OMTimes Magazine January A 2023 Edition

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Wendie Coulter - The Essentials of Medical Intuition (Interview)


How Addiction Can Affect Your Physical Health


Discover Your Body's Wisdom with Medical Intuition


Encounters with Your Loved Ones Who Passed


Creative Tension: Can Stress Be Positive?


How Toxic is Your House?


The Paths We Walk


Numerology for Animals


Tips For Having A Happy And Healthy Relationship Becoming a Mature Soul: The First Return of Saturn

How to End Your Unseen Habit of Self-Sabotage


How to Set Healthy Boundaries


4 Signs That You Should See a Therapist


Longevity in the Community


Essentials of Medical Intuition


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Happy New Year! The First January 2023 Edition of The OMTimes Magazine spotlights Wendie Colter, a renowned author, and healer that was once defined as: “Wendie Colter is gifted with the rare ability to not only practice Medical Intuition but teach it as well. Her training program takes intuition to a whole new level.” In an exclusive Interview, OMTimes talks with Wendie Coulter about her book, her journey as a healer, and as a groundbreaker. OMTimes Media and all its affiliated Companies are proud to start a New Year again with a renewal of Hope and Aspirations of Love and Oneness. We will announce a new phase with breakthrough initiatives to affirm our intention to shift to an integral template of Unity, cooperation, and integration.

Looking to connect with the Conscious Community? Let OMTimes point the way!


A Visionary Path to Wellness

Wendie Colter is a Certified Medical Intuitive Practitioner (CMIP), a Master Certified Wellness Coach (MCWC), and founder and CEO of Practical Path® Inc. Her accredited certification program, Medical Intuitive Training™, has been pivotal in helping wellness professionals develop and optimize their inherent intuition. Her trailblazing research on medical intuition has been published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, and she's the author of the groundbreaking book "Essentials of Medical Intuition: A Visionary Path to Wellness." OMTIMES | JANUARY 2023

OMTimes: Tell us about your background and where and how medical intuition became an important focus in your life. Wendie Colter: Growing up, I had many experiences with what are known as the "clairs": clairaudience, clairvoyance, and others. Then, as I got older, I was drawn to energy healing work. In learning to be an energy healing practitioner, I noticed that my intuitive visual sense had developed.


"Awareness is the first step in Healing." - Dean Ornish

I could see into the anatomy and physiology and of my clients, and I could also see their life history. My intuition grew out of those experiences. OMTimes: I'm very interested to know when you say it's one thing to be able to see into somebody's body. It's another thing to actually know their history. How does that unfold? Wendie Colter: It's like watching a movie about someone's life. I'm asking their energy to show me where the connections are. That's a very interesting and useful skill. Medical intuition is designed to perceive the underlying circumstances and potential ways to help people shift their energies.


OMTimes: Medical intuition and medical intuitives have been around for a long, long time. Tell us about some of the original innovators in this arena. Wendie Colter: Caroline Myss and Edgar Cayce, two prominent medical intuitives in the U.S., brought this skill to the forefront. By intuitively observing the biofield and the body, they perceived information for their clients. In the late 1700s, a German physician named Franz Mesmer created mesmerism, based on ancient concepts that the body holds energy which influences our health. Now understood as the origin of hypnotism, many of his techniques are also the basis of modern energy healing work.

In the 1800s, doctors and scientists were working with mesmerism. When they mesmerized their patients, they found that some patients could assess their own health issues and even recommend remedies. And they could also do the same for others. That is where it began in terms of recorded scientific history. But, of course, in anecdotal history, it goes way back – probably to the dawn of humans. OMTimes: You've been a trailblazer because your research has been published in some well-known peerreviewed journals. What can you tell us about some of the research you've been involved in? Wendie Colter: I found that there was very little published research specifically on medical intuition. There have been a few promising studies. But studying it is challenging because it doesn't easily conform to a typical gold standard approach like a placebo test does. When I began teaching healthcare professionals this skill, I wanted to create a very methodical process so that there was an outcome that we could count on. I noticed that my students were hitting their marks, and their case studies were great. The students do a lot of practicum hours, and we were getting very uniform responses. I wanted to add this information to the body of literature. To that end, I created an exploratory study with the support of colleagues at the University of California, San Diego.

We had five medical intuitives and sixtyseven participants, some of whom were patients at UCSD medical center. The study was blinded as we did not have access to the participants' medical records. Additionally, the medical intuitives had their eyes closed, so they didn't have any visual cues. The participants filled out an anonymous survey after their sessions.

The survey results were pretty astounding! The outcomes showed a 94% accuracy rate in the medical intuitives' ability to locate and evaluate the participants' primary health issues and a 98% accuracy rate in the medical intuitives' ability to relate the participants' life events to their health issues. In the post-session survey, we also asked the participants if they had received a diagnosis from their healthcare provider. The participants rated the medical intuitives as 94% consistent with their known medical diagnosis. Please note that the medical intuitives only described what they saw. Medical intuitives are not allowed to diagnose or prescribe unless legally licensed to do so within their scope of practice. The study was published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine and represented the first published research in over 20 years. We're very proud of it. OMTimes: Was it challenging to get their collaborations in the first place to do these studies? Did you hit many walls?

We wanted to see how accurate my medical intuitive graduates could be.

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Wendie Colter: You know, not really. Probably because I was working with colleagues who aligned with this idea. When I looked back at the earlier research – and I put as much of it as I could into the book – what really struck me was that all of the doctors and scientists who were involved with these studies expressed that, even though a study may have been inconclusive, it deserved more research. They felt that if medical intuition could be taught, tested, and proved, it would change the healthcare paradigm. And, of course, that's what many medical intuitives have been saying all along. OMTimes: Many physicians admit they use intuition and that it serves them very well. In fact, when I got your book, I also ordered a copy for a client and friend who had a stellar career in British medicine and was published by the Lancet three times. After reading your book, she said, "now I realize that's exactly what I was doing while practicing medicine." So, it's not so farfetched.

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Wendie Colter: As a matter of fact, there have been over 30 years of studies on how nurses use their intuition and how it enhances their ability to do their job. Doctors have been much more reluctant to talk about intuition, but that doesn't mean they're not using it. OMTimes: It just makes you smile when you realize so many books have been published about CEOs and how they make their decisions. They'll all say, "it was a hunch. It was my intuition; I just got a nudge." We hear it all the time. So why do we not take notice? Wendie Colter: Well, I'd say centuries of superstition and control. If you're your own intuitive, then you're following your own inner guidance, you could say. And if you're following your own inner guidance, you might not be following somebody else's. We all have intuition. It's our birthright – it's hardwired into us. But unfortunately, we still have so much superstition and misunderstanding. It's quite sad. One of the reasons I felt free to develop my intuition is that my parents and those around me didn't wave their finger at me and say, "no, no, no!" I was able to develop my intuition without feeling like it was shameful or scary.

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But children are not taught that their intuition is valuable. Instead, they're often taught that it is something to keep quiet. OMTimes: Yeah, sadly. And hopefully, that's changing now. How did you create a methodology and a training program? Wendie Colter: My Medical Intuitive Training™ program offers students the opportunity to earn certification as a medical intuitive practitioner, and is accredited for continuing education. I designed it for wellness professionals because my feeling is that this skill needs to be in healthcare. I teach people who are used to using "left brain" ways of working because they have to. They have to learn, they have to know, and they have to be precise. My method is all of those things. It's very much a step-by-step process. For me, medical intuition is a "conversation" with the body. I'm going to ask your liver,

kidneys, lymphatic system, etc. what does it want and need? I'm not looking through the lens of my own body of knowledge. I'm looking at what the body wants to show me and what the biofield may have stored, which is a completely different perspective.

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ESSENTIALS OF MEDICAL INTUITION: A VISIONARY PATH TO WELLNESS By Wendie Colter, MCWC, CMIP Watkins Publishing, 2022 Aimed at wellness professionals who want to use their intuition in their practice and anyone seeking answers to their health issues from their own body and energy systems, this is the most comprehensive and nuanced guide to using Medical Intuition to promote wellbeing. This comprehensive and accessible guide, grounded in the most up-to-date scientific research and case studies, explains everything you need to know about medical intuition – a revolutionary new perspective in healthcare.

The illuminating skill of medical intuition is designed to provide fast, pertinent intuitive health assessments that can be used as a standalone practice and powerful support to health and wellness care of every kind. Intended to uncover the hidden sources of energetic resistance that may be blocking optimal well-being, medical intuition is now being increasingly discussed in integrative healthcare, its efficacy supported by innovative, growing research and case studies. In this thought-provoking new guide, discover exactly what medical intuition is – and how it can transform the lives of practitioners, patients, and clients.

