is to reclaim and reinhabit how rare it is to be here because that cleans our eyes, ears, heart, and mind. And then, when we see more clearly, we make different decisions. Another is to act on the web of connection and kinship. That's one of the things we have to resist. By the nature of all the progress and technology, we make into Watchers. We're not watching. When I see you fall down on the street, it's not TV. I am an active agent. I can help you, so how do we act in a relationship? I think it is very important to stay in the life of questions because questions, certainly in the outer world, have answers.

September 2022

One very specific practice I try to do is to help myself stay in the life of questions. So, when I feel strongly about something before I voice it to anyone else, I turn it into a question, and I see where that leads my heart.

They always meet in a circle, not just for equity, because there's no head to a circle, so everyone has a direct view of the center. I love that because the assumption is no one view is enough. If we are going to understand whatever we put in the center, we need everyone's view. And so, the life of questions leads us to, uh, gathering, meaning not choosing it. I need your view and my view. And that will point up a larger than we're more together than alone. Sandie Sedgbeer: Many people ask, 'Where are we heading next? How do we move into this new place that's unfolding?? And I think you're absolutely right; the answer to give them is 'Keep asking questions. Because that's what will get you there.' One final thing. If people only take one thing away from "Surviving Storms," what would you want it to be? Mark Nepo: That we are the world as it forms and not to be afraid to live in their heart and be that one gesture that keeps life going. Surviving Storms, Finding the Strength to Meet Adversity is published by St. Martin's essentials. And for more information about Mark Nepo, his books, courses, webinars, and retreats, visit, three, and

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Health & Wellness

Innovative new approaches to Healing as well as holistic methods for dealing with health issues and personal growth

Dealing with Change: The Transition Every Woman Must Make


ur lives are filled with

out in our minds or better understand

transitions. For example,

our transitions and how to approach

women undergo a major

them. For women, the seventh cycle

transition cycle every

in their life is related to menopause.

seven years from birth to death. With

Menopause is the progression and

men, it is every eight years. So looking

natural change a women's body goes

at our lives in cycles helps us to map

through when she is reaching the end

OM TIMES | September 2022

of her child-bearing cycle. This change

include situations that occur during

signals a decrease in the production

our lifetime based on choices, such

of estrogen and progesterone in the

as smoking, chemical dependency,

ovaries. Often, women are aware that

obesity, type 2 diabetes, and dietary

they are nearing menopause once

choices. Of course, it is never just

their menstrual periods start changing.

one factor that is an indicator of this change, but a host of factors

The cessation of the menstrual

accumulating over a lifetime.

cycle for one full year is considered the medical diagnosis of menopause.

The severity of problems or

There is menopause that occurs

symptoms, which can occur during

naturally and menopause that may

perimenopause or menopause, is

be induced by surgery. This medical

the culmination of several factors

"diagnosis" is not considered a

brought together over time. For

disease but simply an upgrade from

example, for some women, no

reproductive to non-reproductive

outward physiological symptoms

years. It is simply a name given to this

are experienced. But on the other

passing phase. This reduction in ovary

hand, many women will experience

function, follicles, hormonal changes,

one or several such symptoms as hot

and blood circulation does not happen

flashes, sweating, vaginal dryness,

overnight. This process or change

headaches, irritability, insomnia,

often takes place over 3-6 years before

anxiety, depression, fatigue, or lack of

a diagnosis of menopause. This is


considered perimenopause. The endocrine system is the least Although the median age for women

understood of the body's physiological

reaching menopause is age 50

processes. The brain is called the

worldwide, remaining unchanged for

greatest sex organ in the body for a

centuries, variations in this process

good reason. The master controller

occur based on constitutional factors

of all processes is the pituitary-

and lifestyle. Constitutional factors

hypothalamus-axis. This is the

are considered situations we are

crossroads of a complex series of

born out of based on family traits,

feedback interactions and influences

genes, and heredity. Lifestyle factors

within the hypothalamus, the pituitary

OM TIMES | September 2022

gland, and the adrenal glands.

bleeding, heavy bleeding, and/or

The ovaries are the main source of

clotting or skipped periods. These

estrogen during the reproductive

indicators are the body showing

years. This form of estrogen is known

its hormonal imbalances. These

as estradiol. During perimenopause,

symptoms can also be indicators of

women can begin having less than

other disorders; therefore, the past

regular menstruation. Estrogen may

history can differentiate.

be high (dominant) at the beginning of perimenopause, or estrogen may

As a great regulator, the pituitary-

cease to produce. This can often

hypothalamus-axis helps to control

explain why women in their 40's

hormones. As a woman's body enters

experience symptoms, and then

her seventh life cycle, the kidneys

the symptoms stop. Indicators of

(her constitution source of life) and,

perimenopause can manifest as

better yet, the adrenal glands start

symptoms such as irregular menstrual

producing more of the hormone,

cycles, with scanty infrequent

androstenedione. This hormone

OM TIMES | September 2022

starts converting into an estrogen


called estrone. Estrone becomes the


dominant estrogen instead of estradiol after menopause. The conversion

The Eastern approach to treating

of androstenedione to estrone is

menopause as a holistic therapy is

most prevalent in women due to

connecting the relationship between

the amount of adipose (fat) tissue

the mental, emotional, physical, and

they may have. Therefore, a woman

spiritual outlook. The Eastern medicine

who is overweight to obese will

paradigm treats the whole person,

convert a much larger percentage of

as the belief is that nothing works

androstenedione to estrone (between

independently but in conjunction with

5-7%), were a thinner woman may

one another. This paradigm also sees

only convert a smaller percentage

symptoms as a differential factor. For

(between 1-2%). Again, this shows how

example, hot flashes and night sweats

lifestyle can play a major part in how a

are one diagnosis, whereas hot flashes

woman experiences menopause.

and night sweats with cold hands

OM TIMES | September 2022

OM TIMES | September 2022

and feet are completely different. The

menopause. In general, symptoms

Eastern approach also looks at lifestyle

associated with the aging process

concerns, environmental issues, diet,

include weight gain, change in sleep

nutritional choices, and exercise as a

patterns, hearing loss, and a rise in

complete effort to treat menopause.

blood pressure and/or cholesterol. These changes are often confused

With this said, a holistic approach

as a direct result of peri/menopause.

must have a course of action.

By changing some lifestyle choices,

A holistic therapy must address all of

these symptoms of aging lessen or

the above aspects (mental, emotional,

disappear altogether. Regardless, the

physical, and spiritual) to be whole. So

solutions can affect both outcomes if

many women come into my practice

symptoms are due to peri/menopause

to tell me how they have begun

lifestyle/aging problems.

dabbling in alternative medicine for their situation. It is wonderful

1. Not smoking directly correlates to

that more and more patients are

hot flashes, so you can relieve hot

becoming empowered and willing to

flashes by quitting smoking.

take responsibility for their health and health care. What I would love to see

2. Weight gain increases body fat,

more of is addressing all aspects of

affecting hormone levels. By

their whole selves.

reducing the number of calories per day to 1200, a decrease in


weight will occur. Belly fat has been shown to alter hormone

Lifestyle factors include situations


that occur during our lifetime based on choices, such as smoking, chemical

3. Exercise, like working, eating, and

dependency, obesity, type 2 diabetes,

sleeping… must be scheduled into

and dietary choices. Of course, it

your day for you to do it! You know

is never just one factor that is an

when to go to work, you know

indicator of this change, but a host of

when to eat, and you must know

factors accumulating over a lifetime.

when to exercise. The best way to

Often, the aging process symptoms

do this is to make it a part of your

are confused with symptoms of peri/

day. Increasing your exercise to 4

OM TIMES | September 2022

days will have additional benefits

sphincter and lower pelvic wall

such as lowering cholesterol and

right where you are now. Squeeze,

burning more calories. In addition,

hold, relax. Repeat this 10 times.

weight-bearing exercises (walking,

Then repeat the entire sequence

weight training, jogging) help

again. Do this 4-6 times a day.

increase bone density. Exercise 5. Learn biofeedback. Biofeedback

regulates hot flashes.

is the innate ability to influence 4. Kegel exercises can and should be

the automatic nervous system

done several times daily to keep

through the exertion of will and

the pelvic floor tight and strong.

mind. Chances are you have used

These are wonderful exercises for

biofeedback yourself. If you have

bladder control due to shrinkage of

ever taken your temperature or

urethral and vaginal membranes,

stepped on a scale, you've used

which can cause incontinence.

it. These devices "feedback"

First, start squeezing the anal

information about your body's

OM TIMES | September 2022

condition. Studies have proven

and slippery elm powder. Use a

it effective for both tension

tablespoon of pure aloe vera gel

headaches and migraines.

and slowly stir in the slippery elm

In addition, the biofeedback

powder to create a consistency

"devices" can control our heart

of toothpaste. Insert a teaspoon

rate and blood pressure. This is

of this paste inside the vagina at

very important for managing peri/

night to relieve dryness. Vaginal


itching can be addressed by applying a non-fragrant vitamin E

6. Vaginal dryness can often be an

cream or by opening up a vitamin

issue as hormone levels fluctuate.

