OMTimes Magazine June 2021 Edition

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REERG LRAC Exclusive Interview with Sandra Sedgbeer

THE NECKTIE AND THE JAGUAR In his best-selling and award-winning books, Change Your Story, Change Your Life and Change the Story of Your Health, retired Clinical Psychologist and Jungian analyst, businessman, Shamanic practitioner, author, and philanthropist Carl Greer share Shamanic and Jungian Tools to help achieve personal transformation and healing. S hamanism is the oldest form of

communicating and healing. It probably resides in all of us. Amy Hardie

In his latest book, The Necktie and the Jaguar:

A Memoir to Help You Change Your Story and Find Fulfillment, Carl Greer shares his own journey of transformation from post-war midwestern, middle-class upbringing tainted by a childhood tragedy that taught him to constrict his emotions. to career success and wealth as the President of an independent oil and gas company to mid-life, when he recognized that his spiritual self was crying out for nourishment and expression and what he did to actually transform that story and create a bigger, more fulfilling, life for himself


Sandra Sedgbeer: Carl, your book The Necktie and the Jaguar, is an unusual kind of memoir inasmuch as you’ve taken reader engagement to another level by including thought-provoking questions at the end of each chapter related to the experiences and insights you’ve shared that encourage us to ask questions about our own lives so we too might breakthrough from old patterns and live according to the needs of our soul. Was there something particular that inspired you to construct your book that way, or was it just a case that even in retirement from one’s practices as a Jungian analyst and shaman, you’ve never really stopped being a teacher, guide, and practitioner?

Carl Greer: Probably a little bit of both. In my other two books, I posed questions for readers to use to help their process about some of the material in the book. I didn’t intend to do that in this book, but after I finished it, I thought maybe some of the themes that were up for me in my life might be up for others too. And perhaps I could pose questions that might be helpful when reflecting on their own journey. So that’s how it came about. Sandra Sedgbeer: Your story, like so many of our stories, is about seeking meaning and fulfillment in your life and knowledge in what you refer to as your mythopoetic self. What do you mean by “mythopoetic self”? Carl Greer: For me, it’s that part of me that has a spiritual component, it’s soulful, it isn’t practical necessarily, but it’s something I yearn for and have stifled for a lot of my life. So it’s this part I was seeking would give me more meaning and a deeper spiritual connection.

Sandra Sedgbeer: I’ve heard people talk about mythic stories, mythic lives, but I’ve never heard anybody use the word mythopoetic, but I think you’ve summed it up very well there because we all do have that yearning inside us. It doesn’t matter how successful we are, and you were very successful. Still, there is that something that we often say, well, I’ve got this, and I’ve achieved that ambition, but still, I don’t feel that I’m fully there. I haven’t got to the thing that will give me fulfillment, and I think the mythopoetic self is a perfect word to describe that. Carl Greer: When I was thinking about what I wanted to do in college, as a 17-18-year-old, what course to take, that word ‘mythopoetic’ came to me somehow. I wanted to take a course that would burn out that mythopoetic part of me because I didn’t think it would be practical or helpful for my life. And that’s one of the reasons I took engineering, which I wasn’t necessarily that crazy about. I thought it would be practical and give me good training, but clearly not further my desire to explore my mythopoetic side. Sandra Sedgbeer: In the book, you write about the importance of service to others. Is that something that was part of your consciousness even as you were climbing the ladder to become President of the oil and gas company, making complex business decisions designed to increase profitability and success, or was that something that only began to reemerge for you later on once you started listening to your ‘mythopoetic self’? Carl Greer: It was later on in life. The first part of my life was more about accomplishment and achievement. I didn’t have a lot of time to think about the other things. They became more important as I got older and made changes in my life. OMTIMES | JUNE 2021

Sandra Sedgbeer: So tell us how those changes came about and how they impacted you. Carl Greer: In my mid-40s, I decided I wanted to explore an interest I‘d had years earlier in psychology, so I ended up going back to graduate school. It took me eight years, and I got a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and started seeing clients. That process, plus the desire to become a Jungian Analyst, led me to analyze myself and found out many things that I’d blocked from my consciousness that were getting in my way. So it was a whole personal journey for me to reach parts of myself. That was the start of my opening to other energies and experiences I’d not had up until that time.

to study, so I went to different schools around Chicago, Adlerian school, Freudian and Jungian Schools, and I seemed to be more Sympatico with Jungian psychology, which I also associated with stories, fairy tales, and myths, which I’d enjoyed as a kid. It wasn’t necessarily the most rational reason, just my feelings. Sandra Sedgbeer: But you so wanted to become a Jungian psychologist that you spent more years in the study than you might’ve done with another type of psychology, indeed?

Sandra Sedgbeer: What drew you to Jungian psychology in particular?

Carl Greer: Definitely. I was still working and trying to keep the rest of my life together. It took eight years to get my degree in clinical psychology and then another five years to become a Jungian Analyst, so I had 13 years of school to fit into my life.

Carl Greer: When I decided to become a psychologist, I wanted to explore which branch of psychology I ultimately wanted

Sandra Sedgbeer: That’s a long time. What kept you going through that long slog?




Carl Greer: I was really feeding my soul. I mean, the training and whatnot were meaningful to me, and it fed me. For other reasons, my business life was coming to a close as some of the things I said I’d do were done, and the industries I was in charge, so it was all coming together. I had more time to explore these things that were important to me. Sandra Sedgbeer: You say that now you are amused at how very logical you were about starting analysis and how little awareness you had for the need to reflect on your shadow qualities. Carl Greer: I thought I’d just sit in front of somebody, and we’d talk. I thought that was just a means to an end. I had no idea that there were parts of myself that had been shut off and blocked and pretty heavily defended that I didn’t even want to look at. It was a very, very valuable process for me, and it took me a while to really own the value. Once I did, I tried to be aware of what I needed to do as I could be and open with the process. Sandra Sedgbeer: I think most of us say we want to change, but once we start looking at the shadow side of ourselves, many of us run away. We don’t want to go there. It’s too painful. The ego does not want to be stripped apart. Carl Greer: Absolutely. It’s one of the things I’ve thought about and written about. If people want to change their lives, they have to change their story, but the first step is to be really honest about your story and not tell yourself the story that others have told you or the one you want to hear. The analysis helped me find out what my true story was.


Shamanism is not a course, but a life journey. Alberto Villoldo

Sandra Sedgbeer: A significant discovery for you was that you needed to work on your relationship to the archetypal feminine energy, your internal, unconscious relationship to women. How surprising and uncomfortable was that for you? Carl Greer: Theoretically, it wasn’t a surprise because my mother had died when I was young under mysterious circumstances. I didn’t have much maternal mothering in my life after that except for some relatively limited time with one grandmother. I knew theoretically that I was a little different in that regard.

The reaction internally that I had to that affected me in constricting my emotions and expressing those emotions was more than just theoretical understanding. That has to kind of get unearthed through the process of analysis and life layer by layer. It’s painful because it affected how I related to women and how I was fathering my two daughters. So it was a process for me to understand that those events in my life were really affecting me, and later, parts of my life. Sandra Sedgbeer: You share some incredible stories in the book, and one is about your wife Pat and the visualization you did with her when she had breast cancer. Carl Greer: This was when I was in my 40s, maybe in the last 1980s. I was interested in Shamanism from reading books by Carlos Castaneda and others, and, coincidentally, I was reading a book by Michael Harner about Shamanism. I was drawn to some of the practices, and I got some drumming and didgeridoo tapes and a crystal, and I started to journey on my own.

Around the same time, Pat had a lumpectomy, radiation, and chemo for breast cancer, and we were on a trip in the Sedona area when the wound on her breast started to ooze pus and blood. I’d been doing some of these practices, and I just got an instinct that maybe I could do some healing work. I had this image of me sitting under a tree with a crystal, a woman in a lagoon in a waterfall with a crystal, and then me in Sedona with a crystal, and those crystals all linked up. I used that energy with visualizations that Pat and I had to heal what was happening with the wound on her breast. After a relatively short period–less than an hour– the wound healed over. There was no more bleeding and no more pus, and it was a compelling experience for Pat and me. After that, she had another biopsy, and they said that cancer had come back. Once again, we did some work, and we asked the surgeon who was going to do the frozen C-Section not to do the mastectomy without talking to me first. As Pat was under anesthesia, he kept coming out to me. He took several Csections, and could not find any cancer, so she did not have the mastectomy. That was many years ago, and the breast cancer has not returned. Sandra Sedgbeer: Was that a huge surprise to you? Carl Greer: Yes, it was, but I was guided to do it. And as I got into the Shamanic world subsequently to that, I learned that things like that…just happen. I’m always in awe of the vastness of the world and the energies in which we interact.


Sandra Sedgbeer: When you look back on the life you led before you became a psychologist when you were President of the oil company, I mean, I would imagine you never even dreamed that you would one day do things like that.

Carl Greer: Absolutely. That was not in my awareness or consciousness.