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OMTimes: It's so interesting. If you look at how the whole arena of medicine has evolved over the years, it used to be something very natural and intuitive. There were all kinds of plant-based and nature-based options. Then it went through this whole "left brain" rigid programming. Anyone who studies to be a physician these days is trained only to look at the methodology and the science. What you are doing is you are taking them back to that original place where intuition and nature come back into it. I think that's really cool. Wendie Colter: That's a lovely way to say it, and I would agree with you. That is some of the feedback I get from the M.D.s, the P.A.s, and the nurses. It's completely different from their medical training, but it works with it. It also works beautifully for acupuncturists, naturopathic doctors, health coaches, and wellness professionals because medical intuition is a foundational system. It's not meant to replace anything. It's meant to adjunct, support, and bring even more depth of information. The doctors whom I have taught tell me it can help them save time, money, and even patients' worries. OMTimes: If the medical profession understands that, they could use this. If they were to have somebody trained in this, they've got it all at their fingertips.

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Wendie Colter: Well, that's the message I try to bring every time I speak at an integrative healthcare conference or when I teach medical students. Unfortunately, there are a lot of biases about conventional versus alternative medicine. We need everything, and everything must work together. I'm glad to say that in the U.S., the National Institutes of Health have a division for Complementary and Integrative Health. "Integrative" includes integrating biofield-based practices into conventional or mainstream healthcare. That's very exciting. OMTimes: It is very exciting. You speak at all kinds of organizations and associations. Is there resistance initially? As the doctors have been so trained, does it take a while to open their eyes? Wendie Colter: Sometimes, but physicians are more open to this than you'd think. Still, it's not part of medical training. Intuition is considered "you either have it, or you don't," which isn't true. Another false notion is that intuition only comes from years of experience and a knowledge base pulled from the subconscious mind. OMTimes: You write about the clairs, as you call them. You give a really good explanation of the six different clairs in the book. Many people would recognize themselves when they read that, although they may not have thought they had any clair beforehand. This morning, I was reading your book for the second time, and then I had a massage with my sports masseuse.

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I discussed it with her, and she said, "After 20 years of doing this, it's absolutely true that my hands just know. I know which parts of your body I need to focus on, and I can just feel it. But I can't tell you if you ask me to describe how I feel. I just know it." Wendie Colter: That's called claircognizance, meaning "clear knowing." Everybody has claircognizance. We might call it a gut feeling or a hunch. Whether or not we acknowledge it becomes the question. If we pay attention to our intuitive "hits," our intuition can grow. I encourage everyone to try it. OMTimes: In your book "Essentials of Medical Intuition," you say that our bodies have a strong desire to tell us what they want and need. By intentionally intuitively tuning in, we can help to gently open up those avenues of communication. Tell me a little bit about how we could do that. Wendie Colter: I'm passionate about teaching people how to intuitively connect with their bodies.

My workshop, "Medical Intuition for Healing," is open to everyone. It's such an important skill, particularly when we're experiencing a health issue. One skill is knowing how to "ground" and work with our energy field. Our energy field surrounds us and permeates our bodies. Also known as the biofield, it's our auric field and our chakra system. Grounding is an energetic process designed to connect our bodies to the earth. From the soles of your feet, you can imagine roots growing straight into the ground and imagine feeling that connection with the earth. Imagination and pretending, as we did when we were kids, are excellent ways to develop intuition. I also have exercises for what I call "shielding," where we can energetically create a "safe space." In another exercise, I ask you to choose a part of your body where there's an issue.

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We can imagine seeing these parts of our bodies in our "mind's eye." People find their bodies may show them things they may have had an intuition about but never acted on. It's a lot of fun! The premise is that our bodies have their own conscious awareness. Our anatomy stores information, both energetic and physical. We want to talk with our bodies to find out what we can do to help them balance and shift. OMTimes: Well, I want people to know that you do some great exercises. I don't like exercises in books. I never want to do them, nor do I want to journal at the end. However, I will say that I did want to do the exercises you offer in the book because they're all about me getting in tune with my body and learning how to understand and interpret it. So, they're good and definitely worth looking at. You talked just now about the energy that we hold in our bodies, and trauma has become a very hot topic of late. I think everybody who's lived through this pandemic has had trauma to some degree. You talk about the many different types of trauma: acute, complex, chronic, intergenerational, and vicarious. But there's another kind of trauma that often gets overlooked. And that is the energetic trauma that lingers, even when the problem may seem to have been removed. Tell me about that.

Wendie Colter: I call it "energetic damage." The body holds information, not only physical but also emotional, mental, and spiritual information. So, the energetic part of trauma is about subtle energy imbalances in the body. This sounds a little esoteric, but it means that traumatic life events can be impactful and big but can also be very subtle. One example is if a child breaks their favorite toy. They may be emotional about it and cry. Then the mother scolds the child for breaking the toy. Well, that doesn't sound like something that would significantly impact the child's life. But what if it sets up an energetic imbalance in the child that we could call a "limiting belief"? Sometimes, these beliefs may have a long-term energetic effect where we might make decisions, even subconsciously, that can affect our lives from that point forward. OMTimes: In your book, you wrote that you've developed a spiritual perspective about the trauma that informs every medical intuitive session you give, that every trauma contains our most valuable life lessons. Say more about that.

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Wendie Colter: Now we're talking about the spiritual. What is the life lesson, so to speak, of a health issue? This is not a new concept. We hear in all spiritual approaches to health and wellness: "what am I supposed to learn from this?" That's a tricky question when you're dealing with a health issue. But we are supposed to learn from it. The answers are contained in the biofield and the body. There is a lot of information to further wellness – spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical. OMTimes: When you or one of your certified practitioners is doing an intuitive session with a client, do they tell the person what they perceive the life lesson is? Or do they leave that for the client to work out for themselves? Wendie Colter: We tell them because it's good information to have. I'd like to make a distinction. My process is not energy healing. Early on, when I was doing energy healings, I noticed sometimes people wouldn't heal. I was curious about that. Why is it that one client could heal, but for another client, the issue came back again and again? What if, instead of an energy healing session, I could ask the body and biofield directly to get answers for my client? Would that make a difference for them in their healing process? And it turned out that, yes, it did. It made a very powerful difference because the information was what was missing, not the desire to heal.

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Wendie Colter: I would like to see a medical intuitive in every hospital, every E.R., and every clinic. I would like to see medical intuitives as part of the healthcare team. Some colleagues and I have just formed the National Organization for Medical Intuition (NOMI). Our goal is to bring awareness and outreach to the conventional and integrative health communities and to help bring medical intuitives into the clinical environment. We want to support healthcare in these ways. The website is OMTimes: If you could share with us the most interesting case history from your case book, what would it be?

The desire to heal is always there. Our bodies want to heal, and our cells want to heal. This is where medical intuition can help to go further in gathering even more Information. One of my favorite quotes is by Dr. Dean Ornish, "Awareness is the first step in healing." I think that is the motto of medical intuition. OMTimes: So, what would it look like if you had a magic wand and could dictate how medicine would evolve in the near future?

Wendie Colter: I'll share the case that made me realize how important this skill is. When I first started my practice about 20 years ago, a young woman came to see me who had been suffering from mid-back pain. She'd been to every specialist in town. They couldn't find out what was happening, so they called it psychosomatic, which means "it's all in your mind." Because she was obviously in pain, they gave her opioids and antidepressants, as she wasn't coping well. Within the first few minutes of looking at her physical body, I saw a tiny crystallization in her kidney. It was too small for the technology of the time to discover, but I could see it, and she could feel it. It had moved out of the kidney and lodged right at the top of the ureter tube, and it wasn't budging. I had a conversation with her kidney: "Okay, kidney, what do you need?" And it said, "go see a surgeon." Her kidney wanted her to find a specialist to do a deeper exploratory look.

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I didn't find out what had happened to her until a couple of years later. She did find a surgeon, they did a procedure, and she was no longer in pain. However, she had become so addicted to opioids by then that she died of an overdose. This was so heartbreaking and tragic. I couldn't help thinking, what if her doctors had a qualified medical intuitive to consult with when they couldn't find out what was wrong? Would she still be alive today? That's when I realized medical intuition has to be recognized in healthcare. OMTimes: If anyone decides to consult a medical intuitive, where would they go? Wendie Colter: There is information on my website, The "Medical Intuition for Healing Workshop" is for anyone who wants to learn how to use intuition for self-care. The "Medical Intuitive Training" is for wellness professionals of all kinds and is taught live online. OMTimes: What do you want people to leave your book with? Wendie Colter: I want medical intuition to be destigmatized and understood by the healthcare world and the public. OMTimes: Wendie Colter, thank you. A fascinating subject and a really good book.