E capsule and applying the oil

Vaginal lubricants can be helpful.


Staying sexually active will increase blood flow to surrounding tissue.

7. Treating A Hot Flash is probably

A wonderful natural lubricant

the number one issue with the

is a paste made of aloe vera gel

change from reproductive to non-

OM TIMES | September 2022

reproductive years. Nutritional

yoga, relaxation techniques,

recommendations must be

massage, acupuncture, and

followed. Getting long-term stress

guided imagery are just a few

issues under control is extremely

therapies that can all help to relieve

important. Regulating the body's

depression, anxiety, irritability,

cooling mechanism through

mental forgetfulness, fuzziness,

regular exercise is imperative.

overthinking, and fatigue. Stress puts a great deal of burden on

8. Stress plays a major role in all

the adrenal glands, which, in

biological and physiological

turn, causes them to work harder.

functions. Exercise, meditation,

This decreases the number of

OM TIMES | September 2022

hormones needed to help reduce

phytoestrogens has decreased

the effects of declining estrogen

symptoms of hot flashes and

needed by the body. Consider a

night sweats. Phytoestrogens are

progressive relaxation exercise

naturally occurring non-steroidal

that focuses on relaxing one part

plants. These include black

of the body at a time, from the top

currant seed oil, dates, flaxseed

of the head to the toes. Use your

(crushed), pomegranates,

hands for both self-massage and

primrose oil, miso, soy milk,


soybeans, tempeh, and tofu.

9. Trigger point therapy is probably

There is never a one-size-fits-all plan

one of my best remedies for

for treating a woman's change in

tension and can be done with a

life. It is important to embrace the

tennis ball while lying on a hard

transition as each day introduces

floor. Place the ball under "hot

a new set of challenges. Learn

spots" or sore tension areas. Allow

to recognize strengths you may

the weight of your body to relax

have overlooked. The mental and

over the tennis ball. Slowly move

emotional side of menopause is often

the portion of the body on top of

a larger hurdle to overcome, as our

the tennis ball to massage and

attitudes and beliefs create our mind/

"activate" the trigger points until

body structure along the journey.

they are less sore and painful. Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac., has 10. Eat something. Food as medicine

been in the alternative health

has been used for centuries to

field for over 20 years. He is an

treat various disorders. Used for

expert in treating infertility and

prevention as well as treating

gynecology, pain management,

symptoms, the healing power

and anti-aging therapies. His

of food and herbs has been

knowledge, expertise, and

documented for centuries. Eating

clinical training have allowed him

food rich in plant estrogens

to experience and continually

(phytoestrogens) can be helpful

learn about the body and its

for many women. For example,

energy system in health and

a plant-based diet rich in


OM TIMES | September 2022

3 Ways Mindfulness Can Reduce Chronic Pain by Maryjane Osa

How Does Mindfulness Possibly

on. But few realize mindfulness

Reduce Chronic Pain?

meditation as an effective medical


intervention was established with

n the two years since Time

research on chronic pain sufferers.

Magazine proclaimed the "Mindfulness Revolution" on its

Back pain, neck pain, and shoulder

cover, meditation has caught

pain are challenging conditions

OM TIMES | September 2022

for conventional medicine to treat.

the pain cycle. For example, a

Treatment of chronic pain with drugs

person's thoughts about the pain,

or surgery comes with substantial

such as "this is unbearable," added

negatives. Drugs are expensive,

a cognitive dimension. This added

often ineffective, and have side

an affective dimension when angry

effects. Surgery risks infection or

or helpless feelings were generated

complications and may not alleviate

by such thoughts. These added

the pain. The problem is that pain is a

effects could heighten and sustain

complex phenomenon, and medical

the experience of pain. This complex

science has only recently developed

mind-body interaction explains why

models to explain this complexity.

pain persists, even after the initial stimulus is removed.

Normal pain is an adaptive response. If someone touches a hot iron and

University of Massachusetts Medical

burns a finger, the resulting pain

School Professor Jon Kabat-Zinn

signals to the brain that skin cells are

realized that chronic pain sufferers

damaged. The neurological process

had something in common with

triggers a motor response: the person

serious meditators: the experience of

immediately removes her hand from

extreme pain. Although meditation

the hot iron. Chronic pain, on the

is often relaxing, when a meditator

other hand, is pathological. The pain

sits motionless for hours, for example,

of a long duration causes stress and is

when on retreat, muscles, and joints

of no physical benefit.

ache intensely. However, traditional meditation instruction offers a coping

In the 1970s, medical researchers

mechanism. Meditators learn a habit

began understanding the difference

of non-judgmental observation

between normal and chronic pain.

that allows them to detach the

Ronald Melzack and his colleagues

physical sensation of pain from the

developed a psycho-physiological

cognitive and emotional reactions

model that explained why chronic

to it. Recognizing that this process

pain tended to intensify over time.

fits with the scientific theory of pain

They discovered additional second-

complexity, Kabat-Zinn reasoned that

order cognitive and affective-

meditation might be an effective

motivational effects that prolonged

medical intervention.

OM TIMES | September 2022

Mindfulness was taught to chronic

thousands of research studies have

pain sufferers in an outpatient

been published.

program at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center as part

Chronic pain sufferers can follow the

of Kabat-Zinn's carefully designed

same path today. There are many

research study (published in 1982).

resources available for mindfulness

As a result, two-thirds of the patients

training. (Some are listed at the end

reported reduced pain by at least

of this article.) The basic process is

one-third. In addition, half of the

not difficult to learn, but the positive

patients reported reduced their

effects are not experienced unless

symptoms by 50 percent or more.

a person practices consistently. The

This research justified continuing to

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

develop mindfulness as a medical

(MBSR) course developed by

intervention. In the last three decades,

Professor Kabat-Zinn unfolds over

mindfulness has been applied

eight weeks, with weekly meetings

in many different settings, and

and daily homework. Participants

OM TIMES | September 2022

move through various mindfulness

"judging, judging," and return their

practices: the body-scan, sitting and

attention to the in-breath, the out-

walking meditations, and hatha

breath. The purpose is to develop an

yoga exercises. But the basic set of

awareness of the transient nature of

instructions remains the same across

sensations, thoughts, and feelings.

these different forms. Participants are

Through this method, individuals learn

instructed to:

how to let go of obsessive thinking and focus attention deliberately on objects

1. Consider the primary object of

of their choosing.

observation, for example, the Mindfulness, then, is a skill. And it is

breath. 2. Be aware of the in-breath and

a skill that can be used to combat

the out-breath from moment to

chronic pain. Here are the three ways


that this works:

3. When the mind wanders into thought, recognize that your attention has wandered. Rather


than getting involved in the contents of the thought, label it:

We are always seeking to avoid

"thinking, thinking," or "thought

intense, chronic pain is natural.


Consequently, chronic pain sufferers

4. Return to your anchor in the

often curtail activities they fear might

breath. Observe the inhalation.

trigger pain. In some cases, chronic

Observe the exhalation.

pain leads to depression and selfmedication attempts, leading to

Participants are told to observe

substance abuse. This pain-avoidance

everything–thoughts, feelings, body

behavior is counterproductive.

sensations–without judgment. Even a

Mindfulness techniques, on the

judgmental thought can be observed

contrary, instruct the individual to

in a detached fashion. People thinking,

treat the pain as a sensory experience

"This is a stupid waste of time," may

and to observe it. The person watches

realize they have mentally wandered

as the pain modulates, perhaps

off. Then the mindfulness training

becoming stronger or weaker; he

kicks in. They say to themselves,

observes as the wave of sensation

OM TIMES | September 2022

OM TIMES | September 2022

ebbs and flows. Scientists consider

observation practiced in mindfulness

this to be prolonged exposure, which

training helps strengthen the

can help desensitize the patient to the

individual's ability to cope with

primary pain stimulus in the absence

stressors in general–including chronic

of traumatic consequences.