Sandra Sedgbeer: When I look at your story, I see a wonderful roadmap; almost as if somebody said, ‘Right, I’m going to do down there and create a very successful business and wealth, and then have the freedom to follow my path and complete my mission, and then use that wealth for tremendous good. Which is just what you’re doing with your philanthropic work. .

Carl Greer: I feel very blessed to have been able to have done that. I was called to share what I had accumulated and try to give as much back as I can while I’m alive and set up processes while I’m no longer around to have it continued to be used for the purposes that I want. I feel that to whom much is given, much is required, and I’m trying, in the charities I’m involved with, to help those who’ve gotten the wrong end of the societal or economic, or cultural stick. I’m trying to help even the playing field for them as much as possible, and it feels good to do that. I feel energized even past my 80 years to spend time doing those things. Sandra Sedgbeer: In chapter 12, The Jaguar’s Call, you share how you started playing in the fields of possibilities. What prompted that call for you? Carl Greer: As a young man, I was interested in Native Americans and trappers in the West and that lifestyle. As a man in my 30s, I read books by Castaneda and others about medicine, men, and women, so I was interested. And then, I read Michael Harner’s book and experimented with certain journey practices, so I had that as part of my psyche from a relatively young age. But I hadn’t done anything formally with it until I was almost 60 when I read Alberto Villoldo’s Shaman, Healer, Sage, which my wife had given me when we were on vacation in the Caribbean. I found myself outside in nature, having different kinds of experiences than I’d had for many years. Things seemed more alive and my emotions more immersive, and I continued to think about Alberto’s book and went to some of his training. I completed the basic training, then the advanced training, and became a teacher on his staff.

That became a significant part of my life relatively late in my life and has since been a vital part of my spiritual path and evolution. Sandra Sedgbeer: In The Necktie and the Jaguar, you write about powerful images in unseen worlds. Can you tell us about some of your experiences? Carl Greer: One of the ideas of Shamanism, which is also somewhat akin to Jungian ideas and work, is that we have our conscious ego, we have a personal unconscious which we repress things in, and we talked earlier about the shadow that may be there as well.

The Jungians say there’s a collective unconscious. Shamans may say there’s a transpersonal reality that surrounds and influences us. Shamans may have more manifestations of animal energies, for example, where Jungians might talk about archetypes and Zeus or Athena or Terra. Still, it’s all personifications of energies that influence how we think, act, and feel. So Shamans would get into an altered state, perhaps through drumming or rattling, and then they would travel to those realms for insights, information, and maybe energy, and bring it back to their every day and hope they can make changes in their everyday life. It is similar to what Jungians would try to do, too, working in the unconscious to make changes in our daily lives. So, those experiences were available to me through dreamwork, through Shamanic journeys, and in some cases using sacred plants, and they gave me insights into realms that I hadn’t had access to before that were sources of energy and change for me.



Sandra Sedgbeer: You called that particular chapter, The Jaguar’s Call. What is the significance of the Jaguar in Shamanism? Carl Greer: There are many schools and types of Shamanism. I’ve been initiated in various kinds of South American Shamanism, primarily in the Andes and Peru. In one of those traditions, the Jaguar is an animal of the West that can travel between death and life, conscious and the unconscious, and in the literal world in water. It can climb, it can be on the land, so it can travel different places, but it also helps eat up the heavy energy of the general. It eats a lot of animals, and it cleanses and kills so that new life can emerge. So the Jaguar has metaphorical as well as actual meaning. For me, it has to do with the mysteries of life and those linkages between life and death, conscious and unconscious. Sandra Sedgbeer: You wrote that the Shamanic work of the West associated with the Jaguar is the work of letting go of the fear of death. Why is it so important to let go of the fear of death?

Carl Greer: I think that many do not have a relationship with death, to the energy of death. We’re so afraid of dying that sometimes it’s hard to look forward. So, if we can develop a relationship with death and say it’s energy like all other energies, and things have to die in their own time, you don’t want to do it prematurely or wait too long, and that’s just a timing thing. And you realize sometimes things have to die for new life to take hold, so part of Shamanic work, and part of the work I’ve done, is to try to give myself and people I’ve worked with a new relationship to death, that death can be an ally. Death as an ally helps me live more fully and less robotically, so that’s how I thought about the death energy. Sandra Sedgbeer: Having taken the time to look back over your life and write your memoir, is there anything you would do differently? Any decision you would undo, or experience would change knowing what you know now, or do you feel that it all worked out perfectly?


Carl Greer: I think that many do not have a relationship with death, to the energy of death. We’re so afraid of dying that sometimes it’s hard to look forward. So, if we can develop a relationship with death and say it’s energy like all other energies, and things have to die in their own time, you don’t want to do it prematurely or wait too long, and that’s just a timing thing. And you realize sometimes things have to die for new life to take hold, so part of Shamanic work, and part of the work I’ve done, is to try to give myself and people I’ve worked with a new relationship to death, that death can be an ally. Death as an ally helps me live more fully and less robotically, so that’s how I thought about the death energy. Sandra Sedgbeer: Having taken the time to look back over your life and write your memoir, is there anything you would do differently? Any decision you would undo, or experience would change knowing what you know now, or do you feel that it all worked out perfectly? Carl Greer: I think the things I did in the sequence were probably the best I could do at the time, but the way I did them, I wish I would have a few things differently. I was more impatient than I needed to be. I was more ruled by the clock trying to crowd things into my life that I wish I hadn’t in hindsight. In that vein, I wish I had taken more time to be a good listener, just to be present instead of just trying to get things done on a timeline. So I do have regrets in terms of how I did certain things, but not necessarily so much in actual chapters of my life.

Sandra Sedgbeer: You’ve said that the unseen world can exact a price on those who neglect their spiritual nature. From my perspective, when we feel that yearning, I think that’s coming from our spiritual nature—that deeper part of ourselves, the soul. For people who feel that yearning that they need to make some change to find greater fulfillment, what suggestions do you have about how they could start? Carl Greer: First, honor those yearnings and take time to listen to them. Then, discuss why you can’t follow some of those yearnings, see what the impediments are, and try to process whether they really exist. And that leads us to the point that I feel is true for many of us. There’s a part of us that really wants to change, but part of us doesn’t, and the part that doesn’t want to change, to move us toward our spiritual journey, needs to be dealt with.

That part is usually an unconscious part, and that’s where the practices I write about in all of my books are useful. How do you access the unconscious and get a glimpse into those things? That involves working with dreams, which we can all learn to do. A big thing that I’ve found very helpful is spending time in nature and just letting nature inform us. Develop the viewpoint that nature has the answers. We’re observing her, and She has information out there for us and for some of life’s questions. We may wonder questions, how in the world can sitting by a brook help me understand things like a decision I’m trying to make? All I’m saying is that often it does ... and in ways, we can’t even verbalize and understand. Trust that if you take time for yourself and spend time in nature, there is a benevolent spirit out there that will work with you.

Sandra Sedgbeer: How can we learn to recognize the stories we don’t even know we’re telling ourselves? Carl Greer: That’s a simple process. I believe a place exists and has existed before creation, which I call the quiet. I’ve traveled there. It’s the place before the form or the energization of an idea— it’s all pure potential. I think that place surrounds us now, and it is possible to attune to it with our consciousnesses.

We can interact with it to cause things in this reality that otherwise wouldn’t occur, and if that’s so, you can journey to it and communicate with it and as your question. You can ask, ‘what are the things that keep me from leading the life I feel spiritually I need to live?’ And wait for that energy to answer you, and amazingly it often does. The process requires setting an intent and breathing and changing your consciousness a little bit, but you can have that conversation, and when you interact with these realms, there’s information there that you can’t believe that comes right from you to you. Sandra Sedgbeer: Do you think that people can do this and make these kinds of changes and open themselves up to the spiritual part of themselves and spiritual realms without taking drugs like Ayahuasca or Peyote or something?

The sympathetic nervous system responds to parasympathetic nervous system responses, so the physiology, the neurotransmitters, can be changed just through meditation, rattling, or drumming. And there are lots of other ways to get to those states, in my opinion. Sandra Sedgbeer: Of all the experiences you’ve had, is there one pinnacle experience as far as you’re concerned? Carl Greer: I can’t say that, really. Maybe an experience when I was about five years old. We lived in a suburb of Pittsburgh called Mt. Lebanon, and I used to wander around on my own a lot. One day I wandered through a farm near the top of a hill not far from our house, and I came upon an apple tree. Suddenly, I saw something like a glow around that tree, and I can clearly remember that I and the tree and the field became one at that moment. It was a oneness experience that I didn’t get to repeat until many years later after I did some of the Shamanic work. Maybe that would be a very early reminder that we are part of a larger set of energies. We came from someplace; we’ll go to someplace. So, in some ways, maybe that was my pinnacle experience. Sandra Sedgbeer: What do you most want readers to take away from your book? Carl Greer: It’s never too late to make changes in your life. They don’t have to be significant changes, and to be of service doesn’t mean you have to have a lot of money or resources – you could just do the little acts of kindness which are of great service. Listen to people whom you otherwise might not listen to. Just have a consciousness of need and what you can do without taking too much from your own energy to help other people. Try to be available to others but also start off by spending time with yourself.