For more information about Wendie Colter's book "Essentials of Medical Intuition: A Visionary Path to Wellness" and The Practical Path® programs, visit her website, For more information about the National Organization for Medical Intuition (NOMI), visit


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Health & Wellness Innovative new approaches to Healing as well as holistic methods for dealing with health issues and personal growth

How Addiction Can Affect Your Physical Health


by Maggie Bloom

ddiction can harm

result in various long-term health

your physical health

issues, including heart disease,

in a variety of ways.

liver disease, or cancer. In addition,

Substance abuse can

addiction can wreak havoc on your

OM TIMES | January 2023

immune system, making you more

attacks or stroke. To prevent such

vulnerable to illnesses and infections.

heart problems, contact an addiction

Accidents and injuries can occur as

help hotline and get help in advance.

a result of substance abuse. Alcohol is a factor in roughly 40% of all fatal

2. Respiratory Health

car accidents in the United States. Drug users are also more likely to

Addiction can also seriously impact

be involved in car accidents, violent

your respiratory health. When you're

incidents, and other risky behaviors.

addicted to drugs or alcohol, you may be more likely to develop respiratory

All of these factors can seriously

problems such as pneumonia

affect your overall physical health and

or bronchitis. These respiratory


problems can be deadly if not treated properly. Injected substances also

It's critical to seek help from a

increase your chances of contracting:

professional if you or someone you know is struggling with addiction.


Treatment can assist you in


managing your addiction and getting

Edema of the lungs

your life back on track. We'll look

Lung collapse

at how addiction can affect your

Injury to the upper airway

physical health in this Article:

Septic embolism

1. Heart/Cardiovascular Health

3. Inability to Cease Using A Drug

Addiction significantly impacts your

Drugs drastically increase your

heart health, which is one of the most

heart rate, blood pressure, and body

significant ways it can affect your

temperature, impacting your physical

physical health. You may experience

health. Seizures, heart attacks,

an increased heart rate, high blood

strokes, and respiratory failure are

pressure, and other cardiovascular

possible side effects.

problems if you are addicted to drugs or alcohol. This can result in various

Injection drug use can spread

critical health effects, like heart

disease if an infected needle is used.

OM TIMES | January 2023

In addition, when users share needles with others, they increase their risk of contracting HIV, hepatitis, and other blood-borne diseases. Drinking too much alcohol can cause health problems like liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis, and cancer. In addition, heavy drinking raises the risk of these diseases and drunk driving accidents, injuries, and homicides. 4. Risky Sexual Behavior Addicts are prone to engaging in risky sexual behavior, increasing their chances of contracting HIV, hepatitis, and other sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, there you have it: a few

the body moves and functions.

examples of how addiction can

As a result, it can cause a loss of

impact your physical wellbeing.

coordination, making it difficult

Please seek help if you are suffering

to perform everyday tasks such as

from an addiction. Treatment can

driving or cooking.

have a significant impact on your life. 6. Changes in Cognitive Ability 5. Loss of Coordination Another physical symptom of Another physical symptom caused

addiction is cognitive changes.

by addiction is a loss of coordination.

This is because drugs and alcohol

Drugs and alcohol can alter how

can alter the way the brain works.

OM TIMES | January 2023

8. Weight Gain or Loss Weight gain or loss can occur as a result of substance abuse. This is because drugs and alcohol can alter how the body stores and uses energy. As a result of their addiction, people addicted to drugs may lose or gain weight. Therefore, there you have it: a few examples of how addiction can impact your physical wellbeing. Please seek help if you are suffering f rom an addiction. Treatment can have a significant impact on your life. 9. Drastic Decrease or Increase in Appetite One of the physical consequences of addiction is a drastic change in It can cause memory, learning, and

appetite. Drugs and alcohol can

decision-making issues.

impact how the body absorbs food, digests food, and uses energy. As a result, people addicted to drugs may

7. Insomnia

lose or gain weight quickly due to their Another common physical symptom


of addiction is insomnia. It's because substances can affect how the body

Addiction can have several physical

regulates sleep. As a result, drug

consequences, some of which can

addicts may have difficulty falling

be serious. If you're struggling with

asleep or staying asleep. They might

addiction, please get help. Treatment

also be tired during the day.

can make a big difference in your life. OM TIMES | January 2023

Discover Your Body’s Wisdom with Medical Intuition Article by Wendie Colter, MCWC, CMIP “Can you take a ‘look’ at one of my patients? Nothing seems to be working.” This question was becoming more and more common. It seemed I had developed an under-the-radar reputation with some local physicians. Despite the fact that my business card said “Energy Healing Practitioner,” they increasingly contacted me for intuitive assessments only. They were not at all interested in energy healing. I eventually changed my business card to read “Medical Intuitive.”


It's when we start working together that the real healing takes place. - David Hume

Early in my career, I realized the power of the intuitive assessment for the value and level of detail it brought to these doctors. As a result, I began to develop my most valuable service – the Medical Intuitive Assessment. This efficient, streamlined method has allowed me to formalize and teach the practical application of medical intuition. Many medical intuitives use their intuition in combination with an energy healing modality. In my practice, however, I have found medical intuition to be most effective as a separate assessment used apart from energy healing. The case studies throughout this book are examples of this standalone approach. OMTIMES | JANUARY 2023

Why not combine medical intuition with energy healing skills? The answer is not complex, but it is vital. In my energy healing work, I noticed that some clients would return with the same issue over and over, unable to release it. I wondered why some had deep healing experiences during or after a session while others did not, even though I used my skills, in the same way every time. I began to offer a medical intuitive assessment before, or in place of, an energy healing session. My goal was to intuitively view the reasons why an issue had manifested in the first place and to find out why it was staying stuck. I was curious to know if this information would make a difference.

The messages in these sessions offered profound realizations for my clients. Again and again, they confirmed that the intuitive assessment was a key factor in helping them turn the corner in their health journey. After a while, it seemed silly for me to assume that my energy healing modality was needed before I’d first had a chance to ask the client’s body and biofield what it actually wanted. This awareness fundamentally changed my practice forever. Although you may be familiar with the concepts of intuition, you may also be asking, “How does a medical intuitive actually do this?” I will start with a memorable case study that illustrates these elements. When wellness professionals hear this account, even the most skeptical are intrigued by the potential of medical intuition. Case Study: Claudia An accomplished businesswoman in her midforties, Claudia came to see me with a persistent case of tendinitis in her wrist, which had been troubling her for about a month. She had seen her doctor and her acupuncturist, but nothing she had tried was working. Claudia wasn’t aware of any obvious reasons for the flare-up, and tendinitis wasn’t a chronic issue for her. In her words, it showed up “out of the blue.”


With the ‘meta-sense’ of clairvoyance, I used my medical intuitive skills to take a look. Her tendons looked inflamed and painful. Directly underneath the tendons, I observed a healed fracture in the bones of her wrist. In Claudia’s biofield, I also perceived the energy of emotional pain and grief, which hovered like a dark cloud around the area. I asked her wrist to show me where the tendinitis began. In my mind’s eye, I saw her in her early twenties, playing tennis with her boyfriend. In an instant, she tripped and fell, fracturing her wrist exactly where I had detected the bone scar. The next defining moment showed Claudia in a hospital Emergency Room. As her injury was being treated, her boyfriend chose that very moment to break up with her. There it was. Claudia’s wrist had stored not only the intense physical trauma of the fracture but also the shock and emotional pain of the unexpected and sudden breakup. When I explained what I saw, Claudia confirmed the incident and was quiet for a moment. She then said that her recent partner of ten years had broken up with her a month earlier, just before the tendinitis appeared. The emotional pain she was dealing with in the present had activated the stuck, unresolved grief and pain from her past. In Claudia’s case, this combination of past and present trauma manifested in severe tendinitis.


Although she had memories of these specific life events, Claudia would never have put those puzzle pieces together to understand why tendinitis had flared up in the present. Logically, it didn’t make sense, but her body had its own point of view. Claudia’s wrist indicated that her unresolved emotions were the primary issue holding back its ability to heal fully. I checked in with Claudia a few days later. She told me that the pain in her wrist had completely gone. She also said she felt calmer and more focused and was finally able to begin processing the distress of her recent breakup. By simply hearing what her wrist had to tell her, Claudia’s body and emotions were able to find balance.

However, her wrist wasn’t finished showing me images from her life. I then saw her at five years old, huddled in a dark closet. A woman was hitting her repeatedly with a cane. Little Claudia had her arm raised for protection. The cane was landing blows directly in the same spot where she had broken her wrist in her twenties and where the tendinitis was now causing pain. Claudia confirmed that her mentally ill mother used to beat her with a cane and lock her in a dark hallway closet. Claudia’s wrist was holding onto a lifetime of emotional pain, physical trauma, and grief.


Claudia’s story is a perfect example of how much information the body holds and what it can tell us when given the opportunity. This case study also demonstrates how I use a deliberate method of medical intuitive inquiry to gain answers directly from the body’s own wisdom and unique perspective. We are not a collection of body parts and isolated events. Our entire experience of life, our emotions, and our thoughts have a direct impact on our health and well-being.