Resources: Book: Jon Kabbat-Zinn, Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom

The practice of non-judgmental

of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress,

observation interrupts the alarm/

Pain, and Illness, Rev. ed. New York:

reaction spiral that causes the

Bantam, 2013.

most suffering. Obsessive thinking

Article: Ruth A. Baer, "Mindfulness

about the pain, and the emotional

Training as a Clinical Intervention: A

charge added to these thoughts,

Conceptual and Empirical Review,"

heightens and prolongs distress. The

Clinical Psychology: Science and

mindfulness techniques of labeling

Practice, Vol. 10, No. 2, (Summer 2003):

cognition and emotions (e.g., "judging,"


"complaining," "frustration," "anger")

MBSR online course: http://www.

and then returning attention to the

breath interrupts the sequence of


pain-alarm-reaction. Thus, the secondorder effects are eliminated, reducing

About the Author

the duration and intensity of pain.

Maryjane Osa, Ph.D., is a

STRENGTHEN COPING RESPONSES The individual develops her higher brain centers by uncoupling the second-order effects (thoughts and feelings) from the primary pain stimulus through mindfulness. In addition, the process of self-

sociologist, speaker, and educator. She is writing a book about American society's "spiritual but not religious" cultural trend. Maryjane is a spiritual practitioner working in the New Thought tradition. Connect with Maryjane on Facebook at: or check out her website and blog at:

OM TIMES | September 2022

Simply Spiritual To perceive reality from a different perspective is to open oneself to the wonders and unlimited wealth of creation. Simply Spiritual offers the opportunity to visit new places, new methods, and different ways to perceive the vast human knowledge of our Universe.

Decoding the Meaning of Mystical Experiences


By Judi Lynch

he Universe always sends

a journey of discovery, seeking out

us assistance through

clues and important information,

signs, synchronicities,

ever evolving our knowledge. When

and messages meant

we begin to have these mystical

to enhance our life experience on

experiences, we strive to keep the

Earth. We are mystical travelers on

spiritual channels alive within us.

OM TIMES | September 2022

We begin to understand the ‘glow’

of spontaneous movements, the

and seek to enhance its power in our

dancer feels the same sense of

lives and those around us.

expanded consciousness—a beautiful connection with the higher self.

Metaphysical assistance can be found in a myriad of ways. As we walk down

In our prayer and meditation

a wooded path, it speaks to us in

practices, we have the ability to reach

nature, listening to the trees rustle

higher levels of the frequency with

and the bird’s song. It lives in the

just our thoughts. We experience

soothing sound of a flowing creek

inner transformation by speaking,

over ancient rocks. We can learn to

visualizing, and focusing on what

attune ourselves to hearing, seeing,

we are asking, seeing, and meant

and feeling these special frequencies

to know. We can ask for help and

to know the energy's power.

guidance on our life path, then receive those answers telepathically

Mystical experiences have long been

through our intuitive receiver. Prayer

felt in sacred places all over the

helps to clear the mind, reduce the

world. From ancient forests to grand

noise to enable us to hear, intuit and

pyramids, some places heighten our

process our messages correctly.

energy fields. We can feel their power physically through every chakra

Just being aware brings

and cell in our bodies. Some sites

synchronicities to the forefront of

contain the love and knowledge of

our existence. We notice the things

our ancestors. They contain important

that are out of the ordinary way of

information meant to be found,

thinking. The shape of the clouds

known, and understood.

floating, by or the butterfly that lands on your shoulder and stays with you

When athletes are in the zone,

during a hike. The thought of an old

they feel a vitality of connection

friend who calls ten minutes later

running through them as adrenalin

or knowing when a loved one needs

and higher frequency take over.

help. Our awareness of the mystical

A rush of energy and confidence

helps strengthens our skills in

helps to achieve success. However,

interpreting its assistance in our lives.

when they are lost in the rhythm

Every day that we are aware of our

OM TIMES | September 2022

spirit and our abilities, we keep our

understanding of our connection

frequency in good order. We learn

to every living thing. Being in the

how to heal body and soul through

zone encompasses all that we do.

these gifts.

Our thoughts, words, actions, beliefs, and ideas are all improved when we

We can ask for what we would like

know the mystical, magical assistance

to know and experience in this life,


receiving an abundance of data from various sources. Then, with open

When we are connected to the

minds and hearts we can tune-in

energy source, there is a feeling of

and turn on our senses to enhance

closeness to everything around us.

our knowledge, heightening our

We feel the presence of nature and its

OM TIMES | September 2022

effect on our awareness. Our belief

About the Author:

and practice create a real experience

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium,

in which we are lighter, and we feel

intuitive counselor, healing channel,

that we are floating, in flow with all

and author. She is president of the

living things. These experiences are

Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a

deeply personal within us. When

501(c) spiritual charity, and a writer

we begin to have these mystical

for OM Times Magazine. She has

experiences, we strive to keep the

authored two books, Friends with

spiritual channels alive within us. We

Lights and Conscious Ascension,

begin to understand the ‘glow’ and

and has read to clients worldwide.

seek to enhance its power in our lives

To learn more or contact me for a

and those around us.

session, see OM TIMES | September 2022

Spirituality and Creativity: How Would Complement Each Other?


hile some may

For some, creativity can explore

believe that

our spirituality and find a more

religion and

profound understanding within

creativity are

ourselves. Spirituality can still be

separate things, they can overlap

seen as another form of creativity

and even complement each other

(imagination) and expression (self-

in many ways.

knowledge). OM TIMES | September 2022

If you have never considered this

something, there may be more than

connection before, here are some

one way to get in tune with yourself

things to think about.

at a more significant level.

The Power of Imagination

In Sanskrit, there is the word "Shakti." Deepak Chopra describes

"I am enough of an artist to draw

the word as "life energy that

freely upon my imagination.

can express yourself in physical,

Imagination is more important.

emotional, healing, intellectual,

Knowledge is limited.

transformative or creative forms."

— Albert Einstein

He states that when we feel discouraged (or when we are

In modern society, it can often

procrastinating, for example), we

seem that we are always moving.

need to feel what kind of energy is

Sometimes it may seem that there is

coming through us and then use it.

a lot of importance about what you do and how much you can do during

How Creativity and Spirituality

the day, but not about how you feel

are Related

about it. Because of this, people may feel disconnected from their deeper

"Believe In Your Infinite Potential.


Your Only Limitations Are Those You Set Upon Yourself."

Back to contact with your inner

— Roy T. Bennett (The Light in

self may seem complicated or

the Heart)

intimidating, especially if you are not considered a particularly religious or

Although some can see creativity

spiritual person. However, this does

and religion or spirituality as

not necessarily mean that it cannot

separate things, there may be many

be done.

ways in which they are related. For example, the first thing that can

Creativity can be a good way to

come to the mind of many when

relax and connect with yourself

listening to the creative word can

at a deeper level. If you do this by

be some kind of artist, like a famous

drawing, writing poems, or creating

painter, writer, or dancer.

OM TIMES | September 2022

For many, spirituality cannot even

Reaching The Inner Self

come to mind when considering If you want to get in touch more

what creativity is.

with your inner self, there may be However, a lot of creative energy can

more than one technique to try. For

come from a spiritual place.

example, meditation is a common

In many cases, those who are creative

way of developing a stronger

spend some time looking inside and

connection with your inner self.

being receptive to the guidance of their inner self. In addition, this deep

For some, life can have many

inner place can be the same source

distractions, and it can be difficult

where the feelings of spirituality

to adjust them whenever you

come from.

want. OM TIMES | September 2022

When practicing meditation, you can

Start Writing to Journal.

help calm your mind and improve your inner voice. Yoga can be another

You will see that thoughts begin to

useful option, especially for those

sprout in a few minutes, and you

who have trouble getting quiet

find solutions where there were only

or finding meditation something


challenging. However, learning new creative Ways To Safely Express Your

hobbies can also be a pleasant



"Everything you can imagine is real."

Whether painting with watercolors

— Pablo Picasso

or writing a song, trying something new can open your mind and your

When it comes to trying to explore

deepest self to new possibilities

your spirituality through creativity,

and bring a little joy to your day. In

there may be many paths to be

addition, it may be important to keep

explored. Sometimes it can be

in mind that you should not criticize

beneficial to start with a hobby or

or worry about the performance of

creative activity that you already like

any of these activities.

to do. But creativity is something inherent Give your mind ten minutes a day

in the human being, as is kindness,

to be creative!

for example. It's there. You just need to give a space for it to show up.