Carl Greer: Absolutely. The plant can be helpful and not beneficial if not done in the right setting or right circumstances. Dreamwork can be done without plants, Shamanic journeys can be made without plants. Spending meditative time in nature can be done without the plant. So, there are ways to slow your brainwaves down OMTIMES | JUNE 2021 from fight or flight.

What can you do for yourself that might be more pleasing to your soul than what you’re doing? One place you can maybe get answers to that question would be to spend more time in nature. Be under a tree, be with the flowers, be by some water. Those would be things that I would suggest that people might do. Sandra Sedgbeer: I also think that the way you’ve constructed the questions at the end of each chapter is like having a great course in transformation right there because you’re giving us the questions that we need to ask ourselves to actually create change. Carl Greer: Yes, I hope that people who read the book use them in that way. They will just be [mind] joggers for them to think about and choose or not choose to make changes in those areas of their life. At least they’ve thought about them and are posing the possibility of change to themselves. Sandra Sedgbeer: So what’s next? Carl Greer: Well, I’ve got some health challenges in the last couple of years. I had open-heart surgery a year ago that was successful. I just had a course of radiation treatment for prostate cancer, but I’m feeling terrific for a guy soon to be 81. I want to continue to spend a lot of time with the charities I’m working with, and I’ve got some more writing that I want to do. I have lots of kids and grandkids that I want to spend time with, and Pat and I want to do a little traveling, so my agenda is full right now, Sandie. Sandra Sedgbeer: Carl Greer, thank you. The Necktie and the Jaguar: A Memoir to Help You Change Your Story and Find fulfillment, I think that’s like a two-for-one there–a memoir and a course in transformation. For more information about Carl Greer, visit his website at


Health & Wellness

Innovative new approaches to Healing as well as holistic methods for dealing with health issues and personal growth

Replacing Our Reward System


By Ginger McBride

e work hard for our

is getting out of debt, losing weight,

aspirations. We know

making time for family, and so on. It's

what matters and

natural to want to reward ourselves for

who we fight for.

our hard work. Don't allow these rewards

We're always organizing our lives to

to hinder the goals ahead, though. Our

reach our many goals. Whether that

future selves will thank us later!

OM TIMES | June 2021

A reward can look like many things

we can survive without it. We could

such as chocolate, candy, sugar,

also try promising ourselves that

coffee, chips, take-out, and comfort

we can check out that latest movie

foods. Just because we are focused

if we just wait a day or two. Find

on our health goals doesn't mean

fulfillment in other areas of life. But

we don't enjoy the finer things from

not just-food. This way, we don't

time to time. However, allowing this

feel deprived and won't rebel later.

in moderation is the key. Instead of denying the reward entirely, let's

Begin visualizing what

learn how to replace it instead.

accomplishing these goals will look like. Would we be happier and

First, let's grab a notebook and

healthier? Would we feel a sense

begin jotting down all the things

of accomplishment? Who would

that bring us joy. Instead of that

be the first person we told once we

tasty treat as a reward, maybe we go

made it? Can we picture the smile

for a walk in the park, to the movies,

on our faces? If we keep doing

listen to music, go to our favorite

what we've been doing. We'll keep

shop. Try also to visit friends or

getting what we've been getting.

family, play with our pet, read a good

The only way we can change and

book, or anything else we can think

reach our goals is by doing the

of. We don't want to deny ourselves

hard stuff, the uncomfortable

enjoyment in life. Where's the fun in

stuff, and choosing tomorrow over

that? We just want to make healthier

today. They aren't called growing

choices for our endgame and a long-

pains without reason. Are we really

term fulfillment.

challenging ourselves if we're comfortable? Probably not.

It's natural to want to go the path of least resistance and fastest way

We have to make a choice for our

to gratification. We're only human,

future self. They can't do it without

after all. We need to think about

us. No one can make a choice for

ourselves in both present and future

us either. Sometimes changing

tenses. Sure, presently we really

our mindset can be beneficial in

want that take out, but another

this. Start by replacing words such

reward could be just as good, and

as have or need to get. We get to

OM TIMES | June 2021

go to the grocery store. We get to

Contemplate how emotions have

go to work. We get to enjoy our

affected our healthy living choices.

families. We get to play with our

What was the craving, and why?

pets. Positive thinking is essential.

Choose tomorrow, and begin making

Find gratitude in everything! It is

plans and preparations. Make it

easier to be healthier when we are

so routine that it's second nature.

happier. There isn't as much need

Creating healthy habits can be like

for reward. Living a happy life is

progress on autopilot. By making

reward enough.

the proper preparations, strategy, OM TIMES | June 2021

and practicing mindfulness, we

founder – a wellness coaching

can replace our rewards with more

membership that provides

nutritious alternatives and reach

affordability and accessibility

our future-self goals!

to her clients. She is passionate about helping others with their

Ginger McBride is a certified

health, inspiring them to reach

health coach, wellness expert,

their goals through motivation

entrepreneur, and raw food

and education! To learn more,

enthusiast. She is Raw Ninja's

visit OM TIMES | June 2021

$21. 00 9781582708287 OnSal e6/22/21

www. be y ondwor d. c om


Bringing More To The Spiritually Conscious

Simply Spiritual To perceive reality from a different perspective is to open oneself to the wonders and unlimited wealth of creation. Simply Spiritual offers the opportunity to visit new places, new methods, and different ways to perceive the vast human knowledge of our Universe.

The Power of Your Words


By John Holland

re you aware of how

heal and transform. They can be as

much power your words

gentle as a hug and have a positive

have? Think about

effect on others. But on the flip side,

that you're sending a

words can be as sharp as a knife and

quick text or posting something on

can cut down someone else's spirit.

Facebook or Instagram the next time.

They can also be hurtful, primarily

Keep in mind that words can inspire,

when directed at yourself.

OM TIMES | June 2021

If people are constantly talking about

wasn't exactly a positive affirmation,

gloom and hardship, then it's most

but it was an affirmation nonetheless.

likely that their lives are a reflection of

Suppose a child or someone else

what they're saying. It can be draining

is told often enough that they're

to be in their company. You come

dumb, useless, stupid, or unlucky.

away feeling exhausted because,

In that case, that kid will eventually

inadvertently, they're sapping your

live the life of those words. In many

precious energy.

cases, negative affirmations can have damaging long-term effects.

My family had a rather unique mantra, namely: "We never have any

When you hear people saying

luck." I grew up believing this and

negative things about themselves,

set my expectations accordingly. It

they don't realize that just by saying

OM TIMES | June 2021

OM TIMES | June 2021

• "I now choose to bring positive

them can manifest a negative personality trait. I'm sure you've heard people say: "I am a loser" or "I am

energy into my day." • "I am a magnet for money. The

trouble." The use of the very words "I

prosperity of every kind is drawn to

AM" is compelling, as it encompasses


your whole being and everything that

• "I am grateful for my healthy body."

you are. Equally, "I AM" can also be

• "I am, love."

magical words if you combine them with positive words. "I am healthy." "I

Repeat these affirmations frequently

am beautiful."

and often. Say them out loud. Write them down on post-its and paste

When you work with affirmations

them around your house, so you are

and carefully choose positive words,

reminded of them at every turn.

loving, kind, and healing, you'll start seeing the inner workings of your

The more you say and believe them,

soul. This is how it will help you

the more power you're giving them,

achieve all you desire in your outside

and the better the chance of your


soul manifesting them for you.


If you know someone who may like to get this message, feel free to share

Make up a list of positive affirmations

these Soul Inspirations or recommend

to practice this week. They could be

they join my newsletter list.

general or something specific you want in your life right now.

Live a Soul-filled life! OM TIMES | June 2021

The Benefits of Ho’oponopono Phrases and Trigger Words By Humanity Healing

OM TIMES | June 2021


any Polynesian cultures

suffered throughout life. Such a set

consider that people's

of negative information must be

mistakes, called Hala,

eliminated to show us who we really

lead to the birth


of diseases. However, thanks to certain rites, these mistakes can be

By repeating specific phrases, like a

corrected, and the body healed.

mantra, we can achieve this. Effective mental hygiene allows us to put our

Ho'oponopono is a Hawaiian system

mind, body, spirit, and emotions in

for healing the body, mind, emotions,

order. The phrases' practice can be

and spirit. With the help of the

done at any time of the day and the

Ho'oponopono phrases, you can calm

number of times you want.

your emotions and regain Peace. They allow the improvement of the It is a system that worked for

existing conflict. The healing practice

centuries, has been practiced for

of these words and phrases favors

over five thousand years by native

the forgetting of what led us to this



In ancient times, a shaman oversaw

I love you. If I awoke hostile feelings

guiding the group of members of

in you, I'm sorry, and I ask your

the tribe who had problems with

forgiveness. Thank you.

each other. The objective was to end the disputes or violent acts that can

It is a phrase destined for the

arise in any collective coexistence.

improvement of the damaged

It continues to be used to this day.

affective bonds.