Discover Your Body’s Wisdom with Medical Intuition. Excerpted from Essentials of Medical Intuition: A Visionary Path to Wellness (2022, Watkins Publishing) By Wendie Colter, MCWC, CMIP Published with Permission OMTIMES | JANUARY 2023 OMTIMES | JANUARY 2023

Wendie Colter, MCWC, CMIP, is the founder/CEO of The Practical Path®, Inc, presenting accredited certification programs in Medical Intuition for health and wellness professionals and workshops for the public. She is a Certified Medical Intuitive Practitioner, Master Certified Wellness Coach, presenter at premier integrative health organizations, and author of the groundbreaking book, Essentials of Medical Intuition: A Visionary Path to Wellness (2022). Wendie’s trailblazing research on medical intuition is published in the peerreviewed Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. She is President of the National Organization for Medical Intuition (NOMI) and serves on committees for Integrative Health Policy Consortium (IHPC) and the Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI). For more information:

Simply Spiritual To perceive reality from a different perspective is to open oneself to the wonders and unlimited wealth of creation. Simply Spiritual offers the opportunity to visit new places, new methods, and different ways to perceive the vast human knowledge of our Universe.

Encounters with Your Loved Ones Who Passed By John Holland

OM TIMES | January 2023


hen I was at the post

I started walking away, but I looked

office the other day,

at this woman more before I got

I walked alongside

into my car. I sat back for a minute

an older woman

and noticed something else about

who was bent over, holding a cane and

her. She not only said something

walking very, very slowly toward the

my Mom would say, but she looked

car that dropped her off.

like my mother and even walked like her! Suddenly, I started getting

I gave her a big smile and asked: "You

a little emotional because I felt the

got this?"

presence of my Mom at this special moment.

She smiled back and said, "Yep!" Have you ever seen someone who I opened it and helped her in when

looked just like a loved one who has

she got to the car door. We looked at

passed away? Or have you glanced

each other for a moment, exchanged

at someone in the distance and

another smile, and then she said

could almost swear it was a deceased

something that took me by surprise. It

relative? Or maybe you met someone

was an exact expression that my Mom

who had the same mannerisms and

used to say to me!

way of talking right down to the hair OM TIMES | January 2023

color of a beloved spouse or friend

I almost felt my Mom's presence

who passed?

when I saw that woman at the post office. It was such a beautiful

Our loved ones, on the Other-

moment. It felt like a "Hello from

Side, are always looking out

Heaven" directly f rom my Mom,

for us, and they have a way of

whom I still miss very much.

influencing things. They can help put us at the right place at the right time. Of course, we usually


feel very strong emotions when this does happen. Sometimes

When you see or meet someone

I even think our loved ones can

out of the blue which looks or

almost superimpose themselves

reminds you of someone who has

onto another person, especially

passed away, or you have a vivid

when we need them most.

dream about a deceased loved one, OM TIMES | January 2023

these are often called after-death

Don't explain these encounters

communications or ADC.

or dreams away. Instead, just acknowledge them and say: "Hi,

Remember, our loved ones on the

I know it's you. Thanks for being here

Other Side are very clever and know

with me. I love you, too!"

exactly how to send us messages or signs. The easiest way for them to

Have you had an ADC encounter?

slip in and contact us is through our

If you're on Facebook, watch my

dreams. Of course, not every dream

video, and please share it.

or encounter is really theirs. But the real ones are those that tug at our

Equally, if you know someone who

hearts and make us feel emotional or

may like to get this message, feel

even cry. Sometimes we can even get

free to share these Soul Inspirations

a hugging dream where a loved one

or recommend they join my

will reach out and hold us.

newsletter list. OM TIMES | January 2023

OMTimes Magazine Relax… Let your worries drift away into the moment… OMTimes is a free publication and can be delivered right to your inbox… Subscribe at: Free OMTimes Subscription Visit our website at:

OM Living For those living a more Conscious Lifestyle

Creative Tension: Can Stress Be Positive?


by Kamila Jakubjakova

e all know that

We refer to this feeling as stress and

feeling: the

usually don't consider it a good thing.

tightness in our

But what if we could learn to see stress

chest, the racing

in a new light? What if we could use it

heart, the sense of impending doom.

to our advantage?

OM TIMES | January 2023

It turns out that stress can be a

tension becomes, the stronger your

powerful tool - when harnessed

motivation or energy for change.


We tend to avoid the discomfort caused by tension and move the

When used positively, stress is

rubber band back to a non-stretched

known as 'creative tension.'


This stress is associated with

There are different strategies for how

excitement and anticipation and

we go about it. The most common

can lead to better performance and

approach is to reduce the gap by


giving up on the vision or lowering it.

Creative tension is a byproduct

Giving up on our vision or setting

of clearly defining our vision and

a lower bar helps us feel less

current reality. However, in doing so,

stretched. Still, simultaneously, it

the gap between our dream and our

reduces our drive, creativity, and

current reality becomes obvious and


leads to discomfort. However, suppose we allow ourselves This gap creates an internal tension

to step outside our comfort zone and

that seeks resolution. Resolution can

embrace the tension. In that case,

come from being more resourceful.

the rubber band will fly much further once it is released.

To illustrate an example, imagine that your left hand represents your

Creative tension is what we could call

current reality, your right hand

a positive form of stress or, in other

represents your vision, and a rubber

words, eustress.

band is stretched around both


hands. The more significant the gap between your vision and your

It's essential to understand the

current reality, the more the rubber

difference between stress and

band will stretch. The greater that


OM TIMES | January 2023

Stress is the body's natural reaction

This type of stress can lead to

to perceived threats and can be

increased productivity and creativity

adaptive in small doses.

and a sense of mastery over whatever challenge you're facing.

On the other hand, a eustress is a positive form of stress that can be

In contrast, negative stress, or


distress, occurs when we are overwhelmed or unable to cope with

The main difference is that eustress

the demands placed on us.

comes f rom within, while stress is This type of stress can lead to feelings

imposed f rom the outside.

of overwhelm, anxiety, depression, Eustress or creative tension is the

and frustration.

feeling of being stretched beyond your current abilities, but in a way

It can suck our energy and

that is ultimately motivating and

motivation, making it difficult to


focus on the task at hand. Moreover, OM TIMES | January 2023

if we don't manage distress

Either way, stress is a part of

effectively, it can lead to physical

our everyday lives, and we can't

health problems.

entirely avoid it. Learning the tools to deal with stress and expanding

So, next time you're feeling stressed,

our resilience makes all the

take a moment to check in with


yourself and see if it's the eustress or distress that you're experiencing.

Kamila is a freelance writer and founder of Liberation

Identifying the type of stress, you're

Journey. She is on a mission

under can help you determine how

to teach others about the

to best deal with it.

true notions of freedom. She guides and empowers

If it's eustress, lean into it and use

people to release what weighs

it to your advantage. If it's distress,

them down so they can live

however, take steps to reduce or

more fulfilling, liberated, and

eliminate the source of the stress.

authentic lives.

OM TIMES | January 2023


"The ache for home lives in all of us. The safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned." — Maya Angelou, All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes


now that your house's vibratory pattern is directly connected with the existing energies, especially the state

of mind of the people who live there.

OM TIMES | January 2023

This state of mind can even be

where there is comfort and peace is

affected by objects that are part of the

fundamental to transforming your

decoration or that occupy unnecessary

house into a home. An environment

spaces in environments within your

where the energy of harmony and

home and can even leave them loaded

creativity flows more easily is the

and cluttered.

same environment where we can disconnect from problems instead of

We often go to places that leave us

creating new ones.

exhausted and tired, feeling that we have lost energy.

1) Organized house, organized mind

But when the toxic environment

When you organize your home, you

becomes our home, everything

calm your mind. That's because

gets more complicated. Because

the psychological effect is so

it is in the safety of the house that

powerful that you naturally change

we live with our family, we rest, we

your thinking if you live in a tidy

have moments of tranquility, and

house. You don't have to become a

we should recharge our energies.

perfectionist or anything like that.

Psychologically, a toxic home will affect many aspects of our lives.

A healthy organization of environments means finding a

No doubt that the environment

destination for what is not used or

influences us. And that is much more

is broken, having specific places to

than mere energetic guesswork.

group goals with a similar purpose,

A home with a toxic environment

and having space to move between

will impact your daily life. Not finding

furniture and rooms. Have access to

what you are looking for, excess

windows. And keep things in place

information, overwhelming colors,

after use.

and disorder generate stress and conflicts, especially when we have

2) Cleanliness and hygiene bring


harmony to the home

For all these reasons, creating a

Cleaning is essential for a harmonious

cozy, clean, organized environment

home. The Japanese are known

OM TIMES | January 2023

worldwide for excelling in cleanliness

accumulation of mites and bacteria,

and hygiene.

will make the environment more pleasant, and you will remain happier in that environment.