Take a walk and come back with a You may not know how to paint but

new idea in your head.

know how to write, or it is a good Sit down with a paper in hand and

woodworker and has not yet realized

start scribbling.

that this requires creativity and a gift that few people have. The goal of

Take a notebook and start writing

these types of activities is finding Joy

everything in your mind, regardless

in little things and self-discovery, not

of making sense or not.

achieving perfection. OM TIMES | September 2022

The "Memento Mori" On Facing our own Mortality By Humanity Healing

OM TIMES | September 2022


hen we live

If there was no tomorrow, what


would you do right now? So

perfect, amid that

why aren't you doing it if there's

pleasant feeling

no certainty that there will be

of happiness, there is sometimes


anguish: one day it will end. Yeah, everything comes to an end,

Traditionally, thinking about death,

even if the future is our death. So

in our culture, is a scary thing. It is

thinking about it can be sad, but it

often associated with pain, grief, and

doesn't need to be.

suffering, so we avoid even saying the word death. But when we think

This is what the Latin expression

a lot about it, not about how we're

"memento mori" proposes, which

going to die, but about the fact that

invites us to think about death in

we're going to die, that idea breaks

another way, in another context,


and with another objective. Think about this: This day will never come

It's like when we were at school,

back again.

the teacher warned us about a challenging test with all the

"The fear of death follows

semester's content. When we heard

from the fear of life. A man

that, despair hit, didn't it?

who lives is fully prepared to die at any time."

But day after day, when we saw that

— Mark Twain

we could take the test, it became less scary.

Memento mori, in Latin, can be translated as "remember that you

And this is life: as we mature and

are going to die." But, although it

realize that we have everything we

seems something sad, it is not quite

need so that we can go in search

like that: it is a reflection to remind

of our dreams and desires, we

us that everything will soon be

naturalize the idea that things will

over, so that we live today intensely,

come to an end because we focus

doing everything we want without

only on enjoying today and the

wasting any more time.

present moment. OM TIMES | September 2022


It is also said that when generals


returned victorious to Rome, being greeted, an adviser followed behind

It is unknown how this expression

them all the time, saying "Memento

came about, but there are two

mori" to remind them that no glory

better-known uses.

is immortal and that we will all succumb. To the weight of time.

Monks confined in monasteries used, and in some places still do today,


use the expression as a greeting to remind everyone that sins must be

You've thought about death. If

atoned for today, not tomorrow.

you didn't think about yours,

OM TIMES | September 2022

you certainly thought about

as long as it is in your power."

someone's death, even if it was

Enjoy today and do what is

in a movie. Human beings have

possible now, not later, which may

always thought about death, the

not even exist.

only certainty we have in life. Another who thought a lot Be among those who spoke

about death was the philosopher

Latin, Emperor Marcus Aurelius,

Seneca. He wrote: "We think death

for example, wrote: "Do not act

is a thing of the future, but part of

as if you were going to live ten

it is already a thing of the past. So

thousand years. Death hangs over

any time that has passed belongs

you. As long as you live, be good

to death."

OM TIMES | September 2022

What an exquisite and profound

Just as carpe diem is associated

idea, Yes?

with the movie "The Society of Dead Poets," memento mori has

Thinking that death is on our

this connection with the "Serial

side now, not there in the distant

Misfortune" book series.

future, is something that can change the way we see life. It's like

That's because memento mori is

the arrival of great love: you don't

the motto of Pruf rock Preparatory

prepare to receive the person

School, the gloomy high school

overnight; his entire life has

where the protagonists, Violet and

brought him to this moment.

Klaus Baudelaire, attend.

Memento mori and "A Series of

Understanding and accepting our

Unfortunate Events."

immortality, that is, that we can die at OM TIMES | September 2022

any time, is essential for us to have a

"So live your life that the fear

healthier relationship with life and with

of death can never enter your

our plans and dreams in a healthy and

heart. Trouble no one about

trauma-free way:

their religion; respect others in their view, and demand that

When we understand that death is

they respect yours. Love your

a certainty and that it can happen

life, perfect your life, beautify all

anytime, doing what we want with

things in your life. Seek to make

body and soul becomes urgent, and we

your life long and its purpose

start to prioritize our dreams. Reflect on

in the service of your people.

the end and assimilate this idea that it

Prepare the noble death song

may be closer than you think, so how

for the day when you go over the

about rolling up your sleeves and going

great divide. "

to do everything you want right now?

~ Chief Tecumseh

OM TIMES | September 2022

OMTimes Magazine Relax… Let your worries drift away into the moment… OMTimes is a free publication and can be delivered right to your inbox… Subscribe at: Free OMTimes Subscription Visit our website at:

OM Living For those living a more Conscious Lifestyle

Can Quality of Life Influence Longevity?


by Ginger McBride

n this day and age, we are

strong community that leans on each

continuously looking for ways to

other, increasing longer life spans.

increase our longevity and quality

Life is constantly changing, growing,

of life. When we think about all the

and adapting. That is basic survival in

different ways we can do this, what

itself. That is part of what makes life so

may come to mind are the foods we

exciting. We don’t always know what

eat and our latest exercise regime.

the future holds, but we can use the

But, what can come as a surprise to

wisdom of those that came before us to

some is a long history related to a

enrich our futures!

OM TIMES | September 2022

While there isn’t any doubt that

The communities expected to have

genetics and lifestyle play a key role

longer life expectancies and longevity

in longevity, our community can be

also had a more relaxed lifestyle,

easily overlooked and forgotten when

exercising more with healthier diets.

it comes to increasing our lifespan.

Still, addition also had community

Recent studies have shown that our

members who would band together,

environments can directly affect our

lean on one another and help each

health. Environments with more

other out, which reduced much

fast-food restaurants, factory-related

stress in their lives. Of course,

jobs, and a higher population also

our independence is a beautiful

correlated with lower life expectancies.

commodity in this modern era, but

In addition, poor diet, lack of exercise,

we can’t forget that some love and

poor sleep, and excessive stress have

appreciate us and are willing to help us

made it more difficult on our minds

in our time of need, just as we are more

and bodies than necessary.

than happy to help them in return. OM TIMES | September 2022

Let us begin to look at our own lives

or tribe? Are there areas where we

to see what can be reevaluated, and

can use the help or even help in

enrich our lives through diet, exercise,

return? What needs to change to

quality, and community. But, of course,

lower our stress levels and increase

diet and exercise aren’t the only

our longevity? Once we search our

things that need balance. We must

souls to find these much-needed

also consider our mental and physical

answers, we can begin to change

health workload, as the added stress

things in our lives one situation at a

from our daily responsibilities can take

time as we progress as a community

its toll in the grand scheme of things.

instead of as individuals struggling on our own. Whether we call this a

Begin thinking about who we

community, family, or tribe, a group

identify as our community, family,

of people coming together to have

OM TIMES | September 2022

better quality lives. Think about the thousands of years of evolution to our current era. Remember how we leaned on each other for food, shelter, and protection. We must remember to merge our wisdom and knowledge from our ancestors and adapt it to the world we all know and care about for our collective wellness.

Ginger McBride is a wellness writer, certified health coach, wellness expert, and entrepreneur. She uses her knowledge in the health and wellness field to help others with their health, inspiring them to reach their goals through motivation and education!

Description: Learn how to embrace our community to increase our ultimate longevity in this modern era!

For more information about her services, please email

OM TIMES | September 2022

The Relationship Between the Application of Feng Shui and Life Energy By OMTimes

OM TIMES | September 2022


nvolving art and a pearl of deep

be subdivided into productive and

wisdom about energy flows,


Feng Shui applies this knowledge in techniques that allow the

In Feng Shui, the Chi energy is

correct channeling of energies in the

expressed through colors and


shapes. Each of which is the expression of a specific element.

These techniques use architecture

Fire, for example, is represented

and interior decoration in a

by the color red and triangular

very specific way, involving the


arrangement of furniture, colors, formats, materials, and objects in

After identifying which element is

each environment individually to

necessary to balance the energies

harmonize an energy flow.

of an environment, it is possible to decorate it following specific colors


and shapes, bringing a certain quality of Chi into the space.

As in Chinese Medicine, Chi is the term designated for Universal

All of this intends to improve our

Energy, the energy that permeates

well-being by controlling Chi's flow.

everything around us. It also applies

And as you can already see, this is

to energy within our bodies and

done through furniture placement,

energy residing inside and outside

specific architectural designs,

artificial structures (such as furniture,

and other material placements,

buildings), and objects.

allowing the Chi to be redirected freely, positively, and correctly.

According to the Five Element Theory, Chi, or Feng Shui energy,


manifests in Yin and Yang characteristics and a variety of other

In Feng Shui, Chi is a force of

forms. For example, in Feng Shui, the

energy that can affect us physically

elements Fire, Earth, Metal, Water,

and mentally. It is not superstition

and Wood have different means of

or spirituality. However, as we

interaction, called cycles, which can

humans rely heavily on our visual

OM TIMES | September 2022

sense, it can be challenging to

door, when it opens onto a wall. Other

understand what you don't see.

widespread examples of Chi blockages occur in cluttered garages or closets.