However, it has now been adapted to the times, simplifying considerably

Divinity, clean in me that which

and being applied individually.

contributes to this problem appearing

Humans tend to systematically repeat toxic thoughts and emotions.

This Ho'oponopono phrase is

They come from our ancestors, from

recommended for those who go

past lives, and from experiences

through difficult economic situations,

OM TIMES | June 2021

have problems at work, or suffer from

abundance since ancient times. An


abundant and balanced rain equals prosperity.

I love you, dear memories. I am grateful for the opportunity to let

spring flowers

go, you and me. When insecurity takes hold of us, and It often happens that the saddest

we doubt the possibility of getting the

memories we have are repeated over

money or work necessary to survive.

and over again in our minds. With the help of this phrase, we can get rid of


them. A word that offers spiritual help and It rains, it rains, it rains (Drizzle

Peace. Very useful to achieve deep

drizzle, drizzle)

mental hygiene.

A good phrase to face financial

Through the Ho'oponopono phrases,

shortages. Rain has been related to

recited several times, we will be able

OM TIMES | June 2021

to eliminate those negative thoughts

One of the techniques used in

that weigh down our lives at any time

Ho'oponopono to heal and erase

of the day.

false memories is the use of Trigger Words, phrases specifically designed


to connect with the present moment


and the particular situation that generates concern.

The Trigger Words in spiritual practice are essential. Discover now his

Trigger Words act by repetition.

influence on Ho'oponopono.

According to the practitioner's comfort, you can repeat each phrase

The Ho'oponopono philosophy is

three times or more (Example: Drizzle,

based on the Hawaiian tradition

Drizzle, Drizzle). The statement can be

and aimed at correcting negative

made mentally or out loud.

patterns and beliefs anchored in the subconscious that impede

Another common way to use Trigger

the individual's development and

Words among Ho'oponopono


followers is to insert the phrases with OM TIMES | June 2021

the mantra "Sorry, forgive me, I love


you, Thank you."

"I am sorry, forgive me, I love you, thank you."


Drizzle "I am sorry, forgive me, I love you,

Drizzle, Drizzle, Drizzle (Rain, Rain,

thank you."

Rain) "I am sorry, forgive me, I love you,

Use the Trigger Words, following your

thank you."

intuition and inspiration. You can


create your own sequences, modify

"I am sorry, forgive me, I love you,

them according to your needs, or

thank you."

include them in your daily spiritual OM TIMES | June 2021

practice after reciting prayers or

Ice blue. To nullify the causes of



Likewise, you can repeat the phrases

Hummingbird Counteract supply

as many times as you consider


necessary and at the time you see fit. Orange juice. Banish the lack of GETTING TO KNOW OTHER TRIGGER

money, taking responsibility for its



The importance of Trigger Words in

24/7. Protection. The presence of


God in your life, 24 hours and 7 days a week.

Some of the Trigger Words most used in the practice of Ho'oponopono are:

Flytrap paper. Solve a couple of difficulties.

Dewdrops. For the transmutation of situations,

Perfect font. Erasing bad memories

which have remained in time.

and beliefs.

Key of Light. To dissolve

I am the I. Connection with Divinity.

confrontations generated by the stubbornness of the opponents.

Emerald Green. Treatment of physical illnesses.

Light. Get the balance before making a decision.

Grow and Multiply. Attract Divine Prosperity.

Drizzle. To attend to situations related to the management of money and

White color. Love.

abundance. The Peace of the Self. Connect with White Buddha Indigo. To promote

inner Peace and harmony.

physical healing and therapy processes.

Zero point. Inspiration. OM TIMES | June 2021

Mahashakti Shiva and Shakti: The Greatest Cosmic Love Story


by William T. Hathaway

ong ago in Brahma-Loka, the

But one big problem prevented that:

abode of the Gods, Lord Shiva

Mahashakti is the Divine Mother, the

was passionately in love with

primal creative force who manifests

Mahashakti and determined

the entire universe, including all the

to marry her.

Gods and Goddesses. Brahman's active OM TIMES | June 2021

side, the transcendental Absolute, the

would marry Shiva. When she was 16,

unified field that contains everything

she went to Mt. Kailash and meditated

but is neutral, non-active, beyond it all.

outside his cave. Shiva felt her presence

Mahashakti is too universal to marry

deep in his transcendence and was


startled: no one had been able to contact him on this level before. He

Mahashakti tried to explain this to

opened his third eye and beheld her

Shiva, but he was too deep in love to

beauty. Then, He opened his mind

be able to hear. She finally just had to

to hers and beheld her brilliance. He

firmly reject his passionate pleas, and

invited her into his cave, and they

he stalked off, sulking and despondent.

meditated together. It didn't take long

Shiva withdrew from the world and did

before Shiva realized there was more to

nothing but sit in a cave and meditate.

life than meditation.

Without his active presence, the world started to fall apart. The evolutionary

They wanted to marry, but Sati's father

cycle of creation, maintenance, and

disapproved of Shiva, feeling he was

destruction lost its dynamism and

an unruly reprobate unworthy of his

began to run down.

daughter. After much persuading by Sati, dad reluctantly gave his consent.

The other Gods tried to convince him

The two were married in a lavish

to get back to work, but he sent them

ceremony attended by all the Gods.

away. Finally, they implored Mahashakti for help, and she agreed to lure Shiva

The happy couple made their home in

back into activity. She manifested

Mount Kailash. Shiva fulfilled his duties

part of her power as the Goddess

to keep the cosmos running smoothly

Sati, an aspect of Shakti womanhood

but spent most of his time blissfully

epitomizing beauty, devotion, and

together with Sati in their mountain

marital happiness.


Mahashakti arranged to have Sati born

Sati's father, though, still held a grudge

into a royal family with a fine mind

against Shiva. He organized a great

that quickly learned all the skills and

ritual sacrifice and invited all the divine

graces needed to create a wonderful

beings except Shiva and Sati. Sati was

environment. Sati knew intuitively she

furious at this slight. Shiva tried to

OM TIMES | June 2021

OM TIMES | June 2021

calm her, but she stormed back to her

She again manifested part of her

parents' castle, crashed uninvited into

power, this time as a dual Goddess

the ritual, and confronted her father.

of Shakti. One side, called Parvati,

He treated her with scorn and insulted

epitomizes the soft aspects of

Shiva in front of all the guests. Enraged

womanhood: love, motherhood, family

by this, Sati leaped into the sacrificial

life, abundance, nourishment, harmony.

fire and burned to death.

The other side, called Durga, epitomizes the substantial aspects of womanhood:

Shiva was devastated by having his wife

creative power, intuitive wisdom,

and their marital love destroyed. Unable

destruction of evil, fierce protection of

to control his fury, he dispatched a

the weak. Born under a Gemini moon,

troop of warriors who demolished

Parvati-Durga could integrate these

the sacrifice and decapitated Sati's

two sides. She knew it was her dharma

father. When Shiva arrived later and

(destiny and duty) to marry Shiva and

saw the carnage, his anger turned

restore the world to balance.

to compassion. He revived the father but replaced his head with that of a

But Shiva was still in mourning. He

goat. The God Shiva lifted Sati's body

wasn't ready for another relationship,

onto his shoulder and went stalking

so when Parvati-Durga meditated

through the universe, oblivious of

outside his cave, Shiva ignored her.

everything except his grief. His pain was

The cosmos continued to decline, so

unbearable, so he again abandoned his

the Gods convinced the Kama, Lord

duties, retreated to his cave, and sought

of love and romance, to stir Shiva's

refuge in samadhi, transcendental

desire. Standing at the entrance to his


cave, Kama shot a sugarcane arrow into his heart.

This time the consequences were even worse than before. Without Shiva to

Startled abruptly out of meditation,

destroy the demons, they multiplied

Shiva saw the gorgeous Parvati-

and began harassing the Gods and

Durga and was filled with lust. Then

terrorizing humanity. Mahashakti

he saw the Kama and realized he had

decided to intervene to restore Shiva's

been tricked. With a beam of fire, he

happiness and to prevent the universe

incinerated the Kama and, with harsh

from sinking into chaos.

words, sent Parvati-Durga away. OM TIMES | June 2021

She left but didn't give up. Through

behavior, then asked for her hand in

long practice, she became a

marriage. She smiled. Yes!

master yogi and developed cosmic powers on a par with Shiva's. She

They were married in a joyous fest

achieved the ability to meditate on

attended by Gods and nature spirits,

the highest spiritual plane, Shiva's

and human saints. Their union's

realm of solitude. Here he couldn't

enlightening power caused the

banish her because she was his

demons to slink back into the dark

equal. They meditated together.

corners of creation and the universe to

Slowly Shiva's pain-hardened heart

swing back into harmonious balance.

melted with love, and he knew this lady to be Sati returning to him,

Shiva was sometimes baffled by his

a second gift and blessing from

complex wife, but he adored both

Mahashakti. Shiva asked Parvati-

sides of her. The couple had two sons

Durga for forgiveness for his rude

and a daughter, all devoted to different

OM TIMES | June 2021

aspects of the spiritual path. Since

If you'd like to contact Shiva and

then, the family works together,

Shakti and enrich your life with

generating positivity waves that

their presence, this website will

permeate the cosmos and improve

show you how all for free: https://

our lives to this day.