They believe that energy is concentrated or flows according to our environment. For example, they do not

Without losing concentration, think

enter the house with the shoes they

about what to clean or other tasks that

wore on the street so that the external

drain your energy.

energy does not have contact with the 3) Change the energy of your home

energy of the place.

by moving furniture around This doesn't have to be a habit in your home. But keeping rooms

Moving furniture around is an

and furniture clean, in addition

interesting exercise to change

to preventing allergies and the

some habits. Unfortunately, a toxic

OM TIMES | January 2023

environment becomes monotonous,

5) Transform a toxic environment

where things always go the same

into a creative environment

way. Everything is always how you left it, with no space for anything

A creative environment is one

new and no possibilities to change

where you have space to invent new

the energy. That is, it is a stagnant

things. It's colorful and cheerful and


has materials to use glue, scissors, colored pencils, and rulers. Can you

Move the furniture around, and

imagine having a creative studio on

you will see its power in your life.

your coffee table in the living room

At the very least, you will have

to play with the children and then

new perspectives to reorganize

leaving everything there again?

environments and make them more pleasant. If it doesn't work, just go

Have you ever thought about

back to the previous arrangement.

venturing into a hobby or learning a musical instrument? And the

4) Create cozy spaces for your home

coloring books? There are many ideas and ways to have fun and a

A toxic environment has no room

creative and relaxed atmosphere in

for a cozy ambiance. You are always

your home. Try it. We are sure your

uncomfortable, whether in the living

stress level will drop considerably.

room, in the bedroom, or on the sofa. Everything ends up bothering you. Or

6) Don't yell, reduce noise, and

it also sucks you or makes you sleep

have moments of silence

or leaves you without attitude. Avoid screaming in your home, Create cozy spaces for your home. It's

reduce excess noise, and sleep

worth putting a blanket on the sofa,

quietly in a dark environment. These

fixing a lamp, trying new paintings,

are precious tips for your mind to

changing the incidence of light, and

come to rest and recharge your

putting shelves with collectibles or


family photos, rugs, and puffs. Several simple ideas can transform your

Try lowering your voice for everyday

home and make it cozier.

conversations. You will see that OM TIMES | January 2023

OM TIMES | January 2023

the lower you speak, the more you

• dead or diseased plants

understand what is being said.

• old receipts/newspapers/ magazines

7) Corner of gratitude

• expired medicines • old socks with holes

Do you have a gratitude corner? This

• overused shoes

corner is a space for meditation or the

• all kinds of junk that connect you

simple practice of gratitude. Gather

to the past

objects of sentimental, spiritual, and energetic value and a clean and

The Location of Clutter

organized space, careful with candles. • In the basement and attic, the Use what most matches your intuition and faith. Take a moment of the day to be silent and give thanks. The power of gratitude is immeasurable and can help you have a happier home and a

junk becomes overloaded. • At the entrance, they restrict the flow of life. • Stacked on the ground, they pull us down. • Above us are headaches.

more harmonious life.

• Under the bed, they pollute the There are several other ways to make your home a cozy environment. Find the best way and make your home

sleep • Scattered around the house, they clutter life.

have a positive influence on your life. You will soon notice the change.

When YOU Unclutter


• Health improves.


• Creativity grows. • Relationships improve.

• objects you don't use

• There is greater reasoning ability.

• clothes you don't like or haven't

• Lightness of spirit and mood

worn in a while Questions that help with Uncluttering

• ugly things • broken, chipped, or cracked things • old letters, tickets

• Why am I saving this? OM TIMES | January 2023

OM TIMES | January 2023

• Does it have anything to do with me today? • How will I feel when I release this? • And make separate piles… • To donate! • To throw away! • To sell! CLEANING THE INSIDE REFLECTS THE OUTSIDE! • get rid of noise, • bright lights, • bright colors, • chemical odors, • synthetic coatings, • which brings sad memories… • release sorrows, • Stop smoking, • rethink the use of meat,

Start with drawers and cabinets,

• finish unfinished projects.

complete each room, and do everything at your own pace. As you

Cultivate positive energy in your

clean, watch the changes happening

home. Do a general cleaning and use

in you! As we clean our physical home,

boxes for the organization:

we also get our minds and hearts in order! Don't cling to anything. If

• trash

you start to let go, a tremendous

• repairs

release of energy will take place

• recycling

within you. The power involved in

• in doubt

clinging to things will bring a new

• gifts

dawn to your being, a new light, a new

• donation

understanding, and a tremendous,

• sell

stagnated energy to discharge. OM TIMES | January 2023

The Paths We Walk


by Judi Lynch

popular and humorous

What does it mean to take the road

meme states, "I took the

less traveled? Does it mean that we

road less traveled, now

are more adventurous, courageous,

where the Hell am I"?

and curious about life and want to

OM TIMES | January 2023

live it our own way? Living life here

judgment of family and f riends but

on Earth most definitely requires

kept going no matter the challenge.

courage. Forging our own path can

Their inspiration and determination

be difficult. We can feel pressured

are an example for all of us to be

by tradition, family members, and

true to ourselves and our purposes

friends who want us to live as they

in life. There are literally millions of

do. We can develop a fear of being

books to read, places to explore, and

criticized and judged. We can

people to meet who help us shape

incarnate here much different from

our intelligence as we grow. How we

what others consider 'normal' and

see the world is so important in how

spend our lives trying to fit in or

we look at our own lives. We can see

break f ree and live on our own terms.

it as an exciting adventure in which we paint a beautiful landscape on a

Fear of the unknown can also cause

canvas or a dark and scary place that

us to stay in 'life limbo.' Dreaming

keeps us in fear.

of what we could do or might do in the future but never taking steps

If our spirituality has been based

to realize those dreams into reality.

on generations of family members

The need for acceptance or approval

following a certain religion, it can

can hold us back from what we truly

shake things up when we begin

want to express. So instead, we look

questioning their validity. It can

for others who shine like us and want

cause us to feel anxious and alone.

to live life as we do. Together we can

In time, by educating ourselves

feel empowered. We then begin to

in learning about other cultures

realize it is through the expression of

and beliefs, we can find peace

clarity that others find us.

and comfort in living life on our own terms. If our lifestyle is not

There are wonderful, eclectic people

compatible with what others

in the world who live alternate

consider to be acceptable, we gain

lifestyles and entertain us with their

strength when we let go of the need

comedy, sincerity, and light! So many

to fit in. Instead, we celebrate what

of those people had to break down

makes us 'different' and rise above

barriers to be heard, seen, and felt.

the bigotry, negativity, and harmful

They may have experienced the


OM TIMES | January 2023

When we break free from the need

been done. Then we evolve and

to follow like herded sheep, we can

grow in our own right!

let in new thoughts and inspirations. That f reedom is what has allowed

It's not about forcing others to

humankind to invent, discover

follow our spiritual beliefs, religions,

and shine a light where there was

or lifestyles. It's about love and

darkness. We can develop our

acceptance for ourselves and for

creative muscles and find strength

others to be f ree to live the life

in breaking through the barriers

they know is true, what is real for

which hold so many backs. We can

them. It's about being good human

find our voices when others remain

beings, reaching out to help, and

silent, challenging what has always

understanding that we really are

OM TIMES | January 2023

all in this together. True freedom means we are able to live in peace with compassion and empathy no matter which path we are on. True f reedom means we are able to live in peace with compassion and empathy no matter which path we are on.

healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity, and a writer for OMTimes Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read to clients worldwide. To learn more or contact me for

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor,

a session, see

OM TIMES | January 2023



By Ministry Earth

umerology is spiritual

Numbers can say a lot about a

science used in many

person's personality. With animals, it

ways. You can use it from

is no different. Our name is a mantra

birth chart analysis to

that invokes energies and brings

energy transformation in your home

vibrations that accompany us for life.

or work environment.