But it is easy to identify the flow of Chi in a house, for example, if you

Leakage, or energy loss, occurs when

start to see it as the flow of water.

the main door is aligned with the

Would the water flow smoothly into

back door. A significant leak can also

it, nourishing all areas, or would it be

happen when a door is directly aligned

blocked and stagnant? Like water, Chi

with a large window.

can be subject to blockages and leaks, Balance is key. And creating a

causing damage.

home where Chi flows smoothly is Generally, Feng Shui Chi blocks inside

fundamental to Feng Shui. After all,

a house occur right at the entrance

at one time or another, all the energy

OM TIMES | September 2022

flow in your home will be reflected

Feng Shui understands how this

in the energy flow of those who

influence occurs. For example, in

live within its walls. When your Chi

an environment where Feng Shui is

energy is blocked, other aspects of

correctly applied, negative Chi — such

your life also assume this posture.

as the sight of the bathroom or street noise — does not affect the physical

You cannot touch Chi with your

and mental health of those who

hands as you can with solid

frequent that space. Instead, you will

objects. However, we can feel

be surrounded by other types of Chi

it through wind, heat waves,

that positively stimulate your senses,

humidity, static, electrical currents,

such as sunlight, fresh air, and colors

and other types of energy that you

and objects capable of inspiring and

can feel with your skin, nerves, and

maintaining the quality of life in the


environment. OM TIMES | September 2022


What is Creative Writing? s a writer or an author,

hit puberty, they take the crayons

you must have heard

away and replace them with dry,

the expression "creative

uninspiring books on algebra, history,

writing" a thousand

etc. So being suddenly hit years later

times. But after all, what is this?

with the 'creative bug' is just a wee voice telling you, 'I'd like my crayons

"Everyone is born creative;

back, please."

everyone is given a box of crayons

— Hugh MacLeod (Ignore Everybody:

in kindergarten. Then when you

and 39 Other Keys to Creativity)

OM TIMES | September 2022

As a rule of thumb, "everything is

3. It Works on critical and analytical skills

written in a creative way, that is, neither technical nor copied."

4. It Brings more focus and attention to activities, etc.

But did you know that it doesn't just apply to literature

We would also like to remind the

or communication? Even an

reader that, contrary to popular

administrator, a doctor, a chef, and

belief, writing does not depend

any other professional can use it.

only on a natural gift. Through

Creative writing is learning to tell

training and study, it can be

stories differently, think outside the

improved more and more. We

box, and bring the reader (whether

always say around here: Writing is

it's a book, a report, an email, a

discipline and daily learning.

portfolio) closer to you. "First, forget inspiration. Habit The idea is to get away from

is more dependable. Habit will

plastered formulas and create

sustain you whether you're

something different and captivating.

inspired or not. Habit will help you finish and polish your

"Learn the rules like a pro to break

stories. Inspiration won't. Habit is

them like an artist."

persistence in practice."

— Pablo Picasso

— Octavia E. Butler (Bloodchild and Other Stories)

And why is it essential to a career – We offer you three tips to unlock

whatever it may be?

your writing side – and they are These are elements of creative

valid for both writing professionals


and other areas of activity:

1. It Improves articulation

"1 – Read. read a lot

of reasoning for work There is no writing without

presentations 2. It Provides new perspectives on the world

reading. The writer needs to read. Very.

OM TIMES | September 2022

Through reading, you get used to

pages, three pages. You decide ––

the written language and increase

but write it down!

your vocabulary. Make time in your schedule to read every day. It could

Keep in mind that ideas are the

be half an hour, fifteen or ten

writer's raw material. So whenever

minutes. But, read something.

you have a text idea, please write it down no matter how silly it sounds. It may be helpful in the

2 – Make writing a habit

future. The logic is the same as reading. The writer needs to set aside time

"There is creative reading as

in his schedule to write daily.

well as creative writing." — Ralph Waldo Emerson

A good exercise is to write in a notebook the first things that

3 – Hemingway's Writing Tips: Let

come to mind every morning. Two

the Text Sleep

OM TIMES | September 2022

"The most important thing

Hemingway advocated the idea

I learned about writing is

of "letting the text sleep" so that

to never write too much at

he always had a starting point

a time… Never let yourself

when he sat down to write.

dry out. Leave some for the next day. The main thing is

In addition to this benefit,

knowing when to stop. Don't

practice can be great for you to

wait until you've written

improve your text when you're

everything down. When it's

not writing. What do I mean by

still going well, and you know


what will happen next, that's the right time to stop. Then

Who hasn't had a genius idea

leave and think no more

while in the shower? So, it is.

about it; let your subconscious

While your text sleeps, you can

do the work."

make synapses that you didn't

— Ernest Hemingway

make while writing." OM TIMES | September 2022

Cat Spirituality and Body Language By Ministry Earth

OM TIMES | September 2022


t is often difficult to understand


what our cats want to tell us. They are mysterious animals; however,

Cats have different sleep needs than

they have a powerful spirituality

humans. They need more sleep than

and heightened sensitivity. Therefore,

we do. However, if you notice that your

it is important to understand what

cat is sleeping more than usual, it is a

they want to tell us. We have listed

sign that he is overloaded with many

the cats' spiritual powers to help

negative energies in the environment

us understand their language and

and people. He absorbs this energy


and can only rebalance it by sleeping.



The very sensitive animals, our cats

Does your cat insist on sleeping near

or felines, have healing power and

your bed (or even on top of it)? Don't

protect us from negative energies

fight with kitty over this. They only do

present in the environment and

this to protect you. As much as you


don't like having them on the bed, they want to be there as guards so

Learn how to interpret the signs of cats

that if something or someone with

that show their spirituality:

bad energies approaches, they'll be there to protect us.

LYING ON PARTS OF OUR BODY ATTITUDES WHEN VISITORS ARRIVE With heightened sensitivity, cats sense when some internal organ is not

Most cats don't come straight to meet

functioning normally or will get sick

visitors once they get home, as dogs

shortly, so they insist on lying on top

do. Suspicious, cats want to "read"

of it. As energy transmuters, they can

people before going to their laps or

transmit positive energies to a place

letting them cuddle. It is common

loaded with low vibration energies. So

for them to hide and only appear in

when he comes close to you, sits down

the room at the owners' call. It is also

on the spot, and then leaves, he feels

common for your cat to hang around

that he has already healed that energy.

you while "strange" people are at

OM TIMES | September 2022

home. He doesn't want anyone to


approach you with bad energy. If your


cat attacks a visitor like this out of the blue and it's not like him, you can

Cats tend to choose a few specific

know that this person has charged,

places to sleep, even if the owner

negative energy coming along with

has not established that this

them. It may also be that this person

would be their place. They often

does not like cats. Felines feel from

lie down or sleep in places of

afar when they are not admired and

stagnant, stagnant, unbalanced,

tend to attack.

or negative energy, and they do OM TIMES | September 2022

this to harmonize the places. Some


studies show that cats often use their sensitivity and spirituality to lie

If you have a cat, you have certainly

in places with underground water

seen him give you some massage.

lines or geological faults. According

This cat's attitude refers to the times

to these studies, these places

when he suckled his mother's cat and

usually cause illness and depression

made this movement to stimulate

and attract more energy, and that's

milk flow. They are weaned at a tender

why cats lie there to absorb that

age, and this act is one of the few

energy and transmute it.

that takes him back to his mother OM TIMES | September 2022

and breastfeeding times. When he


does this "massage," he is not trying to stimulate the flow of milk in you,

If you don't have a cat at home and

but remembering these homesick

a kitten follows you or enters your

moments with his mother, showing

house wanting to stay, it's a sign

you that he feels good in her presence,

that you need a cat in your life. The

that the moment lived made him

cat volunteers and chooses you as

remember maternal presence. It is

its owner, and he has the mission

common, for example, for kittens

to help you or pay a karmic debt

to do this massage on pregnant

of spirituality to you. It may seem

bellies. Suction movements can also

difficult to identify what that kitten's

accompany massage on clothes and

mission is in your home, but he

other fabrics.

knows it. He realizes the presence OM TIMES | September 2022

of karmic debt and wants to pay it off (such as having a spirit that

• Tail erect with the tip slightly forward: I am friendly and want attention

accompanies him that has harmed you in other lives and now wants to reward you). The ideal is not to scare

• Tail erect horizontally: I am interested in something focused

the cat away, as it will try to come back • Tail wagging: I'm angry, something

at some point.

is bothering me, don't play with me SIGNS WITH THE EARS • Low tail or tail between the legs: I'm • Cats transmit many signals with

worried or pouting

their ears, and you need to know • Tail down: I'm scared

how to interpret them: • Ears forward: cat open to social

• Squidward tail up: I'm mad

contact, would like to be petted, play with you or be in your company.