Shiva and Shakti are real. They care about us. They can be contacted. They will help us defeat the modern demons that threaten us.

William T. Hathaway is the author of eight books, including the Rinehart Foundation Awardwinning novel A World of Hurt. He

The great love story of Shiva and Shakti is celebrated globally on Mahashivaratri, March 11, and the ceremonies are broadcast online.

was a Fulbright professor of creative writing at universities in Germany. He currently writes, meditates, and hangs out with Shiva.

OM TIMES | June 2021

OMTimes Magazine Relax… Let your worries drift away into the moment… OMTimes is a free publication and can be delivered right to your inbox… Subscribe at: Free OMTimes Subscription Visit our website at:

Your Place in the Physical World by Arthur Telling OM TIMES | June 2021


hen we are born

temporal identity, dependent upon

into the physical

the circumstances and environment

world, the early

we were born into. We may know

life memories are

and feel that the projected identity

not retained, and a living area of the

is not truly us.

familiar present becomes framed within a narrative of non-existence

Can we know who we are and our

on both sides of us, from before birth

purpose for living when we don't

until at death. We struggle to develop

know where we came from before

and maintain an identity and purpose

birth, where we will be, and what

that ends in death. Inner knowledge

we will become at death? Western

hidden from the world transcends

Christianity assures us that we

these limitations, showing us a more

will live after death when we live a

significant identity with logic and

proper life now and offer no useful


details of what such a life will be like. Without knowing, we will fear

Finding an identity

death, for it is well reasoned to fear the unknown. Our physically created

Identity does not come into the

identities will be like a noose around

world with us at birth. We begin a

our neck. The more certain we are

worldly journey having no visible

of who we are, the more fearful

characteristics but those given by

we will be losing such identity. It is

parents. We are our mother's child

paramount that we observe a larger

and are soon identified with a host

narrative and understand our inner

of varying qualities: cute, athletic,

natures that are not fearful of death

doesn't like broccoli, friendly, a good

and know where they (our inner

student in school, or whatever. Such

selves) are going because they are

may be nurtured by parents or be

there now.

inherent or developed over time. This identity is false because it is not truly

The Inner Knowledge

ours. Much is ingrained in us by outer world influences: parents, teachers,

Our world recognizes what it sees,

counselors, peers, church, and

denying the more significant parts

more. Effectively we've developed a

of us not visible to the eye. We

OM TIMES | June 2021

OM TIMES | June 2021

hide and deny the inner selves

inner knowledge alone is not

from which this world springs. Yet,

enough for forming present-

recognizing the internal as source

moment stability and purpose; it is

creator of an external world will clear

why the false constructs of birth and

our confusion and eliminate the fear

death were needed in the first place.

of death. Our identity expands from the closed physical world framed by

Creative Insight

birth and death into an open-ended living space of infinity before and

We appear to be in a quandary

after. What seemed a meaningless

between fear of death and

exercise of living a short life in a

the inability to construct and

temporal world brings a fresh vision

comprehending life without death.

to our physical identity.

Yet, a new and different path is firmly in place awaiting our notice.

Awareness of eternal life ends

The physical world we experience

the dire sense of hopelessness by

at every waking moment must be

man's certain death but presents

viewed as symbols created and

a new problem. A narrative cannot

developed as narrative, the telling

be maintained that is open-ended

of a story, our story. The story is a

with infinity facing us everywhere.

myth. It is a construct of us and the

The inner knowledge will be

many other people and entities

fluidic, offering no lasting form or

surrounding us and making up

substance, revealing a perpetually

our physical world. Our living

temporal present, a reality without

experience is valuable but not really

structural foundation, having no

true. What is true regarding the

beginning or end. The fallacy of

physical world is the underlying

what was thought a legitimate

values and qualities emerging from

world is exposed: once cherished

the lived narrative. "All men are

father and mother, sisters and

created equal" is one such truth

brothers and family are false

revealed or denied in the unfolding

constructs, creations of the author's

storylines having various themes

imaginations. "God," a yet loosely

of virtue and villain. The lived

defined construct, becomes our

narrative brings out the character

only father, forever and ever. The

of participating actors. The beliefs

OM TIMES | June 2021

OM TIMES | June 2021

are false. There is no hero and

clothing, we will not fear losing

villain. They are roles being played

identity, knowing it is replaced at

inside the closed world drama that

the bat of an eye. Eternal life cannot

will end with the various actors

be frightening as we will surround

embracing and going out for a

the essence of our awareness in

drink. Yet, beliefs are helpful to us.

temporal living spaces. The inner

Use beliefs, do not believe beliefs,

self knows this already, and so does

is a practical foundation from

not fear.

which stability can be achieved. It is not unlike French philosopher

The inner knowledge now works

Descartes' "I think therefore I am,"

favorably for us. We live fully and

a foundation assumed for further

securely, with a physical world


identity reaching into the beyond, for wherever we are and wherever

Our elusive identity is found

we go and become, our identity is

inwardly; our physical world identity

secure and changeable.

a mere tool for identifying the qualities embedded deep within our being. Having the best of two worlds (outer and inner), a greater identity takes shape, collecting narratives and storylines from

numerous stories and articles on religion, philosophy, and metaphysics. His article, "A Different Jesus Message," appeared in the Nov. 2011

all ages by the inner thinker. The collected assemblage gives the greater self a vast reservoir of living spaces, memories from which symbols may be drawn at will and experienced in full threedimensional space as though we are at a cafe table chatting with others.

AMORC Rosicrucian Digest. Telling is the author of nine books, including Cleopatra and Jesus's untold stories, a just-released novel based on true events titled: "THE INCARNATION: Cleopatra's Story of Jesus." His website: and

Taking on and shedding identities as seamlessly as a change of

Arthur Telling has written

Facebook page Philosophy for a Modern Era

OM TIMES | June 2021

OM Living For those living a more Conscious Lifestyle

Clearing Clutter with “Clutter” We think of clutter as something holding us back, as being in the way of a better life. But what if clutter had its own job to do and a soul to grow?


By Robyn M Fritz

hat is clutter, really?

affect our lives—and our so-called

Mementos we can’t


let go of, even when tripping over them?


Stuff we think that weighs us down in body, mind, and spirit?

To understand clutter, we need to understand energy. That is, everyone

But what if it’s something that’s doing

and everything experiences change,

its soul work with us? How would that

including whatever we decide is

OM TIMES | June 2021

“clutter.” Everything is also alive and has

Shocked, I stopped and stared at

a distinct vibration, or “energy.” Healthy

them. I saw an image of the lids

and balanced energy flows smoothly.

literally rising up and “putting a lid”

However, change disrupts life on a

on my condo, working to contain my

practical, emotional, and even spiritual

grief. I was astounded. Even though I

level; we then say energy can get

knew everything was alive and had a

“stuck.” We most commonly experience

job to do, it had never occurred to me

stuck energy as discomfort or a feeling

to wonder what deli lids were doing

that something is “off.” Which sounds

or might want to contribute to my

like “clutter,” right?



I was touched, but I’m also human. I wanted to clean out my “clutter,” and

The solution to any feeling of

the deli lids qualified—until they told

discomfort, including clutter, is to clear

me they’d been hard at work! “Now

it. That will help energy move freely.

I’m gonna have to build a shrine to

Sure, getting rid of things we don’t need

deli lids,” I groused.

or want seems like a good idea. But if our clutter has a purpose, how should

The deli lids laughed at me. “Oh, our

we deal with it? Because sometimes,

work is done. Please throw us away

as the following story shows, our clutter

so we can die and choose a new

may be up to something.


Working through grief is a lonely

Wow! Who knew? Truth is, we should

business. After the loss of my beloved

all know: everything has a soul, and

dog, Murphy, I turned to mind-numbing

souls pick the bodies they need to do

things like cleaning out a kitchen

their work. The deli lids were asking

drawer that mysteriously held dozens of

me to help with their soul journey, so I

washed deli lids but no deli cartons. As I

promptly threw them away.

started to drop a handful into a garbage bag, I asked myself why I’d kept them.

The moral? Everything has a soul and a purpose. Be prepared to be

“We’ve been holding space for you in

surprised, touched, humbled, and

your grief,” they announced.

even amused by what you can learn OM TIMES | June 2021

from the things around you—and

Next, ask whatever those things are

to look at “clutter” differently. If it’s

what they want to do. Remember,

something that’s trying to help you

they have jobs that we probably (okay,

in its own unique way, the key to

definitely) know nothing about. It’s

“clutter clearing” is choice—yours

not just okay to ask. It’s necessary.

and what you’re trying to get rid of.

It’s how you help those things, and yourself, move on.