When transformed into a number, OM TIMES | January 2023

it can reveal pets' curiosities and

After converting, we add:

behavioral traits. 6 + 3+8+9+3+3+5=37 Each letter of the alphabet is

37= 3+7= 10 or 1 (1+0=1)

directly related to a number. When transformed into a letter, we arrive

In this case, the Fuzzile dog has 1 as

at a result that indicates the name's

its influence and vibration number.

vibration. To find out which number translates the essence of your animal,

Do the math for your beloved pet's

follow the directions below. It's

name as in the example above.

simple and very easy to do. According to the Pythagorean table, transform

After transforming the name and

the name into numbers and add

finding your animal's influence

and reduce the result to a number

number, see the meaning:

between 1 and 9. NUMERICAL VIBRATION 1: Here is an example, a young Poodle named FUZILLE

He is a born leader, courageous, daring, and independent. In a short time, this pet enchants new friends to follow their lead. It may become a bit of an authoritarian that no one dares near him. But, it will surely be the great security of your home. Take care of him tenderly, and he will be your f riend forever. Characteristics: Energy and

F has a value of 6


U has a value of 3 Z has a value of 8

Behavior: It's hard not to notice

I has a value of 9

your pet's presence, as he loves to

L Has the value of 3 X 2

get attention! It has the habit of

E Has a 5 value

being agitated and bossy with other OM TIMES | January 2023

animals. He likes to receive a lot of


affection and doesn't stop playing If you're looking for a companion,

for a single minute!

you've found it... This is "Your best Recommendation: As this pet

f riend." This animal is flexible,

does not usually have a problem

adapts to any situation, is attentive,

with places, people, or noise, it

and has great ease of relationship.

is suitable for large houses and

However, this pet hates being alone,

homes with children.

so remember to keep the door closed, or he'll be out looking for new

Coexistence: With these pets, the

f riends.

best thing is to teach the basis of rewards, such as snacks and

Characteristics: Companionship and


balance. OM TIMES | January 2023

Behavior: This pet loves to walk

like to be alone for a long time,

outdoors! He likes places with little

so it needs company. This pet

noise and few people. Unfortunately,

also gets along well with other

he is also very attached to his


owners and fond of cleaning. NUMERICAL VIBRATION 3: Recommendation: Since this animal loves nature, it is advisable

If you want joy in your life, this

to have a house with a garden.

is the choice. Animals with a

Apartments are also good spaces,

vibration of the 3 are playful, messy,

comfortable and safe.

and happy. They tend to be creative character who communicates with

Coexistence: Numerology for

everyone. They must love going

animals shows that this pet does not

to the Pet Shop to shower, put on

OM TIMES | January 2023

their ribbons and perfume, go out

Recommendation: It is the ideal pet

for a walk, and meet new friends.

for families who have children who need to spend energy.

Characteristics: Joy and Coexistence: The best thing is not


to leave him alone. If necessary, Behavior: This pet enjoys playing,

leave them with several toys and the

running, and meeting new

television on.

people and places. He doesn't like to be alone very much, and in


these moments, he can be very anxious and even compulsive

It is an easy animal to train, as it

toward food.

has order, discipline, resistance,

OM TIMES | January 2023

and persistence. Always ready to do

places to play and run. Loves to feel

anything, this pet will never stand still.

f ree and eat a lot!

Has a strong personality. If provoked into a fight, they never give up. If

Recommendation: It is the perfect

they like you, they will be your friend

pet for Hiking fans because they


love hiking and running and being a great company for children.

Behavior: It is a very regulated pet, used to having time to eat, sleep and

Coexistence: Care must be taken

play. He likes routine a lot and finds it

with open doors and windows, as he

strange, very sudden changes. It is also

tends to run away.

disciplined and easy to train. NUMERICAL VIBRATION 6: Recommendation: It can be a great watchdog, as it is always looking out for

It is a domestic animal that likes to

the safety of its owners and the house.

live indoors with the family. He is fun, loves to please, and wants peace

Living together: If you need to change

and quiet. It's the most affectionate

their routine, it's best to start slowly.

in numerology, so get ready for wet kisses. He's a little absent-minded


but very smart.

It's curious, friendly, and full of energy.

Characteristics: Tranquility and

Free, independent, mischievous,


and loves to walk. He is selfless and courageous. Loves attention, affection,

Behavior: It is a very quiet pet that

and games. It is the best companion

likes comfort and peace. These

for children.

pets love being at home. They are disciplined, helpful, and love taking

Characteristics: Intelligence and

care of their owners.

vivacity. Recommendation: He can be a Behavior: This pet is super curious and

great company, as he's always

intelligent and likes discovering new

willing to help.

OM TIMES | January 2023

Coexistence: This pet loves to

once he trusts them, he becomes

please but does not give up

f riends. You don't like to share your

receiving affection. When you do a

space because you don't want to

good deed, don't forget to reward it.

share your attention.


Characteristics: Independence and seriousness.

It is a sensitive animal and a little sad. It doesn't like a lot of noise

Behavior: He prefers to stay in his

and can be quite demanding. Any

own corner, away f rom confusion.

change in routine or the arrival

He can spend several hours looking

of a strange person makes him

for something to distract himself,

withdraw, and he hides. He is careful

playing, or watching the street move

when meeting new people, but

through the window.

OM TIMES | January 2023

Recommendation: It has a calm

companion for people who spend a

personality, which is why this pet is

lot of time alone.

very suitable for older people. Coexistence: He may require Coexistence: According to animal

you to do whatever he wants, so

numerology, he has the habit of

establishing rules is important.

isolating himself, so the owner must always be encouraging company


and make him feel part of the It is an understanding, helpful,


kind, and affectionate pet. Sensitive NUMERICAL VIBRATION 8:

to your mood, he'll be by your side if he notices you're sad. It's

It is an authoritarian animal. It feels

intuitive, so if it senses you're angry

like the King of Bicharada. It is

or worried, it'll take care of you.

imposing and likes to appear and stand out. He knows no limits, but

Characteristics: Charisma and

he is very protective. He can easily


give his life for yours. So take care of him with love, and he will be your

Behavior: It's a super sweet pet!

faithful f riend for life.

He loves to be affectionate and tolerant of children and other

Characteristics: Fidelity and

animals. He has a natural charisma,


and that's why it's hard not to like him.

Behavior: It's a super dramatic pet! He wants to be the center of

Recommendation: It is a great

attention and that the owner is

option for homes with small

always paying attention to him.

children or that already have other

He is also attached to his stuff and


doesn't really like to share. Coexistence: He needs to interact Recommendation: Faithful

with other residents, so don't leave

and dedicated, it's the perfect

him alone for a long time.

OM TIMES | January 2023

Relationships The interconnectiveness among all human beings and, consequently, the relationships among us are the focus of this section. The dynamics of the web of connections we make is one of the most prominent aspects of human existence: how we interlace with each other’s existence in a meaningful way.

Tips For Having A Happy And Healthy Relationship


by Sara Sparrow

ll romantic relationships

So, how can you make your

aren't perfect. Even after

relationship as happy and healthy

seeing many movies and

as possible?

shows, you'll know that not

everything is all sunshine and rainbows

In this article, we'll show you 8 tips

regarding relationships. A relationship

on how to make your relationship

takes effort, commitment, and, most

happy and healthy forever and

importantly, love.

always: OM TIMES | January 2023

BE OPEN TO CRITICISM First, being in a relationship is about understanding each other. Rather

see what's truly important in life – each other.


than walking on eggshells to please the other and trying to sugarcoat

Everyone feels happy, sad, angry,

things, be real about things. Be

and so on. That's why it's important

honest about the situation, and let

to understand when you or your

your loved one know what needs to

loved one feels a certain way.

be brought to their attention.

It's not weird to feel sad, and it's certainly not weird if your loved one

"Plus, when your loved one offers

feels that way. However, remember

criticism of something, don't get

that how you feel loved might not

offended easily. Instead, listen to

be the same as how your loved one

what they say and explain your


side of the story. Being open to criticism makes you easier to talk to, and the both of you can be


more honest with each other," says Linda Yelle, a psychology writer at

Just because you're in a relationship

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doesn't necessarily mean that


you'll have to sacrifice all of your personality. While there are other


things in life that you might want to refrain f rom (i.e., alcohol), it's still

Nowadays, people are too busy on

important to keep the personality

their mobile devices, computers,

that had attracted your loved one

video games, etc. Sometimes, you

in the first place. In other words,

have to set the phone or remote

always be your authentic Self.

down and just talk to your loved one. It's important to communicate


consistently with each other rather than waste time on devices. This

Who doesn't want to have fun every

allows you and your loved one to

once in a while?

OM TIMES | January 2023

"Why not treat you and your loved

The possibilities are endless when it

one to a special night out or a great

comes to having fun with your loved

movie? Or maybe spend lunch


together at your favorite hangout? Or, you can hang out at home by


playing board games or watching a movie together?" says Stephen

Couple's retreats are often

Belcher, a lifestyle blogger at U.K.

meaningful, seeing that you and

Writings review and O.X. Essays

your loved one can reconnect in new


ways. If you both need to rejuvenate OM TIMES | January 2023

your relationship in any area (or in more areas than one), consider going on a vacation together – regardless if it's a couple's retreat or a simple trip to your favorite vacation destination.

ALTERNATE ROLES This tip is effective because it's important to better understand

no one wants to feel like they're

your loved one. Here are a couple of

being ignored or left out.

examples of how it works: By listening to your loved one, you'll If you're a guy, and your loved one is

better understand their thoughts

always cooking and cleaning, then

and feelings; and know the right

take some time to cook and clean

things to say. Plus, listening helps

for them while they rest or do other

you build a stronger and deeper


connection between the two.