• Ears up: a cat is in a state of alert. He is anxious or anticipating something (such as someone coming home).

• Unusual aggression: if your cat is suddenly angry and aggressive and you don't know why, you, the

• Ears turned back: Danger. If his

environment, or someone in the

ears are back, he's irritable and

house must have strong negative

aggressive. Better leave him alone.

energies, and he cannot deal with it alone.

SIGNS WITH THE TAIL • Lie on all four legs: it warns you The tail is another way for cats to

that a storm is coming. It feels the

communicate with the world. See

vibration of the rain and warns you

what he means:

with this movement.

• Tail straight up: the cat is happy to see you

• Insistently cleanses paws and face: a visitor will arrive soon.

OM TIMES | September 2022


The interconnectedness among all human beings and, consequently, the relationships among us are the focus of this section. The dynamics of the web of connections we make is one of the most prominent aspects of human existence: how we interlace with each other’s existence in a meaningful way.

Nine Ways to Heal Family Rifts & Become More Functional


he larger-than-life bond

between its members. Family

of family shines through

relationships are complex, intense,

sorrows and joys alike. The

and powerful at best. They require not

divine connection within

only patience but an understanding

a family is a light that cannot be

of both their psychological and karmic

dimmed, no matter the distance


OM TIMES | September 2022

As a soul on the other side, you agreed

families in ugly ways. It can devastate

to reincarnate into a certain family

a family because the members begin

to further your spiritual evolution.

to see themselves as individuals

Of course, the family you would be

disassociated from the whole. Pride

born into wouldn’t be “perfect” by

causes us to lose the sense of unity

any means: there would be family

and only look out for ourselves. Many

members you can’t stand and others

of my clients say they haven’t spoken

you would have nothing in common

to their parents or sibling in years.

with. But your family would be perfect

When I ask them why I usually receive

for working on your karma. These

a “proud” answer: “They hurt me . . .”

details were etched into your karmic

or “They did this to me. . ..” The answer

contract, which outlined who would be

always implies a “me” factor—that’s

your family members, what challenges

pride showing its ugly head. In a

you would have to face with each of

family, it’s easy to find reasons not

them, and what you would have to do

to get along—after all, just because

to solve the problems between you.

you’re family doesn’t mean you’re not completely different. But you can

Because you have free will, you can

remain close by letting go of pride

choose to heal family rifts or allow

and having a sense of humor about

them to grow wider—to help your

conflicting ideas and preferences.

family become more functional or

Pride makes us do foolish things we

dysfunctional. Even if your family

regret, but it should never cause us

members don’t always cooperate, the

to ostracize someone we care about.

choice to encourage healthy dynamics

Don’t be so proud that you allow a

is yours. Here are nine actions you can

resolvable matter to become a karmic

take every day to fortify deeper and

rift in your clan.

happier bonds with your loved ones: Set limits for others and yourself. Put your pride aside. Pride is the

Setting boundaries means protecting

number one cause of familial grief.

yourself from egos that have been

That’s because our ego, the generator

triggered by old issues and karma

of our pride, makes us stubbornly hold

that is probably carried over from past

on to the notion that we and only we

lifetimes. It means making choices

can be right. Pride comes between

like not drinking to the point of doing

OM TIMES | September 2022

something you’ll later regret, not

have settled. Then, you’re better able

letting your frustration build without

to tolerate each other. Limit the time

taking some time out to defuse your

the gathering lasts, too, and make

anger, and not attending a gathering

it easy for family members to take

where you know you’ll encounter

their leave without a drama ensuing.

someone who clashes with you.

Avoid conversations and activities

Whenever possible, avoid situations

that have led to conflict in the past.

that are bound to become bad ones.

Relationships require a degree of

Know the limits of your patience. If

discipline, and it becomes your

your family is driving you crazy lately

responsibility to steer clear of scenarios

and you’re under much stress, limit

that play on your weaknesses or push

your interactions until the emotions

others’ buttons. That way, you can

OM TIMES | September 2022

achieve a healthy degree of separation

unresolved conflict—friends you don’t

from others so they can’t negatively

see eye to eye with, family members

influence your well-being.

who make you irate, even people with whom you’ve had a bad falling-

Meditate and reflect on modulating

out. Remember, all your relationships

your emotions. Many times it is we

affect one another. A spat with your

who stir the pot of drama. Our own

mother will affect your relationship

escalating emotions can quickly turn

with your daughter, even if they live

a day out into a disaster. When you

many miles apart. Promise to resolve

leave the house, don’t just check if

these differences you have with others

you have your cell phone and wallet—

one way or another, even if it’s sending

check how you feel and why you feel

the individuals on your list a quick

this way. Take a moment and ask

e-mail wishing them well and sending

yourself: Do I feel tense, irritable, or

them peace. Detach from negative

stressed today? Will these feelings

memories by surrendering your ego

create friction with others or make it

and stating to the other person that

difficult for me to enjoy myself? If the

you hold no grudges. You will feel

answer is yes, take a moment to clear

a surge of serenity when you truly

your heart and mind of any lingering

forgive and forge ahead.

anger, irritation, or frustration before stepping out to be in the company of

Refrain from provocation. There is

others. A quick five-minute meditation

no need to give in when someone is

will help relax you and turn your mood

pushing your buttons. Take a deep

from anxious to excited. Perform this

breath and commit to resolving

check-in with yourself throughout the

the situation within yourself before

day to keep the emotional waters in

asking the other person to change

your home calm.

their behavior. Work on your own issues and then say, gently, “I know

Settle old differences. If there’s

you probably don’t realize it, but

been discord between you and

when you do [name the behavior], I

someone else, don’t leave the situation

feel [name how you feel].” Give the

unsettled, as old problems tend to

other person the benefit of the doubt

become recurring problems. Make a

and an opportunity to apologize

list of anyone with whom you share

and shift their behavior. Don’t take

OM TIMES | September 2022

the behavior personally; your family

and recognition and open the doors

member may be disrespecting you at

for love and kindness to flow freely.

that moment but have deep respect for you overall. Whenever someone

Give people time. Change is a

provokes you, be the bigger person

process, not a result, and it requires

and distract yourself from your

time. People may need to change, but

emotions by reminding yourself that

it takes a while to see this and begin

you are above arguments. The greater

working on themselves. The best

truth is that your souls chose to be

thing you can do for a family member

closely related in this life so that you

who is difficult to handle is to gently

could learn from each other. Walking

push them toward the changes they

away from an argument instead of

need to make while being patient and

giving in to it will command respect

offering unconditional support.

OM TIMES | September 2022

The best way to help someone

doing is wrong and modify their

change is by showing them what

behavior. In the meantime, don’t nag

change looks like—change yourself

them or criticize them constantly.

to reflect the behaviors they need to

Allow them to evolve at their own

work on. For example, if you have a

pace. Rising above the behaviors of

family member who is always bad-

others sets you up as an example

mouthing everybody, don’t indulge

for change. Your patience may be

in this behavior yourself. Tell them

tested as the people in your family

you won’t partake in gossip or spread

perform their inner work, but this

negative words about others. In time,

gives you a chance to expand your

they’ll understand they can’t get

own tolerance threshold for others,

away with it in front of you. They may

which in turn makes you a better,

even understand that what they’re

more evolved person.