HOW TO CLEAR YOUR “CLUTTER” What is their soul purpose right then Here’s a simple way to clear your

and there? How does that affect you—

clutter. First, examine what you

and them? Are they ready to go, or do

think is clutter—especially things

they need to stay? Why? How can you

you’re not sure you can or want, to


keep. Clothes? Knick-knacks? Family things? Touch or hold your hands

If you’re in a hurry and just want it

over them.

over, or if the things involved have OM TIMES | June 2021

sentimental value and you’re torn,

Respecting it as an equal soul in the

simply ask them if they’re ready to go.

world helps it, and us, stay balanced

Your intuition will get the answer.

and healthy, which keeps energy

This simple method of finding out


what your “clutter” thinks and wants is amazingly useful. You’ll discover you can clear out years of “stuff” in minutes. When you’re done, thank those things for their service and invite them to go on and choose another experience. It’s really that easy. Finally, bless them on their way.

Robyn M Fritz MA MBA CHt is an intuitive and spiritual consultant and certified past life regression specialist. An award-winning author, she’s currently writing a book on clearing space. Find her book, “The Afterlife Is a Party: What

And yourself, too.

People and Animals Teach Us

Remember, “clutter” isn’t what you

Other Side,” on Amazon. Find her

About Love, Reincarnation, and the

make of it. It’s what it makes of itself.


OM TIMES | June 2021

$19. 95 DVDons al e6/25/21

www. be y ondwor d. c om

"Love is always in the mood of believing in miracles." John Cowper Powys

Are We Listening to Our Kids?


by Crystal Presence

re you wondering

and headed home on the subway,

whether your path is the

hoping for a second wind to do some

right one? Let me share a

readings that night.

story that may help you.

It's about a time when I questioned

We complain about our kids not

whether mediumship was for me.

listening while our kids say that we

I had a crazy day at my regular job

do not even try to listen to them!

OM TIMES | June 2021

They thrive when we listen to their

listen to their thoughts, feelings,

thoughts, feelings, wants, and needs.

wants, and needs. Their self-esteem

What if we embrace listening as a

is enhanced when we listen with the

sacred responsibility and one of the

intent to discover their particular

greatest gifts we can give to our

way of being. They empower

kids? A list of things we can do to

themselves when we enter their

embrace the power of really listening

world with deep compassion and

to our kids.

understanding. They blossom as we listen to them going through all

"Listen earnestly to anything

their different life stages with their

your children want to tell you, no

changing wants and needs. They

matter what. If you don't listen

learn to trust themselves as we make

eagerly to the little stuff when

sure that we are not trying to turn

they are little, they won't tell you

them into someone we think they

the big stuff when they are big

should be!

because to them, all of it has always been big stuff."

By embracing the power of listening,

Catherine M. Wallace

we can…

Are we really listening to our kids? We

Ask the question, "What is the

complain about our kids not listening

nature of experiencing the love,

while our kids say that we do not

empowerment, and joy of being a

even try to listen! We all need to be

good listener?"

listened to when we have doubts, fears, have made mistakes, have

Acknowledge any guilt for not really

dreams and successes. We thrive

listening to our kids. At some point,

on compassionate listening without

most of us realize that we have not

being judged, blamed, criticized,

been really listening. We remember

interrupted, or advised. What if

moments where we have not

we embrace listening as a sacred

been present and have criticized,

responsibility and one of the greatest

judged, blamed, and shamed our

gifts we can give to our kids?

kids instead of listening to them.

Our children look to us to discover

Embrace, move, vibrate and release

who they are. They thrive when we

the no movement that is holding any

OM TIMES | June 2021

guilt in place. The good news is that it

in. Acknowledge if we believe we

is never too late to make a change!

have not been doing our best to listen to them. Let them know that we

Be honest with ourselves. Are we willing

really want to hear and are learning

to listen, or are we more concerned

how to listen better.

about evaluating and thinking about what we want them to hear next? Are

Create a safe and fun space to move,

we acting as if we are listening? At

dance, vibrate and free up our energy.

the same time, we are actually busy

Join our kids in letting their energy

preparing our thoughts about what

move! Notice how the movement

next question we want to ask them or

makes it easier to open up to listen

what advice we want to give them?

and to be listened to.

Ask our kids if they think we are

Embrace the parts of us that have

listening. Kids know when they are

been afraid to listen to ourselves. As

being respected and taken an interest

we learn how to listen to ourselves,

OM TIMES | June 2021

we learn how to listen to our kids. As

Explore and release any blocks to

we embrace, listen, and express the

listening. Explore the limitations

fear, sad. Mad parts of ourselves, we

we learned and experienced

open the pathways for our kids to

during our own childhoods. It is

listen, express, and communicate with

never too late to make sense of

the different parts of themselves.

those experiences and become a great listener now!

Get reality checks on what our kids have said and felt. Notice their facial

Listen before we react. Listening

expressions, body language, and

requires patience. Our moods can

choice of words. Ask them what they

make us less available to listen.

said in a high questioning voice tone,

Breathe and get present rather

defining what we said as a question.

than responding to our children

Keep listening until we clarify what

with solid emotional behaviors,

they said, and they confirm that they

impulsiveness, and distortion of

have been heard.

what is actually happening. OM TIMES | June 2021

Remember that listening liberates.

Beware of quick rebutting and

Avoid feeling sorry for, giving

rejecting what our kids say if we

advice, or making up reasons why

do not have the same view. Avoid

something that happened to your

starting a verbal battle even before

child is "not so bad." Listen with

we know what our kids have said!

unconditional love and let them feel how their feelings count and

Listen with the intent to give them

how much we love them, whether

a chance to figure out their own

win or lose.

problems. Listen, wait and give them time and space for allowing insights

Listen at the moment. Avoid acting

to come into their minds. Listen

as though we are listening if we are

while they discover the freedom of

really distracted. Let our kids know

self-clarification, self-understanding,

if it is not a good time to listen and

and trust in letting down their

let them know when a good time is.

defenses. When they are ready, let

OM TIMES | June 2021

them talk it out while they get to the

her online course, Freedom from the

core of their feelings and what they

Inside Out. She draws from her own

are really wanting.

experiences and of the thousands of people she has worked with for over

Listen as they learn that what

35 years. Currently, she is creating a

seems unsolvable is actually

program for parents to explore and

solvable. Listen as they discover

experience new perspectives on

that they can be part of the

raising children. She is also writing

resolution in their world!

a series of children's books that embrace the principles of living freedom.

About the author: Crystal is a certified expansion guide, author, coach, and facilitator for the live

event called Freedom at the Core.

She is the instructor and coach for


OM TIMES | June 2021



The various families of domestic Felines are beautiful, clean, and do not require your continuous attention. MINISTRY EARTH



WHY ADOPT CATS? These are just some of the reasons why the number of cat fans is increasing. If you are not yet determined to adopt one, we recommend that you read this article till the end, where we will tell you about the benefits of having a cat at home. Having a pet at home is lovely. But each species is different and not always in tune with our personality or habits. If you're thinking about having a kitten, we'll give you just a few reasons about the benefits:


They are hygienic Animals. Cats are among the cleanest animals there are out there. And among other pets, they are undoubtedly the most hygienic. They continually lick and clean themselves after doing their needs, coming back from the garden, playing, and even after being touched by a person.


They won't give you any cleaning work. They will take care of it themselves! But you must comply with treatments to eliminate fleas and ticks.

In ancient times cats were worshiped as gods; they have not forgotten this.



No animal has more liberty than the cat, but it buries the mess it makes. The cat is the best anarchist.



They will give you true love. Although it is often said that cats are independent and aloof, the truth is that they also express their affection in many ways and love to be pampered. The relationship we have with our kitten is authentic, intense, and deep. Don't forget that cats establish certain connections with their owners (or at least one of their family members), both emotionally and spiritually. If a cat chooses you, then you will be their favorite person.


Cats are Silent Furbabies. Although puppies can be a little naughty, cats tend to spend a lot of time sleeping, and when they wake up, they are usually very discreet. They can walk around us without realizing it. This is due to their pads under their paws. They only meow when they are hungry or bored. But they won't make noise at any other time of day.



They Adapt easily to small spaces.

This is one of the main reasons people living in cities prefer cats as pets. If you live in a small apartment, a feline will be perfect because it doesn't need much space to play, eat, sleep or do whatever.


Independent and self-reliant Animals

Unlike dogs, you don't need to take them for a walk to do their chores, as cats just need a clean litter box to do in it. This is perfect if you are away from home for many hours or don't have time to walk your pet. Once he learns how to use the sandbox, he won't need anything else. This can be a benefit or a disadvantage. However, cat autonomy is welcome for people who travel a lot or work more than 8 hours a day. You can go out in the morning and come back at night and even getaway on the weekend without worrying about your cat. All he needs is a plate full of food, another full of water, and his litter box clean.

The cat has complete emotional honesty - an attribute not often found in humans.




Cats can Improve your health Cats bring many benefits to the people who live with them. Some studies claim they can make us relax and reduce stress. If you cuddle or sleep with your pet, your blood pressure will drop. It will also balance your heart rate and breathing.

Get along with children and the elderly equally. If you have children at home, the cat will be your adventurous friend, especially if you adopt one as a kitten. And in the case of elderly people, they are a perfect companion. As they don't need much maintenance or care, they don't become a problem.