If you're a woman and your loved

As you can see, every relationship

one usually picks up food from

is different. And, no relationship is

a restaurant, then allow them to stay


home while you run that errand for So, as you take these 8 tips into heart,


you and your loved one will have By alternating roles, you and your

a happier and healthier relationship

loved one will better understand

for many years to come.

what you both do for each other Sara Sparrow is a writer with a



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Finally, it's important to listen to each

advice. She's also a blogger for

other, no matter the situation. In fact,

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OM TIMES | January 2023


Becoming a Mature Soul: The First Return of Saturn


BY Humanity Healing

he Return of Saturn is

f rom 28 to 30 years. At this time of

an astrology topic that

our lives, Saturn is completing an

is greatly feared and

entire revolution around the Sun

misunderstood by many

since the moment of our birth. That

people. This is because it happens

is, it returns to the same region of

in the period that goes more or less

the sky in our Natal Chart, hence the

OM TIMES | January 2023

name "return" of Saturn. It's as if we

lessons to our lives. Although he is

were completing a year of life on that

not a sweet and gentle teacher – in

planet. But what can we expect f rom

fact, Saturn is best understood as

this moment of life?

a rigid teacher who always pushes his students and demands the most

"Unlike beauty and loveliness that

from them, he does not settle for less

fades with the passing of time,

because he knows our potential is so

nothing and no one can ever take

much greater – and he will not accept

our wisdom and inner strength

it. Less of us. So, when we arrive at

away from us."

our Saturn Return, it's as if he's come

― Dipa Sanatani, The Little Light

close to evaluate us and help us grow. What have we done so far in these 3

In Astrology, each planet represents

decades of existence? Do we create

a spiritual force within us. Saturn is

solid or fragile foundations? This is

a great teacher who brings growth

the time when our lives start to take

OM TIMES | January 2023

definite shape, and we realize that

fall apart. Saturn is that f riend who

everything we've lived through so far

tells us the hard truths no one dares

was just a training session for the real

to say. Everything that is empty or

life that is about to begin. It's time to

meaningless in our lives will fall. As

grow up and take responsibility for

it is a time of maturation, it can be

ourselves. Saturn Return is the time

quite difficult. But, as it is in times of

when we are challenged to become

crisis, we can learn and change. And

the best version of ourselves.

this is Saturn's great gift to us in his return: he gives us the opportunity

The keyword for this phase is

to change our life to seek what really

maturity. That's when all our illusions

gives meaning to them.

OM TIMES | January 2023

Our solar system is fantastically bizarre. There are worlds with features we never imagined. Storms larger than planets, moons with undersurface oceans, lakes of methane, worldlets that swap places...and that's just at Saturn. Phil Plait Hence, no one needs to fear the Return of Saturn – though no one will pass through it unscathed. This is the time to ask deeper questions about who we are and evaluate our history. A pause to contemplate the path we have followed so far so that we can then choose where to go. Saturn brings us this intermediate moment of looking back but also looking forward. It's true that his questions can be uncomfortable. He's sure to make us look at the issues in life that we prefer to ignore – but that's only how our experience as human beings can make sense. Contrary to what many people think, this phase does not only bring

With the harsh lessons of this strict

negative experiences. It is also the

teacher, we can learn to be kind and

time to reap the fruits of our efforts,

kind to our history. For very carefree

of everything in which we invest our

people, Saturn will teach discipline

energy. Saturn brings us those gifts

and rigor; for people who demand

that only time and patience can

too much, he will show the way of

provide. We must understand this

compassion. It's time to find your inner

moment as the end of one cycle for

balance. So many people say that life

the beginning of another. A period of

doesn't begin until after thirty: this new

inner renewal.

life is Saturn's gift to us. OM TIMES | January 2023

We grow as individuals as we face challenges and overcome life’s obstacles. This section is dedicated to helping you chart your course

Personal Growth & Development

How to End Your Unseen Habit of Self-Sabotage to Live Better


by Rachelle Wilber

t's time for a change. No more

this week? We're all guilty of it. We

self-sabotage. It's time to live

know we need to change, but we

better. How many times have you

always find excuses to put it off. "I'll

said you'll start living healthier

start on Monday." "I'm too busy right

tomorrow? How often have you told

now." "I don't have time." But the

yourself you'll start eating better,

truth is, we'll never find the time. So,

exercising more, or drinking less after

we have to make the time.

OM TIMES | January 2023

Get out of Your Comfort Zone

Set Realistic Goals

Self-sabotage is a habit that's hard

The first step is setting goals that are

to break because it's so ingrained

achievable and realistic. For example,

in our everyday lives. We don't

if your goal is to lose 50 pounds in

even realize we're doing it half the

a month, that will not happen. Not

time. It's like a comfort zone we

only is it not natural, but it's also not

don't want to leave. But comfort

healthy. On the other hand, you might

zones are meant to be broken out

be able to lose 5 or 10 pounds in a

of. That's how we grow and learn

month if you really commit yourself,

and become better versions of

but anything more than that is putting

ourselves. So if you're ready to break

your health at risk. So set achievable

out of your comfort zone and end

goals that you can actually reach. And

the cycle of self-sabotage, here's

don't forget to celebrate those small

what you need to do.

victories along the way. OM TIMES | January 2023

Make a Plan and Stick to It

a support group or ask a friend or family member to check in on your

After you've set your goals, it's time to

progress regularly. When someone

plan how you will achieve them. This

else is counting on you, you're much

means setting aside time each day

less likely than ever to let them down—

or week specifically for your goal. So,

and yourself.

whether it's 30 minutes each day for working out or Meal prepping every

Seek Professional Help When

Sunday for the week ahead, make


sure you put it in your schedule and There's no shame in admitting when

stick to it.

you need help from a professional— Find a Support Group or

whether that means hiring a personal

Accountability Partner

trainer, signing up for therapy, or seeing a nutritionist. Often, all it

One of the best ways to stay on track

takes is that outside perspective and

is finding someone to help hold

guidance from someone who knows

you accountable, whether joining

what they're doing for us to finally

OM TIMES | January 2023

break our bad habits and improve our

success. You can achieve anything

lives for good. You can even investigate

you set your mind to—it all starts with

finding an online self-sabotage

taking that first step today.

coaching course for more specific help. Rachelle Wilber is a freelance If self-sabotage has been holding you

writer living in San Diego,

back from living your best life, it's

California. She graduated from

time to end it once and for all. These

San Diego State University

tips will help get you started on the

with her bachelor’s degree in

path toward success so you can finally

Journalism and Media Studies.

achieve your goals and live better than

She tries to find an interest in


all topics and themes, which prompts her writing. When she

Up until now, self-sabotage has been

isn't on her porch writing in the

holding you back from living your best

sun, you can find her shopping,

life—but it doesn't have to be that way

at the beach, or at the gym.

anymore. If you're ready to change, use

Follow her on Twitter and

these tips as your guidepost toward


OM TIMES | January 2023

How to Set Healthy Boundaries By Marcia Sirota, MD.


lot of people have really

The reason why boundaries are so

bad boundaries these

important is that they keep us safe.


They keep our relationships clear, and they make all the expectations obvious.

Over the years, one of the things I’ve

Without healthy boundaries, things can

noticed is that a lot of people have

become complicated and confused, and

really poor boundaries. They don’t

all sorts of problems can ensue.

think about boundaries as they go about their lives and don’t realize how

An example I can recall of poor

important it is to have healthy ones.

boundaries is when, years ago,

OM TIMES | January 2023

I attended a f riend’s wedding, and

else. This is not someone who could

the groom’s therapist was a guest

ever be a friend.

there. Of course, this was before I did my psychiatry residency. Still, even

Another example of a boundary

so, I was horrified to see this man’s

violation would be when a boss

therapist at his wedding.

becomes friends with an employee. Unfortunately, I have seen this

I perceived it as a boundary violation

happen too often, and it has almost

because the therapist knew all sorts

never worked out.

of personal details about the groom and his relationship with the bride.

The problem is that the boss has the

In addition, she was at a social event

power to fire the employee if they

with all his friends and family.

are displeased with anything they do. They can exploit the employee

This did not seem at all appropriate to

and even get them to do the boss’

me. Someone who knows that much

job. They can make the employee’s

intimate information about another

life miserable if the employee doesn’t

person without it being a reciprocal

do what they want. How could this

relationship should not be socializing

create the context for a normal

with them.

friendship? It is totally one-sided.

Therapists who socialize with their

Another obvious boundary violation

clients are violating their boundaries

is when a person in a position of

In general, once you see a therapist,

power becomes overly familiar,

they should never socialize with

seductive, or touchy-feely with

you or do anything with you that is

someone in a subordinate position.

not part of the therapy. The power The person in the one-down position

dynamic is so one-sided.

is caught between a rock and a The therapist is privy to more personal

hard place. They know that if they

information than the average friend

object to the other person’s behavior,

or family member would ever have

they could suffer consequences.

and has more influence and impact

Therefore, all of these behaviors

on the client’s life than almost anyone

constitute abuse.

OM TIMES | January 2023

OM TIMES | January 2023

In our new normal, social media

during childhood. What do these

supports the blurring of boundaries.

consist of?