OM TIMES | September 2022

Wear their shoes. As they say, “Be

might think you know them well

kind, for everyone you meet is fighting

because you have lived with them for

a battle you know nothing about.” You

years, but you can’t truly know what

must try to imagine what it’s like to

is going on in another person’s heart

walk someone else’s path in life (even

because you haven’t lived that person’s

if you think you can imagine it, it’s

life or fought their battles.

probably nothing like you imagine). It’s easy to pinpoint the shortcomings

Your family wants what’s best for you,

of your family members—they may be

but they may have trouble expressing

judgmental, hypocritical, or annoying.

that or go about it completely

But it’s more difficult to understand

inappropriately. When you understand

the roots of their weaknesses. You

this, you learn not to take their words

OM TIMES | September 2022

and actions that may be out of line too

yourself not to discuss the situation

personally. You begin to see the roots

with that person any further.

of their weaknesses surface, the bare wound of their failings. Appreciate

You can also compromise with the

that sort of familial intimacy. We must

people affecting your relationships

try to wear each other’s shoes, even

and those affected by them. Stand

if the size doesn’t fit, to understand

up firmly but politely against people

where others are coming from before

who are negatively impacting your

resorting to judgment or blame.

relationships. Show them love and compassion, but do not tolerate their

Beware of external influences.

unnecessary impressions on other

External influences are often the

aspects of your life. In terms of family,

cause of family dramas. For example,

appreciating the young and old alike

you may have problems with your

and absorbing the unique wisdom of

mother because of your sister or

each family member without letting

argue with your mother-in-law

them influence you will strengthen the

because she is pressuring you to

bond of kinship.

parent in a certain way. Whether we realize it or not, even friends

Have bonding rituals. People

and coworkers can play a big role

sometimes wince at the idea of

in our family dynamic. The energy

“family bonding” because they think

of everyone around us seeps into

it entails seeing distant, somewhat

our relationships, often without our

irritating family members on special

awareness. The best thing we can do

occasions under less-than-pleasant

is be mindful of our influences and

circumstances. But family bonding

keep our relationships as separate as

can happen at any time, whether

we can. This is not to say you should

gathering to watch a movie together

cut off the people you love. But when

or simply walking the family dog

a person’s energy has become toxic,

around the block. Even arguments

you can—and must—keep them at

have their place in a family that

arm’s length. Set firm boundaries.

wishes to have strong bonds because

You may have to say, “I appreciate

you share emotions with your family

your concern and advice, and I’ll

members. The process of making

consider it,” and make a note to

up, healing and learning after an

OM TIMES | September 2022

argument can leave you closer than

like to do. The less you look at forming

before. Conflict is an opportunity for

bonds as a chore, the less it becomes

all parties to grow and master their

one, and the more it turns into a

karma. It also is an opportunity for

pleasure. Change your mentality

developing greater trust and intimacy.

from “I need to get along with this

The key is to make the conflict as

person” to “I want to get along with

loving as possible—to be patient and

this person.” Put effort into getting

truly listen to and respect each other.

along with your parents and children. Ask them about their feelings and

Bonding can occur whenever you

their stories. Do you know what your

spend time with your family members,

father wanted to be when he grew

being attentive to their needs and

up or whether his passions were

trying to incorporate activities they

encouraged? Do you know your

OM TIMES | September 2022

mother’s greatest disappointment

dynamic with your loved ones. If their

or your stepdaughter’s biggest fear?

behavior is too intense or your bond

Better yet, can you relate to their

is frayed, value them and wish them

anecdotes, or do you share similar

healing. Pray for them, and pray for

experiences? Look past the behaviors

yourself, too. Try to protect them while

that bother you and open your heart

protecting yourself. Your karma will

to hear their unique stories. There is a

remain unstained, and the bond will

greater reason they are in your life, a

be healed in this lifetime. Love them

reason beyond the complications and

today, as they are, and don’t forget to


love yourself.

Practice these nine actions to resolve

To happy families,

family problems and enjoy a healthier

Dr. Carmen Harra

OM TIMES | September 2022


Coincidences: Are They a Sign from Your Soul?


By John Holland

ave you heard the same

Did someone happen to mention the

saying or phrase from

same person you were just thinking

several different people


in one day? Do the same

numbers keep showing up over and

You may chalk all this up as just

over again during your daily routine?

coincidences, but these are clear signs

OM TIMES | September 2022

that your soul is knocking at your

I once heard a story about a man who

door! Sometimes it could be a soft

was struggling on whether to change

tap, or when you're not really paying

his career. He'd been offered a new

attention, it could be a much louder

job but wasn't sure if he wanted


to leave the security of his existing position where he'd worked for years.

Your soul often uses synchronicity as

The decision was really stressing him

a method of communicating with

out to a point where he was doubting

you, so don't pass these off as just

himself and his talents.

coincidences. However, when you get these clear signs, remember to pause,

One day while this man was driving

be open and pay attention to what

to work, he decided to look within

your soul is trying to tell you.

for the answer. He asked himself the

OM TIMES | September 2022

questions that had been churning in

Synchronicities act as signposts or

his mind: Should I take this new job?

mile markers, guiding and directing

Am I doing the right thing by leaving

you, or even helping to align your

my secure position? Will I be happy at

personal growth. So take notice when

a new company?

you're being sent such signs, signals, people, patterns, numbers, symbols,

At that precise moment, he looked up

books, phrases, articles or whatever

and saw a bus drive by. As it passed,

manifestation appears. These special

the giant billboard advertisement

gifts help direct you on your path

on the side of bus was a Nike slogan:

toward your goals and also help you

"Just Do It!"

to follow your soul's guidance. All you have to do is ask and be watchful.

These synchronistic events are the inner workings of your soul showing

When your soul knocks, make sure

up when you need them most!

you're ready to answer the door!

OM TIMES | September 2022


5. Become even more aware by recording these events in your

Here are six tips to help you listen more closely to your soul's

journal. 6. Believe that these Divine nudges are genuine!


If you know someone who may

1. Pay attention to all

like to get this message, feel free

coincidences. 2. Look for signs when you run into people unexpectedly. 3. If you have a problem, let it go and let your soul step in to help. 4. Ask your soul directly for

to share these Soul Inspirations or recommend they join my newsletter list. Equally, I'd love to hear your personal stories, so do share them on my Facebook and Instagram pages.

answers and act on them immediately.

Live a Soul-filled life! OM TIMES | September 2022

Personal Growth & Development We grow as individuals as we face challenges and overcome life’s obstacles. This section is dedicated to helping you chart your course.

No Greater Teacher By Mark Nepo

OM TIMES | September 2022


here has been no greater

my mother to imprinting my deeper

teacher in my life than the

senses on the Whole of Life. And this

heart. It has guided me

became my primary inheritance.

through every storm. When

facing death, it steadied me despite

As I was held and tended by nurses

my fear. When stumbling in need of

who I will never be able to thank, I

love, it opened me like a flower waiting

quietly continued to form into a full

for rain. When freefalling in search of

human being. During this slow arrival

meaning, it picked me up like a hawk

into the world, I began to inhabit a

gliding on the wind of Mystery. And

deep and early sense of Oneness.

when in need of strength to keep

Being completely alone in that

believing in life, my heart insisted that

incubator enabled me to experience

I keep giving as an act of mitosis in

the solitude and silence of an inner

growing the tissue of humanity. And

unfolding that was my first home. And

so, I'm compelled to explore the heart

though I felt myriad volatile emotions

as our teacher and how we are led to

from growing up in an unpredictable

discover and inhabit our need to love,

and emotionally charged family, that

learn, and be.

turbulence didn't define me. I could always enter the silence and return to

This steadfast belief in the properties

my larger, first home.

of the heart goes back to my first hours on Earth. I was born prematurely

Looking back, I feel certain that this

in late February of 1951, three weeks

unexpected cocoon between worlds

early. I was placed in an incubator,

secured my bond with Eternity. That

so I entered a transitional period of

chance to be fully alone, suspended

solitude before entering the world.

between pre-life and life itself, allowed

This incubation period prevented my

me to emerge with an irrevocable

mother and father from holding me

bond to all that remains unseen.

and bringing me home. I'm sure that

It allowed me to know all that is

was difficult for them. But during this

unseeable as my foundation. And so,

crucial time, I was held and nurtured

from the outset, the allegiance of my

by the Mystical Unity of Life. For those

heart has always been to serve as a

three weeks, I was in a liminal womb,

conduit between all that is inner and

where I went from forming inside

all that is outer, between the life of

OM TIMES | September 2022

the soul and the life of the world, and

unconditional love. This is why I believe

between our humanness and the Web

being at home in the Oneness of

of Mystery that brings life into being.

Things is central to how we come to love, learn, and be.

In truth, regardless of where life has led me, my education as a student

After all these years, I've seen that the

of the heart traces back to this

heart is meant to follow the light and

fundamental position in life. And

connect with life, the way a flower

living through my heart has always

seeds in the dark, breaks ground after

helped me through the storms of

a storm and opens in the light. Once

life and brought me home. This is

rooted in the open, we are asked to

why I believe that helping each other

practice heaven.

return to our largest home of all, life, is an essential form of hospitality.

How the heart teaches us to do this is

This is why I believe that holding

a lifelong journey. It is interesting that

and tending to each other, as we

the word journey comes from the Old

form inwardly, is at the center of

French jornee, which means "a day's

OM TIMES | September 2022

travel, a day's work." Nevertheless, it

go, and, from the beginning, we are

is still true that a meaningful journey

called to live through our hearts. But

is built on a day's travel and a day's

what does this mean, and how do

work. And so, I attempt to describe the

we inhabit this as a sacred life-giving

heart's process of daily travel and daily


work in as much detail as possible in my words, the way that Lewis and

We must all face the archetypal

Clark described their unlikely passage

process of clearing out the buildup of

through the Continental Divide to the

patterns and feelings we accrue from

Pacific coast.

living. This, in turn, allows us to return to a beginner's heart and re-establish

Along the way, I have seen how

the allegiance of heart by which we

solitude, silence, and inner unfolding

can individuate to the point where

are our home. I keep trying to discern

we can, paradoxically, let other life in.

what covenants and practices enable

These twin efforts are necessary to

us to experience these inner elements

truly live—to be who we are and to let

as teachers. Clearly, we discover as we

others in.