They can be the best therapy. Therapists and psychologists advise their patients to adopt a cat when they feel lonely, depressed, or distressed.

Gradually, the number of cats that help autistic people communicate is increasing, as, while petting the animal, they raise their confidence level


Cats are Guaranteed fun. You can play with them when you get home from work, live unforgettable moments, have a friend for your leisure time… And he will always be the protagonist of your gracious photos and videos. There is a multitude of benefits to having a cat at home, no doubt about it.

A cat is more intelligent than people believe and can be taught any crime. Mark Twain OMTIMES


Discover the Intriguing Tarot of Marseille


By OMTimes

iscover what the Marseille Tarot is, how it works and what you can discover through its practice.


OM TIMES | June 2021

The Marseille Tarot is a set of

The Marseille tarot cards are divided

Divination cards made up of 78

into major and minor arcana. Arcane

drawn cards. Each of them has a

originates from the Latin term

symbol with a different meaning, and

Arcanum, i.e mysterious enigmatic.

together they bring predictions and advice to the life of the person who

The deck reveals hidden mysteries

consults it.

unveiled by the images in the drawing of the cards. The major arcana are

Marseille is the oldest city in France

the main cards of the Tarot. There are

and the second-most populous. In the

22 in total, and the meaning of each

18th century, it was the largest tarot

one of them has a higher value in

production center in all of Europe,

the person's life. The result is related

which made the Marseille Tarot a

to issues of greater relevance in the

benchmark in divination cards. Since

personal lives of those who consult.

then, replicas of this deck have spread across the world. It is believed that

The minor arcana are all the

Nicolas Conver was the first person to

remaining cards, altogether 56. These

reproduce and publish the Marseille

cards are more connected to everyday

Tarot, extending the power of the

life and more recurring situations, of

cards throughout France.

more superficial relevance.



The Marseille Tarot Box contains 78

To correctly interpret the Marseille

colorful tarot cards, 22 Major Arcana

Tarot, a lot of study and practice of the

and 56 Minor Arcana. The Marseille

game is necessary. When studying

Tarot stands out for the simplicity of

each card's meaning and making the

the images whose colors are primary,

interpretation, the tarot reader learns

with the predominance of blue,

how to use his intuition to make

yellow, and red.

certain divinations.


Our recommendation is to consult with a professional who has been in

OM TIMES | June 2021

the business for a few years. Someone

The Fool (0.22)

good enough to give you a good

The Magus (1)

reading through intuition in your

The High Priestess (2)

consultation. Suppose you intend to

The Empress (3)

learn how to play the Marseille Tarot

The Emperor (4)

and read the predictions. In that case,

The Pope (5)

we suggest that you dedicate yourself

The Lovers (6)

a lot to this practice, a true secular art.

The Chariot (7)


Justice (8) The Hermit (9)

OM TIMES | June 2021

The Wheel of Fortune (10)

You may become a person

The Strength (11)

responsible for transmitting messages

The Hanged Man (12)

of extreme importance in people's

The Death (13)

lives, information that can change

Temperance (14)

their lives based on predictions.

The Devil (15)

Hence, it takes a lot of responsibility.

The Tower (16) The Star (17)

This world of Tarot reveals many

The Moon (18)

mysteries that need to be taken

The Sun (19)

seriously. Suppose you are going to

The Judgment (20)

do a reading using the Marseille Tarot.

The World (21)

In that case, we advise you to study hard and only play the cards with


the other people. Practice is the only

Royal Court Cards

of the cards and feel that you have

way you have to master the meaning mastered the deck's art of divination

Numbered Cards (1-10)

and interpretation.

Spades (1-10) Diamonds (1-10)


Hearts (1-10) Clubs (1-10)


This Tarot originated in the French

Anyone with keen sensitivity, intuition,

been restored by French scholars who

a great sense of responsibility, and

created their illustrations based on

love for others can use this Tarot.

the original images that were carved

city that gives it its name and is one of the oldest tarots in existence. It has

out of wood. From it, several other To be a tarot reader, one needs to

tarots were created.

understand the origin of the game, each corresponding image in the

Composed of 78 illustrated charts, it

deck, each color, and what exactly

provides predictions and guidance

each one represents.

through its powerful symbols. OM TIMES | June 2021

OM TIMES | June 2021

Today, the Marseille Tarot is one of the most popular divination tools for the


arts of Tarot and cartomancy. As this game is a secular art, when The Major Arcana study of this

made by people who master it, it

Marseille Tarot is based on the

can be a powerful tool in giving

symbolism of each of the cards in

personal guidance and predictions,.

the print run, their colors, and their

It has the potential o contributing

position in the game.

to the clarity and awareness of


whoever is reading it.


In difficult and challenging times, a cosmic aid can guide us more

Divided into 2 arcana, 22 major arcana, and 56 minor arcana, the Marseille Tarot cards have meanings that vary according to these two segments.

peacefully and strengthen us to follow our spiritual growth path.


The major arcana determines the most important areas in the life of

We highly recommended storing

the person receiving the reading. The

them in a dry place, protected from

minor arcana provides day-to-day

light. To protect the cards from

guidance for routine matters.

moisture and heat, and also the exposure to adverse energies.

The reading of these cards must be done by intuitive, attentive people who

Also, try to keep them together

have studied the meanings of them,

with other elements that carry

their images, and colors. The marriage

good energy and purify, such as

of intuition with technique is essential

Black Tourmaline, one of the most

for the Tarot reader who will use these

powerful energetic protectors. Even

cards. It is only with this knowledge

the Amethyst Stone protects and

that this person will be able to offer

awakens the spiritual side, so that

accurate predictions and orientations

the cards are always well loaded and

based on this mighty game.

ready to use. OM TIMES | June 2021


The Process of Death in 8 Steps. According to the Buddhist religion, there are distinct eight steps to the process of death. At each stage, an aspect of the body, mind,and spirit dissolves.

The Process of Death in 8 Steps By Humanity Healing

If you want to be able to endure life, be ready to accept death. Sigmund Freud

The Buddhist stages of death describe the process of dying under their point of view. More specifically, they report how consciousness separates itself from the physical body during the death process. By being aware of the Buddhist stages, you will get comfort in your final moments. They also help one understand that death is also part of a much larger transformational process. It will still be useful for you to guide people close to you on your goodbyes without giving in to fear and anxiety. The stages also describe the rebirth process and how we move from a life that ends to a new beginning. Learn about the eight Buddhist stages of death in this article.

OMTimes Magazine | June 2021

THE EIGHT BUDDHIST STAGES OF DEATH AND REBIRTH According to the Buddhist religion, there are distinct eight steps to the process of death. At each stage, an aspect of the body, mind, and spirit dissolves. THE FIRST DISSOLUTION The first dissolution of the Buddhist stages of death is a physical form, visual senses, and the earth element. Your vision begins to disappear as you stop discerning shape and color. It ends with the inability to open and close your eyes. Physically, the body is dominated by the water element, losing the earth element and, consequently, vitality. The skin color is drained in a process that is experienced as "sinking into the ground." THE SECOND DISSOLUTION In the second dissolution of the Buddhist stages of death, there is a loss of feelings, the water element, and the auditory senses. You stop feeling pleasure, pain, or any other sensation. The concepts that make something pleasant or painful are no longer relevant to you. Hearing loss, kinesthesia, and loss of the sense of physical balance also occur. Externally, the body begins to dry, stop sweating, urinating, and salivating as the water element dissolves. Internally, you will feel a cloud of smoke filling you with air.

THE THIRD DISSOLUTION The third dissolution of the Buddhist stages of death is the loss of perception, smell, and fire element. Externally, your body begins to lose heat, and your breathing takes on a different pattern. Inhalations are shallower and shorter, exhalation longer and more difficult. Breathing is accelerated. For the Buddhist tradition, the doctrine of rebirth has to do with universal responsibility. They believe we are influenced by all the currents of actions around us in the present and in the past. In the same way, by our actions, we influence the beings around us and those born in the future. All beings are closely related through their actions. For the Buddhists, the world is like a tree, where individuals are the branches. Several branches are born from a single branch, neither identical to the original branch, nor totally different, but all are interconnected. Perception will leave you with the ability to discern people and objects. At this stage, you will not remember who your loved ones are, what they are called, or any information about someone. The nose's senses are cut off, and the sense of smell is removed. THE FOURTH DISSOLUTION The fourth dissolution of the Buddhist stages of death is usually considered to be the death of a person.

OMTimes Magazine | June 2021

You lose the ability to pay attention to anything. He loses all sense of motivation, willingness to act, or the ability to make a difference in the world. It is completely isolated from external stimuli. Physically, it will look dead. Your breathing, pulse, and other vital signs will no longer be recorded. However, internally you are still there. To your perception, the image is of a flame struggling to stay lit until it finally burns. This is the air element dissolving. With the last of the four elements gone, you have separated yourself from your physical body. THE FIFTH DISSOLUTION The fifth dissolution of the Buddhist stages of death is that of "gross" consciousness. All that remains of your consciousness are subtle forms, the highest consciousness we can experience, often through meditation. Buddhists believe that you will experience this as a brilliant white sky, bathing you in a purifying light as you ascend to it. Your divine male will move from your crown to your heart, chakra.