People overshare personal information online without thinking about the

They could be the experience or the

consequences of this behavior. This

witnessing of emotional, physical, or

encourages others to do the same so

sexual abuse. They could be when a

that more and more people ignore

person in a position of power, like a

their and each other’s boundaries.

teacher, a coach, or a parent, shared inappropriate personal information

When we don’t have healthy

with a child and made them feel

boundaries, we put ourselves at risk of

burdened and overwhelmed

getting hurt. People can take liberties

because they didn’t know what to

with our bodies and our secrets. We

do with this information.

make it easier for people to abuse their They could be a parent asking their

power over us.

child to take on the parental role We can have role confusion, and we

and be their emotional caretaker.

can end up doing someone else’s

These things can confuse a

job or putting ourselves in danger in

young person as to where normal

the workplace of getting fired or in

boundaries should be set and what

our social life of getting exploited or

to expect from other people around


these boundaries.

Healthy boundaries empower us to

So, what are you to do if people

have healthy relationships

disregarded your boundaries when

We need to re-learn healthy

you were growing up or if you’ve

boundaries to have healthy personal

been spending so much time on

and professional relationships. It’s not

social media that the concept of

that complicated, but it takes some

boundaries doesn’t seem to exist?

conscious intention. The first thing is to recognize that A common reason people have poor

you have a right to your privacy and

boundaries is that many of us have

personal space. You have a right to

encountered boundary violations

stay in your own role, whether it’s

OM TIMES | January 2023

that of a friend, colleague, employee,

if you feel uncomfortable about what

or boss.

you’re hearing.

You are not obliged to care for

Boundary violations in childhood

someone with more power than you.

can be healed

You don’t have to be pals with your employer. You also have a choice

Knowing that your boundaries are

about what you let another person

yours to protect, you can begin

share with you. You can stop listening

making different choices as an

OM TIMES | January 2023

adult. For example, you can see

understand the reasons for this and

that you don’t need to reveal

forgive yourself.

intimate details about yourself to people until and unless you know

If you haven’t been able to set good

them and trust them well.

boundaries in your life, it’s not your fault. Instead, it’s because of what

You don’t need to engage in

you experienced while growing up

intimate activity with anyone

and because social media strongly

until you have established that

encourages everyone to violate

they respect you and that you feel

their boundaries.

safe and comfortable with them. Being compassionate toward Understanding your rights

yourself around your not-so-good

around your boundaries means

boundaries will go a long way in

you take your time getting

helping you to heal and in helping

to know people and making

you understand what constitutes

sure that there is a reason

healthy boundaries. This will

and a context for any type of

allow you to feel safer and more

communication or contact that is

empowered in your relationships.

more than just casual. Sign up for my f ree biweekly Broken boundaries can be healed.

wellness newsletter that brings

However, it takes time, and it can

f resh, thought-provoking

be somewhat uncomfortable, if


only because it means facing the fact that your boundaries were

Subscribe to my YouTube

disrespected in the first place.

Channel, where you’ll learn simple tips for taking the best care of

Self-compassion is necessary

yourself and your loved ones.

for building better boundaries Tune in to my Ruthless It can also be upsetting to realize

Compassion Podcast, where I go

that you’ve been neglecting your

in-depth about mental health,

boundaries. It’s important to

trauma, and loneliness.

OM TIMES | January 2023

4 Signs That You Should See a Therapist by Brooke Chaplan


veryone experiences

in their lives, but these mental

sadness, anxiety, and other

health challenges can become

unpleasant thoughts and

overwhelming for some people.

emotions at certain points

Suppose you're struggling with

OM TIMES | January 2023

your mental health. In that case, it's

In that case, a therapist can help

important to recognize the signs that

you adopt better habits so that

you should see a therapist so that you

your mental health struggles don't

can get the help you need to live a

continue negatively affecting your

happier, more fulfilling life.

physical well-being. Changes in how you eat, or sleep could result


f rom anxiety, depression, or other mental health conditions that are often treatable with counseling,

Suppose your mental anguish has

medications, and other treatment

caused you to eat or sleep more or

methods. On the other hand,

less than what is considered healthy.

suppose you notice that your

OM TIMES | January 2023

eating and sleeping habits seem

or an undiagnosed anxiety disorder,

unhealthy or that they have changed

a therapist will try to get to the

dramatically. In that case, you should

root of the problem to find the best

consider reaching out to a therapist.

solution. When you're comfortable, your therapist may even recommend


that you attend group therapy sessions to start communicating with more people in a safe and supportive

You might experience extreme


anxiety in social situations or during other times when you need to speak to other people. Social phobia is a


real mental disorder that can majorly impact personal and professional

Find yourself going f rom one bad

relationships and cause extreme

relationship to the next. A therapist

loneliness and depression. Whether

can help you realize why you've

your communication challenges

adopted this pattern in your life.

result f rom past traumatic events

For example, you might be more

OM TIMES | January 2023

inclined to associate with negative

suicidal thoughts that a qualified

people in your friendships, romantic

therapist should analyze so that

relationships, and even professional

an appropriate treatment plan can

relationships. Your therapist will work

be rendered. Harming yourself or

with you to identify the cause of why

ending your life isn't a solution to

you continuously seek these types of

your problems. A therapist will try

people. You should definitely meet

to help you address the real issues

with a therapist if you have a pattern

causing you to have these negative

of getting into physically or mentally

thoughts so that you can start

abusive relationships.

working toward a true solution.


Meeting with a therapist may offer the best chance to resolve your

Any thoughts of self-harm should be

mental health obstacles. You can

taken seriously, and you shouldn't

schedule an appointment with a

hesitate to see a therapist if you're

local therapist who will do everything

having these episodes. Thoughts

possible to bring more positivity to

of self-harm may even progress to

your life.

OM TIMES | January 2023

When you look at the view of Earth from space, you are immediately in awe of what you do see: the incredible beauty of Creation. It is not until you look closer that you realize what you do not see. You do not see lines partitioning countries. You do not see separation between races. You do not see division between religions. You do not see the walls people build to isolate themselves from each other. There is only One Planet. There is only One Humanity. This section is dedicated to introducing thoughts and ideas to foster a greater understanding of Humanity’s interdependence.

World Vision

Longevity in the Community by Ginger McBride

OM TIMES | January 2023


owadays, we are

makes life so exciting. We don't always

continuously looking

know what the future holds, but we

for ways to increase our

can use the wisdom of those that

longevity and quality of life.

came before us to enrich our futures!

When we think about all the different ways, we can do this, the foods we

While there isn't any doubt that

eat and our latest exercise regime

genetics and lifestyle play a key role

may come to mind. What can come

in longevity, our community can be

as a surprise to some is a long history

easily overlooked and forgotten when

related to a strong community that

it comes to increasing our lifespan.

leans on each other, increasing longer

Recent studies have shown that our

life spans. Life is always changing,

environments can directly affect our

growing, and adapting. That is basic

health. For example, environments

survival in itself. That is part of what

with more fast-food restaurants,

OM TIMES | January 2023

factory-related jobs, and a higher

wonderful commodity in this modern

population also correlated with lower

era. Still, we can't forget that some love

life expectancies. In addition, poor

and appreciate us, willing to help us in

diet, lack of exercise, poor sleep, and

our time of need, just as we are more

excessive stress have made it more

than happy to help them in return.

difficult on our minds and bodies than Let us look at our own lives to see


what can be reevaluated and enrich The communities that are expected

our lives through diet, exercise, quality,

to have longer life expectancies and

and community. But, of course, diet

longevity also had a more relaxed

and exercise aren't the only things that

lifestyle, exercised more with healthier

need balance. We must also consider

diets, but additionally also had

our workload for our mental and

members of the community who

physical health, as the added stress

would band together, lean on one

from our daily responsibilities can take

another and help each other out, which

its toll in the grand scheme of things.

reduced much stress in their lives.

Begin thinking about who we identify

But, of course, our independence is a

as our community, family, or tribe. Are

OM TIMES | January 2023

there areas where we can use the help

wisdom and knowledge from our

or even help in return? What needs

ancestors and adapt it to the world

to change in order to lower our stress

we all know and care about for our

levels and increase our longevity?

collective wellness.

Once we search our souls to find these much-needed answers, we can begin

Learn how to embrace our community

to change things in our lives one

to increase our ultimate longevity in

situation at a time as we progress as

this modern era!

a community instead of as individuals struggling on our own. Whether

Ginger McBride is a wellness

we call this a community, family, or

writer, certified health

tribe, it is a group of people coming

coach, wellness expert, and

together in order to have better quality

entrepreneur. She uses her

lives. Think about the thousands of

knowledge in the health and

years of evolution to our current era.

wellness field to help others

Remember how we leaned on each

with their health, inspiring them

other for food, shelter, and protection?

to reach their goals through

We must remember to merge our

motivation and education!

OM TIMES | January 2023


Essentials of Medical Intuition Visionary Path to Wellness

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For more information, or to purchase the book, click the cover or visit:

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