OM TIMES | September 2022

OM TIMES | September 2022

Once letting life in full, how can we

spirit must learn its own practice

then serve as a conduit between

of returning to our largest home

all that is inner and all that is outer,

of all—life. And our quiet destiny

between the life of the soul and

is to practice this hospitality in all

the life of the world, and between

directions and let the heart be our

our humanness and the Web of


Mystery that brings life into being? How can we inhabit the ways of heart that will help us survive the storms we face? And what commitments and practices can help us live wholeheartedly in the

_______________________________________ Living through my heart has always helped me through the storms of life and brought me home.

larger flow of life?


To be fully alive, we must look to the

Questions to Walk With

learning ground of intimacy, that experiential bedrock of truth where all learning takes up residence when we dare to hold and tend to each other.

• In your journal, describe your deepest home. • In conversation with a friend or loved one, tell the story of a time when your heart was your teacher.

Ultimately, there are infinite ways

How did it present itself? How did

to personalize our heartwork in the

you realize it was a teacher? What

days that await us if we can empty

did it teach you?

our assumptions and conclusions to stay current with the rush of

No Greater Teacher is excerpted

life. All so that the heart can carry

f rom Mark Nepo's newest book,

what matters. Yet humbly, no one

Surviving Storms: Finding the

quite knows how to empty what

Strength to Meet Adversity. Used

is extraneous and how to carry

with permission. St. Martin's

what matters, though do it we

Essentials 9 September 2022).

must. And so, we must live into the question: How do we recover what

For more information, visit: MarkNepo.

matters when in the storm? Every

com or

OM TIMES | September 2022

Finishing Your Yoga Teacher Training? How to Find Students for Your Classes by Rachelle Wilber OM TIMES | September 2022


ne of the most critical

and others at a discounted price.

questions yoga teachers

For example, many people have

ask is how to attract

had success by offering free yoga

students. It is possible for

classes at a park. Others have taught

a yoga teacher to do everything right

discount classes at a local community

and not have a sufficient number of

center. Some have even teamed up

students. It can be frustrating. People

with a local brewery to teach yoga

who want to take yoga classes can

during happy hour. Free classes can

usually choose from many different

draw in many people, and if they like

studios. The key to yoga marketing

your teaching style, they will sign up

success is often not working

for your studio.

harder but being more creative in developing strategies to obtain new


students. A good way to reach a large audience


quickly is to teach yoga at local events. A quick google search will

In-person or online challenges are

reveal if any wellness festivals are

excellent ways to create excitement

happening near you. These festivals

for yoga. A challenge can be big or

often have teachers who volunteer

small. They can be done online, or

their time to teach various classes.

they can be run in person. Some

It is an excellent way to promote

instructors have had success with a

yourself and connect with others in

daily pose challenge and more. It's

the yoga community in your city.

important to have a reward for those who complete the challenge. Also,


provide a way for students to share Many people have had success by

their success.

getting a feature article written


about them in local media. Contact editors of local newspapers to see

Those who teach in-person classes

if there is a section that focuses on

can get known in a community

local businesses. It's also possible for

by offering some classes for free

a community to have a social media

OM TIMES | September 2022

account that provides reviews of

friends. Offering paying students

fitness and wellness businesses in

an opportunity to bring a friend

the area. Ask how they choose to do

for a free lesson has helped grow

features. You can tell them about your

many yoga classes. Some permit

business and yourself and explain why

their students to bring a new

you would be good to write about.

friend for an entire week. It may also be good to offer a special


partner yoga class. The most important thing for attracting

People know that yoga is a great

new students is getting them

experience that is often better with

through the door.

OM TIMES | September 2022

It's important to reward everyone

California, area. She graduated

who helps to share information about

from San Diego State University

your yoga class. Some have offered

with her bachelor's degree in

a chance to get a 6-class pass for

Journalism and Media Studies.

posting an online review. In addition,

She tries to find an interest in all

it is important to take the time to

topics and themes, which prompts

thank all those who help with your

her writing. When she isn't on her

marketing efforts.

porch writing in the sun, you can find her shopping at the beach or

Rachelle Wilber is a freelance

at the gym. Follow her on Twitter:

writer living in the San Diego,


OM TIMES | September 2022

Exercise with Enjoyment by Ginger McBride

OM TIMES | September 2022


earn how to use enjoyment

of success, perfectionism, confusion,

to exercise that benefits

short-term gratification versus long-

both mind and body, and

term gratification, and the list goes on.

begin a fulfilling journey to Exercising is an essential aspect for

better health!

both the mind and the body. Exercise We always make time for the things

helps our body build muscle, improve

that are most enjoyable to us. It's

strength and endurance, and enhance

not that the important things aren't

our heart health. Exercise can also do

a priority, but it is easier to motivate

wonders for the mind, such as relieving

ourselves when we know joy is on

stress and releasing endorphins, which

the way. So much of our lives are

aid in a boosted mood.

riddled with responsibilities. It's easy to understand how it can be difficult

The key, however, is getting ourselves

to prioritize more work in little free

to participate in something that

time. This is why working out and

requires energy but benefits us in

exercising can be difficult for some.

multiple ways. A great way to do this

We procrastinate for a multitude of

is by incorporating an exercise that we

reasons, such as fear of failure, fear

like and enjoy.

OM TIMES | September 2022

There are various types of exercise and

with our buddies for a few games

movement out there. We need only

a month, the options are endless,

to explore those options and choose

and for those that are more creative

what is best for ourselves. Whether

in nature, we might enjoy taking

we like something as simple as

a dance class. Maybe we enjoy the

walking or running on a bright, sunny

live music and meeting people in

day, we require something more

our community that have the same

explorative like hiking with a group.

interests. Whatever it is that pulls us

We could even take it a step further

to move. So we should begin there

by bringing a camera to document

by exploring that option.

the fun time. We must begin to look within and Some of us might enjoy joining

explore what we truly enjoy in this

a team in sports such as tennis,

life and how we can add this and

basketball, baseball, softball, or

enjoy exercise. Then, we can make

football. Whether it is a team in high

it a celebration rather than another

school or college or meeting up

remedial task on our to-do list. This

OM TIMES | September 2022

is not to say that regular workouts

life. Exercise can be enjoyed, and

aren't necessary. They definitely

when done, right will be enjoyed.

have a place. They are wonderful in

We need only the courage to begin

targeting areas that we would like to

our journey, explore our options,

change about ourselves, but if we are

and strive for our goals with a bit of

just beginning and struggling with

optimism and enjoyment!

moving at all, finding enjoyment with exercise could be a significant first

About the Author:

step to a fulfilling journey!

Ginger McBride is a wellness writer, certified health

We may recall Newton's First Law

coach, wellness expert, and

of Motion, "an object in rest stays at

entrepreneur. She uses her

rest, and an object in motion stays

knowledge in the health and

in motion unless acted upon by an

wellness field to help others

unbalanced force. "We should let

with their health, inspiring them

our body be that object and stay in

to reach their goals through

motion for a better living and a better

motivation and education!

OM TIMES | September 2022


Surviving Storms Finding the Strength to Meet Adversity

In SURVIVING STORMS: Finding the Strength to Meet Adversity, Mark Nepo, spiritual teacher and author of 23 books, including the #1 New York Times bestselling The Book of Awakening, explores the art and practice of meeting adversity by using the timeless teachings of the heart. To stand firm against life’s unavoidable storms, Nepo says, we need to know our true self, deepening our roots and solidifying our connection to all Spirit and all life. Then we, like a firmly rooted tree standing unmoved in the wind, can endure the force of trials and heartbreak. A profoundly timely resource, SURVIVING STORMS surveys the storms of our time–where we are and how we got here. Nepo outlines the fault lines we endure as a society, including our loss of relationship, the isolation of technology, the loss of a common good, and others. He explores the nature and life of storms and unpacks the purpose of goodness. He then reacquaints readers with the perennial practices and offers resources that restore our basic human nature and transcend our perceived differences. Though we must each map the territories of our souls for ourselves, this spiritually practical book is an indispensable guide, bringing us to common passages and paths and urging us forward on the journey. Once the rubble clears, we, like those before us, are inevitably called to build the world one more time, admitting that we need each other.

For more information, or to purchase the book, click the cover or visit:

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