THE SEVENTH DISSOLUTION At the sixth dissolution of the Buddhist stages of death, your divine drops of male and female energy combine and merge in your heart, where Buddhists believe that consciousness ultimately resides. At that moment, you will see complete darkness, and all thought will stop. For an instant, you will be out of existence. You will become something you are not. You have returned your energy to Source, and nothing will exist in your mind. EIGHTH DISSOLUTION At the eighth dissolution of the Buddhist stages of death, your consciousness slowly returns, manifesting the bright light of death. In the beginning, you will experience what we can describe as a bright whiteness around you. You will be surrounded by emptiness, a complete vacuum, and devoid of anything that may exist except your conscience as you prepare for the crossing. You may remain in this stage for days if your body is not disturbed.



At the sixth dissolution of the Buddhist stages of death, her vision turns red when her divine feminine rises from her navel to her heart. When you finish this stage, it will be like watching a sunset from all directions, with the reds getting deeper and deeper until they disappear.

The Buddhist description of the death process does not specify the exact moment when you die. It is a point of view that must be seen as a unit. We can say that the fourth dissolution brings death because it takes life from the physical body.

OMTimes Magazine | June 2021

For all the people who stay, this is functional and correct. However, for you, we can say that it is at the seventh dissolution when your consciousness finally ceases to exist. The Buddhist Doctrine of Rebirth For the Buddhist tradition, the doctrine of rebirth has to do with universal responsibility. They believe we are influenced by all the currents of actions around us in the present and in the past. In the same way, by our actions, we influence the beings around us and those born in the future. All beings are closely related through their actions. For the Buddhists, the world is like a tree, where individuals are the branches. Several branches are born from a single branch, neither identical to the original branch, nor totally different, but all are interconnected. OMTimes Magazine | June 2021

Hence, for a Buddhist wanderer, the fundamental thing in the spiritual path is not to evolve into a better world but to be in tune with the Truth, with what it always is, unconditioned by circumstances. When our capacities and actions are harmoniously expressed with what they always are, they become similar to the Truth. They become reflections of the Timeless and Unlimited in the world of conditions. The Rebirth Process To be reborn, your gross conscience, charged with desire, apprehension, and devotion, must activate one of the karmas. It is the Karma that will determine which of the six types of migrant beings you will reincarnate. The energies of the air element will blow your consciousness into where your next form will be conceived. Most people have no control over this process. However, some practically more qualified ones can choose their rebirth, remaining conscious during the process. With many lives of mastery, the most skilled practitioners will be able to end the cycle of rebirth and now forge their own destinies. Start this awareness process as soon as possible. Learn from lucid dreams, see where your desires go. Then decide where you want to be. In the dream, you are in the form of a soul. Therefore, master your dreams to have control over your conscience.

OMTimes Magazine | June 2021


The Benefits of Reading Good Books By iSpirit Publishing OM TIMES | June 2021


hat is the importance of the

1. Source of Knowledge

book for our Life?

Good books convey Knowledge and

What benefits can

sometimes even Wisdom. Human

good books bring to your readers?

Knowledge owes a lot to books. They

See below these arguments and a

allowed a generation to show the

list of good books for your reading.

future generations what they have learned, their challenges, research,

Books are vital for understanding

and successful work results done by

the world and for enriching human

men of its time. When we read good


books, we interact and abstract other people's Knowledge on the

The book is one of the greatest

most diverse subjects.

inventions that man has access to. Through the book knowledge,

Although it is not the only way to

cultures of different peoples are

obtain Knowledge, I believe that

transmitted. The history of man

the format book is one of the most

is preserved and passed on from

important paths. First, it is prepared

generation to generation.

to bring organized content, which has a beginning, middle, and end.

The habit of reading offers many

This is important because we

benefits, both for the body and

can have a broad view of the

the mind. Among them, reading

proposed subject. It is not partial or

improves the brain's functioning. It

incomplete knowledge but focused

also contributes to the construction

on a specific theme that the book is

of critical sense. As the famous

expected to deal with in-depth. This

maxim says, it allows a trip to the

type of organized and cataloged

world without the reader leaving his

Knowledge is essential.

comfortable place.

2. Awaken Critical Thinking

The book's significance is indisputable, and this article will reveal the importance of reading

Good books help us to develop our

good books.

critical sense. The ability to read OM TIMES | June 2021

and interpret scenarios around us

When we criticize something, we

is one of the benefits of reading

need to do it based on concrete

intellectual exercise. Critical

parameters. We need to demonstrate

Thinking also helps us at the

the Knowledge of the cause and the

same time to position ourselves

ability to discern between the simple

effectively and forcefully, either

and the complex. It is necessary

for, against, or even with a neutral

to distinguish the trivial and the


innovative, and so on. OM TIMES | June 2021

In this sense, we have access to new

surprising details of the world around

words, concepts, and ideas that

us. It is not far fetching to say that we

we may not have known before.

also acquire a better sense of our own

In discovering the unknown, we

potential as Humans.

expand our ability for understanding and analysis that will invariably help

We have to understand that culture

us at some point in the future.

is extensive, so it is impossible to limit it to a specific point in time or space.

Let's not forget to mention that a

Good books are ways of portraying

person with a developed reading

various cultures well. When you have

habit will have a better conversation

a good variety of books, you can help

level . This person will have a faster

capture ideas, behaviors, beliefs, and

thought process, and improved skills

other common characteristics of a

to think abstract and more complex

particular culture.

concepts. Thus, a person who reads very little

4. Improves Your Writing and Vocabulary

ends up without much argument when he needs to support an idea

Another outstanding contribution

or point of view that he wants to

that the book can make to a person is


to help him develop the writing and general creative process.

3. Exposure to Creative Thinking and Diversity of Culture

People who read little tend to write poorly. When we write, we are directly or indirectly reproducing

Reading good books is important

what we know, how we know it,

because they convey culture, as

and what arguments we will use to

people who read little tend to have a

present this Knowledge. The habit

little culture. By culture understand

of reading books can help us to

lifestyles, art, ways of Thinking and

develop our opinions, words, use of

relating within a society or other

language, among other resources so

social dynamics peoples. Through

important for the development of a

reading, we can get to know

good essay. OM TIMES | June 2021

It is not for nothing that schools

The exercise of reading will allow us to

encourage students to read good

expand our vocabulary and improve

books, as this will invariably improve

our capacity for critical Thinking,

the writing of each of them.

debating skills, and argumentation.

5. Intellectual Pleasure

When we write, we depend on our vocabulary and how we use it to build sentences and create an

Finally, we conclude that reading


is also pleasurable, especially when OM TIMES | June 2021

we choose good books to read. The

A good book can expose you to

pleasure of reading is that many

such different realities that can only

books lead us to live the story or

improve your broad vision of Life and

place about which the book was

a better understanding of our shared

written. It is not merely reading, but


it is an invitation to travel with the author through different worlds and

The books are there to open the world

dimensions. Naturally, good authors

for us. They can get us out of our own

do this and actually lead their readers

environment and show us the reality

to live that or at least part of what

of others out there.

he lived. It is an opportunity to be emersed in someone's else created

Some books have the power to


completely change your mind and perspective.

The world continues to be understood by reading books - even in the Information Age and in the network-

Importance of Books on Children's Lives

based society. Children's books are essential for

6. Developing More Empathy

children's intellectual development, being essential even before learning how to read.

Reading about the lives and times of people who live or have lived in the

When starting the "ritual" of

circumstances other than you can

storytelling, parents begin to

make it easier to understand and

stimulate imagination, concentration,

relate to those who are different from

reasoning, as well as vocabulary. In the


early school years, the book will help learn to write and read, understand

A book on gay relationships can be

society and affective relationships,

extremely enlightening if you are

and absorb General Knowledge. Those

straight; a book about the Life of an

are elements of great importance in

African living in Paris can be equally

the creation of a good self-image and


self-confidence. OM TIMES | June 2021

The Way of Miracles: Accessing Your Superconsciousness What powers miracles? You do. According to Mark Mincolla, PhD, miracles don’t just happen on their own. Through the development of our superconscious mind and the recognition of the divine source within each of us, we have the power to create them for ourselves. The Way of Miracles is an adventure for the mind and spirit that begins with the premise that miracles don’t randomly happen — we create them! According to Mark Mincolla, PhD, developing our superconscious mind and recognizing the divine source that exists within each of us is what generates miracles. A wholistic physician for more than three decades, Mark used his own techniques and learnings to cure himself of a life-threatening illness. In The Way of Miracles, he shares experiences, documented research, and exercises that he provides his patients and uses himself to raise consciousness in order to cultivate the ability to heal and create miracles that have a lasting effect. Mark Mincolla provides insight from decades of experiences— including that of his own personal miraculous healing—documented research, and exercises to help you improve your health and wellbeing by becoming your own miracle maker in The Way of Miracles: Accessing Your Superconsciousness.

For more information, or to purchase the cards, click the cover or visit:

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